/******************************************************************************** Program: dns_flood_detector.c Author: Dennis Opacki Date: Tue Mar 18 16:46:53 EST 2003 Purpose: Monitor DNS servers for abusive usage levels and alarm to syslog compile with: gcc -o dns_flood_detector -lpcap -lpthread -lm dns_flood_detector.c command-line options: -i ifname specify interface to listen on (default lets pcap pick) -t n alarm when more than n queries per second are observed (default 40) -a n wait for n seconds before alarming again on same source (default 90) -w n calculate statistics every n seconds (default 10) -x n use n buckets (default 50) -m n mark overall query rate every n seconds (default disabled) -A addr filter for specific address -M mask netmask for filter (in conjunction with -A) -Q monitor any addresses (default is to filter only for primary addresses on chosen interface) -b run in foreground in "bindsnap" mode -d run in background in "daemon" mode -D dump dns packets (implies -b) -v detailed information (use twice for more detail) -s send source IP stats to collector as JSON -z N.N.N.N address to send stats to (default -p N UDP port to send stats to (default 2000) -h usage info Copyright (C) 2003 Dennis Opacki This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --- new in v1.05 --- 8/18/2003 - FreeBSD target - Jim Westfall 8/18/2003 - Moved to getopt(3) for compatibility 8/19/2003 - Added OSX/BSDI make targets - Added ability to specify inteface - --- new in v1.06 --- 8/20/2003 - Added Solaris9 make target - 8/26/2003 - Fixed tcp qdcount bug - --- new in v1.07 --- 8/27/2003 - Fixed alarm reset bug - 8/28/2003 - Added malloc_fail function - 8/28/2003 - Added mutex thread locking - 8/30/2003 - Fixed wierd qtype segfault - --- new in v1.08 --- 9/02/2003 - Added -v -v output in daemon mode - --- new in v1.09 --- 10/19/2003 - Added stdout flushing to bindsnap mode - 10/19/2003 - Changed logging priority to LOG_NOTICE - 10/19/2003 - Fixed low traffic verbose logging bugs - --- new in v1.10 --- 10/22/2003 - Added 'mark status' option via '-m' - 10/23/2003 - Code cleanup in verbose syslogging - --- new in v1.11 --- 06/14/2005 - added A6, AAAA, ANY qtypes - examine all packets with >= 1 qdcount - stop processing packet if invalid dns char - fix tcp parsing - add option_D to dump packets - --- new in v1.12 --- 03/03/2006 - added address filtering options - fix segfault using argv[0] after getopt - fix rounding from float/int conversions, use unsigned more consistently - clean up to work with -Wall - show fractional qps rates for totals - store addresses raw, instead of as text (speedup/reduce memory usage) - fix crash on long syslog messages - --- new in v1.2 --- 05/10/2012 - added sending of source-IP telemetry to a network collector - ********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __bsdi__ #include #else #ifdef __sun__ #include #else #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dns_flood_detector.h" #include #include #include // global variables and their defaults pthread_mutex_t stats_lock; struct bucket **bb; int option_t = 60; int option_a = 90; int option_w = 20; int option_x = 10000; int option_m = 0; int option_b = 0; int option_d = 0; int option_D = 0; int option_v = 0; int option_h = 0; int option_Q = 0; int option_A = 0; int option_M = 0; int option_s = 0; int totals = 0; static char *target_ip = NULL; int target_port = DEFAULT_PORT; int mcast_ttl = 10; char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX]; char VERSION[] = "1.2"; // is invalid as a src IP address; we'll use it to mark empty buckets #define BCAST 0xffFFffFF // this is our statistics thread void *run_stats () { // prepare multicast socket struct sockaddr_in addr; int sock; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (sock<0) { perror("can't set up socket"); exit(1); } // is it harmful to set this on non-multicast sockets? setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char *)&mcast_ttl, sizeof(mcast_ttl)); bzero((char*)&addr, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(target_ip); addr.sin_port = htons(target_port); // get our hostname gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX-1); while (1) { // check statistical stuff pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock); calculate_averages(); saddr_stats(sock,addr,hostname); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); sleep (option_w); } } // report saddr stats int saddr_stats(int sock, struct sockaddr_in addr, char *hostname) { u_int i; int addrlen; char buff[MAXMESSAGE]; int buffhead = 0; char st_time[10]; time_t now = time(0); struct tm *raw_time = localtime(&now); addrlen = sizeof(addr); snprintf(st_time, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d",raw_time->tm_hour,raw_time->tm_min,raw_time->tm_sec); // prepare jason structure for multicast datagrams char head[MAXHEAD]; char *tail = "}}"; snprintf(head,MAXHEAD,"{\"hostname\":\"%s\",\"type\":\"source\",\"data\":{",hostname); int netsize = MAXMESSAGE - strlen(head) - strlen(tail); if (netsize<=0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // this should never ever happen int avail = netsize; int dlen = 0; char datalet[MAXDATALET]; // copy the initial json header into the buffer bzero(buff,sizeof(buff)); memcpy(buff,head,strlen(head)); buffhead = buffhead + strlen(head); // report all source address stats, cleaning up afterward for (i=0; ( (i < option_x) && ( bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr != 0 ) ); i++) { if ( bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr != BCAST ) { // prepare a datalet snprintf(datalet,MAXDATALET,"\"%s\":%d,",inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr),bb[i]->udp_count+bb[i]->tcp_count); dlen = strlen(datalet); // see if the current datagram has room for the datalet if ( avail > dlen ) { // append this datalet to the current datagram (minus null terminator) avail = avail - dlen; memcpy(buff+buffhead,datalet,dlen); buffhead = buffhead + dlen; } // no room in current dgram else { // remove trailing comma from the buffer so we can close it out buffhead = buffhead - 1; // add the tail strncpy(buff+buffhead,tail, strlen(tail)); // send the transmission if option_s is set if (option_s > 0 ) { sendto(sock,buff,strlen(buff)+1,0,(struct sockaddr *) &addr, addrlen); microsleep(10); } // init next datagram bzero(buff,sizeof(buff)); memcpy(buff,head,strlen(head)); buffhead = strlen(head); avail = netsize; // append this datalet to the current datagram (minus null terminatin) avail = avail - dlen; memcpy(buff+buffhead,datalet,dlen); buffhead = buffhead + dlen; } } scour_bucket(i); } // transmit final buffer contents if needed if ( ( option_b == 0) && (buffhead>strlen(head)) ) { // remove trailing comma buffhead = buffhead - 1; // add the tail strncpy(buff+buffhead,tail,strlen(tail)); // send the multicast transmission sendto(sock,buff,strlen(buff)+1,0,(struct sockaddr *) &addr, addrlen); microsleep(10); bzero(buff,sizeof(buff)); } return 1; } // calculate the running average within each bucket int calculate_averages() { u_int i,j,delta,cursize,qps; int newsize; float qpsf; char st_time[10]; time_t now = time(0); u_int types[] = {1,2,5,6,12,15,28,38,252,255,0}; char *target; char *names[] = {"A","NS","CNAME","SOA","PTR","MX","AAAA","A6","AXFR","ANY",""}; struct tm *raw_time = localtime(&now); snprintf(st_time, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d",raw_time->tm_hour,raw_time->tm_min,raw_time->tm_sec); for (i=0; iip_addr.s_addr != BCAST) { delta = now - bb[i]->first_packet; // let's try to avoid a divide-by-zero, shall we? if (delta > 1 ) { // round our average and save it in the bucket bb[i]->qps = (u_int)ceil( (bb[i]->tcp_count + bb[i]->udp_count) / (float)delta); // handle threshold crossing if ( bb[i]->qps > option_t ) { // display detail to either syslog or stdout if ( option_b ) { if ( ! option_v ) { printf("[%s] source [%s] - %u qps\n",st_time,inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr),bb[i]->qps); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("[%s] source [%s] - %u qps tcp : %u qps udp ",st_time,inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->tcp_count/delta)), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->udp_count/delta))); if ( option_v >1 ) { for (j=0;types[j];j++) { qps = (u_int)ceil((float)bb[i]->qstats[types[j]]/delta); if (qps){ printf("[%u qps %s] ",qps,names[j]); } } } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } else { // if running in background, use alarm reset timer if ((now-bb[i]->alarm_set)>option_a) { // display appropriate level of detail via syslog if ( ! option_v ) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"source [%s] - %u qps\n",inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr),bb[i]->qps); } else if (option_v > 1) { target = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSYSLOG); newsize = MAXSYSLOG; cursize = snprintf(target,newsize,"source [%s] - %u tcp qps : %u udp qps ",inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->tcp_count/delta)), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->udp_count/delta))); newsize-=cursize; for (j=0;types[j];j++ ) { qps = (u_int)ceil(((float)bb[i]->qstats[types[j]]/delta)); if ( ( qps > 0) && ( newsize > 1 ) ) { cursize = snprintf(target+(MAXSYSLOG-newsize),newsize,"[%u qps %s] ",qps,names[j]); newsize-=cursize; } } if (newsize <= 0 ) { target[MAXSYSLOG-1]='\0'; } syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"%s",target); free(target); } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"source [%s] - %u tcp qps - %u udp qps\n",inet_ntoa(bb[i]->ip_addr), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->tcp_count/delta)), (u_int)ceil( ((float)bb[i]->udp_count/delta))); } // reset alarm bb[i]->alarm_set = now; } } } } } } // 'mark stats' if required and it is time delta = (u_int)(now - bb[totals]->first_packet); if ( (option_m > 0)&&(delta > 1)&&(delta >= option_m) ) { // handle bindsnap mode if (option_b) { printf("[%s] totals - %3.2f qps tcp : %3.2f qps udp ",st_time, ((float)bb[totals]->tcp_count/delta),((float)bb[totals]->udp_count/delta)); if (option_v) { for (j=0;types[j];j++) { qpsf = ((float)bb[totals]->qstats[types[j]]/delta); if (qpsf > 0){ printf("[%3.2f qps %s] ",qpsf,names[j]); } } } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } else { // agonizing high verbosity code if (option_v) { target = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSYSLOG); newsize = MAXSYSLOG; cursize = snprintf(target,newsize,"[totals] - %3.2f tcp qps : %3.2f udp qps ", ((float)bb[totals]->tcp_count/delta), ((float)bb[totals]->udp_count/delta)); newsize-=cursize; for (j=0;types[j];j++ ) { qpsf = ((float)bb[totals]->qstats[types[j]]/delta); if ( ( qpsf > 0) && ( newsize > 1 ) ) { cursize = snprintf(target+(MAXSYSLOG-newsize),newsize,"[%3.2f qps %s] ",qpsf,names[j]); newsize-=cursize; } } if (newsize <= 0 ) { target[MAXSYSLOG-1]='\0'; } syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"%s",target); free(target); } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"[totals] - %3.2f tcp qps : %3.2f udp qps\n", ((float)bb[totals]->tcp_count/delta), ((float)bb[totals]->udp_count/delta)); } } scour_bucket(totals); } return 1; } int valid_dns_char(char c) { if((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '-') || (c == '_')) // is valid for SRV records. return 1; return 0; } // purge and initialize all buckets void init_buckets() { u_int i; // create bucket brigade (final bucket is for totals) pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock); if ( ( bb = malloc( sizeof(struct bucket *) * (option_x+1)) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail("bb", sizeof(struct bucket *) * (option_x+1)); for (i=0; i <=option_x; i++ ) { if ( ( bb[i] = (struct bucket *)malloc( sizeof(struct bucket) ) ) == NULL) malloc_fail("bb[i]", sizeof(struct bucket) ); scour_bucket(i); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); } // clean out a bucket while avoiding obvious memory leak int scour_bucket( int i ) { int j; bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr=BCAST; bb[i]->tcp_count=0; bb[i]->udp_count=0; bb[i]->qps=0; bb[i]->first_packet=time(0); bb[i]->last_packet=(time_t)0; bb[i]->alarm_set=(time_t)0; for (j=0;j<256;j++) { bb[i]->qstats[j]=0; } return 1; } // add a packet to a bucket int add_to_bucket ( struct in_addr *ip_src, int ip_proto, int num_queries, u_int8_t qtype) { int bucket = 0; // get the bucket to put packet in pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock); bucket = find_bucket(ip_src); // set bucket fields bb[bucket]->last_packet = time(0); if (ip_proto == 6 ) { bb[bucket]->tcp_count+=num_queries; bb[totals]->tcp_count+=num_queries; } else { bb[bucket]->udp_count+=num_queries; bb[totals]->udp_count+=num_queries; } bb[bucket]->qstats[qtype]+=num_queries; bb[totals]->qstats[qtype]+=num_queries; pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); return 1; } // figure out where to put this packet int find_bucket(struct in_addr *ip_src) { int i, bucket=0; time_t oldest=0; // look for an existing bucket for this IP for (i=0; i< option_x; i++ ){ // ip field of bucket seems to match the ip we are checking if (bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr == ip_src->s_addr) { return i; } } // look for unused buckets for (i=0; i< option_x; i++ ) { // found an unused one - clean it, init it, and return it if ( bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr == BCAST ) { scour_bucket(i); bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr = ip_src->s_addr; return i; } // find the most stagnant bucket in case we need it // avoids another loop through the buckets // TODO - should we autoflush buckets after some idle time, // or after alarming? fixes the case where // alarms are unlikely to reappear even if a client // resumes flooding if there isn't bucket contention // churning them out and resetting the timer for the rate // calculation... if ( ( bb[i]->last_packet != 0 ) && ((oldest==0)||( bb[i]->last_packet < oldest))) { oldest = bb[i]->last_packet; bucket = i; } } // use the most stagnant bucket since all are in use // clean it, init it, and return it scour_bucket(bucket); bb[i]->ip_addr.s_addr = ip_src->s_addr; return bucket; } // handle all packets we throw at it void handle_IP(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr,const u_char* packet){ const struct ip* ip; const struct my_dns *dns; const struct tcphdr *tcp; const struct udphdr *udp; u_int length = pkthdr->len; u_int caplen = pkthdr->caplen; u_int hlen,off,version; unsigned char dname[NS_MAXDNAME]=""; struct in_addr ip_src; unsigned char *data; u_int len,dpos; u_int8_t qtype,tlen; // skip the ethernet header length -= sizeof(struct ether_header); // make sure packet is a valid length if (length < sizeof(struct ip)) { return; } // snap off the ip portion ip = (struct ip*)(packet + sizeof(struct ether_header)); // get utility params for sanity checking len = ntohs(ip->ip_len); hlen = ip->ip_hl; version = ip->ip_v; // let's not do ipv6 just yet if(version != 4) { return; } // make sure we have a sane header length if(hlen < 5 ) { return; } // do we have the everything we are supposed to? if(length < len) { return; } // make sure we are only processing the first fragment off = ntohs(ip->ip_off); if((off & 0x1fff) == 0 ) { // get the source ip ip_src.s_addr = ip->ip_src.s_addr; // process udp packets if ( ip->ip_p == 17 ) { udp = (struct udphdr *) ( (char *) packet + sizeof(struct ether_header)+ sizeof (struct ip) ); // try to make sure it is safe to cast packet into dns structure if ( (sizeof(struct my_dns)+sizeof(struct ether_header)+sizeof(struct ip)+sizeof(struct udphdr)) >= caplen ) { return; } else { // populate dns header dns = (struct my_dns *) ( (char *) packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof (struct ip) + sizeof (struct udphdr) ); data = (unsigned char *) packet +sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof (struct ip) + sizeof (struct udphdr) + sizeof(struct my_dns); } } // process tcp packets else if ( ip->ip_p == 6 ) { tcp = (struct tcphdr *) ( (char *) packet + sizeof(struct ether_header)+ sizeof (struct ip) ); // ignore packets without push flag set if (! (tcp->th_flags & TH_PUSH)) return; // try to make sure it is safe to cast packet into dns structure if ( (sizeof(struct my_dns)+sizeof(struct ether_header)+sizeof(struct ip)+(tcp->th_off * sizeof(u_int32_t)) + sizeof(u_int16_t)) >= caplen ) { return; } else { // populate dns header // tcp dns lookups also include a 16bit length field = dns header + data. dns = (struct my_dns *) ( (char *) packet + sizeof(struct ether_header)+ sizeof (struct ip) + (tcp->th_off * sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int16_t))); data = (unsigned char *) packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof (struct ip) + (tcp->th_off * sizeof(u_int32_t)) + sizeof(struct my_dns) + sizeof(u_int16_t); } } // hmm.. not tcp, not udp.. move on. else { return; } // we only want queries, not responses if ( dns->dns_flags1 & 0x80 ) { return; } // ignore packets with no questions if (ntohs(dns->dns_qdcount) == 0) { return; } // get the domain name and query type tlen=dpos=0; for (;(*data)&&((void *)data<((void *)packet+caplen-1)); data++) { if (!tlen) tlen=*data; for (;(tlen&&((void *)data<((void *)packet+caplen-1)));tlen--){ data++; // bail on an invalid dns char if(!valid_dns_char(*data)) { return; } if (dposip_p == 17 ? "udp" : "tcp"), qtype, dname); } // add packet to bucket array if (ntohs(dns->dns_qdcount)&&qtype) { add_to_bucket( &ip_src, ip->ip_p, 1, qtype ); } } return; } // main logic // some pcap code borrowed from http://www.cet.nau.edu/~mc8/Socket/Tutorials/section1.html int main(int argc,char **argv){ char *dev = NULL; pthread_t thread; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t* descr; struct bpf_program fp; /* hold compiled program */ bpf_u_int32 maskp=0; /* subnet mask */ bpf_u_int32 netp=0; /* ip */ char *filter = NULL; char *dst_addr = NULL; char *dst_mask = NULL; struct sigaction sa; struct in_addr addr,tmpaddr; u_int f_size; char *name = NULL; u_int c = 0; if ( ( name = (char *)strdup(argv[0]) ) == NULL) malloc_fail("name", strlen(argv[0]) ); // loop through command line options and get options while(1) { c = getopt(argc, argv,"i:t:a:w:x:m:A:M:QbdDvsh"); if (c==-1) break; switch(c) { case 0: break; case 'i': if (optarg) { if ( ( dev = (char *)strdup(optarg) ) == NULL) malloc_fail("dev", strlen(optarg) ); } break; case 't': if (optarg) { if ( abs (atoi(optarg)) > 0) { option_t = abs( atoi(optarg)); } } break; case 'a': if (optarg) { if ( abs (atoi(optarg)) > 10) { option_a = abs( atoi(optarg)); } } break; case 'w': if (optarg) { if ( abs (atoi(optarg)) > 1) { option_w = abs( atoi(optarg)); } } break; case 'x': if (optarg) { if ( abs (atoi(optarg)) > 10) { option_x = abs( atoi(optarg)); } } break; case 'm': if (optarg) { if ( abs (atoi(optarg)) > 0) { option_m = abs( atoi(optarg)); } } break; case 'M': if (optarg && (dst_mask == NULL) ) { if ( inet_aton(optarg, &tmpaddr) ) { if ( ( dst_mask = (char *)strdup(optarg) ) == NULL) malloc_fail("filter mask", strlen(optarg) ); option_M=1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid filter mask \"%s\"\n",optarg); option_h = 1; } } break; case 'A': if (optarg && (dst_addr == NULL) ) { if ( inet_aton(optarg, &tmpaddr) ) { if ( ( dst_addr = (char *)strdup(optarg) ) == NULL) malloc_fail("dest filter", strlen(optarg) ); option_A=1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid filter address \"%s\"\n",optarg); option_h = 1; } } break; case 'Q': option_Q = 1; break; case 'b': option_b = 1; break; case 'd': option_d = 1; break; case 'D': option_D = 1; break; case 'v': option_v++; break; case 's': option_s = 1; break; case 'h': option_h = 1; break; case 'z': target_ip = optarg; break; case 'p': target_port = atoi(optarg); break; default: break; } } // display usage info if needed if (optindN queries per second\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-a N reset alarm after N seconds\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-w N calculate stats every N seconds\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-x N create N buckets\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-m N report overall stats every N seconds\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-A addr filter for specific address\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-M mask netmask for filter (in conjunction with -A)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-Q don't filter by local interface address\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-b run in foreground in bindsnap mode\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-d run in background in daemon mode\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-D dump dns packets (implies -b)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-v verbose output - use again for more verbosity\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-s send source-IP data to network collector as JSON\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-z addr address to send stats to (default\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-p N UDP port to send stats to (default 2000)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-h display this usage information\n"); exit(1); } if ( target_ip == NULL ) { target_ip = DEFAULT_IP; } // if dumping packets, force option_b and disable option_d if( option_D ) { if( ! option_b ) option_b = 1; if( option_d ) option_d = 0; } if ( ( option_Q ) && ( option_A ) ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s couldn't start\n",name); fprintf(stderr,"You can't specify both -A (address filter) and -Q (no filter)\n"); exit(1); } if ( ( ! option_d ) && ( ! option_b ) ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s couldn't start\n",name); fprintf(stderr,"You must specify either -d (daemon) or -b (bindsnap)\n"); exit(1); } free(name); // set up for daemonized operation unless running in bindsnap mode if ( ! option_b ) { openlog("dns_flood_detector",LOG_PID|LOG_CONS,LOG_DAEMON); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"dns_flood_detector starting"); // daemonize unless running in bindsnap mode daemonize(); // set up signal handlers sa.sa_handler=exit; sa.sa_flags=0; if(sigaction(SIGTERM,&sa,NULL)) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Unable to set signal handler: %s. Exiting.",strerror(errno)); } } // find a valid device to open if(dev == NULL && ( (dev=pcap_lookupdev(errbuf)) == NULL ) ){ fprintf(stderr,"unable to bind to valid device\n"); exit(1); } /* restrict to queries to primary local address? */ if (option_Q) { f_size = strlen("port 53 "); if ( ( filter = (char *) malloc ( f_size+1) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail( "filter", f_size+1 ); snprintf( filter, f_size, "port 53"); } else { if (! option_A) { // get network address and netmask for device pcap_lookupnet(dev,&netp,&maskp,errbuf); // set up filter with local network addr.s_addr = (unsigned long int)netp; if ( ( dst_addr = (char *)malloc( strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))+1) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail("dest_addr", strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))+1 ); strncpy(dst_addr,(char*)inet_ntoa(addr),strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))); dst_addr[strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))]='\0'; addr.s_addr = (unsigned long int)maskp; if (!option_M) { if ( ( dst_mask = (char *)malloc( strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))+1) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail("dest_mask", strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))+1 ); strncpy(dst_mask,(char*)inet_ntoa(addr),strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))); dst_mask[strlen((char *)inet_ntoa(addr))]='\0'; } } else { // we're using an address from -A if (!option_M) { // if no mask was specified, then use just a host mask if ( ( dst_mask = (char *)malloc(16) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail("dest_mask", 16); strncpy(dst_mask,"",15); } } f_size = strlen("port 53 and dst net mask ")+ strlen(dst_mask)+ strlen(dst_addr); if ( ( filter = (char *) malloc ( f_size+1) ) == NULL ) malloc_fail( "filter", f_size+1 ); snprintf( filter, f_size, "port 53 and dst net %s mask %s", dst_addr, dst_mask); free (dst_mask); free (dst_addr); } if ( option_b && option_v ) { printf("using filter \"%s\" on dev %s\n", filter, dev); } // open device for reading only local traffic descr = pcap_open_live(dev,1500,0,1,errbuf); if(descr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to open device %s\n",dev); exit(1); } // compile filter if(pcap_compile(descr,&fp,filter,0,netp) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"error compiling filter: %s\n",pcap_geterr(descr)); exit(1); } // set filter if(pcap_setfilter(descr,&fp) == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"error setting filter: %s\n",pcap_geterr(descr)); exit(1); } // initialize buckets and mark overall stats bucket init_buckets(); totals = option_x; // create mutex lock if (pthread_mutex_init(&stats_lock, NULL) < 0) { exit(1); } // launch watcher thread if (pthread_create (&thread, NULL, run_stats, (void *)0)) { exit(1); } // main pcap loop pcap_loop(descr,-1,&handle_IP,NULL); // done closelog(); return 0; } // daemonize the process int daemonize(void) { pid_t pid; int fd; int a; fd=open("/dev/null",O_RDWR); if(fd<0) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Failed to open /dev/null: %s. Exiting.",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } dup2(fd,0); dup2(fd,1); dup2(fd,2); if((pid=fork())<0) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Fork failed: %s. Exiting.",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } else if (pid!=0) { exit(0); } setsid(); a = chdir("/"); umask(0); return 0; } int malloc_fail( char * var, int size ) { // print error to stderr if running in bindsnap mode if (option_b) { fprintf(stderr, "our OS wouldn't let me malloc %d bytes for a new %s. giving up", size, var); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "our OS wouldn't let me malloc %d bytes for a new %s. giving up", size, var); } exit(1); } int microsleep(unsigned int usec) { struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = usec / 1000000; timeout.tv_usec = usec % 1000000; while ((select(0, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0,(fd_set *) 0, &timeout) < 0) && (errno == EINTR)); return(0); }