check_nwc_health: Update to

This commit is contained in:
Jan Wagner 2018-03-19 07:59:44 +01:00
parent e5a659f339
commit 0fce1f7ed0
447 changed files with 39742 additions and 2717 deletions

View file

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::F5BIGIPLOCALMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB'} = {
'ltmNodeAddrStatusTable' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusAddrType' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusAddr' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusEnabledState' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusParentType' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusDetailReason' => '',
'ltmNodeAddrStatusName' => '',
'ltmPoolNumber' => '',
'ltmPoolTable' => '',
'ltmPoolEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolName' => '',
'ltmPoolLbMode' => '',
'ltmPoolActionOnServiceDown' => '',
'ltmPoolMinUpMembers' => '',
'ltmPoolMinUpMembersEnable' => '',
'ltmPoolMinUpMemberAction' => '',
'ltmPoolMinActiveMembers' => '',
'ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt' => '',
'ltmPoolDisallowSnat' => '',
'ltmPoolDisallowNat' => '',
'ltmPoolSimpleTimeout' => '',
'ltmPoolIpTosToClient' => '',
'ltmPoolIpTosToServer' => '',
'ltmPoolLinkQosToClient' => '',
'ltmPoolLinkQosToServer' => '',
'ltmPoolDynamicRatioSum' => '',
'ltmPoolMonitorRule' => '',
'ltmPoolAvailabilityState' => '',
'ltmPoolEnabledState' => '',
'ltmPoolDisabledParentType' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusReason' => '',
'ltmPoolSlowRampTime' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberCnt' => '',
'ltmPoolStatTable' => '',
'ltmPoolStatEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolStatName' => '',
'ltmPoolStatServerCurConns' => '',
'ltmPoolStatCurSessions' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberTable' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberPoolName' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberAddrType' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberAddr' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberPort' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberConnLimit' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberRatio' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberWeight' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberPriority' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberDynamicRatio' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorState' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorStateDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMemberMonitorState',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatusDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus',
'ltmPoolMemberNewSessionEnable' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberSessionStatus' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorRule' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberAvailabilityState' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberEnabledState' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberDisabledParentType' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatusReason' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberNodeName' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStat' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatResetStats' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatNumber' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatTable' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPoolName' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatAddrType' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatAddr' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPort' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerPktsIn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerBytesIn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerPktsOut' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerBytesOut' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerMaxConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerTotConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatServerCurConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaPktsIn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaBytesIn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaPktsOut' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaBytesOut' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaMaxConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaTotConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatPvaCurConns' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatTotRequests' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatTotPvaAssistConn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatCurrPvaAssistConn' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqDepth' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqAgeHead' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqAgeMax' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqAgeEma' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqAgeEdm' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatConnqServiced' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatNodeName' => '',
'ltmPoolMemberStatCurSessions' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusNumber' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusTable' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusName' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusAvailState' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusAvailStateDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolStatusAvailState',
'ltmPoolStatusEnabledState' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusEnabledStateDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolStatusEnabledState',
'ltmPoolStatusParentType' => '',
'ltmPoolStatusDetailReason' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusNumber' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusTable' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusEntry' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusAddrType' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusAddr' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusPort' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailStateDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledStateDefinition' => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusParentType' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusDetailReason' => '',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusNodeName' => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB'} = {
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorState' => {
'0' => 'unchecked',
'1' => 'checking',
'2' => 'inband',
'3' => 'forced-up',
'4' => 'up',
'19' => 'down',
'20' => 'forced-down',
'22' => 'irule-down',
'23' => 'inband-down',
'24' => 'down-manual-resume',
'25' => 'disabled',
'ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus' => {
'0' => 'unchecked',
'1' => 'checking',
'2' => 'inband',
'3' => 'forced-up',
'4' => 'up',
'18' => 'addr-down',
'19' => 'down',
'20' => 'forced-down',
'21' => 'maint',
'22' => 'irule-down',
'23' => 'inband-down',
'24' => 'down-manual-resume',
'ltmPoolStatusEnabledState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'enabled',
'2' => 'disabled',
'3' => 'disabledbyparent',
'ltmPoolAvailabilityState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'green',
'2' => 'yellow',
'3' => 'red',
'4' => 'blue',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'green',
'2' => 'yellow',
'3' => 'red',
'4' => 'blue',
'5' => 'gray',
'ltmPoolLbMode' => {
'0' => 'roundRobin',
'1' => 'ratioMember',
'2' => 'leastConnMember',
'3' => 'observedMember',
'4' => 'predictiveMember',
'5' => 'ratioNodeAddress',
'6' => 'leastConnNodeAddress',
'7' => 'fastestNodeAddress',
'8' => 'observedNodeAddress',
'9' => 'predictiveNodeAddress',
'10' => 'dynamicRatio',
'11' => 'fastestAppResponse',
'12' => 'leastSessions',
'13' => 'dynamicRatioMember',
'14' => 'l3Addr',
'15' => 'weightedLeastConnMember',
'16' => 'weightedLeastConnNodeAddr',
'17' => 'ratioSession',
'ltmPoolStatusAvailState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'green',
'2' => 'yellow',
'3' => 'red',
'4' => 'blue',
'5' => 'grey',
'ltmPoolMemberEnabledState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'enabled',
'2' => 'disabled',
'3' => 'disabledbyparent',
'ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState' => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'enabled',
'2' => 'disabled',
'3' => 'disabledbyparent',

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::F5BIGIPSYSTEMMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB'} = {
'sysStatTmTotalCycles' => '',
'sysStatTmIdleCycles' => '',
'sysStatTmSleepCycles' => '',
'sysStatMemoryTotal' => '',
'sysStatMemoryUsed' => '',
'sysCpuNumber' => '',
'sysCpuTable' => '',
'sysCpuEntry' => '',
'sysCpuIndex' => '',
'sysCpuTemperature' => '',
'sysCpuFanSpeed' => '',
'sysCpuName' => '',
'sysCpuSlot' => '',
'sysChassisFan' => '',
'sysChassisFanNumber' => '',
'sysChassisFanTable' => '',
'sysChassisFanEntry' => '',
'sysChassisFanIndex' => '',
'sysChassisFanStatus' => '',
'sysChassisFanStatusDefinition' => {
'0' => 'bad',
'1' => 'good',
'2' => 'notpresent',
'sysChassisFanSpeed' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupply' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyNumber' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyTable' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyEntry' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus' => '',
'sysChassisPowerSupplyStatusDefinition' => {
'0' => 'bad',
'1' => 'good',
'2' => 'notpresent',
'sysChassisTemp' => '',
'sysChassisTempNumber' => '',
'sysChassisTempTable' => '',
'sysChassisTempEntry' => '',
'sysChassisTempIndex' => '',
'sysChassisTempTemperature' => '',
'sysPlatformInfoName' => '',
'sysPlatformInfoMarketingName' => '',
'sysProduct' => '',
'sysProductName' => '',
'sysProductVersion' => '',
'sysProductBuild' => '',
'sysProductEdition' => '',
'sysProductDate' => '',
'sysSubMemory' => '',
'sysSubMemoryResetStats' => '',
'sysSubMemoryNumber' => '',
'sysSubMemoryTable' => '',
'sysSubMemoryEntry' => '',
'sysSubMemoryName' => '',
'sysSubMemoryAllocated' => '',
'sysSubMemoryMaxAllocated' => '',
'sysSubMemorySize' => '',
'sysSystem' => '',
'sysSystemName' => '',
'sysSystemNodeName' => '',
'sysSystemRelease' => '',
'sysSystemVersion' => '',
'sysSystemMachine' => '',
'sysSystemUptime' => '',
'sysHostMemoryTotal' => '',
'sysHostMemoryUsed' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskTable' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskEntry' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskSerialNumber' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskSlotId' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskName' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskIsArrayMember' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskIsArrayMemberDefinition' => {
'0' => 'false',
'1' => 'true',
'sysPhysicalDiskArrayStatus' => '',
'sysPhysicalDiskArrayStatusDefinition' => {
'0' => 'undefined',
'1' => 'ok',
'2' => 'replicating',
'3' => 'missing',
'4' => 'failed',
'bigipSystemGroups' => '',

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::FOUNDRYSNAGENTMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB'} = {
'snChasPwrSupplyTable' => '',
'snChasPwrSupplyEntry' => '',
'snChasPwrSupplyIndex' => '',
'snChasPwrSupplyDescription' => '',
'snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus' => '',
'snChasPwrSupplyOperStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'normal',
'3' => 'failure',
'snChasFan' => '',
'snChasFanTable' => '',
'snChasFanEntry' => '',
'snChasFanIndex' => '',
'snChasFanDescription' => '',
'snChasFanOperStatus' => '',
'snChasFanOperStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'normal',
'3' => 'failure',
'snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg' => '',
'snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg' => '',
'snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg' => '',
'snAgGblDynMemUtil' => '',
'snAgGblDynMemTotal' => '',
'snAgGblDynMemFree' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilTable' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilEntry' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilSlotNum' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilCpuId' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilInterval' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilValue' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtilPercent' => '',
'snAgentCpuUtil100thPercent' => '',
'snAgentTempTable' => '',
'snAgentTempEntry' => '',
'snAgentTempSlotNum' => '',
'snAgentTempSensorId' => '',
'snAgentTempSensorDescr' => '',
'snAgentTempValue' => '',

View file

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::HOSTRESOURCESMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} = {
'host' => '',
'hrSystem' => '',
'hrSystemUptime' => '',
'hrSystemDate' => '',
'hrSystemInitialLoadDevice' => '',
'hrSystemInitialLoadParameters' => '',
'hrSystemNumUsers' => '',
'hrSystemProcesses' => '',
'hrSystemMaxProcesses' => '',
'hrStorage' => '',
'hrStorageTypes' => '',
'hrStorageOther' => '',
'hrStorageRam' => '',
'hrStorageVirtualMemory' => '',
'hrStorageFixedDisk' => '',
'hrStorageRemovableDisk' => '',
'hrStorageFloppyDisk' => '',
'hrStorageCompactDisc' => '',
'hrStorageRamDisk' => '',
'hrMemorySize' => '',
'hrStorageTable' => '',
'hrStorageEntry' => '',
'hrStorageIndex' => '',
'hrStorageType' => '',
'hrStorageTypeDefinition' => 'OID::HOST-RESOURCES-MIB',
'hrStorageDescr' => '',
'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '',
'hrStorageSize' => '',
'hrStorageUsed' => '',
'hrStorageAllocationFailures' => '',
'hrDevice' => '',
'hrDeviceTypes' => '',
'hrDeviceOther' => '',
'hrDeviceUnknown' => '',
'hrDeviceProcessor' => '',
'hrDeviceNetwork' => '',
'hrDevicePrinter' => '',
'hrDeviceDiskStorage' => '',
'hrDeviceVideo' => '',
'hrDeviceAudio' => '',
'hrDeviceCoprocessor' => '',
'hrDeviceKeyboard' => '',
'hrDeviceModem' => '',
'hrDeviceParallelPort' => '',
'hrDevicePointing' => '',
'hrDeviceSerialPort' => '',
'hrDeviceTape' => '',
'hrDeviceClock' => '',
'hrDeviceVolatileMemory' => '',
'hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory' => '',
'hrDeviceTable' => '',
'hrDeviceEntry' => '',
'hrDeviceIndex' => '',
'hrDeviceType' => '',
'hrDeviceDescr' => '',
'hrDeviceID' => '',
'hrDeviceStatus' => '',
'hrDeviceErrors' => '',
'hrProcessorTable' => '',
'hrProcessorEntry' => '',
'hrProcessorFrwID' => '',
'hrProcessorLoad' => '',
'hrNetworkTable' => '',
'hrNetworkEntry' => '',
'hrNetworkIfIndex' => '',
'hrPrinterTable' => '',
'hrPrinterEntry' => '',
'hrPrinterStatus' => '',
'hrPrinterDetectedErrorState' => '',
'hrDiskStorageTable' => '',
'hrDiskStorageEntry' => '',
'hrDiskStorageAccess' => '',
'hrDiskStorageMedia' => '',
'hrDiskStorageRemoveble' => '',
'hrDiskStorageCapacity' => '',
'hrPartitionTable' => '',
'hrPartitionEntry' => '',
'hrPartitionIndex' => '',
'hrPartitionLabel' => '',
'hrPartitionID' => '',
'hrPartitionSize' => '',
'hrPartitionFSIndex' => '',
'hrFSTable' => '',
'hrFSEntry' => '',
'hrFSIndex' => '',
'hrFSMountPoint' => '',
'hrFSRemoteMountPoint' => '',
'hrFSType' => '',
'hrFSAccess' => '',
'hrFSBootable' => '',
'hrFSStorageIndex' => '',
'hrFSLastFullBackupDate' => '',
'hrFSLastPartialBackupDate' => '',
'hrFSTypes' => '',
'hrFSOther' => '',
'hrFSUnknown' => '',
'hrFSBerkeleyFFS' => '',
'hrFSSys5FS' => '',
'hrFSFat' => '',
'hrFSHPFS' => '',
'hrFSHFS' => '',
'hrFSMFS' => '',
'hrFSNTFS' => '',
'hrFSVNode' => '',
'hrFSJournaled' => '',
'hrFSiso9660' => '',
'hrFSRockRidge' => '',
'hrFSNFS' => '',
'hrFSNetware' => '',
'hrFSAFS' => '',
'hrFSDFS' => '',
'hrFSAppleshare' => '',
'hrFSRFS' => '',
'hrFSDGCFS' => '',
'hrFSBFS' => '',
'hrSWRun' => '',
'hrSWOSIndex' => '',
'hrSWRunTable' => '',
'hrSWRunEntry' => '',
'hrSWRunIndex' => '',
'hrSWRunName' => '',
'hrSWRunID' => '',
'hrSWRunPath' => '',
'hrSWRunParameters' => '',
'hrSWRunType' => '',
'hrSWRunStatus' => '',
'hrSWRunPerf' => '',
'hrSWRunPerfTable' => '',
'hrSWRunPerfEntry' => '',
'hrSWRunPerfCPU' => '',
'hrSWRunPerfMem' => '',
'hrSWInstalled' => '',
'hrSWInstalledLastChange' => '',
'hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime' => '',
'hrSWInstalledTable' => '',
'hrSWInstalledEntry' => '',
'hrSWInstalledIndex' => '',
'hrSWInstalledName' => '',
'hrSWInstalledID' => '',
'hrSWInstalledType' => '',
'hrSWInstalledDate' => '',

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::MIB2MIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'MIB-2-MIB'} = {
url => "",
name => "MIB-2-MIB",
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'MIB-2-MIB'} = {
sysDescr => '',
sysObjectID => '',
sysUpTime => '',
sysName => '',
sysORTable => '',
sysOREntry => '',
sysORIndex => '',
sysORID => '',
sysORDescr => '',
sysORUpTime => '',

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::SWMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'SW-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'SW-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'SW-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'SW-MIB'} = {
'sw' => '',
'swFirmwareVersion' => '',
'swSensorTable' => '',
'swSensorEntry' => '',
'swSensorIndex' => '',
'swSensorType' => '',
'swSensorTypeDefinition' => {
'1' => 'temperature',
'2' => 'fan',
'3' => 'power-supply',
'swSensorStatus' => '',
'swSensorStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'faulty',
'3' => 'below-min',
'4' => 'nominal',
'5' => 'above-max',
'6' => 'absent',
'swSensorValue' => '',
'swSensorInfo' => '',
'swFwFabricWatchLicense' => '',
'swFwFabricWatchLicenseDefinition' => {
'1' => 'swFwLicensed',
'2' => 'swFwNotLicensed',
'swFwThresholdTable' => '',
'swFwThresholdEntry' => '',
'swFwThresholdIndex' => '',
'swFwStatus' => '',
'swFwName' => '',
'swFwLabel' => '',
'swFwCurVal' => '',
'swFwLastEvent' => '',
'swFwLastEventVal' => '',
'swFwLastEventTime' => '',
'swFwLastState' => '',
'swFwBehaviorType' => '',
'swFwBehaviorInt' => '',
'swCpuOrMemoryUsage' => '',
'swCpuUsage' => '',
'swCpuNoOfRetries' => '',
'swCpuUsageLimit' => '',
'swCpuPollingInterval' => '',
'swCpuAction' => '',
'swMemUsage' => '',
'swMemNoOfRetries' => '',
'swMemUsageLimit' => '',
'swMemPollingInterval' => '',
'swMemAction' => '',
'swMemUsageLimit1' => '',
'swMemUsageLimit3' => '',

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::CpuSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw(
$self->{procQueue} = $self->valid_response('CHECKPOINT-MIB', 'procQueue');
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info('checking cpus');
$self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{procUsage});
$self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90);
label => 'cpu_usage',
value => $self->{procUsage},
uom => '%',
if (defined $self->{procQueue}) {
label => 'cpu_queue_length',
value => $self->{procQueue},
thresholds => 0,

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::HaSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 };
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->mode =~ /device::ha::role/) {
$self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw(
haStarted haState haStatShort)));
if (! $self->opts->role()) {
$self->opts->override_opt('role', 'active');
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info('checking ha');
$self->add_info(sprintf 'ha %sstarted, role is %s, status is %s',
$self->{haStarted} eq 'yes' ? '' : 'not ',
$self->{haState}, $self->{haStatShort});
if ($self->{haStarted} eq 'yes') {
if ($self->{haStatShort} ne 'OK') {
defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : CRITICAL,
} elsif ($self->{haState} ne $self->opts->role()) {
defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING,
defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING,
sprintf "expected role %s", $self->opts->role())
} else {
} else {
defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING,
'ha was not started');

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Cisco;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device);
use strict;
use constant trees => (
'', # mib-2
'', # cisco
'', # ciscoProducts
'', # local
'', # temporary
'', # pakmon
'', # workgroup
'', # otherEnterprises
'', # ciscoAgentCapability
'', # ciscoConfig
'', # ciscoMgmt
'', # ciscoExperiment
'', # ciscoAdmin
'', # ciscoModules
'', # lightstream
'', # ciscoworks
'', # newport
'', # ciscoPartnerProducts
'', # ciscoPolicy
'', # ciscoPolicyAuto
'', # ciscoDomains
'', # airespace-switching-mib
'', # airespace-wireless-mib
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco NX-OS/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::NXOS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::NXOS');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco Controller/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::WLC';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::WLC');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco.*(IronPort|AsyncOS)/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco.*Prime Network Control System/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::PrimeNCS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::PrimeNCS');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /UCOS /i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::UCOS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::UCOS');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco (PIX|Adaptive) Security Appliance/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::ASA';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::ASA');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::IOS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::IOS');
} elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Fujitsu Intelligent Blade Panel 30\/12/i) {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::IOS';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::IOS');
} elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0) eq '') {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::CCM';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::CCM');
} elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0) eq '') {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::CCM';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::CCM');
} elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0) =~ /. {
bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::SB';
$self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::SB');
if (ref($self) ne "Classes::Cisco") {
} else {

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [
['supplies', 'ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'],
package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
use strict;
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info(sprintf 'powersupply %d (%s) is %s',
if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} eq 'notPresent') {
} elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} eq 'warning') {
} elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} ne 'normal') {

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{sensor_subsystem} =
if ($self->implements_mib('CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB')) {
$self->{fru_subsystem} = Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem->new();
sub check {
my $self = shift;
if (exists $self->{fru_subsystem}) {
if (! $self->check_messages()) {
$self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine");
sub dump {
my $self = shift;
if (exists $self->{fru_subsystem}) {

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Cisco::WLC;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan/) {
} else {

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::F5);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
# gets 11.* and 9.*
$self->{sysProductVersion} = $self->get_snmp_object('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', 'sysProductVersion');
$self->{sysPlatformInfoMarketingName} = $self->get_snmp_object('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', 'sysPlatformInfoMarketingName');
if (! defined $self->{sysProductVersion} ||
$self->{sysProductVersion} !~ /^((9)|(10)|(11))/) {
$self->{sysProductVersion} = "4";
if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) {
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::lb/) {
} else {
sub analyze_ltm_subsystem {
my $self = shift;
$self->{components}->{ltm_subsystem} =
Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem->new('sysProductVersion' => $self->{sysProductVersion}, sysPlatformInfoMarketingName => $self->{sysPlatformInfoMarketingName});

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $temp = 0;
$self->get_snmp_tables('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', [
['temperatures', 'snAgentTempTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'],
foreach(@{$self->{temperatures}}) {
$_->{snAgentTempSlotNum} ||= $temp++;
$_->{snAgentTempSensorId} ||= 1;
package Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
use strict;
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->{snAgentTempValue} /= 2;
$self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %s is %.2fC',
$self->{snAgentTempSlotNum}, $self->{snAgentTempValue});
$self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70);
label => 'temperature_'.$self->{snAgentTempSlotNum},
value => $self->{snAgentTempValue},

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
package Classes::HH3C::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::HH3C::Component::EntitySubsystem);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $h ($self->get_sub_table('HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB', [ 'hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus' ])) {
foreach (keys %$h) {
next if $_ =~ /indices/;
@{$self->{entities}}[$i]->{$_} = $h->{$_};
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info('checking entities');
if (scalar (@{$self->{entities}}) == 0) {
$self->add_unknown('no entities found');
} else {
foreach (@{$self->{entities}}) {
if (! $self->check_messages()) {
$self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine");
package Classes::HH3C::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::EntityState;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
use strict;
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info(sprintf '%s (%s) is %s',
if ($self->{hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus} eq "normal") {
} elsif (
$self->{hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus} eq "entityAbsent" or
$self->{hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus} =~ /^sfp/
) {
} else {

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{disk_subsystem} =
sub check {
my $self = shift;
if (! $self->check_messages()) {
$self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine");
sub dump {
my $self = shift;

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_snmp_tables('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', [
['storagesram', 'hrStorageTable', 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem::Ram', sub { return shift->{hrStorageType} eq 'hrStorageRam' } ],
package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem::Ram;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
use strict;
sub check {
my $self = shift;
my $used = 100;
eval {
$used = 100 * $self->{hrStorageUsed} / $self->{hrStorageSize};
$self->add_info(sprintf 'memory %s (%s) usage is %.2f%%',
my $label = sprintf 'memory_%s_usage', $self->{hrStorageDescr};
$self->set_thresholds(metric => $label, warning => '10:', critical => '5:');
$self->add_message($self->check_thresholds(metric => $label,
value => $used));
label => $label,
value => $used,
uom => '%',

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if (! $self->check_messages()) {
$self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine");

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package Classes::IPMIB::Component::RoutingSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{interfaces} = [];
$self->get_snmp_tables('IP-MIB', [
['routes', 'ipRouteTable', 'Classes::IPMIB::Component::RoutingSubsystem::Route' ],
sub check {
my $self = shift;
$self->add_info('checking routes');
if ($self->mode =~ /device::routes::list/) {
foreach (@{$self->{routes}}) {
$self->add_ok("have fun");
package Classes::IPMIB::Component::RoutingSubsystem::Route;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package Classes::UPNP::AVM;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::UPNP);
use strict;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{productname} =~ /7390/) {
bless $self, 'Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390';
$self->debug('using Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390');
} else {
if (ref($self) ne "Classes::UPNP::AVM") {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,183 @@
* 2018-03-13
fix a bug in cisco enhanced mempool mib and posixmem (thx sabedevops)
* 2018-03-07 7.0.1
improve f5, add ha-role, check-config, count-connections
* 2018-03-01
update GLPlugin
* 2018-02-26
ignore free space of iso mounts in hostresource mib
* 2018-02-06
fix a bug in hostresourcesmib memory calc. (arista eos)
* 2018-02-08
update glplugn, add modes encode/decode, rfc3986
* 2018-01-23
merge pull request #164 (simonmeggle)
add bluecoat asg fix from Stefan Kublik
* 2018-01-12
check the clock of checkpoint fw
* 2018-01-11
fix a bug in checkpoint vpn-status
* 2018-01-08
update glplugin
* 2018-01-05 7.0
code improvements, fix hh3c entities
* 2017-12-27
fix f5 versions
* 2017-12-21 6.4.4
add interface-duplex
* 2017-12-15
fix a bug in vsx-firewall1-fork
* 2017-12-14
update glplugin
* 2017-12-14
update glplugin
* 2017-12-12 6.4.3
add checkpoint ha-status, fix checkpoint vpn-status
* 2017-11-27
rewrite pretty_sysdesc
* 2017-11-23
updateGLPlugin (remove session timeout)
* 2017-11-20
* 2017-11-03 6.4.2
implement pool-completeness for f5-gtm-pools (--role gtm)
* 2017-09-29
ignore dummy filesystems in HOSTRESOURCEMIBS
* 2017-09-23
get ospf table twice if a 2nd contect exists
* 2017-09-22
update GLPlugin (use 2nd context for OSPF)
* 2017-09-21
fix interface-stack-status, arista's ifStackTable was buggy
* 2017-09-18
blacklist l3 routing card (and power supply) if a nexus is used as l2 switch
* 2017-09-16
workaround for CSCuv18572
* 2017-09-13
fix hostresourcemib, interface sit0 can be down by default
(is disabled in Cisco UC)
* 2017-08-25 6.4.1
add vpn-status for checkpoint
* 2017-08-25
fix brocade aliasing in interface-status
* 2017-08-24
fix brocade alias aliasing
* 2017-08-24
update glplugin, sw-mib fix
* 2017-08-24
replace empty ifAlias with swFCPortName for FabOS (Brocade) devices
merge pr #147, thanks arigaud. skip undef temperatured of foundry devices
implement eltex gear (pull request #144)
fix a perl-undef in Juniper BGP (pull request #143)
nsPowerDesc can be null (pullrequest #134)
* 2017-08-07
fix C3750 redundant power supplies
* 2017-08-04
fix undefined thresholds in arista sensors
* 2017-07-17
fix false positives in cisco ethernet service modules SM-ES3G-24-P
allow mitigation of cisco disabled catalyst power supplies
* 2017-06-28
allow mitigation of a subLayerDown stack
* 2017-06-20
update GLPlugin (lcos-mib)
* 2017-06-19
ring redundancy is ok if the stack has only one member
* 2017-06-09
fix a bug in f5 member connections (Thanks Yannick Charton)
skip ifIndex in interface-stack-status (makes nexus crash)
* 2017-06-07
update glplugin
* 2017-06-01 6.3
update glplugin
add Lancom
* 2017-05-19
workaround for ios 12.x and buggy ifstacktable
* 2017-05-17
and fix list-interfaces...
* 2017-05-17
fix --name for non-uinique indices
* 2017-05-17 6.2.2
add an index to ifDescr which have no unique names
* 2017-05-15
GLPlugin update
* 2017-05-12
GLPlugin update
* 2017-05-12
fix a bug in interface-health
* 2017-05-12
fix a bug in interface-availability
* 2017-05-09
fix interface etherstats, stacks
add fortigate disks
* 2017-05-03
fix a bug in interface-health and 10GE ports.
* 2017-04-26
use carrier if operstatus is unknown for linuxlocal interfaces
add dummy speed to linux virtio interfaces
* 2017-04-18 6.2.0
add support for junox bgp with ipv6, thanks dupondje
fix a bug in bluecoat, allow warningx now
* 2017-04-15 6.1.1
support Brocade Ironport and enhance FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB
* 2017-04-13
reverse hrStorage mem thresholds
* 2017-03-30
fix a bug in 64bit interface-usage (Thanks Julian)
* 2017-03-27
pdate GLPlugin
* 2017-03-25 6.1
update entity-sensor-mib
* 2017-03-24
bugfixes in interface etherstats
* 2017-03-22
bugfix in etherstats for 32bit
better error message for no access points found
replace continue by next. failed on older distributions
* 2017-03-20
fix brocade fabos cpu/memory with MAPS installed
* 2017-03-19 6.0.2
improve interface-etherstats
* 2017-03-10
update GLPlugin
* 2017-03-03
fix uninitialized-bug
* 2017-03-03
special treatment for counterless StackSub interfaces
* 2017-03-03
Merge pull request #126 from ciscoqid/patch-1
* 2017-03-02 6.0.1
remove steelhead prettyprint
* 2017-02-24 6.0
cisco chassis check snmp tuning
fix cisco-envmon-mib
nxos hardware check snmp tuning
fix cisco wlan no-ap clustercheck
detect more f5 models
add f5 wide ip check
improve host-resource-mib
speedup interface checks
add interface-etherstats
add ha-status for juniper vsd members
customer release #12.2a
add mode interface-stack-status
add riverbed steelhead
* 2017-02-10 5.13
bugfix in f5 output message
make f5 perfdata labels more consistent
checkpoint multicore. Thanks Peter Hanraets
* 2017-01-28
fix pool checks for big-ip 12.x (thanks abzeidler)
* 2017-01-27
fallback to ios if cisco wlc has no cpu/mem oids
bugfix in chassis-hardware-health delta of ports
bugfix in chassis-hardware-health duplicate fan output
* 2017-01-27
fix cisco wlc ap admin status
* 2017-01-26
detect more cisco wireless controllers
* 2017-01-18
update GLPlugin (uptime)
* 2017-01-11 5.12 * 2017-01-11 5.12
detect checkpoint gaia detect checkpoint gaia
* 2016-12-28 5.11.3 * 2016-12-28 5.11.3

View file

@ -12,8 +12,15 @@ use File::Basename;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Errno; use Errno;
use Data::Dumper; use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
eval {
# avoid "used only once" because older Data::Dumper don't have this
# use OMD please because OMD has everything!
no warnings 'all';
$Data::Dumper::Sparseseen = 1;
*VERSION = \''; *VERSION = \'';
use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 };
@ -43,6 +50,14 @@ sub new {
return $self; return $self;
} }
sub rebless {
my ($self, $class) = @_;
bless $self, $class;
$self->debug('using '.$class);
# gilt nur fuer "echte" Fabrikate mit "Classes::" vorndran
$self->{classified_as} = ref($self) if $class !~ /^Monitoring::GLPlugin/;
sub init { sub init {
my ($self) = @_; my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->opts->can("blacklist") && $self->opts->blacklist && if ($self->opts->can("blacklist") && $self->opts->blacklist &&
@ -118,18 +133,21 @@ sub add_default_args {
help => "--name help => "--name
The name of a specific component to check", The name of a specific component to check",
required => 0, required => 0,
decode => "rfc3986",
); );
$self->add_arg( $self->add_arg(
spec => 'name2=s', spec => 'name2=s',
help => "--name2 help => "--name2
The secondary name of a component", The secondary name of a component",
required => 0, required => 0,
decode => "rfc3986",
); );
$self->add_arg( $self->add_arg(
spec => 'name3=s', spec => 'name3=s',
help => "--name3 help => "--name3
The tertiary name of a component", The tertiary name of a component",
required => 0, required => 0,
decode => "rfc3986",
); );
$self->add_arg( $self->add_arg(
spec => 'extra-opts=s', spec => 'extra-opts=s',
@ -177,6 +195,7 @@ sub add_default_args {
help => '--morphmessage help => '--morphmessage
Modify the final output message', Modify the final output message',
required => 0, required => 0,
decode => "rfc3986",
); );
$self->add_arg( $self->add_arg(
spec => 'morphperfdata=s%', spec => 'morphperfdata=s%',
@ -185,6 +204,7 @@ sub add_default_args {
It's a perl regexp and a substitution. It's a perl regexp and a substitution.
Example: --morphperfdata '(.*)ISATAP(.*)'='\$1patasi\$2'", Example: --morphperfdata '(.*)ISATAP(.*)'='\$1patasi\$2'",
required => 0, required => 0,
decode => "rfc3986",
); );
$self->add_arg( $self->add_arg(
spec => 'selectedperfdata=s', spec => 'selectedperfdata=s',
@ -255,6 +275,31 @@ sub add_default_args {
required => 0, required => 0,
hidden => 1, hidden => 1,
); );
spec => 'tracefile=s',
help => "--tracefile
Write debugging-info to this file (if it exists)",
required => 0,
hidden => 1,
sub add_default_modes {
my ($self) = @_;
internal => 'encode',
spec => 'encode',
alias => undef,
help => 'encode stdin',
hidden => 1,
internal => 'decode',
spec => 'decode',
alias => undef,
help => 'decode stdin or --name',
hidden => 1,
} }
sub add_modes { sub add_modes {
@ -395,9 +440,10 @@ sub set_timeout_alarm {
my ($self, $timeout, $handler) = @_; my ($self, $timeout, $handler) = @_;
$timeout ||= $self->opts->timeout; $timeout ||= $self->opts->timeout;
$handler ||= sub { $handler ||= sub {
printf "UNKNOWN - %s timed out after %d seconds\n", $self->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN,
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->{name}, $self->opts->timeout; sprintf("%s timed out after %d seconds\n",
exit 3; $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->{name}, $self->opts->timeout)
}; };
use POSIX ':signal_h'; use POSIX ':signal_h';
if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) { if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) {
@ -429,18 +475,16 @@ sub get_variable {
sub debug { sub debug {
my ($self, $format, @message) = @_; my ($self, $format, @message) = @_;
my $tracefile = "/tmp/".$Monitoring::GLPlugin::pluginname.".trace";
$self->{trace} = -f $tracefile ? 1 : 0;
if ($self->get_variable("verbose") && if ($self->get_variable("verbose") &&
$self->get_variable("verbose") > $self->get_variable("verbosity", 10)) { $self->get_variable("verbose") > $self->get_variable("verbosity", 10)) {
printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); printf("%s: ", scalar localtime);
printf($format, @message); printf($format, @message);
printf "\n"; printf "\n";
} }
if ($self->{trace}) { if ($Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile) {
my $logfh = IO::File->new(); my $logfh = IO::File->new();
$logfh->autoflush(1); $logfh->autoflush(1);
if ($logfh->open($tracefile, "a")) { if ($logfh->open($Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile, "a")) {
$logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); $logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime);
$logfh->printf($format, @message); $logfh->printf($format, @message);
$logfh->printf("\n"); $logfh->printf("\n");
@ -540,21 +584,21 @@ sub accentfree {
} }
sub dump { sub dump {
my ($self) = @_; my ($self, $indent) = @_;
$indent = $indent ? " " x $indent : "";
my $class = ref($self); my $class = ref($self);
$class =~ s/^.*:://; $class =~ s/^.*:://;
if (exists $self->{flat_indices}) { if (exists $self->{flat_indices}) {
printf "[%s_%s]\n", uc $class, $self->{flat_indices}; printf "%s[%s_%s]\n", $indent, uc $class, $self->{flat_indices};
} else { } else {
printf "[%s]\n", uc $class; printf "%s[%s]\n", $indent, uc $class;
} }
foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)$/, sort keys %{$self}) { foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)$/, sort keys %{$self}) {
printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_} if defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) ne "ARRAY"; printf "%s%s: %s\n", $indent, $_, $self->{$_} if defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) ne "ARRAY";
} }
if ($self->{info}) { if ($self->{info}) {
printf "info: %s\n", $self->{info}; printf "%sinfo: %s\n", $indent, $self->{info};
} }
printf "\n";
foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)$/, sort keys %{$self}) { foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)$/, sort keys %{$self}) {
if (defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { if (defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") {
my $have_flat_indices = 1; my $have_flat_indices = 1;
@ -573,8 +617,11 @@ sub dump {
$obj->dump() if UNIVERSAL::can($obj, "isa") && $obj->can("dump"); $obj->dump() if UNIVERSAL::can($obj, "isa") && $obj->can("dump");
} }
} }
} elsif (defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) =~ /^Classes::/) {
$self->{$_}->dump(2) if UNIVERSAL::can($self->{$_}, "isa") && $self->{$_}->can("dump");
} }
} }
printf "\n";
} }
sub table_ascii { sub table_ascii {
@ -701,15 +748,6 @@ sub load_my_extension {
} }
} }
sub decode_password {
my ($self, $password) = @_;
if ($password && $password =~ /^rfc3986:\/\/(.*)/) {
$password = $1;
$password =~ s/%([A-Za-z0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
return $password;
sub number_of_bits { sub number_of_bits {
my ($self, $unit) = @_; my ($self, $unit) = @_;
# #
@ -780,6 +818,12 @@ sub getopts {
# (insb. fuer dbi disconnect) steht dann $self->opts->verbose # (insb. fuer dbi disconnect) steht dann $self->opts->verbose
# nicht mehr zur verfuegung bzw. $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->opts ist undef. # nicht mehr zur verfuegung bzw. $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->opts ist undef.
$self->set_variable("verbose", $self->opts->verbose); $self->set_variable("verbose", $self->opts->verbose);
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile = $self->opts->tracefile ?
$self->opts->tracefile :
if (! -f $Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile) {
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile = undef;
# #
# die gueltigkeit von modes wird bereits hier geprueft und nicht danach # die gueltigkeit von modes wird bereits hier geprueft und nicht danach
# in validate_args. (zwischen getopts und validate_args wird # in validate_args. (zwischen getopts und validate_args wird
@ -833,7 +877,7 @@ sub getopts {
# der fliegt raus, sonst gehts gleich wieder in needs_restart rein # der fliegt raus, sonst gehts gleich wieder in needs_restart rein
next if $option eq "runas"; next if $option eq "runas";
foreach my $spec (map { $_->{spec} } @{$Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->opts->{_args}}) { foreach my $spec (map { $_->{spec} } @{$Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->opts->{_args}}) {
if ($spec =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/) { if ($spec =~ /^(\w+)[\|\w+]*=(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq $option && $2 =~ /s%/) { if ($1 eq $option && $2 =~ /s%/) {
foreach (keys %{$self->opts->$option()}) { foreach (keys %{$self->opts->$option()}) {
push(@restart_opts, sprintf "--%s", $option); push(@restart_opts, sprintf "--%s", $option);
@ -1033,7 +1077,7 @@ sub is_blacklisted {
} }
} else { } else {
foreach my $bl_items (split(/\//, $self->opts->blacklist)) { foreach my $bl_items (split(/\//, $self->opts->blacklist)) {
if ($bl_items =~ /^(\w+):([\:\d\-,]+)$/) { if ($bl_items =~ /^(\w+):([\:\d\-\.,]+)$/) {
my $bl_type = $1; my $bl_type = $1;
my $bl_names = $2; my $bl_names = $2;
foreach my $bl_name (split(/,/, $bl_names)) { foreach my $bl_name (split(/,/, $bl_names)) {
@ -1215,8 +1259,10 @@ sub valdiff {
} }
} }
if ($mode eq "normal" || $mode eq "lookback" || $mode eq "lookback_freeze_chill") { if ($mode eq "normal" || $mode eq "lookback" || $mode eq "lookback_freeze_chill") {
if ($self->{$_} =~ /^\d+\.*\d*$/) { if (exists $self->{$_} && defined $self->{$_} && $self->{$_} =~ /^\d+\.*\d*$/) {
$last_values->{$_} = 0 if ! exists $last_values->{$_}; # $VAR1 = { 'sysStatTmSleepCycles' => '',
# no idea why this happens, but we can repair it.
$last_values->{$_} = $self->{$_} if ! (exists $last_values->{$_} && defined $last_values->{$_} && $last_values->{$_} ne "");
if ($self->{$_} >= $last_values->{$_}) { if ($self->{$_} >= $last_values->{$_}) {
$self->{'delta_'.$_} = $self->{$_} - $last_values->{$_}; $self->{'delta_'.$_} = $self->{$_} - $last_values->{$_};
} elsif ($self->{$_} eq $last_values->{$_}) { } elsif ($self->{$_} eq $last_values->{$_}) {
@ -1263,6 +1309,13 @@ sub valdiff {
my @lost = grep(!defined $current{$_}, @{$last_values->{$_}}); my @lost = grep(!defined $current{$_}, @{$last_values->{$_}});
$self->{'delta_found_'.$_} = \@found; $self->{'delta_found_'.$_} = \@found;
$self->{'delta_lost_'.$_} = \@lost; $self->{'delta_lost_'.$_} = \@lost;
} else {
# nicht ganz sauber, aber das artet aus, wenn man jedem uninitialized hinterherstochert.
# wem das nicht passt, der kann gerne ein paar tage debugging beauftragen.
# das kostet aber mehr als drei kugeln eis.
$last_values->{$_} = 0 if ! (exists $last_values->{$_} && defined $last_values->{$_} && $last_values->{$_} ne "");
$self->{$_} = 0 if ! (exists $self->{$_} && defined $self->{$_} && $self->{$_} ne "");
$self->{'delta_'.$_} = 0;
} }
} }
} }
@ -1363,12 +1416,14 @@ sub protect_value {
if (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "percent") { if (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "percent") {
$validfunc = sub { $validfunc = sub {
my $value = shift; my $value = shift;
return 0 if ! defined $value;
return 0 if $value !~ /^[-+]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)$/; return 0 if $value !~ /^[-+]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)$/;
return ($value < 0 || $value > 100) ? 0 : 1; return ($value < 0 || $value > 100) ? 0 : 1;
}; };
} elsif (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "positive") { } elsif (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "positive") {
$validfunc = sub { $validfunc = sub {
my $value = shift; my $value = shift;
return 0 if ! defined $value;
return 0 if $value !~ /^[-+]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)$/; return 0 if $value !~ /^[-+]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)$/;
return ($value < 0) ? 0 : 1; return ($value < 0) ? 0 : 1;
}; };
@ -1427,7 +1482,7 @@ sub load_state {
require $statefile; require $statefile;
}; };
if($@) { if($@) {
printf "rumms\n"; printf "FATAL: Could not load state!\n";
} }
$self->debug(sprintf "load %s from %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1), $statefile); $self->debug(sprintf "load %s from %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1), $statefile);
return $VAR1; return $VAR1;
@ -1610,7 +1665,6 @@ sub compatibility_methods {
} }
} }
my ($self, @params) = @_; my ($self, @params) = @_;
return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY/); return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY/);
@ -1638,7 +1692,7 @@ sub AUTOLOAD {
$self->{components}->{$subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{$subsystem}->check();
$self->{components}->{$subsystem}->dump() $self->{components}->{$subsystem}->dump()
if $self->opts->verbose >= 2; if $self->opts->verbose >= 2;
} elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(status_code|check_messages|nagios_exit|html_string|perfdata_string|selected_perfdata|check_thresholds|get_thresholds|opts|pandora_string)$/) { } elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(status_code|check_messages|nagios_exit|html_string|perfdata_string|selected_perfdata|check_thresholds|get_thresholds|opts|pandora_string|strequal)$/) {
return $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@params); return $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@params);
} elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(reduce_messages|reduce_messages_short|clear_messages|suppress_messages|add_html|add_perfdata|override_opt|create_opt|set_thresholds|force_thresholds|add_pandora)$/) { } elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(reduce_messages|reduce_messages_short|clear_messages|suppress_messages|add_html|add_perfdata|override_opt|create_opt|set_thresholds|force_thresholds|add_pandora)$/) {
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@params); $Monitoring::GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@params);

View file

@ -60,17 +60,15 @@ sub DESTROY {
sub debug { sub debug {
my ($self, $format, @message) = @_; my ($self, $format, @message) = @_;
my $tracefile = "/tmp/".$Monitoring::GLPlugin::pluginname.".trace";
$self->{trace} = -f $tracefile ? 1 : 0;
if ($self->opts->verbose && $self->opts->verbose > 10) { if ($self->opts->verbose && $self->opts->verbose > 10) {
printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); printf("%s: ", scalar localtime);
printf($format, @message); printf($format, @message);
printf "\n"; printf "\n";
} }
if ($self->{trace}) { if ($Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile) {
my $logfh = IO::File->new(); my $logfh = IO::File->new();
$logfh->autoflush(1); $logfh->autoflush(1);
if ($logfh->open($tracefile, "a")) { if ($logfh->open($Monitoring::GLPlugin::tracefile, "a")) {
$logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); $logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime);
$logfh->printf($format, @message); $logfh->printf($format, @message);
$logfh->printf("\n"); $logfh->printf("\n");
@ -395,6 +393,19 @@ sub nagios_exit {
} }
} }
} }
if ($self->opts->negate) {
# negate again: --negate "UNKNOWN - no peers"=ok
my $original_code = $code;
foreach my $from (keys %{$self->opts->negate}) {
if ((uc $from) !~ /^(OK|WARNING|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN)$/ &&
(uc $self->opts->negate->{$from}) =~ /^(OK|WARNING|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN)$/) {
if ($output =~ /$from/) {
$code = $ERRORS{uc $self->opts->negate->{$from}};
$output =~ s/^.*? -/$STATUS_TEXT{$code} -/;
$output =~ s/\|/!/g if $output; $output =~ s/\|/!/g if $output;
if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) { if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) {
$output .= " | ".$self->perfdata_string(); $output .= " | ".$self->perfdata_string();
@ -585,6 +596,15 @@ sub check_thresholds {
return $level; return $level;
} }
sub strequal {
my($self, $str1, $str2) = @_;
return 1 if ! defined $str1 && ! defined $str2;
return 0 if ! defined $str1 && defined $str2;
return 0 if defined $str1 && ! defined $str2;
return 1 if $str1 eq $str2;
return 0;
1; 1;
__END__ __END__

View file

@ -82,6 +82,15 @@ sub new {
$self->_init(@params); $self->_init(@params);
} }
sub decode_rfc3986 {
my ($self, $password) = @_;
if ($password && $password =~ /^rfc3986:\/\/(.*)/) {
$password = $1;
$password =~ s/%([A-Za-z0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/seg;
return $password;
sub add_arg { sub add_arg {
my ($self, %arg) = @_; my ($self, %arg) = @_;
push (@{$self->{_args}}, \%arg); push (@{$self->{_args}}, \%arg);
@ -165,6 +174,17 @@ sub getopts {
return $self->{opts}->{$aliasfield}; return $self->{opts}->{$aliasfield};
}; };
} }
foreach (grep { exists $_->{decode} } @{$self->{_args}}) {
my $decoding = $_->{decode};
$_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/;
my $spec = $1;
if (exists $self->{opts}->{$spec}) {
if ($decoding eq "rfc3986") {
$self->{opts}->{$spec} =
} }
} }

View file

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB'} =
}; };
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB'} = { $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB'} = {
'bsnSwitching' => '', 'bsnSwitching' => '',
'agentInfoGroup' => '', 'agentInfoGroup' => '',

View file

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB'} = {
}; };
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB'} = { $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB'} = {
'bsnWireless' => '', 'bsnWireless' => '',
'bsnEss' => '', 'bsnEss' => '',
@ -319,6 +322,10 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MI
'bsnAPCertificateType' => '', 'bsnAPCertificateType' => '',
'bsnAPEthernetMacAddress' => '', 'bsnAPEthernetMacAddress' => '',
'bsnAPAdminStatus' => '', 'bsnAPAdminStatus' => '',
'bsnAPAdminStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'enable',
'2' => 'disable',
'bsnAPIfTable' => '', 'bsnAPIfTable' => '',
'bsnAPIfEntry' => '', 'bsnAPIfEntry' => '',
'bsnAPIfSlotId' => '', 'bsnAPIfSlotId' => '',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::CISCOLWAPPAPMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB'} = {
ciscoLwappApMIB => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBNotifs => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBObjects => '',
ciscoLwappAp => '',
cLApTable => '',
cLApEntry => '',
cLApSysMacAddress => '',
cLApIfMacAddress => '',
cLApMaxNumberOfDot11Slots => '',
cLApEntPhysicalIndex => '',
cLApName => '',
cLApUpTime => '',
cLLwappUpTime => '',
cLLwappJoinTakenTime => '',
cLApMaxNumberOfEthernetSlots => '',
cLApPrimaryControllerAddressType => '',
cLApPrimaryControllerAddress => '',
cLApSecondaryControllerAddressType => '',
cLApSecondaryControllerAddress => '',
cLApTertiaryControllerAddressType => '',
cLApTertiaryControllerAddress => '',
cLApLastRebootReason => '',
cLApLastRebootReasonDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApLastRebootReason',
cLApEncryptionEnable => '',
cLApFailoverPriority => '',
cLApFailoverPriorityDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApFailoverPriority',
cLApPowerStatus => '',
cLApPowerStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApPowerStatus',
cLApTelnetEnable => '',
cLApSshEnable => '',
cLApPreStdStateEnabled => '',
cLApPwrInjectorStateEnabled => '',
cLApPwrInjectorSelection => '',
cLApPwrInjectorSelectionDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApPwrInjectorSelection',
cLApPwrInjectorSwMacAddr => '',
cLApWipsEnable => '',
cLApMonitorModeOptimization => '',
cLApMonitorModeOptimizationDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApMonitorModeOptimization',
cLApDomainName => '',
cLApNameServerAddressType => '',
cLApNameServerAddress => '',
cLApAMSDUEnable => '',
cLApEncryptionSupported => '',
cLApRogueDetectionEnabled => '',
cLApTcpMss => '',
cLApDataEncryptionStatus => '',
cLApNsiKey => '',
cLApAdminStatus => '',
cLApPortNumber => '',
cLApRetransmitCount => '',
cLApRetransmitTimeout => '',
cLApIfSmtParamTable => '',
cLApIfSmtParamEntry => '',
cLApIfSmtDot11Bssid => '',
cLApCountryTable => '',
cLApCountryEntry => '',
cLApCountryCode => '',
cLApCountryAllowed => '',
ciscoLwappApIfRegulatoryDomainMismatchNotifEnabled => '',
ciscoLwappApCrashEnabled => '',
ciscoLwappApUnsupportedEnabled => '',
ciscoLwappApAssociatedEnabled => '',
ciscoLwappApIf => '',
cLApDot11IfTable => '',
cLApDot11IfEntry => '',
cLApDot11IfSlotId => '',
cLApDot11IfType => '',
cLApDot11IfRegDomain => '',
cLApDot11nSupport => '',
cLAp11nChannelBandwidth => '',
cLAp11nChannelBandwidthDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLAp11nChannelBandwidth',
cLApLomEnabled => '',
cLApLomFirstChannel => '',
cLApLomSecondChannel => '',
cLApLomThirdChannel => '',
cLApLomFourthChannel => '',
cLApExtensionChannel => '',
cLApLegacyBeamForming => '',
cLApLegacyBeamFormingDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApLegacyBeamForming',
cLApCdpOverAirEnabled => '',
cLApDot11IfAdminStatus => '',
cLApEthernetIfTable => '',
cLApEthernetIfEntry => '',
cLApEthernetIfSlotId => '',
cLApEthernetIfName => '',
cLApEthernetIfMacAddress => '',
cLApEthernetIfAdminStatus => '',
cLApEthernetIfAdminStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApEthernetIfAdminStatus',
cLApEthernetIfOperStatus => '',
cLApEthernetIfOperStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApEthernetIfOperStatus',
cLApEthernetIfRxUcastPkts => '',
cLApEthernetIfRxNUcastPkts => '',
cLApEthernetIfTxUcastPkts => '',
cLApEthernetIfTxNUcastPkts => '',
cLApEthernetIfDuplex => '',
cLApEthernetIfDuplexDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApEthernetIfDuplex',
cLApEthernetIfLinkSpeed => '',
cLApEthernetIfPOEPower => '',
cLApEthernetIfPOEPowerDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApEthernetIfPOEPower',
cLApEthernetIfRxTotalBytes => '',
cLApEthernetIfTxTotalBytes => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputCrc => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputAborts => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputErrors => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputFrames => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputOverrun => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputDrops => '',
cLApEthernetIfInputResource => '',
cLApEthernetIfUnknownProtocol => '',
cLApEthernetIfRunts => '',
cLApEthernetIfGiants => '',
cLApEthernetIfThrottle => '',
cLApEthernetIfResets => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputCollision => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputNoBuffer => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputResource => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputUnderrun => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputErrors => '',
cLApEthernetIfOutputTotalDrops => '',
cLApEthernetIfCdpEnabled => '',
cLApDot11RadioTable => '',
cLApDot11RadioEntry => '',
cLApDot11RadioMACAddress => '',
cLApDot11RadioSubBand => '',
cLApDot11RadioVersion => '',
cLApDot11IsBackhaul => '',
cLApDot11RadioRole => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaTable => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaEntry => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaId => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaTxEnable => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaRxEnable => '',
cLApDot11IfAntennaEnable => '',
cLApVlanIfTable => '',
cLApVlanIfEntry => '',
cLApVlanIfEthernetId => '',
cLApVlanIfMode => '',
cLApVlanIfModeDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApVlanIfMode',
cLApVlanIfEnable => '',
cLApVlanIfNativeVlanId => '',
cLApVlanListTable => '',
cLApVlanListEntry => '',
cLApVlanListVlanId => '',
cLApVlanListRowStatus => '',
cLApDot11GlobalConfigTable => '',
cLApDot11GlobalConfigEntry => '',
cLApNwLegacyBeamForming => '',
cLApNwLegacyBeamFormingDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApNwLegacyBeamForming',
cLApNwTxPowerThreshold => '',
ciscoLwappApGlobal => '',
cLApFastHbTimerTable => '',
cLApFastHbTimerEntry => '',
cLApFastHbTimerApType => '',
cLApFastHbTimerApTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApFastHbTimerApType',
cLApFastHbTimerTimeout => '',
cLApFastHbTimerEnabled => '',
cLApPrimaryDiscoveryTimeout => '',
cLApGlobalPrimaryControllerAddressType => '',
cLApGlobalPrimaryControllerAddress => '',
cLApGlobalPrimaryControllerName => '',
cLApGlobalSecondaryControllerAddressType => '',
cLApGlobalSecondaryControllerAddress => '',
cLApGlobalSecondaryControllerName => '',
cLApGlobalFailoverPriority => '',
cLApGlobalTcpMss => '',
cLApGlobalDot11IfTable => '',
cLApGlobalDot11IfEntry => '',
cLApGlobalDot11IfCdpEnabled => '',
cLApGlobalEthernetIfTable => '',
cLApGlobalEthernetIfEntry => '',
cLApGlobalEthernetIfCdpEnabled => '',
cLApGlobalRetransmitCount => '',
cLApGlobalRetransmitTimeout => '',
ciscoLwappApCredentials => '',
cLApCredentialGlobalUserName => '',
cLApCredentialGlobalPassword => '',
cLApCredentialGlobalSecret => '',
cLApCredentialsTable => '',
cLApCredentialsEntry => '',
cLApCredentialUserName => '',
cLApCredentialPassword => '',
cLApCredentialSecret => '',
cLApCredentialEnableGlobalCredentials => '',
ciscoLwappLinkLatency => '',
cLApLinkLatencyTable => '',
cLApLinkLatencyEntry => '',
cLApLinkLatencyEnable => '',
cLApLinkLatencyReset => '',
cLApLinkLatencyStatsTable => '',
cLApLinkLatencyStatsEntry => '',
cLApLinkLatencyStatsCurrent => '',
cLApLinkLatencyStatsMin => '',
cLApLinkLatencyStatsMax => '',
cLApLinkLatencyTimeStamp => '',
cLApDataLinkLatencyStatsCurrent => '',
cLApDataLinkLatencyStatsMin => '',
cLApDataLinkLatencyStatsMax => '',
cLApDataLinkLatencyTimeStamp => '',
ciscoLwappSpectrum => '',
ciscoLwappAp802dot1xSupplicant => '',
cLApGlobal802dot1xAuthenticationEnabled => '',
cLApGlobal802dot1xSupplicantUsername => '',
cLApGlobal802dot1xSupplicantPassword => '',
cLAp802dot1xSupplicantTable => '',
cLAp802dot1xSupplicantEntry => '',
cLAp802dot1xSupplicantOverrideEnabled => '',
cLAp802dot1xSupplicantOverrideUsername => '',
cLAp802dot1xSupplicantOverridePassword => '',
cLApSeClientTable => '',
cLApSeClientEntry => '',
cLApSeIndex => '',
cLApSeClientUserName => '',
cLApSeClientIPAddrType => '',
cLApSeClientIPAddr => '',
cLApSeClientDuration => '',
cLApSeClientPort => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBConform => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBCompliances => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBGroups => '',
ciscoLwappApMIBNotifObjects => '',
cLApAssocFailureReason => '',
cLApRogueApMacAddress => '',
cLApDot11RadioChannelNumber => '',
cLApRogueApSsid => '',
cLApRogueType => '',
cLApRogueTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApRogueType',
cLApWipsReason => '',
cLApWipsReasonDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApWipsReason',
cLApWipsClear => '',
cLApIfUpDownFailureType => '',
cLApIfUpDownFailureTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB::cLApIfUpDownFailureType',
cLApIfUpDownCause => '',
cLApIfUpDownFailureCode => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB'} = {
cLApPwrInjectorSelection => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'installed',
'3' => 'override',
cLApLegacyBeamForming => {
'1' => 'enable',
'2' => 'disable',
'3' => 'notApplicable',
cLApVlanIfMode => {
'1' => 'normal',
'2' => 'access',
'3' => 'trunk',
cLApWipsReason => {
'1' => 'noMonitoringDevice',
cLApIfUpDownFailureType => {
'1' => 'detectedFailure',
'2' => 'configuredReset',
cLApRogueType => {
'1' => 'asleap',
'2' => 'honeypot',
'3' => 'other',
cLApMonitorModeOptimization => {
'1' => 'all',
'2' => 'tracking',
'3' => 'wips',
'4' => 'none',
cLApPowerStatus => {
'1' => 'low',
'2' => 'fifteendotfour',
'3' => 'sixteendoteight',
'4' => 'full',
'5' => 'external',
'6' => 'mixedmode',
cLApFailoverPriority => {
'1' => 'low',
'2' => 'medium',
'3' => 'high',
'4' => 'critical',
cLApEthernetIfOperStatus => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
cLApEthernetIfPOEPower => {
'1' => 'none',
'2' => 'drawn',
'3' => 'notdrawn',
cLApNwLegacyBeamForming => {
'1' => 'enable',
'2' => 'disable',
'3' => 'notApplicable',
cLApEthernetIfDuplex => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'halfduplex',
'3' => 'fullduplex',
'4' => 'auto',
cLApFastHbTimerApType => {
'1' => 'local',
'2' => 'hreap',
cLApEthernetIfAdminStatus => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
cLAp11nChannelBandwidth => {
'1' => 'five',
'2' => 'ten',
'3' => 'twenty',
'4' => 'forty',
cLApLastRebootReason => {
'0' => 'none',
'1' => 'dot11gModeChange',
'2' => 'ipAddressSet',
'3' => 'ipAddressReset',
'4' => 'rebootFromController',
'5' => 'dhcpFallbackFail',
'6' => 'discoveryFail',
'7' => 'noJoinResponse',
'8' => 'denyJoin',
'9' => 'noConfigResponse',
'10' => 'configController',
'11' => 'imageUpgradeSuccess',
'12' => 'imageOpcodeInvalid',
'13' => 'imageCheckSumInvalid',
'14' => 'imageDataTimeout',
'15' => 'configFileInvalid',
'16' => 'imageDownloadError',
'17' => 'rebootFromConsole',
'18' => 'rapOverAir',
'19' => 'powerLow',
'20' => 'crash',
'21' => 'powerHigh',
'22' => 'powerLoss',
'23' => 'powerChange',
'24' => 'componentFailure',
'25' => 'watchdog',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::CISCOLWAPPHAMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB'} = {
ciscoLwappHaMIB => '',
ciscoLwappHaMIBObjects => '',
ciscoLwappHaGlobalConfig => '',
cLHaApSsoConfig => '',
cLHaPeerIpAddressType => '',
cLHaPeerIpAddress => '',
cLHaServicePortPeerIpAddressType => '',
cLHaServicePortPeerIpAddress => '',
cLHaServicePortPeerIpNetMaskType => '',
cLHaServicePortPeerIpNetMask => '',
cLHaRedundancyIpAddressType => '',
cLHaRedundancyIpAddress => '',
cLHaPeerMacAddress => '',
cLHaVirtualMacAddress => '',
cLHaPrimaryUnit => '',
cLHaPrimaryUnitDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1-MIB::TruthValue',
cLHaLinkEncryption => '',
cLHaNetworkFailOver => '',
cLHaNetworkFailOverDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1-MIB::TruthValue',
cLHaRFStatusUnitIp => '',
cLHaKATimeout => '',
cLHaKARetryCount => '',
cLHaGwRetryCount => '',
cLHaPeerSearchTimeout => '',
ciscoLwappHaNetworkConfig => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerConfigTable => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerConfigEntry => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerIPAddressType => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerIPAddress => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerIPNetmaskType => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerIPNetmask => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerGatewayType => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerGateway => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerTransferStatus => '',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerTransferStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaNetworkRoutePeerTransferStatus',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerRowStatus => '',
ciscoLwappHaMIBNotifs => '',
ciscoLwappHaNotificationVariable => '',
cLHaSecondaryControllerUsageTrapType => '',
cLHaSecondaryControllerUsageTrapTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaSecondaryControllerUsageTrapType',
cLHaSecondaryControllerUsageDayCounter => '',
cLHaBulkSyncCompleteEventStr => '',
cLHaPeerHotStandbyEventStr => '',
ciscoLwappHaPeerStatisticsVariable => '',
cLHaSystemStatistics => '',
cLHaCpuStatistics => '',
cLHaAllCpuUsage => '',
cLHaPowerSupplyStatistics => '',
cLHaPowerSupply1Present => '',
cLHaPowerSupply1PresentDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaPowerSupply1Present',
cLHaPowerSupply1Operational => '',
cLHaPowerSupply1OperationalDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaPowerSupply1Operational',
cLHaPowerSupply2Present => '',
cLHaPowerSupply2PresentDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaPowerSupply2Present',
cLHaPowerSupply2Operational => '',
cLHaPowerSupply2OperationalDefinition => 'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB::cLHaPowerSupply2Operational',
cLHaMemoryStatistics => '',
cLHaTotalSystemMemory => '',
cLHaFreeSystemMemory => '',
cLHaUsedSystemMemory => '',
cLHaAllocatedFromRtos => '',
cLHaChunksFree => '',
cLHaMmappedRegions => '',
cLHaSpaceInMmappedRegions => '',
cLHaTotalAllocatedSpace => '',
cLHaTotalNotInUseSpace => '',
cLHaTopMostReleasableSpace => '',
cLHaTotalAllocatedInclMmap => '',
cLHaTotalUsedInclMmap => '',
cLHaTotalFreeInclMmap => '',
ciscoLwappHaStatisticsVariable => '',
cLHaAvgPeerReachLatency => '',
cLHaAvgGwReachLatency => '',
cLHaBulkSyncStatus => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'CISCO-LWAPP-HA-MIB'} = {
cLHaSecondaryControllerUsageTrapType => {
'1' => 'usageStart',
'2' => 'usageComplete',
'3' => 'overUsage',
cLHaPowerSupply1Present => {
'0' => 'false',
'1' => 'true',
cLHaPowerSupply1Operational => {
'0' => 'false',
'1' => 'true',
cLHaPowerSupply2Present => {
'0' => 'false',
'1' => 'true',
cLHaPowerSupply2Operational => {
'0' => 'false',
'1' => 'true',
cLHaNetworkRoutePeerTransferStatus => {
'1' => 'initiate',
'2' => 'inProgress',
'3' => 'success',
'4' => 'failure',
'5' => 'timeout',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::CISCOPORTCHANNELMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB'} = {
ciscoPortChannelMIB => '',
ciscoPortChannelObjects => '',
portChannelConfig => '',
portChannelTable => '',
portChannelEntry => '',
portChannelIndex => '',
portChannelIfIndex => '',
portChannelAdminChannelMode => '',
portChannelAdminChannelModeDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::PortChannelMode',
portChannelOperChannelMode => '',
portChannelOperChannelModeDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::PortChannelMode',
portChannelAddType => '',
portChannelAddTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::portChannelAddType',
portChannelLastActionStatus => '',
portChannelLastActionStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::portChannelLastActionStatus',
portChannelLastActionStatusCause => '',
portChannelLastActionTime => '',
portChannelMemberList => '',
portChannelCreationTime => '',
portChannelRowStatus => '',
portChannelMemberOperStatus => '',
portChannelProtocolEnable => '',
portChannelGrpIfExtTable => '',
portChannelGrpIfExtEntry => '',
portChannelGrpIfAutoCreation => '',
portChannelExtTable => '',
portChannelExtEntry => '',
portChannelExtChannelGrpMode => '',
portChannelExtChannelGrpModeDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::PortChannelGroupMode',
portChannelExtAutoCreated => '',
portChannelExtPersistent => '',
portChannelExtPersistentDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::portChannelExtPersistent',
portChannelExtOperChannelGrpMode => '',
portChannelExtOperChannelGrpModeDefinition => 'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB::PortChannelGroupMode',
portChannelStatistics => '',
portChannelNotification => '',
portChannelNotifications => '',
portChannelMIBConformance => '',
portChannelMIBCompliances => '',
portChannelMIBGroups => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'CISCO-PORT-CHANNEL-MIB'} = {
PortChannelGroupMode => {
'1' => 'on',
'2' => 'active',
PortChannelMode => {
'1' => 'auto',
'2' => 'on',
'3' => 'off',
'4' => 'desirable',
portChannelLastActionStatus => {
'1' => 'successful',
'2' => 'failed',
portChannelExtPersistent => {
'1' => 'noOp',
'2' => 'enable',
portChannelAddType => {
'1' => 'normal',
'2' => 'force',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::ELTEXMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'ELTEX-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'ELTEX-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'ELTEX-MIB'} = {
# The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card.
'eltexPowerSupplyTable' => '',
# An entry in the power supply status table, representing the status of the
# associated power supply maintained by the environmental monitor card.
'eltexPowerSupplyEntry' => '',
# An entry in the power supply status table, representing the status of the
# associated power supply maintained by the environmental monitor card.
'eltexPowerSupplyId' => '',
# Textual description of the power supply being instrumented. This description
# is a short textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the
# rest of the information in the entry.
'eltexPowerSupplyDescription' => '',
# The mandatory state of the power supply being instrumented.eltexSensorDescription
'eltexPowerSupplyStatus' => '',
'eltexPowerSupplyStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'normal',
'2' => 'warning',
'3' => 'critical',
'4' => 'shutdown',
'5' => 'notPresent',
'6' => 'notFunctioning',
'eltexSensorTable' => '',
# Information about a particular physical sensor. An entry in this table
# describes the present reading of a sensor, the measurement units and scale,
# and sensor operational status. Entries are created in this table by the agent.
# An entry for each physical sensor SHOULD be created at the same time as the
# associated entPhysicalEntry. An entry SHOULD be destroyed if the associated
# entPhysicalEntry is destroyed.
'eltexSensorEntry' => '',
# The number of decimal places of precision in fixed-point sensor values
# returned by the associated entPhySensorValue object. This object SHOULD be set
# to '0' when the associated entPhySensorType value is not a fixed-point
# type: e.g., 'percentRH(9)', 'rpm(10)', 'cmm(11)', or 'truthvalue(12)'. This
# object SHOULD be set by the agent during entry creation, and the value SHOULD
# NOT change during operation.
'eltexSensorId' => '',
# A textual description of the data units that should be used in the display of
# entPhySensorValue.
'eltexSensorDescription' => '',
# The most recent measurement obtained by the agent for this sensor. To
# correctly interpret the value of this object, the associated entPhySensorType,
# entPhySensorScale, and entPhySensorPrecision objects must also be examined.
'eltexSensorStatus' => '',
# The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor.
'eltexFanTable' => '',
# An entry in the fan status table, representing the status of the associated
# fan maintained by the environmental monitor.
'eltexFanEntry' => '',
# All fans here with statuses
'eltexFanId' => '',
# Textual description of the fan being instrumented. This description is a short
# textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the rest of the
# information in the entry.
'eltexFanDescription' => '',
# The mandatory state of the fan being instrumented.
'eltexFanStatus' => '',
'eltexFanStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'normal',
'5' => 'unknown',
'6' => 'notPresent',
# Percentage of the device CPU utilization during last second. The value 101 is
# a dummy value, indicating that the CPU utilization was not measured (since
# measurement is disabled or was disabled during last second).
'eltexCpuUtilisationLastSecond' => '',
# Percentage of the device CPU utilization during last minute. The value 101 is
# a dummy value, indicating that the CPU utilization was not measured (since
# measurement is disabled or was disabled during last minute).
'eltexCpuUtilisationOneMinute' => '',
# Percentage of the device CPU utilization during the last 5 minutes. The value
# 101 is a dummy value, indicating that the CPU utilization was not measured
# (since measurement is disabled or was disabled during last 5 minutes).
'eltexCpuUtilisationFiveMinutes' => '',
# Show unit type standalone or stack.
'eltexStackUnitType' => '',
# Shows the current number of units in the stack.
'eltexStackUnitsNumber' => ''

View file

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::ETHERLIKEMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'EtherLike-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'EtherLike-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'EtherLike-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'EtherLike-MIB'} = {
dot3 => '',
dot3StatsTable => '',
dot3StatsEntry => '',
dot3StatsIndex => '',
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors => '',
dot3StatsFCSErrors => '',
dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames => '',
dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames => '',
dot3StatsSQETestErrors => '',
dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions => '',
dot3StatsLateCollisions => '',
dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions => '',
dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors => '',
dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors => '',
dot3StatsFrameTooLongs => '',
dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors => '',
dot3StatsEtherChipSet => '',
dot3StatsSymbolErrors => '',
dot3StatsDuplexStatus => '',
dot3StatsDuplexStatusDefinition => 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsDuplexStatus',
dot3StatsRateControlAbility => '',
dot3StatsRateControlStatus => '',
dot3StatsRateControlStatusDefinition => 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsRateControlStatus',
dot3CollTable => '',
dot3CollEntry => '',
dot3CollCount => '',
dot3CollFrequencies => '',
dot3Tests => '',
dot3TestTdr => '',
dot3TestLoopBack => '',
dot3Errors => '',
dot3ErrorInitError => '',
dot3ErrorLoopbackError => '',
dot3ControlTable => '',
dot3ControlEntry => '',
dot3ControlFunctionsSupported => '',
dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes => '',
dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes => '',
dot3PauseTable => '',
dot3PauseEntry => '',
dot3PauseAdminMode => '',
dot3PauseAdminModeDefinition => 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3PauseAdminMode',
dot3PauseOperMode => '',
dot3PauseOperModeDefinition => 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3PauseOperMode',
dot3InPauseFrames => '',
dot3OutPauseFrames => '',
dot3HCInPauseFrames => '',
dot3HCOutPauseFrames => '',
dot3HCStatsTable => '',
dot3HCStatsEntry => '',
dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors => '',
dot3HCStatsFCSErrors => '',
dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors => '',
dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs => '',
dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors => '',
dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors => '',
etherMIB => '',
etherMIBObjects => '',
etherConformance => '',
etherGroups => '',
etherCompliances => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'EtherLike-MIB'} = {
dot3PauseOperMode => {
'1' => 'disabled',
'2' => 'enabledXmit',
'3' => 'enabledRcv',
'4' => 'enabledXmitAndRcv',
dot3StatsDuplexStatus => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'halfDuplex',
'3' => 'fullDuplex',
dot3PauseAdminMode => {
'1' => 'disabled',
'2' => 'enabledXmit',
'3' => 'enabledRcv',
'4' => 'enabledXmitAndRcv',
dot3StatsRateControlStatus => {
'1' => 'rateControlOff',
'2' => 'rateControlOn',
'3' => 'unknown',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::FIBRECHANNELFEMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB'} = {
url => '',
#$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB'} = {
fcFeMIB => '',
fcFeMIBObjects => '',
fcFeConfig => '',
fcFeFabricName => '',
fcFeElementName => '',
fcFeModuleCapacity => '',
fcFeModuleTable => '',
fcFeModuleEntry => '',
fcFeModuleIndex => '',
fcFeModuleDescr => '',
fcFeModuleObjectID => '',
fcFeModuleOperStatus => '',
fcFeModuleOperStatusDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::fcFeModuleOperStatus',
fcFeModuleLastChange => '',
fcFeModuleFxPortCapacity => '',
fcFeModuleName => '',
fcFxPortTable => '',
fcFxPortEntry => '',
fcFxPortIndex => '',
fcFxPortName => '',
fcFxPortFcphVersionHigh => '',
fcFxPortFcphVersionLow => '',
fcFxPortBbCredit => '',
fcFxPortRxBufSize => '',
fcFxPortRatov => '',
fcFxPortEdtov => '',
fcFxPortCosSupported => '',
fcFxPortIntermixSupported => '',
fcFxPortStackedConnMode => '',
fcFxPortStackedConnModeDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::FcStackedConnMode',
fcFxPortClass2SeqDeliv => '',
fcFxPortClass3SeqDeliv => '',
fcFxPortHoldTime => '',
fcFeStatus => '',
fcFxPortStatusTable => '',
fcFxPortStatusEntry => '',
fcFxPortID => '',
fcFxPortBbCreditAvailable => '',
fcFxPortOperMode => '',
fcFxPortOperModeDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::fcFxPortOperMode',
fcFxPortAdminMode => '',
fcFxPortAdminModeDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::fcFxPortAdminMode',
fcFxPortPhysTable => '',
fcFxPortPhysEntry => '',
fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus => '',
fcFxPortPhysAdminStatusDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus',
fcFxPortPhysOperStatus => '',
fcFxPortPhysOperStatusDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::fcFxPortPhysOperStatus',
fcFxPortPhysLastChange => '',
fcFxPortPhysRttov => '',
fcFxLoginTable => '',
fcFxLoginEntry => '',
fcFxPortNxLoginIndex => '',
fcFxPortFcphVersionAgreed => '',
fcFxPortNxPortBbCredit => '',
fcFxPortNxPortRxDataFieldSize => '',
fcFxPortCosSuppAgreed => '',
fcFxPortIntermixSuppAgreed => '',
fcFxPortStackedConnModeAgreed => '',
fcFxPortStackedConnModeAgreedDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::FcStackedConnMode',
fcFxPortClass2SeqDelivAgreed => '',
fcFxPortClass3SeqDelivAgreed => '',
fcFxPortNxPortName => '',
fcFxPortConnectedNxPort => '',
fcFxPortBbCreditModel => '',
fcFxPortBbCreditModelDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::FcBbCreditModel',
fcFeError => '',
fcFxPortErrorTable => '',
fcFxPortErrorEntry => '',
fcFxPortLinkFailures => '',
fcFxPortSyncLosses => '',
fcFxPortSigLosses => '',
fcFxPortPrimSeqProtoErrors => '',
fcFxPortInvalidTxWords => '',
fcFxPortInvalidCrcs => '',
fcFxPortDelimiterErrors => '',
fcFxPortAddressIdErrors => '',
fcFxPortLinkResetIns => '',
fcFxPortLinkResetOuts => '',
fcFxPortOlsIns => '',
fcFxPortOlsOuts => '',
fcFeAccounting => '',
fcFxPortC1AccountingTable => '',
fcFxPortC1AccountingEntry => '',
fcFxPortC1InFrames => '',
fcFxPortC1OutFrames => '',
fcFxPortC1InOctets => '',
fcFxPortC1OutOctets => '',
fcFxPortC1Discards => '',
fcFxPortC1FbsyFrames => '',
fcFxPortC1FrjtFrames => '',
fcFxPortC1InConnections => '',
fcFxPortC1OutConnections => '',
fcFxPortC1ConnTime => '',
fcFxPortC2AccountingTable => '',
fcFxPortC2AccountingEntry => '',
fcFxPortC2InFrames => '',
fcFxPortC2OutFrames => '',
fcFxPortC2InOctets => '',
fcFxPortC2OutOctets => '',
fcFxPortC2Discards => '',
fcFxPortC2FbsyFrames => '',
fcFxPortC2FrjtFrames => '',
fcFxPortC3AccountingTable => '',
fcFxPortC3AccountingEntry => '',
fcFxPortC3InFrames => '',
fcFxPortC3OutFrames => '',
fcFxPortC3InOctets => '',
fcFxPortC3OutOctets => '',
fcFxPortC3Discards => '',
fcFeCapabilities => '',
fcFxPortCapTable => '',
fcFxPortCapEntry => '',
fcFxPortCapFcphVersionHigh => '',
fcFxPortCapFcphVersionLow => '',
fcFxPortCapBbCreditMax => '',
fcFxPortCapBbCreditMin => '',
fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSizeMax => '',
fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSizeMin => '',
fcFxPortCapCos => '',
fcFxPortCapIntermix => '',
fcFxPortCapStackedConnMode => '',
fcFxPortCapStackedConnModeDefinition => 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB::FcStackedConnMode',
fcFxPortCapClass2SeqDeliv => '',
fcFxPortCapClass3SeqDeliv => '',
fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMax => '',
fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMin => '',
fcFeMIBConformance => '',
fcFeMIBCompliances => '',
fcFeMIBGroups => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB'} = {
fcFxPortAdminMode => {
'2' => 'fPort',
'3' => 'flPort',
FcBbCreditModel => {
'1' => 'regular',
'2' => 'alternate',
fcFxPortPhysOperStatus => {
'1' => 'online',
'2' => 'offline',
'3' => 'testing',
'4' => 'linkFailure',
fcFxPortOperMode => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'fPort',
'3' => 'flPort',
FcStackedConnMode => {
'1' => 'none',
'2' => 'transparent',
'3' => 'lockedDown',
fcFeModuleOperStatus => {
'1' => 'online',
'2' => 'offline',
'3' => 'testing',
'4' => 'faulty',
fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus => {
'1' => 'online',
'2' => 'offline',
'3' => 'testing',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::GENUAMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'GENUA-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'GENUA-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'GENUA-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'GENUA-MIB'} = {
# genua.os.sensor.system
fanTable => '',
fanEntry => '',
fanIndex => '',
fanName => '',
fanRPMs => '',
fanState => '',
fanStateDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
raidTable => '',
raidEntry => '',
raidIndex => '',
raidName => '',
raidStatus => '',
raidStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
filesMax => '',
filesUsed => '',
filesStatus => '',
filesStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
swapMax => '',
swapUsed => '',
swapStatus => '',
swapStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
diskpartitionTable => '',
diskpartitionEntry => '',
diskpartitionIndex => '',
diskpartitionName => '',
diskpartitionSpace => '',
diskpartitionSpaceMax => '',
diskpartitionSpaceUsed => '',
diskpartitionSpaceStatus => '',
diskpartitionInodes => '',
diskpartitionInodesMax => '',
diskpartitionInodesUsed => '',
diskpartitionInodesStatus => '',
pfstateMax => '',
pfstateUsed => '',
pfstateStatus => '',
pfstateStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
# genua.os.sensor.system.smartcard
smartcardStatus => '',
smartcardStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
# genua.os.sensor.system.vpnsum
vpnsumExpected => '',
vpnsumUp => '',
# genua.os.sensor.interfaceTable
interfaceTable => '',
interfaceEntry => '',
interfaceIndex => '',
interfaceName => '',
interfaceType => '',
interfaceTypeDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::Iftype',
interfaceLinkstate => '',
interfaceLinkstateDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::Ifstate',
interfaceIerrorsNumber => '',
interfaceIerrorsStatus => '',
interfaceIerrorsStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
interfaceOerrorsNumber => '',
interfaceOerrorsStatus => '',
interfaceOerrorsStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::State',
interfaceCarpstatus => '',
interfaceCarpstatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::Carpstatus',
# genua.os.sensor.vpnTable
vpnTable => '',
vpnEntry => '',
vpnIndex => '',
vpnPeer => '',
vpnPeerip => '',
vpnLocal => '',
vpnRemote => '',
vpnStatus => '',
vpnStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::Ifstate',
# genua.os.sensor.pingTable
pingTable => '',
pingEntry => '',
pingIndex => '',
pingName => '',
pingIp => '',
pingStatus => '',
pingStatusDefinition => 'GENUA-MIB::Reachabilitystatus',
# genua.os.misc
miscSeverity => '',
miscId => '',
miscMessage => '',
infoProduct => '',
infoSoftwareversion => '',
infoRelease => '',
infoPatchlevel => '',
infoHardwareversion => '',
infoSerialnumber => '',
infoLicense => '',
infoOperating => '',
# genua.products
genugate => '',
genubox => '',
genulink => '',
genuscreen => '',
genucrypt => '',
genucenter => '',
genucard => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'GENUA-MIB'} = {
# textual conventions
State => {
'0' => 'notok',
'1' => 'ok',
'2' => 'unknown',
Ifstate => {
'0' => 'unknown',
'1' => 'down',
'2' => 'up',
Reachabilitystatus => {
'0' => 'unrechable',
'1' => 'reachable',
Iftype => {
'1' => 'phys',
'2' => 'gif',
'3' => 'pppoe',
'4' => 'vlan',
'6' => 'carp',
'7' => 'unknown',
'8' => 'trunk',
'9' => 'modem',
'10' => 'gre',
'11' => 'mpls',
Carpstatus => {
'0' => 'init',
'1' => 'backup',
'2' => 'master',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::HOSTRESOURCESMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} = {
hostResourcesMibModule => '',
hrSystem => '',
hrSystemUptime => '',
hrSystemDate => '',
hrSystemDateDefinition => 'MIB-2-MIB::DateAndTime',
hrSystemInitialLoadDevice => '',
hrSystemInitialLoadParameters => '',
hrSystemNumUsers => '',
hrSystemProcesses => '',
hrSystemMaxProcesses => '',
hrStorage => '',
hrStorageTypes => '',
hrStorageTypeDefinition => 'OID::HOST-RESOURCES-MIB',
hrStorageOther => '',
hrStorageRam => '',
hrStorageVirtualMemory => '',
hrStorageFixedDisk => '',
hrStorageRemovableDisk => '',
hrStorageFloppyDisk => '',
hrStorageCompactDisc => '',
hrStorageRamDisk => '',
hrMemorySize => '',
hrStorageTable => '',
hrStorageEntry => '',
hrStorageIndex => '',
hrStorageType => '',
hrStorageDescr => '',
hrStorageAllocationUnits => '',
hrStorageSize => '',
hrStorageUsed => '',
hrStorageAllocationFailures => '',
hrDevice => '',
hrDeviceTypes => '',
hrDeviceTypeDefinition => 'OID::HOST-RESOURCES-MIB',
hrDeviceOther => '',
hrDeviceUnknown => '',
hrDeviceProcessor => '',
hrDeviceNetwork => '',
hrDevicePrinter => '',
hrDeviceDiskStorage => '',
hrDeviceVideo => '',
hrDeviceAudio => '',
hrDeviceCoprocessor => '',
hrDeviceKeyboard => '',
hrDeviceModem => '',
hrDeviceParallelPort => '',
hrDevicePointing => '',
hrDeviceSerialPort => '',
hrDeviceTape => '',
hrDeviceClock => '',
hrDeviceVolatileMemory => '',
hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory => '',
hrDeviceTable => '',
hrDeviceEntry => '',
hrDeviceIndex => '',
hrDeviceType => '',
hrDeviceDescr => '',
hrDeviceID => '',
hrDeviceStatus => '',
hrDeviceStatusDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrDeviceStatus',
hrDeviceErrors => '',
hrProcessorTable => '',
hrProcessorEntry => '',
hrProcessorFrwID => '',
hrProcessorLoad => '',
hrNetworkTable => '',
hrNetworkEntry => '',
hrNetworkIfIndex => '',
hrPrinterTable => '',
hrPrinterEntry => '',
hrPrinterStatus => '',
hrPrinterStatusDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrPrinterStatus',
hrPrinterDetectedErrorState => '',
hrPrinterDetectedErrorStateDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrPrinterDetectedErrorState',
hrDiskStorageTable => '',
hrDiskStorageEntry => '',
hrDiskStorageAccess => '',
hrDiskStorageAccessDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrDiskStorageAccess',
hrDiskStorageMedia => '',
hrDiskStorageMediaDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrDiskStorageMedia',
hrDiskStorageRemoveble => '',
hrDiskStorageRemovebleDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::Boolean',
hrDiskStorageCapacity => '',
hrPartitionTable => '',
hrPartitionEntry => '',
hrPartitionIndex => '',
hrPartitionLabel => '',
hrPartitionID => '',
hrPartitionSize => '',
hrPartitionFSIndex => '',
hrFSTable => '',
hrFSEntry => '',
hrFSIndex => '',
hrFSMountPoint => '',
hrFSRemoteMountPoint => '',
hrFSType => '',
hrFSAccess => '',
hrFSAccessDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrFSAccess',
hrFSBootable => '',
hrFSBootableDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::Boolean',
hrFSStorageIndex => '',
hrFSLastFullBackupDate => '',
hrFSLastPartialBackupDate => '',
hrFSTypes => '',
hrFSTypeDefinition => 'OID::HOST-RESOURCES-MIB',
hrFSOther => '',
hrFSUnknown => '',
hrFSBerkeleyFFS => '',
hrFSSys5FS => '',
hrFSFat => '',
hrFSHPFS => '',
hrFSHFS => '',
hrFSMFS => '',
hrFSNTFS => '',
hrFSVNode => '',
hrFSJournaled => '',
hrFSiso9660 => '',
hrFSRockRidge => '',
hrFSNFS => '',
hrFSNetware => '',
hrFSAFS => '',
hrFSDFS => '',
hrFSAppleshare => '',
hrFSRFS => '',
hrFSDGCFS => '',
hrFSBFS => '',
hrSWRun => '',
hrSWOSIndex => '',
hrSWRunTable => '',
hrSWRunEntry => '',
hrSWRunIndex => '',
hrSWRunName => '',
hrSWRunID => '',
hrSWRunPath => '',
hrSWRunParameters => '',
hrSWRunType => '',
hrSWRunTypeDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunType',
hrSWRunStatus => '',
hrSWRunStatusDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunStatus',
hrSWRunPerf => '',
hrSWRunPerfTable => '',
hrSWRunPerfEntry => '',
hrSWRunPerfCPU => '',
hrSWRunPerfMem => '',
hrSWInstalled => '',
hrSWInstalledLastChange => '',
hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime => '',
hrSWInstalledTable => '',
hrSWInstalledEntry => '',
hrSWInstalledIndex => '',
hrSWInstalledName => '',
hrSWInstalledID => '',
hrSWInstalledType => '',
hrSWInstalledTypeDefinition => 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWInstalledType',
hrSWInstalledDate => '',
hrConformance => '',
hrMIBCompliances => '',
hrMIBGroups => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB'} = {
hrDeviceStatus => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'running',
'3' => 'warning',
'4' => 'testing',
'5' => 'down',
hrSWInstalledType => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'operatingSystem',
'3' => 'deviceDriver',
'4' => 'application',
hrPrinterStatus => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'unknown',
'3' => 'idle',
'4' => 'printing',
'5' => 'warmup',
hrDiskStorageAccess => {
'1' => 'readWrite',
'2' => 'readOnly',
hrDiskStorageMedia => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'unknown',
'3' => 'hardDisk',
'4' => 'floppyDisk',
'5' => 'opticalDiskROM',
'6' => 'opticalDiskWORM',
'7' => 'opticalDiskRW',
'8' => 'ramDisk',
hrSWRunType => {
'1' => 'unknown',
'2' => 'operatingSystem',
'3' => 'deviceDriver',
'4' => 'application',
Boolean => {
'1' => 'true',
'2' => 'false',
hrFSAccess => {
'1' => 'readWrite',
'2' => 'readOnly',
hrSWRunStatus => {
'1' => 'running',
'2' => 'runnable',
'3' => 'notRunnable',
'4' => 'invalid',
hrPrinterDetectedErrorState => sub {
my $val = shift;
my $state = unpack("B*", $val);
my @errors = ();
my $errors = {
0 => 'lowPaper',
1 => 'noPaper',
2 => 'lowToner',
3 => 'noToner',
4 => 'doorOpen',
5 => 'jammed',
6 => 'offline',
7 => 'serviceRequested',
foreach my $bit (0..7) {
if (substr($state, $bit, 1) eq "1") {
push(@errors, $errors->{$bit});
return @errors ? join("|", @errors) : 'good';

View file

@ -1,81 +1,18 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::IFMIB; package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::IANAIFTYPEMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'IFMIB'} = { $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'IANAIFTYPE-MIB'} = {
url => '', url => '',
name => 'IFMIB', name => 'IANAIFTYPE-MIB',
}; };
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'IFMIB'} = { #$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'IANAIFTYPE-MIB'} =
'ifNumber' => '',
'ifTable' => '', $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'IANAIFTYPE-MIB'} = {
'ifEntry' => '', ianaifType => '',
'ifIndex' => '',
'ifDescr' => '',
'ifType' => '',
'ifTypeDefinition' => 'IFMIB::ifType',
'ifMtu' => '',
'ifSpeed' => '',
'ifPhysAddress' => '',
'ifAdminStatus' => '',
'ifAdminStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
'3' => 'testing',
'ifOperStatus' => '',
'ifOperStatusDefinition' => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
'3' => 'testing',
'4' => 'unknown',
'5' => 'dormant',
'6' => 'notPresent',
'7' => 'lowerLayerDown',
'ifLastChange' => '',
'ifInOctets' => '',
'ifInUcastPkts' => '',
'ifInNUcastPkts' => '',
'ifInDiscards' => '',
'ifInErrors' => '',
'ifInUnknownProtos' => '',
'ifOutOctets' => '',
'ifOutUcastPkts' => '',
'ifOutNUcastPkts' => '',
'ifOutDiscards' => '',
'ifOutErrors' => '',
'ifOutQLen' => '',
'ifSpecific' => '',
'ifXTable' => '',
'ifXEntry' => '',
'ifName' => '',
'ifInMulticastPkts' => '',
'ifInBroadcastPkts' => '',
'ifOutMulticastPkts' => '',
'ifOutBroadcastPkts' => '',
'ifHCInOctets' => '',
'ifHCInUcastPkts' => '',
'ifHCInMulticastPkts' => '',
'ifHCInBroadcastPkts' => '',
'ifHCOutOctets' => '',
'ifHCOutUcastPkts' => '',
'ifHCOutMulticastPkts' => '',
'ifHCOutBroadcastPkts' => '',
'ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable' => '',
'ifLinkUpDownTrapEnableDefinition' => {
'1' => 'enabled',
'2' => 'disabled',
'ifHighSpeed' => '',
'ifPromiscuousMode' => '',
'ifConnectorPresent' => '',
'ifAlias' => '',
'ifCounterDiscontinuityTime' => '',
'ifTableLastChange' => '',
}; };
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'IFMIB'} = { $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'IANAIFTYPE-MIB'} = {
'ifType' => { IANAifType => {
'1' => 'other', '1' => 'other',
'2' => 'regular1822', '2' => 'regular1822',
'3' => 'hdh1822', '3' => 'hdh1822',
@ -348,9 +285,38 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'IFMIB'} = {
'270' => 'aluGponOnu', '270' => 'aluGponOnu',
'271' => 'aluGponPhysicalUni', '271' => 'aluGponPhysicalUni',
'272' => 'vmwareNicTeam', '272' => 'vmwareNicTeam',
'277' => 'docsOfdmDownstream',
'278' => 'docsOfdmaUpstream',
'279' => 'gfast',
'280' => 'sdci',
'281' => 'xboxWireless',
'282' => 'fastdsl',
'283' => 'docsCableScte55d1FwdOob',
'284' => 'docsCableScte55d1RetOob',
'285' => 'docsCableScte55d2DsOob',
'286' => 'docsCableScte55d2UsOob',
'287' => 'docsCableNdf',
'288' => 'docsCableNdr',
'289' => 'ptm',
'290' => 'ghn',
IANAtunnelType => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'direct',
'3' => 'gre',
'4' => 'minimal',
'5' => 'l2tp',
'6' => 'pptp',
'7' => 'l2f',
'8' => 'udp',
'9' => 'atmp',
'10' => 'msdp',
'11' => 'sixToFour',
'12' => 'sixOverFour',
'13' => 'isatap',
'14' => 'teredo',
'15' => 'ipHttps',
'16' => 'softwireMesh',
'17' => 'dsLite',
}, },
}; };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::IEEE8023LAGMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB'} = {
lagMIB => '1.2.840.10006.300.43',
lagMIBObjects => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.1',
dot3adAgg => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.1.1',
dot3adAggTable => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggEntry => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggIndex => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggMACAddress => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggActorSystemPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggActorSystemID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggAggregateOrIndividual => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggActorAdminKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggActorOperKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPartnerSystemID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPartnerSystemPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPartnerOperKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggCollectorMaxDelay => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortListTable => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortListEntry => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortListPorts => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPort => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.1.2',
dot3adAggPortTable => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortEntry => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortIndex => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorSystemPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorSystemID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorAdminKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorOperKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminSystemPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperSystemPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminSystemID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperSystemID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperKey => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortSelectedAggID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortAttachedAggID => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorPort => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorPortPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminPort => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperPort => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminPortPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperPortPriority => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorAdminState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortActorOperState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerAdminState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortPartnerOperState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortAggregateOrIndividual => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsTable => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsEntry => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsLACPDUsRx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsMarkerPDUsRx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsMarkerResponsePDUsRx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsUnknownRx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsIllegalRx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsLACPDUsTx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsMarkerPDUsTx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortStatsMarkerResponsePDUsTx => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugTable => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugEntry => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugRxState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugRxStateDefinition => 'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB::dot3adAggPortDebugRxState',
dot3adAggPortDebugLastRxTime => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugMuxState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugMuxStateDefinition => 'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB::dot3adAggPortDebugMuxState',
dot3adAggPortDebugMuxReason => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugActorChurnState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugActorChurnStateDefinition => 'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB::ChurnState',
dot3adAggPortDebugPartnerChurnState => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugPartnerChurnStateDefinition => 'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB::ChurnState',
dot3adAggPortDebugActorChurnCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugPartnerChurnCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugActorSyncTransitionCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugPartnerSyncTransitionCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugActorChangeCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adAggPortDebugPartnerChangeCount => '1.2.840.10006.300.',
dot3adTablesLastChanged => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.1.3',
dot3adAggConformance => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.2',
dot3adAggGroups => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.2.1',
dot3adAggCompliances => '1.2.840.10006.300.43.2.2',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'IEEE8023-LAG-MIB'} = {
dot3adAggPortDebugMuxState => {
'1' => 'detached',
'2' => 'waiting',
'3' => 'attached',
'4' => 'collecting',
'5' => 'distributing',
'6' => 'collectingDistributing',
dot3adAggPortDebugRxState => {
'1' => 'currentRx',
'2' => 'expired',
'3' => 'defaulted',
'4' => 'initialize',
'5' => 'lacpDisabled',
'6' => 'portDisabled',
ChurnState => {
'1' => 'noChurn',
'2' => 'churn',
'3' => 'churnMonitor',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::IFMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'IFMIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'IFMIB',
#$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'IFMIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'IFMIB'} = {
interfaces => '',
ifNumber => '',
ifTable => '',
ifEntry => '',
ifIndex => '',
ifDescr => '',
ifType => '',
ifTypeDefinition => 'IANAIFTYPE-MIB::IANAifType',
ifMtu => '',
ifSpeed => '',
ifPhysAddress => '',
ifAdminStatus => '',
ifAdminStatusDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifAdminStatus',
ifOperStatus => '',
ifOperStatusDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifOperStatus',
ifLastChange => '',
ifInOctets => '',
ifInUcastPkts => '',
ifInNUcastPkts => '',
ifInDiscards => '',
ifInErrors => '',
ifInUnknownProtos => '',
ifOutOctets => '',
ifOutUcastPkts => '',
ifOutNUcastPkts => '',
ifOutDiscards => '',
ifOutErrors => '',
ifOutQLen => '',
ifSpecific => '',
ifMIB => '',
ifMIBObjects => '',
ifXTable => '',
ifXEntry => '',
ifName => '',
ifInMulticastPkts => '',
ifInBroadcastPkts => '',
ifOutMulticastPkts => '',
ifOutBroadcastPkts => '',
ifHCInOctets => '',
ifHCInUcastPkts => '',
ifHCInMulticastPkts => '',
ifHCInBroadcastPkts => '',
ifHCOutOctets => '',
ifHCOutUcastPkts => '',
ifHCOutMulticastPkts => '',
ifHCOutBroadcastPkts => '',
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable => '',
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnableDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable',
ifHighSpeed => '',
ifPromiscuousMode => '',
ifConnectorPresent => '',
ifAlias => '',
ifCounterDiscontinuityTime => '',
ifStackTable => '',
ifStackEntry => '',
ifStackHigherLayer => '',
ifStackLowerLayer => '',
ifStackStatus => '',
ifStackStatusDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1-MIB::RowStatus',
ifTestTable => '',
ifTestEntry => '',
ifTestId => '',
ifTestStatus => '',
ifTestStatusDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifTestStatus',
ifTestType => '',
ifTestResult => '',
ifTestResultDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifTestResult',
ifTestCode => '',
ifTestOwner => '',
ifRcvAddressTable => '',
ifRcvAddressEntry => '',
ifRcvAddressAddress => '',
ifRcvAddressStatus => '',
ifRcvAddressType => '',
ifRcvAddressTypeDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifRcvAddressType',
ifTableLastChange => '',
ifStackLastChange => '',
ifConformance => '',
ifGroups => '',
ifCompliances => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'IFMIB'} = {
ifAdminStatus => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
'3' => 'testing',
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable => {
'1' => 'enabled',
'2' => 'disabled',
ifTestStatus => {
'1' => 'notInUse',
'2' => 'inUse',
ifOperStatus => {
'1' => 'up',
'2' => 'down',
'3' => 'testing',
'4' => 'unknown',
'5' => 'dormant',
'6' => 'notPresent',
'7' => 'lowerLayerDown',
ifRcvAddressType => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'volatile',
'3' => 'nonVolatile',
ifTestResult => {
'1' => 'none',
'2' => 'success',
'3' => 'inProgress',
'4' => 'notSupported',
'5' => 'unAbleToRun',
'6' => 'aborted',
'7' => 'failed',

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more