check_nwc_health: Update to 7.3
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package Classes::Cisco::CISCOIPSECFLOWMONITOR::Component::VpnSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::Item);
use strict;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB', [
['ciketunnels', 'cikeTunnelTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOIPSECFLOWMONITOR::Component::VpnSubsystem::CikeTunnel', sub { my ($o) = @_; $o->{parent} = $self; $self->filter_name($o->{cikeTunRemoteValue})}],
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
if (! @{$self->{ciketunnels}}) {
$self->add_critical(sprintf 'tunnel to %s does not exist',
} else {
foreach (@{$self->{ciketunnels}}) {
package Classes::Cisco::CISCOIPSECFLOWMONITOR::Component::VpnSubsystem::CikeTunnel;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
use strict;
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
# cikeTunRemoteValue per --name angegeben, muss active sein
# ansonsten watch-vpns, delta tunnels ueberwachen
$self->add_info(sprintf 'tunnel to %s is %s',
$self->{cikeTunRemoteValue}, $self->{cikeTunStatus});
if ($self->{cikeTunStatus} ne 'active') {
} else {
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device);
use strict;
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
package Classes::IFMIB::Component::StackSubsystem;
our @ISA = qw(Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem);
use strict;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
my @iftable_columns = qw(ifDescr ifAlias ifOperStatus ifAdminStatus);
my @higher_indices = $self->get_interface_indices();
if (! $self->opts->name) {
# get_table erzwingen
@higher_indices = ();
$self->get_snmp_tables("IFMIB", [
['stacks', 'ifStackTable', 'Classes::IFMIB::Component::StackSubsystem::Relationship'],
my @lower_indices = ();
foreach my $rel (@{$self->{stacks}}) {
if ($self->opts->name) {
if (grep { $rel->{ifStackHigherLayer} == $_ } map { $_->[0]; } @higher_indices) {
push(@lower_indices, [$rel->{ifStackLowerLayer}]);
} else {
if ($rel->{ifStackLowerLayer} && $rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}) {
push(@higher_indices, [$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}]);
push(@lower_indices, [$rel->{ifStackLowerLayer}]);
@higher_indices = map { [$_] } keys %{{map {($_->[0] => 1)} @higher_indices}};
@lower_indices = grep { $_->[0] != 0 } map { [$_] } keys %{{map {($_->[0] => 1)} @lower_indices}};
my @indices = map { [$_] } keys %{{map {($_->[0] => 1)} (@higher_indices, @lower_indices)}};
my $higher_interfaces = {};
my $lower_interfaces = {};
$self->{interfaces} = [];
if (! $self->opts->name || scalar(@higher_indices) > 0) {
my $indices = {};
foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects(
'IFMIB', 'ifTable+ifXTable', \@indices, \@iftable_columns)) {
my $interface = Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface->new(%{$_});
$higher_interfaces->{$interface->{ifIndex}} = $interface if grep { $interface->{ifIndex} == $_->[0] } @higher_indices;
$lower_interfaces->{$interface->{ifIndex}} = $interface if grep { $interface->{ifIndex} == $_->[0] } @lower_indices;
push(@{$self->{interfaces}}, $interface);
$self->{higher_interfaces} = $higher_interfaces;
$self->{lower_interfaces} = $lower_interfaces;
sub arista_schlamperei {
my ($self) = @_;
# sowas hier.
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000004 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000004.0 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000004.50 = INTEGER: active(1)
my @liars = map {
} grep {
exists $self->{higher_interfaces}->{$_->{ifStackHigherLayer}}
} grep {
$_->{ifStackLowerLayer} == 0
} @{$self->{stacks}};
@{$self->{stacks}} = grep {
my $ref = $_;
! ($ref->{ifStackLowerLayer} == 0 && grep /^$ref->{ifStackHigherLayer}$/, @liars)
} @{$self->{stacks}};
sub check {
my ($self) = @_;
my $higher_interfaces = $self->{higher_interfaces};
my $lower_interfaces = $self->{lower_interfaces};
my $lower_needed = {};
my $lower_counter = {};
if (! scalar keys %{$higher_interfaces}) {
$self->add_ok("no portchannels found");
} elsif (! scalar (@{$self->{stacks}})) {
$self->add_ok("no portchannels found, ifStackTable is empty or unreadable");
} else {
foreach my $rel (@{$self->{stacks}}) {
next if ! exists $higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}};
$lower_counter->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}} = 0
if ! exists $lower_counter->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}};
$lower_needed->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}} = 0
if ! exists $lower_needed->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}};
if ($rel->{ifStackLowerLayer} == 0 && $higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}}->{ifAdminStatus} eq 'down') {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
$self->add_ok(sprintf '%s (%s) is admin down',
} elsif ($rel->{ifStackLowerLayer} == 0 && $higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}}->{ifOperStatus} eq 'lowerLayerDown' && defined $self->opts->mitigation()) {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
# Port-channel members are supposed to be down, for example
# in a firewall cluster setup.
# So this _could_ be a desired state. In order to allow this
# state, it must be mitigated.
$self->add_ok(sprintf '%s (%s) has stack status %s but upper interface has lowerLayerDown and no sublayer interfaces', $higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}}->{ifDescr},
} elsif ($rel->{ifStackLowerLayer} == 0 && $rel->{ifStackStatus} ne 'notInService') {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
$self->add_warning(sprintf '%s (%s) has stack status %s but no sub-layer interfaces', $higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}}->{ifDescr},
} elsif ($rel->{ifStackStatus} ne 'notInService' &&
$lower_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackLowerLayer}}->{ifOperStatus} ne 'up' &&
$lower_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackLowerLayer}}->{ifAdminStatus} ne 'down') {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
$self->add_critical(sprintf '%s (%s) has a sub-layer interface %s with status %s',
} elsif ($rel->{ifStackStatus} ne 'notInService' &&
$higher_interfaces->{$rel->{ifStackHigherLayer}}->{ifOperStatus} eq 'lowerLayerDown') {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
$self->add_critical(sprintf '%s (%s) has status %s',
} else {
foreach my $interface (@{$self->{interfaces}}) {
# gibt diese:
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000201 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000201.3 = INTEGER: active(1)
# und diese
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000501 = INTEGER: active(1)
# der braeuchte eigentlich ein
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000501.0 = INTEGER: active(1)
# hat er aber nicht. deshalb waere $lower_counter/lower_needed
# uninitialized, wenn nicht wieder mal der Lausser den
# Drecksmurkssnmpimplementierungen hinterherraeumen wuerde.
if (! exists $lower_counter->{$interface->{ifIndex}}) {
$lower_counter->{$interface->{ifIndex}} = 0;
if (! exists $lower_needed->{$interface->{ifIndex}}) {
$lower_needed->{$interface->{ifIndex}} = 0;
# und gleich nochmal.
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000027 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000027.0 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000051 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.1000051.35 = INTEGER: active(1)
# IF-MIB::ifStackStatus.0.1000052 = INTEGER: active(1)
# Schammts eich, Cisco. Pfui Deifl!
foreach my $index (keys %{$higher_interfaces}) {
if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::status/) {
$self->add_ok(sprintf 'interface %s has %d sub-layers',
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::ifstack::availability/) {
my $availability = $lower_needed->{$index} ?
(100 * $lower_counter->{$index} / $lower_needed->{$index}) : 0;
my $cavailability = $availability == int($availability) ?
$availability + 1: int($availability + 1.0);
$self->add_info(sprintf '%s has %d of %d running sub-layer interfaces, availability is %.2f%%',
metric => 'aggr_'.$higher_interfaces->{$index}->{ifDescr}.'_availability',
warning => '100:',
critical => $cavailability.':'
metric => 'aggr_'.$higher_interfaces->{$index}->{ifDescr}.'_availability',
value => $availability,
label => 'aggr_'.$higher_interfaces->{$index}->{ifDescr}.'_availability',
value => $availability,
uom => '%',
$self->reduce_messages_short(sprintf '%d portchannel%s working fine',
scalar(keys %{$higher_interfaces}),
scalar(keys %{$higher_interfaces}) ? 's' : '',
package Classes::IFMIB::Component::StackSubsystem::Relationship;
our @ISA = qw(Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem);
sub finish {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ifStackHigherLayer} = $self->{indices}->[0];
$self->{ifStackLowerLayer} = $self->{indices}->[1];
@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
* 2018-09-10 7.3
update stack-status
add servertype hostresource
update cisco vpn-status
* 2018-08-13
bugfix in interface-modes where --name3 found no match
* 2018-08-10
bugfix in ios ha-status, ignore cable "failover" description
* 2018-08-01 7.2
add packet forwarding engine metrics for juniper standby nodes
* 2018-07-26 7.1
add custom thresholds for cisco ccm
detect fritzbox 7490
* 2018-07-13 7.0.2
add interface-uptime
fix a bug in non-map FabOS memory
set thresholds to 100% for cisco asa heapcache memory-usage
* 2018-06-18
update glplugin (get_snmp_table_objects waja fix)
* 2018-05-05
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ eval {
$Data::Dumper::Sparseseen = 1;
*VERSION = \'';
*VERSION = \'3.0.3';
use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 };
@ -1052,9 +1052,9 @@ sub get_level {
my ($self) = @_;
return OK if ! exists $self->{tmp_level};
my $code = OK;
$code ||= CRITICAL if $self->{tmp_level}->{critical};
$code ||= WARNING if $self->{tmp_level}->{warning};
$code ||= UNKNOWN if $self->{tmp_level}->{unknown};
return CRITICAL if $self->{tmp_level}->{critical};
return WARNING if $self->{tmp_level}->{warning};
return UNKNOWN if $self->{tmp_level}->{unknown};
return $code;
@ -1092,7 +1092,30 @@ sub establish_snmp_session {
# next try: 50
$params{'-timeout'} = $self->opts->timeout() >= 60 ?
50 : $self->opts->timeout() - 2;
my $stderrvar = "";
open ERR ,'>',\$stderrvar;
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%params);
if ($stderrvar && $error && $error =~ /Time synchronization failed/) {
# This is what you get when you have
# - an APC ups with a buggy firmware.
# - no chance to update it.
# - a support contract.
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{'Net::SNMP::_discovery_synchronization_cb'} = sub {
my ($this) = @_;
if ($this->{_security}->discovered())
return $this->_discovery_complete();
return $this->_discovery_failed();
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%params);
if (! defined $session) {
sprintf 'cannot create session object: %s', $error);
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::JUNIPERALARMMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB'} = {
url => '',
#$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB'} = {
jnxAlarms => '',
jnxCraftAlarms => '',
jnxAlarmRelayMode => '',
jnxAlarmRelayModeDefinition => 'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB::jnxAlarmRelayMode',
jnxYellowAlarms => '',
jnxYellowAlarmState => '',
jnxYellowAlarmStateDefinition => 'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB::jnxYellowAlarmState',
jnxYellowAlarmCount => '',
jnxYellowAlarmLastChange => '',
jnxRedAlarms => '',
jnxRedAlarmState => '',
jnxRedAlarmStateDefinition => 'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB::jnxRedAlarmState',
jnxRedAlarmCount => '',
jnxRedAlarmLastChange => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB'} = {
jnxRedAlarmState => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'off',
'3' => 'on',
jnxYellowAlarmState => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'off',
'3' => 'on',
jnxAlarmRelayMode => {
'1' => 'other',
'2' => 'passOn',
'3' => 'cutOff',
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'JUNIPER-MIB'} = {
jnxOperatingChassisIdDefinition => 'JUNIPER-MIB::JnxChassisId',
jnxOperatingChassisDescr => '',
jnxOperatingRestartTime => '',
jnxOperatingRestartTimeDefinition => 'MIB-2-MIB::DateAndTime',
jnxRedundancyTable => '',
jnxRedundancyEntry => '',
jnxRedundancyContentsIndex => '',
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::JUNIPERRPSMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB'} = {
url => '',
name => 'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB',
#$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB'} = {
jnxRPSMIBObjects => '',
jnxRPSVersionTable => '',
jnxRPSVersionEntry => '',
jnxRPSSerialNumber => '',
jnxRPSModel => '',
jnxRPSFirmwareVersion => '',
jnxRPSUBootVersion => '',
jnxRPSStatusTable => '',
jnxRPSStatusEntry => '',
jnxRPSFanStatus => '',
jnxRPSFanStatusDefinition => 'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB::JnxRPSStatus',
jnxRPSSystemStatus => '',
jnxRPSSystemStatusDefinition => 'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB::JnxRPSStatus',
jnxRPSPowerSupplyTable => '',
jnxRPSPowerSupplyEntry => '',
jnxRPSPowerSupplyIndex => '',
jnxRPSPowerSupplySlotId => '',
jnxRPSPowerSupplyStatus => '',
jnxRPSPowerSupplyDescription => '',
jnxRPSLedPortStatusTable => '',
jnxRPSLedPortStatusEntry => '',
jnxRPSLedPortIndex => '',
jnxRPSLedPortStatus => '',
jnxRPSPortStatusTable => '',
jnxRPSPortStatusEntry => '',
jnxRPSPortIndex => '',
jnxRPSPortId => '',
jnxRPSPortStatus => '',
jnxRPSPortPriority => '',
jnxRPSPortPowerRequested => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'JUNIPER-RPS-MIB'} = {
JnxRPSStatus => {
'0' => 'green',
'1' => 'red',
'2' => 'amber',
'3' => 'green-blink',
'4' => 'red-blink',
'5' => 'amber-blink',
'6' => 'off',
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::JUNIPERSRX5000SPUMONITORINGMIB;
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::origin->{'JUNIPER-SRX5000-SPU-MONITORING-MIB'} = {
url => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mib_ids->{'JUNIPER-SRX5000-SPU-MONITORING-MIB'} =
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::mibs_and_oids->{'JUNIPER-SRX5000-SPU-MONITORING-MIB'} = {
jnxJsSPUMonitoringMIB => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringObjectsTable => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringObjectsEntry => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringIndex => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringFPCIndex => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringSPUIndex => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPUUsage => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringMemoryUsage => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCurrentFlowSession => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringMaxFlowSession => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCurrentCPSession => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringMaxCPSession => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringNodeIndex => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringNodeDescr => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringFlowSessIPv4 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringFlowSessIPv6 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPSessIPv4 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPSessIPv6 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringCurrentTotalSession => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringMaxTotalSession => '',
jnxSPUClusterObjectsTable => '',
jnxSPUClusterObjectsEntry => '',
jnxJsClusterMonitoringNodeIndex => '',
jnxJsClusterMonitoringNodeDescr => '',
jnxJsNodeCurrentTotalSession => '',
jnxJsNodeMaxTotalSession => '',
jnxJsNodeSessionCreationPerSecond => '',
jnxJsNodeSessCreationPerSecIPv4 => '',
jnxJsNodeSessCreationPerSecIPv6 => '',
jnxJsNodeCurrentTotalSessIPv4 => '',
jnxJsNodeCurrentTotalSessIPv6 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringTotalSessIPv4 => '',
jnxJsSPUMonitoringTotalSessIPv6 => '',
$Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'JUNIPER-SRX5000-SPU-MONITORING-MIB'} = {
@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ $Monitoring::GLPlugin::SNMP::MibsAndOids::definitions->{'MIB-2-MIB'} = {
$year -= 1900;
$month += 1;
if ($year == 0 && $month == 0) {
$year = 1970;
$month = 1;
$day = 1;
my $epoch = timegm($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month-1, $year-1900);
# 1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0 = Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT
# Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is 4 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
Reference in a new issue