check_nextcloud: Update to 2.0

This commit is contained in:
Jan Wagner 2022-04-26 16:48:45 +02:00
parent 236700d78f
commit 7c9978122a

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@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
# Language : Python (3.*)
# Language : Python 3
# Filename :
# Autor :
# Description : Nagios/Centreon plugin for nextcloud serverinfo API (
# Repository :
### Changelog #################################################################################################
### Changelog ###
# ~~ Version 1.2 ~~
# - Parameter "--ignore-sslcert" added. (Note: If you use an ip address as hostname... you need to add the ip
# address as trusted domain in the config.php)
# - Parameter "--perfdata-format" added [centreon|nagios] (default="centreon")
# ~~ Version 1.3 ~~
# - Check for app updates added (Thanks @thinkl33t)
# ~~ Version 1.4 ~~
# - Parameter "--nc-token" added (Thanks @sblatt)
# ~~ Version 2.0 ~~
# - Update to Python 3.*
# - Check: Theme
# - [not implemented yet] Check: App + Updates available
# - [not implemented yet] Check: Cache/Filelocking
# - [not implemented yet] Open pull requests...
# - Migrated from Python 2.7 to 3 (Thanks @waja)
import urllib.parse, urllib.request, urllib.response, base64, xml.etree.ElementTree, sys, traceback, re
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse, base64, xml.etree.ElementTree, sys, traceback, ssl, re
# Some helper functions
def calc_size_suffix(num, suffix='B'):
@ -41,15 +47,18 @@ def calc_size_nagios(num, suffix='B'):
# Command line parser
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog -u username -p password -H -c [system|theme|storage|shares|webserver|php|database|activeUsers|uploadFilesize]')
parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog -u username -p password -H -c [system|storage|shares|webserver|php|database|activeUsers|uploadFilesize|apps]')
parser.add_option('-v', '--version', dest='version', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print the version of this script')
parser.add_option('-u', '--username', dest='username', type='string', help='Username of the user with administrative permissions on the nextcloud server')
parser.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', type='string', help='Password of the user')
parser.add_option('-t', '--nc-token', dest='nc_token', type='string', help='Token to access the nextcloud serverinfo api. You can generate the token with "occ config:app:set serverinfo token --value yourtoken"; replaces username/password')
parser.add_option('-H', '--hostname', dest='hostname', type='string', help='Nextcloud server address (make sure that the address is a trusted domain in the config.php)')
parser.add_option('-c', '--check', dest='check', choices=['system','theme','storage','shares','webserver','php','database','activeUsers','uploadFilesize'], help='The thing you want to check [system|theme|storage|shares|webserver|php|database|activeUsers|uploadFilesize]')
parser.add_option('--upload-filesize', dest='upload_filesize', default='512.0MiB', help='Filesize in MiB, GiB without spaces (default="512.0GiB")')
parser.add_option('-c', '--check', dest='check', choices=['system','storage','shares','webserver','php','database','activeUsers','uploadFilesize','apps'], help='The thing you want to check [system|storage|shares|webserver|php|database|activeUsers|uploadFilesize|apps]')
parser.add_option('--perfdata-format', dest='perfdata_format', default='centreon', choices=['centreon','nagios'], help='Format for the performance data [centreon|nagios] (default="centreon")')
parser.add_option('--upload-filesize', dest='upload_filesize', default='512.0MiB', help='Filesize in MiB, GiB without spaces (default="512.0MiB")')
parser.add_option('--protocol', dest='protocol', choices=['https', 'http'], default='https', help='Protocol you want to use [http|https] (default="https")')
parser.add_option('--ignore-proxy', dest='ignore_proxy', default=False, action='store_true', help='Ignore any configured proxy server on this system for this request')
parser.add_option('--ignore-proxy', dest='ignore_proxy', default=False, action='store_true', help='Ignore any configured proxy server on this system for this request (default="false")')
parser.add_option('--ignore-sslcert', dest='ignore_sslcert', default=False, action='store_true', help='Ignore ssl certificate (default="false")')
parser.add_option('--api-url', dest='api_url', type='string', default='/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info', help='Url of the api (default="/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info")')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
@ -64,12 +73,12 @@ if not options.username and not options.password and not options.hostname and no
if not options.username:
parser.error('Username is required, use parameter [-u|--username].')
if not options.username and not options.nc_token:
parser.error('Username or nc-token is required, use parameter [-u|--username] or [--nc-token].')
if not options.password:
parser.error('Password is required, use parameter [-p|--password].')
if not options.password and not options.nc_token:
parser.error('Password or nc-token is required, use parameter [-p|--password] or [--nc-token].')
if not options.hostname:
@ -93,17 +102,39 @@ else:
# Create the url to access the api
url = '{0}://{1}{2}'.format(options.protocol, hostname, api_url)
# Encode credentials as base64
credential = base64.b64encode(bytes('%s:%s' % (options.username, options.password), 'ascii'))
# Create the request
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
# Basic authentication...
credential = base64.b64encode(bytes('%s:%s' % (options.username, options.password), 'ascii'))
# Add the token header
if options.nc_token:
request.add_header('NC-Token',"%s" % options.nc_token)
# Add the authentication and api request header
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % credential.decode('utf-8'))
with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response:
# SSL/TLS certificate validation (see:
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
# Proxy handler
proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({})
ctx_handler = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler, ctx_handler)
response =
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, context=ctx)
# Read the content
content =
except urllib.error.HTTPError as error: # User is not authorized (401)
@ -139,7 +170,14 @@ except AttributeError:
print('UNKOWN - [XML] Content contains no or wrong xml data... check the url and if the api is reachable!')
# Get the nextcloud version... other informations about the system like RAM/CPU/DISK are nagios/centreon own checks - so we don't need them here...
# Performance data format
perfdata_format = "" # nagios
if(options.perfdata_format == 'centreon'): # centreon
perfdata_format = ","
# Get the nextcloud version...
# [output]
if options.check == 'system':
xml_system = xml_root.find('data').find('nextcloud').find('system')
@ -148,16 +186,8 @@ if options.check == 'system':
print('OK - Nextcloud version: {0}'.format(xml_system_version))
# Get the nextcloud theme
if options.check == 'theme':
xml_system = xml_root.find('data').find('nextcloud').find('system')
xml_system_theme = str(xml_system.find('theme').text)
print('OK - Nextcloud theme: {0}'.format(xml_system_theme))
# Get informations about the storage
# [output + performance data]
if options.check == 'storage':
xml_storage = xml_root.find('data').find('nextcloud').find('storage')
@ -168,10 +198,11 @@ if options.check == 'storage':
xml_storage_storages_home = int(xml_storage.find('num_storages_home').text)
xml_storage_storages_other = int(xml_storage.find('num_storages_other').text)
print('OK - Users: {0}, files: {1}, storages: {2}, storages local: {3}, storages home: {4}, storages other: {5} | users={0}, files={1}, storages={2}, storages_local={3}, storages_home={4}, storage_other={5}'.format(xml_storage_users, xml_storage_files, xml_storage_storages, xml_storage_storages_local, xml_storage_storages_home, xml_storage_storages_other))
print('OK - Users: {1}, files: {2}, storages: {3}, storages local: {4}, storages home: {5}, storages other: {6} | users={1}{0} files={2}{0} storages={3}{0} storages_local={4}{0} storages_home={5}{0} storage_other={6}'.format(perfdata_format, xml_storage_users, xml_storage_files, xml_storage_storages, xml_storage_storages_local, xml_storage_storages_home, xml_storage_storages_other))
# Get informations about the shares
# [output + performance data]
if options.check == 'shares':
xml_shares = xml_root.find('data').find('nextcloud').find('shares')
@ -183,10 +214,11 @@ if options.check == 'shares':
xml_shares_fed_shares_sent = int(xml_shares.find('num_fed_shares_sent').text)
xml_shares_fed_shares_received = int(xml_shares.find('num_fed_shares_received').text)
print('OK - Shares: {0}, shares user: {1}, shares groups: {2}, shares link: {3}, shares link no password: {4}, shares federation sent: {5}, shares federation received: {6} | shares={0}, shares_user={1}, shares_groups={2}, shares_link={3}, shares_link_no_password={4}, federation_shares_sent={5}, federation_shares_received={6}'.format(xml_shares_shares, xml_shares_shares_user, xml_shares_shares_groups, xml_shares_shares_link, xml_shares_shares_link_no_password, xml_shares_fed_shares_sent, xml_shares_fed_shares_received))
print('OK - Shares: {1}, shares user: {2}, shares groups: {3}, shares link: {4}, shares link no password: {5}, shares federation sent: {6}, shares federation received: {7} | shares={1}{0} shares_user={2}{0} shares_groups={3}{0} shares_link={4}{0} shares_link_no_password={5}{0} federation_shares_sent={6}{0} federation_shares_received={7}'.format(perfdata_format, xml_shares_shares, xml_shares_shares_user, xml_shares_shares_groups, xml_shares_shares_link, xml_shares_shares_link_no_password, xml_shares_fed_shares_sent, xml_shares_fed_shares_received))
# Get informations about the webserver
# [output]
if options.check == 'webserver':
xml_webserver = str(xml_root.find('data').find('server').find('webserver').text)
@ -194,6 +226,7 @@ if options.check == 'webserver':
# Get informations about php
# [output]
if options.check == 'php':
xml_php = xml_root.find('data').find('server').find('php')
@ -206,6 +239,7 @@ if options.check == 'php':
# Get informations about the database
# [output + performance data]
if options.check == 'database':
xml_database = xml_root.find('data').find('server').find('database')
@ -217,6 +251,7 @@ if options.check == 'database':
# Check the active users
# [output + performance data]
if options.check == 'activeUsers':
xml_activeUsers = xml_root.find('data').find('activeUsers')
@ -224,7 +259,7 @@ if options.check == 'activeUsers':
xml_activeUsers_last1hour = int(xml_activeUsers.find('last1hour').text)
xml_activeUsers_last24hours = int(xml_activeUsers.find('last24hours').text)
print('OK - Last 5 minutes: {0} user(s), last 1 hour: {1} user(s), last 24 hour: {2} user(s) | users_last_5_minutes={0}, users_last_1_hour={1}, users_last_24_hours={2}'.format(xml_activeUsers_last5minutes, xml_activeUsers_last1hour, xml_activeUsers_last24hours))
print('OK - Last 5 minutes: {1} user(s), last 1 hour: {2} user(s), last 24 hour: {3} user(s) | users_last_5_minutes={1}{0} users_last_1_hour={2}{0} users_last_24_hours={3}'.format(perfdata_format, xml_activeUsers_last5minutes, xml_activeUsers_last1hour, xml_activeUsers_last24hours))
if options.check == 'uploadFilesize':
@ -242,3 +277,21 @@ if options.check == 'uploadFilesize':
print('CRITICAL - Upload max filesize is set to {0}, but should be {1}'.format(upload_max_filesize, options.upload_filesize))
# Get informations about any app updates
# [output]
if options.check == 'apps':
xml_apps = xml_root.find('data').find('nextcloud').find('system').find('apps')
xml_apps_num_updates_available = int(xml_apps.find('num_updates_available').text)
if xml_apps_num_updates_available == 0:
print('OK - No apps requiring update')
xml_apps_updates = xml_apps.find('app_updates')
xml_apps_list = []
for app in xml_apps_updates:
xml_apps_list.append('{0}->{1}'.format(app.tag, app.text))
print('WARNING - {0} apps require update: {1}'.format(xml_apps_num_updates_available, ' ,'.join(xml_apps_list)))