diff --git a/check_nwc_health/Makefile b/check_nwc_health/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e078947 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +PLUGIN := check_nwc_health +CLEANFILES := check_nwc_health + +include ../common.mk + +check_nwc_health: + set -e; for i in guess sub; do if [ ! -e src/config.$$i.bak ]; then cp src/config.$$i src/config.$$i.bak; fi; done + cp /usr/share/misc/config.* src + cd src && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios + make -C src + sed 's,^# nagios: +epn$,# nagios: -epn\n,' src/plugins-scripts/check_nwc_health > $@ + #cp src/plugins-scripts/check_nwc_health $@ + +clean:: + [ ! -f src/Makefile ] || make -C src distclean + set -e; for i in guess sub; do if [ -e src/config.$$i.bak ]; then mv src/config.$$i.bak src/config.$$i; fi; done diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6206f02 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Gerhard Lausser diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60549be --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eee88d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +############################################ +# Changelog of the check_nwc_health plugin # +############################################ + +2014-08-22 +- bugfix in glplugin/uptime because of buggy snmpengineuptime + +2014-08-21 +- bugfix in glplugin/uptime thresholds + +2014-08-21 +- add a hack with --name2 which allows shortening of stupid interface names (make dmz1 from Adaptive Security Appliance 'dmz1' interface) + +2014-08-20 +- update GLPluginSNMP (timeout handling) + +2014-08-20 +- fix interfaces which seem to be 64bit but have no counters + +2014-08-19 3.0.3 +- bugfix in offline mode +- update GLPlugin +- update GLPluginSNMP + +2014-08-15 +- bugfix in ios memory criticalx/warningx thresholds + +2014-08-14 +- update GLPluginSNMP + +2014-08-14 3.0.2 +- improve interface-usage performance data +- detect more brocade models + +2014-08-13 3.0.1 +- bugfix in interface-usage temp-files + +2014-08.01 3.0 +- jetzt langts mit der ridiseignerei + +2014-03-17 3.0x +- massive rewriting of the plugins structure and modules +- repair malformed data returned by Net::SNMP +- add interface-nat-rejects and interface-nat-session-count for IOS +- add hardware-health for cisco asa +- bugfix for old brocade devices and missing cpu/memory oids +- bugfix in Cisco Call Manager +- bugfix in IOS Memory for ASR 9000 image and reserved pool +- bugfix in cisco wlc status +- add hardware-health for cisco pix +- add mode supportedmibs +- last fallback alarm-mib for ios without envmon-mib +- bugfix in timeticks for hp +- bugfix in Nexus sensor thresholds (Thanks Marcel Fischer) +- bugfix in snmp-bulk-gets, more secure fallbacks to get-next +- bugfix in 64bit-interfaces +- GLPlugin update & cleanup +- get uptime from the FRAMEWORK-MIB to prevent rollovers + +2014-02-07 +- add another cisco unified communication model + +2014-01-31 +- handle a missing brocade fabric watch license in cpu-load & memory-usage +- add CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB + +2014-01-24 2.6.5 +- add mode --check-config, which finds unsaved (cisco only) configs (Thanks Simon Meggle) + +2014-01-18 +- bugfix in uptime (Thanks Finn Christiansen) + +2014-01-15 +- add http connection checks for bluecoat sg + +2014-01-14 2.6.4 +- add cisco ccm + +2014-01-11 +- support more SecureOS devices (i bought Juniper SSG5) +- bugfix in upnp-detection + +2013-12-21 2.6.3 +- output number of sessions for f5 bigip load balancer pools +- deal with obviously wrong values from devices (20000% cpu usage) +- foundry server load balancing +- bugfix in interface-* for Juniper IVE +- filter hsrp groups by name + +2013-11-08 +- added support for role based login for Fritz Boxes (available since + FRITZ!OS 5.50). Use --community for password, --username for username if + role based security is switched on. + +2013-11-09 +- bugfix for fritzbox + +2013-11-08 2.6.1 +- hardware-health for Checkpoint Firewall-1 + +2013-11-07 2.6 +- finished bgp-peer-status (focus on as numbers with --name2) +- admin down with --interface-status can have any level with --mitigation + +2013-10-31 +- add Fujitsu Intelligent Blade Panel 30/12 + +2013-10-30 2.5.4 +- add bgp + +2013-10-01 2.5.3 +- detect more brocade devices + +2013-09-26 +- supress double output for html f5 pool members + +2013-09-25 2.5.2 +- add html output for f5 pool members + +2013-09-18 +- removed a leftover Data::Dumper (Thanks Frank Belau) + +2013-09-17 +- bugfix in lsmpi_io memory pools of Cisco ASR (100% even with --warning/--critical) + +2013-09-11 2.5.1 +- set a 100% threshold for lsmpi_io memory pools of Cisco ASR (Thanks James Clark & Perun) + +2013-09-10 2.5 +- implemented offline mode with --snmpwalk & --offline + +2013-09-03 2.4 +- add Cisco IronPort AsyncOS + +2013-08-27 2.3 +- add Juniper IVE (ex. Pulse-Gateway MAG4610) +- add count-connections for cisco asa + +2013-07-11 2.2 +- add memory-usage for checkpoint +- add detection for cpx + +2013-07-09 2.1.1 +- skip non-interface files in /sys/class/net for servertype linuxlocal (Thanks Sven Nierlein) +- better error handling on unwritable statefiles/dirs + +2013-06-12 2.1 +- added "--servertype ifmib" so you can use "--mode interface*" with every kind of ifmib-capable device + +2013-06-01 2.0 +- added support for AVM FRITZ!DECT 200 smart plug + +2013-05-27 +- bugfix for the bugfix in commandline options (Thanks webspace Mario) + +2013-05-23 1.9.8 +- add Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. ICX6610-24-HPOE, IronWare +- bugfix in commandline options (Thanks TheCry) + +2013-05-17 +- added another fallback for snmp-get_entries +- fixed a bug in uptime (only first minute after reboot) + +2013-04-20 +- fixed a bug in snmpwalk simulation and savestate + +2013-04-08 +- bugfix, interfaces were shown twice in list-interfaces + +2013-03-26 +- set automatic thresholds for link-aggregation-availability + +2013-03-25 1.9.7 +- added link-aggregation-availability + +2013-03-19 1.9.6 +- fixed a bug in interface-* +- speedup in interface-* (with --name and 64bit) +- added a hostname/community hash to statefiles + +2013-02-13 +- fixed a bug deep inside snmp bulkwalks and lots of interfaces (Thanks Uestuen Oender) + +2013-02-24 1.9.5 +- add interface-availability + +2013-02-11 1.9.4 +- add Cisco Wireless LAN Controller 5500 + +2013-02-11 +- fixed a bug in statefiles with uppercase directory names. (Thanks Matthias Gallinger) + +2013-02-10 1.9.3 +- add blue coat sg600 + +2013-02-02 1.9.2 +- removed my static ip from FRITZ!BOX interface-usage (Thanks Stef) + +2013-01- 1.9.1 +- fixed a bug in FFritz!BOX uptime (Thanks Lars Urban) + +3013-01 1.9 +- add uptime and interface-usage for AVM FRITZ!Box 7390 +- add cpu-load and memory-usage for AVM FRITZ!Box 7390 + +2013-01-13 1.8 +-add cpu&memory check for juniper netscreen + +2013-01-12 1.7.1 +- add a name caching mechanism for f5 bigip pools + +2013-01-08 1.7 +- add f5 bigip pool completeness +- add member info for failed f5 pools + +2012-12-10 1.6 +- add checkpoint firewall-1 + +2012-11-23 1.5 +- add 64bit interfaces + +2012-09-26 +- fix a bug in uptime calculation + +2012-09-24 1.4.9 +- add hp procurve cpu-load and memory-usage +- fix a bug in cisco memory perfdata + +2012-08-28 1.4.8 +- add hp procurve hardware + +2012-08-21 +- fix a bug in servertype locallinux, interfaces and --name (Thanks Simon Meggle) + +2012-08-21 1.4.7 +- add f5 bigip +- bugfix in mode uptime + +2012-08-10 1.4.6 +- add mode uptime + +2012-08-10 +- fix a bug in statefilesdir creation under omd + +2012-08-02 +- add more hardware info for EMC-DS24M2 (McData Sphereon 4500) + +2012-07-31 1.4.5 +- add UCD-MIB for SecureOS (McAfee Sidewinder) + +2012-07-31 1.4.4 +- add fibre alliance mib sensor table for MeOS/DS-4700M + +2012-07-20 +- add the index to interface names, if interfaces all have the same name +- first experiments with MeOS + +2012-07-12 1.4.3 +- fix a bug in the role parameter for hsrp +- fix a temperature index where ios doesn't set the counter itself +- add mib2-interface-modes to brocade fabos + +2012-07-05 1.4.2 +- add mode encode for interface names with ' or " + +2012-07-05 1.4.1 +- add --ifspeedin, --ifspeedout, --ifspeed (used for asymmetric mpls) + +2012-06-22 1.4 +- add linux local interfaces (interface-usage/errors only) with --servertype linuxlocal +- add mode walk +- rename brocade300 -> fabos + +2012-04-23 1.3 +- add mode list-interfaces-detail (Cisco only) +- add brocade300 (hardware-health,memory-usage,cpu-load only) + +2012-03-29 1.2 +- add support for Cisco Nexus (cpu, mem, ) +- add Nexus sensors +- add Allied Telesyn (only interfaces so far) + +2012-03-19 +- bugfix in list-hsrp-groups +- --units KBi/MBi/GBi for interface-usage + +2012-02-22 1.1.1 +- add mode hsrp-failover (Thanks Munich) + +2012-02-22 1.1 +- add mode hsrp-state (Thanks Munich) + +2012-01-05 +- some more debug messages + +2012-01-04 1.0 +- Nortel devices are recognized. (only interfaces can be queried by now) + + + +- no official changes yet diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab8dd4f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +Copyright (C) Gerhard Lausser, gerhard.lausser@consol.de + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + + +Basic Installation +================== + + These are generic installation instructions. + + The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a +file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for +debugging `configure'). + + It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache' +and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves +the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. (Caching is +disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale +cache files.) + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at +some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you +may remove or edit it. + + The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create +`configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You only need +`configure.ac' if you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using +a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're + using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type + `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute + `configure' itself. + + Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some + messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type `make' to compile the package. + + 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with + the package. + + 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. + + 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the + files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for + a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is + also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly + for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get + all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came + with the distribution. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the `configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help' +for details on some of the pertinent environment variables. + + You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters +by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here +is an example: + + ./configure CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix + + *Note Defining Variables::, for more details. + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that +supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the +source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. + + If you have to use a `make' that does not support the `VPATH' +variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a +time in the source code directory. After you have installed the +package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring +for another architecture. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use +PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix. + + In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give +options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular +kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories +you can set and what kinds of files go in them. + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the +option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Optional Features +================= + + Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to +`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The +`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and +`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package +will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the +_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the +`--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form: + + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +where SYSTEM can have one of these forms: + + OS KERNEL-OS + + See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the machine type. + + If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should +use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will +produce code for. + + If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a +platform different from the build platform, you should specify the +"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will +eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Defining Variables +================== + + Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the +environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run +configure again during the build, and the customized values of these +variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set +them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example: + + ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc + +will cause the specified gcc to be used as the C compiler (unless it is +overridden in the site shell script). + +`configure' Invocation +====================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--help' +`-h' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--version' +`-V' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE, + traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to + disable caching. + +`--config-cache' +`-C' + Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To + suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error + messages will still be shown). + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run +`configure --help' for more details. + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23522dc --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in + +SUBDIRS = plugins-scripts + +dist-hook: + make diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bcc2bd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,750 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ + case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ + *\\[\ \ ]*) \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@ +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = . +DIST_COMMON = INSTALL NEWS README AUTHORS ChangeLog \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(top_srcdir)/configure $(am__configure_deps) COPYING THANKS \ + TODO config.guess config.sub install-sh missing +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES = config.status config.cache config.log \ + configure.lineno config.status.lineno +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive cscopelist-recursive \ + ctags-recursive dvi-recursive html-recursive info-recursive \ + install-data-recursive install-dvi-recursive \ + install-exec-recursive install-html-recursive \ + install-info-recursive install-pdf-recursive \ + install-ps-recursive install-recursive installcheck-recursive \ + installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive ps-recursive \ + tags-recursive uninstall-recursive +am__can_run_installinfo = \ + case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ + n|no|NO) false;; \ + *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ + esac +RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \ + distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive +am__recursive_targets = \ + $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) \ + $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS) \ + $(am__extra_recursive_targets) +AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(am__recursive_targets:-recursive=) TAGS CTAGS \ + cscope distdir dist dist-all distcheck +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input, +# and print each of them once, without duplicates. Input order is +# *not* preserved. +am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\ + BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \ + { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \ + END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \ +' +# Make sure the list of sources is unique. This is necessary because, +# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables +# for different programs/libraries. +am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \ + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | $(am__uniquify_input)` +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +CSCOPE = cscope +DIST_SUBDIRS = $(SUBDIRS) +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) +top_distdir = $(distdir) +am__remove_distdir = \ + if test -d "$(distdir)"; then \ + find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' \ + && rm -rf "$(distdir)" \ + || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "$(distdir)"; }; \ + else :; fi +am__post_remove_distdir = $(am__remove_distdir) +am__relativize = \ + dir0=`pwd`; \ + sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \ + sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \ + sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \ + sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \ + while test -n "$$dir1"; do \ + first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \ + if test "$$first" != "."; then \ + if test "$$first" = ".."; then \ + dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \ + dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \ + else \ + first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \ + if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \ + dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \ + else \ + dir2="../$$dir2"; \ + fi; \ + dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \ + fi; \ + fi; \ + dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \ + done; \ + reldir="$$dir2" +DIST_ARCHIVES = $(distdir).tar.gz +GZIP_ENV = --best +DIST_TARGETS = dist-gzip +distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print +am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles = $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) \ + | sed 's|^\./|$(prefix)/|' | grep -v '$(infodir)/dir$$' +distcleancheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CELSIUS = @CELSIUS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EXTENDEDINFO = @EXTENDEDINFO@ +HWINFO = @HWINFO@ +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_OPTS = @INSTALL_OPTS@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ +NOINSTLEVEL = @NOINSTLEVEL@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_URL = @PACKAGE_URL@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +PERFDATA = @PERFDATA@ +PERL = @PERL@ +RELEASE = @RELEASE@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SH = @SH@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +SUPPORT = @SUPPORT@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +WARRANTY = @WARRANTY@ +abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@ +abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ +abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@ +abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +builddir = @builddir@ +datadir = @datadir@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ +docdir = @docdir@ +dvidir = @dvidir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +htmldir = @htmldir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localedir = @localedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +pdfdir = @pdfdir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +psdir = @psdir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ +top_builddir = @top_builddir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +with_nagios_group = @with_nagios_group@ +with_nagios_user = @with_nagios_user@ +SUBDIRS = plugins-scripts +all: all-recursive + +.SUFFIXES: +am--refresh: Makefile + @: +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + echo ' cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu'; \ + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile'; \ + $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + echo ' $(SHELL) ./config.status'; \ + $(SHELL) ./config.status;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: $(am__configure_deps) + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF) +$(ACLOCAL_M4): $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(ACLOCAL) $(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS) +$(am__aclocal_m4_deps): + +# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd +# into them and run 'make' without going through this Makefile. +# To change the values of 'make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, +# (1) if the variable is set in 'config.status', edit 'config.status' +# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run 'make'); +# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the 'make' command line. +$(am__recursive_targets): + @fail=; \ + if $(am__make_keepgoing); then \ + failcom='fail=yes'; \ + else \ + failcom='exit 1'; \ + fi; \ + dot_seen=no; \ + target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ + case "$@" in \ + distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + esac; \ + for subdir in $$list; do \ + echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ + if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ + dot_seen=yes; \ + local_target="$$target-am"; \ + else \ + local_target="$$target"; \ + fi; \ + ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ + || eval $$failcom; \ + done; \ + if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \ + fi; test -z "$$fail" + +ID: $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique +tags: tags-recursive +TAGS: tags + +tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + set x; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ + include_option=--etags-include; \ + empty_fix=.; \ + else \ + include_option=--include; \ + empty_fix=; \ + fi; \ + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \ + set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ + shift; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + if test $$# -gt 0; then \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + "$$@" $$unique; \ + else \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$unique; \ + fi; \ + fi +ctags: ctags-recursive + +CTAGS: ctags +ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files) + $(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here" +cscope: cscope.files + test ! -s cscope.files \ + || $(CSCOPE) -b -q $(AM_CSCOPEFLAGS) $(CSCOPEFLAGS) -i cscope.files $(CSCOPE_ARGS) +clean-cscope: + -rm -f cscope.files +cscope.files: clean-cscope cscopelist +cscopelist: cscopelist-recursive + +cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files) + list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \ + case "$(srcdir)" in \ + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ + *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then \ + echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \ + else \ + echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \ + fi; \ + done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + -rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + $(am__remove_distdir) + test -d "$(distdir)" || mkdir "$(distdir)" + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ + dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \ + sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ + -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ + case $$dist_files in \ + */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \ + sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \ + sort -u` ;; \ + esac; \ + for file in $$dist_files; do \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + $(am__make_dryrun) \ + || test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || exit 1; \ + dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \ + $(am__relativize); \ + new_distdir=$$reldir; \ + dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \ + $(am__relativize); \ + new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \ + echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \ + echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \ + ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \ + distdir="$$new_distdir" \ + am__remove_distdir=: \ + am__skip_length_check=: \ + am__skip_mode_fix=: \ + distdir) \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \ + dist-hook + -test -n "$(am__skip_mode_fix)" \ + || find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -755 \ + -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ + ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec $(install_sh) -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ + || chmod -R a+r "$(distdir)" +dist-gzip: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).tar.gz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-bzip2: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | BZIP2=$${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >$(distdir).tar.bz2 + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-lzip: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | lzip -c $${LZIP_OPT--9} >$(distdir).tar.lz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-xz: distdir + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | XZ_OPT=$${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >$(distdir).tar.xz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-tarZ: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for shar distribution archives is" \ + "deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 + tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | compress -c >$(distdir).tar.Z + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-shar: distdir + @echo WARNING: "Support for distribution archives compressed with" \ + "legacy program 'compress' is deprecated." >&2 + @echo WARNING: "It will be removed altogether in Automake 2.0" >&2 + shar $(distdir) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).shar.gz + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist-zip: distdir + -rm -f $(distdir).zip + zip -rq $(distdir).zip $(distdir) + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +dist dist-all: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $(DIST_TARGETS) am__post_remove_distdir='@:' + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + +# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration. Then +# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another +# tarfile. +distcheck: dist + case '$(DIST_ARCHIVES)' in \ + *.tar.gz*) \ + GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -dc $(distdir).tar.gz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.bz2*) \ + bzip2 -dc $(distdir).tar.bz2 | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.lz*) \ + lzip -dc $(distdir).tar.lz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.xz*) \ + xz -dc $(distdir).tar.xz | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.tar.Z*) \ + uncompress -c $(distdir).tar.Z | $(am__untar) ;;\ + *.shar.gz*) \ + GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -dc $(distdir).shar.gz | unshar ;;\ + *.zip*) \ + unzip $(distdir).zip ;;\ + esac + chmod -R a-w $(distdir) + chmod u+w $(distdir) + mkdir $(distdir)/_build $(distdir)/_inst + chmod a-w $(distdir) + test -d $(distdir)/_build || exit 0; \ + dc_install_base=`$(am__cd) $(distdir)/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ + && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/" \ + && am__cwd=`pwd` \ + && $(am__cd) $(distdir)/_build \ + && ../configure \ + $(AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + $(DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dvi \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) installcheck \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_install_base" \ + distuninstallcheck \ + && chmod -R a-w "$$dc_install_base" \ + && ({ \ + (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$$dc_destdir") \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" install \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" uninstall \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" \ + distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \ + } || { rm -rf "$$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \ + && rm -rf "$$dc_destdir" \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dist \ + && rm -rf $(DIST_ARCHIVES) \ + && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distcleancheck \ + && cd "$$am__cwd" \ + || exit 1 + $(am__post_remove_distdir) + @(echo "$(distdir) archives ready for distribution: "; \ + list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do echo $$i; done) | \ + sed -e 1h -e 1s/./=/g -e 1p -e 1x -e '$$p' -e '$$x' +distuninstallcheck: + @test -n '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \ + echo 'ERROR: trying to run $@ with an empty' \ + '$$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + }; \ + $(am__cd) '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \ + echo 'ERROR: cannot chdir into $(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + }; \ + test `$(am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \ + || { echo "ERROR: files left after uninstall:" ; \ + if test -n "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ + echo " (check DESTDIR support)"; \ + fi ; \ + $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) ; \ + exit 1; } >&2 +distcleancheck: distclean + @if test '$(srcdir)' = . ; then \ + echo "ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build" ; \ + exit 1 ; \ + fi + @test `$(distcleancheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \ + || { echo "ERROR: files left in build directory after distclean:" ; \ + $(distcleancheck_listfiles) ; \ + exit 1; } >&2 +check-am: all-am +check: check-recursive +all-am: Makefile +installdirs: installdirs-recursive +installdirs-am: +install: install-recursive +install-exec: install-exec-recursive +install-data: install-data-recursive +uninstall: uninstall-recursive + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-recursive +install-strip: + if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + install; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'" install; \ + fi +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-recursive + +clean-am: clean-generic mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-recursive + -rm -f $(am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-recursive + +dvi-am: + +html: html-recursive + +html-am: + +info: info-recursive + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive + +install-dvi-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-html: install-html-recursive + +install-html-am: + +install-info: install-info-recursive + +install-info-am: + +install-man: + +install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive + +install-pdf-am: + +install-ps: install-ps-recursive + +install-ps-am: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive + -rm -f $(am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES) + -rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic + +pdf: pdf-recursive + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-recursive + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: + +.MAKE: $(am__recursive_targets) install-am install-strip + +.PHONY: $(am__recursive_targets) CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am \ + am--refresh check check-am clean clean-cscope clean-generic \ + cscope cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am dist dist-all dist-bzip2 \ + dist-gzip dist-hook dist-lzip dist-shar dist-tarZ dist-xz \ + dist-zip distcheck distclean distclean-generic distclean-tags \ + distcleancheck distdir distuninstallcheck dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \ + install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ + pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am + + +dist-hook: + make + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ca09b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +check_nwc_health Nagios Plugin README +--------------------- + +This plugin checks the hardware health and various interface metrics +of network components like switches and routers. + +Copyright (C) Gerhard Lausser, gerhard.lausser@consol.de + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + + +* For instructions on installing this plugin for use with Nagios, + see below. In addition, generic instructions for the GNU toolchain + can be found in the INSTALL file. + +* For major changes between releases, read the CHANGES file. + +* For information on detailed changes that have been made, + read the Changelog file. + +* This plugin is self-documenting. All plugins that comply with + the basic guidelines for development will provide detailed help when + invoked with the '-h' or '--help' options. + +You can check for the latest plugin at: + http://labs.consol.de/nagios/check_nwc_health + +Send mail to gerhard.lausser@consol.de for assistance. +Please include the OS type and version that you are using. +Also, run the plugin with the '-vvv' option and provide the resulting +version information. Of course, there may be additional diagnostic information +required as well. Use good judgment. + + +How to "compile" the check_nwc_health script. +-------------------------------------------------------- + +1) Run the configure script to initialize variables and create a Makefile, etc. + + ./configure --prefix=BASEDIRECTORY --with-nagios-user=SOMEUSER --with-nagios-group=SOMEGROUP --with-perl=PATH_TO_PERL + + a) Replace BASEDIRECTORY with the path of the directory under which Nagios + is installed (default is '/usr/local/nagios') + b) Replace SOMEUSER with the name of a user on your system that will be + assigned permissions to the installed plugins (default is 'nagios') + c) Replace SOMEGRP with the name of a group on your system that will be + assigned permissions to the installed plugins (default is 'nagios') + d) Replace PATH_TO_PERL with the path where a perl binary can be found. + Besides the system wide perl you might have installed a private perl + just for the nagios plugins (default is the perl in your path). + + +2) "Compile" the plugin with the following command: + + make + + This will produce a "check_nwc_health" script. You will also find + a "check_nwc_health.pl" which you better ignore. It is the base for + the compilation filled with placeholders. These will be replaced during + the make process. + + +3) Install the compiled plugin script with the following command: + + make install + + The installation procedure will attempt to place the plugin in a + 'libexec/' subdirectory in the base directory you specified with + the --prefix argument to the configure script. + + +4) Verify that your configuration files for Nagios contains + the correct paths to the new plugin. + + + +Command line parameters +----------------------- + +You'll find the command line parameters on the website mentioned above. +If it does not exist or is not up to date, this means that i hadn't the +time to write/update it yet. I am aware of it, so please don't send me +mails. Just accept it. + + + +Sample data from real machines +------------------------------ +If you think check_nwc_health is not working correctly, send me the output of snmpwalk +snmpwalk .... + + +-- +Gerhard Lausser diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..231629a --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +A big THANK YOU to Francois Mikus for pointing me to genDevConfig, where i found lots of useful oids. + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99c9b56 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +- interface up down, operstatus +- traffic, in, out, 2xthresholds? +- errors +- cpu +- mem +- load diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..788d68e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +dnl @synopsis ACX_WHICH_GETHOSTBYNAME_R +dnl +dnl Provides a test to determine the correct way to call gethostbyname_r +dnl +dnl defines HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R to the number of arguments required +dnl +dnl e.g. 6 arguments (linux) +dnl e.g. 5 arguments (solaris) +dnl e.g. 3 arguments (osf/1) +dnl +dnl @version $Id: acinclude.m4,v 1.5 2004/02/18 14:56:34 kdebisschop Exp $ +dnl @author Brian Stafford +dnl +dnl based on version by Caolan McNamara +dnl based on David Arnold's autoconf suggestion in the threads faq +dnl +AC_DEFUN([ACX_WHICH_GETHOSTBYNAME_R], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK(number of arguments to gethostbyname_r, + acx_which_gethostbyname_r, [ + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +# include + ], [ + + char *name; + struct hostent *he; + struct hostent_data data; + (void) gethostbyname_r(name, he, &data); + + ],acx_which_gethostbyname_r=3, + [ +dnl acx_which_gethostbyname_r=0 + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +# include + ], [ + char *name; + struct hostent *he, *res; + char *buffer = NULL; + int buflen = 2048; + int h_errnop; + (void) gethostbyname_r(name, he, buffer, buflen, &res, &h_errnop) + ],acx_which_gethostbyname_r=6, + + [ +dnl acx_which_gethostbyname_r=0 + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +# include + ], [ + char *name; + struct hostent *he; + char *buffer = NULL; + int buflen = 2048; + int h_errnop; + (void) gethostbyname_r(name, he, buffer, buflen, &h_errnop) + ],acx_which_gethostbyname_r=5,acx_which_gethostbyname_r=0) + + ] + + ) + ] + ) + ]) + +if test $acx_which_gethostbyname_r -gt 0 ; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R], $acx_which_gethostbyname_r, + [Number of parameters to gethostbyname_r or 0 if not available]) +fi + +]) + +dnl @synopsis ACX_HELP_STRING(OPTION,DESCRIPTION) +AC_DEFUN([ACX_HELP_STRING], + [ $1 builtin([substr],[ ],len($1))[$2]]) + + +dnl @synopsis ACX_FEATURE(ENABLE_OR_WITH,NAME[,VALUE]) +AC_DEFUN([ACX_FEATURE], + [echo "builtin([substr],[ ],len(--$1-$2))--$1-$2: ifelse($3,,[$]translit($1-$2,-,_),$3)"]) + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8217c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,755 @@ +# generated automatically by aclocal 1.14.1 -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])]) +m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], + [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl +m4_if(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]), [2.69],, +[m4_warning([this file was generated for autoconf 2.69. +You have another version of autoconf. It may work, but is not guaranteed to. +If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system entirely. +To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 'autoreconf'.])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION(VERSION) +# ---------------------------- +# Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been +# generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y. +# (This private macro should not be called outside this file.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], +[am__api_version='1.14' +dnl Some users find AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and mistake it for a way to +dnl require some minimum version. Point them to the right macro. +m4_if([$1], [1.14.1], [], + [AC_FATAL([Do not call $0, use AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([$1]).])])dnl +]) + +# _AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION(VERSION) +# ----------------------------- +# aclocal traces this macro to find the Autoconf version. +# This is a private macro too. Using m4_define simplifies +# the logic in aclocal, which can simply ignore this definition. +m4_define([_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION], []) + +# AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION +# ------------------------------- +# Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION and AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so they can be traced. +# This function is AC_REQUIREd by AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], +[AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.14.1])dnl +m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], + [m4_copy([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION], [AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION])])dnl +_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]))]) + +# AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets +# $ac_aux_dir to '$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to +# '$srcdir', '$srcdir/..', or '$srcdir/../..'. +# +# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a +# tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and +# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative, +# depending on how configure is run. This is pretty annoying, since +# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top +# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a +# relative path needs to be adjusted first. +# +# $ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative +# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute, +# fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with +# a relative $ac_aux_dir +# +# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir +# are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually +# harmless because $srcdir is '.', but things will broke when you +# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir. +# +# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing, +# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir. That would be: +# am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"` +# and then we would define $MISSING as +# MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" +# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because +# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure. +# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in +# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir. +# +# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an +# absolute PATH. The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a +# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration. + +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND], +[dnl Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly. +AC_PREREQ([2.50])dnl +# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path +am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +]) + +# Do all the work for Automake. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This macro actually does too much. Some checks are only needed if +# your package does certain things. But this isn't really a big deal. + +dnl Redefine AC_PROG_CC to automatically invoke _AM_PROG_CC_C_O. +m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], +m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC]) +[_AM_PROG_CC_C_O +]) + +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(PACKAGE, VERSION, [NO-DEFINE]) +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([OPTIONS]) +# ----------------------------------------------- +# The call with PACKAGE and VERSION arguments is the old style +# call (pre autoconf-2.50), which is being phased out. PACKAGE +# and VERSION should now be passed to AC_INIT and removed from +# the call to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +# We support both call styles for the transition. After +# the next Automake release, Autoconf can make the AC_INIT +# arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf +# release and drop the old call support. +AC_DEFUN([AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE], +[AC_PREREQ([2.65])dnl +dnl Autoconf wants to disallow AM_ names. We explicitly allow +dnl the ones we care about. +m4_pattern_allow([^AM_[A-Z]+FLAGS$])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then + # Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output + # is not polluted with repeated "-I." + AC_SUBST([am__isrc], [' -I$(srcdir)'])_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([am__isrc])dnl + # test to see if srcdir already configured + if test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first]) + fi +fi + +# test whether we have cygpath +if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then + if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' + else + CYGPATH_W=echo + fi +fi +AC_SUBST([CYGPATH_W]) + +# Define the identity of the package. +dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls. +m4_ifval([$2], +[AC_DIAGNOSE([obsolete], + [$0: two- and three-arguments forms are deprecated.]) +m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], [$2])], +[_AM_SET_OPTIONS([$1])dnl +dnl Diagnose old-style AC_INIT with new-style AM_AUTOMAKE_INIT. +m4_if( + m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], [ok]):m4_ifdef([AC_PACKAGE_VERSION], [ok]), + [ok:ok],, + [m4_fatal([AC_INIT should be called with package and version arguments])])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], ['AC_PACKAGE_TARNAME'])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], ['AC_PACKAGE_VERSION'])])dnl + +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-define],, +[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([PACKAGE], ["$PACKAGE"], [Name of package]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([VERSION], ["$VERSION"], [Version number of package])])dnl + +# Some tools Automake needs. +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SANITY_CHECK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ARG_PROGRAM])dnl +AM_MISSING_PROG([ACLOCAL], [aclocal-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOCONF], [autoconf]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOMAKE], [automake-${am__api_version}]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([AUTOHEADER], [autoheader]) +AM_MISSING_PROG([MAKEINFO], [makeinfo]) +AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +AC_SUBST([mkdir_p], ['$(MKDIR_P)']) +# We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on +# some platforms. +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_AWK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl +_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-ustar], [_AM_PROG_TAR([ustar])], + [_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-pax], [_AM_PROG_TAR([pax])], + [_AM_PROG_TAR([v7])])]) +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-dependencies],, +[AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CC], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CC])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_CXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([CXX])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJC], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJC], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJC])])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])], + [m4_define([AC_PROG_OBJCXX], + m4_defn([AC_PROG_OBJCXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES([OBJCXX])])])dnl +]) +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SILENT_RULES])dnl +dnl The testsuite driver may need to know about EXEEXT, so add the +dnl 'am__EXEEXT' conditional if _AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT was seen. This +dnl macro is hooked onto _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT early, see below. +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE(dnl +[m4_provide_if([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT], + [AM_CONDITIONAL([am__EXEEXT], [test -n "$EXEEXT"])])])dnl + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell bug-automake@gnu.org about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry.]) + fi +fi]) + +dnl Hook into '_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT' early to learn its expansion. Do not +dnl add the conditional right here, as _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT may be further +dnl mangled by Autoconf and run in a shell conditional statement. +m4_define([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT], +m4_defn([_AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT])[m4_provide([_AM_COMPILER_EXEEXT])]) + +# When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file. +# This file resides in the same directory as the config header +# that is generated. The stamp files are numbered to have different names. + +# Autoconf calls _AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK (when defined) in the +# loop where config.status creates the headers, so we can generate +# our stamp files there. +AC_DEFUN([_AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK], +[# Compute $1's index in $config_headers. +_am_arg=$1 +_am_stamp_count=1 +for _am_header in $config_headers :; do + case $_am_header in + $_am_arg | $_am_arg:* ) + break ;; + * ) + _am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;; + esac +done +echo "timestamp for $_am_arg" >`AS_DIRNAME(["$_am_arg"])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH +# ------------------ +# Define $install_sh. +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +if test x"${install_sh}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} '$am_aux_dir/install-sh'" ;; + *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/install-sh" + esac +fi +AC_SUBST([install_sh])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames +# with a leading dot. For instance MS-DOS doesn't. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT], +[rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null +mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null +if test -d .tst; then + am__leading_dot=. +else + am__leading_dot=_ +fi +rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null +AC_SUBST([am__leading_dot])]) + +# Fake the existence of programs that GNU maintainers use. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM) +# ------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_PROG], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN]) +$1=${$1-"${am_missing_run}$2"} +AC_SUBST($1)]) + +# AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN +# ------------------ +# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it is modern enough. +# If it is, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([missing])dnl +if test x"${MISSING+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} \"$am_aux_dir/missing\"" ;; + *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" ;; + esac +fi +# Use eval to expand $SHELL +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " +else + am_missing_run= + AC_MSG_WARN(['missing' script is too old or missing]) +fi +]) + +# Helper functions for option handling. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_MANGLE_OPTION(NAME) +# ----------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_AM_MANGLE_OPTION], +[[_AM_OPTION_]m4_bpatsubst($1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTION(NAME) +# -------------------- +# Set option NAME. Presently that only means defining a flag for this option. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTION], +[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [1])]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTIONS(OPTIONS) +# ------------------------ +# OPTIONS is a space-separated list of Automake options. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTIONS], +[m4_foreach_w([_AM_Option], [$1], [_AM_SET_OPTION(_AM_Option)])]) + +# _AM_IF_OPTION(OPTION, IF-SET, [IF-NOT-SET]) +# ------------------------------------------- +# Execute IF-SET if OPTION is set, IF-NOT-SET otherwise. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_IF_OPTION], +[m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_RUN_LOG(COMMAND) +# ------------------- +# Run COMMAND, save the exit status in ac_status, and log it. +# (This has been adapted from Autoconf's _AC_RUN_LOG macro.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_RUN_LOG], +[{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $1" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ($1) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + (exit $ac_status); }]) + +# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_SANITY_CHECK +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([AM_SANITY_CHECK], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane]) +# Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory +# name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. +am_lf=' +' +case `pwd` in + *[[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf]]*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe absolute working directory name]);; +esac +case $srcdir in + *[[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]]*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir']);; +esac + +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$[*]" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment]) + fi + if test "$[2]" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done + test "$[2]" = conftest.file + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock]) +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE( + [AC_MSG_CHECKING([that generated files are newer than configure]) + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT([done])]) +rm -f conftest.file +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_SILENT_RULES([DEFAULT]) +# -------------------------- +# Enable less verbose build rules; with the default set to DEFAULT +# ("yes" being less verbose, "no" or empty being verbose). +AC_DEFUN([AM_SILENT_RULES], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([silent-rules], [dnl +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--enable-silent-rules], + [less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1")]) +AS_HELP_STRING( + [--disable-silent-rules], + [verbose build output (undo: "make V=0")])dnl +]) +case $enable_silent_rules in @%:@ ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=m4_if([$1], [yes], [0], [1]);; +esac +dnl +dnl A few 'make' implementations (e.g., NonStop OS and NextStep) +dnl do not support nested variable expansions. +dnl See automake bug#9928 and bug#10237. +am_make=${MAKE-make} +AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $am_make supports nested variables], + [am_cv_make_support_nested_variables], + [if AS_ECHO([['TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit']]) | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi]) +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + dnl Using '$V' instead of '$(V)' breaks IRIX make. + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AC_SUBST([AM_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_DEFAULT_V])dnl +AC_SUBST([AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY])dnl +AM_BACKSLASH='\' +AC_SUBST([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([AM_BACKSLASH])dnl +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP +# --------------------- +# One issue with vendor 'install' (even GNU) is that you can't +# specify the program used to strip binaries. This is especially +# annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip +# is unlikely to handle the host's binaries. +# Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we +# always use install-sh in "make install-strip", and initialize +# STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user). +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right +# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be 'maybe'. +if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then + AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :) +fi +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s" +AC_SUBST([INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM])]) + +# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE(VARIABLE) +# --------------------------- +# Prevent Automake from outputting VARIABLE = @VARIABLE@ in Makefile.in. +# This macro is traced by Automake. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE]) + +# AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE(VARIABLE) +# -------------------------- +# Public sister of _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE], [_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE($@)]) + +# Check how to create a tarball. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# _AM_PROG_TAR(FORMAT) +# -------------------- +# Check how to create a tarball in format FORMAT. +# FORMAT should be one of 'v7', 'ustar', or 'pax'. +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__tar) that is a command +# writing to stdout a FORMAT-tarball containing the directory +# $tardir. +# tardir=directory && $(am__tar) > result.tar +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__untar) that extract such +# a tarball read from stdin. +# $(am__untar) < result.tar +# +AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_TAR], +[# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used +# in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... +AC_SUBST([AMTAR], ['$${TAR-tar}']) + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar m4_if([$1], [ustar], [plaintar]) pax cpio none' + +m4_if([$1], [v7], + [am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'], + + [m4_case([$1], + [ustar], + [# The POSIX 1988 'ustar' format is defined with fixed-size fields. + # There is notably a 21 bits limit for the UID and the GID. In fact, + # the 'pax' utility can hang on bigger UID/GID (see automake bug#8343 + # and bug#13588). + am_max_uid=2097151 # 2^21 - 1 + am_max_gid=$am_max_uid + # The $UID and $GID variables are not portable, so we need to resort + # to the POSIX-mandated id(1) utility. Errors in the 'id' calls + # below are definitely unexpected, so allow the users to see them + # (that is, avoid stderr redirection). + am_uid=`id -u || echo unknown` + am_gid=`id -g || echo unknown` + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether UID '$am_uid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_uid -le $am_max_uid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether GID '$am_gid' is supported by ustar format]) + if test $am_gid -le $am_max_gid; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + _am_tools=none + fi], + + [pax], + [], + + [m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive]) + + # Go ahead even if we have the value already cached. We do so because we + # need to set the values for the 'am__tar' and 'am__untar' variables. + _am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_$1-$_am_tools} + + for _am_tool in $_am_tools; do + case $_am_tool in + gnutar) + for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; do + AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break + done + am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"' + am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"' + am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" + ;; + plaintar) + # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create + # ustar tarball either. + (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue + am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' + am__untar='tar xf -' + ;; + pax) + am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"' + am__untar='pax -r' + ;; + cpio) + am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d' + ;; + none) + am__tar=false + am__tar_=false + am__untar=false + ;; + esac + + # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar + # and am__untar set. + test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break + + # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works. + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file + AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar]) + rm -rf conftest.dir + if test -s conftest.tar; then + AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar /dev/null 2>&1 && break + fi + done + rm -rf conftest.dir + + AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_tar_$1])]) + +AC_SUBST([am__tar]) +AC_SUBST([am__untar]) +]) # _AM_PROG_TAR + +m4_include([acinclude.m4]) diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b08270c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +$VAL) { + + # eth0_usage_in / out + if(preg_match('/^(.*?)_usage_in/', $NAME[$i])) { + $interface = preg_replace('/_.*$/', '', $NAME[$i]); + $ds_name[$num] = $interface.' usage'; + $opt[$num] = "--vertical-label \"Usage\" -l 0 -u 100 --title \"Interface Usage for $hostname - ".$interface."\" "; + $def[$num] = "DEF:percin=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE "; + $def[$num] .= "DEF:percout=".$RRDFILE[$i+1].":".$DS[$i+1].":AVERAGE "; + $def[$num] .= "LINE2:percin#00e060:\"in\t\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percin:LAST:\"%10.1lf %% last\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percin:AVERAGE:\"%7.1lf %% avg\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percin:MAX:\"%7.1lf %% max\\n\" "; + $def[$num] .= "LINE2:percout#0080e0:\"out\t\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percout:LAST:\"%10.1lf %% last\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percout:AVERAGE:\"%7.1lf %% avg\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:percout:MAX:\"%7.1lf %% max\"\\n "; + $def[$num] .= "HRULE:$WARN[$num]$_WARNRULE "; + $def[$num] .= "HRULE:$CRIT[$num]$_CRITRULE "; + $num++; + } + + # eth0_traffic_in / out + if(preg_match('/^(.*?)_traffic_in/', $NAME[$i])) { + $interface = preg_replace('/_.*$/', '', $NAME[$i]); + $ds_name[$num] = $interface.' traffic'; + $opt[$num] = "--vertical-label \"Traffic\" -b 1024 --title \"Interface Traffic for $hostname - $interface\" "; + $def[$num] = "DEF:bitsin=$RRDFILE[$i]:$DS[$i]:AVERAGE "; + $def[$num] .= "DEF:bitsout=".$RRDFILE[$i+1].":".$DS[$i+1].":AVERAGE "; + $def[$num] .= "AREA:bitsin#00e060:\"in\t\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsin:LAST:\"%10.1lf %Sb/s last\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsin:AVERAGE:\"%7.1lf %Sb/s avg\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsin:MAX:\"%7.1lf %Sb/s max\\n\" "; + $def[$num] .= "CDEF:bitsminusout=0,bitsout,- "; + $def[$num] .= "AREA:bitsminusout#0080e0:\"out\t\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsout:LAST:\"%10.1lf %Sb/s last\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsout:AVERAGE:\"%7.1lf %Sb/s avg\" "; + $def[$num] .= "GPRINT:bitsout:MAX:\"%7.1lf %Sb/s max\\n\" "; + } +} + +?> diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b79252d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Attempt to guess a canonical system name. +# Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +timestamp='2013-06-10' + +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, see . +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that +# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7 +# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). +# +# Originally written by Per Bothner. +# +# You can get the latest version of this script from: +# http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD +# +# Please send patches with a ChangeLog entry to config-patches@gnu.org. + + +me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` + +usage="\ +Usage: $0 [OPTION] + +Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on. + +Operation modes: + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit + -v, --version print version number, then exit + +Report bugs and patches to ." + +version="\ +GNU config.guess ($timestamp) + +Originally written by Per Bothner. +Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO +warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." + +help=" +Try \`$me --help' for more information." + +# Parse command line +while test $# -gt 0 ; do + case $1 in + --time-stamp | --time* | -t ) + echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;; + --version | -v ) + echo "$version" ; exit ;; + --help | --h* | -h ) + echo "$usage"; exit ;; + -- ) # Stop option processing + shift; break ;; + - ) # Use stdin as input. + break ;; + -* ) + echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2 + exit 1 ;; + * ) + break ;; + esac +done + +if test $# != 0; then + echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15 + +# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a +# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires +# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a +# headache to deal with in a portable fashion. + +# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still +# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated. + +# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team. + +set_cc_for_build=' +trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ; +trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ; +: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ; + { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } || + { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } || + { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } || + { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ; +dummy=$tmp/dummy ; +tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ; +case $CC_FOR_BUILD,$HOST_CC,$CC in + ,,) echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ; + for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do + if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ; + fi ; + done ; + if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then + CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ; + fi + ;; + ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;; + ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;; +esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;' + +# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe. +# (ghazi@noc.rutgers.edu 1994-08-24) +if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH +fi + +UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown +UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown +UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown +UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown + +case "${UNAME_SYSTEM}" in +Linux|GNU|GNU/*) + # If the system lacks a compiler, then just pick glibc. + # We could probably try harder. + LIBC=gnu + + eval $set_cc_for_build + cat <<-EOF > $dummy.c + #include + #if defined(__UCLIBC__) + LIBC=uclibc + #elif defined(__dietlibc__) + LIBC=dietlibc + #else + LIBC=gnu + #endif + EOF + eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC'` + ;; +esac + +# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive. + +case "${UNAME_MACHINE}:${UNAME_SYSTEM}:${UNAME_RELEASE}:${UNAME_VERSION}" in + *:NetBSD:*:*) + # NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or + # more of the tuples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*, + # *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*. For targets that recently + # switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old + # object file format. This provides both forward + # compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the + # object file format. + # + # Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor + # portion of the name. We always set it to "unknown". + sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch" + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \ + /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in + armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;; + arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;; + sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;; + sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;; + sh5el) machine=sh5le-unknown ;; + *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;; + esac + # The Operating System including object format, if it has switched + # to ELF recently, or will in the future. + case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in + arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax) + eval $set_cc_for_build + if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ELF__ + then + # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout). + # Return netbsd for either. FIX? + os=netbsd + else + os=netbsdelf + fi + ;; + *) + os=netbsd + ;; + esac + # The OS release + # Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and + # thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need + # kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a + # suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu. + case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in + Debian*) + release='-gnu' + ;; + *) + release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'` + ;; + esac + # Since CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM: + # contains redundant information, the shorter form: + # CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM is used. + echo "${machine}-${os}${release}" + exit ;; + *:Bitrig:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/Bitrig.//'` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-bitrig${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:OpenBSD:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:ekkoBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:SolidBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-solidbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + macppc:MirBSD:*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:MirBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + alpha:OSF1:*:*) + case $UNAME_RELEASE in + *4.0) + UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'` + ;; + *5.*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'` + ;; + esac + # According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on + # OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995. I hope that + # covers most systems running today. This code pipes the CPU + # types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0. + ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^ The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1` + case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in + "EV4 (21064)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;; + "EV4.5 (21064)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;; + "LCA4 (21066/21068)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;; + "EV5 (21164)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" ;; + "EV5.6 (21164A)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" ;; + "EV5.6 (21164PC)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" ;; + "EV5.7 (21164PC)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca57" ;; + "EV6 (21264)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" ;; + "EV6.7 (21264A)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev67" ;; + "EV6.8CB (21264C)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;; + "EV6.8AL (21264B)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;; + "EV6.8CX (21264D)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;; + "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev69" ;; + "EV7 (21364)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev7" ;; + "EV7.9 (21364A)") + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev79" ;; + esac + # A Pn.n version is a patched version. + # A Vn.n version is a released version. + # A Tn.n version is a released field test version. + # A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel. + # 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'` + # Reset EXIT trap before exiting to avoid spurious non-zero exit code. + exitcode=$? + trap '' 0 + exit $exitcode ;; + Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead + # of the specific Alpha model? + echo alpha-pc-interix + exit ;; + 21064:Windows_NT:50:3) + echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5 + exit ;; + Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*) + echo m68k-unknown-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos + exit ;; + *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos + exit ;; + *:OS/390:*:*) + echo i370-ibm-openedition + exit ;; + *:z/VM:*:*) + echo s390-ibm-zvmoe + exit ;; + *:OS400:*:*) + echo powerpc-ibm-os400 + exit ;; + arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*) + echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + arm*:riscos:*:*|arm*:RISCOS:*:*) + echo arm-unknown-riscos + exit ;; + SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp + exit ;; + Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*) + # akee@wpdis03.wpafb.af.mil (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE. + if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then + echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3 + else + echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd + fi + exit ;; + NILE*:*:*:dcosx) + echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4 + exit ;; + DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*) + echo sparc-icl-nx6 + exit ;; + DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*) + case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in + sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;; + esac ;; + s390x:SunOS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + i86pc:AuroraUX:5.*:* | i86xen:AuroraUX:5.*:*) + echo i386-pc-auroraux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + SUN_ARCH="i386" + # If there is a compiler, see if it is configured for 64-bit objects. + # Note that the Sun cc does not turn __LP64__ into 1 like gcc does. + # This test works for both compilers. + if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != 'no_compiler_found' ]; then + if (echo '#ifdef __amd64'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ + (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ + grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null + then + SUN_ARCH="x86_64" + fi + fi + echo ${SUN_ARCH}-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:6*:*) + # According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize + # SunOS6. Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but + # it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4. + echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + sun4*:SunOS:*:*) + case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in + Series*|S4*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v` + ;; + esac + # Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'. + echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'` + exit ;; + sun3*:SunOS:*:*) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + sun*:*:4.2BSD:*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null` + test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3 + case "`/bin/arch`" in + sun3) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + sun4) + echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + esac + exit ;; + aushp:SunOS:*:*) + echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing. The machine name + # can be virtually everything (everything which is not + # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor + # > m68000). The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT" + # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint"). Finally + # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not + # MiNT. But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should + # be no problem. + atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + m68k:machten:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + powerpc:machten:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + RISC*:Mach:*:*) + echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3 + exit ;; + RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*) + echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*) + echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + 2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*) + echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c +#ifdef __cplusplus +#include /* for printf() prototype */ + int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { +#else + int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { +#endif + #if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB) + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #endif + exit (-1); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && + dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` && + SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` && + { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } + echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*) + echo powerpc-motorola-powermax + exit ;; + Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*) + echo powerpc-harris-powermax + exit ;; + Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*) + echo powerpc-harris-powermax + exit ;; + Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*) + echo powerpc-harris-powerunix + exit ;; + m88k:CX/UX:7*:*) + echo m88k-harris-cxux7 + exit ;; + m88k:*:4*:R4*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv4 + exit ;; + m88k:*:3*:R3*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit ;; + AViiON:dgux:*:*) + # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p` + if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ] + then + if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \ + [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ] + then + echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + else + echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit ;; + M88*:DolphinOS:*:*) # DolphinOS (SVR3) + echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3 + exit ;; + M88*:*:R3*:*) + # Delta 88k system running SVR3 + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit ;; + XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3) + echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3 + exit ;; + Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD) + echo m68k-tektronix-bsd + exit ;; + *:IRIX*:*:*) + echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'` + exit ;; + ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2) # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX. + echo romp-ibm-aix # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id + exit ;; # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX ' + i*86:AIX:*:*) + echo i386-ibm-aix + exit ;; + ia64:AIX:*:*) + if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel` + else + IBM_REV=${UNAME_VERSION}.${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV} + exit ;; + *:AIX:2:3) + if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + + main() + { + if (!__power_pc()) + exit(1); + puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5"); + exit(0); + } +EOF + if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` + then + echo "$SYSTEM_NAME" + else + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5 + fi + elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4 + else + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2 + fi + exit ;; + *:AIX:*:[4567]) + IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'` + if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then + IBM_ARCH=rs6000 + else + IBM_ARCH=powerpc + fi + if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel` + else + IBM_REV=${UNAME_VERSION}.${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV} + exit ;; + *:AIX:*:*) + echo rs6000-ibm-aix + exit ;; + ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) + echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4 + exit ;; + ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) # covers RT/PC BSD and + echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE} # 4.3 with uname added to + exit ;; # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3 + *:BOSX:*:*) + echo rs6000-bull-bosx + exit ;; + DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*) + echo m68k-bull-sysv3 + exit ;; + 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd + exit ;; + hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4 + exit ;; + 9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*) + HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;; + 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;; + 9000/[678][0-9][0-9]) + if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then + sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null` + sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null` + case "${sc_cpu_version}" in + 523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0 + 528) HP_ARCH="hppa1.1" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1 + 532) # CPU_PA_RISC2_0 + case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in + 32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;; + 64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;; + '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;; # HP-UX 10.20 + esac ;; + esac + fi + if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + + #define _HPUX_SOURCE + #include + #include + + int main () + { + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS); + #endif + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + switch (bits) + { + case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break; + case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break; + default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + } break; + #else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */ + puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + #endif + default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + } + exit (0); + } +EOF + (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy` + test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa + fi ;; + esac + if [ ${HP_ARCH} = "hppa2.0w" ] + then + eval $set_cc_for_build + + # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating + # 32-bit code. hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler + # generating 64-bit code. GNU and HP use different nomenclature: + # + # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess + # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23 + # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess + # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23 + + if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | + grep -q __LP64__ + then + HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" + else + HP_ARCH="hppa64" + fi + fi + echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} + exit ;; + ia64:HP-UX:*:*) + HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'` + echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} + exit ;; + 3050*:HI-UX:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + int + main () + { + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns + true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0. CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct + results, however. */ + if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu)) + { + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + } + } + else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu)) + puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + exit (0); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` && + { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } + echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2 + exit ;; + 9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd + exit ;; + 9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd + exit ;; + *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix + exit ;; + hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-osf + exit ;; + hp8??:OSF1:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-osf + exit ;; + i*86:OSF1:*:*) + if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1 + fi + exit ;; + parisc*:Lites*:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hp-lites + exit ;; + C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*) + echo c1-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*) + if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc + then echo c32-convex-bsd + else echo c2-convex-bsd + fi + exit ;; + C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*) + echo c34-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*) + echo c38-convex-bsd + exit ;; + C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*) + echo c4-convex-bsd + exit ;; + CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*) + echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \ + | sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \ + -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \ + -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*TS:*:*:*) + echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*T3E:*:*:*) + echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + CRAY*SV1:*:*:*) + echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + *:UNICOS/mp:*:*) + echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/' + exit ;; + F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'` + FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'` + FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'` + echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}" + exit ;; + 5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*) + FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'` + FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/ /_/'` + echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}" + exit ;; + i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:FreeBSD:*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p` + case ${UNAME_PROCESSOR} in + amd64) + echo x86_64-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;; + *) + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;; + esac + exit ;; + i*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin + exit ;; + *:MINGW64*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw64 + exit ;; + *:MINGW*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32 + exit ;; + i*:MSYS*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msys + exit ;; + i*:windows32*:*) + # uname -m includes "-pc" on this system. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32 + exit ;; + i*:PW*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32 + exit ;; + *:Interix*:*) + case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in + x86) + echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + authenticamd | genuineintel | EM64T) + echo x86_64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + IA64) + echo ia64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + esac ;; + [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*) + echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks + exit ;; + 8664:Windows_NT:*) + echo x86_64-pc-mks + exit ;; + i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we + # UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386? + echo i586-pc-interix + exit ;; + i*:UWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin + exit ;; + amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin + exit ;; + p*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin + exit ;; + prep*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit ;; + *:GNU:*:*) + # the GNU system + echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-${LIBC}`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'` + exit ;; + *:GNU/*:*:*) + # other systems with GNU libc and userland + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:Minix:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix + exit ;; + aarch64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + aarch64_be:Linux:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE=aarch64_be + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + alpha:Linux:*:*) + case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in + EV5) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;; + EV56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;; + PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;; + PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;; + EV6) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;; + EV67) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;; + EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;; + esac + objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep -q ld.so.1 + if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="gnulibc1" ; fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + arc:Linux:*:* | arceb:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + arm*:Linux:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ARM_EABI__ + then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + else + if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \ + | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP + then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabi + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}eabihf + fi + fi + exit ;; + avr32*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + cris:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + crisv32:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-axis-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + frv:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + hexagon:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ia64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + m32r*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + m68*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + mips:Linux:*:* | mips64:Linux:*:*) + eval $set_cc_for_build + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #undef CPU + #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE} + #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE}el + #if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL) + CPU=${UNAME_MACHINE}el + #else + #if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB) + CPU=${UNAME_MACHINE} + #else + CPU= + #endif + #endif +EOF + eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU'` + test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-${LIBC}"; exit; } + ;; + or1k:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + or32:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + padre:Linux:*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*) + echo hppa64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*) + # Look for CPU level + case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in + PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-${LIBC} ;; + esac + exit ;; + ppc64:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppc:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppc64le:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpc64le-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + ppcle:Linux:*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sh64*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sh*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + tile*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + vax:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + x86_64:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + xtensa*:Linux:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-${LIBC} + exit ;; + i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*) + # ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there. + # earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both + # sysname and nodename. + echo i386-sequent-sysv4 + exit ;; + i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*) + # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version + # number series starting with 2... + # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this, + # I just have to hope. -- rms. + # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION} + exit ;; + i*86:OS/2:*:*) + # If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility + # is probably installed. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx + exit ;; + i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop + exit ;; + i*86:atheos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos + exit ;; + i*86:syllable:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable + exit ;; + i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*) + echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + i*86:*DOS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp + exit ;; + i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*) + UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'` + if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL} + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL} + fi + exit ;; + i*86:*:5:[678]*) + # UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6. + case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in + *486*) UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;; + *Pentium) UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;; + *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;; + esac + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}${UNAME_SYSTEM}${UNAME_VERSION} + exit ;; + i*86:*:3.2:*) + if test -f /usr/options/cb.name; then + UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' /dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')` + (/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i586 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32 + fi + exit ;; + pc:*:*:*) + # Left here for compatibility: + # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about + # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i586. + # Note: whatever this is, it MUST be the same as what config.sub + # prints for the "djgpp" host, or else GDB configury will decide that + # this is a cross-build. + echo i586-pc-msdosdjgpp + exit ;; + Intel:Mach:3*:*) + echo i386-pc-mach3 + exit ;; + paragon:*:*:*) + echo i860-intel-osf1 + exit ;; + i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4 + if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4 + else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered. + echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Unknown i860-SVR4 + fi + exit ;; + mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*) + # "miniframe" + echo m68010-convergent-sysv + exit ;; + mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m) + echo m68k-convergent-sysv + exit ;; + M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*) + echo m68k-diab-dnix + exit ;; + M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*) + test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;; + 3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0) + OS_REL='' + test -r /etc/.relid \ + && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;; + 3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*) + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;; + NCR*:*:4.2:* | MPRAS*:*:4.2:*) + OS_REL='.3' + test -r /etc/.relid \ + && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep pteron >/dev/null \ + && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;; + m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*) + echo m68k-atari-sysv4 + exit ;; + TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*) + echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*) + echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit ;; + RM*:SINIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:SINIX-*:*:*) + if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4 + else + echo ns32k-sni-sysv + fi + exit ;; + PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort + # says + echo i586-unisys-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*) + # From Gerald Hewes . + # How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm + echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4 + exit ;; + *:*:*:FTX*) + # From seanf@swdc.stratus.com. + echo i860-stratus-sysv4 + exit ;; + i*86:VOS:*:*) + # From Paul.Green@stratus.com. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos + exit ;; + *:VOS:*:*) + # From Paul.Green@stratus.com. + echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos + exit ;; + mc68*:A/UX:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*) + echo mips-sony-newsos6 + exit ;; + R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*) + if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then + echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit ;; + BeBox:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only. + echo powerpc-be-beos + exit ;; + BeMac:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only. + echo powerpc-apple-beos + exit ;; + BePC:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Intel PC compatible. + echo i586-pc-beos + exit ;; + BePC:Haiku:*:*) # Haiku running on Intel PC compatible. + echo i586-pc-haiku + exit ;; + x86_64:Haiku:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-haiku + exit ;; + SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-7:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx7-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-8:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx8-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + SX-8R:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx8r-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + Power*:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Darwin:*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` || UNAME_PROCESSOR=unknown + eval $set_cc_for_build + if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = unknown ; then + UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc + fi + if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != 'no_compiler_found' ]; then + if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \ + (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \ + grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null + then + case $UNAME_PROCESSOR in + i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;; + powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;; + esac + fi + fi + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*) + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` + if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = "x86"; then + UNAME_PROCESSOR=i386 + UNAME_MACHINE=pc + fi + echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-${UNAME_MACHINE}-nto-qnx${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:QNX:*:4*) + echo i386-pc-qnx + exit ;; + NEO-?:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo neo-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + NSE-*:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + NSR-?:NONSTOP_KERNEL:*:*) + echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:NonStop-UX:*:*) + echo mips-compaq-nonstopux + exit ;; + BS2000:POSIX*:*:*) + echo bs2000-siemens-sysv + exit ;; + DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-${UNAME_SYSTEM}-${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:Plan9:*:*) + # "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386 + # is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86 + # operating systems. + if test "$cputype" = "386"; then + UNAME_MACHINE=i386 + else + UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype" + fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9 + exit ;; + *:TOPS-10:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tops10 + exit ;; + *:TENEX:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tenex + exit ;; + KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-dec-tops20 + exit ;; + XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-xkl-tops20 + exit ;; + *:TOPS-20:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-tops20 + exit ;; + *:ITS:*:*) + echo pdp10-unknown-its + exit ;; + SEI:*:*:SEIUX) + echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit ;; + *:DragonFly:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` + exit ;; + *:*VMS:*:*) + UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;; + I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;; + V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;; + esac ;; + *:XENIX:*:SysV) + echo i386-pc-xenix + exit ;; + i*86:skyos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}` | sed -e 's/ .*$//' + exit ;; + i*86:rdos:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-rdos + exit ;; + i*86:AROS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-aros + exit ;; + x86_64:VMkernel:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-esx + exit ;; +esac + +eval $set_cc_for_build +cat >$dummy.c < +# include +#endif +main () +{ +#if defined (sony) +#if defined (MIPSEB) + /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed, + I don't know.... */ + printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#else +#include + printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n", +#ifdef NEWSOS4 + "4" +#else + "" +#endif + ); exit (0); +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix) + printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux) + printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (NeXT) +#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__) +#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k" +#endif + int version; + version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`; + if (version < 4) + printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); + else + printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); + exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16) +#if defined (UMAXV) + printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0); +#else +#if defined (CMU) + printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0); +#else + printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (__386BSD__) + printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (sequent) +#if defined (i386) + printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#if defined (ns32000) + printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (_SEQUENT_) + struct utsname un; + + uname(&un); + + if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) { + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0); + } + if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */ + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0); + } + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0); + +#endif + +#if defined (vax) +# if !defined (ultrix) +# include +# if defined (BSD) +# if BSD == 43 + printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0); +# else +# if BSD == 199006 + printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0); +# else + printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0); +# endif +# endif +# else + printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0); +# endif +# else + printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0); +# endif +#endif + +#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860) + printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + + exit (1); +} +EOF + +$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` && + { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; } + +# Apollos put the system type in the environment. + +test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; } + +# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1) + +if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ] +then + case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in + c1*) + echo c1-convex-bsd + exit ;; + c2*) + if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc + then echo c32-convex-bsd + else echo c2-convex-bsd + fi + exit ;; + c34*) + echo c34-convex-bsd + exit ;; + c38*) + echo c38-convex-bsd + exit ;; + c4*) + echo c4-convex-bsd + exit ;; + esac +fi + +cat >&2 < in order to provide the needed +information to handle your system. + +config.guess timestamp = $timestamp + +uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null` + +hostinfo = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null` +/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null` +/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null` + +UNAME_MACHINE = ${UNAME_MACHINE} +UNAME_RELEASE = ${UNAME_RELEASE} +UNAME_SYSTEM = ${UNAME_SYSTEM} +UNAME_VERSION = ${UNAME_VERSION} +EOF + +exit 1 + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" +# time-stamp-end: "'" +# End: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b612ab --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,1788 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Configuration validation subroutine script. +# Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +timestamp='2013-04-24' + +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, see . +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that +# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7 +# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3"). + + +# Please send patches with a ChangeLog entry to config-patches@gnu.org. +# +# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type. +# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument. +# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1. +# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed. + +# You can get the latest version of this script from: +# http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD + +# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages +# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases +# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software. +# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations +# it does not support. The user should be able to distinguish +# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless +# configuration. + +# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given +# machine specification into a single specification in the form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# or in some cases, the newer four-part form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification. + +me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'` + +usage="\ +Usage: $0 [OPTION] CPU-MFR-OPSYS + $0 [OPTION] ALIAS + +Canonicalize a configuration name. + +Operation modes: + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit + -v, --version print version number, then exit + +Report bugs and patches to ." + +version="\ +GNU config.sub ($timestamp) + +Copyright 1992-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO +warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." + +help=" +Try \`$me --help' for more information." + +# Parse command line +while test $# -gt 0 ; do + case $1 in + --time-stamp | --time* | -t ) + echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;; + --version | -v ) + echo "$version" ; exit ;; + --help | --h* | -h ) + echo "$usage"; exit ;; + -- ) # Stop option processing + shift; break ;; + - ) # Use stdin as input. + break ;; + -* ) + echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" + exit 1 ;; + + *local*) + # First pass through any local machine types. + echo $1 + exit ;; + + * ) + break ;; + esac +done + +case $# in + 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2 + exit 1;; + 1) ;; + *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2 + exit 1;; +esac + +# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any). +# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations. +maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'` +case $maybe_os in + nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-android* | linux-dietlibc | linux-newlib* | \ + linux-musl* | linux-uclibc* | uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | \ + knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | \ + kopensolaris*-gnu* | \ + storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*) + os=-$maybe_os + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'` + ;; + android-linux) + os=-linux-android + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`-unknown + ;; + *) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'` + if [ $basic_machine != $1 ] + then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'` + else os=; fi + ;; +esac + +### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so +### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work. We also +### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we +### can provide default operating systems below. +case $os in + -sun*os*) + # Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input. + ;; + -dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \ + -att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \ + -unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \ + -convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\ + -c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \ + -harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \ + -apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray | -microblaze*) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -bluegene*) + os=-cnk + ;; + -sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -scout) + ;; + -wrs) + os=-vxworks + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -chorusos*) + os=-chorusos + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -chorusrdb) + os=-chorusrdb + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -hiux*) + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + -sco6) + os=-sco5v6 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco5) + os=-sco3.2v5 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco4) + os=-sco3.2v4 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2.[4-9]*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'` + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2v[4-9]*) + # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer. + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco5v6*) + # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer. + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco*) + os=-sco3.2v2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -udk*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -isc) + os=-isc2.2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -clix*) + basic_machine=clipper-intergraph + ;; + -isc*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -lynx*178) + os=-lynxos178 + ;; + -lynx*5) + os=-lynxos5 + ;; + -lynx*) + os=-lynxos + ;; + -ptx*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'` + ;; + -windowsnt*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'` + ;; + -psos*) + os=-psos + ;; + -mint | -mint[0-9]*) + basic_machine=m68k-atari + os=-mint + ;; +esac + +# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations. +case $basic_machine in + # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name. + # Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below. + 1750a | 580 \ + | a29k \ + | aarch64 | aarch64_be \ + | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \ + | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \ + | am33_2.0 \ + | arc | arceb \ + | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2-8] | armv[3-8][lb] | armv7[arm] \ + | avr | avr32 \ + | be32 | be64 \ + | bfin \ + | c4x | clipper \ + | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \ + | epiphany \ + | fido | fr30 | frv \ + | h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \ + | hexagon \ + | i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \ + | ip2k | iq2000 \ + | le32 | le64 \ + | lm32 \ + | m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \ + | maxq | mb | microblaze | microblazeel | mcore | mep | metag \ + | mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \ + | mips16 \ + | mips64 | mips64el \ + | mips64octeon | mips64octeonel \ + | mips64orion | mips64orionel \ + | mips64r5900 | mips64r5900el \ + | mips64vr | mips64vrel \ + | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \ + | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \ + | mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \ + | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \ + | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \ + | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \ + | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \ + | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \ + | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \ + | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \ + | mipsr5900 | mipsr5900el \ + | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \ + | mn10200 | mn10300 \ + | moxie \ + | mt \ + | msp430 \ + | nds32 | nds32le | nds32be \ + | nios | nios2 | nios2eb | nios2el \ + | ns16k | ns32k \ + | open8 \ + | or1k | or32 \ + | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \ + | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle \ + | pyramid \ + | rl78 | rx \ + | score \ + | sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]aeb | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \ + | sh64 | sh64le \ + | sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \ + | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v \ + | spu \ + | tahoe | tic4x | tic54x | tic55x | tic6x | tic80 | tron \ + | ubicom32 \ + | v850 | v850e | v850e1 | v850e2 | v850es | v850e2v3 \ + | we32k \ + | x86 | xc16x | xstormy16 | xtensa \ + | z8k | z80) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + ;; + c54x) + basic_machine=tic54x-unknown + ;; + c55x) + basic_machine=tic55x-unknown + ;; + c6x) + basic_machine=tic6x-unknown + ;; + m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x | picochip) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-none + ;; + m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k) + ;; + ms1) + basic_machine=mt-unknown + ;; + + strongarm | thumb | xscale) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + ;; + xgate) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-none + ;; + xscaleeb) + basic_machine=armeb-unknown + ;; + + xscaleel) + basic_machine=armel-unknown + ;; + + # We use `pc' rather than `unknown' + # because (1) that's what they normally are, and + # (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users. + i*86 | x86_64) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc + ;; + # Object if more than one company name word. + *-*-*) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name. + 580-* \ + | a29k-* \ + | aarch64-* | aarch64_be-* \ + | alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \ + | alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \ + | alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* | arceb-* \ + | arm-* | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \ + | avr-* | avr32-* \ + | be32-* | be64-* \ + | bfin-* | bs2000-* \ + | c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* \ + | clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \ + | d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \ + | elxsi-* \ + | f30[01]-* | f700-* | fido-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \ + | h8300-* | h8500-* \ + | hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \ + | hexagon-* \ + | i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \ + | ip2k-* | iq2000-* \ + | le32-* | le64-* \ + | lm32-* \ + | m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \ + | m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \ + | m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* | metag-* \ + | microblaze-* | microblazeel-* \ + | mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \ + | mips16-* \ + | mips64-* | mips64el-* \ + | mips64octeon-* | mips64octeonel-* \ + | mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \ + | mips64r5900-* | mips64r5900el-* \ + | mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \ + | mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \ + | mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \ + | mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \ + | mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \ + | mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \ + | mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \ + | mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \ + | mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \ + | mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \ + | mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \ + | mipsr5900-* | mipsr5900el-* \ + | mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \ + | mmix-* \ + | mt-* \ + | msp430-* \ + | nds32-* | nds32le-* | nds32be-* \ + | nios-* | nios2-* | nios2eb-* | nios2el-* \ + | none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \ + | open8-* \ + | orion-* \ + | pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \ + | powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* \ + | pyramid-* \ + | rl78-* | romp-* | rs6000-* | rx-* \ + | sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[24]aeb-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | sheb-* | shbe-* \ + | shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \ + | sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc64v-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \ + | sparclite-* \ + | sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | sparcv9v-* | sv1-* | sx?-* \ + | tahoe-* \ + | tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \ + | tile*-* \ + | tron-* \ + | ubicom32-* \ + | v850-* | v850e-* | v850e1-* | v850es-* | v850e2-* | v850e2v3-* \ + | vax-* \ + | we32k-* \ + | x86-* | x86_64-* | xc16x-* | xps100-* \ + | xstormy16-* | xtensa*-* \ + | ymp-* \ + | z8k-* | z80-*) + ;; + # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name, with glob match. + xtensa*) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + ;; + # Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand + # for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS. + 386bsd) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-bsd + ;; + 3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc) + basic_machine=m68000-att + ;; + 3b*) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + a29khif) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + abacus) + basic_machine=abacus-unknown + ;; + adobe68k) + basic_machine=m68010-adobe + os=-scout + ;; + alliant | fx80) + basic_machine=fx80-alliant + ;; + altos | altos3068) + basic_machine=m68k-altos + ;; + am29k) + basic_machine=a29k-none + os=-bsd + ;; + amd64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + ;; + amd64-*) + basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + amdahl) + basic_machine=580-amdahl + os=-sysv + ;; + amiga | amiga-*) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + ;; + amigaos | amigados) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-amigaos + ;; + amigaunix | amix) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-sysv4 + ;; + apollo68) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-sysv + ;; + apollo68bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-bsd + ;; + aros) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-aros + ;; + aux) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + os=-aux + ;; + balance) + basic_machine=ns32k-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + blackfin) + basic_machine=bfin-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + blackfin-*) + basic_machine=bfin-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + bluegene*) + basic_machine=powerpc-ibm + os=-cnk + ;; + c54x-*) + basic_machine=tic54x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c55x-*) + basic_machine=tic55x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c6x-*) + basic_machine=tic6x-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + c90) + basic_machine=c90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + cegcc) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + os=-cegcc + ;; + convex-c1) + basic_machine=c1-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c2) + basic_machine=c2-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c32) + basic_machine=c32-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c34) + basic_machine=c34-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c38) + basic_machine=c38-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + cray | j90) + basic_machine=j90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + craynv) + basic_machine=craynv-cray + os=-unicosmp + ;; + cr16 | cr16-*) + basic_machine=cr16-unknown + os=-elf + ;; + crds | unos) + basic_machine=m68k-crds + ;; + crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*) + basic_machine=crisv32-axis + ;; + cris | cris-* | etrax*) + basic_machine=cris-axis + ;; + crx) + basic_machine=crx-unknown + os=-elf + ;; + da30 | da30-*) + basic_machine=m68k-da30 + ;; + decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn) + basic_machine=mips-dec + ;; + decsystem10* | dec10*) + basic_machine=pdp10-dec + os=-tops10 + ;; + decsystem20* | dec20*) + basic_machine=pdp10-dec + os=-tops20 + ;; + delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \ + | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola) + basic_machine=m68k-motorola + ;; + delta88) + basic_machine=m88k-motorola + os=-sysv3 + ;; + dicos) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-dicos + ;; + djgpp) + basic_machine=i586-pc + os=-msdosdjgpp + ;; + dpx20 | dpx20-*) + basic_machine=rs6000-bull + os=-bosx + ;; + dpx2* | dpx2*-bull) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv3 + ;; + ebmon29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-ebmon + ;; + elxsi) + basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi + os=-bsd + ;; + encore | umax | mmax) + basic_machine=ns32k-encore + ;; + es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE) + basic_machine=m68k-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + fx2800) + basic_machine=i860-alliant + ;; + genix) + basic_machine=ns32k-ns + ;; + gmicro) + basic_machine=tron-gmicro + os=-sysv + ;; + go32) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-go32 + ;; + h3050r* | hiux*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + h8300hms) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + h8300xray) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-xray + ;; + h8500hms) + basic_machine=h8500-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + harris) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-sysv3 + ;; + hp300-*) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp300bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-bsd + ;; + hp300hpux) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-hpux + ;; + hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9]) + basic_machine=m68000-hp + ;; + hp9k3[2-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9]) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hppa-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + hppaosf) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-osf + ;; + hppro) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-proelf + ;; + i370-ibm* | ibm*) + basic_machine=i370-ibm + ;; + i*86v32) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv32 + ;; + i*86v4*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv4 + ;; + i*86v) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv + ;; + i*86sol2) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-solaris2 + ;; + i386mach) + basic_machine=i386-mach + os=-mach + ;; + i386-vsta | vsta) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-vsta + ;; + iris | iris4d) + basic_machine=mips-sgi + case $os in + -irix*) + ;; + *) + os=-irix4 + ;; + esac + ;; + isi68 | isi) + basic_machine=m68k-isi + os=-sysv + ;; + m68knommu) + basic_machine=m68k-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + m68knommu-*) + basic_machine=m68k-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + m88k-omron*) + basic_machine=m88k-omron + ;; + magnum | m3230) + basic_machine=mips-mips + os=-sysv + ;; + merlin) + basic_machine=ns32k-utek + os=-sysv + ;; + microblaze*) + basic_machine=microblaze-xilinx + ;; + mingw64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + os=-mingw64 + ;; + mingw32) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-mingw32 + ;; + mingw32ce) + basic_machine=arm-unknown + os=-mingw32ce + ;; + miniframe) + basic_machine=m68000-convergent + ;; + *mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*) + basic_machine=m68k-atari + os=-mint + ;; + mips3*-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'` + ;; + mips3*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown + ;; + monitor) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + morphos) + basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + os=-morphos + ;; + msdos) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-msdos + ;; + ms1-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'` + ;; + msys) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-msys + ;; + mvs) + basic_machine=i370-ibm + os=-mvs + ;; + nacl) + basic_machine=le32-unknown + os=-nacl + ;; + ncr3000) + basic_machine=i486-ncr + os=-sysv4 + ;; + netbsd386) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-netbsd + ;; + netwinder) + basic_machine=armv4l-rebel + os=-linux + ;; + news | news700 | news800 | news900) + basic_machine=m68k-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news1000) + basic_machine=m68030-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news-3600 | risc-news) + basic_machine=mips-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + necv70) + basic_machine=v70-nec + os=-sysv + ;; + next | m*-next ) + basic_machine=m68k-next + case $os in + -nextstep* ) + ;; + -ns2*) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + *) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + esac + ;; + nh3000) + basic_machine=m68k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nh[45]000) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nindy960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-nindy + ;; + mon960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-mon960 + ;; + nonstopux) + basic_machine=mips-compaq + os=-nonstopux + ;; + np1) + basic_machine=np1-gould + ;; + neo-tandem) + basic_machine=neo-tandem + ;; + nse-tandem) + basic_machine=nse-tandem + ;; + nsr-tandem) + basic_machine=nsr-tandem + ;; + op50n-* | op60c-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + os=-proelf + ;; + openrisc | openrisc-*) + basic_machine=or32-unknown + ;; + os400) + basic_machine=powerpc-ibm + os=-os400 + ;; + OSE68000 | ose68000) + basic_machine=m68000-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + os68k) + basic_machine=m68k-none + os=-os68k + ;; + pa-hitachi) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + paragon) + basic_machine=i860-intel + os=-osf + ;; + parisc) + basic_machine=hppa-unknown + os=-linux + ;; + parisc-*) + basic_machine=hppa-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + os=-linux + ;; + pbd) + basic_machine=sparc-tti + ;; + pbb) + basic_machine=m68k-tti + ;; + pc532 | pc532-*) + basic_machine=ns32k-pc532 + ;; + pc98) + basic_machine=i386-pc + ;; + pc98-*) + basic_machine=i386-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3) + basic_machine=i586-pc + ;; + pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*) + basic_machine=i686-pc + ;; + pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3) + basic_machine=i686-pc + ;; + pentium4) + basic_machine=i786-pc + ;; + pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*) + basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*) + basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*) + basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentium4-*) + basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pn) + basic_machine=pn-gould + ;; + power) basic_machine=power-ibm + ;; + ppc | ppcbe) basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + ;; + ppc-* | ppcbe-*) + basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little) + basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown + ;; + ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*) + basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppc64) basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown + ;; + ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppc64le | powerpc64little | ppc64-le | powerpc64-little) + basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown + ;; + ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*) + basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ps2) + basic_machine=i386-ibm + ;; + pw32) + basic_machine=i586-unknown + os=-pw32 + ;; + rdos | rdos64) + basic_machine=x86_64-pc + os=-rdos + ;; + rdos32) + basic_machine=i386-pc + os=-rdos + ;; + rom68k) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + rm[46]00) + basic_machine=mips-siemens + ;; + rtpc | rtpc-*) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + s390 | s390-*) + basic_machine=s390-ibm + ;; + s390x | s390x-*) + basic_machine=s390x-ibm + ;; + sa29200) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + sb1) + basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown + ;; + sb1el) + basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown + ;; + sde) + basic_machine=mipsisa32-sde + os=-elf + ;; + sei) + basic_machine=mips-sei + os=-seiux + ;; + sequent) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + ;; + sh) + basic_machine=sh-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + sh5el) + basic_machine=sh5le-unknown + ;; + sh64) + basic_machine=sh64-unknown + ;; + sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs) + basic_machine=sparclite-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + sps7) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv2 + ;; + spur) + basic_machine=spur-unknown + ;; + st2000) + basic_machine=m68k-tandem + ;; + stratus) + basic_machine=i860-stratus + os=-sysv4 + ;; + strongarm-* | thumb-*) + basic_machine=arm-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + sun2) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + ;; + sun2os3) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun2os4) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun3os3) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun3os4) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4os3) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun4os4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4sol2) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-solaris2 + ;; + sun3 | sun3-*) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + ;; + sun4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner) + basic_machine=i386-sun + ;; + sv1) + basic_machine=sv1-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + symmetry) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + t3e) + basic_machine=alphaev5-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + t90) + basic_machine=t90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + tile*) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + os=-linux-gnu + ;; + tx39) + basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown + ;; + tx39el) + basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown + ;; + toad1) + basic_machine=pdp10-xkl + os=-tops20 + ;; + tower | tower-32) + basic_machine=m68k-ncr + ;; + tpf) + basic_machine=s390x-ibm + os=-tpf + ;; + udi29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + ultra3) + basic_machine=a29k-nyu + os=-sym1 + ;; + v810 | necv810) + basic_machine=v810-nec + os=-none + ;; + vaxv) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-sysv + ;; + vms) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-vms + ;; + vpp*|vx|vx-*) + basic_machine=f301-fujitsu + ;; + vxworks960) + basic_machine=i960-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks68) + basic_machine=m68k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks29k) + basic_machine=a29k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + w65*) + basic_machine=w65-wdc + os=-none + ;; + w89k-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + os=-proelf + ;; + xbox) + basic_machine=i686-pc + os=-mingw32 + ;; + xps | xps100) + basic_machine=xps100-honeywell + ;; + xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^xscale/arm/'` + ;; + ymp) + basic_machine=ymp-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + z8k-*-coff) + basic_machine=z8k-unknown + os=-sim + ;; + z80-*-coff) + basic_machine=z80-unknown + os=-sim + ;; + none) + basic_machine=none-none + os=-none + ;; + +# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types. It is in +# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular. + w89k) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + ;; + op50n) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + op60c) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + romp) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + mmix) + basic_machine=mmix-knuth + ;; + rs6000) + basic_machine=rs6000-ibm + ;; + vax) + basic_machine=vax-dec + ;; + pdp10) + # there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet + basic_machine=pdp10-unknown + ;; + pdp11) + basic_machine=pdp11-dec + ;; + we32k) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]aeb | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele) + basic_machine=sh-unknown + ;; + sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + cydra) + basic_machine=cydra-cydrome + ;; + orion) + basic_machine=orion-highlevel + ;; + orion105) + basic_machine=clipper-highlevel + ;; + mac | mpw | mac-mpw) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + ;; + pmac | pmac-mpw) + basic_machine=powerpc-apple + ;; + *-unknown) + # Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name. + ;; + *) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers. +case $basic_machine in + *-digital*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'` + ;; + *-commodore*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'` + ;; + *) + ;; +esac + +# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems. + +if [ x"$os" != x"" ] +then +case $os in + # First match some system type aliases + # that might get confused with valid system types. + # -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception. + -auroraux) + os=-auroraux + ;; + -solaris1 | -solaris1.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'` + ;; + -solaris) + os=-solaris2 + ;; + -svr4*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -unixware*) + os=-sysv4.2uw + ;; + -gnu/linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + # First accept the basic system types. + # The portable systems comes first. + # Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number. + # -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4. + -gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \ + | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -cnk* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\ + | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -auroraux* | -solaris* \ + | -sym* | -kopensolaris* | -plan9* \ + | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \ + | -aos* | -aros* \ + | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \ + | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \ + | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* \ + | -bitrig* | -openbsd* | -solidbsd* \ + | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \ + | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \ + | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \ + | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \ + | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* | -cegcc* \ + | -cygwin* | -msys* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \ + | -mingw32* | -mingw64* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-android* \ + | -linux-newlib* | -linux-musl* | -linux-uclibc* \ + | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \ + | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \ + | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \ + | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \ + | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \ + | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \ + | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \ + | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers* | -drops* | -es*) + # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number. + ;; + -qnx*) + case $basic_machine in + x86-* | i*86-*) + ;; + *) + os=-nto$os + ;; + esac + ;; + -nto-qnx*) + ;; + -nto*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'` + ;; + -sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \ + | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \ + | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*) + ;; + -mac*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'` + ;; + -linux-dietlibc) + os=-linux-dietlibc + ;; + -linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + -sunos5*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'` + ;; + -sunos6*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'` + ;; + -opened*) + os=-openedition + ;; + -os400*) + os=-os400 + ;; + -wince*) + os=-wince + ;; + -osfrose*) + os=-osfrose + ;; + -osf*) + os=-osf + ;; + -utek*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -dynix*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -acis*) + os=-aos + ;; + -atheos*) + os=-atheos + ;; + -syllable*) + os=-syllable + ;; + -386bsd) + os=-bsd + ;; + -ctix* | -uts*) + os=-sysv + ;; + -nova*) + os=-rtmk-nova + ;; + -ns2 ) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + -nsk*) + os=-nsk + ;; + # Preserve the version number of sinix5. + -sinix5.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'` + ;; + -sinix*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -tpf*) + os=-tpf + ;; + -triton*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -oss*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -svr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -svr3) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -sysvr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + # This must come after -sysvr4. + -sysv*) + ;; + -ose*) + os=-ose + ;; + -es1800*) + os=-ose + ;; + -xenix) + os=-xenix + ;; + -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*) + os=-mint + ;; + -aros*) + os=-aros + ;; + -zvmoe) + os=-zvmoe + ;; + -dicos*) + os=-dicos + ;; + -nacl*) + ;; + -none) + ;; + *) + # Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os. + os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'` + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac +else + +# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines. +# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their +# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine. + +# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say, +# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top +# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system. Otherwise, code above +# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating +# system, and we'll never get to this point. + +case $basic_machine in + score-*) + os=-elf + ;; + spu-*) + os=-elf + ;; + *-acorn) + os=-riscix1.2 + ;; + arm*-rebel) + os=-linux + ;; + arm*-semi) + os=-aout + ;; + c4x-* | tic4x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + hexagon-*) + os=-elf + ;; + tic54x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + tic55x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + tic6x-*) + os=-coff + ;; + # This must come before the *-dec entry. + pdp10-*) + os=-tops20 + ;; + pdp11-*) + os=-none + ;; + *-dec | vax-*) + os=-ultrix4.2 + ;; + m68*-apollo) + os=-domain + ;; + i386-sun) + os=-sunos4.0.2 + ;; + m68000-sun) + os=-sunos3 + ;; + m68*-cisco) + os=-aout + ;; + mep-*) + os=-elf + ;; + mips*-cisco) + os=-elf + ;; + mips*-*) + os=-elf + ;; + or1k-*) + os=-elf + ;; + or32-*) + os=-coff + ;; + *-tti) # must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os. + os=-sysv3 + ;; + sparc-* | *-sun) + os=-sunos4.1.1 + ;; + *-be) + os=-beos + ;; + *-haiku) + os=-haiku + ;; + *-ibm) + os=-aix + ;; + *-knuth) + os=-mmixware + ;; + *-wec) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-winbond) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-oki) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-hp) + os=-hpux + ;; + *-hitachi) + os=-hiux + ;; + i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-cbm) + os=-amigaos + ;; + *-dg) + os=-dgux + ;; + *-dolphin) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + m68k-ccur) + os=-rtu + ;; + m88k-omron*) + os=-luna + ;; + *-next ) + os=-nextstep + ;; + *-sequent) + os=-ptx + ;; + *-crds) + os=-unos + ;; + *-ns) + os=-genix + ;; + i370-*) + os=-mvs + ;; + *-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + *-gould) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-highlevel) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-encore) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-sgi) + os=-irix + ;; + *-siemens) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + *-masscomp) + os=-rtu + ;; + f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu) + os=-uxpv + ;; + *-rom68k) + os=-coff + ;; + *-*bug) + os=-coff + ;; + *-apple) + os=-macos + ;; + *-atari*) + os=-mint + ;; + *) + os=-none + ;; +esac +fi + +# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the +# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer. +vendor=unknown +case $basic_machine in + *-unknown) + case $os in + -riscix*) + vendor=acorn + ;; + -sunos*) + vendor=sun + ;; + -cnk*|-aix*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -beos*) + vendor=be + ;; + -hpux*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -mpeix*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -hiux*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -unos*) + vendor=crds + ;; + -dgux*) + vendor=dg + ;; + -luna*) + vendor=omron + ;; + -genix*) + vendor=ns + ;; + -mvs* | -opened*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -os400*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -ptx*) + vendor=sequent + ;; + -tpf*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*) + vendor=wrs + ;; + -aux*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -hms*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -mpw* | -macos*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*) + vendor=atari + ;; + -vos*) + vendor=stratus + ;; + esac + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"` + ;; +esac + +echo $basic_machine$os +exit + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" +# time-stamp-end: "'" +# End: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a9b5a10 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,3991 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# From configure.ac . +# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. +# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for check_nwc_health +# +# +# Copyright (C) 1992-1996, 1998-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# +# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. +## -------------------- ## +## M4sh Initialization. ## +## -------------------- ## + +# Be more Bourne compatible +DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh +if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi + + +as_nl=' +' +export as_nl +# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf. +as_echo='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris, +# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh. +if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \ + && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='print -r --' + as_echo_n='print -rn --' +elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='printf %s\n' + as_echo_n='printf %s' +else + if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then + as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"' + as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n' + else + as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"' + as_echo_n_body='eval + arg=$1; + case $arg in #( + *"$as_nl"*) + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl"; + arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;; + esac; + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl" + ' + export as_echo_n_body + as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo' + fi + export as_echo_body + as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo' +fi + +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && { + (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 || + PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + + +# IFS +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab. +# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word +# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.) +IFS=" "" $as_nl" + +# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator. +as_myself= +case $0 in #(( + *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;; + *) as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND' +# in which case we are not to be found in the path. +if test "x$as_myself" = x; then + as_myself=$0 +fi +if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then + $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in +# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1" +# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there. '((' could +# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14. +for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV MAIL MAILPATH +do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \ + && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || : +done +PS1='$ ' +PS2='> ' +PS4='+ ' + +# NLS nuisances. +LC_ALL=C +export LC_ALL +LANGUAGE=C +export LANGUAGE + +# CDPATH. +(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH + +# Use a proper internal environment variable to ensure we don't fall + # into an infinite loop, continuously re-executing ourselves. + if test x"${_as_can_reexec}" != xno && test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then + _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec; + # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a +# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also +# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables. +# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell. +BASH_ENV=/dev/null +ENV=/dev/null +(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV +case $- in # (((( + *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;; + *v* ) as_opts=-v ;; + *x* ) as_opts=-x ;; + * ) as_opts= ;; +esac +exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"} +# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail +# out after a failed `exec'. +$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2 +as_fn_exit 255 + fi + # We don't want this to propagate to other subprocesses. + { _as_can_reexec=; unset _as_can_reexec;} +if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then + as_bourne_compatible="if test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi +" + as_required="as_fn_return () { (exit \$1); } +as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; } +as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; } +as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; } +as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; } + +exitcode=0 +as_fn_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_success failed.; } +as_fn_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_failure succeeded.; } +as_fn_ret_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_success failed.; } +as_fn_ret_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_failure succeeded.; } +if ( set x; as_fn_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then : + +else + exitcode=1; echo positional parameters were not saved. +fi +test x\$exitcode = x0 || exit 1 +test -x / || exit 1" + as_suggested=" as_lineno_1=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_1a=\$LINENO + as_lineno_2=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_2a=\$LINENO + eval 'test \"x\$as_lineno_1'\$as_run'\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\" && + test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1'\$as_run' + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\"' || exit 1" + if (eval "$as_required") 2>/dev/null; then : + as_have_required=yes +else + as_have_required=no +fi + if test x$as_have_required = xyes && (eval "$as_suggested") 2>/dev/null; then : + +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +as_found=false +for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + as_found=: + case $as_dir in #( + /*) + for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do + # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks. + as_shell=$as_dir/$as_base + if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell as_have_required=yes + if { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_suggested" | as_run=a "$as_shell"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + break 2 +fi +fi + done;; + esac + as_found=false +done +$as_found || { if { test -f "$SHELL" || test -f "$SHELL.exe"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" | as_run=a "$SHELL"; } 2>/dev/null; then : + CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL as_have_required=yes +fi; } +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + + if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then : + export CONFIG_SHELL + # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a +# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also +# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables. +# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell. +BASH_ENV=/dev/null +ENV=/dev/null +(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV +case $- in # (((( + *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;; + *v* ) as_opts=-v ;; + *x* ) as_opts=-x ;; + * ) as_opts= ;; +esac +exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"} +# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail +# out after a failed `exec'. +$as_echo "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2 +exit 255 +fi + + if test x$as_have_required = xno; then : + $as_echo "$0: This script requires a shell more modern than all" + $as_echo "$0: the shells that I found on your system." + if test x${ZSH_VERSION+set} = xset ; then + $as_echo "$0: In particular, zsh $ZSH_VERSION has bugs and should" + $as_echo "$0: be upgraded to zsh 4.3.4 or later." + else + $as_echo "$0: Please tell bug-autoconf@gnu.org about your system, +$0: including any error possibly output before this +$0: message. Then install a modern shell, or manually run +$0: the script under such a shell if you do have one." + fi + exit 1 +fi +fi +fi +SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} +export SHELL +# Unset more variables known to interfere with behavior of common tools. +CLICOLOR_FORCE= GREP_OPTIONS= +unset CLICOLOR_FORCE GREP_OPTIONS + +## --------------------- ## +## M4sh Shell Functions. ## +## --------------------- ## +# as_fn_unset VAR +# --------------- +# Portably unset VAR. +as_fn_unset () +{ + { eval $1=; unset $1;} +} +as_unset=as_fn_unset + +# as_fn_set_status STATUS +# ----------------------- +# Set $? to STATUS, without forking. +as_fn_set_status () +{ + return $1 +} # as_fn_set_status + +# as_fn_exit STATUS +# ----------------- +# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context. +as_fn_exit () +{ + set +e + as_fn_set_status $1 + exit $1 +} # as_fn_exit + +# as_fn_mkdir_p +# ------------- +# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary. +as_fn_mkdir_p () +{ + + case $as_dir in #( + -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;; + esac + test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || { + as_dirs= + while :; do + case $as_dir in #( + *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'( + *) as_qdir=$as_dir;; + esac + as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs" + as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" || +$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_dir" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + test -d "$as_dir" && break + done + test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs" + } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir" + + +} # as_fn_mkdir_p + +# as_fn_executable_p FILE +# ----------------------- +# Test if FILE is an executable regular file. +as_fn_executable_p () +{ + test -f "$1" && test -x "$1" +} # as_fn_executable_p +# as_fn_append VAR VALUE +# ---------------------- +# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take +# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over +# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive +# implementations. +if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_append () + { + eval $1+=\$2 + }' +else + as_fn_append () + { + eval $1=\$$1\$2 + } +fi # as_fn_append + +# as_fn_arith ARG... +# ------------------ +# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the +# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments +# must be portable across $(()) and expr. +if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=$(( $* )) + }' +else + as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1` + } +fi # as_fn_arith + + +# as_fn_error STATUS ERROR [LINENO LOG_FD] +# ---------------------------------------- +# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are +# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the +# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0. +as_fn_error () +{ + as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1 + if test "$4"; then + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4 + fi + $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2 + as_fn_exit $as_status +} # as_fn_error + +if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 && + test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then + as_expr=expr +else + as_expr=false +fi + +if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then + as_basename=basename +else + as_basename=false +fi + +if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + as_dirname=dirname +else + as_dirname=false +fi + +as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" || +$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X/"$0" | + sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + +# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges. +as_cr_letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +as_cr_LETTERS='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' +as_cr_Letters=$as_cr_letters$as_cr_LETTERS +as_cr_digits='0123456789' +as_cr_alnum=$as_cr_Letters$as_cr_digits + + + as_lineno_1=$LINENO as_lineno_1a=$LINENO + as_lineno_2=$LINENO as_lineno_2a=$LINENO + eval 'test "x$as_lineno_1'$as_run'" != "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'" && + test "x`expr $as_lineno_1'$as_run' + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'"' || { + # Blame Lee E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax. :-) + sed -n ' + p + /[$]LINENO/= + ' <$as_myself | + sed ' + s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/ + t lineno + b + :lineno + N + :loop + s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/ + t loop + s/-\n.*// + ' >$as_me.lineno && + chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" || + { $as_echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2; as_fn_exit 1; } + + # If we had to re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL, we're ensured to have + # already done that, so ensure we don't try to do so again and fall + # in an infinite loop. This has already happened in practice. + _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec + # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems + # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the + # original and so on. Autoconf is especially sensitive to this). + . "./$as_me.lineno" + # Exit status is that of the last command. + exit +} + +ECHO_C= ECHO_N= ECHO_T= +case `echo -n x` in #((((( +-n*) + case `echo 'xy\c'` in + *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character. + xy) ECHO_C='\c';; + *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null + ECHO_T=' ';; + esac;; +*) + ECHO_N='-n';; +esac + +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file +if test -d conf$$.dir; then + rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file +else + rm -f conf$$.dir + mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null +fi +if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then + if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s='ln -s' + # ... but there are two gotchas: + # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail. + # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable. + # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'. + ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe || + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s=ln + else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + fi +else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' +fi +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file +rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null + +if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then + as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"' +else + test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p + as_mkdir_p=false +fi + +as_test_x='test -x' +as_executable_p=as_fn_executable_p + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name. +as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name. +as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + + +test -n "$DJDIR" || exec 7<&0 &1 + +# Name of the host. +# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, old GNU/Linux) returns a bogus exit status, +# so uname gets run too. +ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` + +# +# Initializations. +# +ac_default_prefix=/usr/local +ac_clean_files= +ac_config_libobj_dir=. +LIBOBJS= +cross_compiling=no +subdirs= +MFLAGS= +MAKEFLAGS= + +# Identity of this package. +PACKAGE_NAME='check_nwc_health' +PACKAGE_TARNAME='check_nwc_health' +PACKAGE_VERSION='' +PACKAGE_STRING='check_nwc_health' +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='' +PACKAGE_URL='' + +ac_default_prefix=/usr/local/nagios +ac_subst_vars='LTLIBOBJS +LIBOBJS +PERL +SH +HWINFO +EXTENDEDINFO +PERFDATA +CELSIUS +NOINSTLEVEL +INSTALL_OPTS +with_nagios_group +with_nagios_user +SUPPORT +WARRANTY +INSTALL +RELEASE +host_os +host_vendor +host_cpu +host +build_os +build_vendor +build_cpu +build +AM_BACKSLASH +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +AM_DEFAULT_V +AM_V +am__untar +am__tar +AMTAR +am__leading_dot +SET_MAKE +AWK +mkdir_p +MKDIR_P +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM +STRIP +install_sh +MAKEINFO +AUTOHEADER +AUTOMAKE +AUTOCONF +ACLOCAL +VERSION +PACKAGE +CYGPATH_W +am__isrc +INSTALL_DATA +INSTALL_SCRIPT +INSTALL_PROGRAM +target_alias +host_alias +build_alias +LIBS +ECHO_T +ECHO_N +ECHO_C +DEFS +mandir +localedir +libdir +psdir +pdfdir +dvidir +htmldir +infodir +docdir +oldincludedir +includedir +localstatedir +sharedstatedir +sysconfdir +datadir +datarootdir +libexecdir +sbindir +bindir +program_transform_name +prefix +exec_prefix +PACKAGE_URL +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT +PACKAGE_STRING +PACKAGE_VERSION +PACKAGE_TARNAME +PACKAGE_NAME +PATH_SEPARATOR +SHELL' +ac_subst_files='' +ac_user_opts=' +enable_option_checking +enable_silent_rules +with_nagios_user +with_nagios_group +with_noinst_level +with_degrees +enable_perfdata +enable_extendedinfo +enable_hwinfo +with_perl +' + ac_precious_vars='build_alias +host_alias +target_alias' + + +# Initialize some variables set by options. +ac_init_help= +ac_init_version=false +ac_unrecognized_opts= +ac_unrecognized_sep= +# The variables have the same names as the options, with +# dashes changed to underlines. +cache_file=/dev/null +exec_prefix=NONE +no_create= +no_recursion= +prefix=NONE +program_prefix=NONE +program_suffix=NONE +program_transform_name=s,x,x, +silent= +site= +srcdir= +verbose= +x_includes=NONE +x_libraries=NONE + +# Installation directory options. +# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo" +# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix +# by default will actually change. +# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them. +# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.) +bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' +sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' +libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec' +datarootdir='${prefix}/share' +datadir='${datarootdir}' +sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' +sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' +localstatedir='${prefix}/var' +includedir='${prefix}/include' +oldincludedir='/usr/include' +docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}' +infodir='${datarootdir}/info' +htmldir='${docdir}' +dvidir='${docdir}' +pdfdir='${docdir}' +psdir='${docdir}' +libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib' +localedir='${datarootdir}/locale' +mandir='${datarootdir}/man' + +ac_prev= +ac_dashdash= +for ac_option +do + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option + ac_prev= + continue + fi + + case $ac_option in + *=?*) ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;; + *=) ac_optarg= ;; + *) ac_optarg=yes ;; + esac + + # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos. + + case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in + --) + ac_dashdash=yes ;; + + -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi) + ac_prev=bindir ;; + -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*) + bindir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu) + ac_prev=build_alias ;; + -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*) + build_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \ + | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c) + ac_prev=cache_file ;; + -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \ + | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*) + cache_file=$ac_optarg ;; + + --config-cache | -C) + cache_file=config.cache ;; + + -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad) + ac_prev=datadir ;; + -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*) + datadir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \ + | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar) + ac_prev=datarootdir ;; + -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \ + | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*) + datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -disable-* | --disable-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"enable_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--disable-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval enable_$ac_useropt=no ;; + + -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do) + ac_prev=docdir ;; + -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*) + docdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv) + ac_prev=dvidir ;; + -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*) + dvidir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -enable-* | --enable-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"enable_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--enable-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval enable_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;; + + -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \ + | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \ + | --exec | --exe | --ex) + ac_prev=exec_prefix ;; + -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \ + | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \ + | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*) + exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -gas | --gas | --ga | --g) + # Obsolete; use --with-gas. + with_gas=yes ;; + + -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h) + ac_init_help=long ;; + -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*) + ac_init_help=recursive ;; + -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*) + ac_init_help=short ;; + + -host | --host | --hos | --ho) + ac_prev=host_alias ;; + -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*) + host_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht) + ac_prev=htmldir ;; + -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \ + | --ht=*) + htmldir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \ + | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc) + ac_prev=includedir ;; + -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \ + | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*) + includedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf) + ac_prev=infodir ;; + -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*) + infodir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd) + ac_prev=libdir ;; + -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*) + libdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \ + | --libexe | --libex | --libe) + ac_prev=libexecdir ;; + -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \ + | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*) + libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale) + ac_prev=localedir ;; + -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*) + localedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \ + | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals) + ac_prev=localstatedir ;; + -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \ + | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*) + localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m) + ac_prev=mandir ;; + -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*) + mandir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -nfp | --nfp | --nf) + # Obsolete; use --without-fp. + with_fp=no ;; + + -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \ + | --no-cr | --no-c | -n) + no_create=yes ;; + + -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \ + | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) + no_recursion=yes ;; + + -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \ + | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \ + | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o) + ac_prev=oldincludedir ;; + -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \ + | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \ + | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*) + oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p) + ac_prev=prefix ;; + -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*) + prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \ + | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p) + ac_prev=program_prefix ;; + -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \ + | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*) + program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \ + | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s) + ac_prev=program_suffix ;; + -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \ + | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*) + program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;; + + -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \ + | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \ + | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \ + | --program-transform | --program-transfor \ + | --program-transfo | --program-transf \ + | --program-trans | --program-tran \ + | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t) + ac_prev=program_transform_name ;; + -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \ + | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \ + | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \ + | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \ + | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \ + | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \ + | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*) + program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;; + + -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd) + ac_prev=pdfdir ;; + -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*) + pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps) + ac_prev=psdir ;; + -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*) + psdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) + silent=yes ;; + + -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb) + ac_prev=sbindir ;; + -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \ + | --sbi=* | --sb=*) + sbindir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \ + | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \ + | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \ + | --sha | --sh) + ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;; + -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \ + | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \ + | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \ + | --sha=* | --sh=*) + sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -site | --site | --sit) + ac_prev=site ;; + -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*) + site=$ac_optarg ;; + + -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr) + ac_prev=srcdir ;; + -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*) + srcdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \ + | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy) + ac_prev=sysconfdir ;; + -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \ + | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*) + sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;; + + -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t) + ac_prev=target_alias ;; + -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*) + target_alias=$ac_optarg ;; + + -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb) + verbose=yes ;; + + -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V) + ac_init_version=: ;; + + -with-* | --with-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"with_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--with-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval with_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;; + + -without-* | --without-*) + ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: $ac_useropt" + ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt + ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'` + case $ac_user_opts in + *" +"with_$ac_useropt" +"*) ;; + *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--without-$ac_useropt_orig" + ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';; + esac + eval with_$ac_useropt=no ;; + + --x) + # Obsolete; use --with-x. + with_x=yes ;; + + -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \ + | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i) + ac_prev=x_includes ;; + -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \ + | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*) + x_includes=$ac_optarg ;; + + -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \ + | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l) + ac_prev=x_libraries ;; + -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \ + | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*) + x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;; + + -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$ac_option' +Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + ;; + + *=*) + ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + case $ac_envvar in #( + '' | [0-9]* | *[!_$as_cr_alnum]* ) + as_fn_error $? "invalid variable name: \`$ac_envvar'" ;; + esac + eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg + export $ac_envvar ;; + + *) + # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0. + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2 + expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null && + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2 + : "${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}" + ;; + + esac +done + +if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'` + as_fn_error $? "missing argument to $ac_option" +fi + +if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts"; then + case $enable_option_checking in + no) ;; + fatal) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" ;; + *) $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2 ;; + esac +fi + +# Check all directory arguments for consistency. +for ac_var in exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \ + datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \ + oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \ + libdir localedir mandir +do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + # Remove trailing slashes. + case $ac_val in + */ ) + ac_val=`expr "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*\)'` + eval $ac_var=\$ac_val;; + esac + # Be sure to have absolute directory names. + case $ac_val in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) continue;; + NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;; + esac + as_fn_error $? "expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val" +done + +# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host' +# used to hold the argument of --host etc. +# FIXME: To remove some day. +build=$build_alias +host=$host_alias +target=$target_alias + +# FIXME: To remove some day. +if test "x$host_alias" != x; then + if test "x$build_alias" = x; then + cross_compiling=maybe + elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then + cross_compiling=yes + fi +fi + +ac_tool_prefix= +test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias- + +test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null + + +ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" && +ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` && +ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` || + as_fn_error $? "working directory cannot be determined" +test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" || + as_fn_error $? "pwd does not report name of working directory" + + +# Find the source files, if location was not specified. +if test -z "$srcdir"; then + ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes + # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory. + ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_myself" || +$as_expr X"$as_myself" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_myself" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_myself" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + srcdir=$ac_confdir + if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then + srcdir=.. + fi +else + ac_srcdir_defaulted=no +fi +if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then + test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .." + as_fn_error $? "cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir" +fi +ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work" +ac_abs_confdir=`( + cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || as_fn_error $? "$ac_msg" + pwd)` +# When building in place, set srcdir=. +if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then + srcdir=. +fi +# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir. +# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info +# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs. +case $srcdir in +*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;; +esac +for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do + eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set} + eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var} + eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set} + eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var} +done + +# +# Report the --help message. +# +if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then + # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. + # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. + cat <<_ACEOF +\`configure' configures check_nwc_health to adapt to many kinds of systems. + +Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... + +To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as +VAR=VALUE. See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables. + +Defaults for the options are specified in brackets. + +Configuration: + -h, --help display this help and exit + --help=short display options specific to this package + --help=recursive display the short help of all the included packages + -V, --version display version information and exit + -q, --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking ...' messages + --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE [disabled] + -C, --config-cache alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache' + -n, --no-create do not create output files + --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..'] + +Installation directories: + --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX + [$ac_default_prefix] + --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX + [PREFIX] + +By default, \`make install' will install all the files in +\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc. You can specify +an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix', +for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'. + +For better control, use the options below. + +Fine tuning of the installation directories: + --bindir=DIR user executables [EPREFIX/bin] + --sbindir=DIR system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin] + --libexecdir=DIR program executables [EPREFIX/libexec] + --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] + --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com] + --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var] + --libdir=DIR object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib] + --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include] + --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include] + --datarootdir=DIR read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share] + --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR] + --infodir=DIR info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info] + --localedir=DIR locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale] + --mandir=DIR man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man] + --docdir=DIR documentation root + [DATAROOTDIR/doc/check_nwc_health] + --htmldir=DIR html documentation [DOCDIR] + --dvidir=DIR dvi documentation [DOCDIR] + --pdfdir=DIR pdf documentation [DOCDIR] + --psdir=DIR ps documentation [DOCDIR] +_ACEOF + + cat <<\_ACEOF + +Program names: + --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names + --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names + --program-transform-name=PROGRAM run sed PROGRAM on installed program names + +System types: + --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed] + --host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD] +_ACEOF +fi + +if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then + case $ac_init_help in + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of check_nwc_health";; + esac + cat <<\_ACEOF + +Optional Features: + --disable-option-checking ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options + --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) + --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] + --enable-silent-rules less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1") + --disable-silent-rules verbose build output (undo: "make V=0") + --enable-perfdata wether to output perfdata (default=no) + --enable-extendedinfo wether to output extended info (default=no) + --disable-hwinfo wether to output model desc., serial no., bios version (default=yes) + +Optional Packages: + --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] + --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no) + --with-nagios-user=USER set user name to run nagios + --with-nagios-group=GROUP set group name to run nagios + --with-noinst-level=LEVEL error level if nwc_health is not installed + --with-degrees=UNIT which temperature unit to use. (celsius or fahrenheit) + --with-perl=PATH sets path to perl executable + +Report bugs to the package provider. +_ACEOF +ac_status=$? +fi + +if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then + # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help. + for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue + test -d "$ac_dir" || + { cd "$srcdir" && ac_pwd=`pwd` && srcdir=. && test -d "$ac_dir"; } || + continue + ac_builddir=. + +case "$ac_dir" in +.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; +*) + ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'` + # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix. + ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'` + case $ac_top_builddir_sub in + "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; + *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;; + esac ;; +esac +ac_abs_top_builddir=$ac_pwd +ac_abs_builddir=$ac_pwd$ac_dir_suffix +# for backward compatibility: +ac_top_builddir=$ac_top_build_prefix + +case $srcdir in + .) # We are building in place. + ac_srcdir=. + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;; + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name. + ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix; + ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;; + *) # Relative name. + ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;; +esac +ac_abs_srcdir=$ac_abs_top_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + + cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; } + # Check for guested configure. + if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then + echo && + $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive + elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then + echo && + $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive + else + $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2 + fi || ac_status=$? + cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; } + done +fi + +test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status +if $ac_init_version; then + cat <<\_ACEOF +check_nwc_health configure +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 + +Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. +_ACEOF + exit +fi + +## ------------------------ ## +## Autoconf initialization. ## +## ------------------------ ## +cat >config.log <<_ACEOF +This file contains any messages produced by compilers while +running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. + +It was created by check_nwc_health $as_me, which was +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was + + $ $0 $@ + +_ACEOF +exec 5>>config.log +{ +cat <<_ASUNAME +## --------- ## +## Platform. ## +## --------- ## + +hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` +uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/hostinfo = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/machine = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` +/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` + +_ASUNAME + +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + $as_echo "PATH: $as_dir" + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +} >&5 + +cat >&5 <<_ACEOF + + +## ----------- ## +## Core tests. ## +## ----------- ## + +_ACEOF + + +# Keep a trace of the command line. +# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up. +# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs. +# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters. +# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression. +ac_configure_args= +ac_configure_args0= +ac_configure_args1= +ac_must_keep_next=false +for ac_pass in 1 2 +do + for ac_arg + do + case $ac_arg in + -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;; + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) + continue ;; + *\'*) + ac_arg=`$as_echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + esac + case $ac_pass in + 1) as_fn_append ac_configure_args0 " '$ac_arg'" ;; + 2) + as_fn_append ac_configure_args1 " '$ac_arg'" + if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then + ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal. + else + case $ac_arg in + *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \ + | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \ + | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \ + | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x) + case "$ac_configure_args0 " in + "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;; + esac + ;; + -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;; + esac + fi + as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" + ;; + esac + done +done +{ ac_configure_args0=; unset ac_configure_args0;} +{ ac_configure_args1=; unset ac_configure_args1;} + +# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete +# config.log. We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there +# would cause problems or look ugly. +# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap. +# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug. +trap 'exit_status=$? + # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging. + { + echo + + $as_echo "## ---------------- ## +## Cache variables. ## +## ---------------- ##" + echo + # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values, +( + for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in #( + *${as_nl}*) + case $ac_var in #( + *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;; + esac + case $ac_var in #( + _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #( + BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #( + *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;; + esac ;; + esac + done + (set) 2>&1 | + case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #( + *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *) + sed -n \ + "s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g; + s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p" + ;; #( + *) + sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p" + ;; + esac | + sort +) + echo + + $as_echo "## ----------------- ## +## Output variables. ## +## ----------------- ##" + echo + for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars + do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in + *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;; + esac + $as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''" + done | sort + echo + + if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then + $as_echo "## ------------------- ## +## File substitutions. ## +## ------------------- ##" + echo + for ac_var in $ac_subst_files + do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in + *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;; + esac + $as_echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''" + done | sort + echo + fi + + if test -s confdefs.h; then + $as_echo "## ----------- ## +## confdefs.h. ## +## ----------- ##" + echo + cat confdefs.h + echo + fi + test "$ac_signal" != 0 && + $as_echo "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal" + $as_echo "$as_me: exit $exit_status" + } >&5 + rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* && + rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files && + exit $exit_status +' 0 +for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do + trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; as_fn_exit 1' $ac_signal +done +ac_signal=0 + +# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed. +rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h + +$as_echo "/* confdefs.h */" > confdefs.h + +# Predefined preprocessor variables. + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_NAME "$PACKAGE_NAME" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "$PACKAGE_TARNAME" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "$PACKAGE_VERSION" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_STRING "$PACKAGE_STRING" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT" +_ACEOF + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE_URL "$PACKAGE_URL" +_ACEOF + + +# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to. +# Prefer an explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones. +ac_site_file1=NONE +ac_site_file2=NONE +if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then + # We do not want a PATH search for config.site. + case $CONFIG_SITE in #(( + -*) ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;; + */*) ac_site_file1=$CONFIG_SITE;; + *) ac_site_file1=./$CONFIG_SITE;; + esac +elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then + ac_site_file1=$prefix/share/config.site + ac_site_file2=$prefix/etc/config.site +else + ac_site_file1=$ac_default_prefix/share/config.site + ac_site_file2=$ac_default_prefix/etc/config.site +fi +for ac_site_file in "$ac_site_file1" "$ac_site_file2" +do + test "x$ac_site_file" = xNONE && continue + if test /dev/null != "$ac_site_file" && test -r "$ac_site_file"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;} + sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5 + . "$ac_site_file" \ + || { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} +as_fn_error $? "failed to load site script $ac_site_file +See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } + fi +done + +if test -r "$cache_file"; then + # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special files + # actually), so we avoid doing that. DJGPP emulates it as a regular file. + if test /dev/null != "$cache_file" && test -f "$cache_file"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;} + case $cache_file in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";; + *) . "./$cache_file";; + esac + fi +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;} + >$cache_file +fi + +# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same +# value. +ac_cache_corrupted=false +for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do + eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set + eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set + eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value + eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value + case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in + set,) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: ;; + ,set) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: ;; + ,);; + *) + if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then + # differences in whitespace do not lead to failure. + ac_old_val_w=`echo x $ac_old_val` + ac_new_val_w=`echo x $ac_new_val` + if test "$ac_old_val_w" != "$ac_new_val_w"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;} + ac_cache_corrupted=: + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&2;} + eval $ac_var=\$ac_old_val + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&2;} + fi;; + esac + # Pass precious variables to config.status. + if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then + case $ac_new_val in + *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`$as_echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;; + esac + case " $ac_configure_args " in + *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups. Use of quotes ensures accuracy. + *) as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" ;; + esac + fi +done +if $ac_cache_corrupted; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;} + as_fn_error $? "run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +## -------------------- ## +## Main body of script. ## +## -------------------- ## + +ac_ext=c +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu + + +am__api_version='1.14' + +ac_aux_dir= +for ac_dir in "$srcdir" "$srcdir/.." "$srcdir/../.."; do + if test -f "$ac_dir/install-sh"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c" + break + elif test -f "$ac_dir/install.sh"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install.sh -c" + break + elif test -f "$ac_dir/shtool"; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/shtool install -c" + break + fi +done +if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then + as_fn_error $? "cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in \"$srcdir\" \"$srcdir/..\" \"$srcdir/../..\"" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +# These three variables are undocumented and unsupported, +# and are intended to be withdrawn in a future Autoconf release. +# They can cause serious problems if a builder's source tree is in a directory +# whose full name contains unusual characters. +ac_config_guess="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.guess" # Please don't use this var. +ac_config_sub="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" # Please don't use this var. +ac_configure="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/configure" # Please don't use this var. + + +# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster), +# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or +# incompatible versions: +# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install +# SunOS /usr/etc/install +# IRIX /sbin/install +# AIX /bin/install +# AmigaOS /C/install, which installs bootblocks on floppy discs +# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag +# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args +# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff" +# OS/2's system install, which has a completely different semantic +# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./install.sh. +# Reject install programs that cannot install multiple files. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a BSD-compatible install" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a BSD-compatible install... " >&6; } +if test -z "$INSTALL"; then +if ${ac_cv_path_install+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements. +case $as_dir/ in #(( + ./ | .// | /[cC]/* | \ + /etc/* | /usr/sbin/* | /usr/etc/* | /sbin/* | /usr/afsws/bin/* | \ + ?:[\\/]os2[\\/]install[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]OS2[\\/]INSTALL[\\/]* | \ + /usr/ucb/* ) ;; + *) + # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install. + # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root + # by default. + for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; then + if test $ac_prog = install && + grep dspmsg "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention. + : + elif test $ac_prog = install && + grep pwplus "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # program-specific install script used by HP pwplus--don't use. + : + else + rm -rf conftest.one conftest.two conftest.dir + echo one > conftest.one + echo two > conftest.two + mkdir conftest.dir + if "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" -c conftest.one conftest.two "`pwd`/conftest.dir" && + test -s conftest.one && test -s conftest.two && + test -s conftest.dir/conftest.one && + test -s conftest.dir/conftest.two + then + ac_cv_path_install="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext -c" + break 3 + fi + fi + fi + done + done + ;; +esac + + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +rm -rf conftest.one conftest.two conftest.dir + +fi + if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then + INSTALL=$ac_cv_path_install + else + # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a + # value for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will + # break other packages using the cache if that directory is + # removed, or if the value is a relative name. + INSTALL=$ac_install_sh + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $INSTALL" >&5 +$as_echo "$INSTALL" >&6; } + +# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}. +# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution. +test -z "$INSTALL_PROGRAM" && INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL}' + +test -z "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" && INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL}' + +test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644' + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether build environment is sane" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether build environment is sane... " >&6; } +# Reject unsafe characters in $srcdir or the absolute working directory +# name. Accept space and tab only in the latter. +am_lf=' +' +case `pwd` in + *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf]*) + as_fn_error $? "unsafe absolute working directory name" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +case $srcdir in + *[\\\"\#\$\&\'\`$am_lf\ \ ]*) + as_fn_error $? "unsafe srcdir value: '$srcdir'" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac + +# Do 'set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + am_has_slept=no + for am_try in 1 2; do + echo "timestamp, slept: $am_has_slept" > conftest.file + set X `ls -Lt "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$*" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t "$srcdir/configure" conftest.file` + fi + if test "$*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$*" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + as_fn_error $? "ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken + alias in your environment" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + if test "$2" = conftest.file || test $am_try -eq 2; then + break + fi + # Just in case. + sleep 1 + am_has_slept=yes + done + test "$2" = conftest.file + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + as_fn_error $? "newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock" "$LINENO" 5 +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } +# If we didn't sleep, we still need to ensure time stamps of config.status and +# generated files are strictly newer. +am_sleep_pid= +if grep 'slept: no' conftest.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ( sleep 1 ) & + am_sleep_pid=$! +fi + +rm -f conftest.file + +test "$program_prefix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s&^&$program_prefix&;$program_transform_name" +# Use a double $ so make ignores it. +test "$program_suffix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s&\$&$program_suffix&;$program_transform_name" +# Double any \ or $. +# By default was `s,x,x', remove it if useless. +ac_script='s/[\\$]/&&/g;s/;s,x,x,$//' +program_transform_name=`$as_echo "$program_transform_name" | sed "$ac_script"` + +# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path +am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` + +if test x"${MISSING+set}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} \"$am_aux_dir/missing\"" ;; + *) + MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" ;; + esac +fi +# Use eval to expand $SHELL +if eval "$MISSING --is-lightweight"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING " +else + am_missing_run= + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing" >&2;} +fi + +if test x"${install_sh}" != xset; then + case $am_aux_dir in + *\ * | *\ *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} '$am_aux_dir/install-sh'" ;; + *) + install_sh="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/install-sh" + esac +fi + +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using 'strip' when the user +# run "make install-strip". However 'strip' might not be the right +# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake +# will honor the 'STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="$STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_STRIP="${ac_tool_prefix}strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_STRIP +if test -n "$STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_STRIP"; then + ac_ct_STRIP=$STRIP + # Extract the first word of "strip", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy strip; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="$ac_ct_STRIP" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP="strip" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +ac_ct_STRIP=$ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_STRIP +if test -n "$ac_ct_STRIP"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_STRIP" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_ct_STRIP" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + if test "x$ac_ct_STRIP" = x; then + STRIP=":" + else + case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in +yes:) +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;} +ac_tool_warned=yes ;; +esac + STRIP=$ac_ct_STRIP + fi +else + STRIP="$ac_cv_prog_STRIP" +fi + +fi +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\$(install_sh) -c -s" + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... " >&6; } +if test -z "$MKDIR_P"; then + if ${ac_cv_path_mkdir+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/opt/sfw/bin +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_prog in mkdir gmkdir; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" || continue + case `"$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" --version 2>&1` in #( + 'mkdir (GNU coreutils) '* | \ + 'mkdir (coreutils) '* | \ + 'mkdir (fileutils) '4.1*) + ac_cv_path_mkdir=$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext + break 3;; + esac + done + done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi + + test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version + if test "${ac_cv_path_mkdir+set}" = set; then + MKDIR_P="$ac_cv_path_mkdir -p" + else + # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a + # value for MKDIR_P within a source directory, because that will + # break other packages using the cache if that directory is + # removed, or if the value is a relative name. + MKDIR_P="$ac_install_sh -d" + fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MKDIR_P" >&5 +$as_echo "$MKDIR_P" >&6; } + +for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AWK+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AWK"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$AWK" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AWK=$ac_cv_prog_AWK +if test -n "$AWK"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AWK" >&5 +$as_echo "$AWK" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$AWK" && break +done + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)... " >&6; } +set x ${MAKE-make} +ac_make=`$as_echo "$2" | sed 's/+/p/g; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'` +if eval \${ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat >conftest.make <<\_ACEOF +SHELL = /bin/sh +all: + @echo '@@@%%%=$(MAKE)=@@@%%%' +_ACEOF +# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering ...", which would confuse us. +case `${MAKE-make} -f conftest.make 2>/dev/null` in + *@@@%%%=?*=@@@%%%*) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes;; + *) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no;; +esac +rm -f conftest.make +fi +if eval test \$ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + SET_MAKE= +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}" +fi + +rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null +mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null +if test -d .tst; then + am__leading_dot=. +else + am__leading_dot=_ +fi +rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null + +# Check whether --enable-silent-rules was given. +if test "${enable_silent_rules+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_silent_rules; +fi + +case $enable_silent_rules in # ((( + yes) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=0;; + no) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; + *) AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY=1;; +esac +am_make=${MAKE-make} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $am_make supports nested variables" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether $am_make supports nested variables... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_make_support_nested_variables+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if $as_echo 'TRUE=$(BAR$(V)) +BAR0=false +BAR1=true +V=1 +am__doit: + @$(TRUE) +.PHONY: am__doit' | $am_make -f - >/dev/null 2>&1; then + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes +else + am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=no +fi +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_make_support_nested_variables" >&6; } +if test $am_cv_make_support_nested_variables = yes; then + AM_V='$(V)' + AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' +else + AM_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY + AM_DEFAULT_V=$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY +fi +AM_BACKSLASH='\' + +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`"; then + # Use -I$(srcdir) only when $(srcdir) != ., so that make's output + # is not polluted with repeated "-I." + am__isrc=' -I$(srcdir)' + # test to see if srcdir already configured + if test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + as_fn_error $? "source directory already configured; run \"make distclean\" there first" "$LINENO" 5 + fi +fi + +# test whether we have cygpath +if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then + if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' + else + CYGPATH_W=echo + fi +fi + + +# Define the identity of the package. + PACKAGE='check_nwc_health' + VERSION='' + + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define PACKAGE "$PACKAGE" +_ACEOF + + +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define VERSION "$VERSION" +_ACEOF + +# Some tools Automake needs. + +ACLOCAL=${ACLOCAL-"${am_missing_run}aclocal-${am__api_version}"} + + +AUTOCONF=${AUTOCONF-"${am_missing_run}autoconf"} + + +AUTOMAKE=${AUTOMAKE-"${am_missing_run}automake-${am__api_version}"} + + +AUTOHEADER=${AUTOHEADER-"${am_missing_run}autoheader"} + + +MAKEINFO=${MAKEINFO-"${am_missing_run}makeinfo"} + +# For better backward compatibility. To be removed once Automake 1.9.x +# dies out for good. For more background, see: +# +# +mkdir_p='$(MKDIR_P)' + +# We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on +# some platforms. +# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. Yes, it's still used +# in the wild :-( We should find a proper way to deprecate it ... +AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}' + + +# We'll loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar pax cpio none' + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to create a pax tar archive" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to create a pax tar archive... " >&6; } + + # Go ahead even if we have the value already cached. We do so because we + # need to set the values for the 'am__tar' and 'am__untar' variables. + _am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_pax-$_am_tools} + + for _am_tool in $_am_tools; do + case $_am_tool in + gnutar) + for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; do + { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $_am_tar --version" >&5 + ($_am_tar --version) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } && break + done + am__tar="$_am_tar --format=posix -chf - "'"$$tardir"' + am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=posix -chf - "'"$tardir"' + am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" + ;; + plaintar) + # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create + # ustar tarball either. + (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue + am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' + am__untar='tar xf -' + ;; + pax) + am__tar='pax -L -x pax -w "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='pax -L -x pax -w "$tardir"' + am__untar='pax -r' + ;; + cpio) + am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H pax -L' + am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H pax -L' + am__untar='cpio -i -H pax -d' + ;; + none) + am__tar=false + am__tar_=false + am__untar=false + ;; + esac + + # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar + # and am__untar set. + test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_pax}" && break + + # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works. + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file + { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar" >&5 + (tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } + rm -rf conftest.dir + if test -s conftest.tar; then + { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $am__untar &5 + ($am__untar &5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } + { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: cat conftest.dir/file" >&5 + (cat conftest.dir/file) >&5 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + (exit $ac_status); } + grep GrepMe conftest.dir/file >/dev/null 2>&1 && break + fi + done + rm -rf conftest.dir + + if ${am_cv_prog_tar_pax+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + am_cv_prog_tar_pax=$_am_tool +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_prog_tar_pax" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_prog_tar_pax" >&6; } + + + + + + +# POSIX will say in a future version that running "rm -f" with no argument +# is OK; and we want to be able to make that assumption in our Makefile +# recipes. So use an aggressive probe to check that the usage we want is +# actually supported "in the wild" to an acceptable degree. +# See automake bug#10828. +# To make any issue more visible, cause the running configure to be aborted +# by default if the 'rm' program in use doesn't match our expectations; the +# user can still override this though. +if rm -f && rm -fr && rm -rf; then : OK; else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Oops! + +Your 'rm' program seems unable to run without file operands specified +on the command line, even when the '-f' option is present. This is contrary +to the behaviour of most rm programs out there, and not conforming with +the upcoming POSIX standard: + +Please tell bug-automake@gnu.org about your system, including the value +of your $PATH and any error possibly output before this message. This +can help us improve future automake versions. + +END + if test x"$ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM" = x"yes"; then + echo 'Configuration will proceed anyway, since you have set the' >&2 + echo 'ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM variable to "yes"' >&2 + echo >&2 + else + cat >&2 <<'END' +Aborting the configuration process, to ensure you take notice of the issue. + +You can download and install GNU coreutils to get an 'rm' implementation +that behaves properly: . + +If you want to complete the configuration process using your problematic +'rm' anyway, export the environment variable ACCEPT_INFERIOR_RM_PROGRAM +to "yes", and re-run configure. + +END + as_fn_error $? "Your 'rm' program is bad, sorry." "$LINENO" 5 + fi +fi +# Make sure we can run config.sub. +$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 || + as_fn_error $? "cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" "$LINENO" 5 + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking build system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking build system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_build+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_build_alias=$build_alias +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"` +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + as_fn_error $? "cannot guess build type; you must specify one" "$LINENO" 5 +ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_build" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_build in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical build" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +build=$ac_cv_build +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_build +shift +build_cpu=$1 +build_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +build_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking host system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking host system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_host+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test "x$host_alias" = x; then + ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build +else + ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_host" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_host in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical host" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +host=$ac_cv_host +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_host +shift +host_cpu=$1 +host_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +host_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + + +RELEASE=1 + + + + + + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \$(MAKE)... " >&6; } +set x ${MAKE-make} +ac_make=`$as_echo "$2" | sed 's/+/p/g; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'` +if eval \${ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat >conftest.make <<\_ACEOF +SHELL = /bin/sh +all: + @echo '@@@%%%=$(MAKE)=@@@%%%' +_ACEOF +# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering ...", which would confuse us. +case `${MAKE-make} -f conftest.make 2>/dev/null` in + *@@@%%%=?*=@@@%%%*) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes;; + *) + eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no;; +esac +rm -f conftest.make +fi +if eval test \$ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + SET_MAKE= +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}" +fi + +for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk +do + # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_prog_AWK+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$AWK"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$AWK" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_prog_AWK="$ac_prog" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +AWK=$ac_cv_prog_AWK +if test -n "$AWK"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AWK" >&5 +$as_echo "$AWK" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$AWK" && break +done + + +WARRANTY="This plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of the plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\nFor more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n" + + +SUPPORT="Send email to gerhard.lausser@consol.de if you have questions\nregarding use of this software.\nPlease include version information with all correspondence (when possible,\nuse output from the --version option of the plugin itself).\n" + + + +# Check whether --with-nagios_user was given. +if test "${with_nagios_user+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_nagios_user; with_nagios_user=$withval +else + with_nagios_user=nagios +fi + + +# Check whether --with-nagios_group was given. +if test "${with_nagios_group+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_nagios_group; with_nagios_group=$withval +else + with_nagios_group=nagios +fi + + + +INSTALL_OPTS="-o $with_nagios_user -g $with_nagios_group" + + +# Check whether --with-noinst_level was given. +if test "${with_noinst_level+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_noinst_level; with_noinst_level=$withval +else + with_noinst_level=unknown +fi + +NOINSTLEVEL=$with_noinst_level + + +# Check whether --with-degrees was given. +if test "${with_degrees+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_degrees; with_degrees=$withval +else + with_degrees=unknown +fi + +case "$with_degrees" in + fahrenheit) + CELSIUS=0 + + ;; + *) + CELSIUS=1 + + ;; +esac +# Check whether --enable-perfdata was given. +if test "${enable_perfdata+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_perfdata; +else + enable_perfdata=no +fi + +if test x"$enable_perfdata" = xyes ; then + PERFDATA=1 + +else + PERFDATA=0 + +fi +# Check whether --enable-extendedinfo was given. +if test "${enable_extendedinfo+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_extendedinfo; +else + enable_extendedinfo=no +fi + +if test x"$enable_extendedinfo" = xyes ; then + EXTENDEDINFO=1 + +else + EXTENDEDINFO=0 + +fi +# Check whether --enable-hwinfo was given. +if test "${enable_hwinfo+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_hwinfo; +else + enable_hwinfo=yes +fi + + +if test x"$enable_hwinfo" = xyes ; then + HWINFO=1 + +else + HWINFO=0 + +fi + + +case "$host_os" in + *hp*) + defaulttrustedpath=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/contrib/bin + ;; + *) + defaulttrustedpath=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin + ;; +esac + +EXTRAS= + +# Extract the first word of "sh", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy sh; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_SH+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $SH in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_SH="$SH" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_path_SH="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +fi +SH=$ac_cv_path_SH +if test -n "$SH"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $SH" >&5 +$as_echo "$SH" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +# Extract the first word of "perl", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy perl; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_PERL+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $PERL in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_PERL="$PERL" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_path_PERL="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +fi +PERL=$ac_cv_path_PERL +if test -n "$PERL"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $PERL" >&5 +$as_echo "$PERL" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + + +# Check whether --with-perl was given. +if test "${with_perl+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_perl; with_perl=$withval +else + with_perl=$PERL +fi + +PERL=$with_perl + + +ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile plugins-scripts/Makefile plugins-scripts/subst" + +cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF +# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure +# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure +# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache. +# It is not useful on other systems. If it contains results you don't +# want to keep, you may remove or edit it. +# +# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it +# the --recheck option to rerun configure. +# +# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when +# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the +# following values. + +_ACEOF + +# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values, +# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient. +# So, we kill variables containing newlines. +# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly, +# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars. +( + for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do + eval ac_val=\$$ac_var + case $ac_val in #( + *${as_nl}*) + case $ac_var in #( + *_cv_*) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;; + esac + case $ac_var in #( + _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #( + BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #( + *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;; + esac ;; + esac + done + + (set) 2>&1 | + case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #( + *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *) + # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes: double-quote + # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \. + sed -n \ + "s/'/'\\\\''/g; + s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p" + ;; #( + *) + # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes. + sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p" + ;; + esac | + sort +) | + sed ' + /^ac_cv_env_/b end + t clear + :clear + s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test "${\1+set}" = set || &/ + t end + s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/ + :end' >>confcache +if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else + if test -w "$cache_file"; then + if test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: updating cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;} + if test ! -f "$cache_file" || test -h "$cache_file"; then + cat confcache >"$cache_file" + else + case $cache_file in #( + */* | ?:*) + mv -f confcache "$cache_file"$$ && + mv -f "$cache_file"$$ "$cache_file" ;; #( + *) + mv -f confcache "$cache_file" ;; + esac + fi + fi + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;} + fi +fi +rm -f confcache + +test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix +# Let make expand exec_prefix. +test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}' + +# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS. +# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules. +# Protect against Makefile macro expansion. +# +# If the first sed substitution is executed (which looks for macros that +# take arguments), then branch to the quote section. Otherwise, +# look for a macro that doesn't take arguments. +ac_script=' +:mline +/\\$/{ + N + s,\\\n,, + b mline +} +t clear +:clear +s/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*\([^ (][^ (]*([^)]*)\)[ ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g +t quote +s/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*\([^ ][^ ]*\)[ ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g +t quote +b any +:quote +s/[ `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'\''"<>?]/\\&/g +s/\[/\\&/g +s/\]/\\&/g +s/\$/$$/g +H +:any +${ + g + s/^\n// + s/\n/ /g + p +} +' +DEFS=`sed -n "$ac_script" confdefs.h` + + +ac_libobjs= +ac_ltlibobjs= +U= +for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue + # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed. + ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//' + ac_i=`$as_echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"` + # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR. When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR + # will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built. + as_fn_append ac_libobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext" + as_fn_append ac_ltlibobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo' +done +LIBOBJS=$ac_libobjs + +LTLIBOBJS=$ac_ltlibobjs + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking that generated files are newer than configure" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking that generated files are newer than configure... " >&6; } + if test -n "$am_sleep_pid"; then + # Hide warnings about reused PIDs. + wait $am_sleep_pid 2>/dev/null + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: done" >&5 +$as_echo "done" >&6; } + + +: "${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}" +ac_write_fail=0 +ac_clean_files_save=$ac_clean_files +ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;} +as_write_fail=0 +cat >$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1 +#! $SHELL +# Generated by $as_me. +# Run this file to recreate the current configuration. +# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging +# configure, is in config.log if it exists. + +debug=false +ac_cs_recheck=false +ac_cs_silent=false + +SHELL=\${CONFIG_SHELL-$SHELL} +export SHELL +_ASEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1 +## -------------------- ## +## M4sh Initialization. ## +## -------------------- ## + +# Be more Bourne compatible +DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh +if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + emulate sh + NULLCMD=: + # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which + # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. + alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"' + setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST +else + case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #( + *posix*) : + set -o posix ;; #( + *) : + ;; +esac +fi + + +as_nl=' +' +export as_nl +# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf. +as_echo='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +as_echo=$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo$as_echo +# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris, +# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh. +if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \ + && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='print -r --' + as_echo_n='print -rn --' +elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then + as_echo='printf %s\n' + as_echo_n='printf %s' +else + if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then + as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"' + as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n' + else + as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"' + as_echo_n_body='eval + arg=$1; + case $arg in #( + *"$as_nl"*) + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl"; + arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;; + esac; + expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl" + ' + export as_echo_n_body + as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo' + fi + export as_echo_body + as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo' +fi + +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && { + (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 || + PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + + +# IFS +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab. +# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word +# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.) +IFS=" "" $as_nl" + +# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator. +as_myself= +case $0 in #(( + *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;; + *) as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND' +# in which case we are not to be found in the path. +if test "x$as_myself" = x; then + as_myself=$0 +fi +if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then + $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in +# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1" +# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there. '((' could +# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14. +for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV MAIL MAILPATH +do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \ + && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || : +done +PS1='$ ' +PS2='> ' +PS4='+ ' + +# NLS nuisances. +LC_ALL=C +export LC_ALL +LANGUAGE=C +export LANGUAGE + +# CDPATH. +(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH + + +# as_fn_error STATUS ERROR [LINENO LOG_FD] +# ---------------------------------------- +# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are +# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the +# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0. +as_fn_error () +{ + as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1 + if test "$4"; then + as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4 + fi + $as_echo "$as_me: error: $2" >&2 + as_fn_exit $as_status +} # as_fn_error + + +# as_fn_set_status STATUS +# ----------------------- +# Set $? to STATUS, without forking. +as_fn_set_status () +{ + return $1 +} # as_fn_set_status + +# as_fn_exit STATUS +# ----------------- +# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context. +as_fn_exit () +{ + set +e + as_fn_set_status $1 + exit $1 +} # as_fn_exit + +# as_fn_unset VAR +# --------------- +# Portably unset VAR. +as_fn_unset () +{ + { eval $1=; unset $1;} +} +as_unset=as_fn_unset +# as_fn_append VAR VALUE +# ---------------------- +# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take +# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over +# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive +# implementations. +if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_append () + { + eval $1+=\$2 + }' +else + as_fn_append () + { + eval $1=\$$1\$2 + } +fi # as_fn_append + +# as_fn_arith ARG... +# ------------------ +# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the +# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments +# must be portable across $(()) and expr. +if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null; then : + eval 'as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=$(( $* )) + }' +else + as_fn_arith () + { + as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1` + } +fi # as_fn_arith + + +if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 && + test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then + as_expr=expr +else + as_expr=false +fi + +if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then + as_basename=basename +else + as_basename=false +fi + +if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then + as_dirname=dirname +else + as_dirname=false +fi + +as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" || +$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X/"$0" | + sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\/\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + +# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges. +as_cr_letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +as_cr_LETTERS='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' +as_cr_Letters=$as_cr_letters$as_cr_LETTERS +as_cr_digits='0123456789' +as_cr_alnum=$as_cr_Letters$as_cr_digits + +ECHO_C= ECHO_N= ECHO_T= +case `echo -n x` in #((((( +-n*) + case `echo 'xy\c'` in + *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character. + xy) ECHO_C='\c';; + *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null + ECHO_T=' ';; + esac;; +*) + ECHO_N='-n';; +esac + +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file +if test -d conf$$.dir; then + rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file +else + rm -f conf$$.dir + mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null +fi +if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then + if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s='ln -s' + # ... but there are two gotchas: + # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail. + # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable. + # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'. + ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe || + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then + as_ln_s=ln + else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' + fi +else + as_ln_s='cp -pR' +fi +rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file +rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null + + +# as_fn_mkdir_p +# ------------- +# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary. +as_fn_mkdir_p () +{ + + case $as_dir in #( + -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;; + esac + test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || { + as_dirs= + while :; do + case $as_dir in #( + *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'( + *) as_qdir=$as_dir;; + esac + as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs" + as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" || +$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$as_dir" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + test -d "$as_dir" && break + done + test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs" + } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir" + + +} # as_fn_mkdir_p +if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then + as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"' +else + test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p + as_mkdir_p=false +fi + + +# as_fn_executable_p FILE +# ----------------------- +# Test if FILE is an executable regular file. +as_fn_executable_p () +{ + test -f "$1" && test -x "$1" +} # as_fn_executable_p +as_test_x='test -x' +as_executable_p=as_fn_executable_p + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name. +as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + +# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name. +as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'" + + +exec 6>&1 +## ----------------------------------- ## +## Main body of $CONFIG_STATUS script. ## +## ----------------------------------- ## +_ASEOF +test $as_write_fail = 0 && chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1 + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# Save the log message, to keep $0 and so on meaningful, and to +# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their +# values after options handling. +ac_log=" +This file was extended by check_nwc_health $as_me, which was +generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was + + CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES + CONFIG_HEADERS = $CONFIG_HEADERS + CONFIG_LINKS = $CONFIG_LINKS + CONFIG_COMMANDS = $CONFIG_COMMANDS + $ $0 $@ + +on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` +" + +_ACEOF + +case $ac_config_files in *" +"*) set x $ac_config_files; shift; ac_config_files=$*;; +esac + + + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# Files that config.status was made for. +config_files="$ac_config_files" + +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_cs_usage="\ +\`$as_me' instantiates files and other configuration actions +from templates according to the current configuration. Unless the files +and actions are specified as TAGs, all are instantiated by default. + +Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]... + + -h, --help print this help, then exit + -V, --version print version number and configuration settings, then exit + --config print configuration, then exit + -q, --quiet, --silent + do not print progress messages + -d, --debug don't remove temporary files + --recheck update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions + --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE] + instantiate the configuration file FILE + +Configuration files: +$config_files + +Report bugs to the package provider." + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" +ac_cs_version="\\ +check_nwc_health config.status +configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, + with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" + +Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it." + +ac_pwd='$ac_pwd' +srcdir='$srcdir' +INSTALL='$INSTALL' +MKDIR_P='$MKDIR_P' +AWK='$AWK' +test -n "\$AWK" || AWK=awk +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# The default lists apply if the user does not specify any file. +ac_need_defaults=: +while test $# != 0 +do + case $1 in + --*=?*) + ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='` + ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'` + ac_shift=: + ;; + --*=) + ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='` + ac_optarg= + ac_shift=: + ;; + *) + ac_option=$1 + ac_optarg=$2 + ac_shift=shift + ;; + esac + + case $ac_option in + # Handling of the options. + -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r) + ac_cs_recheck=: ;; + --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;; + --config | --confi | --conf | --con | --co | --c ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_config"; exit ;; + --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d ) + debug=: ;; + --file | --fil | --fi | --f ) + $ac_shift + case $ac_optarg in + *\'*) ac_optarg=`$as_echo "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;; + '') as_fn_error $? "missing file argument" ;; + esac + as_fn_append CONFIG_FILES " '$ac_optarg'" + ac_need_defaults=false;; + --he | --h | --help | --hel | -h ) + $as_echo "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;; + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s) + ac_cs_silent=: ;; + + # This is an error. + -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$1' +Try \`$0 --help' for more information." ;; + + *) as_fn_append ac_config_targets " $1" + ac_need_defaults=false ;; + + esac + shift +done + +ac_configure_extra_args= + +if $ac_cs_silent; then + exec 6>/dev/null + ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent" +fi + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +if \$ac_cs_recheck; then + set X $SHELL '$0' $ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion + shift + \$as_echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL \$*" >&6 + CONFIG_SHELL='$SHELL' + export CONFIG_SHELL + exec "\$@" +fi + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +exec 5>>config.log +{ + echo + sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX +## Running $as_me. ## +_ASBOX + $as_echo "$ac_log" +} >&5 + +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 + +# Handling of arguments. +for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets +do + case $ac_config_target in + "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;; + "plugins-scripts/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES plugins-scripts/Makefile" ;; + "plugins-scripts/subst") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES plugins-scripts/subst" ;; + + *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;; + esac +done + + +# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate, +# then the envvar interface is used. Set only those that are not. +# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely +# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3. +if $ac_need_defaults; then + test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files +fi + +# Have a temporary directory for convenience. Make it in the build tree +# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition, +# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems. +# Hook for its removal unless debugging. +# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned: +# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'. +$debug || +{ + tmp= ac_tmp= + trap 'exit_status=$? + : "${ac_tmp:=$tmp}" + { test ! -d "$ac_tmp" || rm -fr "$ac_tmp"; } && exit $exit_status +' 0 + trap 'as_fn_exit 1' 1 2 13 15 +} +# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files. + +{ + tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && + test -d "$tmp" +} || +{ + tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM + (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp") +} || as_fn_error $? "cannot create a temporary directory in ." "$LINENO" 5 +ac_tmp=$tmp + +# Set up the scripts for CONFIG_FILES section. +# No need to generate them if there are no CONFIG_FILES. +# This happens for instance with `./config.status config.h'. +if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then + + +ac_cr=`echo X | tr X '\015'` +# On cygwin, bash can eat \r inside `` if the user requested igncr. +# But we know of no other shell where ac_cr would be empty at this +# point, so we can use a bashism as a fallback. +if test "x$ac_cr" = x; then + eval ac_cr=\$\'\\r\' +fi +ac_cs_awk_cr=`$AWK 'BEGIN { print "a\rb" }' /dev/null` +if test "$ac_cs_awk_cr" = "a${ac_cr}b"; then + ac_cs_awk_cr='\\r' +else + ac_cs_awk_cr=$ac_cr +fi + +echo 'BEGIN {' >"$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" && +_ACEOF + + +{ + echo "cat >conf$$subs.awk <<_ACEOF" && + echo "$ac_subst_vars" | sed 's/.*/&!$&$ac_delim/' && + echo "_ACEOF" +} >conf$$subs.sh || + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 +ac_delim_num=`echo "$ac_subst_vars" | grep -c '^'` +ac_delim='%!_!# ' +for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do + . ./conf$$subs.sh || + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + + ac_delim_n=`sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.awk | grep -c X` + if test $ac_delim_n = $ac_delim_num; then + break + elif $ac_last_try; then + as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + else + ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! " + fi +done +rm -f conf$$subs.sh + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<\\_ACAWK && +_ACEOF +sed -n ' +h +s/^/S["/; s/!.*/"]=/ +p +g +s/^[^!]*!// +:repl +t repl +s/'"$ac_delim"'$// +t delim +:nl +h +s/\(.\{148\}\)..*/\1/ +t more1 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/\\n"\\/ +p +n +b repl +:more1 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/ +p +g +s/.\{148\}// +t nl +:delim +h +s/\(.\{148\}\)..*/\1/ +t more2 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/ +p +b +:more2 +s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/ +p +g +s/.\{148\}// +t delim +' >$CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1 +rm -f conf$$subs.awk +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +_ACAWK +cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<_ACAWK && + for (key in S) S_is_set[key] = 1 + FS = "" + +} +{ + line = $ 0 + nfields = split(line, field, "@") + substed = 0 + len = length(field[1]) + for (i = 2; i < nfields; i++) { + key = field[i] + keylen = length(key) + if (S_is_set[key]) { + value = S[key] + line = substr(line, 1, len) "" value "" substr(line, len + keylen + 3) + len += length(value) + length(field[++i]) + substed = 1 + } else + len += 1 + keylen + } + + print line +} + +_ACAWK +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +if sed "s/$ac_cr//" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then + sed "s/$ac_cr\$//; s/$ac_cr/$ac_cs_awk_cr/g" +else + cat +fi < "$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" > "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not setup config files machinery" "$LINENO" 5 +_ACEOF + +# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove sole $(srcdir), +# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ entries from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and +# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty +# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers). +if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then + ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[ ]*/{ +h +s/// +s/^/:/ +s/[ ]*$/:/ +s/:\$(srcdir):/:/g +s/:\${srcdir}:/:/g +s/:@srcdir@:/:/g +s/^:*// +s/:*$// +x +s/\(=[ ]*\).*/\1/ +G +s/\n// +s/^[^=]*=[ ]*$// +}' +fi + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES" + + +eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES " +shift +for ac_tag +do + case $ac_tag in + :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;; + esac + case $ac_mode$ac_tag in + :[FHL]*:*);; + :L* | :C*:*) as_fn_error $? "invalid tag \`$ac_tag'" "$LINENO" 5;; + :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;; + :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$ac_tag.in;; + esac + ac_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=: + set x $ac_tag + IFS=$ac_save_IFS + shift + ac_file=$1 + shift + + case $ac_mode in + :L) ac_source=$1;; + :[FH]) + ac_file_inputs= + for ac_f + do + case $ac_f in + -) ac_f="$ac_tmp/stdin";; + *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree + # (if the path is not absolute). The absolute path cannot be DOS-style, + # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'. + test -f "$ac_f" || + case $ac_f in + [\\/$]*) false;; + *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";; + esac || + as_fn_error 1 "cannot find input file: \`$ac_f'" "$LINENO" 5;; + esac + case $ac_f in *\'*) ac_f=`$as_echo "$ac_f" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; esac + as_fn_append ac_file_inputs " '$ac_f'" + done + + # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't + # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read: + # /* config.h. Generated by config.status. */ + configure_input='Generated from '` + $as_echo "$*" | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g' + `' by configure.' + if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then + configure_input="$ac_file. $configure_input" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $ac_file" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;} + fi + # Neutralize special characters interpreted by sed in replacement strings. + case $configure_input in #( + *\&* | *\|* | *\\* ) + ac_sed_conf_input=`$as_echo "$configure_input" | + sed 's/[\\\\&|]/\\\\&/g'`;; #( + *) ac_sed_conf_input=$configure_input;; + esac + + case $ac_tag in + *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$ac_tmp/stdin" \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 ;; + esac + ;; + esac + + ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" || +$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || +$as_echo X"$ac_file" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q'` + as_dir="$ac_dir"; as_fn_mkdir_p + ac_builddir=. + +case "$ac_dir" in +.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; +*) + ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'` + # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix. + ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'` + case $ac_top_builddir_sub in + "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;; + *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;; + esac ;; +esac +ac_abs_top_builddir=$ac_pwd +ac_abs_builddir=$ac_pwd$ac_dir_suffix +# for backward compatibility: +ac_top_builddir=$ac_top_build_prefix + +case $srcdir in + .) # We are building in place. + ac_srcdir=. + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;; + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name. + ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix; + ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;; + *) # Relative name. + ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir + ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;; +esac +ac_abs_srcdir=$ac_abs_top_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix + + + case $ac_mode in + :F) + # + # CONFIG_FILE + # + + case $INSTALL in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ac_INSTALL=$INSTALL ;; + *) ac_INSTALL=$ac_top_build_prefix$INSTALL ;; + esac + ac_MKDIR_P=$MKDIR_P + case $MKDIR_P in + [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ;; + */*) ac_MKDIR_P=$ac_top_build_prefix$MKDIR_P ;; + esac +_ACEOF + +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it. +# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60. +ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen= +ac_sed_dataroot=' +/datarootdir/ { + p + q +} +/@datadir@/p +/@docdir@/p +/@infodir@/p +/@localedir@/p +/@mandir@/p' +case `eval "sed -n \"\$ac_sed_dataroot\" $ac_file_inputs"` in +*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;; +*@datadir@*|*@docdir@*|*@infodir@*|*@localedir@*|*@mandir@*) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;} +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 + ac_datarootdir_hack=' + s&@datadir@&$datadir&g + s&@docdir@&$docdir&g + s&@infodir@&$infodir&g + s&@localedir@&$localedir&g + s&@mandir@&$mandir&g + s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;; +esac +_ACEOF + +# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'. +# Shell code in configure.ac might set extrasub. +# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature? +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +ac_sed_extra="$ac_vpsub +$extrasub +_ACEOF +cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +:t +/@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*@/!b +s|@configure_input@|$ac_sed_conf_input|;t t +s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t +s&@top_build_prefix@&$ac_top_build_prefix&;t t +s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t +s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t +s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t +s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t +s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t +s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t +s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t +s&@INSTALL@&$ac_INSTALL&;t t +s&@MKDIR_P@&$ac_MKDIR_P&;t t +$ac_datarootdir_hack +" +eval sed \"\$ac_sed_extra\" "$ac_file_inputs" | $AWK -f "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \ + >$ac_tmp/out || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 + +test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" && + { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } && + { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[ ]*datarootdir[ ]*:*=/p' \ + "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } && + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir' +which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir' +which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&2;} + + rm -f "$ac_tmp/stdin" + case $ac_file in + -) cat "$ac_tmp/out" && rm -f "$ac_tmp/out";; + *) rm -f "$ac_file" && mv "$ac_tmp/out" "$ac_file";; + esac \ + || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 + ;; + + + + esac + +done # for ac_tag + + +as_fn_exit 0 +_ACEOF +ac_clean_files=$ac_clean_files_save + +test $ac_write_fail = 0 || + as_fn_error $? "write failure creating $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5 + + +# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status. +# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log. +# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open +# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its +# output is simply discarded. So we exec the FD to /dev/null, +# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and +# appended to by config.status. When coming back to configure, we +# need to make the FD available again. +if test "$no_create" != yes; then + ac_cs_success=: + ac_config_status_args= + test "$silent" = yes && + ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet" + exec 5>/dev/null + $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false + exec 5>>config.log + # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which + # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction. + $ac_cs_success || as_fn_exit 1 +fi +if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts" && test "$enable_option_checking" != no; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2;} +fi + + +echo " --with-perl: $with_perl" +echo " --with-nagios-user: $with_nagios_user" +echo " --with-nagios-group: $with_nagios_group" +echo " --with-noinst-level: $with_noinst_level" +echo " --with-degrees: $with_degrees" +echo " --enable-perfdata: $enable_perfdata" +echo " --enable-extendedinfo: $enable_extendedinfo" +echo " --enable-hwinfo: $enable_hwinfo" diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e040124 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +AC_REVISION ($Revision: 1.150 $) +AC_PREREQ(2.58) +AC_INIT(check_nwc_health, +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 tar-pax]) +AC_CANONICAL_HOST + +RELEASE=1 +AC_SUBST(RELEASE) + +AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr/local/nagios) + +dnl Figure out how to invoke "install" and what install options to use. +AC_PROG_INSTALL +AC_SUBST(INSTALL) + +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET +AC_PROG_AWK + +WARRANTY="This plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of the plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\nFor more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n" +AC_SUBST(WARRANTY) + +SUPPORT="Send email to gerhard.lausser@consol.de if you have questions\nregarding use of this software.\nPlease include version information with all correspondence (when possible,\nuse output from the --version option of the plugin itself).\n" +AC_SUBST(SUPPORT) + +AC_ARG_WITH(nagios_user, + ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-nagios-user=USER], + [set user name to run nagios]), + with_nagios_user=$withval, + with_nagios_user=nagios) +AC_ARG_WITH(nagios_group, + ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-nagios-group=GROUP], + [set group name to run nagios]), + with_nagios_group=$withval, + with_nagios_group=nagios) +AC_SUBST(with_nagios_user) +AC_SUBST(with_nagios_group) +INSTALL_OPTS="-o $with_nagios_user -g $with_nagios_group" +AC_SUBST(INSTALL_OPTS) +AC_ARG_WITH(noinst_level, + ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-noinst-level=LEVEL], + [error level if nwc_health is not installed]), + with_noinst_level=$withval, + with_noinst_level=unknown) +AC_SUBST(NOINSTLEVEL, $with_noinst_level) +AC_ARG_WITH(degrees, + ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-degrees=UNIT], + [which temperature unit to use. (celsius or fahrenheit)]), + with_degrees=$withval, + with_degrees=unknown) +case "$with_degrees" in + fahrenheit) + AC_SUBST(CELSIUS, 0) + ;; + *) + AC_SUBST(CELSIUS, 1) + ;; +esac +AC_ARG_ENABLE([perfdata], +[ --enable-perfdata wether to output perfdata (default=no)], ,enable_perfdata=no) +if test x"$enable_perfdata" = xyes ; then + AC_SUBST(PERFDATA, 1) +else + AC_SUBST(PERFDATA, 0) +fi +AC_ARG_ENABLE([extendedinfo], +[ --enable-extendedinfo wether to output extended info (default=no)], ,enable_extendedinfo=no) +if test x"$enable_extendedinfo" = xyes ; then + AC_SUBST(EXTENDEDINFO, 1) +else + AC_SUBST(EXTENDEDINFO, 0) +fi +AC_ARG_ENABLE([hwinfo], +[ --disable-hwinfo wether to output model desc., serial no., bios version (default=yes)], ,enable_hwinfo=yes) + +if test x"$enable_hwinfo" = xyes ; then + AC_SUBST(HWINFO, 1) +else + AC_SUBST(HWINFO, 0) +fi + + +case "$host_os" in + *hp*) + defaulttrustedpath=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/contrib/bin + ;; + *) + defaulttrustedpath=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin + ;; +esac + +EXTRAS= +dnl PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/etc:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH + +dnl Checks for programs. +AC_PATH_PROG(SH,sh) +AC_PATH_PROG(PERL,perl) + +dnl allow them to override the path of perl +AC_ARG_WITH(perl, + ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-perl=PATH], + [sets path to perl executable]), + with_perl=$withval,with_perl=$PERL) +AC_SUBST(PERL, $with_perl) + +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile plugins-scripts/Makefile plugins-scripts/subst) + +ACX_FEATURE([with],[perl]) +ACX_FEATURE([with],[nagios-user]) +ACX_FEATURE([with],[nagios-group]) +ACX_FEATURE([with],[noinst-level]) +ACX_FEATURE([with],[degrees]) +ACX_FEATURE([enable],[perfdata]) +ACX_FEATURE([enable],[extendedinfo]) +ACX_FEATURE([enable],[hwinfo]) diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..377bb86 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# install - install a program, script, or datafile + +scriptversion=2011-11-20.07; # UTC + +# This originates from X11R5 (mit/util/scripts/install.sh), which was +# later released in X11R6 (xc/config/util/install.sh) with the +# following copyright and license. +# +# Copyright (C) 1994 X Consortium +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to +# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the +# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or +# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +# X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +# AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNEC- +# TION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# +# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not +# be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal- +# ings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consor- +# tium. +# +# +# FSF changes to this file are in the public domain. +# +# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over install.sh, to prevent +# 'make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it +# when there is no Makefile. +# +# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written +# from scratch. + +nl=' +' +IFS=" "" $nl" + +# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script + +# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it. +doit=${DOITPROG-} +if test -z "$doit"; then + doit_exec=exec +else + doit_exec=$doit +fi + +# Put in absolute file names if you don't have them in your path; +# or use environment vars. + +chgrpprog=${CHGRPPROG-chgrp} +chmodprog=${CHMODPROG-chmod} +chownprog=${CHOWNPROG-chown} +cmpprog=${CMPPROG-cmp} +cpprog=${CPPROG-cp} +mkdirprog=${MKDIRPROG-mkdir} +mvprog=${MVPROG-mv} +rmprog=${RMPROG-rm} +stripprog=${STRIPPROG-strip} + +posix_glob='?' +initialize_posix_glob=' + test "$posix_glob" != "?" || { + if (set -f) 2>/dev/null; then + posix_glob= + else + posix_glob=: + fi + } +' + +posix_mkdir= + +# Desired mode of installed file. +mode=0755 + +chgrpcmd= +chmodcmd=$chmodprog +chowncmd= +mvcmd=$mvprog +rmcmd="$rmprog -f" +stripcmd= + +src= +dst= +dir_arg= +dst_arg= + +copy_on_change=false +no_target_directory= + +usage="\ +Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [-T] SRCFILE DSTFILE + or: $0 [OPTION]... SRCFILES... DIRECTORY + or: $0 [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SRCFILES... + or: $0 [OPTION]... -d DIRECTORIES... + +In the 1st form, copy SRCFILE to DSTFILE. +In the 2nd and 3rd, copy all SRCFILES to DIRECTORY. +In the 4th, create DIRECTORIES. + +Options: + --help display this help and exit. + --version display version info and exit. + + -c (ignored) + -C install only if different (preserve the last data modification time) + -d create directories instead of installing files. + -g GROUP $chgrpprog installed files to GROUP. + -m MODE $chmodprog installed files to MODE. + -o USER $chownprog installed files to USER. + -s $stripprog installed files. + -t DIRECTORY install into DIRECTORY. + -T report an error if DSTFILE is a directory. + +Environment variables override the default commands: + CHGRPPROG CHMODPROG CHOWNPROG CMPPROG CPPROG MKDIRPROG MVPROG + RMPROG STRIPPROG +" + +while test $# -ne 0; do + case $1 in + -c) ;; + + -C) copy_on_change=true;; + + -d) dir_arg=true;; + + -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2" + shift;; + + --help) echo "$usage"; exit $?;; + + -m) mode=$2 + case $mode in + *' '* | *' '* | *' +'* | *'*'* | *'?'* | *'['*) + echo "$0: invalid mode: $mode" >&2 + exit 1;; + esac + shift;; + + -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2" + shift;; + + -s) stripcmd=$stripprog;; + + -t) dst_arg=$2 + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. + case $dst_arg in + -* | [=\(\)!]) dst_arg=./$dst_arg;; + esac + shift;; + + -T) no_target_directory=true;; + + --version) echo "$0 $scriptversion"; exit $?;; + + --) shift + break;; + + -*) echo "$0: invalid option: $1" >&2 + exit 1;; + + *) break;; + esac + shift +done + +if test $# -ne 0 && test -z "$dir_arg$dst_arg"; then + # When -d is used, all remaining arguments are directories to create. + # When -t is used, the destination is already specified. + # Otherwise, the last argument is the destination. Remove it from $@. + for arg + do + if test -n "$dst_arg"; then + # $@ is not empty: it contains at least $arg. + set fnord "$@" "$dst_arg" + shift # fnord + fi + shift # arg + dst_arg=$arg + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. + case $dst_arg in + -* | [=\(\)!]) dst_arg=./$dst_arg;; + esac + done +fi + +if test $# -eq 0; then + if test -z "$dir_arg"; then + echo "$0: no input file specified." >&2 + exit 1 + fi + # It's OK to call 'install-sh -d' without argument. + # This can happen when creating conditional directories. + exit 0 +fi + +if test -z "$dir_arg"; then + do_exit='(exit $ret); exit $ret' + trap "ret=129; $do_exit" 1 + trap "ret=130; $do_exit" 2 + trap "ret=141; $do_exit" 13 + trap "ret=143; $do_exit" 15 + + # Set umask so as not to create temps with too-generous modes. + # However, 'strip' requires both read and write access to temps. + case $mode in + # Optimize common cases. + *644) cp_umask=133;; + *755) cp_umask=22;; + + *[0-7]) + if test -z "$stripcmd"; then + u_plus_rw= + else + u_plus_rw='% 200' + fi + cp_umask=`expr '(' 777 - $mode % 1000 ')' $u_plus_rw`;; + *) + if test -z "$stripcmd"; then + u_plus_rw= + else + u_plus_rw=,u+rw + fi + cp_umask=$mode$u_plus_rw;; + esac +fi + +for src +do + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. + case $src in + -* | [=\(\)!]) src=./$src;; + esac + + if test -n "$dir_arg"; then + dst=$src + dstdir=$dst + test -d "$dstdir" + dstdir_status=$? + else + + # Waiting for this to be detected by the "$cpprog $src $dsttmp" command + # might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad + # if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'. + if test ! -f "$src" && test ! -d "$src"; then + echo "$0: $src does not exist." >&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -z "$dst_arg"; then + echo "$0: no destination specified." >&2 + exit 1 + fi + dst=$dst_arg + + # If destination is a directory, append the input filename; won't work + # if double slashes aren't ignored. + if test -d "$dst"; then + if test -n "$no_target_directory"; then + echo "$0: $dst_arg: Is a directory" >&2 + exit 1 + fi + dstdir=$dst + dst=$dstdir/`basename "$src"` + dstdir_status=0 + else + # Prefer dirname, but fall back on a substitute if dirname fails. + dstdir=` + (dirname "$dst") 2>/dev/null || + expr X"$dst" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ + X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ + X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ + X"$dst" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || + echo X"$dst" | + sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + /^X\(\/\).*/{ + s//\1/ + q + } + s/.*/./; q' + ` + + test -d "$dstdir" + dstdir_status=$? + fi + fi + + obsolete_mkdir_used=false + + if test $dstdir_status != 0; then + case $posix_mkdir in + '') + # Create intermediate dirs using mode 755 as modified by the umask. + # This is like FreeBSD 'install' as of 1997-10-28. + umask=`umask` + case $stripcmd.$umask in + # Optimize common cases. + *[2367][2367]) mkdir_umask=$umask;; + .*0[02][02] | .[02][02] | .[02]) mkdir_umask=22;; + + *[0-7]) + mkdir_umask=`expr $umask + 22 \ + - $umask % 100 % 40 + $umask % 20 \ + - $umask % 10 % 4 + $umask % 2 + `;; + *) mkdir_umask=$umask,go-w;; + esac + + # With -d, create the new directory with the user-specified mode. + # Otherwise, rely on $mkdir_umask. + if test -n "$dir_arg"; then + mkdir_mode=-m$mode + else + mkdir_mode= + fi + + posix_mkdir=false + case $umask in + *[123567][0-7][0-7]) + # POSIX mkdir -p sets u+wx bits regardless of umask, which + # is incompatible with FreeBSD 'install' when (umask & 300) != 0. + ;; + *) + tmpdir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ins$RANDOM-$$ + trap 'ret=$?; rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null; exit $ret' 0 + + if (umask $mkdir_umask && + exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$tmpdir/d") >/dev/null 2>&1 + then + if test -z "$dir_arg" || { + # Check for POSIX incompatibilities with -m. + # HP-UX 11.23 and IRIX 6.5 mkdir -m -p sets group- or + # other-writable bit of parent directory when it shouldn't. + # FreeBSD 6.1 mkdir -m -p sets mode of existing directory. + ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` + case $ls_ld_tmpdir in + d????-?r-*) different_mode=700;; + d????-?--*) different_mode=755;; + *) false;; + esac && + $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$tmpdir" && { + ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` + test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1" + } + } + then posix_mkdir=: + fi + rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" + else + # Remove any dirs left behind by ancient mkdir implementations. + rmdir ./$mkdir_mode ./-p ./-- 2>/dev/null + fi + trap '' 0;; + esac;; + esac + + if + $posix_mkdir && ( + umask $mkdir_umask && + $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir" + ) + then : + else + + # The umask is ridiculous, or mkdir does not conform to POSIX, + # or it failed possibly due to a race condition. Create the + # directory the slow way, step by step, checking for races as we go. + + case $dstdir in + /*) prefix='/';; + [-=\(\)!]*) prefix='./';; + *) prefix='';; + esac + + eval "$initialize_posix_glob" + + oIFS=$IFS + IFS=/ + $posix_glob set -f + set fnord $dstdir + shift + $posix_glob set +f + IFS=$oIFS + + prefixes= + + for d + do + test X"$d" = X && continue + + prefix=$prefix$d + if test -d "$prefix"; then + prefixes= + else + if $posix_mkdir; then + (umask=$mkdir_umask && + $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir") && break + # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. + test -d "$prefix" || exit 1 + else + case $prefix in + *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; + *) qprefix=$prefix;; + esac + prefixes="$prefixes '$qprefix'" + fi + fi + prefix=$prefix/ + done + + if test -n "$prefixes"; then + # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. + (umask $mkdir_umask && + eval "\$doit_exec \$mkdirprog $prefixes") || + test -d "$dstdir" || exit 1 + obsolete_mkdir_used=true + fi + fi + fi + + if test -n "$dir_arg"; then + { test -z "$chowncmd" || $doit $chowncmd "$dst"; } && + { test -z "$chgrpcmd" || $doit $chgrpcmd "$dst"; } && + { test "$obsolete_mkdir_used$chowncmd$chgrpcmd" = false || + test -z "$chmodcmd" || $doit $chmodcmd $mode "$dst"; } || exit 1 + else + + # Make a couple of temp file names in the proper directory. + dsttmp=$dstdir/_inst.$$_ + rmtmp=$dstdir/_rm.$$_ + + # Trap to clean up those temp files at exit. + trap 'ret=$?; rm -f "$dsttmp" "$rmtmp" && exit $ret' 0 + + # Copy the file name to the temp name. + (umask $cp_umask && $doit_exec $cpprog "$src" "$dsttmp") && + + # and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits. + # + # If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing. If we want to + # ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore + # errors from the above "$doit $cpprog $src $dsttmp" command. + # + { test -z "$chowncmd" || $doit $chowncmd "$dsttmp"; } && + { test -z "$chgrpcmd" || $doit $chgrpcmd "$dsttmp"; } && + { test -z "$stripcmd" || $doit $stripcmd "$dsttmp"; } && + { test -z "$chmodcmd" || $doit $chmodcmd $mode "$dsttmp"; } && + + # If -C, don't bother to copy if it wouldn't change the file. + if $copy_on_change && + old=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dst" 2>/dev/null` && + new=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dsttmp" 2>/dev/null` && + + eval "$initialize_posix_glob" && + $posix_glob set -f && + set X $old && old=:$2:$4:$5:$6 && + set X $new && new=:$2:$4:$5:$6 && + $posix_glob set +f && + + test "$old" = "$new" && + $cmpprog "$dst" "$dsttmp" >/dev/null 2>&1 + then + rm -f "$dsttmp" + else + # Rename the file to the real destination. + $doit $mvcmd -f "$dsttmp" "$dst" 2>/dev/null || + + # The rename failed, perhaps because mv can't rename something else + # to itself, or perhaps because mv is so ancient that it does not + # support -f. + { + # Now remove or move aside any old file at destination location. + # We try this two ways since rm can't unlink itself on some + # systems and the destination file might be busy for other + # reasons. In this case, the final cleanup might fail but the new + # file should still install successfully. + { + test ! -f "$dst" || + $doit $rmcmd -f "$dst" 2>/dev/null || + { $doit $mvcmd -f "$dst" "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null && + { $doit $rmcmd -f "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null; :; } + } || + { echo "$0: cannot unlink or rename $dst" >&2 + (exit 1); exit 1 + } + } && + + # Now rename the file to the real destination. + $doit $mvcmd "$dsttmp" "$dst" + } + fi || exit 1 + + trap '' 0 + fi +done + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" +# End: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdea514 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Common wrapper for a few potentially missing GNU programs. + +scriptversion=2012-06-26.16; # UTC + +# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Originally written by Fran,cois Pinard , 1996. + +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. + +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +if test $# -eq 0; then + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" + exit 1 +fi + +case $1 in + + --is-lightweight) + # Used by our autoconf macros to check whether the available missing + # script is modern enough. + exit 0 + ;; + + --run) + # Back-compat with the calling convention used by older automake. + shift + ;; + + -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) + echo "\ +$0 [OPTION]... PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]... + +Run 'PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...', returning a proper advice when this fails due +to PROGRAM being missing or too old. + +Options: + -h, --help display this help and exit + -v, --version output version information and exit + +Supported PROGRAM values: + aclocal autoconf autoheader autom4te automake makeinfo + bison yacc flex lex help2man + +Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes 'gnu-', 'gnu', and +'g' are ignored when checking the name. + +Send bug reports to ." + exit $? + ;; + + -v|--v|--ve|--ver|--vers|--versi|--versio|--version) + echo "missing $scriptversion (GNU Automake)" + exit $? + ;; + + -*) + echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown '$1' option" + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" + exit 1 + ;; + +esac + +# Run the given program, remember its exit status. +"$@"; st=$? + +# If it succeeded, we are done. +test $st -eq 0 && exit 0 + +# Also exit now if we it failed (or wasn't found), and '--version' was +# passed; such an option is passed most likely to detect whether the +# program is present and works. +case $2 in --version|--help) exit $st;; esac + +# Exit code 63 means version mismatch. This often happens when the user +# tries to use an ancient version of a tool on a file that requires a +# minimum version. +if test $st -eq 63; then + msg="probably too old" +elif test $st -eq 127; then + # Program was missing. + msg="missing on your system" +else + # Program was found and executed, but failed. Give up. + exit $st +fi + +perl_URL=http://www.perl.org/ +flex_URL=http://flex.sourceforge.net/ +gnu_software_URL=http://www.gnu.org/software + +program_details () +{ + case $1 in + aclocal|automake) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Automake package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/automake>" + echo "It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf>" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + autoconf|autom4te|autoheader) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Autoconf package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf/>" + echo "It also requires GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + esac +} + +give_advice () +{ + # Normalize program name to check for. + normalized_program=`echo "$1" | sed ' + s/^gnu-//; t + s/^gnu//; t + s/^g//; t'` + + printf '%s\n' "'$1' is $msg." + + configure_deps="'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'" + case $normalized_program in + autoconf*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'configure.ac'," + echo "or m4 files included by it." + program_details 'autoconf' + ;; + autoheader*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acconfig.h' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'autoheader' + ;; + automake*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'Makefile.am' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'automake' + ;; + aclocal*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'aclocal' + ;; + autom4te*) + echo "You might have modified some maintainer files that require" + echo "the 'automa4te' program to be rebuilt." + program_details 'autom4te' + ;; + bison*|yacc*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Bison package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/bison/>" + ;; + lex*|flex*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.l' file." + echo "You may want to install the Fast Lexical Analyzer package:" + echo "<$flex_URL>" + ;; + help2man*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a dependency" \ + "of a man page." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Help2man package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/help2man/>" + ;; + makeinfo*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.texi' file, or" + echo "any other file indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual." + echo "You might want to install the Texinfo package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/texinfo/>" + echo "The spurious makeinfo call might also be the consequence of" + echo "using a buggy 'make' (AIX, DU, IRIX), in which case you might" + echo "want to install GNU make:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/make/>" + ;; + *) + echo "You might have modified some files without having the proper" + echo "tools for further handling them. Check the 'README' file, it" + echo "often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing" + echo "this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in" + echo "case some other package contains this missing '$1' program." + ;; + esac +} + +give_advice "$1" | sed -e '1s/^/WARNING: /' \ + -e '2,$s/^/ /' >&2 + +# Propagate the correct exit status (expected to be 127 for a program +# not found, 63 for a program that failed due to version mismatch). +exit $st + +# Local variables: +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" +# End: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96c591f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package Classes::AVOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Bluecoat); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::AVOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::licenses::/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_key_subsystem("Classes::AVOS::Component::KeySubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::connections/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_connection_subsystem("Classes::AVOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::security/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_security_subsystem("Classes::AVOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56ef9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package Classes::AVOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-AV-MIB', (qw( + avSlowICAPConnections))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d slow ICAP connections', + $self->{avSlowICAPConnections}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 100, critical => 100); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{avSlowICAPConnections})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'slow_connections', + value => $self->{avSlowICAPConnections}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bde601 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +package Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # With AVOS version, and, the SNMP MIB has been extended to support multiple CPU cores. + # The new OID is defined as a table in the BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB file with the following sub-OIDs. + # https://kb.bluecoat.com/index?page=content&id=FAQ1244&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=1360452047002 + $self->get_snmp_tables('BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'sgProxyCpuCoreTable', 'Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu'], + ]); + if (scalar (@{$self->{cpus}}) == 0) { + $self->get_snmp_tables('USAGE-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'deviceUsageTable', 'Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::DevCpu', sub { return shift->{deviceUsageName} =~ /CPU/ }], + ]); + } +} + +package Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{sgProxyCpuCoreIndex}, $self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{sgProxyCpuCoreIndex}.'_usage', + value => $self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + +package Classes::AVOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::DevCpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{deviceUsageIndex}, $self->{deviceUsagePercent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{deviceUsageHigh} - 10, critical => $self->{deviceUsageHigh}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{deviceUsagePercent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{deviceUsageIndex}.'_usage', + value => $self->{deviceUsagePercent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89d9b74 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::AVOS::Component::KeySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-AV-MIB', (qw( + avLicenseDaysRemaining avVendorName))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'license %s expires in %d days', + $self->{avVendorName}, + $self->{avLicenseDaysRemaining}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '14:', critical => '7:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{avLicenseDaysRemaining})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('lifetime_%s', $self->{avVendorName}), + value => $self->{avLicenseDaysRemaining}, + ); +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94183e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package Classes::AVOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + # https://kb.bluecoat.com/index?page=content&id=KB3069 + # Memory pressure simply is the percentage of physical memory less free and reclaimable memory, of total memory. So, for example, if there is no free or reclaimable memory in the system, then memory pressure is at 100%. + # The event logs start reporting memory pressure when it is over 75%. + # There's two separate OIDs to obtain memory pressure value for AVOSV4 and AVOSV5; + # AVOSV4: memPressureValue - OIDs: (systemResourceMIB) + # AVOSV5: sgProxyMemoryPressure - OIDs: (bluecoatSGProxyMIB) + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB', (qw( + sgProxyMemPressure sgProxyMemAvailable sgProxyMemCacheUsage sgProxyMemSysUsage))); + if (! defined $self->{sgProxyMemPressure}) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('SYSTEM-RESOURCES-MIB', (qw( + memPressureValue memWarningThreshold memCriticalThreshold memCurrentState))); + } + if (! defined $self->{memPressureValue}) { + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'USAGE-MIB', 'deviceUsageTable')) { + next if $_->{deviceUsageName} !~ /Memory/; + $self->{deviceUsageName} = $_->{deviceUsageName}; + $self->{deviceUsagePercent} = $_->{deviceUsagePercent}; + $self->{deviceUsageHigh} = $_->{deviceUsageHigh}; + $self->{deviceUsageStatus} = $_->{deviceUsageStatus}; + $self->{deviceUsageTime} = $_->{deviceUsageTime}; + } + bless $self, 'Classes::AVOS::Component::MemSubsystem::AVOS3'; + } +} + + +package Classes::AVOS::Component::MemSubsystem::AVOS3; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{deviceUsagePercent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{deviceUsageHigh} - 10, critical => $self->{deviceUsageHigh}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{deviceUsagePercent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{deviceUsagePercent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38616fb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package Classes::AVOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-AV-MIB', (qw( + avVirusesDetected))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d viruses detected', + $self->{avVirusesDetected}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 1500, critical => 1500); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{avVirusesDetected})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'viruses', + value => $self->{avVirusesDetected}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fbc7d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package Classes::AlliedTelesyn; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->no_such_mode(); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::AlliedTelesyn::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::AlliedTelesyn::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::AlliedTelesyn::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_hsrp_subsystem("Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..398ab2e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::BGP; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ed2d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +package Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +our $errorcodes = { + 0 => { + 0 => 'No Error', + }, + 1 => { + 0 => 'MESSAGE Header Error', + 1 => 'Connection Not Synchronized', + 2 => 'Bad Message Length', + 3 => 'Bad Message Type', + }, + 2 => { + 0 => 'OPEN Message Error', + 1 => 'Unsupported Version Number', + 2 => 'Bad Peer AS', + 3 => 'Bad BGP Identifier', + 4 => 'Unsupported Optional Parameter', + 5 => '[Deprecated => see Appendix A]', + 6 => 'Unacceptable Hold Time', + }, + 3 => { + 0 => 'UPDATE Message Error', + 1 => 'Malformed Attribute List', + 2 => 'Unrecognized Well-known Attribute', + 3 => 'Missing Well-known Attribute', + 4 => 'Attribute Flags Error', + 5 => 'Attribute Length Error', + 6 => 'Invalid ORIGIN Attribute', + 7 => '[Deprecated => see Appendix A]', + 8 => 'Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute', + 9 => 'Optional Attribute Error', + 10 => 'Invalid Network Field', + 11 => 'Malformed AS_PATH', + }, + 4 => { + 0 => 'Hold Timer Expired', + }, + 5 => { + 0 => 'Finite State Machine Error', + }, + 6 => { + 0 => 'Cease', + 1 => 'Maximum Number of Prefixes Reached', + 2 => 'Administrative Shutdown', + 3 => 'Peer De-configured', + 4 => 'Administrative Reset', + 5 => 'Connection Rejected', + 6 => 'Other Configuration Change', + 7 => 'Connection Collision Resolution', + 8 => 'Out of Resources', + }, +}; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{peers} = []; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::bgp::peer::list/) { + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'BGP4-MIB', 'bgpPeerTable', 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr'); + } + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'BGP4-MIB', 'bgpPeerTable', 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr')) { + if ($self->filter_name($_->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr})) { + push(@{$self->{peers}}, + Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem::Peer->new(%{$_})); + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking bgp peers'); + if (scalar(@{$self->{peers}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no peers'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /peer::list/) { + foreach (sort {$a->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr} cmp $b->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr}} @{$self->{peers}}) { + printf "%s\n", $_->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr}; + #$_->list(); + } + } else { + # es gibt + # kleine installation: 1 peer zu 1 as, evt 2. as als fallback + # grosse installation: n peer zu 1 as, alternative routen zum provider + # n peer zu m as, mehrere provider, mehrere alternativrouten + # 1 ausfall on 4 peers zu as ist egal + my $as_numbers = {}; + foreach (@{$self->{peers}}) { + $_->check(); + if (! exists $as_numbers->{$_->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}}->{peers}) { + $as_numbers->{$_->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}}->{peers} = []; + $as_numbers->{$_->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}}->{availability} = 100; + } + push(@{$as_numbers->{$_->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}}->{peers}}, $_); + } + if ($self->opts->name2) { + $self->clear_ok(); + $self->clear_critical(); + if ($self->opts->name2 eq "_ALL_") { + $self->opts->override_opt("name2", join(",", keys %{$as_numbers})); + } + foreach my $as (split(",", $self->opts->name2)) { + my $asname = ""; + if ($as =~ /(\d+)=(\w+)/) { + $as = $1; + $asname = $2; + } + if (exists $as_numbers->{$as}) { + my $num_peers = scalar(@{$as_numbers->{$as}->{peers}}); + my $num_ok_peers = scalar(grep { $_->{bgpPeerFaulty} == 0 } @{$as_numbers->{$as}->{peers}}); + $as_numbers->{$as}->{availability} = 100 * $num_ok_peers / $num_peers; + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "100:", critical => "50:"); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($as_numbers->{$as}->{availability}), + sprintf "%d from %d connections to %s are up (%.2f%%)", + $num_ok_peers, $num_peers, $asname ? $asname : "AS".$as, + $as_numbers->{$as}->{availability}); + } else { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'found no peer for %s', $asname ? $asname : "AS".$as); + } + } + + } + if ($self->opts->report eq "short") { + $self->clear_ok(); + $self->add_ok('no problems') if ! $self->check_messages(); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem::Peer; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + foreach(keys %params) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + bless $self, $class; + $self->{bgpPeerLastError} |= "00 00"; + my $errorcode = 0; + my $subcode = 0; + if (lc $self->{bgpPeerLastError} =~ /([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)/) { + $errorcode = hex($1) * 1; + $subcode = hex($2) * 1; + } + $self->{bgpPeerLastError} = $Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem::errorcodes->{$errorcode}->{$subcode}; + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName} = ""; + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} = 0; # if named in --name2 + $self->{bgpPeerFaulty} = 0; + my @parts = gmtime($self->{bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime}); + $self->{bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime} = sprintf ("%dd, %dh, %dm, %ds",@parts[7,2,1,0]); + + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->name2) { + foreach my $as (split(",", $self->opts->name2)) { + if ($as =~ /(\d+)=(\w+)/) { + $as = $1; + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName} = ", ".$2; + } else { + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName} = ""; + } + if ($as eq "_ALL_" || $as == $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}) { + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} = 1; + } + } + } else { + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} = 1; + } + if ($self->{bgpPeerState} eq "established" || $self->{bgpPeerState} eq "idle") { + $self->add_ok(sprintf "peer %s (AS%s) state is %s since %s", + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr}, + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}.$self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName}, + $self->{bgpPeerState}, + $self->{bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime} + ); + } elsif ($self->{bgpPeerAdminStatus} eq "stop") { + $self->add_message($self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} ? WARNING : OK, + sprintf "peer %s (AS%s) state is %s (is admin down)", + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr}, + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}.$self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName}, + $self->{bgpPeerState} + ); + $self->{bgpPeerFaulty} = $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} ? 1 : 0; + } else { + $self->add_message($self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} ? CRITICAL : OK, + sprintf "peer %s (AS%s) state is %s (last error: %s)", + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAddr}, + $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAs}.$self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsName}, + $self->{bgpPeerState}, + $self->{bgpPeerLastError} + ); + $self->{bgpPeerFaulty} = $self->{bgpPeerRemoteAsImportant} ? 1 : 0; + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0d3171 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package Classes::Bluecoat; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # RFC1213-MIB + '', # RS-232-MIB + '', # SNMP-REPEATER-MIB + '', # HOST-RESOURCES-MIB + '', # IANAifType-MIB + '', # IF-MIB + '', # WWW-MIB + '', # PROXY-MIB + '', # BLUECOAT-MIB + '', # BLUECOAT-MIB + '', # BLUECOAT-MIB + '', # SENSOR-MIB + '', # BLUECOAT-AV-MIB + '', # DISK-MIB + '', # ATTACK-MIB + '', # USAGE-MIB + '', # WCCP-MIB + '', # POLICY-MIB + '', # SYSTEM-RESOURCES-MIB + '', # BLUECOAT-HOST-RESOURCES-MIB + '', # SR-COMMUNITY-MIB + '', # USM-TARGET-TAG-MIB + '', # TGT-ADDRESS-MASK-MIB + '', # MLM-MIB + '', # SNMPv2-MIB + '', # SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB + '', # SNMP-MPD-MIB + '', # COMMUNITY-MIB + '', # V2ADMIN-MIB + '', # USEC-MIB + '', # SNMP-TARGET-MIB + '', # SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB + '', # SNMP-PROXY-MIB + '', # SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB + '', # SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB + '', # SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /Blue.*Coat.*SG\d+/i) { + # product ProxySG Blue Coat SG600 + # iso. = STRING: "Version: SGOS, Release id: 78642 Proxy Edition" + bless $self, 'Classes::SGOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::SGOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Blue.*Coat.*AV\d+/i) { + # product Blue Coat AV510 Series, ProxyAV Version:, Release id: 111017 + bless $self, 'Classes::AVOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::AVOS'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::Bluecoat") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73cf4e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package Classes::Brocade; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'ENTITY-MIB', 'entPhysicalTable')) { + if ($_->{entPhysicalDescr} =~ /Brocade/) { + $self->{productname} = "FabOS"; + } + } + my $swFirmwareVersion = $self->get_snmp_object('SW-MIB', 'swFirmwareVersion'); + if ($swFirmwareVersion && $swFirmwareVersion =~ /^v6/) { + $self->{productname} = "FabOS" + } + if ($self->{productname} =~ /EMC\s*DS.*4700M/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::MEOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::MEOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /EMC\s*DS-24M2/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::MEOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::MEOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /FabOS/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::FabOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::FabOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /ICX6|FastIron/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Foundry'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Foundry'); + } elsif ($self->implements_mib('SW-MIB')) { + bless $self, 'Classes::FabOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::FabOS'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::Brocade") { + $self->init(); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0186bf --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # CHECKPOINT-MIB +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /(FireWall\-1\s)|(cpx86_64)|(Linux.*\dcp )/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1'; + $self->debug('using Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::CheckPoint") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4565ed9 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::CheckPoint); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::ha::/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_ha_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::HaSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::fw::/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_fw_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FwSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::svn::/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_svn_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::SvnSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::mngmt::/) { + # not sure if this works fa25239716cb74c672f8dd390430dc4056caffa7 + $self->analyze_and_check_mngmt_subsystem("Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::MngmtSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..487d561 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + procUsage))); + $self->{procQueue} = $self->valid_response('CHECKPOINT-MIB', 'procQueue'); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{procUsage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{procUsage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{procUsage}, + uom => '%', + ); + if (defined $self->{procQueue}) { + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_queue_length', + value => $self->{procQueue}, + thresholds => 0, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f32fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', [ + ['storages', 'hrStorageTable', 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem::Storage', sub { return shift->{hrStorageType} eq 'hrStorageFixedDisk'}], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('CHECKPOINT-MIB', [ + ['volumes', 'volumesTable', 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem::Volume'], + ['disks', 'disksTable', 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem::Disk'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + diskPercent diskPercent))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking disks'); + if (scalar (@{$self->{storages}}) == 0) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + diskPercent diskPercent))); + my $free = 100 - $self->{diskPercent}; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk has %.2f%% free space left', $free); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '10:', critical => '5:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($free)); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'disk_free', + value => $free, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{storages}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } + foreach (@{$self->{volumes}}) { + $_->check(); + } + foreach (@{$self->{disks}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem::Volume; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'volume %s with %d disks is %s', + $self->{volumesVolumeID}, + $self->{volumesNumberOfDisks}, + $self->{volumesVolumeState}); + if ($self->{volumesVolumeState} eq 'degraded') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{volumesVolumeState} eq 'failed') { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_ok(); + } + +} + + +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem::Disk; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk %s (vol %s) is %s', + $self->{disksIndex}, + $self->{disksVolumeID}, + $self->{disksState}); + # warning/critical comes from the volume +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b30156 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem} = + Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::DiskSubsystem->new(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem} = + Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new(); + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem} = + Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::VoltageSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->clear_ok(); # too much noise + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa46fad --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CHECKPOINT-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'sensorsFanTable', 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{fans}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan %s is %s (%d %s)', + $self->{sensorsFanName}, $self->{sensorsFanStatus}, + $self->{sensorsFanValue}, $self->{sensorsFanUOM}); + if ($self->{sensorsFanStatus} eq 'normal') { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{sensorsFanStatus} eq 'abnormal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_unknown(); + } + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'fan'.$self->{sensorsFanName}.'_rpm', + value => $self->{sensorsFanValue}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a990cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::FwSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + fwModuleState fwPolicyName fwNumConn))); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::fw::policy::installed/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::fw::policy::connections/) { + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking fw module'); + if ($self->{fwModuleState} ne 'Installed') { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'fw module is %s', $self->{fwPolicyName}); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::fw::policy::installed/) { + if (! $self->opts->name()) { + $self->add_unknown('please specify a policy with --name'); + } elsif ($self->{fwPolicyName} eq $self->opts->name()) { + $self->add_ok(sprintf 'fw policy is %s', $self->{fwPolicyName}); + } else { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'fw policy is %s, expected %s', + $self->{fwPolicyName}, $self->opts->name()); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::fw::policy::connections/) { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 20000, critical => 23000); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{fwNumConn}), + sprintf 'policy %s has %s open connections', + $self->{fwPolicyName}, $self->{fwNumConn}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'fw_policy_numconn', + value => $self->{fwNumConn}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..393de32 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::HaSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::ha::role/) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + haStarted haState haStatShort))); + if (! $self->opts->role()) { + $self->opts->override_opt('role', 'active'); + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking ha'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'ha %sstarted, role is %s, status is %s', + $self->{haStarted} eq 'yes' ? '' : 'not ', + $self->{haState}, $self->{haStatShort}); + if ($self->{haStarted} eq 'yes') { + if ($self->{haStatShort} ne 'OK') { + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : CRITICAL, + $self->{info}); + } elsif ($self->{haState} ne $self->opts->role()) { + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING, + $self->{info}); + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING, + sprintf "expected role %s", $self->opts->role()) + } else { + $self->add_ok(); + } + } else { + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : WARNING, + 'ha was not started'); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a48dab --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + memTotalReal64 memFreeReal64))); + $self->{memory_usage} = $self->{memFreeReal64} ? + ( ($self->{memTotalReal64} - $self->{memFreeReal64}) / $self->{memTotalReal64} * 100) : 100; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', $self->{memory_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{memory_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{memory_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11d8185 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::MngmtSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::mngmt::status/) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + mgStatShortDescr mgStatLongDescr))); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking mngmt'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::mngmt::status/) { + if (! defined $self->{mgStatShortDescr}) { + $self->add_unknown('management mib is not implemented'); + } elsif ($self->{mgStatShortDescr} ne 'OK') { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'status of management is %s', $self->{mgStatLongDescr}); + } else { + $self->add_ok(sprintf 'status of management is %s', $self->{mgStatLongDescr}); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53abae7 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::SvnSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::svn::status/) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('CHECKPOINT-MIB', (qw( + svnStatShortDescr svnStatLongDescr))); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking svn'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::svn::status/) { + if ($self->{svnStatShortDescr} ne 'OK') { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'status of svn is %s', $self->{svnStatLongDescr}); + } else { + $self->add_ok(sprintf 'status of svn is %s', $self->{svnStatLongDescr}); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8da977b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CHECKPOINT-MIB', [ + ['temperatures', 'sensorsTemperatureTable', 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{temperatures}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %s is %s (%d %s)', + $self->{sensorsTemperatureName}, $self->{sensorsTemperatureStatus}, + $self->{sensorsTemperatureValue}, $self->{sensorsTemperatureUOM}); + if ($self->{sensorsTemperatureStatus} eq 'normal') { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{sensorsTemperatureStatus} eq 'abnormal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_unknown(); + } + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'temperature_'.$self->{sensorsTemperatureName}, + value => $self->{sensorsTemperatureValue}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1cc56b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::VoltageSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CHECKPOINT-MIB', [ + ['voltages', 'sensorsVoltageTable', 'Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{voltages}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::CheckPoint::Firewall1::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'voltage %s is %s (%.2f %s)', + $self->{sensorsVoltageName}, $self->{sensorsVoltageStatus}, + $self->{sensorsVoltageValue}, $self->{sensorsVoltageUOM}); + if ($self->{sensorsVoltageStatus} eq 'normal') { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{sensorsVoltageStatus} eq 'abnormal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_unknown(); + } + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'voltage'.$self->{sensorsVoltageName}.'_rpm', + value => $self->{sensorsVoltageValue}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c24aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +package Classes::Cisco; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # mib-2 + '', # cisco + '', # ciscoProducts + '', # local + '', # temporary + '', # pakmon + '', # workgroup + '', # otherEnterprises + '', # ciscoAgentCapability + '', # ciscoConfig + '', # ciscoMgmt + '', # ciscoExperiment + '', # ciscoAdmin + '', # ciscoModules + '', # lightstream + '', # ciscoworks + '', # newport + '', # ciscoPartnerProducts + '', # ciscoPolicy + '', # ciscoPolicyAuto + '', # ciscoDomains + '', # airespace-switching-mib + '', # airespace-wireless-mib +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco NX-OS/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::NXOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::NXOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco Controller/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::WLC'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::WLC'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco.*(IronPort|AsyncOS)/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco.*Prime Network Control System/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::PrimeNCS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::PrimeNCS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /UCOS /i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::UCOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::UCOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco (PIX|Adaptive) Security Appliance/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::ASA'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::ASA'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::IOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::IOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Fujitsu Intelligent Blade Panel 30\/12/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::IOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::IOS'); + } elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0) eq '') { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::CCM'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::CCM'); + } elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0) eq '') { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco::CCM'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco::CCM'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::Cisco") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba5b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::ASA; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYALARMMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_hsrp_subsystem("Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::users/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_connection_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::config/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConfigSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::sessions::count/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::rejects/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e082bf --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::licenses::/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_key_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::KeySubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..104bcab --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', (qw( + perCentCPUUtilization))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{perCentCPUUtilization}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{perCentCPUUtilization})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{perCentCPUUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ffd83b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # + # ciscoEnvMonPresent (irgendein typ of envmon) + # + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new(); + $self->{raid_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::RaidSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{raid_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{raid_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb38e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'fanTable', 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan %d (%s) has %s rpm', + $self->{fanIndex}, + $self->{fanName}, + $self->{fanRPMs}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('fan_c%s', $self->{fanIndex}), + value => $self->{fanRPMs}, + thresholds => 0, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caf9530 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::KeySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', [ + ['keys', 'keyExpirationTable', 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::KeySubsystem::Key'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::KeySubsystem::Key; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{keyDaysUntilExpire} = int($self->{keySecondsUntilExpire} / 86400); + if ($self->{keyIsPerpetual} eq 'true') { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'perpetual key %d (%s) never expires', + $self->{keyExpirationIndex}, + $self->{keyDescription}); + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'key %d (%s) expires in %d days', + $self->{keyExpirationIndex}, + $self->{keyDescription}, + $self->{keyDaysUntilExpire}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '14:', critical => '7:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{keyDaysUntilExpire})); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('lifetime_%s', $self->{keyDaysUntilExpire}), + value => $self->{keyDaysUntilExpire}, + thresholds => $self->{keyIsPerpetual} eq 'true' ? 0 : 1, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03e1333 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', (qw( + perCentMemoryUtilization memoryAvailabilityStatus))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%% (%s)', + $self->{perCentMemoryUtilization}, $self->{memoryAvailabilityStatus}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + if ($self->check_thresholds($self->{perCentMemoryUtilization})) { + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{perCentMemoryUtilization})); + } elsif ($self->{memoryAvailabilityStatus} eq 'memoryShortage') { + $self->add_warning(); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{perCentMemoryUtilization}, critical => 90); + } elsif ($self->{memoryAvailabilityStatus} eq 'memoryFull') { + $self->add_critical(); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => $self->{perCentMemoryUtilization}); + } else { + $self->add_ok(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{perCentMemoryUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5602f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', [ + ['supplies', 'powerSupplyTable', 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'powersupply %d (%s) has status %s', + $self->{powerSupplyIndex}, + $self->{powerSupplyName}, + $self->{powerSupplyStatus}); + if ($self->{powerSupplyStatus} eq 'powerSupplyNotInstalled') { + } elsif ($self->{powerSupplyStatus} ne 'powerSupplyHealthy') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b90241 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::RaidSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', (qw( + raidEvents))); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', [ + ['raids', 'raidTable', 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::RaidSubsystem::Raid'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::RaidSubsystem::Raid; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'raid %d has status %s', + $self->{raidIndex}, + $self->{raidStatus}); + if ($self->{raidStatus} eq 'driveHealthy') { + } elsif ($self->{raidStatus} eq 'driveRebuild') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{raidStatus} eq 'driveFailure') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d76753 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB', [ + ['temperatures', 'temperatureTable', 'Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::AsyncOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d (%s) is %s degree C', + $self->{temperatureIndex}, + $self->{temperatureName}, + $self->{degreesCelsius}); + if ($self->check_thresholds($self->{degreesCelsius})) { + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{degreesCelsius}), + $self->{info}); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('temp_%s', $self->{temperatureIndex}), + value => $self->{degreesCelsius}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..149ddc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CCM; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::phone::cm/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cm_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::phone/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_phone_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::PhoneSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08dfb0b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-CCM-MIB', [ + ['ccms', 'ccmTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem::Cm'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{ccms}}) { + $_->check(); + } + if (! scalar(@{$self->{ccms}})) { + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : 2, + 'local callmanager is down'); + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem::Cm; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cm %s is %s', + $self->{ccmName}, + $self->{ccmStatus}); + $self->add_message($self->{ccmStatus} eq 'up' ? OK : CRITICAL); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4acaccb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::PhoneSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-CCM-MIB', (qw( + ccmRegisteredPhones ccmUnregisteredPhones ccmRejectedPhones))); + if (! defined $self->{ccmRegisteredPhones}) { + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-CCM-MIB', [ + ['ccms', 'ccmTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem::Cm'], + ]); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if (! defined $self->{ccmRegisteredPhones}) { + foreach (qw(ccmRegisteredPhones ccmUnregisteredPhones ccmRejectedPhones)) { + $self->{$_} = 0; + } + if (! scalar(@{$self->{ccms}})) { + $self->add_ok('cm is down'); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('unable to count phones'); + } + } + $self->add_info(sprintf 'phones: %d registered, %d unregistered, %d rejected', + $self->{ccmRegisteredPhones}, + $self->{ccmUnregisteredPhones}, + $self->{ccmRejectedPhones}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 10, critical => 20); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{ccmRejectedPhones})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'registered', + value => $self->{ccmRegisteredPhones}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'unregistered', + value => $self->{ccmUnregisteredPhones}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'rejected', + value => $self->{ccmRejectedPhones}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab25e4d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYALARMMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $alarms = {}; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB', [ + ['alarms', 'ceAlarmTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::Alarm', sub { my $o = shift; $o->{parent} = $self; $self->filter_name($o->{entPhysicalIndex})}], + ['alarmdescriptionmappings', 'ceAlarmDescrMapTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmDescriptionMapping' ], + ['alarmdescriptions', 'ceAlarmDescrTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmDescription' ], + ['alarmfilterprofiles', 'ceAlarmFilterProfileTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmFilterProfile' ], + ['alarmhistory', 'ceAlarmHistTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmHistory', sub { my $o = shift; $o->{parent} = $self; $self->filter_name($o->{entPhysicalIndex})}], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ENTITY-MIB', [ + ['entities', 'entPhysicalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::PhysicalEntity'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB', qw( + ceAlarmCriticalCount ceAlarmMajorCount ceAlarmMinorCount + ceAlarmFilterProfileIndexNext + )); + foreach (qw(ceAlarmCriticalCount ceAlarmMajorCount ceAlarmMinorCount)) { + $self->{$_} ||= 0; + } + @{$self->{alarms}} = grep { + $_->{ceAlarmSeverity} ne 'none' && + $_->{ceAlarmSeverity} ne 'info' + } @{$self->{alarms}}; + foreach my $alarm (@{$self->{alarms}}) { + foreach my $entity (@{$self->{entities}}) { + if ($alarm->{entPhysicalIndex} eq $entity->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + $alarm->{entity} = $entity; + } + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar(@{$self->{alarms}}) == 0) { + $self->add_info('no alarms'); + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{alarms}}) { + $_->check(); + } + foreach (@{$self->{alarmhistory}}) { + $_->check(); + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { # blacklisted des ganze glump + $self->add_info('no alarms'); + $self->add_ok(); + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::Alarm; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; + $self->{ceAlarmTypes} = []; + if ($self->{ceAlarmList}) { + my $index = 0; + foreach my $octet (split(/\s+/, $self->{ceAlarmList})) { + my $hexoctet = hex($octet) & 0xff; + if ($hexoctet) { + my $base = 8 * $index; + foreach my $bit (0..7) { + my $mask = (2 ** $bit) & 0xff; + if ($hexoctet & $mask) { + push(@{$self->{ceAlarmTypes}}, $base + $bit); + } + } + } + $index++; + } + } + $self->{ceAlarmTypes} = join(",", @{$self->{ceAlarmTypes}}); # weil sonst der drecks-dump nicht funktioniert. +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $location = exists $self->{entity} ? + $self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr} : "unknown"; + if (length($self->{ceAlarmTypes})) { + my @descriptorindexes = map { + $_->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} + } grep { + $self->{entity}->{entPhysicalVendorType} eq $_->{ceAlarmDescrVendorType} + } @{$self->{parent}->{alarmdescriptionmappings}}; + if (@descriptorindexes) { + my $ceAlarmDescrIndex = $descriptorindexes[0]; + my @descriptions = grep { + $_->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} == $ceAlarmDescrIndex; + } @{$self->{parent}->{alarmdescriptions}}; + foreach my $ceAlarmType (split(",", $self->{ceAlarmTypes})) { + foreach my $alarmdesc (@descriptions) { + if ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrAlarmType} == $ceAlarmType) { + $self->add_info(sprintf "%s alarm '%s' in entity %d (%s)", + $alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity}, + $alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrText}, + $self->{entPhysicalIndex}, + $location); + if ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity} eq "none") { + # A value of '0' indicates that there the corresponding physical entity currently is not asserting any alarms. + } elsif ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity} eq "critical") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity} eq "major") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity} eq "minor") { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrSeverity} eq "info") { + $self->add_ok(); + } + } + } + } + } + } + delete $self->{parent}; # brauch ma nimmer, daad eh sched bon dump scheebern +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::PhysicalEntity; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmDescription; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} = $self->{indices}->[0]; + $self->{ceAlarmDescrAlarmType} = $self->{indices}->[1]; +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmDescriptionMapping; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} = $self->{indices}->[0]; +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmFilterProfile; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem::AlarmHistory; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ceAlarmHistTimeStamp} = time - $self->uptime() + $self->timeticks($self->{ceAlarmHistTimeStamp}); + $self->{ceAlarmHistTimeStampLocal} = scalar localtime $self->{ceAlarmHistTimeStamp}; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $vendortype = "unknown"; + my @entities = grep { + $_->{entPhysicalIndex} == $self->{ceAlarmHistEntPhysicalIndex}; + } @{$self->{parent}->{entities}}; + if (@entities) { + $vendortype = $entities[0]->{entPhysicalVendorType}; + $self->{ceAlarmHistEntPhysicalDescr} = $entities[0]->{entPhysicalDescr}; + } + my @descriptorindexes = map { + $_->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} + } grep { + $vendortype eq $_->{ceAlarmDescrVendorType} + } @{$self->{parent}->{alarmdescriptionmappings}}; + if (@descriptorindexes) { + my $ceAlarmDescrIndex = $descriptorindexes[0]; + my @descriptions = grep { + $_->{ceAlarmDescrIndex} == $ceAlarmDescrIndex; + } @{$self->{parent}->{alarmdescriptions}}; + foreach my $alarmdesc (@descriptions) { + if ($alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrAlarmType} == $self->{ceAlarmHistAlarmType}) { + $self->{ceAlarmHistAlarmDescrText} = $alarmdesc->{ceAlarmDescrText}; + } + } + } + delete $self->{parent}; +} + +__END__ + +ceAlarmTable +"This table specifies alarm control and status information +related to each physical entity contained by the system, +including the alarms currently being asserted by each physical +entity capable of generating alarms." + +ceAlarmEntry +INDEX { entPhysicalIndex } +"Alarm control and status information related to the +corresponding physical entity, including a list of those +alarms currently being asserted by that physical entity." + +ceAlarmSeverity +"This object specifies the highest severity alarm currently +being asserted by the corresponding physical entity. A value +of '0' indicates that there the corresponding physical entity +currently is not asserting any alarms." + +ceAlarmFilterProfile +"This object specifies the alarm filter profile associated +with the corresponding physical entity. An alarm filter +profile controls which alarm types the agent will monitor +and signal for the corresponding physical entity. + +If the value of this object is '0', then the agent monitors +and signals all alarms associated with the corresponding +physical entity." + +ceAlarmList +If an alarm is being asserted by the physical entity, then the +corresponding bit in the alarm list is set to a one. Observe +that if the physical entity is not currently asserting any +alarms, then the list will have a length of zero." + +01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +32 octets +An OCTET STRING represents an alarm list, in which each +bit represents an alarm type. The bits in the first octet +represent alarm types identified by the integer values 1 +through 8, inclusive, The bits in the second octet represent +alarm types identified by the integer values 9 through 16, +inclusive, and so forth. +Alternativ: +http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:H9-CC7j7rxQJ:trbonet.com/download/HelpFile/TRBOnet_Watch_User_Guide_1.9_ENG.pdf+&cd=13&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de +4. How to read a list of alarms from a ceAlarmList (ceAlarmTable, Oid: + +This line consists of 32 bytes in hexadecimal format. Type of alarm is encoded by ordinal bit. + +The encoding line may look like this: + +00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 + +I.e. 13 * 8 + 3(00001000) = 107 (PeerDisconnected Alarm). +rechtes bit von oktett 0 = fehler 0 +rechtes bit von oktett 1 = fehler 9 +also ist rechtes bit von oktett 13 der fehler 104 +zweitrechtes bit von oktett 13 der fehler 105 ... + +Other types of alarms are defined similarly. If no alarms are set, the line will have zero length. + + + +jetzt wirds dreckig: + +AlarmTable +Ein Entry gehoert zu einem entPhysicalIndex +Ein Entry hat ceAlarmList und daraus abgeleitet ceAlarmTypes + +Entites +Ein physical Entity hat eindeutig entPhysicalIndex +und hat einen entPhysicalVendorType, also die Bauteilbezeichnung + +ceAlarmDescrMapTable ist eine stupide durchnumerierte Tabelle, die +ceAlarmDescrIndex und ceAlarmDescrVendorType- Paerchen buendelt + + +AlarmTable +mit entPhysicalIndex wird entPhysicalVendorType ermittelt + +ceAlarmDescrMapTable +mit entPhysicalVendorType=ceAlarmDescrVendorType wird ceAlarmDescrIndex ermittelt + +ceAlarmDescrTable +mit ceAlarmDescrIndex = ceAlarmDescrIndex && + ceAlarmTypes aus AlarmTable = ceAlarmDescrAlarmType +wird ceAlarmDescrText geholt + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e8805d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $sensors = {}; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'entSensorValueTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor', sub { my $o = shift; $self->filter_name($o->{entPhysicalIndex})}], + ['thresholds', 'entSensorThresholdTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::SensorThreshold'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ENTITY-MIB', [ + ['entities', 'entPhysicalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity'], + ]); + @{$self->{entities}} = grep { $_->{entPhysicalClass} eq 'sendor' } @{$self->{entities}}; + foreach my $sensor (@{$self->{sensors}}) { + $sensors->{$sensor->{entPhysicalIndex}} = $sensor; + foreach my $threshold (@{$self->{thresholds}}) { + if ($sensor->{entPhysicalIndex} eq $threshold->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + push(@{$sensors->{thresholds}}, $threshold); + } + } + foreach my $entity (@{$self->{entities}}) { + if ($sensor->{entPhysicalIndex} eq $entity->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + $sensor->{entity} = $entity; + } + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; + # www.thaiadmin.org%2Fboard%2Findex.php%3Faction%3Ddlattach%3Btopic%3D45832.0%3Battach%3D23494&ei=kV9zT7GHJ87EsgbEvpX6DQ&usg=AFQjCNHuHiS2MR9TIpYtu7C8bvgzuqxgMQ&cad=rja + # zu klaeren. entPhysicalIndex entspricht dem entPhysicalindex der ENTITY-MIB. + # In der stehen alle moeglichen Powersupplies etc. + # Was bedeutet aber dann entSensorMeasuredEntity? gibt's eh nicht in meinen + # Beispiel-walks + $self->{thresholds} = []; + $self->{entSensorMeasuredEntity} ||= 'undef'; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s sensor %s%s is %s', + $self->{entSensorType}, + $self->{entPhysicalIndex}, + exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.')' : '', + $self->{entSensorStatus}); + if ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "nonoperational") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "unknown_10") { + # these sensors do not exist according to cisco-tools + return; + } elsif ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "unavailable") { + return; + } elsif (scalar(grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdEvaluation} eq "true" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})) { + $self->add_critical(sprintf "%s sensor %s threshold evaluation is true", + $self->{entSensorType}, + $self->{entPhysicalIndex}); + } else { + } + if (scalar(@{$self->{thresholds}} == 2)) { + # reparaturlauf + foreach my $idx (0..1) { + my $otheridx = $idx == 0 ? 1 : 0; + if (! defined @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} && + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$otheridx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor") { + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} = "major"; + } elsif (! defined @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} && + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$otheridx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor") { + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} = "minor"; + } + } + my $warning = (map { $_->{entSensorThresholdValue} } + grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})[0]; + my $critical = (map { $_->{entSensorThresholdValue} } + grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "major" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})[0]; + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sens_%s_%s', $self->{entSensorType}, $self->{entPhysicalIndex}), + value => $self->{entSensorValue}, + warning => $warning, + critical => $critical, + ); + } elsif ($self->{entSensorValue}) { + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sens_%s_%s', $self->{entSensorType}, $self->{entPhysicalIndex}), + value => $self->{entSensorValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonSensorThreshold}, + critical => undef, + ); + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::SensorThreshold; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{indices}->[0]; + $self->{entSensorThresholdIndex} = $self->{indices}->[1]; +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; +} + + + +__END__ + +nex5-rz2-04# sh env +Fan: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis-1 N5K-C5010-FAN -- ok +Chassis-2 N5K-C5010-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N5K-PAC-550W -- ok +PS-2 N5K-PAC-550W -- ok +Temperature +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 60 50 45 ok +1 Outlet-2 60 50 46 ok +1 Intake-1 60 50 33 ok +1 Intake-2 60 50 34 ok +1 Intake-3 50 40 34 ok +1 Intake-4 50 40 34 ok +1 PS-1 60 50 33 ok +1 PS-2 60 50 31 ok +2 Outlet-1 60 50 38 ok + + +nex5-rz2-04# sh env fex all + + +Temperature Fex 100: +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 57 45 45 ok +1 Die-1 95 85 58 ok + + +Fan Fex: 100: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis N2K-C2248-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok +PS-2 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok + + +Power Supply Fex 100: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Voltage: 12 Volts +----------------------------------------------------- +PS Model Power Power Status + (Watts) (Amp) +----------------------------------------------------- +1 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok +2 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok + + +Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status + Requested Requested Allocated Allocated + (Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp) +--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- +1 N2K-C2248TP-1GE 85.20 7.10 85.20 7.10 powered-up + + +Power Usage Summary: +-------------------- +Power Supply redundancy mode: redundant + +Total Power Capacity 792.00 W + +Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 85.20 W +Power currently used by Modules 0.00 W + + ------------- +Total Power Available 706.80 W + ------------- + + +Temperature Fex 101: +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 57 45 42 ok +1 Die-1 95 85 53 ok + + +Fan Fex: 101: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis N2K-C2248-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok +PS-2 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok + + +Power Supply Fex 101: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Voltage: 12 Volts +----------------------------------------------------- +PS Model Power Power Status + (Watts) (Amp) +----------------------------------------------------- +1 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok +2 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok + + +Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status + Requested Requested Allocated Allocated + (Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp) +--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- +1 N2K-C2248TP-1GE 94.80 7.90 94.80 7.90 powered-up + + +Power Usage Summary: +-------------------- +Power Supply redundancy mode: redundant + +Total Power Capacity 792.00 W + +Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 94.80 W +Power currently used by Modules 0.00 W + + ------------- +Total Power Available 697.20 W + ------------- + + +OK - environmental hardware working fine, environmental hardware working fine +checking sensors +celsius sensor 100021590 (Fex-100 Module-1 Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 100021591 (Fex-100 Module-1 Outlet-2) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 100021592 (Fex-100 Module-1 Inlet-1) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 101021590 (Fex-101 Module-1 Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 101021591 (Fex-101 Module-1 Outlet-2) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 101021592 (Fex-101 Module-1 Inlet-1) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 21590 (Module-1, Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21591 (Module-1, Outlet-2) is ok +celsius sensor 21592 (Module-1, Intake-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21593 (Module-1, Intake-2) is ok +celsius sensor 21594 (Module-1, Intake-3) is ok +celsius sensor 21595 (Module-1, Intake-4) is ok +celsius sensor 21596 (PowerSupply-1 Sensor-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21597 (PowerSupply-2 Sensor-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21602 (Module-2, Outlet-1) is ok +checking fans +fan/tray 100000534 (Fex-100 FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 100000539 (Fex-100 PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 100000540 (Fex-100 PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000534 (Fex-101 FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000539 (Fex-101 PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000540 (Fex-101 PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 534 (FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 535 (FanModule-2 ) status is up +fan/tray 536 (PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 537 (PowerSupply-1 Fan-2 ) status is up +fan/tray 538 (PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 539 (PowerSupply-2 Fan-2 ) status is up | 'sens_celsius_100021590'=44 'sens_celsius_101021590'=41 'sens_celsius_21590'=44 'sens_celsius_21591'=46 'sens_celsius_21592'=33 'sens_celsius_21593'=34 'sens_celsius_21594'=34 'sens_celsius_21595'=33 'sens_celsius_21596'=33 'sens_celsius_21597'=31 'sens_celsius_21602'=38 + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f9bdbc --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{supply_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{supply_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{supply_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f8a7e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'cefcFanTrayStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ENTITY-MIB', [ + ['entities', 'entPhysicalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity'], + ]); + @{$self->{entities}} = grep { $_->{entPhysicalClass} eq 'fan' } @{$self->{entities}}; + foreach my $fan (@{$self->{fans}}) { + foreach my $entity (@{$self->{entities}}) { + if ($fan->{flat_indices} eq $entity->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + $fan->{entity} = $entity; + } + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan/tray %s%s status is %s', + $self->{flat_indices}, + #exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.' idx '.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalIndex}.' class '.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalClass}.')' : '', + exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.')' : '', + $self->{cefcFanTrayOperStatus}); + if ($self->{cefcFanTrayOperStatus} eq "unknown") { + $self->add_unknown(); + } elsif ($self->{cefcFanTrayOperStatus} eq "down") { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{cefcFanTrayOperStatus} eq "warning") { + $self->add_warning(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2c1a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB', [ + ['powersupplies', 'cefcFRUPowerStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ['powersupplygroups', 'cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::PowersupplyGroup'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ENTITY-MIB', [ + ['entities', 'entPhysicalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity'], + ]); + @{$self->{entities}} = grep { $_->{entPhysicalClass} eq 'powerSupply' } @{$self->{entities}}; + foreach my $supply (@{$self->{supplies}}) { + foreach my $entity (@{$self->{entities}}) { + if ($supply->{flat_indices} eq $entity->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + $supply->{entity} = $entity; + } + } + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'power supply %s%s admin status is %s, oper status is %s', + $self->{flat_indices}, + #exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.' idx '.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalIndex}.' class '.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalClass}.')' : '', + exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.' )' : '', + $self->{cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus}, + $self->{cefcFRUPowerOperStatus}); +return; + if ($self->{cefcSupplyTrayOperStatus} eq "on") { + } elsif ($self->{cefcSupplyTrayOperStatus} eq "onButFanFail") { + $self->add_warning(); + } else { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::PowersupplyGroup; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + + +__END__ +"Operational FRU Status types. valid values are: + +offEnvOther(1) FRU is powered off because of a problem not + listed below. + +on(2): FRU is powered on. + +offAdmin(3): Administratively off. + +offDenied(4): FRU is powered off because available + system power is insufficient. + +offEnvPower(5): FRU is powered off because of power problem in + the FRU. for example, the FRU's power + translation (DC-DC converter) or distribution + failed. + +offEnvTemp(6): FRU is powered off because of temperature + problem. + +offEnvFan(7): FRU is powered off because of fan problems. + +failed(8): FRU is in failed state. + +onButFanFail(9): FRU is on, but fan has failed. + +offCooling(10): FRU is powered off because of the system's + insufficient cooling capacity. + +offConnectorRating(11): FRU is powered off because of the + system's connector rating exceeded. + +onButInlinePowerFail(12): The FRU on, but no inline power + is being delivered as the + data/inline power component of the + FRU has failed." + + +"Administratively desired FRU power state types. valid values +are: +on(1): Turn FRU on. +off(2): Turn FRU off. + +The inline power means that the FRU itself won't cost any power, +but the external device connecting to the FRU will drain the +power from FRU. For example, the IP phone device. The FRU is a +port of a switch with voice ability and IP phone will cost power +from the port once it connects to the port. + +inlineAuto(3): Turn FRU inline power to auto mode. It means that +the FRU will try to detect whether the connecting device needs +power or not. If it needs power, the FRU will supply power. If +it doesn't, the FRU will treat the device as a regular network +device. + +inlineOn(4): Turn FRU inline power to on mode. It means that +once the device connects to the FRU, the FRU will always supply +power to the device no matter the device needs the power or not. + +powerCycle(5): Power cycle the FRU. This value may be specified +in a management protocol set operation, it will not be returned +in response to a management protocol retrieval operation." diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..413a7be --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $sensors = {}; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'entSensorValueTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor', sub { my $o = shift; $self->filter_name($o->{entPhysicalIndex})}], + ['thresholds', 'entSensorThresholdTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::SensorThreshold'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('ENTITY-MIB', [ + ['entities', 'entPhysicalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity'], + ]); + @{$self->{sensor_entities}} = grep { $_->{entPhysicalClass} eq 'sensor' } @{$self->{entities}}; + foreach my $sensor (@{$self->{sensors}}) { + $sensors->{$sensor->{entPhysicalIndex}} = $sensor; + foreach my $threshold (@{$self->{thresholds}}) { + if ($sensor->{entPhysicalIndex} eq $threshold->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + push(@{$sensor->{thresholds}}, $threshold); + } + } + foreach my $entity (@{$self->{sensor_entities}}) { + if ($sensor->{entPhysicalIndex} eq $entity->{entPhysicalIndex}) { + $sensor->{entity} = $entity; + } + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; + # www.thaiadmin.org%2Fboard%2Findex.php%3Faction%3Ddlattach%3Btopic%3D45832.0%3Battach%3D23494&ei=kV9zT7GHJ87EsgbEvpX6DQ&usg=AFQjCNHuHiS2MR9TIpYtu7C8bvgzuqxgMQ&cad=rja + # zu klaeren. entPhysicalIndex entspricht dem entPhysicalindex der ENTITY-MIB. + # In der stehen alle moeglichen Powersupplies etc. + # Was bedeutet aber dann entSensorMeasuredEntity? gibt's eh nicht in meinen + # Beispiel-walks + $self->{thresholds} = []; + $self->{entSensorMeasuredEntity} ||= 'undef'; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s sensor %s%s is %s', + $self->{entSensorType}, + $self->{entPhysicalIndex}, + exists $self->{entity} ? ' ('.$self->{entity}->{entPhysicalDescr}.')' : '', + $self->{entSensorStatus}); + if ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "nonoperational") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "unknown_10") { + # these sensors do not exist according to cisco-tools + return; + } elsif ($self->{entSensorStatus} eq "unavailable") { + return; + } elsif (scalar(grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdEvaluation} eq "true" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})) { + $self->add_critical(sprintf "%s sensor %s threshold evaluation is true", + $self->{entSensorType}, + $self->{entPhysicalIndex}); + } else { + } + if (scalar(@{$self->{thresholds}} == 2)) { + # reparaturlauf + foreach my $idx (0..1) { + my $otheridx = $idx == 0 ? 1 : 0; + if (! defined @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} && + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$otheridx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor") { + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} = "major"; + } elsif (! defined @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} && + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$otheridx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor") { + @{$self->{thresholds}}[$idx]->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} = "minor"; + } + } + my $warning = (map { $_->{entSensorThresholdValue} } + grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "minor" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})[0]; + my $critical = (map { $_->{entSensorThresholdValue} } + grep { $_->{entSensorThresholdSeverity} eq "major" } + @{$self->{thresholds}})[0]; + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sens_%s_%s', $self->{entSensorType}, $self->{entPhysicalIndex}), + value => $self->{entSensorValue}, + warning => $warning, + critical => $critical, + ); + } elsif ($self->{entSensorValue}) { + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sens_%s_%s', $self->{entSensorType}, $self->{entPhysicalIndex}), + value => $self->{entSensorValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonSensorThreshold}, + critical => undef, + ); + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::SensorThreshold; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{indices}->[0]; + $self->{entSensorThresholdIndex} = $self->{indices}->[1]; +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem::PhysicalEntity; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $self->{flat_indices}; +} + + + +__END__ + +nex5-rz2-04# sh env +Fan: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis-1 N5K-C5010-FAN -- ok +Chassis-2 N5K-C5010-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N5K-PAC-550W -- ok +PS-2 N5K-PAC-550W -- ok +Temperature +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 60 50 45 ok +1 Outlet-2 60 50 46 ok +1 Intake-1 60 50 33 ok +1 Intake-2 60 50 34 ok +1 Intake-3 50 40 34 ok +1 Intake-4 50 40 34 ok +1 PS-1 60 50 33 ok +1 PS-2 60 50 31 ok +2 Outlet-1 60 50 38 ok + + +nex5-rz2-04# sh env fex all + + +Temperature Fex 100: +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 57 45 45 ok +1 Die-1 95 85 58 ok + + +Fan Fex: 100: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis N2K-C2248-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok +PS-2 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok + + +Power Supply Fex 100: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Voltage: 12 Volts +----------------------------------------------------- +PS Model Power Power Status + (Watts) (Amp) +----------------------------------------------------- +1 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok +2 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok + + +Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status + Requested Requested Allocated Allocated + (Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp) +--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- +1 N2K-C2248TP-1GE 85.20 7.10 85.20 7.10 powered-up + + +Power Usage Summary: +-------------------- +Power Supply redundancy mode: redundant + +Total Power Capacity 792.00 W + +Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 85.20 W +Power currently used by Modules 0.00 W + + ------------- +Total Power Available 706.80 W + ------------- + + +Temperature Fex 101: +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status + (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) +----------------------------------------------------------------- +1 Outlet-1 57 45 42 ok +1 Die-1 95 85 53 ok + + +Fan Fex: 101: +------------------------------------------------------ +Fan Model Hw Status +------------------------------------------------------ +Chassis N2K-C2248-FAN -- ok +PS-1 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok +PS-2 N2200-PAC-400W -- ok + + +Power Supply Fex 101: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Voltage: 12 Volts +----------------------------------------------------- +PS Model Power Power Status + (Watts) (Amp) +----------------------------------------------------- +1 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok +2 N2200-PAC-400W 396.00 33.00 ok + + +Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status + Requested Requested Allocated Allocated + (Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp) +--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- +1 N2K-C2248TP-1GE 94.80 7.90 94.80 7.90 powered-up + + +Power Usage Summary: +-------------------- +Power Supply redundancy mode: redundant + +Total Power Capacity 792.00 W + +Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 94.80 W +Power currently used by Modules 0.00 W + + ------------- +Total Power Available 697.20 W + ------------- + + +OK - environmental hardware working fine, environmental hardware working fine +checking sensors +celsius sensor 100021590 (Fex-100 Module-1 Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 100021591 (Fex-100 Module-1 Outlet-2) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 100021592 (Fex-100 Module-1 Inlet-1) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 101021590 (Fex-101 Module-1 Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 101021591 (Fex-101 Module-1 Outlet-2) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 101021592 (Fex-101 Module-1 Inlet-1) is unknown_10 +celsius sensor 21590 (Module-1, Outlet-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21591 (Module-1, Outlet-2) is ok +celsius sensor 21592 (Module-1, Intake-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21593 (Module-1, Intake-2) is ok +celsius sensor 21594 (Module-1, Intake-3) is ok +celsius sensor 21595 (Module-1, Intake-4) is ok +celsius sensor 21596 (PowerSupply-1 Sensor-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21597 (PowerSupply-2 Sensor-1) is ok +celsius sensor 21602 (Module-2, Outlet-1) is ok +checking fans +fan/tray 100000534 (Fex-100 FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 100000539 (Fex-100 PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 100000540 (Fex-100 PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000534 (Fex-101 FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000539 (Fex-101 PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 101000540 (Fex-101 PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 534 (FanModule-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 535 (FanModule-2 ) status is up +fan/tray 536 (PowerSupply-1 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 537 (PowerSupply-1 Fan-2 ) status is up +fan/tray 538 (PowerSupply-2 Fan-1 ) status is up +fan/tray 539 (PowerSupply-2 Fan-2 ) status is up | 'sens_celsius_100021590'=44 'sens_celsius_101021590'=41 'sens_celsius_21590'=44 'sens_celsius_21591'=46 'sens_celsius_21592'=33 'sens_celsius_21593'=34 'sens_celsius_21594'=34 'sens_celsius_21595'=33 'sens_celsius_21596'=33 'sens_celsius_21597'=31 'sens_celsius_21602'=38 + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74772c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->ensure_index('ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a91630c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['supplies', 'ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->ensure_index('ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'powersupply %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} eq 'warning') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..524d1e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['temperatures', 'ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + foreach (keys %params) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}) { + bless $self, $class; + } else { + bless $self, $class.'::Simple'; + } + $self->ensure_index('ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex'); + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown} ||= 0; + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue} > + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is too high (%d of %d max = %s)', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'warning') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'critical') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } else { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is %d (of %d max = normal)', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('temp_%s', $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}), + value => $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + critical => undef, + ); +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature::Simple; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex} ||= 0; + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr} ||= 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} ne 'normal') { + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'warning') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'critical') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } else { + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34d58ce --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::VoltageSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $index = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['voltages', 'ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking voltages'); + if (scalar (@{$self->{voltages}}) == 0) { + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{voltages}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->ensure_index('ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'voltage %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('mvolt_%s', $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex}), + value => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow}, + critical => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91d1449 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_hsrp_subsystem("Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::users/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_connection_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::config/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConfigSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::sessions::count/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::rejects/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_config_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3d3b26 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConfigSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB', (qw( + ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved + ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged))); + foreach ((qw(ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved + ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged))) { + if (! defined $self->{$_}) { + $self->add_unknown(sprintf "%s is not defined", $_); + } + $self->{$_} = time - $self->uptime() + $self->timeticks($self->{$_}); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $info; + $self->add_info('checking config'); + if ($self->check_messages()) { + return; + } + # ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged + # ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved - saving is ANY write (local/remote storage, terminal) + # ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 3600, critical => 3600*24); + + # how much is ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged ahead of ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved + # the current running config is definitively lost in case of an outage + my $unsaved_since = + $self->{ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged} > $self->{ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved} ? + time - $self->{ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged} : 0; + + # how much is ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved ahead of ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged + # the running config could have been saved for backup purposes. + # the saved config can still be identical to the saved running config + # if there are regular backups of the running config and no one messes + # with the latter without flushing it to the startup config, then i recommend + # to use --mitigation ok. this can be in an environment, where there is + # a specific day of the week reserved for maintenance and admins are forced + # to save their modifications to the startup-config. + my $unsynced_since = + $self->{ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved} > $self->{ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged} ? + time - $self->{ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved} : 0; + if ($unsaved_since) { + $self->add_info(sprintf "running config is modified and unsaved since %d minutes. your changes my be lost in case of a reboot", + $unsaved_since / 60); + } else { + $self->add_info("saved config is up to date"); + } + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($unsaved_since)); + if ($unsynced_since) { + my $errorlevel = defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? + $self->opts->mitigation() : + $self->check_thresholds($unsynced_since); + $self->add_info(sprintf "saved running config is ahead of startup config since %d minutes. device will boot with a config different from the one which was last saved", + $unsynced_since / 60); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($unsaved_since)); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e63a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB', [ + ['connectionstates', 'cfwConnectionStatTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem::ConnectionState'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem::ConnectionState; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{cfwConnectionStatDescription} !~ /number of connections currently in use/i) { + $self->add_blacklist(sprintf 'c:%s', $self->{cfwConnectionStatDescription}); + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d connections currently in use', + $self->{cfwConnectionStatValue}||$self->{cfwConnectionStatCount}, $self->{usage}); + } else { + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d connections currently in use', + $self->{cfwConnectionStatValue}, $self->{usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 500000, critical => 750000); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{cfwConnectionStatValue})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'connections', + value => $self->{cfwConnectionStatValue}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8920d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +{ + our $cpmCPUTotalIndex = 0; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-PROCESS-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'cpmCPUTotalTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu' ], + ]); + if (scalar(@{$self->{cpus}}) == 0) { + # maybe too old. i fake a cpu. be careful. this is a really bad hack + my $response = $self->get_request( + -varbindlist => [ + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}, + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}, + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{busyPer}, + ] + ); + if (exists $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}) { + push(@{$self->{cpus}}, + Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu->new( + cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotalIndex => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal5sec => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal5secRev => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal1min => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}, + cpmCPUTotal1minRev => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}, + cpmCPUTotal5min => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}}, + cpmCPUTotal5minRev => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}}, + cpmCPUMonInterval => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue => 0, #fake + cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue => 0, #fake + )); + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex} = exists $self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex} ? + $self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex} : + $Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::cpmCPUTotalIndex++; + $self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex} = exists $self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex} ? + $self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex} : 0; + if (exists $self->{cpmCPUTotal5minRev}) { + $self->{usage} = $self->{cpmCPUTotal5minRev}; + } else { + $self->{usage} = $self->{cpmCPUTotal5min}; + } + $self->protect_value($self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex}.$self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}, 'usage', 'percent'); + if ($self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}) { + my $entPhysicalName = ''; + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->get_request( + -varbindlist => [$entPhysicalName.'.'.$self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}] + ); + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->get_snmp_object('ENTITY-MIB', 'entPhysicalName', $self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}); + } else { + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex}; + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage (5 min avg.) is %.2f%%', + $self->{entPhysicalName}, $self->{usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds(value => $self->{usage}, + metric => 'cpu_'.$self->{entPhysicalName}.'_usage')); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{entPhysicalName}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..976dbdd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # + # ciscoEnvMonPresent (irgendein typ of envmon) + # + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', qw( + ciscoEnvMonPresent)); + if (! $self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent}) { + # gibt IOS-Kisten, die haben kein ciscoEnvMonPresent + $self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent} = $self->implements_mib('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB'); + } + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent} && + $self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent} ne 'oldAgs') { + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENVMONMIB::Component::VoltageSubsystem->new(); + } elsif ($self->implements_mib('CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB')) { + # (IOS can have ENVMON+ENTITY. Sensors are copies, so not needed) + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); + } elsif ($self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0) =~ /C1700 Software/) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + $self->add_ok('soho device, hopefully too small to fail'); + } else { + # last hope + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYALARMMIB::Component::AlarmSubsystem"); + #$self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent}) { + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->check(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEntitySensorPresent}) { + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonPresent}) { + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{voltage_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->dump(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEntitySensorPresent}) { + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7faeacf --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB', [ + ['mems', 'ciscoMemoryPoolTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::MemSubsystem::Mem'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::MemSubsystem::Mem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{usage} = 100 * $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolUsed} / + ($self->{ciscoMemoryPoolFree} + $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolUsed}); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolType} ||= 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'mempool %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}, $self->{usage}); + if ($self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName} eq 'lsmpi_io' && + $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0) =~ /IOS.*XE/i) { + # https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-16425 + $self->force_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + warning => 100, + critical => 100, + ); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName} eq 'reserved' && + $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0) =~ /IOS.*XR/i) { + # ASR9K "reserved" and "image" are always at 100% + $self->force_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + warning => 100, + critical => 100, + ); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName} eq 'image' && + $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0) =~ /IOS.*XR/i) { + $self->force_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + warning => 100, + critical => 100, + ); + } else { + $self->set_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + warning => 80, + critical => 90, + ); + } + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + )); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d682bd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::sessions::count/) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB', qw( + cnatAddrBindNumberOfEntries cnatAddrPortBindNumberOfEntries + )); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::rejects/) { + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB', [ + ['protocolstats', 'cnatProtocolStatsTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem::CnatProtocolStats'], + ]); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::sessions::count/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d bind entries (%d addr, %d port)', + $self->{cnatAddrBindNumberOfEntries} + $self->{cnatAddrPortBindNumberOfEntries}, + $self->{cnatAddrBindNumberOfEntries}, + $self->{cnatAddrPortBindNumberOfEntries} + ); + $self->add_ok(); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'nat_bindings', + value => $self->{cnatAddrBindNumberOfEntries} + $self->{cnatAddrPortBindNumberOfEntries}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'nat_addr_bindings', + value => $self->{cnatAddrBindNumberOfEntries}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'nat_port_bindings', + value => $self->{cnatAddrPortBindNumberOfEntries}, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::nat::rejects/) { + foreach (@{$self->{protocolstats}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::NatSubsystem::CnatProtocolStats; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName} = $self->{flat_indices}; + $self->make_symbolic('CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB', 'cnatProtocolStatsName', $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName}); + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName}}, + qw(cnatProtocolStatsInTranslate cnatProtocolStatsOutTranslate cnatProtocolStatsRejectCount)); + $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsTranslate} = + $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsInTranslate} + + $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsOutTranslate}; + $self->{rejects} = $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsTranslate} ? + (100 * $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsRejectCount} / + $self->{delta_cnatProtocolStatsTranslate}) : 0; + $self->protect_value($self->{rejects}, 'rejects', 'percent'); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%.2f%% of all %s packets have been dropped/rejected', + $self->{rejects}, $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 30, critical => 50); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{rejects})); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..974d476 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::NXOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::cisco::fex::watch/) { + $self->analyze_fex_subsystem(); + $self->check_fex_subsystem(); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_hsrp_subsystem("Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + +sub analyze_fex_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->{components}->{fex_subsystem} = Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); + @{$self->{fexes}} = grep { + $_->{entPhysicalName} =~ /^fex.*chassis$/i; + } map { + $_->{entPhysicalName} ||= $_->{entPhysicalDescr}; $_; + } grep { + $_->{entPhysicalClass} eq "chassis" + } @{$self->{components}->{fex_subsystem}->{entities}}; +} + +sub check_fex_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('counting fexes'); + $self->{numOfFexes} = scalar (@{$self->{fexes}}); + $self->{fexNameList} = [map { $_->{entPhysicalName} } @{$self->{fexes}}]; + if (scalar (@{$self->{fexes}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no FEXes found'); + } else { + $self->opts->override_opt('lookback', 1800) if ! $self->opts->lookback; + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{name}, lastarray => 1}, + qw(fexNameList numOfFexes)); + if (scalar(@{$self->{delta_found_fexNameList}}) > 0) { + $self->add_warning(sprintf '%d new FEX(es) (%s)', + scalar(@{$self->{delta_found_fexNameList}}), + join(", ", @{$self->{delta_found_fexNameList}})); + } + if (scalar(@{$self->{delta_lost_fexNameList}}) > 0) { + $self->add_critical(sprintf '%d FEXes missing (%s)', + scalar(@{$self->{delta_lost_fexNameList}}), + join(", ", @{$self->{delta_lost_fexNameList}})); + } + $self->add_ok(sprintf 'found %d FEXes', scalar (@{$self->{fexes}})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'num_fexes', + value => $self->{numOfFexes}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..320eb67 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $type = 0; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'CISCO-PROCESS-MIB', 'cpmCPUTotalTable')) { + $_->{cpmCPUTotalIndex} ||= $type++; + push(@{$self->{cpus}}, + Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu->new(%{$_})); + } + if (scalar(@{$self->{cpus}}) == 0) { + # maybe too old. i fake a cpu. be careful. this is a really bad hack + my $response = $self->get_request( + -varbindlist => [ + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}, + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}, + $Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{busyPer}, + ] + ); + if (exists $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}) { + push(@{$self->{cpus}}, + Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu->new( + cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotalIndex => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal5sec => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal5secRev => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotal1min => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}, + cpmCPUTotal1minRev => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy1}}, + cpmCPUTotal5min => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}}, + cpmCPUTotal5minRev => $response->{$Classes::Device::mibs_and_oids->{'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB'}->{avgBusy5}}, + cpmCPUMonInterval => 0, #fake + cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue => 0, #fake + cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue => 0, #fake + )); + } + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + foreach (keys %params) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + bless $self, $class; + $self->{usage} = $params{cpmCPUTotal5minRev}; + if ($self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}) { + my $entPhysicalName = ''; + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->get_request( + -varbindlist => [$entPhysicalName.'.'.$self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}] + ); + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->{entPhysicalName}->{$entPhysicalName.'.'.$self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}}; + } else { + $self->{entPhysicalName} = $self->{cpmCPUTotalIndex}; + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage (5 min avg.) is %.2f%%', + $self->{entPhysicalName}, $self->{usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{entPhysicalName}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39007f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); + if ($self->implements_mib('CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB')) { + $self->{fru_subsystem} = Classes::Cisco::CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem->new(); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + if (exists $self->{fru_subsystem}) { + $self->{fru_subsystem}->check(); + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->clear_ok(); + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); + if (exists $self->{fru_subsystem}) { + $self->{fru_subsystem}->dump(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9faacd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::NXOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB', (qw( + cseSysMemoryUtilization))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{cseSysMemoryUtilization}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{cseSysMemoryUtilization}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{cseSysMemoryUtilization})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{cseSysMemoryUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08c3027 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::PrimeNCS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8eb4a8f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::UCOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::phone::cm/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cm_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::CmSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::phone/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_phone_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::CCM::Component::PhoneSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bb47c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::WLC; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Cisco); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_wlan_subsystem("Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d035e3c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $type = 0; + $self->get_snmp_objects('AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', (qw( + agentCurrentCPUUtilization))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{agentCurrentCPUUtilization}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{agentCurrentCPUUtilization})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{agentCurrentCPUUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7259cd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ps1_present} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', 'agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply1Present', 0); + $self->{ps1_operational} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', 'agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply1Operational', 0); + $self->{ps2_present} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', 'agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply2Present', 0); + $self->{ps2_operational} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', 'agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply2Operational', 0); + $self->{temp_environment} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', 'bsnOperatingTemperatureEnvironment', 0); + $self->{temp_value} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', 'bsnSensorTemperature', 0); + $self->{temp_alarm_low} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', 'bsnTemperatureAlarmLowLimit', 0); + $self->{temp_alarm_high} = $self->get_snmp_object( + 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', 'bsnTemperatureAlarmHighLimit', 0); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + #$self->blacklist('t', $self->{cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex}); + my $tinfo = sprintf 'temperature is %.2fC (%s env %s-%s)', + $self->{temp_value}, $self->{temp_environment}, + $self->{temp_alarm_low}, $self->{temp_alarm_high}; + $self->set_thresholds( + warning => $self->{temp_alarm_low}.':'.$self->{temp_alarm_high}, + critical => $self->{temp_alarm_low}.':'.$self->{temp_alarm_high}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{temp_value}), $tinfo); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'temperature', + value => $self->{temp_value}, + ); + if ($self->{ps1_present} eq "true") { + if ($self->{ps1_operational} ne "true") { + $self->add_warning("Powersupply 1 is not operational"); + } + } + if ($self->{ps2_present} eq "true") { + if ($self->{ps2_operational} ne "true") { + $self->add_warning("Powersupply 2 is not operational"); + } + } + my $p1info = sprintf "PS1 is %spresent and %soperational", + $self->{ps1_present} eq "true" ? "" : "not ", + $self->{ps1_operational} eq "true" ? "" : "not "; + my $p2info = sprintf "PS2 is %spresent and %soperational", + $self->{ps2_present} eq "true" ? "" : "not ", + $self->{ps2_operational} eq "true" ? "" : "not "; + $self->add_info($tinfo.", ".$p1info.", ".$p2info); +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + printf "[TEMPERATURE]\n"; + foreach (qw(temp_environment temp_value temp_alarm_low temp_alarm_high)) { + if (exists $self->{$_}) { + printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_}; + } + } + printf "[PS1]\n"; + foreach (qw(ps1_present ps1_operational)) { + if (exists $self->{$_}) { + printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_}; + } + } + printf "[PS2]\n"; + foreach (qw(ps2_present ps2_operational)) { + if (exists $self->{$_}) { + printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_}; + } + } + printf "info: %s\n", $self->{info}; + printf "\n"; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13d727d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex} ||= 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonFanState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9275959 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB', (qw( + agentTotalMemory agentFreeMemory))); + $self->{memory_usage} = $self->{agentFreeMemory} ? + ( ($self->{agentTotalMemory} - $self->{agentFreeMemory}) / $self->{agentTotalMemory} * 100) : 100; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{memory_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{memory_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{memory_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24f93f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['supplies', 'ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex} ||= 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'powersupply %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonSupplyState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5062e79 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $tempcnt = 0; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', 'ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable')) { + $_->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex} = $tempcnt++ if (! exists $_->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}); + push(@{$self->{temperatures}}, + Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature->new(%{$_})); + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + foreach (keys %params) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex} ||= 0; + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown} ||= 0; + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}) { + bless $self, $class; + } else { + bless $self, $class.'::Simple'; + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue} > + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is too high (%d of %d max = %s)', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'warning') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'critical') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } else { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is %d (of %d max = normal)', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('temp_%s', $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}), + value => $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold}, + critical => undef, + ); +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature::Simple; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex => $params{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex} || 0, + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr => $params{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState => $params{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}, + }; + bless $self, $class; + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %d %s is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} ne 'normal') { + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'warning') { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState} eq 'critical') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } else { + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0a9be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::VoltageSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $index = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('CISCO-ENVMON-MIB', [ + ['voltages', 'ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable', 'Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage'], + ]); + foreach (@{$self->{voltages}}) { + $_->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex} ||= $index++; + } +} + +package Classes::Cisco::IOS::Component::VoltageSubsystem::Voltage; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'voltage %d (%s) is %s', + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr}, + $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState}); + if ($self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState} eq 'notPresent') { + } elsif ($self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageState} ne 'normal') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('mvolt_%s', $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex}), + value => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue}, + warning => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow}, + critical => $self->{ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f2fa85 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{name} = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysName', 0); + $self->get_snmp_tables('AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', [ + ['aps', 'bsnAPTable', 'Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::AP', sub { return $self->filter_name(shift->{bsnAPName}) } ], + ['ifs', 'bsnAPIfTable', 'Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::AP' ], + ['ifloads', 'bsnAPIfLoadParametersTable', 'Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::IFLoad' ], + ]); + $self->assign_loads_to_ifs(); + $self->assign_ifs_to_aps(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking access points'); + $self->{numOfAPs} = scalar (@{$self->{aps}}); + $self->{apNameList} = [map { $_->{bsnAPName} } @{$self->{aps}}]; + if (scalar (@{$self->{aps}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no access points found'); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{aps}}) { + $_->check(); + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan::aps::watch/) { + $self->opts->override_opt('lookback', 1800) if ! $self->opts->lookback; + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{name}, lastarray => 1}, + qw(apNameList numOfAPs)); + if (scalar(@{$self->{delta_found_apNameList}}) > 0) { + #if (scalar(@{$self->{delta_found_apNameList}}) > 0 && + # $self->{delta_timestamp} > $self->opts->lookback) { + $self->add_warning(sprintf '%d new access points (%s)', + scalar(@{$self->{delta_found_apNameList}}), + join(", ", @{$self->{delta_found_apNameList}})); + } + if (scalar(@{$self->{delta_lost_apNameList}}) > 0) { + $self->add_critical(sprintf '%d access points missing (%s)', + scalar(@{$self->{delta_lost_apNameList}}), + join(", ", @{$self->{delta_lost_apNameList}})); + } + $self->add_ok(sprintf 'found %d access points', scalar (@{$self->{aps}})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'num_aps', + value => scalar (@{$self->{aps}}), + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan::aps::count/) { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '10:', critical => '5:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds( + scalar (@{$self->{aps}})), + sprintf 'found %d access points', scalar (@{$self->{aps}})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'num_aps', + value => scalar (@{$self->{aps}}), + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan::aps::status/) { + if ($self->opts->report eq "short") { + $self->clear_ok(); + $self->add_ok('no problems') if ! $self->check_messages(); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan::aps::list/) { + foreach (@{$self->{aps}}) { + printf "%s\n", $_->{bsnAPName}; + } + } + } +} + +sub assign_ifs_to_aps { + my $self = shift; + foreach my $ap (@{$self->{aps}}) { + $ap->{interfaces} = []; + foreach my $if (@{$self->{ifs}}) { + if ($if->{flat_indices} eq $ap->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress}.".".$if->{bsnAPIfSlotId}) { + push(@{$ap->{interfaces}}, $if); + } + } + $ap->{NumOfClients} = 0; + map {$ap->{NumOfClients} += $_->{bsnAPIfLoadNumOfClients} } + @{$ap->{interfaces}}; + } +} + +sub assign_loads_to_ifs { + my $self = shift; + foreach my $if (@{$self->{ifs}}) { + foreach my $load (@{$self->{ifloads}}) { + if ($load->{flat_indices} eq $if->{flat_indices}) { + map { $if->{$_} = $load->{$_} } grep { $_ !~ /indices/ } keys %{$load}; + } + } + } +} + + +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::IF; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + + +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::IFLoad; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + + +package Classes::Cisco::WLC::Component::WlanSubsystem::AP; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress} && $self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress} =~ /0x(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) { + $self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress} = join(".", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)); + } elsif ($self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress} && unpack("H12", $self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress}) =~ /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) { + $self->{bsnAPDot3MacAddress} = join(".", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'access point %s is %s (%d interfaces with %d clients)', + $self->{bsnAPName}, $self->{bsnAPOperationStatus}, + scalar(@{$self->{interfaces}}), $self->{NumOfClients}); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::wlan::aps::status/) { + if ($self->{bsnAPOperationStatus} eq 'disassociating') { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($self->{bsnAPOperationStatus} eq 'downloading') { + # das verschwindet hoffentlich noch vor dem HARD-state + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{bsnAPOperationStatus} eq 'associated') { + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_unknown(); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cfd99a --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +package Classes::Device; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP GLPlugin::UPNP); +use strict; + +sub classify { + my $self = shift; + if (! ($self->opts->hostname || $self->opts->snmpwalk)) { + $self->add_unknown('either specify a hostname or a snmpwalk file'); + } else { + if ($self->opts->servertype && $self->opts->servertype eq 'linuxlocal') { + } elsif ($self->opts->port && $self->opts->port == 49000) { + $self->{productname} = 'upnp'; + $self->check_upnp_and_model(); + } else { + $self->check_snmp_and_model(); + } + if ($self->opts->servertype) { + $self->{productname} = $self->opts->servertype; + $self->{productname} = 'cisco' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'cisco'; + $self->{productname} = 'huawei' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'huawei'; + $self->{productname} = 'hp' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'hp'; + $self->{productname} = 'brocade' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'brocade'; + $self->{productname} = 'netscreen' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'netscreen'; + $self->{productname} = 'linuxlocal' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'linuxlocal'; + $self->{productname} = 'procurve' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'procurve'; + $self->{productname} = 'bluecoat' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'bluecoat'; + $self->{productname} = 'checkpoint' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'checkpoint'; + $self->{productname} = 'ifmib' if $self->opts->servertype eq 'ifmib'; + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + if ($self->opts->verbose && $self->opts->verbose) { + printf "I am a %s\n", $self->{productname}; + } + if ($self->opts->mode =~ /^my-/) { + $self->load_my_extension(); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /upnp/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::UPNP'; + $self->debug('using Classes::UPNP'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /FRITZ/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::UPNP::AVM'; + $self->debug('using Classes::UPNP::AVM'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /linuxlocal/i) { + bless $self, 'Server::Linux'; + $self->debug('using Server::Linux'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Cisco/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /fujitsu intelligent blade panel 30\/12/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /UCOS /i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Nortel/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Nortel'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Nortel'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /AT-GS/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::AlliedTelesyn'; + $self->debug('using Classes::AlliedTelesyn'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /AT-\d+GB/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::AlliedTelesyn'; + $self->debug('using Classes::AlliedTelesyn'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Allied Telesyn Ethernet Switch/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::AlliedTelesyn'; + $self->debug('using Classes::AlliedTelesyn'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /DS_4100/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Connectrix DS_4900B/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /EMC\s*DS.*4700M/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /EMC\s*DS-24M2/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Brocade/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Fibre Channel Switch/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Juniper.*MAG\-\d+/i) { + # Juniper Networks,Inc,MAG-4610,7.2R10 + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Juniper.*MAG\-SM\d+/i) { + # Juniper Networks,Inc,MAG-SMx60,7.4R8 + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper::IVE'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper::IVE'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /NetScreen/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /^(GS|FS)/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper'); + } elsif ($self->implements_mib('NETSCREEN-PRODUCTS-MIB')) { + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper::NetScreen'); + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen'; + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /SecureOS/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::SecureOS'; + $self->debug('using Classes::SecureOS'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Linux.*((el6.f5.x86_64)|(el5.1.0.f5app)) .*/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::F5'; + $self->debug('using Classes::F5'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Procurve/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::HP'; + $self->debug('using Classes::HP'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /(cpx86_64)|(Check\s*Point)|(Linux.*\dcp )/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::CheckPoint'; + $self->debug('using Classes::CheckPoint'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Blue\s*Coat/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Bluecoat'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Bluecoat'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Foundry/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Foundry'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Foundry'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /IronWare/i) { + # although there can be a + # Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. FWS648, IronWare Version 07.1.... + bless $self, 'Classes::Foundry'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Foundry'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Linux Stingray/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB'; + $self->debug('using Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Fortinet|Fortigate/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Fortigate'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Fortigate'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} eq "ifmib") { + bless $self, 'Classes::Generic'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Generic'); + } elsif ($self->implements_mib('SW-MIB')) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Brocade'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Brocade'); + } elsif ($self->{sysobjectid} =~ /1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.9\./) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Cisco'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Cisco'); + } else { + if (my $class = $self->discover_suitable_class()) { + bless $self, $class; + $self->debug('using '.$class); + } else { + bless $self, 'Classes::Generic'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Generic'); + } + } + } + } + return $self; +} + + +package Classes::Generic; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::aggregation::availability/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_aggregation_subsystem("Classes::IFMIB::Component::LinkAggregation"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_interface_subsystem("Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::bgp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_bgp_subsystem("Classes::BGP::Component::PeerSubsystem"); + } else { + bless $self, 'GLPlugin::SNMP'; + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbbbdbb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::F5; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # F5-3DNS-MIB + '', # F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB + '', # F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB + '', # F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB + '', # LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB + '', # UCD-SNMP-MIB +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /Linux.*((el6.f5.x86_64)|(el5.1.0.f5app)) .*/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::F5::F5BIGIP'; + $self->debug('using Classes::F5::F5BIGIP'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::F5") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d68a1f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::F5); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # gets 11.* and 9.* + $self->{productversion} = $self->get_snmp_object('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', 'sysProductVersion'); + if (! defined $self->{productversion} || + $self->{productversion} !~ /^((9)|(10)|(11))/) { + $self->{productversion} = "4"; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::lb/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_ltm_subsystem(); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + +sub analyze_ltm_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->{components}->{ltm_subsystem} = + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem->new('productversion' => $self->{productversion}); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f80dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + if ($self->mode =~ /load/) { + $self->overall_init(); + } else { + $self->init(); + } + return $self; +} + +sub overall_init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', (qw( + sysStatTmTotalCycles sysStatTmIdleCycles sysStatTmSleepCycles))); + $self->valdiff({name => 'cpu'}, qw(sysStatTmTotalCycles sysStatTmIdleCycles sysStatTmSleepCycles )); + my $delta_used_cycles = $self->{delta_sysStatTmTotalCycles} - + ($self->{delta_sysStatTmIdleCycles} + $self->{delta_sysStatTmSleepCycles}); + $self->{cpu_usage} = $self->{delta_sysStatTmTotalCycles} ? + (($delta_used_cycles / $self->{delta_sysStatTmTotalCycles}) * 100) : 0; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'sysCpuTable', 'Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + if ($self->mode =~ /load/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'tmm cpu usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{cpu_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{cpu_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_tmm_usage', + value => $self->{cpu_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); + return; + } + foreach (@{$self->{cpus}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %d has %dC (%drpm)', + $self->{sysCpuIndex}, + $self->{sysCpuTemperature}, + $self->{sysCpuFanSpeed}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('temp_c%s', $self->{sysCpuIndex}), + value => $self->{sysCpuTemperature}, + thresholds => 0, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('fan_c%s', $self->{sysCpuIndex}), + value => $self->{sysCpuFanSpeed}, + thresholds => 0, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82bfe15 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + $self->init(); + return $self; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{cpu_subsystem} = + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::CpuSubsystem->new(); + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem} = + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem} = + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{cpu_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{cpu_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1ce6a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'sysChassisFanTable', 'Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'chassis fan %d is %s (%drpm)', + $self->{sysChassisFanIndex}, + $self->{sysChassisFanStatus}, + $self->{sysChassisFanSpeed}); + if ($self->{sysChassisFanStatus} eq 'notpresent') { + } else { + if ($self->{sysChassisFanStatus} ne 'good') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('fan_%s', $self->{sysChassisFanIndex}), + value => $self->{sysChassisFanSpeed}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc143be --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + # tables can be huge + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session) { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->max_msg_size(10 * $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->max_msg_size()); + } + if ($params{productversion} =~ /^4/) { + bless $self, "Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4"; + $self->debug("use Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4"); + #} elsif ($params{productversion} =~ /^9/) { + } else { + bless $self, "Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9"; + $self->debug("use Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9"); + } + $self->init(); + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking ltm pools'); + if (scalar(@{$self->{pools}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no pools'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /pool::list/) { + foreach (sort {$a->{ltmPoolName} cmp $b->{ltmPoolName}} @{$self->{pools}}) { + printf "%s\n", $_->{ltmPoolName}; + #$_->list(); + } + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{pools}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # ! merge ltmPoolStatus, ltmPoolMemberStatus, bec. ltmPoolAvailabilityState is deprecated + if ($self->mode =~ /pool::list/) { + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolStatusTable', 'ltmPoolStatusName'); + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolTable', 'ltmPoolName'); + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolMbrStatusTable', 'ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName'); + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolMemberTable', 'ltmPoolMemberPoolName'); + $self->update_entry_cache(1, 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolStatTable', 'ltmPoolStatName'); + } + my @auxpools = (); + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolStatusTable', 'ltmPoolStatusName')) { + push(@auxpools, $_); + } + my @auxstats = (); + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolStatTable', 'ltmPoolStatName')) { + push(@auxstats, $_); + } + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolTable', 'ltmPoolName')) { + if ($self->filter_name($_->{ltmPoolName})) { + foreach my $auxpool (@auxpools) { + if ($_->{ltmPoolName} eq $auxpool->{ltmPoolStatusName}) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$auxpool}) { + $_->{$key} = $auxpool->{$key}; + } + } + } + foreach my $auxstat (@auxstats) { + if ($_->{ltmPoolName} eq $auxstat->{ltmPoolStatName}) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$auxstat}) { + $_->{$key} = $auxstat->{$key}; + } + } + } + push(@{$self->{pools}}, + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9::LTMPool->new(%{$_})); + } + } + my @auxmembers = (); + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolMbrStatusTable', 'ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName')) { + next if ! defined $_->{ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName}; + $_->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAddr} = $self->unhex_ip($_->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAddr}); + push(@auxmembers, $_); + } + my @auxaddrs = (); + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmNodeAddrStatusTable')) { + $_->{ltmNodeAddrStatusAddr} = $self->unhex_ip($_->{ltmNodeAddrStatusAddr}); + push(@auxaddrs, $_); + } + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB', 'ltmPoolMemberTable', 'ltmPoolMemberPoolName')) { + if ($self->filter_name($_->{ltmPoolMemberPoolName})) { + $_->{ltmPoolMemberAddr} = $self->unhex_ip($_->{ltmPoolMemberAddr}); + foreach my $auxmember (@auxmembers) { + if ($_->{ltmPoolMemberPoolName} eq $auxmember->{ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName} && + $_->{ltmPoolMemberAddrType} eq $auxmember->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAddrType} && + $_->{ltmPoolMemberAddr} eq $auxmember->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAddr}) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$auxmember}) { + $_->{$key} = $auxmember->{$key}; + } + } + } + foreach my $auxaddr (@auxaddrs) { + if ($_->{ltmPoolMemberAddrType} eq $auxaddr->{ltmNodeAddrStatusAddrType} && + $_->{ltmPoolMemberAddr} eq $auxaddr->{ltmNodeAddrStatusAddr}) { + $_->{ltmNodeAddrStatusName} = $auxaddr->{ltmNodeAddrStatusName}; + } + } + push(@{$self->{poolmembers}}, + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9::LTMPoolMember->new(%{$_})); + } + } + $self->assign_members_to_pools(); +} + +sub assign_members_to_pools { + my $self = shift; + foreach my $pool (@{$self->{pools}}) { + foreach my $poolmember (@{$self->{poolmembers}}) { + if ($poolmember->{ltmPoolMemberPoolName} eq $pool->{ltmPoolName}) { + $poolmember->{ltmPoolMonitorRule} = $pool->{ltmPoolMonitorRule}; + push(@{$pool->{members}}, $poolmember); + } + } + if (! defined $pool->{ltmPoolMemberCnt}) { + $pool->{ltmPoolMemberCnt} = scalar(@{$pool->{members}}) ; + $self->debug("calculate ltmPoolMemberCnt"); + } + $pool->{completeness} = $pool->{ltmPoolMemberCnt} ? + $pool->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt} / $pool->{ltmPoolMemberCnt} * 100 + : 0; + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9::LTMPool; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ltmPoolMemberMonitorRule} ||= $self->{ltmPoolMonitorRule}; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "pool %s is %s, avail state is %s, active members: %d of %d", + $self->{ltmPoolName}, + $self->{ltmPoolStatusEnabledState}, $self->{ltmPoolStatusAvailState}, + $self->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt}, $self->{ltmPoolMemberCnt}); + if ($self->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt} == 1) { + # only one member left = no more redundancy!! + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "100:", critical => "51:"); + } else { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "51:", critical => "26:"); + } + my $message = sprintf ("pool %s has %d active members (of %d) and %d sessions", + $self->{ltmPoolName}, + $self->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt}, $self->{ltmPoolMemberCnt}, + $self->{ltmPoolStatServerCurConns}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{completeness}), $message); + if ($self->{ltmPoolMinActiveMembers} > 0 && + $self->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt} < $self->{ltmPoolMinActiveMembers}) { + $message = sprintf("pool %s has not enough active members (%d, min is %d)", + $self->{ltmPoolName}, $self->{ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt}, + $self->{ltmPoolMinActiveMembers}); + $self->add_message(defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : CRITICAL, $message); + } + if ($self->check_messages()) { + foreach my $member (@{$self->{members}}) { + $member->check(); + } + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('pool_%s_completeness', $self->{ltmPoolName}), + value => $self->{completeness}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('pool_%s_servercurconns', $self->{ltmPoolName}), + value => $self->{ltmPoolStatServerCurConns}, + warning => undef, critical => undef, + ); + if ($self->opts->report eq "html") { + printf "%s - %s%s\n", $self->status_code($self->check_messages()), $message, $self->perfdata_string() ? " | ".$self->perfdata_string() : ""; + $self->suppress_messages(); + printf ""; + printf ""; + foreach (qw(Name Enabled Avail Reason)) { + printf "", $_; + } + printf ""; + foreach (sort {$a->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName} cmp $b->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName}} @{$self->{members}}) { + printf ""; + printf ""; + foreach my $attr (qw(ltmPoolMemberNodeName ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState ltmPoolMbrStatusDetailReason)) { + if ($_->{ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState} eq "enabled") { + if ($_->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState} eq "green") { + printf "", $_->{$attr}; + } else { + printf "", $_->{$attr}; + } + } else { + printf "", $_->{$attr}; + } + } + printf ""; + } + printf "
\n"; + printf "\n"; + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem9::LTMPoolMember; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName} ||= $self->{ltmPoolMemberAddr}; + if ($self->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName} eq $self->{ltmPoolMemberAddr} && + $self->{ltmNodeAddrStatusName}) { + $self->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName} = $self->{ltmNodeAddrStatusName}; + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState} eq "enabled") { + if ($self->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState} ne "green") { + # info only, because it would ruin thresholds in the pool + $self->add_ok(sprintf + "member %s is %s/%s (%s)", + $self->{ltmPoolMemberNodeName}, + $self->{ltmPoolMemberMonitorState}, + $self->{ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState}, + $self->{ltmPoolMbrStatusDetailReason}); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB', 'poolTable')) { + if ($self->filter_name($_->{poolName})) { + push(@{$self->{pools}}, + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4::LTMPool->new(%{$_})); + } + } + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB', 'poolMemberTable')) { + if ($self->filter_name($_->{poolMemberPoolName})) { + push(@{$self->{poolmembers}}, + Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4::LTMPoolMember->new(%{$_})); + } + } + $self->assign_members_to_pools(); +} + +sub assign_members_to_pools { + my $self = shift; + foreach my $pool (@{$self->{pools}}) { + foreach my $poolmember (@{$self->{poolmembers}}) { + if ($poolmember->{poolMemberPoolName} eq $pool->{poolName}) { + push(@{$pool->{members}}, $poolmember); + } + } + if (! defined $pool->{poolMemberQty}) { + $pool->{poolMemberQty} = scalar(@{$pool->{members}}) ; + $self->debug("calculate poolMemberQty"); + } + $pool->{completeness} = $pool->{poolMemberQty} ? + $pool->{poolActiveMemberCount} / $pool->{poolMemberQty} * 100 + : 0; + } +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4::LTMPool; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'pool %s active members: %d of %d', $self->{poolName}, + $self->{poolActiveMemberCount}, + $self->{poolMemberQty}); + if ($self->{poolActiveMemberCount} == 1) { + # only one member left = no more redundancy!! + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "100:", critical => "51:"); + } else { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "51:", critical => "26:"); + } + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{completeness})); + if ($self->{poolMinActiveMembers} > 0 && + $self->{poolActiveMemberCount} < $self->{poolMinActiveMembers}) { + $self->add_nagios( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : CRITICAL, + sprintf("pool %s has not enough active members (%d, min is %d)", + $self->{poolName}, $self->{poolActiveMemberCount}, + $self->{poolMinActiveMembers}) + ); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('pool_%s_completeness', $self->{poolName}), + value => $self->{completeness}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); +} + + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::LTMSubsystem4::LTMPoolMember; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71827a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', (qw( + sysStatMemoryTotal sysStatMemoryUsed sysHostMemoryTotal sysHostMemoryUsed))); + $self->{stat_mem_usage} = ($self->{sysStatMemoryUsed} / $self->{sysStatMemoryTotal}) * 100; + $self->{host_mem_usage} = ($self->{sysHostMemoryUsed} / $self->{sysHostMemoryTotal}) * 100; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'tmm memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{stat_mem_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90, metric => 'tmm_usage'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds(metric => 'tmm_usage', value => $self->{stat_mem_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'tmm_usage', + value => $self->{stat_mem_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'host memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{host_mem_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 100, critical => 100, metric => 'host_usage'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds(metric => 'host_usage', value => $self->{host_mem_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'host_usage', + value => $self->{host_mem_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e708fd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', [ + ['powersupplies', 'sysChassisPowerSupplyTable', 'Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'chassis powersupply %d is %s', + $self->{sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex}, + $self->{sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus}); + if ($self->{sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus} eq 'notpresent') { + } else { + if ($self->{sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus} ne 'good') { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d61f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB', [ + ['temperatures', 'sysChassisTempTable', 'Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::F5::F5BIGIP::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'chassis temperature %d is %sC', + $self->{sysChassisTempIndex}, + $self->{sysChassisTempTemperature}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('temp_%s', $self->{sysChassisTempIndex}), + value => $self->{sysChassisTempTemperature}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..258e18d --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::FCEOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ed7376 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::FCEOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub overall_init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('FCEOS-MIB', (qw( + fcEosSysOperStatus))); +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fru_subsystem} = + Classes::FCEOS::Component::FruSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{fru_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } else { + if ($self->{fcEosSysOperStatus} eq "operational") { + $self->clear_critical(); + $self->clear_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{fcEosSysOperStatus} eq "major-failure") { + $self->add_critical("major device failure"); + } else { + $self->add_warning($self->{fcEosSysOperStatus}); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..348c391 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::FCEOS::Component::FruSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FCEOS-MIB', [ + ['frus', 'fcEosFruTable', 'Classes::FCEOS::Component::FruSubsystem::Fcu'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::FCEOS::Component::FruSubsystem::Fcu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s fru (pos %s) is %s', + $self->{fcEosFruCode}, + $self->{fcEosFruPosition}, + $self->{fcEosFruStatus}); + if ($self->{fcEosFruStatus} eq "failed") { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + #$self->add_ok(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9687a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::FCMGMT; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9143266 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package Classes::FCMGMT::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::FCMGMT::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14c062e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::FCMGMT::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FCMGMT-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'fcConnUnitSensorTable', 'Classes::FCMGMT::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor'], + ]); + foreach (@{$self->{sensors}}) { + $_->{fcConnUnitSensorIndex} ||= $_->{flat_indices}; + } +} + +package Classes::FCMGMT::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s sensor %s (%s) is %s (%s)', + $self->{fcConnUnitSensorType}, + $self->{fcConnUnitSensorIndex}, + $self->{fcConnUnitSensorInfo}, + $self->{fcConnUnitSensorStatus}, + $self->{fcConnUnitSensorMessage}); + if ($self->{fcConnUnitSensorStatus} ne "ok") { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + #$self->add_ok(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e87cd90 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package Classes::FabOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Brocade); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::FabOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::FabOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::FabOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42f56b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package Classes::FabOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + foreach (qw(swCpuUsage swCpuNoOfRetries swCpuUsageLimit swCpuPollingInterval + swCpuAction)) { + $self->{$_} = $self->valid_response('SW-MIB', $_, 0); + } + $self->get_snmp_objects('SW-MIB', (qw( + swFwFabricWatchLicense))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + if (defined $self->{swCpuUsage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{swCpuUsage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{swCpuUsageLimit}, + critical => $self->{swCpuUsageLimit}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{swCpuUsage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{swCpuUsage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } elsif ($self->{swFwFabricWatchLicense} eq 'swFwNotLicensed') { + $self->add_unknown('please install a fabric watch license'); + } else { + my $swFirmwareVersion = $self->get_snmp_object('SW-MIB', 'swFirmwareVersion'); + if ($swFirmwareVersion && $swFirmwareVersion =~ /^v6/) { + $self->add_ok('cpu usage is not implemented'); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire cpu usage'); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e909ee --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package Classes::FabOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::FabOS::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67e6a92 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package Classes::FabOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + foreach (qw(swMemUsage swMemUsageLimit1 swMemUsageLimit3 swMemPollingInterval + swMemNoOfRetries swMemAction)) { + $self->{$_} = $self->valid_response('SW-MIB', $_, 0); + } + $self->get_snmp_objects('SW-MIB', (qw( + swFwFabricWatchLicense))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{swMemUsage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{swMemUsage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{swMemUsageLimit1}, + critical => $self->{swMemUsageLimit3}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{swMemUsage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{swMemUsage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } elsif ($self->{swFwFabricWatchLicense} eq 'swFwNotLicensed') { + $self->add_unknown('please install a fabric watch license'); + } else { + my $swFirmwareVersion = $self->get_snmp_object('SW-MIB', 'swFirmwareVersion'); + if ($swFirmwareVersion && $swFirmwareVersion =~ /^v6/) { + $self->add_ok('memory usage is not implemented'); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c45c9c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package Classes::FabOS::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('SW-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'swSensorTable', 'Classes::FabOS::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::FabOS::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s sensor %s (%s) is %s', + $self->{swSensorType}, + $self->{swSensorIndex}, + $self->{swSensorInfo}, + $self->{swSensorStatus}); + if ($self->{swSensorStatus} eq "faulty") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($self->{swSensorStatus} eq "absent") { + } elsif ($self->{swSensorStatus} eq "unknown") { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + if ($self->{swSensorStatus} eq "nominal") { + #$self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_critical(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sensor_%s_%s', + $self->{swSensorType}, $self->{swSensorIndex}), + value => $self->{swSensorValue}, + ) if $self->{swSensorType} ne "power-supply"; + } +} + + +package Classes::FabOS::Component::SensorSubsystem::SensorThreshold; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + blacklisted => 0, + info => undef, + extendedinfo => undef, + }; + foreach my $param (qw(entSensorThresholdRelation entSensorThresholdValue + entSensorThresholdSeverity entSensorThresholdNotificationEnable + entSensorThresholdEvaluation indices)) { + $self->{$param} = $params{$param}; + } + $self->{entPhysicalIndex} = $params{indices}[0]; + $self->{entSensorThresholdIndex} = $params{indices}[1]; + bless $self, $class; + return $self; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..878e406 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Brocade); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Fortigate::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Fortigate::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Fortigate::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66df43f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $type = 0; + $self->get_snmp_objects('FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB', (qw( + fgSysCpuUsage))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{fgSysCpuUsage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{fgSysCpuUsage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{fgSysCpuUsage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b152f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::DiskSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB', (qw( + fgSysDiskUsage fgSysDiskCapacity))); + $self->{usage} = $self->{fgSysDiskCapacity} ? + 100 * $self->{fgSysDiskUsage} / $self->{fgSysDiskCapacity} : undef; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking disks'); + if (! defined $self->{usage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'system has no disk'); + return; + } + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk is %.2f%% full', + $self->{usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'disk_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a5ffd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::Fortigate::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); + $self->{disk_subsystem} = + Classes::Fortigate::Component::DiskSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{disk_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{disk_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8e9c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB', (qw( + fgSysMemUsage))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{fgSysMemUsage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{fgSysMemUsage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{fgSysMemUsage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{fgSysMemUsage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41b585e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'fgHwSensorTable', 'Classes::Fortigate::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::Fortigate::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'sensor %s alarm status is %s', + $self->{fgHwSensorEntName}, + $self->{fgHwSensorEntValueStatus}); + if ($self->{fgHwSensorEntValueStatus} && $self->{fgHwSensorEntValueStatus} eq "true") { + $self->add_critical(); + } + if ($self->{fgHwSensorEntValue}) { + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sensor_%s', $self->{fgHwSensorEntName}), + value => $self->{swSensorValue}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..124d5f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package Classes::Foundry; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Foundry::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Foundry::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::lb/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_slb_subsystem("Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40ac44b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'snAgentCpuUtilTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_objects('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', (qw( + snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar (@{$self->{cpus}}) == 0) { + $self->overall_check(); + } else { + # snAgentCpuUtilInterval = 1, 5, 60, 300 + # --lookback can be one of these values, default is 300 (1,5 is a stupid choice) + $self->opts->override_opt('lookback', 300) if ! $self->opts->lookback; + foreach (grep { $_->{snAgentCpuUtilInterval} eq $self->opts->lookback} @{$self->{cpus}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->overall_dump(); + foreach (@{$self->{cpus}}) { + $_->dump(); + } +} + +sub overall_check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 50, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds( + $self->{snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + +sub overall_dump { + my $self = shift; + printf "[CPU]\n"; + foreach (qw(snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg + snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg)) { + printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_}; + } + printf "\n"; +} + +sub unix_init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $type = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('UCD-SNMP-MIB', [ + ['loads', 'laTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load'], + ]); +} + +sub unix_check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking loads'); + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + +sub unix_dump { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->dump(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + # newer mibs have snAgentCpuUtilPercent and snAgentCpuUtil100thPercent + # snAgentCpuUtilValue is deprecated + $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue} = $self->{snAgentCpuUtil100thPercent} / 100 + if defined $self->{snAgentCpuUtil100thPercent}; + # if it is an old mib, watch out. snAgentCpuUtilValue is 100th of a percent + # but it seems that sometimes in reality it is percent + $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue} = $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue} / 100 + if $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue} > 100; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage is %.2f', $self->{snAgentCpuUtilSlotNum}, $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{snAgentCpuUtilSlotNum}, + value => $self->{snAgentCpuUtilValue}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %.2f', lc $self->{laNames}, $self->{laLoadFloat}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{laConfig}, + critical => $self->{laConfig}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{laLoadFloat})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => lc $self->{laNames}, + value => $self->{laLoadFloat}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ef85cd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{powersupply_subsystem} = + Classes::Foundry::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new(); + $self->{fan_subsystem} = + Classes::Foundry::Component::FanSubsystem->new(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem} = + Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{powersupply_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{fan_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{temperature_subsystem}->dump(); +} + +1; diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abe0dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::FanSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', [ + ['fans', 'snChasFanTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan'], + ]); +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::FanSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'fan %d is %s', + $self->{snChasFanIndex}, + $self->{snChasFanOperStatus}); + if ($self->{snChasFanOperStatus} eq 'failure') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d86114 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', (qw( + snAgGblDynMemUtil snAgGblDynMemTotal snAgGblDynMemFree))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{snAgGblDynMemUtil}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{snAgGblDynMemUtil}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 99); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{snAgGblDynMemUtil})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{snAgGblDynMemUtil}, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1792621 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::PowersupplySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', [ + ['powersupplies', 'snChasPwrSupplyTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply'], + ]); +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::PowersupplySubsystem::Powersupply; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'powersupply %d is %s', + $self->{snChasPwrSupplyIndex}, + $self->{snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus}); + if ($self->{snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus} eq 'failure') { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1982b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub update_caches { + my $self = shift; + my $force = shift; + $self->update_entry_cache($force, 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4BindTable', 'snL4BindVirtualServerName'); + $self->update_entry_cache($force, 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerTable', 'snL4VirtualServerName'); + $self->update_entry_cache($force, 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortTable', 'snL4VirtualServerPortServerName'); + $self->update_entry_cache($force, 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable', 'snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticServerName'); + $self->update_entry_cache($force, 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerPortStatusTable', 'snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName'); +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # opt->name can be servername:serverport + my $original_name = $self->opts->name; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::lb::session::usage/) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', (qw( + snL4MaxSessionLimit snL4FreeSessionCount))); + $self->{session_usage} = 100 * ($self->{snL4MaxSessionLimit} - $self->{snL4FreeSessionCount}) / $self->{snL4MaxSessionLimit}; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::lb::pool/) { + if ($self->mode =~ /device::lb::pool::list/) { + $self->update_caches(1); + } else { + $self->update_caches(0); + } + if ($self->opts->name) { + # optimized, with a minimum of snmp operations + foreach my $vs ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerTable', 'snL4VirtualServerName')) { + $self->{vsdict}->{$vs->{snL4VirtualServerName}} = $vs; + $self->opts->override_opt('name', $vs->{snL4VirtualServerName}); + foreach my $vsp ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortTable', 'snL4VirtualServerPortServerName')) { + $self->{vspdict}->{$vsp->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}}->{$vsp->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}} = $vsp; + } + foreach my $vspsc ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable', 'snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticServerName')) { + $self->{vspscdict}->{$vspsc->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticServerName}}->{$vspsc->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticPort}} = $vspsc; + } + foreach my $binding ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4BindTable', 'snL4BindVirtualServerName')) { + $self->{bindingdict}->{$binding->{snL4BindVirtualServerName}}->{$binding->{snL4BindVirtualPortNumber}}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealServerName}}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealPortNumber}} = 1; + $self->opts->override_opt('name', $binding->{snL4BindRealServerName}); + if (! exists $self->{rsdict}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealServerName}}) { + #foreach my $rs ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + # 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerTable', 'snL4RealServerName')) { + # $self->{rsdict}->{$rs->{snL4RealServerName}} = $rs; + #} + #foreach my $rsst ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + # 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerStatusTable', 'snL4RealServerStatusName')) { + # $self->{rsstdict}->{$rsst->{snL4RealServerStatusName}} = $rsst; + #} + } + if (! exists $self->{rspstdict}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealServerName}}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealPortNumber}}) { + # todo: profiler, dauert 30s pro aufruf + foreach my $rspst ($self->get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerPortStatusTable', 'snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName')) { + $self->{rspstdict}->{$rspst->{snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName}}->{$rspst->{snL4RealServerPortStatusPort}} = $rspst; + } + } + } + } + } else { + foreach my $vs ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerTable')) { + $self->{vsdict}->{$vs->{snL4VirtualServerName}} = $vs; + } + foreach my $vsp ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortTable')) { + $self->{vspdict}->{$vsp->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}}->{$vsp->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}} = $vsp; + } + foreach my $vspsc ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable')) { + $self->{vspscdict}->{$vspsc->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticServerName}}->{$vspsc->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticPort}} = $vspsc; + } + #foreach my $rs ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + # 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerTable')) { + # $self->{rsdict}->{$rs->{snL4RealServerName}} = $rs; + #} + #foreach my $rsst ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + # 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerStatusTable')) { + # $self->{rsstdict}->{$rsst->{snL4RealServerStatusName}} = $rsst; + #} + foreach my $rspst ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4RealServerPortStatusTable')) { + $self->{rspstdict}->{$rspst->{snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName}}->{$rspst->{snL4RealServerPortStatusPort}} = $rspst; + } + foreach my $binding ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB', 'snL4BindTable')) { + $self->{bindingdict}->{$binding->{snL4BindVirtualServerName}}->{$binding->{snL4BindVirtualPortNumber}}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealServerName}}->{$binding->{snL4BindRealPortNumber}} = 1; + } + } + + # snL4VirtualServerTable: snL4VirtualServerAdminStatus + # snL4VirtualServerStatisticTable: allenfalls TxRx Bytes + # snL4VirtualServerPortTable: snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus* + # snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable: snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticCurrentConnection* + # snL4RealServerTable: snL4RealServerAdminStatus + # snL4RealServerPortStatusTable: snL4RealServerPortStatusCurrentConnection snL4RealServerPortStatusState + # + # summe snL4RealServerStatisticCurConnections = snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticCurrentConnection + # vip , jeder vport gibt ein performancedatum, jeder port hat n. realports, jeder realport hat status + # aus realportstatus errechnet sich verfuegbarkeit des vport + # aus vports ergeben sich die session-output.zahlen + # real ports eines vs, real servers + # globaler mode snL4MaxSessionLimit : snL4FreeSessionCount + + + # + # virtual server + # + $self->opts->override_opt('name', $original_name); + $self->{virtualservers} = []; + foreach my $vs (grep { $self->filter_name($_) } keys %{$self->{vsdict}}) { + $self->{vsdict}->{$vs} = Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::VirtualServer->new(%{$self->{vsdict}->{$vs}}); + next if ! exists $self->{vspdict}->{$vs}; + # + # virtual server has ports + # + foreach my $vspp (keys %{$self->{vspdict}->{$vs}}) { + next if $self->opts->name2 && $self->opts->name2 ne $vspp; + # + # virtual server port has bindings + # + $self->{vspdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp} = Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::VirtualServerPort->new(%{$self->{vspdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}}); + # + # merge virtual server port and virtual server port statistics + # + map { $self->{vspdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}->{$_} = $self->{vspscdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}->{$_} } keys %{$self->{vspscdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}}; + # + # add the virtual port to the virtual server object + # + $self->{vsdict}->{$vs}->add_port($self->{vspdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}); + next if ! exists $self->{bindingdict}->{$vs} || ! exists $self->{bindingdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}; + # + # bound virtual server port has corresponding real server port(s) + # + foreach my $rs (keys %{$self->{bindingdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}}) { + foreach my $rsp (keys %{$self->{bindingdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}->{$rs}}) { + # + # loop through real server / real server port + # + $self->{rspstdict}->{$rs}->{$rsp} = Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::RealServerPort->new(%{$self->{rspstdict}->{$rs}->{$rsp}}) if ref($self->{rspstdict}->{$rs}->{$rsp}) eq 'HASH'; + $self->{vspdict}->{$vs}->{$vspp}->add_port($self->{rspstdict}->{$rs}->{$rsp}); # add real port(s) to virtual port + } + } + } + push(@{$self->{virtualservers}}, $self->{vsdict}->{$vs}); + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking slb virtual servers'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::lb::session::usage/) { + $self->add_info('checking session usage'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'session usage is %.2f%% (%d of %d)', $self->{session_usage}, + $self->{snL4MaxSessionLimit} - $self->{snL4FreeSessionCount}, $self->{snL4MaxSessionLimit}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{session_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'session_usage', + value => $self->{session_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::lb::pool/) { + if (scalar(@{$self->{virtualservers}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no vips'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /pool::list/) { + foreach (@{$self->{virtualservers}}) { + printf "%s\n", $_->{snL4VirtualServerName}; + #$_->list(); + } + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{virtualservers}}) { + $_->check(); + } + if (! $self->opts->name) { + $self->clear_ok(); # too much noise + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("virtual servers working fine"); + } + } + } + } +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::VirtualServer; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ports} = []; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->add_info(sprintf "vis %s is %s", + $self->{snL4VirtualServerName}, + $self->{snL4VirtualServerAdminStatus}); + if ($self->{snL4VirtualServerAdminStatus} ne 'enabled') { + $self->add_warning(); + } else { + if (scalar (@{$self->{ports}}) == 0) { + $self->add_warning(); + $self->add_warning("but has no configured ports"); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{ports}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } + } + if ($self->opts->report eq "html") { + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(); + printf "%s - %s%s\n", $self->status_code($code), $message, $self->perfdata_string() ? " | ".$self->perfdata_string() : ""; + $self->suppress_messages(); + print $self->html_string(); + } +} + +sub add_port { + my $self = shift; + push(@{$self->{ports}}, shift); +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::VirtualServerPort; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + $self->{ports} = []; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "vpo %s:%d is %s (%d connections to %d real ports)", + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}, + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}, + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus}, + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticCurrentConnection}, + scalar(@{$self->{ports}})); + my $num_ports = scalar(@{$self->{ports}}); + my $active_ports = scalar(grep { $_->{snL4RealServerPortStatusState} eq 'active' } @{$self->{ports}}); + # snL4RealServerPortStatusState: failed wird auch angezeigt durch snL4RealServerStatusFailedPortExists => 1 + # wobei snL4RealServerStatusState' => serveractive ist + # zu klaeren, ob ein kaputter real server auch in snL4RealServerPortStatusState angezeigt wird + $self->{completeness} = $num_ports ? 100 * $active_ports / $num_ports : 0; + if ($num_ports == 0) { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "0:", critical => "0:"); + $self->add_warning(sprintf "%s:%d has no bindings", + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}, + $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}); + } elsif ($active_ports == 1) { + # only one member left = no more redundancy!! + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "100:", critical => "51:"); + } else { + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "51:", critical => "26:"); + } + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{completeness})); + foreach (@{$self->{ports}}) { + $_->check(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('pool_%s:%d_completeness', $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}, $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}), + value => $self->{completeness}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('pool_%s:%d_servercurconns', $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortServerName}, $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortPort}), + value => $self->{snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticCurrentConnection}, + thresholds => 0, + ); + if ($self->opts->report eq "html") { + # tabelle mit snL4VirtualServerPortServerName:snL4VirtualServerPortPort + $self->add_html(""); + $self->add_html(""); + foreach (qw(Name Port Status Real Port Status Conn)) { + $self->add_html(sprintf "", $_); + } + $self->add_html(""); + foreach (sort {$a->{snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName} cmp $b->{snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName}} @{$self->{ports}}) { + $self->add_html(""); + foreach my $attr (qw(snL4VirtualServerPortServerName snL4VirtualServerPortPort snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus)) { + my $bgcolor = "#33ff00"; #green + if ($self->{snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus} ne "enabled") { + $bgcolor = "#acacac"; + } elsif ($self->check_messages()) { + $bgcolor = "#f83838"; + } + $self->add_html(sprintf "", $bgcolor, $self->{$attr}); + } + foreach my $attr (qw(snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName snL4RealServerPortStatusPort snL4RealServerPortStatusState snL4RealServerPortStatusCurrentConnection)) { + my $bgcolor = "#33ff00"; #green + if ($self->{snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus} ne "enabled") { + $bgcolor = "#acacac"; + } elsif ($_->{snL4RealServerPortStatusState} ne "active") { + $bgcolor = "#f83838"; + } + $self->add_html(sprintf "", $bgcolor, $_->{$attr}); + } + $self->add_html(""); + } + $self->add_html("
\n"); + $self->add_html("\n"); + } +} + +sub add_port { + my $self = shift; + push(@{$self->{ports}}, shift); +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::RealServer; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{slbPoolMbrStatusEnabledState} eq "enabled") { + if ($self->{slbPoolMbrStatusAvailState} ne "green") { + $self->add_critical(sprintf + "member %s is %s/%s (%s)", + $self->{slbPoolMemberNodeName}, + $self->{slbPoolMemberMonitorState}, + $self->{slbPoolMbrStatusAvailState}, + $self->{slbPoolMbrStatusDetailReason}); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::RealServerPort; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->add_info(sprintf "rpo %s:%d is %s", + $self->{snL4RealServerPortStatusServerName}, + $self->{snL4RealServerPortStatusPort}, + $self->{snL4RealServerPortStatusState}); + $self->add_message($self->{snL4RealServerPortStatusState} eq 'active' ? OK : CRITICAL); + # snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable dazumischen + # snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticTable: snL4VirtualServerPortStatisticCurrentConnection* + # realports connecten und den status ermitteln +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::SLBSubsystem::Binding; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dff6cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $temp = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB', [ + ['temperatures', 'snAgentTempTable', 'Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); + foreach(@{$self->{temperatures}}) { + $_->{snAgentTempSlotNum} ||= $temp++; + $_->{snAgentTempSensorId} ||= 1; + } +} + + +package Classes::Foundry::Component::TemperatureSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{snAgentTempValue} /= 2; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'temperature %s is %.2fC', + $self->{snAgentTempSlotNum}, $self->{snAgentTempValue}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 60, critical => 70); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{snAgentTempValue})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'temperature_'.$self->{snAgentTempSlotNum}, + value => $self->{snAgentTempValue}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a5febc --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c855a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my $idx = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'hrProcessorTable', 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu'], + ]); + foreach (@{$self->{cpus}}) { + $_->{hrProcessorIndex} = $idx++; + } +} + +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s is %.2f%%', + $self->{hrProcessorIndex}, + $self->{hrProcessorLoad}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '80', critical => '90'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{hrProcessorLoad})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('cpu_%s_usage', $self->{hrProcessorIndex}), + value => $self->{hrProcessorLoad}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8c9c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', [ + ['storages', 'hrStorageTable', 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem::Storage', sub { return shift->{hrStorageType} eq 'hrStorageFixedDisk' } ], + ]); +} + +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem::Storage; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $free = 100 - 100 * $self->{hrStorageUsed} / $self->{hrStorageSize}; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'storage %s (%s) has %.2f%% free space left', + $self->{hrStorageIndex}, + $self->{hrStorageDescr}, + $free); + if ($self->{hrStorageDescr} eq "/dev" || $self->{hrStorageDescr} =~ /.*cdrom.*/) { + # /dev is usually full, so we ignore it. + $self->set_thresholds(metric => sprintf('%s_free_pct', $self->{hrStorageDescr}), + warning => '0:', critical => '0:'); + } else { + $self->set_thresholds(metric => sprintf('%s_free_pct', $self->{hrStorageDescr}), + warning => '10:', critical => '5:'); + } + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds(metric => sprintf('%s_free_pct', $self->{hrStorageDescr}), + value => $free)); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('%s_free_pct', $self->{hrStorageDescr}), + value => $free, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da020e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem} = + Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3a5df4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +package Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', [ + ['storagesram', 'hrStorageTable', 'Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::DiskSubsystem::Storage', sub { return shift->{hrStorageType} eq 'hrStorageRam' } ], + ]); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27ac1f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::HP; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # HP-ICF-CHASSIS + '', # STATISTICS-MIB (old?) + '', # NETSWITCH-MIB (old?) + '', # STATISTICS-MIB + '', # NETSWITCH-MIB + +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /Procurve/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::HP::Procurve'; + $self->debug('using Classes::HP::Procurve'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::HP") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb9e081 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package Classes::HP::Procurve; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::HP); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0c44dc --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('STATISTICS-MIB', (qw( + hpSwitchCpuStat))); + if (! defined $self->{hpSwitchCpuStat}) { + $self->get_snmp_objects('OLD-STATISTICS-MIB', (qw( + hpSwitchCpuStat))); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{hpSwitchCpuStat}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); # maybe lower, because the switching is done in hardware + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{hpSwitchCpuStat})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{hpSwitchCpuStat}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..501da20 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->analyze_and_check_sensor_subsystem('Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::SensorSubsystem'); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f11cef --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('NETSWITCH-MIB', [ + ['mem', 'hpLocalMemTable', 'Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::MemSubsystem::Memory'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (scalar (@{$self->{mem}}) == 0) { + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{mem}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::MemSubsystem::Memory; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{usage} = $self->{hpLocalMemAllocBytes} / + $self->{hpLocalMemTotalBytes} * 100; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory %s usage is %.2f', + $self->{hpLocalMemSlotIndex}, $self->{usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_'.$self->{hpLocalMemSlotIndex}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acb0039 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('HP-ICF-CHASSIS-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'hpicfSensorTable', 'Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking sensors'); + if (scalar (@{$self->{sensors}}) == 0) { + $self->add_ok('no sensors'); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{sensors}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + + +package Classes::HP::Procurve::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'sensor %s (%s) is %s', + $self->{hpicfSensorIndex}, + $self->{hpicfSensorDescr}, + $self->{hpicfSensorStatus}); + if ($self->{hpicfSensorStatus} eq "notPresent") { + } elsif ($self->{hpicfSensorStatus} eq "bad") { + $self->add_critical(); + } elsif ($self->{hpicfSensorStatus} eq "warning") { + $self->add_warning(); + } elsif ($self->{hpicfSensorStatus} eq "good") { + #$self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_unknown(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6520036 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::HSRP; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f943759 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +package Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{groups} = []; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'CISCO-HSRP-MIB', 'cHsrpGrpTable')) { + my $group = Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem::Group->new(%{$_}); + if ($self->filter_name($group->{name})) { + push(@{$self->{groups}}, $group); + } + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking hsrp groups'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp::list/) { + foreach (@{$self->{groups}}) { + $_->list(); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + if (scalar (@{$self->{groups}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no hsrp groups'); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{groups}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } + } +} + + +package Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem::Group; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->{ifIndex} = $params{indices}->[0]; + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber} = $params{indices}->[1]; + $self->{name} = $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}.':'.$self->{ifIndex}; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp::state/) { + if (! $self->opts->role()) { + $self->opts->override_opt('role', 'active'); + } + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp::state/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'hsrp group %s (interface %s) state is %s (active router is %s, standby router is %s', + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}, $self->{ifIndex}, + $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyState}, + $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}, $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}); + if ($self->opts->role() eq $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyState}) { + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_critical( + sprintf 'state in group %s (interface %s) is %s instead of %s', + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}, $self->{ifIndex}, + $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyState}, + $self->opts->role()); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp::failover/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'hsrp group %s/%s: active node is %s, standby node is %s', + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}, $self->{ifIndex}, + $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}, $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}); + if (my $laststate = $self->load_state( name => $self->{name} )) { + if ($laststate->{active} ne $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}) { + $self->add_critical(sprintf 'hsrp group %s/%s: active node %s --> %s', + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}, $self->{ifIndex}, + $laststate->{active}, $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}); + } + if ($laststate->{standby} ne $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}) { + $self->add_warning(sprintf 'hsrp group %s/%s: standby node %s --> %s', + $self->{cHsrpGrpNumber}, $self->{ifIndex}, + $laststate->{standby}, $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}); + } + if (($laststate->{active} eq $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}) && + ($laststate->{standby} eq $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter})) { + $self->add_ok(); + } + } else { + $self->add_ok('initializing....'); + } + $self->save_state( name => $self->{name}, save => { + active => $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}, + standby => $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}, + }); + } +} + +sub list { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s %s %s %s\n", $self->{name}, $self->{cHsrpGrpVirtualIpAddr}, + $self->{cHsrpGrpActiveRouter}, $self->{cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter}; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa0638 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::IFMIB; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d80a2f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ +package Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{interfaces} = []; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + $self->update_interface_cache(1); + foreach my $ifIndex (keys %{$self->{interface_cache}}) { + my $ifDescr = $self->{interface_cache}->{$ifIndex}->{ifDescr}; + my $ifName = $self->{interface_cache}->{$ifIndex}->{ifName} || '________'; + my $ifAlias = $self->{interface_cache}->{$ifIndex}->{ifAlias} || '________'; + push(@{$self->{interfaces}}, + Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface->new( + ifIndex => $ifIndex, + ifDescr => $ifDescr, + ifName => $ifName, + ifAlias => $ifAlias, + )); + } + } else { + $self->update_interface_cache(0); + #next if $self->opts->can('name') && $self->opts->name && + # $self->opts->name ne $_->{ifDescr}; + # if limited search + # name is a number -> get_table with extra param + # name is a regexp -> list of names -> list of numbers + my @indices = $self->get_interface_indices(); + if (scalar(@indices) > 0) { + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( + 'IFMIB', 'ifTable+ifXTable', \@indices)) { + push(@{$self->{interfaces}}, + Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface->new(%{$_})); + } + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking interfaces'); + if (scalar(@{$self->{interfaces}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no interfaces'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + foreach (sort {$a->{ifIndex} <=> $b->{ifIndex}} @{$self->{interfaces}}) { + #foreach (sort @{$self->{interfaces}}) { + $_->list(); + } + $self->add_ok("have fun"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::availability/) { + foreach (@{$self->{interfaces}}) { + $_->check(); + } + my $num_interfaces = scalar(@{$self->{interfaces}}); + my $up_interfaces = + scalar(grep { $_->{ifAdminStatus} eq "up" } @{$self->{interfaces}}); + my $available_interfaces = + scalar(grep { $_->{ifAvailable} eq "true" } @{$self->{interfaces}}); + $self->add_info(sprintf "%d of %d (%d adm. up) interfaces are available", + $available_interfaces, $num_interfaces, $up_interfaces); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => "3:", critical => "2:"); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($available_interfaces)); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'num_interfaces', + value => $num_interfaces, + thresholds => 0, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'available_interfaces', + value => $available_interfaces, + ); + + printf "%s\n", $self->{info}; + printf ""; + printf ""; + foreach (qw(Index Descr Type Speed AdminStatus OperStatus Duration Available)) { + printf "", $_; + } + printf ""; + my $unique = {}; + foreach (@{$self->{interfaces}}) { + if (exists $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}) { + $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}++; + } else { + $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}} = 0; + } + } + foreach (sort {$a->{ifIndex} <=> $b->{ifIndex}} @{$self->{interfaces}}) { + if ($unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}) { + $_->{ifDescr} .= ' '.$_->{ifIndex}; + } + printf ""; + printf ""; + foreach my $attr (qw(ifIndex ifDescr ifType ifSpeedText ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus ifStatusDuration ifAvailable)) { + if ($_->{ifAvailable} eq "false") { + printf "", $_->{$attr}; + } else { + printf "", $_->{$attr}; + } + } + printf ""; + } + printf "
\n"; + printf "\n"; + } else { + if (scalar (@{$self->{interfaces}}) == 0) { + } else { + my $unique = {}; + foreach (@{$self->{interfaces}}) { + if (exists $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}) { + $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}++; + } else { + $unique->{$_->{ifDescr}} = 0; + } + } + foreach (sort {$a->{ifIndex} <=> $b->{ifIndex}} @{$self->{interfaces}}) { + if ($unique->{$_->{ifDescr}}) { + $_->{ifDescr} .= ' '.$_->{ifIndex}; + } + $_->check(); + } + } + } +} + +sub update_interface_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $force = shift; + my $statefile = $self->create_interface_cache_file(); + $self->get_snmp_objects('IFMIB', qw(ifTableLastChange)); + # "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or + # deletion of an entry in the ifTable. If the number of + # entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization + # of the local network management subsystem, then this object + # contains a zero value." + $self->{ifTableLastChange} ||= 0; + $self->{ifCacheLastChange} = -f $statefile ? (stat $statefile)[9] : 0; + $self->{bootTime} = time - $self->uptime(); + $self->{ifTableLastChange} = $self->{bootTime} + $self->timeticks($self->{ifTableLastChange}); + my $update_deadline = time - 3600; + my $must_update = 0; + if ($self->{ifCacheLastChange} < $update_deadline) { + # file older than 1h or file does not exist + $must_update = 1; + $self->debug(sprintf 'interface cache is older than 1h (%s < %s)', + scalar localtime $self->{ifCacheLastChange}, scalar localtime $update_deadline); + } + if ($self->{ifTableLastChange} >= $self->{ifCacheLastChange}) { + $must_update = 1; + $self->debug(sprintf 'interface table changes newer than cache file (%s >= %s)', + scalar localtime $self->{ifCacheLastChange}, scalar localtime $self->{ifCacheLastChange}); + } + if ($force) { + $must_update = 1; + $self->debug(sprintf 'interface table update forced'); + } + if ($must_update) { + $self->debug('update of interface cache'); + $self->{interface_cache} = {}; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects( 'IFMIB', 'ifTable+ifXTable')) { + # neuerdings index+descr, weil die drecksscheiss allied telesyn ports + # alle gleich heissen + # und noch so ein hirnbrand: --mode list-interfaces + # 000003 Adaptive Security Appliance 'GigabitEthernet0/0' interface + # .... + # der ASA-schlonz ist ueberfluessig, also brauchen wir eine hintertuer + # um die namen auszuputzen + if ($self->opts->name2 && $self->opts->name2 =~ /\(\.\*\?*\)/) { + if ($_->{ifDescr} =~ $self->opts->name2) { + $_->{ifDescr} = $1; + } + } + $self->{interface_cache}->{$_->{ifIndex}}->{ifDescr} = $_->{ifDescr}; + $self->{interface_cache}->{$_->{ifIndex}}->{ifAlias} = $_->{ifAlias} if exists $_->{ifAlias};; + } + $self->save_interface_cache(); + } + $self->load_interface_cache(); +} + +sub save_interface_cache { + my $self = shift; + $self->create_statefilesdir(); + my $statefile = $self->create_interface_cache_file(); + my $tmpfile = $self->statefilesdir().'/check_nwc_health_tmp_'.$$; + my $fh = IO::File->new(); + $fh->open(">$tmpfile"); + $fh->print(Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{interface_cache})); + $fh->flush(); + $fh->close(); + my $ren = rename $tmpfile, $statefile; + $self->debug(sprintf "saved %s to %s", + Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{interface_cache}), $statefile); + +} + +sub load_interface_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $statefile = $self->create_interface_cache_file(); + if ( -f $statefile) { + our $VAR1; + eval { + require $statefile; + }; + if($@) { + printf "rumms\n"; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "load %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1)); + $self->{interface_cache} = $VAR1; + eval { + foreach (keys %{$self->{interface_cache}}) { + /^\d+$/ || die "newrelease"; + } + }; + if($@) { + $self->{interface_cache} = {}; + unlink $statefile; + delete $INC{$statefile}; + $self->update_interface_cache(1); + } + } +} + +sub get_interface_indices { + my $self = shift; + my @indices = (); + foreach my $ifIndex (keys %{$self->{interface_cache}}) { + my $ifDescr = $self->{interface_cache}->{$ifIndex}->{ifDescr}; + my $ifAlias = $self->{interface_cache}->{$ifIndex}->{ifAlias} || '________'; + if ($self->opts->name) { + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + my $pattern = $self->opts->name; + if ($ifDescr =~ /$pattern/i) { + push(@indices, [$ifIndex]); + } + } else { + if ($self->opts->name =~ /^\d+$/) { + if ($ifIndex == 1 * $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, [1 * $self->opts->name]); + } + } else { + if (lc $ifDescr eq lc $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, [$ifIndex]); + } + } + } + } else { + push(@indices, [$ifIndex]); + } + } + return @indices; +} + + +package Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + ifTable => $params{ifTable}, + ifEntry => $params{ifEntry}, + ifIndex => $params{ifIndex}, + ifDescr => $params{ifDescr}, + ifType => $params{ifType}, + ifMtu => $params{ifMtu}, + ifSpeed => $params{ifSpeed}, + ifPhysAddress => $params{ifPhysAddress}, + ifAdminStatus => $params{ifAdminStatus}, + ifOperStatus => $params{ifOperStatus}, + ifLastChange => $params{ifLastChange}, + ifInOctets => $params{ifInOctets}, + ifInUcastPkts => $params{ifInUcastPkts}, + ifInNUcastPkts => $params{ifInNUcastPkts}, + ifInDiscards => $params{ifInDiscards}, + ifInErrors => $params{ifInErrors}, + ifInUnknownProtos => $params{ifInUnknownProtos}, + ifOutOctets => $params{ifOutOctets}, + ifOutUcastPkts => $params{ifOutUcastPkts}, + ifOutNUcastPkts => $params{ifOutNUcastPkts}, + ifOutDiscards => $params{ifOutDiscards}, + ifOutErrors => $params{ifOutErrors}, + ifOutQLen => $params{ifOutQLen}, + ifSpecific => $params{ifSpecific}, + blacklisted => 0, + info => undef, + extendedinfo => undef, + }; + foreach my $key (keys %{$self}) { + next if $key !~ /^if/; + $self->{$key} = 0 if ! defined $params{$key}; + } + bless $self, $class; + if ($self->opts->name2 && $self->opts->name2 =~ /\(\.\*\?*\)/) { + if ($self->{ifDescr} =~ $self->opts->name2) { + $self->{ifDescr} = $1; + } + } + # Manche Stinkstiefel haben ifName, ifHighSpeed und z.b. ifInMulticastPkts, + # aber keine ifHC*Octets. Gesehen bei Cisco Switch Interface Nul0 o.ae. + if ($params{ifName} && defined $params{ifHCInOctets} && defined $params{ifHCOutOctets}) { + my $self64 = { + ifName => $params{ifName}, + ifInMulticastPkts => $params{ifInMulticastPkts}, + ifInBroadcastPkts => $params{ifInBroadcastPkts}, + ifOutMulticastPkts => $params{ifOutMulticastPkts}, + ifOutBroadcastPkts => $params{ifOutBroadcastPkts}, + ifHCInOctets => $params{ifHCInOctets}, + ifHCInUcastPkts => $params{ifHCInUcastPkts}, + ifHCInMulticastPkts => $params{ifHCInMulticastPkts}, + ifHCInBroadcastPkts => $params{ifHCInBroadcastPkts}, + ifHCOutOctets => $params{ifHCOutOctets}, + ifHCOutUcastPkts => $params{ifHCOutUcastPkts}, + ifHCOutMulticastPkts => $params{ifHCOutMulticastPkts}, + ifHCOutBroadcastPkts => $params{ifHCOutBroadcastPkts}, + ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable => $params{ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable}, + ifHighSpeed => $params{ifHighSpeed}, + ifPromiscuousMode => $params{ifPromiscuousMode}, + ifConnectorPresent => $params{ifConnectorPresent}, + ifAlias => $params{ifAlias}, + ifCounterDiscontinuityTime => $params{ifCounterDiscontinuityTime}, + }; + map { $self->{$_} = $self64->{$_} } keys %{$self64}; + bless $self, 'Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface::64bit'; + } + $self->init(); + return $self; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifIndex}.'#'.$self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInOctets ifOutOctets)); + if ($self->{ifSpeed} == 0) { + # vlan graffl + $self->{inputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{outputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{maxInputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = 0; + } else { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->{ifSpeed}; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->{ifSpeed}; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeedin) { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeedin); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedin; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeedout) { + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeedout); + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedout; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeed) { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeed); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeed); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedin; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedout; + } + $self->{inputRate} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{maxInputRate} /= 8; # auf octets umrechnen wie die in/out + $self->{maxOutputRate} /= 8; + my $factor = 1/8; # default Bits + if ($self->opts->units) { + if ($self->opts->units eq "GB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KB") { + $factor = 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "GBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KBi") { + $factor = 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "B") { + $factor = 1; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "Bit") { + $factor = 1/8; + } + } + $self->{inputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{outputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{maxInputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{maxOutputRate} /= $factor; + if ($self->{ifOperStatus} eq 'down') { + $self->{inputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{outputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{inputRate} = 0; + $self->{outputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxInputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = 0; + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::errors/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInErrors ifOutErrors)); + $self->{inputErrorRate} = $self->{delta_ifInErrors} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputErrorRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutErrors} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::discards/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInDiscards ifOutDiscards)); + $self->{inputDiscardRate} = $self->{delta_ifInDiscards} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputDiscardRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutDiscards} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::operstatus/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::availability/) { + $self->{ifStatusDuration} = + $self->uptime() - $self->timeticks($self->{ifLastChange}); + $self->opts->override_opt('lookback', 1800) if ! $self->opts->lookback; + if ($self->{ifAdminStatus} eq "down") { + $self->{ifAvailable} = "true"; + } elsif ($self->{ifAdminStatus} eq "up" && $self->{ifOperStatus} ne "up" && + $self->{ifStatusDuration} > $self->opts->lookback) { + # and ifLastChange schon ein wenig laenger her + $self->{ifAvailable} = "true"; + } else { + $self->{ifAvailable} = "false"; + } + my $gb = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; + my $mb = 1000 * 1000; + my $kb = 1000; + my $speed = $self->{ifHighSpeed} ? + ($self->{ifHighSpeed} * $mb) : $self->{ifSpeed}; + if ($speed >= $gb) { + $self->{ifSpeedText} = sprintf "%.2fGB", $speed / $gb; + } elsif ($speed >= $mb) { + $self->{ifSpeedText} = sprintf "%.2fMB", $speed / $mb; + } elsif ($speed >= $kb) { + $self->{ifSpeedText} = sprintf "%.2fKB", $speed / $kb; + } else { + $self->{ifSpeedText} = sprintf "%.2fB", $speed; + } + $self->{ifSpeedText} =~ s/\.00//g; + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s usage is in:%.2f%% (%s) out:%.2f%% (%s)%s', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{inputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits')), + $self->{outputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{outputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits')), + $self->{ifOperStatus} eq 'down' ? ' (down)' : ''); + $self->set_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + warning => 80, + critical => 90 + ); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + value => $self->{inputUtilization} + ); + $self->set_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + warning => 80, + critical => 90 + ); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + value => $self->{outputUtilization} + ); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + value => $self->{inputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + value => $self->{outputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); + + my ($inwarning, $incritical) = $self->get_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_in', + value => $self->{inputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + places => 2, + min => 0, + max => $self->{maxInputRate}, + warning => $self->{maxInputRate} / 100 * $inwarning, + critical => $self->{maxInputRate} / 100 * $incritical, + ); + my ($outwarning, $outcritical) = $self->get_thresholds( + metric => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_out', + value => $self->{outputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + places => 2, + min => 0, + max => $self->{maxOutputRate}, + warning => $self->{maxOutputRate} / 100 * $outwarning, + critical => $self->{maxOutputRate} / 100 * $outcritical, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::errors/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s errors in:%.2f/s out:%.2f/s ', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputErrorRate} , $self->{outputErrorRate}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 1, critical => 10); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds($self->{inputErrorRate}); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds($self->{outputErrorRate}); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_errors_in', + value => $self->{inputErrorRate}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_errors_out', + value => $self->{outputErrorRate}, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::discards/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s discards in:%.2f/s out:%.2f/s ', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputDiscardRate} , $self->{outputDiscardRate}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 1, critical => 10); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds($self->{inputDiscardRate}); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds($self->{outputDiscardRate}); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_discards_in', + value => $self->{inputDiscardRate}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_discards_out', + value => $self->{outputDiscardRate}, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::operstatus/) { + #rfc2863 + #(1) if ifAdminStatus is not down and ifOperStatus is down then a + # fault condition is presumed to exist on the interface. + #(2) if ifAdminStatus is down, then ifOperStatus will normally also + # be down (or notPresent) i.e., there is not (necessarily) a + # fault condition on the interface. + # --warning onu,anu + # Admin: admindown,admin + # Admin: --warning + # --critical admindown + # !ad+od ad+!(od*on) + # warn & warnbitfield +# if ($self->opts->critical) { +# if ($self->opts->critical =~ /^u/) { +# } elsif ($self->opts->critical =~ /^u/) { +# } +# } +# if ($self->{ifOperStatus} ne 'up') { +# } +# } + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %s/%s', + $self->{ifDescr}, $self->{ifOperStatus}, $self->{ifAdminStatus}); + $self->add_ok(); + if ($self->{ifOperStatus} eq 'down' && $self->{ifAdminStatus} ne 'down') { + $self->add_critical( + sprintf 'fault condition is presumed to exist on %s', + $self->{ifDescr}); + } + if ($self->{ifAdminStatus} eq 'down') { + $self->add_message( + defined $self->opts->mitigation() ? $self->opts->mitigation() : 2, + sprintf '%s is admin down', $self->{ifDescr}); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::availability/) { + $self->{ifStatusDuration} = + $self->human_timeticks($self->{ifStatusDuration}); + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %savailable (%s/%s, since %s)', + $self->{ifDescr}, ($self->{ifAvailable} eq "true" ? "" : "un"), + $self->{ifOperStatus}, $self->{ifAdminStatus}, + $self->{ifStatusDuration}); + } +} + +sub list { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::listdetail/) { + my $cL2L3IfModeOper = $self->get_snmp_object('CISCO-L2L3-INTERFACE-CONFIG-MIB', 'cL2L3IfModeOper', $self->{ifIndex}) || "unknown"; + my $vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatus = $self->get_snmp_object('CISCO-VTP-MIB', 'vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatus', $self->{ifIndex}) || "unknown"; + printf "%06d %s %s %s\n", $self->{ifIndex}, $self->{ifDescr}, + $cL2L3IfModeOper, $vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatus; + } else { + printf "%06d %s\n", $self->{ifIndex}, $self->{ifDescr}; + } +} + + +package Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface::64bit; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifIndex}.'#'.$self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifHCInOctets ifHCOutOctets)); + # ifSpeed = Bits/sec + # ifHighSpeed = 1000000Bits/sec + if ($self->{ifSpeed} == 0) { + # vlan graffl + $self->{inputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{outputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{maxInputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = 0; + } elsif ($self->{ifSpeed} == 4294967295) { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifHighSpeed} * 1000000); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifHighSpeed} * 1000000); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->{ifHighSpeed} * 1000000; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->{ifHighSpeed} * 1000000; + } else { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->{ifSpeed}; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->{ifSpeed}; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeedin) { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeedin); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedin; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeedout) { + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeedout); + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedout; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeed) { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeed); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifHCOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->opts->ifspeed); + $self->{maxInputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedin; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = $self->opts->ifspeedout; + } + $self->{inputRate} = $self->{delta_ifHCInOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputRate} = $self->{delta_ifHCOutOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{maxInputRate} /= 8; # auf octets umrechnen wie die in/out + $self->{maxOutputRate} /= 8; + my $factor = 1/8; # default Bits + if ($self->opts->units) { + if ($self->opts->units eq "GB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KB") { + $factor = 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "GBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KBi") { + $factor = 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "B") { + $factor = 1; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "Bit") { + $factor = 1/8; + } + } + $self->{inputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{outputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{maxInputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{maxOutputRate} /= $factor; + if ($self->{ifOperStatus} eq 'down') { + $self->{inputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{outputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{inputRate} = 0; + $self->{outputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxInputRate} = 0; + $self->{maxOutputRate} = 0; + } + } else { + $self->SUPER::init(); + } + return $self; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af50f68 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package Classes::IFMIB::Component::LinkAggregation; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::IFMIB); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + $self->init(); + return $self; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->name) { + my @ifs = split(",", $self->opts->name); + $self->{name} = shift @ifs; + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + $self->opts->override_opt('name', + sprintf "(%s)", join("|", map { sprintf "(%s)", $_ } @ifs)); + } else { + $self->opts->override_opt('name', + sprintf "(%s)", join("|", map { sprintf "(^%s\$)", $_ } @ifs)); + $self->opts->override_opt('regexp', 1); + } + $self->{components}->{interface_subsystem} = + Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem->new(); + } else { + #error, must have a name + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::aggregation::availability/) { + $self->{num_if} = scalar(@{$self->{components}->{interface_subsystem}->{interfaces}}); + $self->{down_if} = [grep { $_->{ifOperStatus} eq "down" } @{$self->{components}->{interface_subsystem}->{interfaces}}]; + $self->{num_down_if} = scalar(@{$self->{down_if}}); + $self->{num_up_if} = $self->{num_if} - $self->{num_down_if}; + $self->{availability} = $self->{num_if} ? (100 * $self->{num_up_if} / $self->{num_if}) : 0; + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking link aggregation'); + if (scalar(@{$self->{components}->{interface_subsystem}->{interfaces}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no interfaces'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::aggregation::availability/) { + my $down_info = scalar(@{$self->{down_if}}) ? + sprintf " (down: %s)", join(", ", map { $_->{ifDescr} } @{$self->{down_if}}) : ""; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'aggregation %s availability is %.2f%% (%d of %d)%s', + $self->{name}, + $self->{availability}, $self->{num_up_if}, $self->{num_if}, + $down_info); + my $cavailability = $self->{num_if} ? (100 * 1 / $self->{num_if}) : 0; + $cavailability = $cavailability == int($cavailability) ? $cavailability + 1: int($cavailability + 1.0); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '100:', critical => $cavailability.':'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{availability})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'aggr_'.$self->{name}.'_availability', + value => $self->{availability}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..860d4e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::Juniper; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', + '', +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /NetScreen/i) { + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper::NetScreen'); + } elsif ($self->{productname} =~ /Juniper.*MAG\-\d+/i) { + # Juniper Networks,Inc,MAG-4610,7.2R10 + bless $self, 'Classes::Juniper::IVE'; + $self->debug('using Classes::Juniper::IVE'); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::Juniper") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89bdc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Juniper); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # mib-2 + '', +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::users/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_user_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::UserSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de5b26e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('JUNIPER-IVE-MIB', (qw( + iveCpuUtil))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{iveCpuUtil}); + # http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/ive/guides/howtos/SA-IC-MAG-SNMP-Monitoring-Guide.pdf + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 50, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{iveCpuUtil})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{iveCpuUtil}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + +sub unix_init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $type = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('UCD-SNMP-MIB', [ + ['loads', 'laTable', 'Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load'], + ]); +} + +sub unix_check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking loads'); + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + +sub unix_dump { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->dump(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %.2f', lc $self->{laNames}, $self->{laLoadFloat}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{laConfig}, + critical => $self->{laConfig}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{laLoadFloat})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => lc $self->{laNames}, + value => $self->{laLoadFloat}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a817d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::DiskSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('JUNIPER-IVE-MIB', (qw( + diskFullPercent))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking disks'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk is %.2f%% full', + $self->{diskFullPercent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{diskFullPercent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'disk_usage', + value => $self->{diskFullPercent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c62879e --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem} = + Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::DiskSubsystem->new(); + $self->get_snmp_objects('JUNIPER-IVE-MIB', (qw( + iveTemperature fanDescription psDescription raidDescription))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->check(); + $self->add_info(sprintf "temperature is %.2f deg", $self->{iveTemperature}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 70, critical => 75); + $self->check_thresholds(0); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'temperature', + value => $self->{iveTemperature}, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + if ($self->{fanDescription} && $self->{fanDescription} =~ /(failed)|(threshold)/) { + $self->add_critical($self->{fanDescription}); + } + if ($self->{psDescription} && $self->{psDescription} =~ /failed/) { + $self->add_critical($self->{psDescription}); + } + if ($self->{raidDescription} && $self->{raidDescription} =~ /(failed)|(unknown)/) { + $self->add_critical($self->{raidDescription}); + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{disk_subsystem}->dump(); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32d4a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('JUNIPER-IVE-MIB', (qw( + iveMemoryUtil iveSwapUtil))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%, swap usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{iveMemoryUtil}, $self->{iveSwapUtil}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 90, critical => 95); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{iveMemoryUtil}), + sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', $self->{iveMemoryUtil}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{iveMemoryUtil}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 5, critical => 10); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{iveSwapUtil}), + sprintf 'swap usage is %.2f%%', $self->{iveSwapUtil}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'swap_usage', + value => $self->{iveSwapUtil}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ab77d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::IVE::Component::UserSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('JUNIPER-IVE-MIB', (qw( + iveSSLConnections iveVPNTunnels + signedInWebUsers signedInMailUsers meetingUserCount + iveConcurrentUsers clusterConcurrentUsers))); + foreach (qw( + iveSSLConnections iveVPNTunnels + signedInWebUsers signedInMailUsers meetingUserCount + iveConcurrentUsers clusterConcurrentUsers)) { + $self->{$_} = 0 if ! defined $self->{$_}; + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'Users: sslconns=%d cluster=%d, node=%d, web=%d, mail=%d, meeting=%d', + $self->{iveSSLConnections}, + $self->{clusterConcurrentUsers}, + $self->{iveConcurrentUsers}, + $self->{signedInWebUsers}, + $self->{signedInMailUsers}, + $self->{meetingUserCount}); + $self->add_ok(); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'sslconns', + value => $self->{iveSSLConnections}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'web_users', + value => $self->{signedInWebUsers}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'mail_users', + value => $self->{signedInMailUsers}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'meeting_users', + value => $self->{meetingUserCount}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'concurrent_users', + value => $self->{iveConcurrentUsers}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cluster_concurrent_users', + value => $self->{clusterConcurrentUsers}, + ); +} diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08c12f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Juniper); +use strict; + +use constant trees => ( + '', # mib-2 + '', +); + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bcc80f --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('NETSCREEN-RESOURCE-MIB', (qw( + nsResCpuAvg))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{nsResCpuAvg}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 50, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{nsResCpuAvg})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{nsResCpuAvg}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %.2f', lc $self->{laNames}, $self->{laLoadFloat}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{laConfig}, + critical => $self->{laConfig}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{laLoadFloat})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => lc $self->{laNames}, + value => $self->{laLoadFloat}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0546179 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects("NETSCREEN-CHASSIS-MIB", (qw( + sysBatteryStatus))); + $self->get_snmp_tables("NETSCREEN-CHASSIS-MIB", [ + ['fans', 'nsFanTable', 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Fan'], + ['power', 'nsPowerTable', 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Power'], + ['slots', 'nsSlotTable', 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Slot'], + ['temperatures', 'nsTemperatureTable', 'Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Temperature'], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{fans}}, @{$self->{power}}, @{$self->{slots}}, @{$self->{temperatures}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Fan; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "fan %s (%s) is %s", + $self->{nsFanId}, $self->{nsFanDesc}, $self->{nsFanStatus}); + if ($self->{nsFanStatus} eq "notInstalled") { + } elsif ($self->{nsFanStatus} eq "good") { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{nsFanStatus} eq "fail") { + $self->add_warning(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Power; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "power supply %s (%s) is %s", + $self->{nsPowerId}, $self->{nsPowerDesc}, $self->{nsPowerStatus}); + if ($self->{nsPowerStatus} eq "good") { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{nsPowerStatus} eq "fail") { + $self->add_warning(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Slot; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "%s slot %s (%s) is %s", + $self->{nsSlotType}, $self->{nsSlotId}, $self->{nsSlotSN}, $self->{nsSlotStatus}); + if ($self->{nsSlotStatus} eq "good") { + $self->add_ok(); + } elsif ($self->{nsSlotStatus} eq "fail") { + $self->add_warning(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem::Temperature; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf "temperature %s is %sC", + $self->{nsTemperatureId}, $self->{nsTemperatureDesc}, $self->{nsTemperatureCur}); + $self->add_ok(); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'temp_'.$self->{nsTemperatureId}, + value => $self->{nsTemperatureCur}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c510220 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package Classes::Juniper::NetScreen::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('NETSCREEN-RESOURCE-MIB', (qw( + nsResMemAllocate nsResMemLeft nsResMemFrag))); + my $mem_total = $self->{nsResMemAllocate} + $self->{nsResMemLeft}; + $self->{mem_usage} = $self->{nsResMemAllocate} / $mem_total * 100; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{mem_usage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', $self->{mem_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, + critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{mem_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{mem_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42aa3ba --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +package Classes::Lantronix; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35e1b4b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::Lantronix::SLS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Lantronix); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Lantronix::SLS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + + +package Classes::Lantronix::SLS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('LARA-MIB', qw(checkHostPower)); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'host power status is %s', $self->{checkHostPower}); + if ($self->{checkHostPower} eq 'hasPower') { + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b5e6cc --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +package Classes::MEOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Brocade); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_and_check_environmental_subsystem(); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::UCDMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::UCDMIB::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + +sub analyze_environmental_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem1} = + Classes::FCMGMT::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem->new(); + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem2} = + Classes::FCEOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check_environmental_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem1}->check(); + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem2}->check(); + if ($self->check_messages()) { + $self->clear_ok(); + } + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem1}->dump() + if $self->opts->verbose >= 2; + $self->{components}->{environmental_subsystem2}->dump() + if $self->opts->verbose >= 2; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa20dee --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::MIBII; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deed266 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,6285 @@ +$GLPlugin::SNMP::discover_ids = { + '' => 'Classes::Juniper::IVE', + '' => 'Classes::CiscoCCM', + '' => 'Classes::CiscoCCM', + '' => 'Classes::Lantronix::SLS', +}; + +$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids = { + 'SW-MIB' => '', + 'NETSCREEN-PRODUCTS-MIB' => '', + 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' => '', + 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' => '', + 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB' => '', + 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB' => '', + 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' => '', +}; + +$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids = { + 'MIB-II' => { + sysDescr => '', + sysObjectID => '', + sysUpTime => '', + sysName => '', + }, + 'IFMIB' => { + ifNumber => '', + ifTableLastChange => '', + ifTable => '', + ifEntry => '', + ifIndex => '', + ifDescr => '', + ifType => '', + ifTypeDefinition => 'IFMIB::ifType', + ifMtu => '', + ifSpeed => '', + ifPhysAddress => '', + ifAdminStatus => '', + ifOperStatus => '', + ifLastChange => '', + ifInOctets => '', + ifInUcastPkts => '', + ifInNUcastPkts => '', + ifInDiscards => '', + ifInErrors => '', + ifInUnknownProtos => '', + ifOutOctets => '', + ifOutUcastPkts => '', + ifOutNUcastPkts => '', + ifOutDiscards => '', + ifOutErrors => '', + ifOutQLen => '', + ifSpecific => '', + ifAdminStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'up', + 2 => 'down', + 3 => 'testing', + }, + ifOperStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'up', + 2 => 'down', + 3 => 'testing', + 4 => 'unknown', + 5 => 'dormant', + 6 => 'notPresent', + 7 => 'lowerLayerDown', + }, + # INDEX { ifIndex } + # + ifXTable => '', + ifXEntry => '', + ifName => '', + ifInMulticastPkts => '', + ifInBroadcastPkts => '', + ifOutMulticastPkts => '', + ifOutBroadcastPkts => '', + ifHCInOctets => '', + ifHCInUcastPkts => '', + ifHCInMulticastPkts => '', + ifHCInBroadcastPkts => '', + ifHCOutOctets => '', + ifHCOutUcastPkts => '', + ifHCOutMulticastPkts => '', + ifHCOutBroadcastPkts => '', + ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable => '', + ifHighSpeed => '', + ifPromiscuousMode => '', + ifConnectorPresent => '', + ifAlias => '', + ifCounterDiscontinuityTime => '', + ifLinkUpDownTrapEnableDefinition => { + 1 => 'enabled', + 2 => 'disabled', + }, + # ifXEntry AUGMENTS ifEntry + # + }, + 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' => { + host => '', + hrSystem => '', + hrStorage => '', + hrDevice => '', + hrSWRun => '', + hrSWRunPerf => '', + hrSWInstalled => '', + hrFSTypes => '', + hrFSOther => '', + hrFSUnknown => '', + hrFSBerkeleyFFS => '', + hrFSSys5FS => '', + hrFSFat => '', + hrFSHPFS => '', + hrFSHFS => '', + hrFSMFS => '', + hrFSNTFS => '', + hrFSVNode => '', + hrFSJournaled => '', + hrFSiso9660 => '', + hrFSRockRidge => '', + hrFSNFS => '', + hrFSNetware => '', + hrFSAFS => '', + hrFSDFS => '', + hrFSAppleshare => '', + hrFSRFS => '', + hrFSDGCFS => '', + hrFSBFS => '', + hrSystem => '', + hrSystemUptime => '', + hrSystemDate => '', + hrSystemInitialLoadDevice => '', + hrSystemInitialLoadParameters => '', + hrSystemNumUsers => '', + hrSystemProcesses => '', + hrSystemMaxProcesses => '', + hrStorageTypes => '', + hrStorageOther => '', + hrStorageRam => '', + hrStorageVirtualMemory => '', + hrStorageFixedDisk => '', + hrStorageRemovableDisk => '', + hrStorageFloppyDisk => '', + hrStorageCompactDisc => '', + hrStorageRamDisk => '', + hrStorage => '', + hrMemorySize => '', + hrStorageTable => '', + hrStorageEntry => '', + hrStorageIndex => '', + hrStorageType => '', + hrStorageTypeDefinition => 'OID::HOST-RESOURCES-MIB', + hrStorageDescr => '', + hrStorageAllocationUnits => '', + hrStorageSize => '', + hrStorageUsed => '', + hrStorageAllocationFailures => '', + hrDeviceTypes => '', + hrDeviceOther => '', + hrDeviceUnknown => '', + hrDeviceProcessor => '', + hrDeviceNetwork => '', + hrDevicePrinter => '', + hrDeviceDiskStorage => '', + hrDeviceVideo => '', + hrDeviceAudio => '', + hrDeviceCoprocessor => '', + hrDeviceKeyboard => '', + hrDeviceModem => '', + hrDeviceParallelPort => '', + hrDevicePointing => '', + hrDeviceSerialPort => '', + hrDeviceTape => '', + hrDeviceClock => '', + hrDeviceVolatileMemory => '', + hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory => '', + hrDevice => '', + hrDeviceTable => '', + hrDeviceEntry => '', + hrDeviceIndex => '', + hrDeviceType => '', + hrDeviceDescr => '', + hrDeviceID => '', + hrDeviceStatus => '', + hrDeviceErrors => '', + hrProcessorTable => '', + hrProcessorEntry => '', + hrProcessorFrwID => '', + hrProcessorLoad => '', + hrNetworkTable => '', + hrNetworkEntry => '', + hrNetworkIfIndex => '', + hrPrinterTable => '', + hrPrinterEntry => '', + hrPrinterStatus => '', + hrPrinterDetectedErrorState => '', + hrDiskStorageTable => '', + hrDiskStorageEntry => '', + hrDiskStorageAccess => '', + hrDiskStorageMedia => '', + hrDiskStorageRemoveble => '', + hrDiskStorageCapacity => '', + hrPartitionTable => '', + hrPartitionEntry => '', + hrPartitionIndex => '', + hrPartitionLabel => '', + hrPartitionID => '', + hrPartitionSize => '', + hrPartitionFSIndex => '', + hrFSTable => '', + hrFSEntry => '', + hrFSIndex => '', + hrFSMountPoint => '', + hrFSRemoteMountPoint => '', + hrFSType => '', + hrFSAccess => '', + hrFSBootable => '', + hrFSStorageIndex => '', + hrFSLastFullBackupDate => '', + hrFSLastPartialBackupDate => '', + hrSWRun => '', + hrSWOSIndex => '', + hrSWRunTable => '', + hrSWRunEntry => '', + hrSWRunIndex => '', + hrSWRunName => '', + hrSWRunID => '', + hrSWRunPath => '', + hrSWRunParameters => '', + hrSWRunType => '', + hrSWRunStatus => '', + hrSWRunPerf => '', + hrSWRunPerfTable => '', + hrSWRunPerfEntry => '', + hrSWRunPerfCPU => '', + hrSWRunPerfMem => '', + hrSWInstalled => '', + hrSWInstalledLastChange => '', + hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime => '', + hrSWInstalledTable => '', + hrSWInstalledEntry => '', + hrSWInstalledIndex => '', + hrSWInstalledName => '', + hrSWInstalledID => '', + hrSWInstalledType => '', + hrSWInstalledDate => '', + }, + 'CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB' => { + ciscoConfigManMIBObjects => '', + ccmHistory => '', + ccmCLIHistory => '', + ccmCLICfg => '', + ccmCTIDObjects => '', + ccmHistory => '', + ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged => '', + ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved => '', + ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged => '', + ccmHistoryMaxEventEntries => '', + ccmHistoryEventEntriesBumped => '', + }, + 'CISCO-PROCESS-MIB' => { + cpmCPUTotalTable => '', + cpmCPUTotalEntry => '', + cpmCPUTotalIndex => '', + cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex => '', + cpmCPUTotal5sec => '', + cpmCPUTotal1min => '', + cpmCPUTotal5min => '', + cpmCPUTotal5secRev => '', + cpmCPUTotal1minRev => '', + cpmCPUTotal5minRev => '', + cpmCPUMonInterval => '', + cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalDefinition => '', + cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalDefinition => '', + # INDEX { cpmCPUTotalIndex } + }, + 'CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB' => { + ciscoMemoryPoolTable => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolEntry => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolType => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolTypeDefinition => { + 1 => 'processor memory', + 2 => 'i/o memory', + 3 => 'pci memory', + 4 => 'fast memory', + 5 => 'multibus memory', + }, + ciscoMemoryPoolName => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolAlternate => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolValid => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolUsed => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolFree => '', + ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree => '', + # INDEX { ciscoMemoryPoolType } + }, + 'CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB' => { + ciscoEnhancedMemPoolMIB => '', + cempMIBNotifications => '', + cempMIBObjects => '', + cempMIBConformance => '', + cempMemPool => '', + cempNotificationConfig => '', + cempMemPoolTable => '', + cempMemBufferPoolTable => '', + cempMemBufferCachePoolTable => '', + cempMemPoolEntry => '', + cempMemPoolIndex => '', + cempMemPoolType => '', + cempMemPoolName => '', + cempMemPoolPlatformMemory => '', + cempMemPoolAlternate => '', + cempMemPoolValid => '', + cempMemPoolUsed => '', + cempMemPoolFree => '', + cempMemPoolLargestFree => '', + cempMemPoolLowestFree => '', + cempMemPoolUsedLowWaterMark => '', + cempMemPoolAllocHit => '', + cempMemPoolAllocMiss => '', + cempMemPoolFreeHit => '', + cempMemPoolFreeMiss => '', + cempMemBufferPoolEntry => '', + cempMemBufferPoolIndex => '', + cempMemBufferMemPoolIndex => '', + cempMemBufferName => '', + cempMemBufferDynamic => '', + cempMemBufferSize => '', + cempMemBufferMin => '', + cempMemBufferMax => '', + cempMemBufferPermanent => '', + cempMemBufferTransient => '', + cempMemBufferTotal => '', + cempMemBufferFree => '', + cempMemBufferHit => '', + cempMemBufferMiss => '', + cempMemBufferFreeHit => '', + cempMemBufferFreeMiss => '', + cempMemBufferPermChange => '', + cempMemBufferPeak => '', + cempMemBufferPeakTime => '', + cempMemBufferTrim => '', + cempMemBufferGrow => '', + cempMemBufferFailures => '', + cempMemBufferNoStorage => '', + cempMemBufferCachePoolEntry => '', + cempMemBufferCacheSize => '', + cempMemBufferCacheTotal => '', + cempMemBufferCacheUsed => '', + cempMemBufferCacheHit => '', + cempMemBufferCacheMiss => '', + cempMemBufferCacheThreshold => '', + cempMemBufferCacheThresholdCount => '', + cempMemBufferNotifyEnabled => '', + cempMIBCompliances => '', + cempMIBGroups => '', + cempMIBCompliance => '', + cempMIBComplianceRev1 => '', + cempMIBComplianceRev2 => '', + cempMemPoolGroup => '', + cempMemPoolExtGroup => '', + cempMemBufferGroup => '', + cempMemBufferExtGroup => '', + cempMemBufferNotifyEnableGroup => '', + cempMemPoolExtGroupRev1 => '', + cempMemBufferNotifyGroup => '', + }, + 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' => { + ciscoEnvMonPresent => '', + ciscoEnvMonPresentDefinition => { + 1 => 'oldAgs', + 2 => 'ags', + 3 => 'c7000', + 4 => 'ci', + 6 => 'cAccessMon', + 7 => 'cat6000', + 8 => 'ubr7200', + 9 => 'cat4000', + 10 => 'c10000', + 11 => 'osr7600', + 12 => 'c7600', + 13 => 'c37xx', + 14 => 'other', + }, + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusIndex => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageState => '', + ciscoEnvMonVoltageStateDefinition => 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB::ciscoEnvMonState', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState => '', + ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStateDefinition => 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB::ciscoEnvMonState', + ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable => '', + ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry => '', + ciscoEnvMonFanStatusIndex => '', + ciscoEnvMonFanStatusDescr => '', + ciscoEnvMonFanState => '', + ciscoEnvMonFanStateDefinition => 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB::ciscoEnvMonState', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable => '', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusEntry => '', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusIndex => '', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr => '', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyState => '', + ciscoEnvMonSupplyStateDefinition => 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB::ciscoEnvMonState', + ciscoEnvMonSupplySource => '', + ciscoEnvMonAlarmContacts => '', + }, + 'CISCO-HSRP-MIB' => { + cHsrpGrpTable => '', + cHsrpGrpEntry => '', + cHsrpGrpNumber => '', + cHsrpGrpAuth => '', + cHsrpGrpPriority => '', + cHsrpGrpPreempt => '', + cHsrpGrpPreemptDelay => '', + cHsrpGrpUseConfiguredTimers => '', + cHsrpGrpConfiguredHelloTime => '', + cHsrpGrpConfiguredHoldTime => '', + cHsrpGrpLearnedHelloTime => '', + cHsrpGrpLearnedHoldTime => '', + cHsrpGrpVirtualIpAddr => '', + cHsrpGrpUseConfigVirtualIpAddr => '', + cHsrpGrpActiveRouter => '', + cHsrpGrpStandbyRouter => '', + cHsrpGrpStandbyState => '', + cHsrpGrpStandbyStateDefinition => 'CISCO-HSRP-MIB::HsrpState', + cHsrpGrpVirtualMacAddr => '', + cHsrpGrpEntryRowStatus => '', + cHsrpGrpEntryRowStatusDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1::RowStatus', + # INDEX { ifIndex, cHsrpGrpNumber } + }, + 'OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB' => { + 'avgBusy1' => '', + 'avgBusy5' => '', + 'busyPer' => '', + 'idleCount' => '', + 'idleWired' => '', + }, + 'CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB' => { + cseSysCPUUtilization => '', + cseSysMemoryUtilization => '', + cseSysConfLastChange => '', + cseSysAutoSync => '', + cseSysAutoSyncState => '', + cseWriteErase => '', + cseSysConsolePortStatus => '', + cseSysTelnetServiceActivation => '', + cseSysFIPSModeActivation => '', + cseSysUpTime => '', + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' => { + entSensorValueTable => '', + entSensorValueEntry => '', + entSensorType => '', + entSensorTypeDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::SensorDataType', + entSensorScale => '', + entSensorScaleDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::SensorDataScale', + entSensorPrecision => '', + entSensorValue => '', + entSensorStatus => '', + entSensorStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::SensorStatus', + entSensorValueTimeStamp => '', + entSensorValueUpdateRate => '', + entSensorMeasuredEntity => '', + entSensorThresholdTable => '', + entSensorThresholdEntry => '', + entSensorThresholdIndex => '', + entSensorThresholdSeverity => '', + entSensorThresholdSeverityDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::SensorThresholdSeverity', + entSensorThresholdRelation => '', + entSensorThresholdRelationDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::SensorThresholdRelation', + entSensorThresholdValue => '', + entSensorThresholdEvaluation => '', + entSensorThresholdEvaluationDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1::TruthValue', + entSensorThresholdNotificationEnable => '', + entSensorThresholdNotificationEnableDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1::TruthValue', + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB' => { + cefcMIBObjects => '', + cefcFRUMIBNotificationPrefix => '', + cefcMIBConformance => '', + cefcFRUPower => '', + cefcModule => '', + cefcMIBNotificationEnables => '', + cefcFRUFan => '', + cefcPhysical => '', + cefcPowerCapacity => '', + cefcCooling => '', + cefcConnector => '', + cefcFRUPower => '', + cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable => '', + cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupEntry => '', + cefcPowerRedundancyMode => '', + cefcPowerRedundancyModeDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB::PowerRedundancyType', + cefcPowerUnits => '', + cefcTotalAvailableCurrent => '', + cefcTotalDrawnCurrent => '', + cefcPowerRedundancyOperMode => '', + cefcPowerRedundancyOperModeDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB::PowerRedundancyType', + cefcPowerNonRedundantReason => '', + cefcPowerNonRedundantReasonDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB::PowerRedundancyType', + cefcTotalDrawnInlineCurrent => '', + cefcFRUPowerStatusTable => '', + cefcFRUPowerStatusEntry => '', + cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus => '', + cefcFRUPowerAdminStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB::PowerAdminType', + cefcFRUPowerOperStatus => '', + cefcFRUPowerOperStatusDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB::PowerOperType', + cefcFRUCurrent => '', + cefcFRUPowerCapability => '', + cefcFRURealTimeCurrent => '', + cefcMaxDefaultInLinePower => '', + cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueTable => '', + cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueEntry => '', + cefcFRUTotalSystemCurrent => '', + cefcFRUDrawnSystemCurrent => '', + cefcFRUTotalInlineCurrent => '', + cefcFRUDrawnInlineCurrent => '', + cefcMaxDefaultHighInLinePower => '', + cefcModule => '', + cefcModuleTable => '', + cefcModuleEntry => '', + cefcModuleAdminStatus => '', + cefcModuleOperStatus => '', + cefcModuleResetReason => '', + cefcModuleStatusLastChangeTime => '', + cefcModuleLastClearConfigTime => '', + cefcModuleResetReasonDescription => '', + cefcModuleStateChangeReasonDescr => '', + cefcModuleUpTime => '', + cefcIntelliModuleTable => '', + cefcIntelliModuleEntry => '', + cefcIntelliModuleIPAddrType => '', + cefcIntelliModuleIPAddr => '', + cefcModuleLocalSwitchingTable => '', + cefcModuleLocalSwitchingEntry => '', + cefcModuleLocalSwitchingMode => '', + cefcFRUFan => '', + cefcFanTrayStatusTable => '', + cefcFanTrayStatusEntry => '', + cefcFanTrayOperStatus => '', + cefcFanTrayOperStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'up', + 3 => 'down', + 4 => 'warning', + }, + cefcPhysical => '', + cefcPhysicalTable => '', + cefcPhysicalEntry => '', + cefcPhysicalStatus => '', + cefcPowerCapacity => '', + cefcPowerSupplyInputTable => '', + cefcPowerSupplyInputEntry => '', + cefcPowerSupplyInputIndex => '', + cefcPowerSupplyInputType => '', + cefcPowerSupplyOutputTable => '', + cefcPowerSupplyOutputEntry => '', + cefcPSOutputModeIndex => '', + cefcPSOutputModeCurrent => '', + cefcPSOutputModeInOperation => '', + cefcCooling => '', + cefcChassisCoolingTable => '', + cefcChassisCoolingEntry => '', + cefcChassisPerSlotCoolingCap => '', + cefcChassisPerSlotCoolingUnit => '', + cefcFanCoolingTable => '', + cefcFanCoolingEntry => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapacity => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapacityUnit => '', + cefcModuleCoolingTable => '', + cefcModuleCoolingEntry => '', + cefcModuleCooling => '', + cefcModuleCoolingUnit => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapTable => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapEntry => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapIndex => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapModeDescr => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapCapacity => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapCurrent => '', + cefcFanCoolingCapCapacityUnit => '', + cefcConnector => '', + cefcConnectorRatingTable => '', + cefcConnectorRatingEntry => '', + cefcConnectorRating => '', + cefcModulePowerConsumptionTable => '', + cefcModulePowerConsumptionEntry => '', + cefcModulePowerConsumption => '', + cefcMIBNotificationEnables => '', + cefcMIBEnableStatusNotification => '', + cefcEnablePSOutputChangeNotif => '', + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB' => { + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBObjects => '', + ceAlarmDescription => '', + ceAlarmMonitoring => '', + ceAlarmHistory => '', + ceAlarmFiltering => '', + ceAlarmDescription => '', + ceAlarmDescrMapTable => '', + ceAlarmDescrMapEntry => '', + ceAlarmDescrIndex => '', + ceAlarmDescrVendorType => '', + ceAlarmDescrTable => '', + ceAlarmDescrEntry => '', + ceAlarmDescrAlarmType => '', + ceAlarmDescrSeverity => '', + ceAlarmDescrSeverityDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB::AlarmSeverityOrZero', + ceAlarmDescrText => '', + ceAlarmMonitoring => '', + ceAlarmCriticalCount => '', + ceAlarmMajorCount => '', + ceAlarmMinorCount => '', + ceAlarmCutOff => '', + ceAlarmTable => '', + ceAlarmEntry => '', + ceAlarmFilterProfile => '', + ceAlarmSeverity => '', + ceAlarmSeverityDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB::AlarmSeverityOrZero', + ceAlarmList => '', + ceAlarmHistory => '', + ceAlarmHistTableSize => '', + ceAlarmHistLastIndex => '', + ceAlarmHistTable => '', + ceAlarmHistEntry => '', + ceAlarmHistIndex => '', + ceAlarmHistType => '', + ceAlarmHistTypeDefinition => { + 1 => 'asserted', + 2 => 'cleared', + }, + ceAlarmHistEntPhysicalIndex => '', + ceAlarmHistAlarmType => '', + ceAlarmHistSeverity => '', + ceAlarmHistSeverityDefinition => 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB::AlarmSeverityOrZero', + ceAlarmHistTimeStamp => '', + ceAlarmFiltering => '', + ceAlarmNotifiesEnable => '', + ceAlarmSyslogEnable => '', + ceAlarmFilterProfileIndexNext => '', + ceAlarmFilterProfileTable => '', + ceAlarmFilterProfileEntry => '', + ceAlarmFilterIndex => '', + ceAlarmFilterStatus => '', + ceAlarmFilterAlias => '', + ceAlarmFilterAlarmsEnabled => '', + ceAlarmFilterNotifiesEnabled => '', + ceAlarmFilterSyslogEnabled => '', + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBNotificationsPrefix => '', + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBNotifications => '', + ceAlarmAsserted => '', + ceAlarmCleared => '', + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBConformance => '', + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBCompliances => '', + ciscoEntityAlarmMIBGroups => '', + }, + 'CISCO-L2L3-INTERFACE-CONFIG-MIB' => { + cL2L3IfTable => '', + cL2L3IfEntry => '', + cL2L3IfModeAdmin => '', + cL2L3IfModeAdminDefinition => 'CISCO-L2L3-INTERFACE-CONFIG-MIB::CL2L3InterfaceMode', + cL2L3IfModeOper => '', + cL2L3IfModeOperDefinition => 'CISCO-L2L3-INTERFACE-CONFIG-MIB::CL2L3InterfaceMode', + }, + 'CISCO-VTP-MIB' => { + vlanTrunkPortTable => '', + vlanTrunkPortEntry => '', + vlanTrunkPortIfIndex => '', + vlanTrunkPortVlansPruningEligible => '', + vlanTrunkPortVlansXmitJoined => '', + vlanTrunkPortVlansRcvJoined => '', + vlanTrunkPortDynamicState => '', + vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatus => '', + vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'trunking', + 2 => 'notTrunking', + }, + vlanTrunkPortVtpEnabled => '', + vlanTrunkPortEncapsulationOperType => '', + 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cfwConnectionStatServiceDefinition => 'CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB::Services', + cfwConnectionStatType => '', + cfwConnectionStatDescription => '', + cfwConnectionStatCount => '', #Counter + cfwConnectionStatValue => '', #Gauge + }, + 'CISCO-CCM-MIB' => { + org => '1.3', + dod => '1.3.6', + internet => '', + directory => '', + mgmt => '', + experimental => '', + private => '', + enterprises => '', + cisco => '', + ciscoMgmt => '', + ciscoCcmMIB => '', + ciscoCcmMIBObjects => '', + ccmMIBNotificationPrefix => '', + ciscoCcmMIBConformance => '', + ccmGeneralInfo => '', + ccmPhoneInfo => '', + ccmGatewayInfo => '', + ccmGatewayTrunkInfo => '', + ccmGlobalInfo => '', + ccmMediaDeviceInfo => '', + ccmGatekeeperInfo => '', + ccmCTIDeviceInfo => '', + ccmAlarmConfigInfo => '', + ccmNotificationsInfo => '', + ccmH323DeviceInfo => '', + ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo => '', + ccmQualityReportAlarmConfigInfo => '', + ccmSIPDeviceInfo => '', + ccmGroupTable => '', + ccmTable => '', + ccmGroupMappingTable => '', + 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'', + bsnConfigSaveTrapEnable => '', + bsnTrapVariable => '', + bsnAuthFailureUserName => '', + bsnIkeTotalRespFailures => '', + bsnNotifiesSent => '', + bsnNotifiesReceived => '', + bsnSuiteInitFailures => '', + bsnSuiteRespondFailures => '', + bsnInitiatorCookie => '', + bsnResponderCookie => '', + bsnIsakmpInvalidCookies => '', + bsnCurrentRadiosCount => '', + bsnLicenseRadioCount => '', + bsnAuthFailureUserType => '', + bsnAPMacAddrTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPNameTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPSlotIdTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPChannelNumberTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPCoverageThresholdTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPCoverageFailedClients => '', + bsnAPCoverageTotalClients => '', + bsnClientMacAddr => '', + bsnClientRssi => '', + bsnClientSnr => '', + bsnRemoteIPv4Address => '', + bsnInterferenceEnergyBeforeChannelUpdate => '', + bsnInterferenceEnergyAfterChannelUpdate => '', + bsnAPPortNumberTrapVariable => '', + bsnMaxRogueCount => '', + bsnStationMacAddress => '', + bsnStationAPMacAddr => '', + bsnStationAPIfSlotId => '', + bsnStationReasonCode => '', + bsnStationBlacklistingReasonCode => '', + bsnStationUserName => '', + bsnIpsecErrorCount => '', + bsnRogueAPOnWiredNetwork => '', + bsnNavDosAttackSourceMacAddr => '', + bsnWlanIdTrapVariable => '', + bsnUserIpAddress => '', + bsnRogueAdhocMode => '', + bsnClearTrapVariable => '', + bsnDuplicateIpTrapVariable => '', + bsnDuplicateIpTrapClear => '', + bsnDuplicateIpReportedByAP => '', + bsnTrustedApRadioPolicyRequired => '', + bsnIpsecSPI => '', + bsnTrustedApEncryptionUsed => '', + bsnTrustedApEncryptionRequired => '', + bsnTrustedApRadioPolicyUsed => '', + bsnNetworkType => '', + bsnNetworkState => '', + bsnSignatureType => '', + bsnSignatureName => '', + bsnSignatureDescription => '', + bsnImpersonatedAPMacAddr => '', + bsnTrustedApPreambleUsed => '', + bsnRemoteUdpPort => '', + bsnTrustedApPreambleRequired => '', + bsnSignatureAttackPreced => '', + bsnSignatureAttackFrequency => '', + bsnSignatureAttackChannel => '', + bsnSignatureAttackerMacAddress => '', + bsnLicenseKeyTrapVariable => '', + bsnApFunctionalityDisableReasonCode => '', + bsnLicenseKeyFeatureSetTrapVariable => '', + bsnApRegulatoryDomain => '', + bsnAPAuthorizationFailureCause => '', + bsnIkeAuthMethod => '', + bsnAPIfUpDownCause => '', + bsnAPInvalidRadioType => '', + locationNotifyContent => '', + bsnSignatureMacInfo => '', + bsnImpersonatingSourceMacAddr => '', + bsnIkeTotalInitFailures => '', + bsnAPPreviousChannelNumberTrapVariable => '', + bsnAPReasonCodeTrapVariable => '', + bsnNoiseBeforeChannelUpdate => '', + bsnNoiseAfterChannelUpdate => '', + bsnInterferenceBeforeChannelUpdate => '', + bsnInterferenceAfterChannelUpdate => '', + bsnIkeTotalInitNoResponses => '', + bsnTraps => '', + bsnDot11StationDisassociate => '', + bsnAPIfDown => '', + bsnAPLoadProfileFailed => '', + bsnAPNoiseProfileFailed => '', + bsnAPInterferenceProfileFailed => '', + bsnAPCoverageProfileFailed => '', + bsnAPCurrentTxPowerChanged => '', + bsnAPCurrentChannelChanged => '', + bsnDot11StationDeauthenticate => '', + bsnRrmDot11aGroupingDone => '', + bsnRrmDot11bGroupingDone => '', + bsnConfigSaved => '', + bsnDot11EssCreated => '', + bsnDot11EssDeleted => '', + bsnRADIUSServerNotResponding => '', + bsnAuthenticationFailure => '', + bsnIpsecEspAuthFailureTrap => '', + bsnIpsecEspReplayFailureTrap => '', + bsnDot11StationAuthenticateFail => '', + bsnIpsecEspInvalidSpiTrap => '', + bsnIpsecIkeNegFailure => '', + bsnIpsecSuiteNegFailure => '', + bsnIpsecInvalidCookieTrap => '', + bsnRogueAPDetected => '', + bsnAPLoadProfileUpdatedToPass => '', + bsnAPNoiseProfileUpdatedToPass => '', + bsnAPInterferenceProfileUpdatedToPass => '', + bsnDot11StationAssociateFail => '', + bsnAPCoverageProfileUpdatedToPass => '', + bsnRogueAPRemoved => '', + bsnRadiosExceedLicenseCount => '', + bsnSensedTemperatureTooHigh => '', + bsnSensedTemperatureTooLow => '', + bsnTemperatureSensorFailure => '', + bsnTemperatureSensorClear => '', + bsnPOEControllerFailure => '', + bsnMaxRogueCountExceeded => '', + bsnMaxRogueCountClear => '', + bsnAPUp => '', + bsnApMaxRogueCountExceeded => '', + bsnApMaxRogueCountClear => '', + bsnDot11StationBlacklisted => '', + bsnDot11StationAssociate => '', + bsnApBigNavDosAttack => '', + bsnTooManyUnsuccessLoginAttempts => '', + bsnWepKeyDecryptError => '', + bsnWpaMicErrorCounterActivated => '', + bsnRogueAPDetectedOnWiredNetwork => '', + bsnAPDown => '', + bsnApHasNoRadioCards => '', + bsnDuplicateIpAddressReported => '', + bsnAPContainedAsARogue => '', + bsnTrustedApHasInvalidSsid => '', + bsnTrustedApIsMissing => '', + bsnAdhocRogueAutoContained => '', + bsnRogueApAutoContained => '', + bsnTrustedApHasInvalidEncryption => '', + bsnTrustedApHasInvalidRadioPolicy => '', + bsnNetworkStateChanged => '', + bsnAPAssociated => '', + bsnSignatureAttackDetected => '', + bsnAPRadioCardTxFailure => '', + bsnAPRadioCardTxFailureClear => '', + bsnAPRadioCardRxFailure => '', + bsnAPRadioCardRxFailureClear => '', + bsnAPImpersonationDetected => '', + bsnTrustedApHasInvalidPreamble => '', + bsnAPIPAddressFallback => '', + bsnAPFunctionalityDisabled => '', + bsnAPRegulatoryDomainMismatch => '', + bsnAPDisassociated => '', + bsnRxMulticastQueueFull => '', + bsnRadarChannelDetected => '', + bsnRadarChannelCleared => '', + bsnAPAuthorizationFailure => '', + radioCoreDumpTrap => '', + invalidRadioTrap => '', + countryChangeTrap => '', + unsupportedAPTrap => '', + heartbeatLossTrap => '', + locationNotifyTrap => '', + bsnAPIfUp => '', + bsnUtility => '', + bsnSyslog => '', + bsnSyslogEnable => '', + bsnSyslogRemoteAddress => '', + bsnPing => '', + bsnPingTestTable => '', + bsnPingTestEntry => '', + bsnPingTestId => '', + bsnPingTestIPAddress => '', + bsnPingTestRowStatus => '', + bsnPingTestSendCount => '', + bsnPingTestReceivedCount => '', + bsnPingTestStatus => '', + bsnPingTestMaxTimeInterval => '', + bsnPingTestMinTimeInterval => '', + bsnPingTestAvgTimeInterval => '', + bsnLinkTest => '', + bsnLinkTestTable => '', + bsnLinkTestEntry => '', + bsnLinkTestId => '', + bsnLinkTestMacAddress => '', + bsnLinkTestSendPktCount => '', + bsnLinkTestRowStatus => '', + bsnLinkTestSendPktLength => '', + bsnLinkTestReceivedPktCount => '', + bsnLinkTestClientRSSI => '', + bsnLinkTestLocalSNR => '', + bsnLinkTestLocalRSSI => '', + bsnLinkTestStatus => '', + bsnMobility => '', + bsnMobilityConfig => '', + bsnMobilityProtocolPortNum => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMembersTable => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMembersEntry => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMemberMacAddress => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMemberIPAddress => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMemberRowStatus => '', + bsnMobilityGroupMemberGroupName => '', + bsnMobilityAnchorsTable => '', + bsnMobilityAnchorsEntry => '', + bsnMobilityAnchorWlanSsid => '', + bsnMobilityAnchorSwitchIPAddress => '', + bsnMobilityAnchorRowStatus => '', + bsnMobilityDynamicDiscovery => '', + bsnMobilityStatsReset => '', + bsnMobilityStats => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequests => '', + bsnTotalReceiveErrors => '', + bsnTotalTransmitErrors => '', + bsnTotalResponsesRetransmitted => '', + bsnTotalHandoffEndRequestsReceived => '', + bsnTotalStateTransitionsDisallowed => '', + bsnTotalResourceErrors => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequestsSent => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRepliesReceived => '', + bsnTotalHandoffAsLocalReceived => '', + bsnTotalHandoffAsForeignReceived => '', + bsnTotalHandoffs => '', + bsnTotalHandoffDeniesReceived => '', + bsnTotalAnchorRequestsSent => '', + bsnTotalAnchorDenyReceived => '', + bsnTotalAnchorGrantReceived => '', + bsnTotalAnchorTransferReceived => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequestsIgnored => '', + bsnTotalPingPongHandoffRequestsDropped => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequestsDropped => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequestsDenied => '', + bsnTotalClientHandoffAsLocal => '', + bsnCurrentExportedClients => '', + bsnTotalClientHandoffAsForeign => '', + bsnTotalAnchorRequestsReceived => '', + bsnTotalAnchorRequestsDenied => '', + bsnTotalAnchorRequestsGranted => '', + bsnTotalAnchorTransferred => '', + bsnTotalHandoffRequestsReceived => '', + bsnTotalExportedClients => '', + bsnCurrentImportedClients => '', + bsnTotalImportedClients => '', + bsnTotalHandoffErrors => '', + bsnTotalCommunicationErrors => '', + bsnMobilityGroupDirectoryTable => '', + bsnMobilityGroupDirectoryEntry => '', + bsnGroupDirectoryMemberIPAddress => '', + bsnMemberTotalHandoffErrors => '', + bsnGroupDirectoryMemberMacAddress => '', + bsnGroupDirectoryDicoveryType => '', + bsnMemberTotalCommunicationErrors => '', + bsnMemberCurrentAnchoredClients => '', + bsnMemberTotalAnchoredClients => '', + bsnMemberCurrentExportedClients => '', + bsnMemberTotalExportedClients => '', + bsnMemberCurrentImportedClients => '', + bsnMemberTotalImportedClients => '', + bsnIpsec => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCACertificate => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCACertificateUpdate => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertTable => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertEntry => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertName => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertificateUpdate => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertStatus => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertificate => '', + bsnWrasIpsecCertPassword => '', + }, + 'ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB' => { + asyncOSMailObjects => '', + perCentMemoryUtilization => '', + perCentCPUUtilization => '', + perCentDiskIOUtilization => '', + perCentQueueUtilization => '', + queueAvailabilityStatus => '', + queueAvailabilityStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'queueSpaceAvailable', + 2 => 'queueSpaceShortage', + 3 => 'queueFull', + }, + resourceConservationReason => '', + memoryAvailabilityStatus => '', + memoryAvailabilityStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'memoryAvailable', + 2 => 'memoryShortage', + 3 => 'memoryFull', + }, + powerSupplyTable => '', + powerSupplyEntry => '', + powerSupplyIndex => '', + powerSupplyStatus => '', + powerSupplyStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'powerSupplyNotInstalled', + 2 => 'powerSupplyHealthy', + 3 => 'powerSupplyNoAC', + 4 => 'powerSupplyFaulty', + }, + powerSupplyRedundancy => '', + powerSupplyName => '', + temperatureTable => '', + temperatureEntry => '', + temperatureIndex => '', + degreesCelsius => '', + temperatureName => '', + fanTable => '', + fanEntry => '', + fanIndex => '', + fanRPMs => '', + fanName => '', + workQueueMessages => '', + keyExpirationTable => '', + keyExpirationEntry => '', + keyExpirationIndex => '', + keyDescription => '', + keyIsPerpetual => '', + keyIsPerpetualDefinition => 'SNMPv2-TC-v1::TruthValue', + keySecondsUntilExpire => '', + updateTable => '', + updateEntry => '', + updateIndex => '', + updateServiceName => '', + updates => '', + updateFailures => '', + oldestMessageAge => '', + outstandingDNSRequests => '', + pendingDNSRequests => '', + raidEvents => '', + raidTable => '', + raidEntry => '', + raidIndex => '', + raidStatus => '', + raidStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'driveHealthy', + 2 => 'driveFailure', + 3 => 'driveRebuild', + }, + raidID => '', + raidLastError => '', + openFilesOrSockets => '', + mailTransferThreads => '', + }, + # END Cisco + 'SW-MIB' => { + sw => '', + swFirmwareVersion => '', + swSensorTable => '', + swSensorEntry => '', + swSensorIndex => '', + swSensorType => '', + swSensorTypeDefinition => { + 1 => 'temperature', + 2 => 'fan', + 3 => 'power-supply', + }, + swSensorStatus => '', + swSensorStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'faulty', + 3 => 'below-min', + 4 => 'nominal', + 5 => 'above-max', + 6 => 'absent', + }, + # the value, -2147483648, represents an unknown quantity + # In V2.0, the temperature sensor + # value will be in Celsius; the fan value will be in RPM + # (revoluation per minute); and the power supply sensor reading + # will be unknown. + swSensorValue => '', + swSensorInfo => '', + + swFwFabricWatchLicense => '', + swFwFabricWatchLicenseDefinition => { + 1 => 'swFwLicensed', + 2 => 'swFwNotLicensed', + }, + + swFwThresholdTable => '', + swFwThresholdEntry => '', + swFwThresholdIndex => '', + swFwStatus => '', + swFwName => '', + swFwLabel => '', + swFwCurVal => '', + swFwLastEvent => '', + swFwLastEventVal => '', + swFwLastEventTime => '', + swFwLastState => '', + swFwBehaviorType => '', + swFwBehaviorInt => '', + + swCpuOrMemoryUsage => '', + swCpuUsage => '', + # The system's CPU usage. + swCpuNoOfRetries => '', + # The number of times the system should take a CPU utilization sample before sending the CPU utilization trap. + swCpuUsageLimit => '', + # The CPU usage limit. + swCpuPollingInterval => '', + # The time after which the next CPU usage value will be recorded. + swCpuAction => '', + # The action to be taken if the CPU usage exceeds the specified threshold limit. + swMemUsage => '', + # The system's memory usage. + swMemNoOfRetries => '', + # The number of times the system should take a memory usage sample before sending the Fabric Watch trap that indicates the current memory usage. + swMemUsageLimit => '', + # The memory usage limit. This OID specifies the in-between threshold value. + swMemPollingInterval => '', + # The time after which the next memory usage sample will be taken + swMemAction => '', + # The action to be taken if the memory usage exceed the specified threshold limit. + swMemUsageLimit1 => '', + # This OID specifies the low threshold value. + swMemUsageLimit3 => '', + # This OID specifies the high threshold value. + }, + 'ENTITY-MIB' => { + entPhysicalTable => '', + entPhysicalEntry => '', + entPhysicalIndex => '', + entPhysicalDescr => '', + entPhysicalVendorType => '', + entPhysicalContainedIn => '', + entPhysicalClass => '', + entPhysicalClassDefinition => 'ENTITY-MIB::PhysicalClass', + entPhysicalParentRelPos => '', + entPhysicalName => '', + entPhysicalHardwareRev => '', + entPhysicalFirmwareRev => '', + entPhysicalSoftwareRev => '', + entPhysicalSerialNum => '', + entPhysicalMfgName => '', + entPhysicalModelName => '', + entPhysicalAlias => '', + entPhysicalAssetID => '', + entPhysicalIsFRU => '', + entPhysicalMfgDate => '', + entPhysicalUris => '', + + }, + 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' => { + laTable => '', + laEntry => '', + laIndex => '', + laNames => '', + laLoad => '', + laConfig => '', + laLoadInt => '', + laLoadFloat => '', + laErrorFlag => '', + laErrMessage => '', + + memoryGroup => '', + memIndex => '', + memErrorName => '', + memTotalSwap => '', + memAvailSwap => '', + memTotalReal => '', + memAvailReal => '', + memTotalSwapTXT => '', + memAvailSwapTXT => '', + memTotalRealTXT => '', + memAvailRealTXT => '', + memTotalFree => '', + memMinimumSwap => '', + memShared => '', + memBuffer => '', + memCached => '', + memSwapError => '', + memSwapErrorMsg => '', + + systemStatsGroup => '', + ssIndex => '', + ssErrorName => '', + ssSwapIn => '', + ssSwapOut => '', + ssIOSent => '', + ssIOReceive => '', + ssSysInterrupts => '', + ssSysContext => '', + ssCpuUser => '', + ssCpuSystem => '', + ssCpuIdle => '', + ssCpuRawUser => '', + ssCpuRawNice => '', + ssCpuRawSystem => '', + ssCpuRawIdle => '', + }, + 'FCMGMT-MIB' => { + fcConnUnitTable => '1.3', + fcConnUnitEntry => '1.3.1', + fcConnUnitId => '', + fcConnUnitGlobalId => '', + fcConnUnitType => '1.3', + fcConnUnitNumPorts => '', + fcConnUnitState => '', + fcConnUnitStatus => '', + fcConnUnitProduct => '', + fcConnUnitSerialNo => '', + fcConnUnitUpTime => '', + fcConnUnitUrl => '', + fcConnUnitDomainId => '', + fcConnUnitProxyMaster => '', + fcConnUnitPrincipal => '', + fcConnUnitNumSensors => '', + fcConnUnitNumRevs => '', + fcConnUnitModuleId => '', + fcConnUnitName => '', + fcConnUnitInfo => '', + fcConnUnitControl => '', + fcConnUnitContact => '', + fcConnUnitLocation => '', + fcConnUnitEventFilter => '', + fcConnUnitNumEvents => '', + fcConnUnitMaxEvents => '', + fcConnUnitEventCurrID => '', + + fcConnUnitRevsTable => '', + fcConnUnitRevsEntry => '', + fcConnUnitRevsIndex => '', + fcConnUnitRevsRevision => '', + fcConnUnitRevsDescription => '1.3', + + fcConnUnitSensorTable => '', + fcConnUnitSensorEntry => '', + fcConnUnitSensorIndex => '', + fcConnUnitSensorName => '', + fcConnUnitSensorStatus => '', + fcConnUnitSensorStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'other', + 3 => 'ok', + 4 => 'warning', + 5 => 'failed', + }, + fcConnUnitSensorInfo => '', + fcConnUnitSensorMessage => '', + fcConnUnitSensorType => '', + fcConnUnitSensorTypeDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'other', + 3 => 'battery', + 4 => 'fan', + 5 => 'powerSupply', + 6 => 'transmitter', + 7 => 'enclosure', + 8 => 'board', + 9 => 'receiver', + }, + fcConnUnitSensorCharacteristic => '', + fcConnUnitSensorCharacteristicDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'other', + 3 => 'temperature', + 4 => 'pressure', + 5 => 'emf', + 6 => 'currentValue', + 7 => 'airflow', + 8 => 'frequency', + 9 => 'power', + }, + + fcConnUnitPortTable => '', + fcConnUnitPortEntry => '', + fcConnUnitPortIndex => '', + fcConnUnitPortType => '', + fcConnUnitPortFCClassCap => '1.3', + fcConnUnitPortFCClassOp => '', + fcConnUnitPortState => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatus => '', + fcConnUnitPortTransmitterType => '', + fcConnUnitPortModuleType => '', + fcConnUnitPortWwn => '', + fcConnUnitPortFCId => '', + fcConnUnitPortSerialNo => '', + fcConnUnitPortRevision => '', + fcConnUnitPortVendor => '', + fcConnUnitPortSpeed => '', + fcConnUnitPortControl => '', + fcConnUnitPortName => '', + fcConnUnitPortPhysicalNumber => '', + fcConnUnitPortProtocolCap => '', + fcConnUnitPortProtocolOp => '', + fcConnUnitPortNodeWwn => '', + fcConnUnitPortHWState => '', + + fcConnUnitEventTable => '', + fcConnUnitEventEntry => '', + fcConnUnitEventIndex => '', + fcConnUnitREventTime => '', + fcConnUnitSEventTime => '1.3', + fcConnUnitEventSeverity => '', + fcConnUnitEventType => '', + fcConnUnitEventObject => '', + fcConnUnitEventDescr => '', + + fcConnUnitLinkTable => '', + fcConnUnitLinkEntry => '', + fcConnUnitLinkIndex => '', + fcConnUnitLinkNodeIdX => '', + fcConnUnitLinkPortNumberX => '1.3', + fcConnUnitLinkPortWwnX => '', + fcConnUnitLinkNodeIdY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkPortNumberY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkPortWwnY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkAgentAddressY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkAgentAddressTypeY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkAgentPortY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkUnitTypeY => '', + fcConnUnitLinkConnIdY => '', + + fcConnUnitPortStatTable => '1.3.1', + fcConnUnitPortStatEntry => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatIndex => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatErrs => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxObjects => '1.3', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxObjects => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxElements => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxElements => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatBBCreditZero => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatInputBuffsFull => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatFBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatPBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatFRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatPRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1RxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1TxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1FBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1PBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1FRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC1PRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2RxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2TxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2FBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2PBSYFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2FRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC2PRJTFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC3RxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC3TxFrames => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatC3Discards => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxMcastObjects => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxMcastObjects => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxBcastObjects => '1.30', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxBcastObjects => '1.31', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxLinkResets => '1.32', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxLinkResets => '1.33', + fcConnUnitPortStatLinkResets => '1.34', + fcConnUnitPortStatRxOfflineSeqs => '1.35', + fcConnUnitPortStatTxOfflineSeqs => '1.36', + fcConnUnitPortStatOfflineSeqs => '1.37', + fcConnUnitPortStatLinkFailures => '1.38', + fcConnUnitPortStatInvalidCRC => '1.39', + fcConnUnitPortStatInvalidTxWords => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatPSPErrs => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatLossOfSignal => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatLossOfSync => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatInvOrderedSets => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatFramesTooLong => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatFramesTooShort => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatAddressErrs => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatDelimiterErrs => '', + fcConnUnitPortStatEncodingErrs => '', + + fcConnUnitSnsMaxRows => '', + fcConnUnitSnsTable => '', + fcConnUnitSnsEntry => '', + fcConnUnitSnsPortIndex => '', + fcConnUnitSnsPortIdentifier => '', + fcConnUnitSnsPortName => '1.3', + fcConnUnitSnsNodeName => '', + fcConnUnitSnsClassOfSvc => '', + fcConnUnitSnsNodeIPAddress => '', + fcConnUnitSnsProcAssoc => '', + fcConnUnitSnsFC4Type => '', + fcConnUnitSnsPortType => '', + fcConnUnitSnsPortIPAddress => '', + fcConnUnitSnsFabricPortName => '', + fcConnUnitSnsHardAddress => '', + fcConnUnitSnsSymbolicPortName => '', + fcConnUnitSnsSymbolicNodeName => '', + }, + 'FCEOS-MIB' => { + fcEosSysCurrentDate => '', + fcEosSysBootDate => '', + fcEosSysFirmwareVersion => '', + fcEosSysTypeNum => '', + fcEosSysModelNum => '', + fcEosSysMfg => '', + fcEosSysPlantOfMfg => '', + fcEosSysEcLevel => '', + fcEosSysSerialNum => '', + fcEosSysOperStatus => '', + fcEosSysOperStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'operational', + 2 => 'redundant-failure', + 3 => 'minor-failure', + 4 => 'major-failure', + 5 => 'not-operational', + }, + fcEosSysState => '', + fcEosSysAdmStatus => '', + fcEosSysConfigSpeed => '', + fcEosSysOpenTrunking => '', + + fcEosFruTable => '', + fcEosFruEntry => '', + fcEosFruCode => '', + fcEosFruCodeDefinition => { + 1 => 'fru-bkplane', # Backplane + 2 => 'fru-ctp', # Control Processor card + 3 => 'fru-sbar', # Serial Crossbar + 4 => 'fru-fan2', # Center fan module + 5 => 'fru-fan', # Fan module + 6 => 'fru-power', # Power supply module + 7 => 'fru-reserved', # Reserved, not used + 8 => 'fru-glsl', # Longwave, Single-Mode, LC connector, 1 Gig + 9 => 'fru-gsml', # Shortwave, Multi-Mode, LC connector, 1 Gig + 10 => 'fru-gxxl', # Mixed, LC connector, 1 Gig + 11 => 'fru-gsf1', # SFO pluggable, 1 Gig + 12 => 'fru-gsf2', # SFO pluggable, 2 Gig + 13 => 'fru-glsr', # Longwave, Single-Mode, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig + 14 => 'fru-gsmr', # Shortwave, Multi-Mode, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig + 15 => 'fru-gxxr', # Mixed, MT-RJ connector, 1 Gig + 16 => 'fru-fint1', # F-Port, internal, 1 Gig + }, + fcEosFruPosition => '', + fcEosFruStatus => '', + fcEosFruStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'unknown', + 1 => 'active', + 2 => 'backup', + 3 => 'update-busy', + 4 => 'failed', + }, + fcEosFruPartNumber => '', + fcEosFruSerialNumber => '', + fcEosFruPowerOnHours => '', + fcEosFruTestDate => '', + + fcEosTATable => '', + fcEosTAEntry => '', + fcEosTAIndex => '', + fcEosTAName => '', + fcEosTAState => '', + fcEosTAType => '', + fcEosTAPortType => '', + fcEosTAPortList => '', + fcEosTAInterval => '', + fcEosTATriggerValue => '', + fcEosTTADirection => '', + fcEosTTATriggerDuration => '', + fcEosCTACounter => '', + }, + 'F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB' => { +# http://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip9_2_2mgmt/BIG-IP_9_2_2nsm_guide-16-1.html +# http://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/tmos_management_guide_10_0_0/tmos_appendix_a_traps.html +# http://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/400/sol9476.html + sysStatMemoryTotal => '', + sysStatMemoryUsed => '', + sysHostMemoryTotal => '', + sysHostMemoryUsed => '', +# http://www.midnight-visions.de/f5-bigip-und-snmp/ + sysStatTmTotalCycles => '', + sysStatTmIdleCycles => '', + sysStatTmSleepCycles => '', + + sysCpuNumber => '', + sysCpuTable => '', + sysCpuEntry => '', + sysCpuIndex => '', + sysCpuTemperature => '', + sysCpuFanSpeed => '', + sysCpuName => '', + sysCpuSlot => '', + + sysChassisFan => '', + sysChassisFanNumber => '', + sysChassisFanTable => '', + sysChassisFanEntry => '', + sysChassisFanIndex => '', + sysChassisFanStatus => '', + sysChassisFanStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'bad', + 1 => 'good', + 2 => 'notpresent', + }, + sysChassisFanSpeed => '', + + sysChassisPowerSupply => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyNumber => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyTable => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyEntry => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyIndex => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyStatus => '', + sysChassisPowerSupplyStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'bad', + 1 => 'good', + 2 => 'notpresent', + }, + + sysChassisTemp => '', + sysChassisTempNumber => '', + sysChassisTempTable => '', + sysChassisTempEntry => '', + sysChassisTempIndex => '', + sysChassisTempTemperature => '', + + sysProduct => '', + sysProductName => '', + sysProductVersion => '', + sysProductBuild => '', + sysProductEdition => '', + sysProductDate => '', + + sysSubMemory => '', + sysSubMemoryResetStats => '', + sysSubMemoryNumber => '', + sysSubMemoryTable => '', + sysSubMemoryEntry => '', + sysSubMemoryName => '', + sysSubMemoryAllocated => '', + sysSubMemoryMaxAllocated => '', + sysSubMemorySize => '', + + sysSystem => '', + sysSystemName => '', + sysSystemNodeName => '', + sysSystemRelease => '', + sysSystemVersion => '', + sysSystemMachine => '', + sysSystemUptime => '', + bigipSystemGroups => '', + }, + 'HP-ICF-CHASSIS-MIB' => { + hpicfSensorTable => '', + hpicfSensorEntry => '', + hpicfSensorIndex => '', + hpicfSensorObjectId => '', + hpicfSensorObjectIdDefinition => { + 1 => 'fan sensor', + 2 => 'power supply', + 3 => 'redundant power supply', + 4 => 'over-temperature sensor', + }, + hpicfSensorNumber => '', + hpicfSensorStatus => '', + hpicfSensorStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'unknown', + 2 => 'bad', + 3 => 'warning', + 4 => 'good', + 5 => 'notPresent', + }, + hpicfSensorWarnings => '', + hpicfSensorFailures => '', + hpicfSensorDescr => '', +#hpicfSensorObjectId.1 = icfFanSensor +#hpicfSensorObjectId.2 = icfPowerSupplySensor +#hpicfSensorObjectId.3 = icfPowerSupplySensor +#hpicfSensorObjectId.4 = icfTemperatureSensor + +#hpicfSensorDescr.1 = Fan Sensor +#hpicfSensorDescr.2 = Power Supply Sensor +#hpicfSensorDescr.3 = Redundant Power Supply Sensor +#hpicfSensorDescr.4 = Over-temperature Sensor + + }, + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB' => { + ltmPoolNumber => '', + ltmPoolTable => '', + ltmPoolEntry => '', + ltmPoolName => '', + ltmPoolLbMode => '', + ltmPoolActionOnServiceDown => '', + ltmPoolMinUpMembers => '', + ltmPoolMinUpMembersEnable => '', + ltmPoolMinUpMemberAction => '', + ltmPoolMinActiveMembers => '', + ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt => '', + ltmPoolDisallowSnat => '', + ltmPoolDisallowNat => '', + ltmPoolSimpleTimeout => '', + ltmPoolIpTosToClient => '', + ltmPoolIpTosToServer => '', + ltmPoolLinkQosToClient => '', + ltmPoolLinkQosToServer => '', + ltmPoolDynamicRatioSum => '', + ltmPoolMonitorRule => '', + ltmPoolAvailabilityState => '', + ltmPoolEnabledState => '', + ltmPoolDisabledParentType => '', + ltmPoolStatusReason => '', + ltmPoolSlowRampTime => '', + ltmPoolMemberCnt => '', + + ltmPoolStatTable => '', + ltmPoolStatEntry => '', + ltmPoolStatName => '', + ltmPoolStatServerCurConns => '', + ltmPoolStatCurSessions => '', + + ltmPoolMemberTable => '', + ltmPoolMemberEntry => '', + ltmPoolMemberPoolName => '', + ltmPoolMemberAddrType => '', + ltmPoolMemberAddr => '', + ltmPoolMemberPort => '', + ltmPoolMemberConnLimit => '', + ltmPoolMemberRatio => '', + ltmPoolMemberWeight => '', + ltmPoolMemberPriority => '', + ltmPoolMemberDynamicRatio => '', + ltmPoolMemberMonitorState => '', + ltmPoolMemberMonitorStateDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMemberMonitorState', + ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus => '', + ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatusDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus', + ltmPoolMemberNewSessionEnable => '', + ltmPoolMemberSessionStatus => '', + ltmPoolMemberMonitorRule => '', + ltmPoolMemberAvailabilityState => '', + ltmPoolMemberEnabledState => '', + ltmPoolMemberDisabledParentType => '', + ltmPoolMemberStatusReason => '', + + ltmPoolStatusNumber => '', + ltmPoolStatusTable => '', + ltmPoolStatusEntry => '', + ltmPoolStatusName => '', + ltmPoolStatusAvailState => '', + ltmPoolStatusAvailStateDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolStatusAvailState', + ltmPoolStatusEnabledState => '', + ltmPoolStatusEnabledStateDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolStatusEnabledState', + ltmPoolStatusParentType => '', + ltmPoolStatusDetailReason => '', + + ltmPoolMbrStatusNumber => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusTable => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusEntry => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusAddrType => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusAddr => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusPort => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailStateDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState', + ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledStateDefinition => 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB::ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState', + ltmPoolMbrStatusParentType => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusDetailReason => '', + ltmPoolMbrStatusNodeName => '', + + ltmNodeAddrStatusTable => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusEntry => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusAddrType => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusAddr => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusEnabledState => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusParentType => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusDetailReason => '', + ltmNodeAddrStatusName => '', + }, + 'LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB' => { + poolTable => '', + poolEntry => '', + poolName => '', + poolLBMode => '', + poolDependent => '', + poolMemberQty => '', + poolBitsin => '', + poolBitsout => '', + poolBitsinHi32 => '', + poolBitsoutHi32 => '', + poolPktsin => '', + poolPktsout => '', + poolPktsinHi32 => '', + poolPktsoutHi32 => '', + poolMaxConn => '', + poolCurrentConn => '', + poolTotalConn => '', + poolPersistMode => '', + poolSSLTimeout => '', + poolSimpleTimeout => '', + poolSimpleMask => '', + poolStickyMask => '', + poolCookieMode => '', + poolCookieExpiration => '', + poolCookieHashName => '', + poolCookieHashOffset => '', + poolCookieHashLength => '', + poolMinActiveMembers => '', + poolActiveMemberCount => '', + poolPersistMirror => '', + poolFallbackHost => '', + poolMemberTable => '', + poolMemberEntry => '', + poolMemberPoolName => '', + poolMemberIpAddress => '', + poolMemberPort => '', + poolMemberMaintenance => '', + poolMemberRatio => '', + poolMemberPriority => '', + poolMemberWeight => '', + poolMemberRipeness => '', + poolMemberBitsin => '', + poolMemberBitsout => '', + poolMemberBitsinHi32 => '', + poolMemberBitsoutHi32 => '', + poolMemberPktsin => '', + poolMemberPktsout => '', + poolMemberPktsinHi32 => '', + poolMemberPktsoutHi32 => '', + poolMemberConnLimit => '', + poolMemberMaxConn => '', + poolMemberCurrentConn => '', + poolMemberTotalConn => '', + poolMemberStatus => '', + poolMemberIpStatus => '', + }, + 'OLD-STATISTICS-MIB' => { + hpSwitchCpuStat => '', # 'The CPU utilization in percent(%).' + }, + 'STATISTICS-MIB' => { + hpSwitchCpuStat => '', # 'The CPU utilization in percent(%).' + }, + 'OLD-NETSWITCH-MIB' => { + # hpLocalMemTotalBytes + # hpLocalMemFreeBytes + # hpLocalMemAllocBytes + hpLocalMemTable => '', + hpLocalMemEntry => '', + hpLocalMemSlotIndex => '', + hpLocalMemSlabCnt => '', + hpLocalMemFreeSegCnt => '', + hpLocalMemAllocSegCnt => '', + hpLocalMemTotalBytes => '', + hpLocalMemFreeBytes => '', + hpLocalMemAllocBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemTable => '', + hpGlobalMemEntry => '', + hpGlobalMemSlotIndex => '', + hpGlobalMemSlabCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemFreeSegCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemAllocSegCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemTotalBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemFreeBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemAllocBytes => '', + }, + 'NETSWITCH-MIB' => { #evt moderner + hpLocalMemTable => '', + hpLocalMemEntry => '', + hpLocalMemSlotIndex => '', + hpLocalMemSlabCnt => '', + hpLocalMemFreeSegCnt => '', + hpLocalMemAllocSegCnt => '', + hpLocalMemTotalBytes => '', + hpLocalMemFreeBytes => '', + hpLocalMemAllocBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemTable => '', + hpGlobalMemEntry => '', + hpGlobalMemSlotIndex => '', + hpGlobalMemSlabCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemFreeSegCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemAllocSegCnt => '', + hpGlobalMemTotalBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemFreeBytes => '', + hpGlobalMemAllocBytes => '', + }, + 'CHECKPOINT-MIB' => { #evt moderner + 'checkpoint' => '', + 'products' => '', + 'fw' => '', + 'vpn' => '', + 'fg' => '', + 'ha' => '', + 'svn' => '', + 'mngmt' => '', + 'wam' => '', + 'dtps' => '', + 'ls' => '', + 'fwPolicyStat' => '', + 'fwPerfStat' => '', + 'fwHmem' => '', + 'fwKmem' => '', + 'fwInspect' => '', + 'fwCookies' => '', + 'fwChains' => '', + 'fwFragments' => '', + 'fwUfp' => '', + 'fwSS' => '', + 'fwSS-http' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp' => '', + 'fw' => '', + 'fwModuleState' => '', + 'fwFilterName' => '', + 'fwFilterDate' => '', + 'fwAccepted' => '', + 'fwRejected' => '', + 'fwDropped' => '', + 'fwLogged' => '', + 'fwMajor' => '', + 'fwMinor' => '', + 'fwProduct' => '', + 'fwEvent' => '', + 'fwProdName' => '', + 'fwVerMajor' => '', + 'fwVerMinor' => '', + 'fwKernelBuild' => '', + 'fwPolicyStat' => '', + 'fwPolicyName' => '', + 'fwInstallTime' => '', + 'fwNumConn' => '', + 'fwPeakNumConn' => '', + 'fwIfTable' => '', + 'fwIfEntry' => '', + 'fwIfIndex' => '', + 'fwIfName' => '', + 'fwAcceptPcktsIn' => '', + 'fwAcceptPcktsOut' => '', + 'fwAcceptBytesIn' => '', + 'fwAcceptBytesOut' => '', + 'fwDropPcktsIn' => '', + 'fwDropPcktsOut' => '', + 'fwRejectPcktsIn' => '', + 'fwRejectPcktsOut' => '', + 'fwLogIn' => '', + 'fwLogOut' => '', + 'fwHmem' => '', + 'fwHmem-block-size' => '', + 'fwHmem-requested-bytes' => '', + 'fwHmem-initial-allocated-bytes' => '', + 'fwHmem-initial-allocated-blocks' => '', + 'fwHmem-initial-allocated-pools' => '', + 'fwHmem-current-allocated-bytes' => '', + 'fwHmem-current-allocated-blocks' => '', + 'fwHmem-current-allocated-pools' => '', + 'fwHmem-maximum-bytes' => '', + 'fwHmem-maximum-pools' => '', + 'fwHmem-bytes-used' => '', + 'fwHmem-blocks-used' => '', + 'fwHmem-bytes-unused' => '', + 'fwHmem-blocks-unused' => '', + 'fwHmem-bytes-peak' => '', + 'fwHmem-blocks-peak' => '', + 'fwHmem-bytes-internal-use' => '', + 'fwHmem-number-of-items' => '', + 'fwHmem-alloc-operations' => '', + 'fwHmem-free-operations' => '', + 'fwHmem-failed-alloc' => '', + 'fwHmem-failed-free' => '', + 'fwKmem' => '', + 'fwKmem-system-physical-mem' => '', + 'fwKmem-available-physical-mem' => '', + 'fwKmem-aix-heap-size' => '', + 'fwKmem-bytes-used' => '', + 'fwKmem-blocking-bytes-used' => '', + 'fwKmem-non-blocking-bytes-used' => '', + 'fwKmem-bytes-unused' => '', + 'fwKmem-bytes-peak' => '', + 'fwKmem-blocking-bytes-peak' => '', + 'fwKmem-non-blocking-bytes-peak' => '', + 'fwKmem-bytes-internal-use' => '', + 'fwKmem-number-of-items' => '', + 'fwKmem-alloc-operations' => '', + 'fwKmem-free-operations' => '', + 'fwKmem-failed-alloc' => '', + 'fwKmem-failed-free' => '', + 'fwInspect' => '', + 'fwInspect-packets' => '', + 'fwInspect-operations' => '', + 'fwInspect-lookups' => '', + 'fwInspect-record' => '', + 'fwInspect-extract' => '', + 'fwCookies' => '', + 'fwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-allocfwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-freefwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-dupfwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-getfwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-putfwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwCookies-lenfwCookies-total' => '', + 'fwChains' => '', + 'fwChains-alloc' => '', + 'fwChains-free' => '', + 'fwFragments' => '', + 'fwFrag-fragments' => '', + 'fwFrag-expired' => '', + 'fwFrag-packets' => '', + 'fwUfp' => '', + 'fwUfpHitRatio' => '', + 'fwUfpInspected' => '', + 'fwUfpHits' => '', + 'fwSS-http' => '', + 'fwSS-http-pid' => '', + 'fwSS-http-proto' => '', + 'fwSS-http-port' => '', + 'fwSS-http-logical-port' => '', + 'fwSS-http-max-avail-socket' => '', + 'fwSS-http-socket-in-use-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-socket-in-use-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-socket-in-use-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-auth-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-auth-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-auth-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-accepted-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-http-rejected-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-http-auth-failures' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ops-cvp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ops-cvp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ops-cvp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ops-cvp-rej-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ssl-encryp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ssl-encryp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ssl-encryp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-transp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-transp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-transp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-proxied-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-proxied-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-proxied-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-tunneled-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-tunneled-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-tunneled-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ftp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ftp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-http-ftp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-http-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-http-is-alive' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-pid' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-proto' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-port' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-logical-port' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-max-avail-socket' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-socket-in-use-max' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-socket-in-use-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-socket-in-use-count' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-auth-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-auth-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-auth-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-accepted-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-rejected-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-auth-failures' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-ops-cvp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-ops-cvp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-ops-cvp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-ops-cvp-rej-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-ftp-is-alive' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-pid' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-proto' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-port' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-logical-port' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-max-avail-socket' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-socket-in-use-max' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-socket-in-use-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-socket-in-use-count' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-auth-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-auth-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-auth-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-accepted-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-rejected-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-auth-failures' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-telnet-is-alive' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-pid' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-proto' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-port' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-logical-port' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-max-avail-socket' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-socket-in-use-max' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-socket-in-use-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-socket-in-use-count' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-auth-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-auth-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-auth-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-accepted-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-rejected-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-auth-failures' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-rlogin-is-alive' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-ops-ufp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-ops-ufp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-ops-ufp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-ops-ufp-rej-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-ufp-is-alive' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-pid' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-proto' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-port' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-logical-port' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-max-avail-socket' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-socket-in-use-max' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-socket-in-use-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-socket-in-use-count' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-auth-sess-max' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-auth-sess-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-auth-sess-count' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-accepted-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-rejected-sess' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-auth-failures' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-mail-max' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-mail-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-mail-count' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-outgoing-mail-max' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-outgoing-mail-curr' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-outgoing-mail-count' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-max-mail-on-conn' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-total-mails' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-time-stamp' => '', + 'fwSS-smtp-is-alive' => '', + 'cpvGeneral' => '', + 'cpvIpsec' => '', + 'cpvFwz' => '', + 'cpvAccelerator' => '', + 'cpvIKE' => '', + 'cpvIPsec' => '', + 'cpvStatistics' => '', + 'cpvErrors' => '', + 'cpvSaStatistics' => '', + 'cpvSaErrors' => '', + 'cpvIpsecStatistics' => '', + 'cpvFwzStatistics' => '', + 'cpvFwzErrors' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelGeneral' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelStatistics' => '', + 'cpvIKEglobals' => '', + 'cpvIKEerrors' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNIC' => '', + 'vpn' => '', + 'cpvProdName' => '', + 'cpvVerMajor' => '', + 'cpvVerMinor' => '', + 'cpvStatistics' => '', + 'cpvEncPackets' => '', + 'cpvDecPackets' => '', + 'cpvErrors' => '', + 'cpvErrOut' => '', + 'cpvErrIn' => '', + 'cpvErrIke' => '', + 'cpvErrPolicy' => '', + 'cpvSaStatistics' => '', + 'cpvCurrEspSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvTotalEspSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvCurrEspSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvTotalEspSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvCurrAhSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvTotalAhSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvCurrAhSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvTotalAhSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvMaxConncurEspSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvMaxConncurEspSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvMaxConncurAhSAsIn' => '', + 'cpvMaxConncurAhSAsOut' => '', + 'cpvSaErrors' => '', + 'cpvSaDecrErr' => '', + 'cpvSaAuthErr' => '', + 'cpvSaReplayErr' => '', + 'cpvSaPolicyErr' => '', + 'cpvSaOtherErrIn' => '', + 'cpvSaOtherErrOut' => '', + 'cpvSaUnknownSpiErr' => '', + 'cpvIpsecStatistics' => '', + 'cpvIpsecUdpEspEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecUdpEspDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecAhEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecAhDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecEspEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecEspDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecDecomprBytesBefore' => '', + 'cpvIpsecDecomprBytesAfter' => '', + 'cpvIpsecDecomprOverhead' => '', + 'cpvIpsecDecomprPkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecDecomprErr' => '', + 'cpvIpsecComprBytesBefore' => '', + 'cpvIpsecComprBytesAfter' => '', + 'cpvIpsecComprOverhead' => '', + 'cpvIpsecNonCompressibleBytes' => '', + 'cpvIpsecCompressiblePkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecNonCompressiblePkts' => '', + 'cpvIpsecComprErrors' => '', + 'cpvIpsecEspEncBytes' => '', + 'cpvIpsecEspDecBytes' => '', + 'cpvFwzStatistics' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncapsEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncapsDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvFwzDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvFwzErrors' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncapsEncErrs' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncapsDecErrs' => '', + 'cpvFwzEncErrs' => '', + 'cpvFwzDecErrs' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelGeneral' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelVendor' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelStatus' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelDriverMajorVer' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelDriverMinorVer' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelStatistics' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelEspEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelEspDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelEspEncBytes' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelEspDecBytes' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelAhEncPkts' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelAhDecPkts' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelAhEncBytes' => '', + 'cpvHwAccelAhDecBytes' => '', + 'cpvIKEglobals' => '', + 'cpvIKECurrSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKECurrInitSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKECurrRespSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalInitSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalRespSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalSAsAttempts' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalSAsInitAttempts' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalSAsRespAttempts' => '', + 'cpvIKEMaxConncurSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKEMaxConncurInitSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKEMaxConncurRespSAs' => '', + 'cpvIKEerrors' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalFailuresInit' => '', + 'cpvIKENoResp' => '', + 'cpvIKETotalFailuresResp' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNIC' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICsNum' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICTotalDownLoadedSAs' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICCurrDownLoadedSAs' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICDecrBytes' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICEncrBytes' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICDecrPackets' => '', + 'cpvIPsecNICEncrPackets' => '', + 'vpn' => '', + 'cpvTnlMon' => '', + 'cpvTnlMonEntry' => '', + 'cpvTnlMonAddr' => '', + 'cpvTnlMonStatus' => '', + 'cpvTnlMonCurrAddr' => '', + 'fg' => '', + 'fgProdName' => '', + 'fgVerMajor' => '', + 'fgVerMinor' => '', + 'fgVersionString' => '', + 'fgModuleKernelBuild' => '', + 'fgStrPolicyName' => '', + 'fgInstallTime' => '', + 'fgNumInterfaces' => '', + 'fgIfTable' => '', + 'fgIfEntry' => '', + 'fgIfIndex' => '', + 'fgIfName' => '', + 'fgPolicyName' => '', + 'fgRateLimitIn' => '', + 'fgRateLimitOut' => '', + 'fgAvrRateIn' => '', + 'fgAvrRateOut' => '', + 'fgRetransPcktsIn' => '', + 'fgRetransPcktsOut' => '', + 'fgPendPcktsIn' => '', + 'fgPendPcktsOut' => '', + 'fgPendBytesIn' => '', + 'fgPendBytesOut' => '', + 'fgNumConnIn' => '', + 'fgNumConnOut' => '', + 'ha' => '', + 'haProdName' => '', + 'haInstalled' => '', + 'haVerMajor' => '', + 'haVerMinor' => '', + 'haStarted' => '', + 'haState' => '', + 'haBlockState' => '', + 'haIdentifier' => '', + 'haProtoVersion' => '', + 'haWorkMode' => '', + 'haVersionSting' => '', + 'haStatCode' => '', + 'haStatShort' => '', + 'haStatLong' => '', + 'haServicePack' => '', + 'haIfTable' => '', + 'haIfEntry' => '', + 'haIfIndex' => '', + 'haIfName' => '', + 'haIP' => '', + 'haStatus' => '', + 'haVerified' => '', + 'haTrusted' => '', + 'haShared' => '', + 'haProblemTable' => '', + 'haProblemEntry' => '', + 'haProblemIndex' => '', + 'haProblemName' => '', + 'haProblemStatus' => '', + 'haProblemPriority' => '', + 'haProblemVerified' => '', + 'haProblemDescr' => '', + 'svnInfo' => '', + 'svnOSInfo' => '', + 'svnPerf' => '', + 'svnMem' => '', + 'svnProc' => '', + 'svnDisk' => '', + 'svnMem64' => '', + 'svn' => '', + 'svnProdName' => '', + 'svnProdVerMajor' => '', + 'svnProdVerMinor' => '', + 'svnInfo' => '', + 'svnVersion' => '', + 'svnBuild' => '', + 'svnOSInfo' => '', + 'osName' => '', + 'osMajorVer' => '', + 'osMinorVer' => '', + 'osBuildNum' => '', + 'osSPmajor' => '', + 'osSPminor' => '', + 'osVersionLevel' => '', + 'svnMem' => '', + 'memTotalVirtual' => '', + 'memActiveVirtual' => '', + 'memTotalReal' => '', + 'memActiveReal' => '', + 'memFreeReal' => '', + 'memSwapsSec' => '', + 'memDiskTransfers' => '', + 'svnProc' => '', + 'procUsrTime' => '', + 'procSysTime' => '', + 'procIdleTime' => '', + 'procUsage' => '', + 'procQueue' => '', + 'procInterrupts' => '', + 'procNum' => '', + 'svnDisk' => '', + 'diskTime' => '', + 'diskQueue' => '', + 'diskPercent' => '', + 'diskFreeTotal' => '', + 'diskFreeAvail' => '', + 'diskTotal' => '', + 'svnMem64' => '', + 'memTotalVirtual64' => '', + 'memActiveVirtual64' => '', + 'memTotalReal64' => '', + 'memActiveReal64' => '', + 'memFreeReal64' => '', + 'memSwapsSec64' => '', + 'memDiskTransfers64' => '', + 'svn' => '', + 'routingTable' => '', + 'routingEntry' => '', + 'routingIndex' => '', + 'routingDest' => '', + 'routingMask' => '', + 'routingGatweway' => '', + 'routingIntrfName' => '', + 'svnStatCode' => '', + 'svnStatShortDescr' => '', + 'svnStatLongDescr' => '', + 'svnServicePack' => '', + 'mngmt' => '', + 'mgProdName' => '', + 'mgVerMajor' => '', + 'mgVerMinor' => '', + 'mgBuildNumber' => '', + 'mgActiveStatus' => '', + 'mgFwmIsAlive' => '', + 'mgConnectedClientsTable' => '', + 'mgConnectedClientsEntry' => '', + 'mgIndex' => '', + 'mgClientName' => '', + 'mgClientHost' => '', + 'mgClientDbLock' => '', + 'mgApplicationType' => '', + 'mgStatCode' => '', + 'mgStatShortDescr' => '', + 'mgStatLongDescr' => '', + 'wamPluginPerformance' => '', + 'wamPolicy' => '', + 'wamUagQueries' => '', + 'wamGlobalPerformance' => '', + 'wam' => '', + 'wamProdName' => '', + 'wamVerMajor' => '', + 'wamVerMinor' => '', + 'wamState' => '', + 'wamName' => '', + 'wamStatCode' => '', + 'wamStatShortDescr' => '', + 'wamStatLongDescr' => '', + 'wamPluginPerformance' => '', + 'wamAcceptReq' => '', + 'wamRejectReq' => '', + 'wamPolicy' => '', + 'wamPolicyName' => '', + 'wamPolicyUpdate' => '', + 'wamUagQueries' => '', + 'wamUagHost' => '', + 'wamUagIp' => '', + 'wamUagPort' => '', + 'wamUagNoQueries' => '', + 'wamUagLastQuery' => '', + 'wamGlobalPerformance' => '', + 'wamOpenSessions' => '', + 'wamLastSession' => '', + 'dtps' => '', + 'dtpsProdName' => '', + 'dtpsVerMajor' => '', + 'dtpsVerMinor' => '', + 'dtpsLicensedUsers' => '', + 'dtpsConnectedUsers' => '', + 'dtpsStatCode' => '', + 'dtpsStatShortDescr' => '', + 'dtpsStatLongDescr' => '', + 'ls' => '', + 'lsProdName' => '', + 'lsVerMajor' => '', + 'lsVerMinor' => '', + 'lsBuildNumber' => '', + 'lsFwmIsAlive' => '', + 'lsStatCode' => '', + 'lsStatShortDescr' => '', + 'lsStatLongDescr' => '', + 'lsConnectedClientsTable' => '', + 'lsConnectedClientsEntry' => '', + 'lsIndex' => '', + 'lsClientName' => '', + 'lsClientHost' => '', + 'lsClientDbLock' => '', + 'lsApplicationType' => '', + # undocumented? + # https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R76/CP_R76_Splat_AdminGuide/51555.htm + 'volumesTable' => '', + 'volumesEntry' => '', + 'volumesIndex' => '', + 'volumesVolumeID' => '', + 'volumesVolumeType' => '', + 'volumesNumberOfDisks' => '', + 'volumesVolumeSize' => '', + 'volumesVolumeState' => '', + 'volumesVolumeStateDefinition' => { + 0 => 'optimal', + 1 => 'degraded', + 2 => 'failed', + }, + 'volumesVolumeFlags' => '', + 'volumesVolumeFlagsDefinition' => { + 0 => 'enabled', + 1 => 'quiesced', + 2 => 'resync_in_progress', + 3 => 'volume_inactive', + }, + 'disksTable' => '', + 'disksEntry' => '', + 'disksIndex' => '', + 'disksVolumeID' => '', + 'disksScsiID' => '', + 'disksDiskNumber' => '', + 'disksDiskNumber' => { + 0 => 'upper', + 1 => 'lower', + }, + 'disksVendor' => '', + 'disksProductID' => '', + 'disksRevision' => '', + 'disksSize' => '', + 'disksState' => '', + 'disksStateDefinition' => { + 0 => 'online', + 1 => 'missing', + 2 => 'not_compatible', + 3 => 'failed', + 4 => 'initializing', + 5 => 'offline_requested', + 6 => 'failed_requested', + 7 => 'other_offline', + }, + 'disksFlags' => '', + 'disksFlagsDefinition' => { + 0 => 'out_of_sync', + 1 => 'quiesced', + 16 => 'ok', + }, + 'disksSyncState' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureTable' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureEntry' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureIndex' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureName' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureValue' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureUOM' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureType' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureStatus' => '', + 'sensorsTemperatureStatusDefinition' => { + 0 => 'normal', # In normal range + 1 => 'abnormal', # Out of normal range + 2 => 'unknown', # Reading error + }, + + 'sensorsFanTable' => '', + 'sensorsFanEntry' => '', + 'sensorsFanIndex' => '', + 'sensorsFanName' => '', + 'sensorsFanValue' => '', + 'sensorsFanUOM' => '', + 'sensorsFanType' => '', + 'sensorsFanStatus' => '', + 'sensorsFanStatusDefinition' => { + 0 => 'normal', + 1 => 'abnormal', + 2 => 'unknown', + }, + + 'sensorsVoltageTable' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageEntry' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageIndex' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageName' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageValue' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageUOM' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageType' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageStatus' => '', + 'sensorsVoltageStatusDefinition' => { + 0 => 'normal', + 1 => 'abnormal', + 2 => 'unknown', + }, + }, + 'NETSCREEN-RESOURCE-MIB' => { + nsResCpuAvg => '', + nsResCpuLast15Min => '', + nsResCpuLast1Min => '', + nsResCpuLast5Min => '', + nsResMemAllocate => '', + nsResMemFrag => '', + nsResMemLeft => '', + nsResSessAllocate => '', + nsResSessFailed => '', + nsResSessMaxium => '', + }, + 'NETSCREEN-CHASSIS-MIB' => { + nsPowerTable => '', + nsPowerEntry => '', + nsPowerId => '', + nsPowerStatus => '', + nsPowerStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'fail', + 1 => 'good', + }, + nsPowerDesc => '', + nsFanTable => '', + nsFanEntry => '', + nsFanId => '', + nsFanStatus => '', + nsFanStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'fail', + 1 => 'good', + 2 => 'notInstalled', + }, + nsFanDesc => '', + sysBatteryStatus => '', + sysBatteryStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'good', + 2 => 'error', + }, + nsTemperatureTable => '', + nsTemperatureEntry => '', + nsTemperatureId => '', + nsTemperatureSlotId => '', + nsTemperatureCur => '', + nsTemperatureDesc => '', + nsSlotTable => '', + nsSlotEntry => '', + nsSlotId => '', + nsSlotType => '', + nsSlotStatus => '', + nsSlotStatusDefinition => { + 0 => 'fail', + 1 => 'good', + 2 => 'notInstalled', + }, + nsSlotSN => '', + }, + 'ATTACK-MIB' => { # Blue Coat + deviceAttackTable => '', + deviceAttackEntry => '', + deviceAttackIndex => '', + deviceAttackName => '', + deviceAttackStatus => '', + deviceAttackStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'no-attack', + 2 => 'under-attack', + }, + deviceAttackTime => '', + }, + 'DISK-MIB' => { + deviceDiskValueTable => '', + deviceDiskValueEntry => '', + deviceDiskIndex => '', + deviceDiskTrapEnabled => '', + deviceDiskStatus => '', + deviceDiskStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'present', + 2 => 'initializing', + 3 => 'inserted', + 4 => 'offline', + 5 => 'removed', + 6 => 'not-present', + 7 => 'empty', + 8 => 'bad', + 9 => 'unknown', + }, + deviceDiskTimeStamp => '', + deviceDiskVendor => '', + deviceDiskProduct => '', + deviceDiskRevision => '', + deviceDiskSerialN => '', + deviceDiskBlockSize => '', + deviceDiskBlockCount => '', + }, + 'SENSOR-MIB' => { + deviceSensorValueTable => '', + deviceSensorValueEntry => '', + deviceSensorIndex => '', + deviceSensorTrapEnabled => '', + deviceSensorUnits => '', + deviceSensorUnitsDefinition => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'truthvalue', + 3 => 'specialEnum', + 4 => 'volts', + 5 => 'celsius', + 6 => 'rpm', + }, + deviceSensorScale => '', + deviceSensorValue => '', + deviceSensorCode => '', + deviceSensorCodeDefinition => { + 1 => 'ok', + 2 => 'unknown', + 3 => 'not-installed', + 4 => 'voltage-low-warning', + 5 => 'voltage-low-critical', + 6 => 'no-power', + 7 => 'voltage-high-warning', + 8 => 'voltage-high-critical', + 9 => 'voltage-high-severe', + 10 => 'temperature-high-warning', + 11 => 'temperature-high-critical', + 12 => 'temperature-high-severe', + 13 => 'fan-slow-warning', + 14 => 'fan-slow-critical', + 15 => 'fan-stopped', + }, + deviceSensorStatus => '', + deviceSensorStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'ok', + 2 => 'unavailable', + 3 => 'nonoperational', + }, + deviceSensorTimeStamp => '', + deviceSensorName => '', + }, + 'SYSTEM-RESOURCES-MIB' => { + cpuIndex => '', + cpuName => '', + cpuUtilizationValue => '', + cpuWarningThreshold => '', + cpuWarningInterval => '', + cpuCriticalThreshold => '', + cpuCriticalInterval => '', + cpuNotificationType => '', + cpuCurrentState => '', + cpuPreviousState => '', + cpuLastChangeTime => '', + cpuEvent => '', + cpuTrap => '', + memory => '', + memIndex => '', + memName => '', + memPressureValue => '', + memWarningThreshold => '', + memWarningInterval => '', + memCriticalThreshold => '', + memCriticalInterval => '', + memNotificationType => '', + memCurrentState => '', + memPreviousState => '', + memLastChangeTime => '', + memEvent => '', + memTrap => '', + network => '', + netTable => '', + netEntry => '', + netIndex => '', + netName => '', + netUtilizationValue => '', + netWarningThreshold => '', + netWarningInterval => '', + netCriticalThreshold => '', + netCriticalInterval => '', + netNotificationType => '', + netCurrentState => '', + netPreviousState => '', + netLastChangeTime => '', + }, + 'USAGE-MIB' => { + deviceUsageTable => '', + deviceUsageEntry => '', + deviceUsageIndex => '', + deviceUsageTrapEnabled => '', + deviceUsageName => '', + deviceUsagePercent => '', + deviceUsageHigh => '', + deviceUsageStatus => '', + deviceUsageStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'ok', + 2 => 'high', + }, + deviceUsageTime => '', + }, + 'BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB' => { + blueCoatMgmt => '', + bluecoatSGProxyMIB => '', + sgProxyConfig => '', + sgProxySystem => '', + sgProxyMemAvailable => '', + sgProxyMemCacheUsage => '', + sgProxyMemSysUsage => '', + sgProxyMemPressure => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreTable => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreEntry => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreIndex => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreUpTime => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreBusyTime => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreIdleTime => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreUpTimeSinceLastAccess => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreBusyTimeSinceLastAccess => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreIdleTimeSinceLastAccess => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent => '', + sgProxyCpuCoreIdlePerCent => '', + sgProxyHttp => '', + sgProxyHttpPerf => '', + sgProxyHttpClient => '', + sgProxyHttpServer => '', + sgProxyHttpConnections => '', + sgProxyHttpClientConnections => '', + sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsActive => '', + sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsIdle => '', + sgProxyHttpServerConnections => '', + sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsActive => '', + sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsIdle => '', + sgProxyHttpResponse => '', + sgProxyHttpResponseTime => '', + sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll => '', #ok + sgProxyHttpResponseFirstByte => '', + sgProxyHttpResponseByteRate => '', + sgProxyHttpResponseSize => '', + }, + 'PROXY-MIB' => { + proxyMemUsage => '', + proxyStorage => '', + proxyCpuUsage => '', + proxyUpTime => '', + proxyConfig => '', + proxyAdmin => '', + proxySoftware => '', + proxyVersion => '', + proxySysPerf => '', + proxyProtoPerf => '', + proxySysPerf => '', + proxyCpuLoad => '', + proxyNumObjects => '', + }, + 'RESOURCE-MIB' => { + cpuIndex => '', + cpuName => '', + cpuUtilizationValue => '', + cpuWarningThreshold => '', + cpuWarningInterval => '', + cpuCriticalThreshold => '', + cpuCriticalInterval => '', + cpuNotificationType => '', + cpuCurrentState => '', + cpuPreviousState => '', + cpuLastChangeTime => '', + cpuEvent => '', + cpuTrap => '', + memory => '', + memIndex => '', + memName => '', + memPressureValue => '', + memWarningThreshold => '', + memWarningInterval => '', + memCriticalThreshold => '', + memCriticalInterval => '', + memNotificationType => '', + memCurrentState => '', + memPreviousState => '', + memLastChangeTime => '', + memEvent => '', + memTrap => '', + network => '', + netTable => '', + netEntry => '', + netIndex => '', + netName => '', + netUtilizationValue => '', + netWarningThreshold => '', + netWarningInterval => '', + netCriticalThreshold => '', + netCriticalInterval => '', + netNotificationType => '', + netCurrentState => '', + netPreviousState => '', + netLastChangeTime => '', + }, + 'BLUECOAT-AV-MIB' => { + avEngineVersion => '', + avErrorCode => '', + avErrorDetails => '', + avFilesScanned => '', + avICTMWarningReason => '', + avInstalledFirmwareVersion => '', + avLicenseDaysRemaining => '', + avPatternDateTime => '', + avPatternVersion => '', + avPreviousFirmwareVersion => '', + avPublishedFirmwareVersion => '', + avSlowICAPConnections => '', + avUpdateFailureReason => '', + avUrl => '', + avVendorName => '', + avVirusDetails => '', + avVirusesDetected => '', + avVirusName => '', + }, + 'FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB' => { + snAgGblCpuUtil1SecAvg => '', + snAgGblCpuUtil5SecAvg => '', + snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg => '', + snAgGblDynMemUtil => '', + snAgGblDynMemTotal => '', + snAgGblDynMemFree => '', + + snAgentCpuUtilTable => '', + snAgentCpuUtilEntry => '', + snAgentCpuUtilSlotNum => '', + snAgentCpuUtilCpuId => '', + snAgentCpuUtilInterval => '', + snAgentCpuUtilValue => '', + snAgentCpuUtilPercent => '', + snAgentCpuUtil100thPercent => '', + + snChasPwrSupplyTable => '', + snChasPwrSupplyEntry => '', + snChasPwrSupplyIndex => '', + snChasPwrSupplyDescription => '', + snChasPwrSupplyOperStatus => '', + snChasPwrSupplyOperStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'normal', + 3 => 'failure', + }, + snChasFan => '', + snChasFanTable => '', + snChasFanEntry => '', + snChasFanIndex => '', + snChasFanDescription => '', + snChasFanOperStatus => '', + snChasFanOperStatusDefinition => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'normal', + 3 => 'failure', + }, + snAgentTempTable => '', + snAgentTempEntry => '', + snAgentTempSlotNum => '', + # sensor 1 - intake temperature, sensor 2 - exhaust-side temperature + snAgentTempSensorId => '', + snAgentTempSensorDescr => '', + # This value is displayed in units of 0.5 Celsius. Valid: 110 - 250 + snAgentTempValue => '', + }, + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB' => { + snL4Gen => '', + snL4MaxSessionLimit => '', + snL4TcpSynLimit => '', + snL4slbGlobalSDAType => '', + snL4slbTotalConnections => '', + snL4slbLimitExceeds => '', + snL4slbForwardTraffic => '', + snL4slbReverseTraffic => '', + snL4slbDrops => '', + snL4slbDangling => '', + snL4slbDisableCount => '', + snL4slbAged => '', + snL4slbFinished => '', + snL4FreeSessionCount => '', + snL4BackupInterface => '', + snL4BackupMacAddr => '', + snL4Active => '', + snL4Redundancy => '', + snL4Backup => '', + snL4BecomeActive => '', + snL4BecomeStandBy => '', + snL4BackupState => '', + snL4NoPDUSent => '', + snL4NoPDUCount => '', + snL4NoPortMap => '', + snL4unsuccessfulConn => '', + snL4PingInterval => '', + snL4PingRetry => '', + snL4TcpAge => '', + snL4UdpAge => '', + snL4EnableMaxSessionLimitReachedTrap => '', + snL4EnableTcpSynLimitReachedTrap => '', + snL4EnableRealServerUpTrap => '', + snL4EnableRealServerDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableRealServerPortUpTrap => '', + snL4EnableRealServerPortDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableRealServerMaxConnLimitReachedTrap => '', + snL4EnableBecomeStandbyTrap => '', + snL4EnableBecomeActiveTrap => '', + snL4slbRouterInterfacePortMask => '', + snL4MaxNumWebCacheGroup => '', + snL4MaxNumWebCachePerGroup => '', + snL4WebCacheStateful => '', + snL4EnableGslbHealthCheckIpUpTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbHealthCheckIpDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbHealthCheckIpPortUpTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbHealthCheckIpPortDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbRemoteGslbSiDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbRemoteGslbSiUpTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbRemoteSiDownTrap => '', + snL4EnableGslbRemoteSiUpTrap => '', + snL4slbRouterInterfacePortList => '', + snL4VirtualServer => '', + snL4VirtualServerTable => '', + snL4VirtualServerEntry => '', + snL4VirtualServerIndex => '', + snL4VirtualServerName => '', + snL4VirtualServerVirtualIP => '', + snL4VirtualServerAdminStatus => '', + snL4VirtualServerAdminStatusDefinition => 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB::L4Status', + snL4VirtualServerSDAType => '', + snL4VirtualServerSDATypeDefinition => { + 0 => 'default', + 1 => 'leastconnection', + 2 => 'roundrobin', + 3 => 'weighted', + }, + snL4VirtualServerRowStatus => '', + snL4VirtualServerDeleteState => '', + snL4VirtualServerDeleteStateDefinition => 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB::L4DeleteState', + snL4RealServer => '', + snL4RealServerTable => '', + snL4RealServerEntry => '', + snL4RealServerIndex => '', + snL4RealServerName => '', + snL4RealServerIP => '', + snL4RealServerAdminStatus => '', + snL4RealServerAdminStatusDefinition => 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB::L4Status', + snL4RealServerMaxConnections => '', + snL4RealServerWeight => '', + snL4RealServerRowStatus => '', + snL4RealServerDeleteState => '', + snL4VirtualServerPort => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortTable => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortEntry => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortIndex => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortServerName => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortPort => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatus => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortAdminStatusDefinition => 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB::L4Status', + snL4VirtualServerPortSticky => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortStickyDefinition => { + 0 => 'disabled', + 1 => 'enabled', + }, + snL4VirtualServerPortConcurrent => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortConcurrentDefinition => { + 0 => 'disabled', + 1 => 'enabled', + }, + snL4VirtualServerPortRowStatus => '', + snL4VirtualServerPortDeleteState => '', + snL4RealServerPort => '', + snL4RealServerPortTable => '', + snL4RealServerPortEntry => '', + snL4RealServerPortIndex => '', + snL4RealServerPortServerName => '', + snL4RealServerPortPort => '', + snL4RealServerPortAdminStatus => '', + snL4RealServerPortRowStatus => '', + snL4RealServerPortDeleteState => '', + snL4Bind => '', + snL4BindTable => '', + snL4BindEntry => '', + snL4BindIndex => '', + snL4BindVirtualServerName => '', + 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fgAppVoIPConn => '', + fgAppVoIPCallBlocked => '', + fgAppP2P => '', + fgAppP2P => '', + fgAppP2PStatsTable => '', + fgAppP2PStatsEntry => '', + fgAppP2PConnBlocked => '', + fgAppP2PProtoTable => '', + fgAppP2PProtoEntry => '', + fgAppP2PProtEntProto => '', + fgAppP2PProtEntBytes => '', + fgAppP2PProtoEntLastReset => '', + fgAppIM => '', + fgAppIM => '', + fgAppIMStatsTable => '', + fgAppIMStatsEntry => '', + fgAppIMMessages => '', + fgAppIMFileTransfered => '', + fgAppIMFileTxBlocked => '', + fgAppIMConnBlocked => '', + fgAppProxyFTP => '', + fgAppProxyFTP => '', + fgApFTPUpTime => '', + fgApFTPMemUsage => '', + fgApFTPStatsTable => '', + fgApFTPStatsEntry => '', + fgApFTPReqProcessed => '', + fgInetProto => '', + fgInetProtoInfo => '', + fgInetProtoTables => '', + fgInetProtoTables => '', + fgIpSessTable => '', + fgIpSessEntry => '', + fgIpSessIndex => '', + fgIpSessProto => '', + fgIpSessFromAddr => '', + fgIpSessFromPort => '', + fgIpSessToAddr => '', + fgIpSessToPort => '', + fgIpSessExp => '', + fgIpSessVdom => '', + fgIpSessStatsTable => '', + fgIpSessStatsEntry => '', + fgIpSessNumber => '', + fgVpn => '', + fgVpnInfo => '', + fgVpnTables => '', + fgVpnTables => '', + fgVpnDialupTable => '', + fgVpnDialupEntry => '', + fgVpnDialupIndex => '', + fgVpnDialupGateway => '', + fgVpnDialupLifetime => '', + fgVpnDialupTimeout => '', + fgVpnDialupSrcBegin => '', + fgVpnDialupSrcEnd => '', + fgVpnDialupDstAddr => '', + fgVpnDialupVdom => '', + fgVpnDialupInOctets => '', + fgVpnDialupOutOctets => '', + fgVpnTunTable => '', + fgVpnTunEntry => '', + fgVpnTunEntIndex => '', + fgVpnTunEntPhase1Name => '', + fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name => '', + fgVpnTunEntRemGwyIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntRemGwyPort => '', + fgVpnTunEntLocGwyIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntLocGwyPort => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcBeginIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcEndIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorSrcPort => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstBeginIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstEndIp => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorDstPort => '', + fgVpnTunEntSelectorProto => '', + fgVpnTunEntLifeSecs => '', + fgVpnTunEntLifeBytes => '', + fgVpnTunEntTimeout => '', + fgVpnTunEntInOctets => '', + fgVpnTunEntOutOctets => '', + fgVpnTunEntStatus => '', + fgVpnTunEntVdom => '', + fgVpnSslStatsTable => '', + fgVpnSslStatsEntry => '', + fgVpnSslState => '', + fgVpnSslStatsLoginUsers => '', + fgVpnSslStatsMaxUsers => '', + fgVpnSslStatsActiveWebSessions => '', + fgVpnSslStatsMaxWebSessions => '', + fgVpnSslStatsActiveTunnels => '', + fgVpnSslStatsMaxTunnels => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelTable => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelEntry => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelIndex => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelVdom => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelUserName => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelSrcIp => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelIp => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelUpTime => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelBytesIn => '', + fgVpnSslTunnelBytesOut => '', + fgVpnTrapObjects => '', + fgVpnTrapObjects => '', + fgVpnTrapLocalGateway => '', + fgVpnTrapRemoteGateway => '', + fgHighAvailability => '', + fgHaInfo => '', + fgHaInfo => '', + fgHaSystemMode => '', + fgHaGroupId => '', + fgHaPriority => '', + fgHaOverride => '', + fgHaAutoSync => '', + fgHaSchedule => '', + fgHaGroupName => '', + fgHaTables => '', + fgHaTables => '', + fgHaStatsTable => '', + fgHaStatsEntry => '', + fgHaStatsIndex => '', + fgHaStatsSerial => '', + fgHaStatsCpuUsage => '', + fgHaStatsMemUsage => '', + fgHaStatsNetUsage => '', + fgHaStatsSesCount => '', + fgHaStatsPktCount => '', + fgHaStatsByteCount => '', + fgHaStatsIdsCount => '', + fgHaStatsAvCount => '', + fgHaStatsHostname => '', + }, + 'LARA-MIB' => { + lantronix => '', + products => '', + sls => '', + board => '', + host => '', + Common => '', + Traps => '', + Info => '', + Users => '', + Actions => '', + HostInfo => '', + HostActions => '', + firmwareVersion => '', + serialNumber => '', + IP => '', + Netmask => '', + Gateway => '', + MAC => '', + HardwareRev => '', + eventType => '', + eventDesc => '', + userLoginName => '', + remoteHost => '', + checkHostPower => '', + checkHostPowerDefinition => { + 1 => 'hasPower', + 2 => 'hasnoPower', + 3 => 'error', + 4 => 'notsupported', + }, + DummyTrap => '', + Loginfailed => '', + Loginsuccess => '', + SecurityViolation => '', + Generic => '', + }, +}; + +$GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions = { + 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' => { + ciscoEnvMonState => { + 1 => 'normal', + 2 => 'warning', + 3 => 'critical', + 4 => 'shutdown', + 5 => 'notPresent', + 6 => 'notFunctioning', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-HSRP-MIB' => { + HsrpState => { + 1 => 'initial', + 2 => 'learn', + 3 => 'listen', + 4 => 'speak', + 5 => 'standby', + 6 => 'active', + }, + }, + 'SNMPv2-TC-v1' => { + 'TruthValue' => { + 1 => 'true', + 2 => 'false', + }, + 'RowStatus' => { + 1 => 'active', + 2 => 'notInService', + 3 => 'notReady', + 4 => 'createAndGo', + 5 => 'createAndWait', + 6 => 'destroy', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' => { + 'SensorDataType' => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'unknown', + 3 => 'voltsAC', + 4 => 'voltsDC', + 5 => 'amperes', + 6 => 'watts', + 7 => 'hertz', + 8 => 'celsius', + 9 => 'percentRH', + 10 => 'rpm', + 11 => 'cmm', + 12 => 'truthvalue', + 13 => 'specialEnum', + 14 => 'dBm', + }, + 'SensorStatus' => { + 1 => 'ok', + 2 => 'unavailable', + 3 => 'nonoperational', + }, + 'SensorDataScale' => { + 1 => 'yocto', + 2 => 'zepto', + 3 => 'atto', + 4 => 'femto', + 5 => 'pico', + 6 => 'nano', + 7 => 'micro', + 8 => 'milli', + 9 => 'units', + 10 => 'kilo', + 11 => 'mega', + 12 => 'giga', + 13 => 'tera', + 14 => 'exa', + 15 => 'peta', + 16 => 'zetta', + 17 => 'yotta', + }, + 'SensorThresholdSeverity' => { + 1 => 'other', + 10 => 'minor', + 20 => 'major', + 30 => 'critical', + }, + 'SensorThresholdRelation' => { + 1 => 'lessThan', + 2 => 'lessOrEqual', + 3 => 'greaterThan', + 4 => 'greaterOrEqual', + 5 => 'equalTo', + 6 => 'notEqualTo', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB' => { + 'PowerRedundancyType' => { + 1 => 'notsupported', + 2 => 'redundant', + 3 => 'combined', + 4 => 'nonRedundant', + 5 => 'psRedundant', + 6 => 'inPwrSrcRedundant', + 7 => 'psRedundantSingleInput', + }, + 'PowerAdminType' => { + 1 => 'on', + 2 => 'off', + 3 => 'inlineAuto', + 4 => 'inlineOn', + 5 => 'powerCycle', + }, + 'PowerOperType' => { + 1 => 'offEnvOther', + 2 => 'on', + 3 => 'offAdmin', + 4 => 'offDenied', + 5 => 'offEnvPower', + 6 => 'offEnvTemp', + 7 => 'offEnvFan', + 8 => 'failed', + 9 => 'onButFanFail', + 10 => 'offCooling', + 11 => 'offConnectorRating', + 12 => 'onButInlinePowerFail', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-L2L3-INTERFACE-CONFIG-MIB' => { + 'CL2L3InterfaceMode' => { + 1 => 'routed', + 2 => 'switchport', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB' => { + 'Services' => { + 1 => 'otherFWService', + 2 => 'fileXferFtp', + 3 => 'fileXferTftp', + 4 => 'fileXferFtps', + 5 => 'loginTelnet', + 6 => 'loginRlogin', + 7 => 'loginTelnets', + 8 => 'remoteExecSunRPC', + 9 => 'remoteExecMSRPC', + 10 => 'remoteExecRsh', + 11 => 'remoteExecXserver', + 12 => 'webHttp', + 13 => 'webHttps', + 14 => 'mailSmtp', + 15 => 'multimediaStreamworks', + 16 => 'multimediaH323', + 17 => 'multimediaNetShow', + 18 => 'multimediaVDOLive', + 19 => 'multimediaRealAV', + 20 => 'multimediaRTSP', + 21 => 'dbOracle', + 22 => 'dbMSsql', + 23 => 'contInspProgLang', + 24 => 'contInspUrl', + 25 => 'directoryNis', + 26 => 'directoryDns', + 27 => 'directoryNetbiosns', + 28 => 'directoryNetbiosdgm', + 29 => 'directoryNetbiosssn', + 30 => 'directoryWins', + 31 => 'qryWhois', + 32 => 'qryFinger', + 33 => 'qryIdent', + 34 => 'fsNfsStatus', + 35 => 'fsNfs', + 36 => 'fsCifs', + 37 => 'protoIcmp', + 38 => 'protoTcp', + 39 => 'protoUdp', + 40 => 'protoIp', + 41 => 'protoSnmp', + }, + }, + 'F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB' => { + ltmPoolLbMode => { + 0 => 'roundRobin', + 1 => 'ratioMember', + 2 => 'leastConnMember', + 3 => 'observedMember', + 4 => 'predictiveMember', + 5 => 'ratioNodeAddress', + 6 => 'leastConnNodeAddress', + 7 => 'fastestNodeAddress', + 8 => 'observedNodeAddress', + 9 => 'predictiveNodeAddress', + 10 => 'dynamicRatio', + 11 => 'fastestAppResponse', + 12 => 'leastSessions', + 13 => 'dynamicRatioMember', + 14 => 'l3Addr', + 15 => 'weightedLeastConnMember', + 16 => 'weightedLeastConnNodeAddr', + 17 => 'ratioSession', + }, + ltmPoolAvailabilityState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'green', + 2 => 'yellow', + 3 => 'red', + 4 => 'blue', + }, + ltmPoolMemberMonitorState => { + 0 => 'unchecked', + 1 => 'checking', + 2 => 'inband', + 3 => 'forced-up', + 4 => 'up', + 19 => 'down', + 20 => 'forced-down', + 22 => 'irule-down', + 23 => 'inband-down', + 24 => 'down-manual-resume', + 25 => 'disabled', + }, + ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus => { + 0 => 'unchecked', + 1 => 'checking', + 2 => 'inband', + 3 => 'forced-up', + 4 => 'up', + 18 => 'addr-down', + 19 => 'down', + 20 => 'forced-down', + 21 => 'maint', + 22 => 'irule-down', + 23 => 'inband-down', + 24 => 'down-manual-resume', + }, + ltmPoolMemberEnabledState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'enabled', + 2 => 'disabled', + 3 => 'disabledbyparent', + }, + ltmPoolStatusAvailState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'green', + 2 => 'yellow', + 3 => 'red', + 4 => 'blue', + 5 => 'grey', + }, + ltmPoolStatusEnabledState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'enabled', + 2 => 'disabled', + 3 => 'disabledbyparent', + }, + ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'green', + 2 => 'yellow', + 3 => 'red', + 4 => 'blue', + 5 => 'gray', + }, + ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'enabled', + 2 => 'disabled', + 3 => 'disabledbyparent', + }, + ltmPoolMemberMonitorState => { + 0 => 'unchecked', + 1 => 'checking', + 2 => 'inband', + 3 => 'forced-up', + 4 => 'up', + 19 => 'down', + 20 => 'forced-down', + 22 => 'irule-down', + 23 => 'inband-down', + 24 => 'down-manual-resume', + 25 => 'disabled', + }, + ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus => { + 0 => 'unchecked', + 1 => 'checking', + 2 => 'inband', + 3 => 'forced-up', + 4 => 'up', + 18 => 'addr-down', + 19 => 'down', + 20 => 'forced-down', + 21 => 'maint', + 22 => 'irule-down', + 23 => 'inband-down', + 24 => 'down-manual-resume', + }, + }, + 'FOUNDRY-SN-SW-L4-SWITCH-GROUP-MIB' => { + 'L4Status' => { + 0 => 'disabled', + 1 => 'enabled', + }, + 'L4DeleteState' => { + 0 => 'done', + 1 => 'waitunbind', + 1 => 'waitdelete', + }, + 'L4RowSts' => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'valid', + 3 => 'delete', + 4 => 'create', + 5 => 'modify', + }, + }, + 'IFMIB' => { + ifType => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'regular1822', + 3 => 'hdh1822', + 4 => 'ddnX25', + 5 => 'rfc877x25', + 6 => 'ethernetCsmacd', + 7 => 'iso88023Csmacd', + 8 => 'iso88024TokenBus', + 9 => 'iso88025TokenRing', + 10 => 'iso88026Man', + 11 => 'starLan', + 12 => 'proteon10Mbit', + 13 => 'proteon80Mbit', + 14 => 'hyperchannel', + 15 => 'fddi', + 16 => 'lapb', + 17 => 'sdlc', + 18 => 'ds1', + 19 => 'e1', + 20 => 'basicISDN', + 21 => 'primaryISDN', + 22 => 'propPointToPointSerial', + 23 => 'ppp', + 24 => 'softwareLoopback', + 25 => 'eon', + 26 => 'ethernet3Mbit', + 27 => 'nsip', + 28 => 'slip', + 29 => 'ultra', + 30 => 'ds3', + 31 => 'sip', + 32 => 'frameRelay', + 33 => 'rs232', + 34 => 'para', + 35 => 'arcnet', + 36 => 'arcnetPlus', + 37 => 'atm', + 38 => 'miox25', + 39 => 'sonet', + 40 => 'x25ple', + 41 => 'iso88022llc', + 42 => 'localTalk', + 43 => 'smdsDxi', + 44 => 'frameRelayService', + 45 => 'v35', + 46 => 'hssi', + 47 => 'hippi', + 48 => 'modem', + 49 => 'aal5', + 50 => 'sonetPath', + 51 => 'sonetVT', + 52 => 'smdsIcip', + 53 => 'propVirtual', + 54 => 'propMultiplexor', + 55 => 'ieee80212', + 56 => 'fibreChannel', + 57 => 'hippiInterface', + 58 => 'frameRelayInterconnect', + 59 => 'aflane8023', + 60 => 'aflane8025', + 61 => 'cctEmul', + 62 => 'fastEther', + 63 => 'isdn', + 64 => 'v11', + 65 => 'v36', + 66 => 'g703at64k', + 67 => 'g703at2mb', + 68 => 'qllc', + 69 => 'fastEtherFX', + 70 => 'channel', + 71 => 'ieee80211', + 72 => 'ibm370parChan', + 73 => 'escon', + 74 => 'dlsw', + 75 => 'isdns', + 76 => 'isdnu', + 77 => 'lapd', + 78 => 'ipSwitch', + 79 => 'rsrb', + 80 => 'atmLogical', + 81 => 'ds0', + 82 => 'ds0Bundle', + 83 => 'bsc', + 84 => 'async', + 85 => 'cnr', + 86 => 'iso88025Dtr', + 87 => 'eplrs', + 88 => 'arap', + 89 => 'propCnls', + 90 => 'hostPad', + 91 => 'termPad', + 92 => 'frameRelayMPI', + 93 => 'x213', + 94 => 'adsl', + 95 => 'radsl', + 96 => 'sdsl', + 97 => 'vdsl', + 98 => 'iso88025CRFPInt', + 99 => 'myrinet', + 100 => 'voiceEM', + 101 => 'voiceFXO', + 102 => 'voiceFXS', + 103 => 'voiceEncap', + 104 => 'voiceOverIp', + 105 => 'atmDxi', + 106 => 'atmFuni', + 107 => 'atmIma', + 108 => 'pppMultilinkBundle', + 109 => 'ipOverCdlc', + 110 => 'ipOverClaw', + 111 => 'stackToStack', + 112 => 'virtualIpAddress', + 113 => 'mpc', + 114 => 'ipOverAtm', + 115 => 'iso88025Fiber', + 116 => 'tdlc', + 117 => 'gigabitEthernet', + 118 => 'hdlc', + 119 => 'lapf', + 120 => 'v37', + 121 => 'x25mlp', + 122 => 'x25huntGroup', + 123 => 'transpHdlc', + 124 => 'interleave', + 125 => 'fast', + 126 => 'ip', + 127 => 'docsCableMaclayer', + 128 => 'docsCableDownstream', + 129 => 'docsCableUpstream', + 130 => 'a12MppSwitch', + 131 => 'tunnel', + 132 => 'coffee', + 133 => 'ces', + 134 => 'atmSubInterface', + 135 => 'l2vlan', + 136 => 'l3ipvlan', + 137 => 'l3ipxvlan', + 138 => 'digitalPowerline', + 139 => 'mediaMailOverIp', + 140 => 'dtm', + 141 => 'dcn', + 142 => 'ipForward', + 143 => 'msdsl', + 144 => 'ieee1394', + 145 => 'if-gsn', + 146 => 'dvbRccMacLayer', + 147 => 'dvbRccDownstream', + 148 => 'dvbRccUpstream', + 149 => 'atmVirtual', + 150 => 'mplsTunnel', + 151 => 'srp', + 152 => 'voiceOverAtm', + 153 => 'voiceOverFrameRelay', + 154 => 'idsl', + 155 => 'compositeLink', + 156 => 'ss7SigLink', + 157 => 'propWirelessP2P', + 158 => 'frForward', + 159 => 'rfc1483', + 160 => 'usb', + 161 => 'ieee8023adLag', + 162 => 'bgppolicyaccounting', + 163 => 'frf16MfrBundle', + 164 => 'h323Gatekeeper', + 165 => 'h323Proxy', + 166 => 'mpls', + 167 => 'mfSigLink', + 168 => 'hdsl2', + 169 => 'shdsl', + 170 => 'ds1FDL', + 171 => 'pos', + 172 => 'dvbAsiIn', + 173 => 'dvbAsiOut', + 174 => 'plc', + 175 => 'nfas', + 176 => 'tr008', + 177 => 'gr303RDT', + 178 => 'gr303IDT', + 179 => 'isup', + 180 => 'propDocsWirelessMaclayer', + 181 => 'propDocsWirelessDownstream', + 182 => 'propDocsWirelessUpstream', + 183 => 'hiperlan2', + 184 => 'propBWAp2Mp', + 185 => 'sonetOverheadChannel', + 186 => 'digitalWrapperOverheadChannel', + 187 => 'aal2', + 188 => 'radioMAC', + 189 => 'atmRadio', + 190 => 'imt', + 191 => 'mvl', + 192 => 'reachDSL', + 193 => 'frDlciEndPt', + 194 => 'atmVciEndPt', + 195 => 'opticalChannel', + 196 => 'opticalTransport', + 197 => 'propAtm', + 198 => 'voiceOverCable', + 199 => 'infiniband', + 200 => 'teLink', + 201 => 'q2931', + 202 => 'virtualTg', + 203 => 'sipTg', + 204 => 'sipSig', + 205 => 'docsCableUpstreamChannel', + 206 => 'econet', + 207 => 'pon155', + 208 => 'pon622', + 209 => 'bridge', + 210 => 'linegroup', + 211 => 'voiceEMFGD', + 212 => 'voiceFGDEANA', + 213 => 'voiceDID', + 214 => 'mpegTransport', + 215 => 'sixToFour', + 216 => 'gtp', + 217 => 'pdnEtherLoop1', + 218 => 'pdnEtherLoop2', + 219 => 'opticalChannelGroup', + 220 => 'homepna', + 221 => 'gfp', + 222 => 'ciscoISLvlan', + 223 => 'actelisMetaLOOP', + 224 => 'fcipLink', + 225 => 'rpr', + 226 => 'qam', + 227 => 'lmp', + 228 => 'cblVectaStar', + 229 => 'docsCableMCmtsDownstream', + 230 => 'adsl2', + 231 => 'macSecControlledIF', + 232 => 'macSecUncontrolledIF', + 233 => 'aviciOpticalEther', + 234 => 'atmbond', + 235 => 'voiceFGDOS', + 236 => 'mocaVersion1', + 237 => 'ieee80216WMAN', + 238 => 'adsl2plus', + 239 => 'dvbRcsMacLayer', + 240 => 'dvbTdm', + 241 => 'dvbRcsTdma', + 242 => 'x86Laps', + 243 => 'wwanPP', + 244 => 'wwanPP2', + 245 => 'voiceEBS', + 246 => 'ifPwType', + 247 => 'ilan', + 248 => 'pip', + 249 => 'aluELP', + 250 => 'gpon', + 251 => 'vdsl2', + 252 => 'capwapDot11Profile', + 253 => 'capwapDot11Bss', + 254 => 'capwapWtpVirtualRadio', + 255 => 'bits', + 256 => 'docsCableUpstreamRfPort', + 257 => 'cableDownstreamRfPort', + 258 => 'vmwareVirtualNic', + 259 => 'ieee802154', + 260 => 'otnOdu', + 261 => 'otnOtu', + 262 => 'ifVfiType', + 263 => 'g9981', + 264 => 'g9982', + 265 => 'g9983', + 266 => 'aluEpon', + 267 => 'aluEponOnu', + 268 => 'aluEponPhysicalUni', + 269 => 'aluEponLogicalLink', + 270 => 'aluGponOnu', + 271 => 'aluGponPhysicalUni', + 272 => 'vmwareNicTeam', + # 273 ... http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6825 + }, + }, + 'ENTITY-MIB' => { + 'PhysicalClass' => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'unknown', + 3 => 'chassis', + 4 => 'backplane', + 5 => 'container', + 6 => 'powerSupply', + 7 => 'fan', + 8 => 'sensor', + 9 => 'module', + 10 => 'port', + 11 => 'stack', + 12 => 'cpu', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB' => { + 'NATProtocolType' => { + 1 => 'other', + 2 => 'icmp', + 3 => 'udp', + 4 => 'tcp', + }, + }, + 'CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB' => { + 'AlarmSeverity' => { + 1 => 'critical', + 2 => 'major', + 3 => 'minor', + 4 => 'info', + }, + 'AlarmSeverityOrZero' => { + 0 => 'none', + 1 => 'critical', + 2 => 'major', + 3 => 'minor', + 4 => 'info', + }, + }, +}; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faf2f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package Classes::Nortel; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::Nortel::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::Nortel::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::Nortel::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hsrp/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_hsrp_subsystem("Classes::HSRP::Component::HSRPSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f51e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +den ganzen scheissdreck in $self->warning() verstecken zb in + + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ciscoMemoryPoolName}.'_usage', + value => $self->{usage}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical} + ); + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb94c44 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package Classes::SGOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Bluecoat); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::SGOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::SGOS::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::security/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_security_subsystem("Classes::SGOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::(users|connections)::(count|check)/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_connection_subsystem("Classes::SGOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..979ed94 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::ConnectionSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB', (qw(sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll + sgProxyHttpResponseFirstByte + sgProxyHttpResponseByteRate sgProxyHttpResponseSize + sgProxyHttpClientConnections sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsActive + sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsIdle + sgProxyHttpServerConnections sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsActive + sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsIdle))); + $self->{sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll} /= 1000; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking connections'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::connections::check/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'average service time for http requests is %.5fs', + $self->{sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 5, critical => 10); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'http_response_time', + value => $self->{sgProxyHttpResponseTimeAll}, + places => 5, + uom => 's', + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::.*?::count/) { + my $details = [ + ['client', 'total', 'sgProxyHttpClientConnections'], + ['client', 'active', 'sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsActive'], + ['client', 'idle', 'sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsIdle'], + ['server', 'total', 'sgProxyHttpServerConnections'], + ['server', 'active', 'sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsActive'], + ['server', 'idle', 'sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsIdle'], + ]; + my @selected; + # --name client --name2 idle + if (! $self->opts->name) { + @selected = @{$details}; + } elsif (! $self->opts->name2) { + @selected = grep { $_->[0] eq $self->opts->name } @{$details}; + } else { + @selected = grep { $_->[0] eq $self->opts->name && $_->[1] eq $self->opts->name2 } @{$details}; + } + foreach (@selected) { + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d %s connections %s', $self->{$_->[2]}, $_->[0], $_->[1]); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 5000, critical => 10000); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{$_->[2]})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $_->[0].'_connections_'.$_->[1], + value => $self->{$_->[2]}, + ); + } + } +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f713cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # With AVOS version, and, the SNMP MIB has been extended to support multiple CPU cores. + # The new OID is defined as a table in the BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB file with the following sub-OIDs. + # https://kb.bluecoat.com/index?page=content&id=FAQ1244&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=1360452047002 + $self->get_snmp_tables('BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'sgProxyCpuCoreTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu'], + ]); + if (scalar (@{$self->{cpus}}) == 0) { + $self->get_snmp_tables('USAGE-MIB', [ + ['cpus', 'deviceUsageTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::DevCpu', sub { return shift->{deviceUsageName} =~ /CPU/ }], + ]); + } +} + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::Cpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{flat_indices}, $self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{flat_indices}.'_usage', + value => $self->{sgProxyCpuCoreBusyPerCent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::CpuSubsystem::DevCpu; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{flat_indices}, $self->{deviceUsagePercent}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{deviceUsagePercent})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_'.$self->{flat_indices}.'_usage', + value => $self->{deviceUsagePercent}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d28131 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('DISK-MIB', [ + ['disks', 'deviceDiskValueTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem::Disk'], + ]); + $self->get_snmp_tables('USAGE-MIB', [ + ['filesystems', 'deviceUsageTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem::FS', sub { return lc shift->{deviceUsageName} eq 'disk' }], + ]); + my $fs = 0; + foreach (@{$self->{filesystems}}) { + $_->{deviceUsageIndex} = $fs++; + } +} + + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem::Disk; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk %s (%s %s) is %s', + $self->{flat_indices}, + $self->{deviceDiskVendor}, + $self->{deviceDiskRevision}, + $self->{deviceDiskStatus}); + if ($self->{deviceDiskStatus} eq "bad") { + $self->add_critical(); + } +} + + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem::FS; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info(sprintf 'disk %s usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{deviceUsageIndex}, + $self->{deviceUsagePercent}); + if ($self->{deviceUsageStatus} ne "ok") { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_ok(); + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'disk_'.$self->{deviceUsageIndex}.'_usage', + value => $self->{deviceUsagePercent}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{deviceUsageHigh}, + critical => $self->{deviceUsageHigh} + ); +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..680b638 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::SGOS); +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + $self->init(); + return $self; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem} = + Classes::SGOS::Component::SensorSubsystem->new(); + $self->{disk_subsystem} = + Classes::SGOS::Component::DiskSubsystem->new(); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->check(); + $self->{disk_subsystem}->check(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + $self->add_ok("environmental hardware working fine"); + } +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + $self->{sensor_subsystem}->dump(); + $self->{disk_subsystem}->dump(); +} + +1; diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e03a91b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + # https://kb.bluecoat.com/index?page=content&id=KB3069 + # Memory pressure simply is the percentage of physical memory less free and reclaimable memory, of total memory. So, for example, if there is no free or reclaimable memory in the system, then memory pressure is at 100%. + # The event logs start reporting memory pressure when it is over 75%. + # There's two separate OIDs to obtain memory pressure value for SGOSV4 and SGOSV5; + # SGOSV4: memPressureValue - OIDs: (systemResourceMIB) + # SGOSV5: sgProxyMemoryPressure - OIDs: (bluecoatSGProxyMIB) + $self->get_snmp_objects('BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB', (qw(sgProxyMemPressure + sgProxyMemAvailable sgProxyMemCacheUsage sgProxyMemSysUsage))); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{sgProxyMemPressure}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 75, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{sgProxyMemPressure})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{sgProxyMemPressure}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d449813 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('ATTACK-MIB', [ + ['attacks', 'deviceAttackTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem::Attack' ], + ]); +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info('checking attacks'); + if (scalar (@{$self->{attacks}}) == 0) { + $self->add_info('no security incidents'); + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{attacks}}) { + $_->check(); + } + $self->add_info(sprintf '%d serious incidents (of %d)', + scalar(grep { $_->{count_me} == 1 } @{$self->{attacks}}), + scalar(@{$self->{attacks}})); + } + $self->add_ok(); +} + + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::SecuritySubsystem::Attack; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->{deviceAttackTime} = $self->timeticks( + $self->{deviceAttackTime}); + $self->{count_me} = 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s %s %s', + scalar localtime (time - $self->uptime() + $self->{deviceAttackTime}), + $self->{deviceAttackName}, $self->{deviceAttackStatus}); + my $lookback = $self->opts->lookback() ? + $self->opts->lookback() : 3600; + if (($self->{deviceAttackStatus} eq 'under-attack') && + ($lookback - $self->uptime() + $self->{deviceAttackTime} > 0)) { + $self->add_critical(); + $self->{count_me}++; + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7f8d87 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package Classes::SGOS::Component::SensorSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_tables('SENSOR-MIB', [ + ['sensors', 'deviceSensorValueTable', 'Classes::SGOS::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor'], + ]); +} + +package Classes::SGOS::Component::SensorSubsystem::Sensor; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{deviceSensorScale}) { + $self->{deviceSensorValue} *= 10 ** $self->{deviceSensorScale}; + } + $self->add_info(sprintf 'sensor %s (%s %s) is %s', + $self->{deviceSensorName}, + $self->{deviceSensorValue}, + $self->{deviceSensorUnits}, + $self->{deviceSensorCode}); + if ($self->{deviceSensorCode} eq "not-installed") { + } elsif ($self->{deviceSensorCode} eq "unknown") { + } else { + if ($self->{deviceSensorCode} ne "ok") { + if ($self->{deviceSensorCode} =~ /warning/) { + $self->add_warning(); + } else { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } + $self->add_perfdata( + label => sprintf('sensor_%s', $self->{deviceSensorName}), + value => $self->{deviceSensorValue}, + ); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..625893b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package Classes::SecureOS; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + # not sure if this works fa25239716cb74c672f8dd390430dc4056caffa7 + if ($self->implements_mib('FCMGMT-MIB')) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::FCMGMT::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } + if ($self->implements_mib('HOST-RESOURCES-MIB')) { + $self->analyze_and_check_environmental_subsystem("Classes::HOSTRESOURCESMIB::Component::EnvironmentalSubsystem"); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_cpu_subsystem("Classes::UCDMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_mem_subsystem("Classes::UCDMIB::Component::MemSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c21d43 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +package Server::Linux; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_interface_subsystem('Server::Linux::Component::InterfaceSubsystem'); + } +} + + +package Server::Linux::Component::InterfaceSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->{interfaces} = []; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + foreach (glob "/sys/class/net/*") { + my $name = $_; + next if ! -d $name; + $name =~ s/.*\///g; + my $tmpif = { + ifDescr => $name, + }; + push(@{$self->{interfaces}}, + Server::Linux::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface->new(%{$tmpif})); + } + } else { + foreach (glob "/sys/class/net/*") { + my $name = $_; + $name =~ s/.*\///g; + if ($self->opts->name) { + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + my $pattern = $self->opts->name; + if ($name !~ /$pattern/i) { + next; + } + } elsif (lc $name ne lc $self->opts->name) { + next; + } + } + *SAVEERR = *STDERR; + open ERR ,'>/dev/null'; + *STDERR = *ERR; + my $tmpif = { + ifDescr => $name, + ifSpeed => (-f "/sys/class/net/$name/speed" ? do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/speed"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x} * 1024*1024 : undef), + ifInOctets => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/rx_bytes"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + ifInDiscards => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/rx_dropped"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + ifInErrors => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/rx_errors"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + ifOutOctets => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/tx_bytes"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + ifOutDiscards => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/tx_dropped"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + ifOutErrors => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = "/sys/class/net/$name/statistics/tx_errors"; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x}, + }; + *STDERR = *SAVEERR; + foreach (keys %{$tmpif}) { + chomp($tmpif->{$_}) if defined $tmpif->{$_}; + } + if (defined $self->opts->ifspeed) { + $tmpif->{ifSpeed} = $self->opts->ifspeed * 1024*1024; + } + if (! defined $tmpif->{ifSpeed}) { + $self->add_unknown(sprintf "There is no /sys/class/net/%s/speed. Use --ifspeed", $name); + } else { + push(@{$self->{interfaces}}, + Server::Linux::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface->new(%{$tmpif})); + } + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking interfaces'); + if (scalar(@{$self->{interfaces}}) == 0) { + $self->add_unknown('no interfaces'); + return; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + foreach (sort {$a->{ifDescr} cmp $b->{ifDescr}} @{$self->{interfaces}}) { + $_->list(); + } + } else { + foreach (@{$self->{interfaces}}) { + $_->check(); + } + } +} + + +package Server::Linux::Component::InterfaceSubsystem::Interface; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + foreach (qw(ifSpeed ifInOctets ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifOutOctets ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors)) { + $self->{$_} = 0 if ! defined $self->{$_}; + } + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::traffic/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInOctets ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifOutOctets ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors)); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInOctets ifOutOctets)); + if ($self->{ifSpeed} == 0) { + # vlan graffl + $self->{inputUtilization} = 0; + $self->{outputUtilization} = 0; + } else { + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{ifSpeed}); + } + $self->{inputRate} = $self->{delta_ifInOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutOctets} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + my $factor = 1/8; # default Bits + if ($self->opts->units) { + if ($self->opts->units eq "GB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KB") { + $factor = 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "GBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KBi") { + $factor = 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "B") { + $factor = 1; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "Bit") { + $factor = 1/8; + } + } + $self->{inputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{outputRate} /= $factor; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::errors/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(ifInErrors ifOutErrors ifInDiscards ifOutDiscards)); + $self->{inputErrorRate} = $self->{delta_ifInErrors} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputErrorRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutErrors} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{inputDiscardRate} = $self->{delta_ifInDiscards} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputDiscardRate} = $self->{delta_ifOutDiscards} + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{inputRate} = ($self->{delta_ifInErrors} + $self->{delta_ifInDiscards}) + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputRate} = ($self->{delta_ifOutErrors} + $self->{delta_ifOutDiscards}) + / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::operstatus/) { + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::traffic/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s usage is in:%.2f%% (%s) out:%.2f%% (%s)', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{inputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits')), + $self->{outputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{outputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits'))); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds($self->{inputUtilization}); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds($self->{outputUtilization}); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + value => $self->{inputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + value => $self->{outputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_in', + value => $self->{inputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_out', + value => $self->{outputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::errors/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s errors in:%.2f/s out:%.2f/s '. + 'discards in:%.2f/s out:%.2f/s', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputErrorRate} , $self->{outputErrorRate}, + $self->{inputDiscardRate} , $self->{outputDiscardRate}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 1, critical => 10); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds($self->{inputRate}); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds($self->{outputRate}); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_errors_in', + value => $self->{inputErrorRate}, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_errors_out', + value => $self->{outputErrorRate}, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_discards_in', + value => $self->{inputDiscardRate}, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_discards_out', + value => $self->{outputDiscardRate}, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + } +} + +sub list { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s\n", $self->{ifDescr}; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2483ee --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::UCDMIB; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef63ea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +package Classes::UCDMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('UCD-SNMP-MIB', (qw( + ssCpuUser ssCpuSystem ssCpuIdle ssCpuRawUser ssCpuRawSystem ssCpuRawIdle ssCpuRawNice))); + $self->valdiff({name => 'cpu'}, qw(ssCpuRawUser ssCpuRawSystem ssCpuRawIdle ssCpuRawNice)); + my $cpu_total = $self->{delta_ssCpuRawUser} + $self->{delta_ssCpuRawSystem} + + $self->{delta_ssCpuRawIdle} + $self->{delta_ssCpuRawNice}; + if ($cpu_total == 0) { + $self->{cpu_usage} = 0; + } else { + $self->{cpu_usage} = (100 - ($self->{delta_ssCpuRawIdle} / $cpu_total) * 100); + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{cpu_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 50, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{cpu_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{cpu_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); +} + +sub unix_init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $type = 0; + $self->get_snmp_tables('UCD-SNMP-MIB', [ + ['loads', 'laTable', 'Classes::UCDMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load'], + ]); +} + +sub unix_check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking loads'); + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + +sub unix_dump { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{loads}}) { + $_->dump(); + } +} + + +package Classes::UCDMIB::Component::CpuSubsystem::Load; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem); +use strict; + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $errorfound = 0; + $self->add_info(sprintf '%s is %.2f', lc $self->{laNames}, $self->{laLoadFloat}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => $self->{laConfig}, + critical => $self->{laConfig}); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{laLoadFloat})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => lc $self->{laNames}, + value => $self->{laLoadFloat}, + ); +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46980e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package Classes::UCDMIB::Component::MemSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + $self->get_snmp_objects('UCD-SNMP-MIB', (qw( + memTotalSwap memAvailSwap memTotalReal memAvailReal memTotalFree))); + # https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB73175 + $self->{mem_usage} = ($self->{memTotalReal} - $self->{memTotalFree}) / + $self->{memTotalReal} * 100; + $self->{mem_usage} = $self->{memAvailReal} * 100 / $self->{memTotalReal}; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + if (defined $self->{mem_usage}) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', + $self->{mem_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, + critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{mem_usage})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{mem_usage}, + uom => '%', + ); + } else { + $self->add_unknown('cannot aquire memory usage'); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eacc275 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package Classes::UPNP; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::Device); +use strict; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1f8f4a --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package Classes::UPNP::AVM; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::UPNP); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->{productname} =~ /7390/) { + bless $self, 'Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390'; + $self->debug('using Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390'); + } else { + $self->no_such_model(); + } + if (ref($self) ne "Classes::UPNP::AVM") { + $self->init(); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e5795 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +package Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::UPNP::AVM); +use strict; + +{ + our $sid = undef; +} + +sub sid : lvalue { + my $self = shift; + $Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::sid; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + foreach my $module (qw(HTML::TreeBuilder LWP::UserAgent Encode Digest::MD5 JSON)) { + if (! eval "require $module") { + $self->add_unknown("could not find $module module"); + } + } + $self->login(); + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + if ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::health/) { + $self->analyze_environmental_subsystem(); + $self->check_environmental_subsystem(); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::load/) { + $self->analyze_cpu_subsystem(); + $self->check_cpu_subsystem(); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::hardware::memory/) { + $self->analyze_mem_subsystem(); + $self->check_mem_subsystem(); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_interface_subsystem("Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::InterfaceSubsystem"); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::smarthome/) { + $self->analyze_and_check_smarthome_subsystem("Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::SmartHomeSubsystem"); + } else { + $self->logout(); + $self->no_such_mode(); + } + } + $self->logout(); +} + +sub login { + my $self = shift; + my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; + my $loginurl = sprintf "http://%s/login_sid.lua", $self->opts->hostname; + my $resp = $ua->get($loginurl); + my $content = $resp->content(); + my $challenge = ($content =~ /(.*?)<\/Challenge>/ && $1); + my $input = $challenge . '-' . $self->opts->community; + Encode::from_to($input, 'ascii', 'utf16le'); + my $challengeresponse = $challenge . '-' . lc(Digest::MD5::md5_hex($input)); + $resp = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $loginurl); + $resp->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); + my $login = "response=$challengeresponse"; + if ($self->opts->username) { + $login .= "&username=" . $self->opts->username; + } + $resp->content($login); + my $loginresp = $ua->request($resp); + $content = $loginresp->content(); + $self->sid() = ($content =~ /(.*?)<\/SID>/ && $1); + if (! $loginresp->is_success() || ! $self->sid() || $self->sid() =~ /^0+$/) { + $self->add_critical($loginresp->status_line()); + } else { + $self->debug("logged in with sid ".$self->sid()); + } +} + +sub logout { + my $self = shift; + return if ! $self->sid(); + my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; + my $loginurl = sprintf "http://%s/login_sid.lua", $self->opts->hostname; + my $resp = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $loginurl); + $resp->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); + my $logout = "sid=".$self->sid()."&security:command/logout=1"; + $resp->content($logout); + my $logoutresp = $ua->request($resp); + $self->sid() = undef; + $self->debug("logged out"); +} + +sub DESTROY { + my $self = shift; + $self->logout(); +} + +sub http_get { + my $self = shift; + my $page = shift; + my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; + if ($page =~ /\?/) { + $page .= "&sid=".$self->sid(); + } else { + $page .= "?sid=".$self->sid(); + } + my $url = sprintf "http://%s/%s", $self->opts->hostname, $page; + $self->debug("http get ".$url); + my $resp = $ua->get($url); + if (! $resp->is_success()) { + $self->add_critical($resp->status_line()); + } else { + } + return $resp->content(); +} + +sub analyze_cpu_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + my $html = $self->http_get('system/ecostat.lua'); + if ($html =~ /uiSubmitLogin/) { + $self->add_critical("wrong login"); + $self->{cpu_usage} = 0; + } else { + my $cpu = (grep /StatCPU/, split(/\n/, $html))[0]; + my @cpu = ($cpu =~ /= "(.*?)"/ && split(/,/, $1)); + $self->{cpu_usage} = $cpu[0]; + } +} + +sub analyze_mem_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + my $html = $self->http_get('system/ecostat.lua'); + if ($html =~ /uiSubmitLogin/) { + $self->add_critical("wrong login"); + $self->{ram_used} = 0; + } else { + my $ramcacheused = (grep /StatRAMCacheUsed/, split(/\n/, $html))[0]; + my @ramcacheused = ($ramcacheused =~ /= "(.*?)"/ && split(/,/, $1)); + $self->{ram_cache_used} = $ramcacheused[0]; + my $ramphysfree = (grep /StatRAMPhysFree/, split(/\n/, $html))[0]; + my @ramphysfree = ($ramphysfree =~ /= "(.*?)"/ && split(/,/, $1)); + $self->{ram_phys_free} = $ramphysfree[0]; + my $ramstrictlyused = (grep /StatRAMStrictlyUsed/, split(/\n/, $html))[0]; + my @ramstrictlyused = ($ramstrictlyused =~ /= "(.*?)"/ && split(/,/, $1)); + $self->{ram_strictly_used} = $ramstrictlyused[0]; + $self->{ram_used} = $self->{ram_strictly_used} + $self->{ram_cache_used}; + } +} + +sub check_cpu_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking cpus'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'cpu usage is %.2f%%', $self->{cpu_usage}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 40, critical => 60); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{cpu_usage}), $self->{info}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'cpu_usage', + value => $self->{cpu_usage}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); +} + +sub check_mem_subsystem { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking memory'); + $self->add_info(sprintf 'memory usage is %.2f%%', $self->{ram_used}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{ram_used}), $self->{info}); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'memory_usage', + value => $self->{ram_used}, + uom => '%', + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); +} + + + + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cbddcf --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +package Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::InterfaceSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(Classes::IFMIB::Component::InterfaceSubsystem); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces/) { + $self->{ifDescr} = "WAN"; + $self->{ExternalIPAddress} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANIPConn1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1') + -> GetExternalIPAddress() + -> result; + $self->{ConnectionStatus} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANIPConn1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1') + -> GetStatusInfo() + -> valueof("//GetStatusInfoResponse/NewConnectionStatus");; + $self->{PhysicalLinkStatus} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1') + -> GetCommonLinkProperties() + -> valueof("//GetCommonLinkPropertiesResponse/NewPhysicalLinkStatus"); + $self->{Layer1UpstreamMaxBitRate} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1') + -> GetCommonLinkProperties() + -> valueof("//GetCommonLinkPropertiesResponse/NewLayer1UpstreamMaxBitRate"); + $self->{Layer1DownstreamMaxBitRate} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1') + -> GetCommonLinkProperties() + -> valueof("//GetCommonLinkPropertiesResponse/NewLayer1DownstreamMaxBitRate"); + $self->{TotalBytesSent} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1') + -> GetTotalBytesSent() + -> result; + $self->{TotalBytesReceived} = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1') + -> GetTotalBytesReceived() + -> result; + + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->valdiff({name => $self->{ifDescr}}, qw(TotalBytesSent TotalBytesReceived)); + $self->{inputUtilization} = $self->{delta_TotalBytesReceived} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{Layer1DownstreamMaxBitRate}); + $self->{outputUtilization} = $self->{delta_TotalBytesSent} * 8 * 100 / + ($self->{delta_timestamp} * $self->{Layer1UpstreamMaxBitRate}); + $self->{inputRate} = $self->{delta_TotalBytesReceived} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + $self->{outputRate} = $self->{delta_TotalBytesSent} / $self->{delta_timestamp}; + my $factor = 1/8; # default Bits + if ($self->opts->units) { + if ($self->opts->units eq "GB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MB") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KB") { + $factor = 1024; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "GBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "MBi") { + $factor = 1024 * 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "KBi") { + $factor = 1024 / 8; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "B") { + $factor = 1; + } elsif ($self->opts->units eq "Bit") { + $factor = 1/8; + } + } + $self->{inputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{outputRate} /= $factor; + $self->{Layer1DownstreamMaxKBRate} = + ($self->{Layer1DownstreamMaxBitRate} / 8) / 1024; + $self->{Layer1UpstreamMaxKBRate} = + ($self->{Layer1UpstreamMaxBitRate} / 8) / 1024; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::operstatus/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + } else { + $self->no_such_mode(); + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_info('checking interfaces'); + if ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::usage/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s usage is in:%.2f%% (%s) out:%.2f%% (%s)', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{inputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{inputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits')), + $self->{outputUtilization}, + sprintf("%.2f%s/s", $self->{outputRate}, + ($self->opts->units ? $self->opts->units : 'Bits'))); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 80, critical => 90); + my $in = $self->check_thresholds($self->{inputUtilization}); + my $out = $self->check_thresholds($self->{outputUtilization}); + my $level = ($in > $out) ? $in : ($out > $in) ? $out : $in; + $self->add_message($level); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_in', + value => $self->{inputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_usage_out', + value => $self->{outputUtilization}, + uom => '%', + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_in', + value => $self->{inputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + thresholds => 0, + ); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => $self->{ifDescr}.'_traffic_out', + value => $self->{outputRate}, + uom => $self->opts->units, + thresholds => 0, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::operstatus/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'interface %s%s status is %s', + $self->{ifDescr}, + $self->{ExternalIPAddress} ? " (".$self->{ExternalIPAddress}.")" : "", + $self->{ConnectionStatus}); + if ($self->{ConnectionStatus} eq "Connected") { + $self->add_ok(); + } else { + $self->add_critical(); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::interfaces::list/) { + printf "%s\n", $self->{ifDescr}; + $self->add_ok("have fun"); + } +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e29a4ea --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +package Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::SmartHomeSubsystem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::Item Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390); +use strict; + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::list/) { + $self->update_device_cache(1); + foreach my $ain (keys %{$self->{device_cache}}) { + my $name = $self->{device_cache}->{$ain}->{name}; + printf "%02d %s\n", $ain, $name; + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device/) { + $self->update_device_cache(0); + my @indices = $self->get_device_indices(); + foreach my $ain (map {$_->[0]} @indices) { + my %tmp_dev = (ain => $ain, name => $self->{device_cache}->{$ain}->{name}); + push(@{$self->{smart_home_devices}}, + Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::SmartHomeSubsystem::Device->new(%tmp_dev)); + } + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + foreach (@{$self->{smart_home_devices}}) { + $_->check(); + } +} + +sub create_device_cache_file { + my $self = shift; + my $extension = ""; + if ($self->opts->community) { + $extension .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($self->opts->community); + } + $extension =~ s/\//_/g; + $extension =~ s/\(/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\)/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\*/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\s/_/g; + return sprintf "%s/%s_interface_cache_%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + $self->opts->hostname, lc $extension; +} + +sub update_device_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $force = shift; + my $statefile = $self->create_device_cache_file(); + my $update = time - 3600; + if ($force || ! -f $statefile || ((stat $statefile)[9]) < ($update)) { + $self->debug('force update of device cache'); + $self->{device_cache} = {}; + my $switchlist = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchlist'); + my @ains = split(",", $switchlist); + foreach my $ain (@ains) { + chomp $ain; + my $name = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchname&ain='.$ain); + chomp $name; + $self->{device_cache}->{$ain}->{name} = $name; + } + $self->save_device_cache(); + } + $self->load_device_cache(); +} + +sub save_device_cache { + my $self = shift; + $self->create_statefilesdir(); + my $statefile = $self->create_device_cache_file(); + my $tmpfile = $self->statefilesdir().'/check_nwc_health_tmp_'.$$; + my $fh = IO::File->new(); + $fh->open(">$tmpfile"); + $fh->print(Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{device_cache})); + $fh->flush(); + $fh->close(); + my $ren = rename $tmpfile, $statefile; + $self->debug(sprintf "saved %s to %s", + Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{device_cache}), $statefile); +} + +sub load_device_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $statefile = $self->create_device_cache_file(); + if ( -f $statefile) { + our $VAR1; + eval { + require $statefile; + }; + if($@) { + printf "rumms\n"; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "load %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1)); + $self->{device_cache} = $VAR1; + eval { + foreach (keys %{$self->{device_cache}}) { + /^\d+$/ || die "newrelease"; + } + }; + if($@) { + $self->{device_cache} = {}; + unlink $statefile; + delete $INC{$statefile}; + $self->update_device_cache(1); + } + } +} + +sub get_device_indices { + my $self = shift; + my @indices = (); + foreach my $id (keys %{$self->{device_cache}}) { + my $name = $self->{device_cache}->{$id}->{name}; + if ($self->opts->name) { + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + my $pattern = $self->opts->name; + if ($name =~ /$pattern/i) { + push(@indices, [$id]); + } + } else { + if ($self->opts->name =~ /^\d+$/) { + if ($id == 1 * $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, [1 * $self->opts->name]); + } + } else { + if (lc $name eq lc $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, [$id]); + } + } + } + } else { + push(@indices, [$id]); + } + } + return @indices; +} + + +package Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::SmartHomeSubsystem::Device; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem Classes::UPNP::AVM::FritzBox7390::Component::SmartHomeSubsystem); +use strict; + +sub finish { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::status/) { + $self->{connected} = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchpresent&ain='.$self->{ain}); + $self->{switched} = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchstate&ain='.$self->{ain}); + chomp $self->{connected}; + chomp $self->{switched}; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::energy/) { + eval { + $self->{last_watt} = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchpower&ain='.$self->{ain}); + $self->{last_watt} /= 1000; + }; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::consumption/) { + eval { + $self->{kwh} = $self->http_get('/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?switchcmd=getswitchenergy&ain='.$self->{ain}); + $self->{kwh} /= 1000; + }; + } +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::status/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf "device %s is %sconnected and switched %s", + $self->{name}, $self->{connected} ? "" : "not ", $self->{switched} ? "on" : "off"); + if (! $self->{connected} || ! $self->{switched}) { + $self->add_critical(); + } else { + $self->add_ok(sprintf "device %s ok", $self->{name}); + } + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::energy/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf "device %s consumes %.4f watts", + $self->{name}, $self->{last_watt}); + $self->set_thresholds( + warning => 80 / 100 * 220 * 10, + critical => 90 / 100 * 220 * 10); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{last_watt})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'watt', + value => $self->{last_watt}, + ); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /smarthome::device::consumption/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf "device %s consumed %.4f kwh", + $self->{name}, $self->{kwh}); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => 1000, critical => 1000); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{kwh})); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'kwh', + value => $self->{kwh}, + ); + } +} diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a3b67a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,1747 @@ +package GLPlugin; +use strict; +use IO::File; +use File::Basename; +use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); +use Errno; +use AutoLoader; +our $AUTOLOAD; + +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +{ + our $mode = undef; + our $plugin = undef; + our $pluginname = basename($0); + our $blacklist = undef; + our $info = []; + our $extendedinfo = []; + our $summary = []; + our $variables = {}; +} + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + $GLPlugin::plugin = GLPlugin::Commandline->new(%params); + return $self; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->can("blacklist") && $self->opts->blacklist && + -f $self->opts->blacklist) { + $self->opts->blacklist = do { + local (@ARGV, $/) = $self->opts->blacklist; <> }; + } +} + +sub dumper { + my $self = shift; + my $object = shift; + my $run = $object->{runtime}; + delete $object->{runtime}; + printf STDERR "%s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper($object); + $object->{runtime} = $run; +} + +sub no_such_mode { + my $self = shift; + printf "Mode %s is not implemented for this type of device\n", + $self->opts->mode; + exit 3; +} + +######################################################### +# framework-related. setup, options +# +sub add_modes { + my $self = shift; + my $modes = shift; + my $modestring = ""; + my @modes = @{$modes}; + my $longest = length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->[1] } @modes)[0]); + my $format = " %-". + (length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->[1] } @modes)[0])). + "s\t(%s)\n"; + foreach (@modes) { + $modestring .= sprintf $format, $_->[1], $_->[3]; + } + $modestring .= sprintf "\n"; + $GLPlugin::plugin->{modestring} = $modestring; +} + +sub add_arg { + my $self = shift; + my %args = @_; + if ($args{help} =~ /^--mode/) { + $args{help} .= "\n".$GLPlugin::plugin->{modestring}; + } + $GLPlugin::plugin->{opts}->add_arg(%args); +} + +sub add_mode { + my $self = shift; + my %args = @_; + push(@{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}}, \%args); + my $longest = length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->{spec} } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}})[0]); + my $format = " %-". + (length ((reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} map { $_->{spec} } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}})[0])). + "s\t(%s)\n"; + $GLPlugin::plugin->{modestring} = ""; + foreach (@{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}}) { + $GLPlugin::plugin->{modestring} .= sprintf $format, $_->{spec}, $_->{help}; + } + $GLPlugin::plugin->{modestring} .= "\n"; +} + +sub validate_args { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->mode =~ /^my-([^\-.]+)/) { + my $param = $self->opts->mode; + $param =~ s/\-/::/g; + $self->add_mode( + internal => $param, + spec => $self->opts->mode, + alias => undef, + help => 'my extension', + ); + } elsif ($self->opts->mode eq 'encode') { + my $input = <>; + chomp $input; + $input =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; + printf "%s\n", $input; + exit 0; + } elsif ((! grep { $self->opts->mode eq $_ } map { $_->{spec} } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}}) && + (! grep { $self->opts->mode eq $_ } map { defined $_->{alias} ? @{$_->{alias}} : () } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}})) { + printf "UNKNOWN - mode %s\n", $self->opts->mode; + $self->opts->print_help(); + exit 3; + } + if ($self->opts->name && $self->opts->name =~ /(%22)|(%27)/) { + my $name = $self->opts->name; + $name =~ s/\%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/seg; + $self->override_opt('name', $name); + } + $GLPlugin::mode = ( + map { $_->{internal} } + grep { + ($self->opts->mode eq $_->{spec}) || + ( defined $_->{alias} && grep { $self->opts->mode eq $_ } @{$_->{alias}}) + } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}} + )[0]; + if ($self->opts->multiline) { + $ENV{NRPE_MULTILINESUPPORT} = 1; + } else { + $ENV{NRPE_MULTILINESUPPORT} = 0; + } + if (! $self->opts->statefilesdir) { + if (exists $ENV{OMD_ROOT}) { + $self->override_opt('statefilesdir', $ENV{OMD_ROOT}."/var/tmp/".$GLPlugin::plugin->{name}); + } else { + $self->override_opt('statefilesdir', "/var/tmp/".$GLPlugin::plugin->{name}); + } + } + $GLPlugin::plugin->{statefilesdir} = $self->opts->statefilesdir; + if ($self->opts->can("warningx") && $self->opts->warningx) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$self->opts->warningx}) { + $self->set_thresholds(metric => $key, + warning => $self->opts->warningx->{$key}); + } + } + if ($self->opts->can("criticalx") && $self->opts->criticalx) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$self->opts->criticalx}) { + $self->set_thresholds(metric => $key, + critical => $self->opts->criticalx->{$key}); + } + } + $self->set_timeout_alarm() if ! $SIG{'ALRM'}; +} + +sub set_timeout_alarm { + my $self = shift; + $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { + printf "UNKNOWN - %s timed out after %d seconds\n", + $GLPlugin::plugin->{name}, $self->opts->timeout; + exit 3; + }; + alarm($self->opts->timeout); +} + +######################################################### +# global helpers +# +sub set_variable { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + my $value = shift; + $GLPlugin::variables->{$key} = $value; +} + +sub get_variable { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + my $fallback = shift; + return exists $GLPlugin::variables->{$key} ? + $GLPlugin::variables->{$key} : $fallback; +} + +sub debug { + my $self = shift; + my $format = shift; + my $tracefile = "/tmp/".$0.".trace"; + $self->{trace} = -f $tracefile ? 1 : 0; + if ($self->get_variable("verbose") && + $self->get_variable("verbose") > $self->get_variable("verbosity", 10)) { + printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); + printf($format, @_); + printf "\n"; + } + if ($self->{trace}) { + my $logfh = new IO::File; + $logfh->autoflush(1); + if ($logfh->open($tracefile, "a")) { + $logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); + $logfh->printf($format, @_); + $logfh->printf("\n"); + $logfh->close(); + } + } +} + +sub filter_namex { + my $self = shift; + my $opt = shift; + my $name = shift; + if ($opt) { + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + if ($name =~ /$opt/i) { + return 1; + } + } else { + if (lc $opt eq lc $name) { + return 1; + } + } + } else { + return 1; + } + return 0; +} + +sub filter_name { + my $self = shift; + my $name = shift; + return $self->filter_namex($self->opts->name, $name); +} + +sub filter_name2 { + my $self = shift; + my $name = shift; + return $self->filter_namex($self->opts->name2, $name); +} + +sub filter_name3 { + my $self = shift; + my $name = shift; + return $self->filter_namex($self->opts->name3, $name); +} + +sub version_is_minimum { + my $self = shift; + my $version = shift; + my $installed_version; + my $newer = 1; + if ($self->get_variable("version")) { + $installed_version = $self->get_variable("version"); + } elsif (exists $self->{version}) { + $installed_version = $self->{version}; + } else { + return 0; + } + my @v1 = map { $_ eq "x" ? 0 : $_ } split(/\./, $version); + my @v2 = split(/\./, $installed_version); + if (scalar(@v1) > scalar(@v2)) { + push(@v2, (0) x (scalar(@v1) - scalar(@v2))); + } elsif (scalar(@v2) > scalar(@v1)) { + push(@v1, (0) x (scalar(@v2) - scalar(@v1))); + } + foreach my $pos (0..$#v1) { + if ($v2[$pos] > $v1[$pos]) { + $newer = 1; + last; + } elsif ($v2[$pos] < $v1[$pos]) { + $newer = 0; + last; + } + } + return $newer; +} + +sub accentfree { + my $self = shift; + my $text = shift; + # thanks mycoyne who posted this accent-remove-algorithm + # http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Scripting/Perl/Q_23275533.html#a21234612 + my @transformed; + my %replace = ( + '9a' => 's', '9c' => 'oe', '9e' => 'z', '9f' => 'Y', 'c0' => 'A', 'c1' => 'A', + 'c2' => 'A', 'c3' => 'A', 'c4' => 'A', 'c5' => 'A', 'c6' => 'AE', 'c7' => 'C', + 'c8' => 'E', 'c9' => 'E', 'ca' => 'E', 'cb' => 'E', 'cc' => 'I', 'cd' => 'I', + 'ce' => 'I', 'cf' => 'I', 'd0' => 'D', 'd1' => 'N', 'd2' => 'O', 'd3' => 'O', + 'd4' => 'O', 'd5' => 'O', 'd6' => 'O', 'd8' => 'O', 'd9' => 'U', 'da' => 'U', + 'db' => 'U', 'dc' => 'U', 'dd' => 'Y', 'e0' => 'a', 'e1' => 'a', 'e2' => 'a', + 'e3' => 'a', 'e4' => 'a', 'e5' => 'a', 'e6' => 'ae', 'e7' => 'c', 'e8' => 'e', + 'e9' => 'e', 'ea' => 'e', 'eb' => 'e', 'ec' => 'i', 'ed' => 'i', 'ee' => 'i', + 'ef' => 'i', 'f0' => 'o', 'f1' => 'n', 'f2' => 'o', 'f3' => 'o', 'f4' => 'o', + 'f5' => 'o', 'f6' => 'o', 'f8' => 'o', 'f9' => 'u', 'fa' => 'u', 'fb' => 'u', + 'fc' => 'u', 'fd' => 'y', 'ff' => 'y', + ); + my @letters = split //, $text;; + for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#letters; $i++) { + my $hex = sprintf "%x", ord($letters[$i]); + $letters[$i] = $replace{$hex} if (exists $replace{$hex}); + } + push @transformed, @letters; + return join '', @transformed; +} + +sub dump { + my $self = shift; + my $class = ref($self); + $class =~ s/^.*:://; + if (exists $self->{flat_indices}) { + printf "[%s_%s]\n", uc $class, $self->{flat_indices}; + } else { + printf "[%s]\n", uc $class; + } + foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)/, sort keys %{$self}) { + printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $self->{$_} if defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) ne "ARRAY"; + } + if ($self->{info}) { + printf "info: %s\n", $self->{info}; + } + printf "\n"; + foreach (grep !/^(info|trace|warning|critical|blacklisted|extendedinfo|flat_indices|indices)/, sort keys %{$self}) { + if (defined $self->{$_} && ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { + foreach my $obj (@{$self->{$_}}) { + $obj->dump(); + } + } + } +} + +sub table_ascii { + my $self = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $titles = shift; + my $text = ""; + my $column_length = {}; + my $column = 0; + foreach (@{$titles}) { + $column_length->{$column++} = length($_); + } + foreach my $tr (@{$table}) { + @{$tr} = map { ref($_) eq "ARRAY" ? $_->[0] : $_; } @{$tr}; + $column = 0; + foreach my $td (@{$tr}) { + if (length($td) > $column_length->{$column}) { + $column_length->{$column} = length($td); + } + $column++; + } + } + $column = 0; + foreach (@{$titles}) { + $column_length->{$column} = "%".($column_length->{$column} + 3)."s"; + $column++; + } + $column = 0; + foreach (@{$titles}) { + $text .= sprintf $column_length->{$column++}, $_; + } + $text .= "\n"; + foreach my $tr (@{$table}) { + $column = 0; + foreach my $td (@{$tr}) { + $text .= sprintf $column_length->{$column++}, $td; + } + $text .= "\n"; + } + return $text; +} + +sub table_html { + my $self = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $titles = shift; + my $text = ""; + $text .= ""; + $text .= ""; + foreach (@{$titles}) { + $text .= sprintf "", $_; + } + $text .= ""; + foreach my $tr (@{$table}) { + $text .= ""; + foreach my $td (@{$tr}) { + my $class = "statusOK"; + if (ref($td) eq "ARRAY") { + $class = { + 0 => "statusOK", + 1 => "statusWARNING", + 2 => "statusCRITICAL", + 3 => "statusUNKNOWN", + }->{$td->[1]}; + $td = $td->[0]; + } + $text .= sprintf "", $class, $td; + } + $text .= ""; + } + $text .= "
"; + return $text; +} + +sub load_my_extension { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->mode =~ /^my-([^-.]+)/) { + my $class = $1; + my $loaderror = undef; + substr($class, 0, 1) = uc substr($class, 0, 1); + if (! $self->opts->get("with-mymodules-dyn-dir")) { + $self->override_opt("with-mymodules-dyn-dir", ""); + } + my $plugin_name = basename($0); + $plugin_name =~ /check_(.*?)_health/; + $plugin_name = "Check".uc(substr($1, 0, 1)).substr($1, 1)."Health"; + foreach my $libpath (split(":", $self->opts->get("with-mymodules-dyn-dir"))) { + foreach my $extmod (glob $libpath."/".$plugin_name."*.pm") { + my $stderrvar; + *SAVEERR = *STDERR; + open OUT ,'>',\$stderrvar; + *STDERR = *OUT; + eval { + $self->debug(sprintf "loading module %s", $extmod); + require $extmod; + }; + *STDERR = *SAVEERR; + if ($@) { + $loaderror = $extmod; + $self->debug(sprintf "failed loading module %s: %s", $extmod, $@); + } + } + } + my $original_class = ref($self); + my $original_init = $self->can("init"); + bless $self, "My$class"; + if ($self->isa("GLPlugin")) { + my $new_init = $self->can("init"); + if ($new_init == $original_init) { + $self->add_unknown( + sprintf "Class %s needs an init() method", ref($self)); + } else { + # now go back to check_*_health.pl where init() will be called + } + } else { + bless $self, $original_class; + $self->add_unknown( + sprintf "Class %s is not a subclass of GLPlugin%s", + "My$class", + $loaderror ? sprintf " (syntax error in %s?)", $loaderror : "" ); + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', '); + $self->nagios_exit($code, $message); + } + } +} + +######################################################### +# runtime methods +# +sub mode { + my $self = shift; + return $GLPlugin::mode; +} + +sub statefilesdir { + my $self = shift; + return $GLPlugin::plugin->{statefilesdir}; +} + +sub opts { # die beiden _nicht_ in AUTOLOAD schieben, das kracht! + my $self = shift; + return $GLPlugin::plugin->opts(); +} + +sub getopts { + my $self = shift; + my $envparams = shift || []; + $GLPlugin::plugin->getopts(); + # es kann sein, dass beim aufraeumen zum schluss als erstes objekt + # das $GLPlugin::plugin geloescht wird. in anderen destruktoren + # (insb. fuer dbi disconnect) steht dann $self->opts->verbose + # nicht mehr zur verfuegung bzw. $GLPlugin::plugin->opts ist undef. + $self->set_variable("verbose", $self->opts->verbose); + # + # die gueltigkeit von modes wird bereits hier geprueft und nicht danach + # in validate_args. (zwischen getopts und validate_args wird + # normalerweise classify aufgerufen, welches bereits eine verbindung + # zum endgeraet herstellt. bei falschem mode waere das eine verschwendung + # bzw. durch den exit3 ein evt. unsauberes beenden der verbindung. + if ((! grep { $self->opts->mode eq $_ } map { $_->{spec} } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}}) && + (! grep { $self->opts->mode eq $_ } map { defined $_->{alias} ? @{$_->{alias}} : () } @{$GLPlugin::plugin->{modes}})) { + printf "UNKNOWN - mode %s\n", $self->opts->mode; + $self->opts->print_help(); + exit 3; + } +} + +sub add_ok { + my $self = shift; + my $message = shift || $self->{info}; + $self->add_message(OK, $message); +} + +sub add_warning { + my $self = shift; + my $message = shift || $self->{info}; + $self->add_message(WARNING, $message); +} + +sub add_critical { + my $self = shift; + my $message = shift || $self->{info}; + $self->add_message(CRITICAL, $message); +} + +sub add_unknown { + my $self = shift; + my $message = shift || $self->{info}; + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, $message); +} + +sub add_message { + my $self = shift; + my $level = shift; + my $message = shift || $self->{info}; + $GLPlugin::plugin->add_message($level, $message) + unless $self->is_blacklisted(); + if (exists $self->{failed}) { + if ($level == UNKNOWN && $self->{failed} == OK) { + $self->{failed} = $level; + } elsif ($level > $self->{failed}) { + $self->{failed} = $level; + } + } +} + +sub clear_ok { + my $self = shift; + $self->clear_messages(OK); +} + +sub clear_warning { + my $self = shift; + $self->clear_messages(WARNING); +} + +sub clear_critical { + my $self = shift; + $self->clear_messages(CRITICAL); +} + +sub clear_unknown { + my $self = shift; + $self->clear_messages(UNKNOWN); +} + +sub clear_all { # deprecated, use clear_messages + my $self = shift; + $self->clear_ok(); + $self->clear_warning(); + $self->clear_critical(); + $self->clear_unknown(); +} + +sub set_level { + my $self = shift; + my $code = shift; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = lc $code; + if (! exists $self->{tmp_level}) { + $self->{tmp_level} = { + ok => 0, + warning => 0, + critical => 0, + unknown => 0, + }; + } + $self->{tmp_level}->{$code}++; +} + +sub get_level { + my $self = shift; + return OK if ! exists $self->{tmp_level}; + my $code = OK; + $code ||= CRITICAL if $self->{tmp_level}->{critical}; + $code ||= WARNING if $self->{tmp_level}->{warning}; + $code ||= UNKNOWN if $self->{tmp_level}->{unknown}; + return $code; +} + +######################################################### +# blacklisting +# +sub blacklist { + my $self = shift; + $self->{blacklisted} = 1; +} + +sub add_blacklist { + my $self = shift; + my $list = shift; + $GLPlugin::blacklist = join('/', + (split('/', $self->opts->blacklist), $list)); +} + +sub is_blacklisted { + my $self = shift; + if (! $self->opts->can("blacklist")) { + return 0; + } + if (! exists $self->{blacklisted}) { + $self->{blacklisted} = 0; + } + if (exists $self->{blacklisted} && $self->{blacklisted}) { + return $self->{blacklisted}; + } + # FAN:459,203/TEMP:102229/ENVSUBSYSTEM + # FAN_459,FAN_203,TEMP_102229,ENVSUBSYSTEM + if ($self->opts->blacklist =~ /_/) { + foreach my $bl_item (split(/,/, $self->opts->blacklist)) { + if ($bl_item eq $self->internal_name()) { + $self->{blacklisted} = 1; + } + } + } else { + foreach my $bl_items (split(/\//, $self->opts->blacklist)) { + if ($bl_items =~ /^(\w+):([\:\d\-,]+)$/) { + my $bl_type = $1; + my $bl_names = $2; + foreach my $bl_name (split(/,/, $bl_names)) { + if ($bl_type."_".$bl_name eq $self->internal_name()) { + $self->{blacklisted} = 1; + } + } + } elsif ($bl_items =~ /^(\w+)$/) { + if ($bl_items eq $self->internal_name()) { + $self->{blacklisted} = 1; + } + } + } + } + return $self->{blacklisted}; +} + +######################################################### +# additional info +# +sub add_info { + my $self = shift; + my $info = shift; + $info = $self->is_blacklisted() ? $info.' (blacklisted)' : $info; + $self->{info} = $info; + push(@{$GLPlugin::info}, $info); +} + +sub annotate_info { # deprecated + my $self = shift; + my $annotation = shift; + my $lastinfo = pop(@{$GLPlugin::info}); + $lastinfo .= sprintf ' (%s)', $annotation; + push(@{$GLPlugin::info}, $lastinfo); +} + +sub add_extendedinfo { # deprecated + my $self = shift; + my $info = shift; + $self->{extendedinfo} = $info; + return if ! $self->opts->extendedinfo; + push(@{$GLPlugin::extendedinfo}, $info); +} + +sub get_info { + my $self = shift; + my $separator = shift || ' '; + return join($separator , @{$GLPlugin::info}); +} + +sub get_extendedinfo { + my $self = shift; + my $separator = shift || ' '; + return join($separator, @{$GLPlugin::extendedinfo}); +} + +sub add_summary { # deprecated + my $self = shift; + my $summary = shift; + push(@{$GLPlugin::summary}, $summary); +} + +sub get_summary { + my $self = shift; + return join(', ', @{$GLPlugin::summary}); +} + +######################################################### +# persistency +# +sub valdiff { + my $self = shift; + my $pparams = shift; + my %params = %{$pparams}; + my @keys = @_; + my $now = time; + my $newest_history_set = {}; + my $last_values = $self->load_state(%params) || eval { + my $empty_events = {}; + foreach (@keys) { + if (ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { + $empty_events->{$_} = []; + } else { + $empty_events->{$_} = 0; + } + } + $empty_events->{timestamp} = 0; + if ($self->opts->lookback) { + $empty_events->{lookback_history} = {}; + } + $empty_events; + }; + $self->{'delta_timestamp'} = $now - $last_values->{timestamp}; + foreach (@keys) { + if ($self->opts->lookback) { + # find a last_value in the history which fits lookback best + # and overwrite $last_values->{$_} with historic data + if (exists $last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}) { + foreach my $date (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}}) { + $newest_history_set->{$_} = $last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}->{$date}; + $newest_history_set->{timestamp} = $date; + } + foreach my $date (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}}) { + if ($date >= ($now - $self->opts->lookback)) { + $last_values->{$_} = $last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}->{$date}; + $last_values->{timestamp} = $date; + last; + } else { + delete $last_values->{lookback_history}->{$_}->{$date}; + } + } + } + } + if ($self->{$_} =~ /^\d+$/) { + $last_values->{$_} = 0 if ! exists $last_values->{$_}; + if ($self->{$_} >= $last_values->{$_}) { + $self->{'delta_'.$_} = $self->{$_} - $last_values->{$_}; + } else { + # vermutlich db restart und zaehler alle auf null + $self->{'delta_'.$_} = $self->{$_}; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "delta_%s %f", $_, $self->{'delta_'.$_}); + $self->{$_.'_per_sec'} = $self->{'delta_timestamp'} ? + $self->{'delta_'.$_} / $self->{'delta_timestamp'} : 0; + } elsif (ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { + if ((! exists $last_values->{$_} || ! defined $last_values->{$_}) && exists $params{lastarray}) { + # innerhalb der lookback-zeit wurde nichts in der lookback_history + # gefunden. allenfalls irgendwas aelteres. normalerweise + # wuerde jetzt das array als [] initialisiert. + # d.h. es wuerde ein delta geben, @found s.u. + # wenn man das nicht will, sondern einfach aktuelles array mit + # dem array des letzten laufs vergleichen will, setzt man lastarray + $last_values->{$_} = %{$newest_history_set} ? + $newest_history_set->{$_} : [] + } elsif ((! exists $last_values->{$_} || ! defined $last_values->{$_}) && ! exists $params{lastarray}) { + $last_values->{$_} = [] if ! exists $last_values->{$_}; + } elsif (exists $last_values->{$_} && ! defined $last_values->{$_}) { + # $_ kann es auch ausserhalb des lookback_history-keys als normalen + # key geben. der zeigt normalerweise auf den entspr. letzten + # lookback_history eintrag. wurde der wegen ueberalterung abgeschnitten + # ist der hier auch undef. + $last_values->{$_} = %{$newest_history_set} ? + $newest_history_set->{$_} : [] + } + my %saved = map { $_ => 1 } @{$last_values->{$_}}; + my %current = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{$_}}; + my @found = grep(!defined $saved{$_}, @{$self->{$_}}); + my @lost = grep(!defined $current{$_}, @{$last_values->{$_}}); + $self->{'delta_found_'.$_} = \@found; + $self->{'delta_lost_'.$_} = \@lost; + } + } + $params{save} = eval { + my $empty_events = {}; + foreach (@keys) { + $empty_events->{$_} = $self->{$_}; + } + $empty_events->{timestamp} = $now; + if ($self->opts->lookback) { + $empty_events->{lookback_history} = $last_values->{lookback_history}; + foreach (@keys) { + $empty_events->{lookback_history}->{$_}->{$now} = $self->{$_}; + } + } + $empty_events; + }; + $self->save_state(%params); +} + +sub create_statefilesdir { + my $self = shift; + if (! -d $self->statefilesdir()) { + eval { + use File::Path; + mkpath $self->statefilesdir(); + }; + if ($@ || ! -w $self->statefilesdir()) { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + sprintf "cannot create status dir %s! check your filesystem (permissions/usage/integrity) and disk devices", $self->statefilesdir()); + } + } elsif (! -w $self->statefilesdir()) { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + sprintf "cannot write status dir %s! check your filesystem (permissions/usage/integrity) and disk devices", $self->statefilesdir()); + } +} + +sub create_statefile { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $extension = ""; + $extension .= $params{name} ? '_'.$params{name} : ''; + $extension =~ s/\//_/g; + $extension =~ s/\(/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\)/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\*/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\s/_/g; + return sprintf "%s/%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + $self->opts->mode, lc $extension; +} + +sub schimpf { + my $self = shift; + printf "statefilesdir %s is not writable.\nYou didn't run this plugin as root, didn't you?\n", $self->statefilesdir(); +} + +# $self->protect_value('1.1-flat_index', 'cpu_busy', 'percent'); +sub protect_value { + my $self = shift; + my $ident = shift; + my $key = shift; + my $validfunc = shift; + if (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "percent") { + $validfunc = sub { + my $value = shift; + return ($value < 0 || $value > 100) ? 0 : 1; + }; + } elsif (ref($validfunc) ne "CODE" && $validfunc eq "positive") { + $validfunc = sub { + my $value = shift; + return ($value < 0) ? 0 : 1; + }; + } + if (&$validfunc($self->{$key})) { + $self->save_state(name => 'protect_'.$ident.'_'.$key, save => { + $key => $self->{$key}, + exception => 0, + }); + } else { + # if the device gives us an clearly wrong value, simply use the last value. + my $laststate = $self->load_state(name => 'protect_'.$ident.'_'.$key); + $self->debug(sprintf "self->{%s} is %s and invalid for the %dth time", + $key, $self->{$key}, $laststate->{exception} + 1); + if ($laststate->{exception} <= 5) { + # but only 5 times. + # if the error persists, somebody has to check the device. + $self->{$key} = $laststate->{$key}; + } + $self->save_state(name => 'protect_'.$ident.'_'.$key, save => { + $key => $laststate->{$key}, + exception => $laststate->{exception}++, + }); + } +} + +sub save_state { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->create_statefilesdir(); + my $statefile = $self->create_statefile(%params); + my $tmpfile = $self->statefilesdir().'/check__health_tmp_'.$$; + if ((ref($params{save}) eq "HASH") && exists $params{save}->{timestamp}) { + $params{save}->{localtime} = scalar localtime $params{save}->{timestamp}; + } + my $seekfh = new IO::File; + if ($seekfh->open($tmpfile, "w")) { + $seekfh->printf("%s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($params{save})); + $seekfh->flush(); + $seekfh->close(); + $self->debug(sprintf "saved %s to %s", + Data::Dumper::Dumper($params{save}), $statefile); + } + if (! rename $tmpfile, $statefile) { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + sprintf "cannot write status file %s! check your filesystem (permissions/usage/integrity) and disk devices", $statefile); + } +} + +sub load_state { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $statefile = $self->create_statefile(%params); + if ( -f $statefile) { + our $VAR1; + eval { + require $statefile; + }; + if($@) { + printf "rumms\n"; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "load %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1)); + return $VAR1; + } else { + return undef; + } +} + +######################################################### +# daemon mode +# +sub check_pidfile { + my $self = shift; + my $fh = new IO::File; + if ($fh->open($self->{pidfile}, "r")) { + my $pid = $fh->getline(); + $fh->close(); + if (! $pid) { + $self->debug("Found pidfile %s with no valid pid. Exiting.", + $self->{pidfile}); + return 0; + } else { + $self->debug("Found pidfile %s with pid %d", $self->{pidfile}, $pid); + kill 0, $pid; + if ($! == Errno::ESRCH) { + $self->debug("This pidfile is stale. Writing a new one"); + $self->write_pidfile(); + return 1; + } else { + $self->debug("This pidfile is held by a running process. Exiting"); + return 0; + } + } + } else { + $self->debug("Found no pidfile. Writing a new one"); + $self->write_pidfile(); + return 1; + } +} + +sub write_pidfile { + my $self = shift; + if (! -d dirname($self->{pidfile})) { + eval "require File::Path;"; + if (defined(&File::Path::mkpath)) { + import File::Path; + eval { mkpath(dirname($self->{pidfile})); }; + } else { + my @dirs = (); + map { + push @dirs, $_; + mkdir(join('/', @dirs)) + if join('/', @dirs) && ! -d join('/', @dirs); + } split(/\//, dirname($self->{pidfile})); + } + } + my $fh = new IO::File; + $fh->autoflush(1); + if ($fh->open($self->{pidfile}, "w")) { + $fh->printf("%s", $$); + $fh->close(); + } else { + $self->debug("Could not write pidfile %s", $self->{pidfile}); + die "pid file could not be written"; + } +} + +sub AUTOLOAD { + my $self = shift; + return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY/); + $self->debug("AUTOLOAD %s\n", $AUTOLOAD) + if $self->opts->verbose >= 2; + if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::analyze_and_check_(.*)_subsystem$/) { + my $class = $1; + my $subsystem = $2; + my $analyze = sprintf "analyze_%s_subsystem", $subsystem; + my $check = sprintf "check_%s_subsystem", $subsystem; + my @params = @_; + if (@params) { + # analyzer class + my $subsystem_class = shift @params; + $self->{components}->{$subsystem.'_subsystem'} = $subsystem_class->new(); + $self->debug(sprintf "\$self->{components}->{%s_subsystem} = %s->new()", + $subsystem, $subsystem_class); + } else { + $self->$analyze(); + $self->debug("call %s()", $analyze); + } + $self->$check(); + } elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::check_(.*)_subsystem$/) { + my $class = $1; + my $subsystem = sprintf "%s_subsystem", $2; + $self->{components}->{$subsystem}->check(); + $self->{components}->{$subsystem}->dump() + if $self->opts->verbose >= 2; + } elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(status_code|check_messages|nagios_exit|html_string|perfdata_string|selected_perfdata|check_thresholds|get_thresholds|opts)$/) { + return $GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@_); + } elsif ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(clear_messages|suppress_messages|add_html|add_perfdata|override_opt|create_opt|set_thresholds|force_thresholds)$/) { + $GLPlugin::plugin->$1(@_); + } else { + $self->debug("AUTOLOAD: class %s has no method %s\n", + ref($self), $AUTOLOAD); + } +} + + +package GLPlugin::Commandline; +use strict; +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3, DEPENDENT => 4 }; +our %ERRORS = ( + 'OK' => OK, + 'WARNING' => WARNING, + 'CRITICAL' => CRITICAL, + 'UNKNOWN' => UNKNOWN, + 'DEPENDENT' => DEPENDENT, +); + +our %STATUS_TEXT = reverse %ERRORS; + + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + perfdata => [], + messages => { + ok => [], + warning => [], + critical => [], + unknown => [], + }, + args => [], + opts => GLPlugin::Commandline::Getopt->new(%params), + modes => [], + statefilesdir => undef, + }; + foreach (qw(shortname usage version url plugin blurb extra + license timeout)) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + bless $self, $class; + $self->{name} = $self->{plugin}; + $GLPlugin::plugin = $self; +} + +sub AUTOLOAD { + my $self = shift; + return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY/); + $self->debug("AUTOLOAD %s\n", $AUTOLOAD) + if $self->{opts}->verbose >= 2; + if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::(add_arg|override_opt|create_opt)$/) { + $self->{opts}->$1(@_); + } +} + +sub DESTROY { + my $self = shift; + # ohne dieses DESTROY rennt nagios_exit in obiges AUTOLOAD rein + # und fliegt aufs Maul, weil {opts} bereits nicht mehr existiert. + # Unerklaerliches Verhalten. +} + +sub debug { + my $self = shift; + my $format = shift; + my $tracefile = "/tmp/".$0.".trace"; + $self->{trace} = -f $tracefile ? 1 : 0; + if ($self->opts->verbose && $self->opts->verbose > 10) { + printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); + printf($format, @_); + printf "\n"; + } + if ($self->{trace}) { + my $logfh = new IO::File; + $logfh->autoflush(1); + if ($logfh->open($tracefile, "a")) { + $logfh->printf("%s: ", scalar localtime); + $logfh->printf($format, @_); + $logfh->printf("\n"); + $logfh->close(); + } + } +} + +sub opts { + my $self = shift; + return $self->{opts}; +} + +sub getopts { + my $self = shift; + $self->opts->getopts(); +} + +sub add_message { + my $self = shift; + my ($code, @messages) = @_; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = lc $code; + push @{$self->{messages}->{$code}}, @messages; +} + +sub selected_perfdata { + my $self = shift; + my $label = shift; + if ($self->opts->can("selectedperfdata") && $self->opts->selectedperfdata) { + my $pattern = $self->opts->selectedperfdata; + return ($label =~ /$pattern/i) ? 1 : 0; + } else { + return 1; + } +} + +sub add_perfdata { + my ($self, %args) = @_; +#printf "add_perfdata %s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%args); +#printf "add_perfdata %s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{thresholds}); +# +# wenn warning, critical, dann wird von oben ein expliziter wert mitgegeben +# wenn thresholds +# wenn label in +# warningx $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{warning} existiert +# dann nimm $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{warning} +# ansonsten thresholds->default->warning +# + + my $label = $args{label}; + my $value = $args{value}; + my $uom = $args{uom} || ""; + my $format = '%d'; + if ($value =~ /\./) { + if (defined $args{places}) { + $value = sprintf '%.'.$args{places}.'f', $value; + } else { + $value = sprintf "%.2f", $value; + } + } else { + $value = sprintf "%d", $value; + } + my $warn = ""; + my $crit = ""; + my $min = defined $args{min} ? $args{min} : ""; + my $max = defined $args{max} ? $args{max} : ""; + if ($args{thresholds} || (! exists $args{warning} && ! exists $args{critical})) { + if (exists $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{warning}) { + $warn = $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{warning}; + } elsif (exists $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}) { + $warn = $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}; + } + if (exists $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{critical}) { + $crit = $self->{thresholds}->{$label}->{critical}; + } elsif (exists $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}) { + $crit = $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}; + } + } else { + if ($args{warning}) { + $warn = $args{warning}; + } + if ($args{critical}) { + $crit = $args{critical}; + } + } + if ($uom eq "%") { + $min = 0; + $max = 100; + } + if (defined $args{places}) { + # cut off excessive decimals which may be the result of a division + # length = places*2, no trailing zeroes + if ($warn ne "") { + $warn = join("", map { + s/\.0+$//; $_ + } map { + s/(\.[1-9]+)0+$/$1/; $_ + } map { + /[\+\-\d\.]+/ ? sprintf '%.'.2*$args{places}.'f', $_ : $_; + } split(/([\+\-\d\.]+)/, $warn)); + } + if ($crit ne "") { + $crit = join("", map { + s/\.0+$//; $_ + } map { + s/(\.[1-9]+)0+$/$1/; $_ + } map { + /[\+\-\d\.]+/ ? sprintf '%.'.2*$args{places}.'f', $_ : $_; + } split(/([\+\-\d\.]+)/, $crit)); + } + if ($min ne "") { + $min = join("", map { + s/\.0+$//; $_ + } map { + s/(\.[1-9]+)0+$/$1/; $_ + } map { + /[\+\-\d\.]+/ ? sprintf '%.'.2*$args{places}.'f', $_ : $_; + } split(/([\+\-\d\.]+)/, $min)); + } + if ($max ne "") { + $max = join("", map { + s/\.0+$//; $_ + } map { + s/(\.[1-9]+)0+$/$1/; $_ + } map { + /[\+\-\d\.]+/ ? sprintf '%.'.2*$args{places}.'f', $_ : $_; + } split(/([\+\-\d\.]+)/, $max)); + } + } + push @{$self->{perfdata}}, sprintf("'%s'=%s%s;%s;%s;%s;%s", + $label, $value, $uom, $warn, $crit, $min, $max) + if $self->selected_perfdata($label); +} + +sub add_html { + my $self = shift; + my $line = shift; + push @{$self->{html}}, $line; +} + +sub suppress_messages { + my $self = shift; + $self->{suppress_messages} = 1; +} + +sub clear_messages { + my $self = shift; + my $code = shift; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = lc $code; + $self->{messages}->{$code} = []; +} + +sub check_messages { + my $self = shift; + my %args = @_; + + # Add object messages to any passed in as args + for my $code (qw(critical warning unknown ok)) { + my $messages = $self->{messages}->{$code} || []; + if ($args{$code}) { + unless (ref $args{$code} eq 'ARRAY') { + if ($code eq 'ok') { + $args{$code} = [ $args{$code} ]; + } + } + push @{$args{$code}}, @$messages; + } else { + $args{$code} = $messages; + } + } + my %arg = %args; + $arg{join} = ' ' unless defined $arg{join}; + + # Decide $code + my $code = OK; + $code ||= CRITICAL if @{$arg{critical}}; + $code ||= WARNING if @{$arg{warning}}; + $code ||= UNKNOWN if @{$arg{unknown}}; + return $code unless wantarray; + + # Compose message + my $message = ''; + if ($arg{join_all}) { + $message = join( $arg{join_all}, + map { @$_ ? join( $arg{'join'}, @$_) : () } + $arg{critical}, + $arg{warning}, + $arg{unknown}, + $arg{ok} ? (ref $arg{ok} ? $arg{ok} : [ $arg{ok} ]) : [] + ); + } + + else { + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{critical}} ) + if $code == CRITICAL; + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{warning}} ) + if $code == WARNING; + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{unknown}} ) + if $code == UNKNOWN; + $message ||= ref $arg{ok} ? join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{ok}} ) : $arg{ok} + if $arg{ok}; + } + + return ($code, $message); +} + +sub status_code { + my $self = shift; + my $code = shift; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = uc $code; + $code = $ERRORS{$code} if defined $code && exists $ERRORS{$code}; + $code = UNKNOWN unless defined $code && exists $STATUS_TEXT{$code}; + return "$STATUS_TEXT{$code}"; +} + +sub perfdata_string { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) { + return join(" ", @{$self->{perfdata}}); + } else { + return ""; + } +} + +sub html_string { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar (@{$self->{html}})) { + return join(" ", @{$self->{html}}); + } else { + return ""; + } +} + +sub nagios_exit { + my $self = shift; + my ($code, $message, $arg) = @_; + $code = $ERRORS{$code} if defined $code && exists $ERRORS{$code}; + $code = UNKNOWN unless defined $code && exists $STATUS_TEXT{$code}; + $message = '' unless defined $message; + if (ref $message && ref $message eq 'ARRAY') { + $message = join(' ', map { chomp; $_ } @$message); + } else { + chomp $message; + } + if ($self->opts->negate) { + foreach my $from (keys %{$self->opts->negate}) { + if ((uc $from) =~ /^(OK|WARNING|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN)$/ && + (uc $self->opts->negate->{$from}) =~ /^(OK|WARNING|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN)$/) { + if ($code == $ERRORS{uc $from}) { + $code = $ERRORS{uc $self->opts->negate->{$from}}; + } + } + } + } + my $output = "$STATUS_TEXT{$code}"; + $output .= " - $message" if defined $message && $message ne ''; + if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) { + $output .= " | ".$self->perfdata_string(); + } + $output .= "\n"; + if (! exists $self->{suppress_messages}) { + print $output; + } + exit $code; +} + +sub set_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + if (exists $params{metric}) { + my $metric = $params{metric}; + # erst die hartcodierten defaultschwellwerte + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} = $params{warning}; + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} = $params{critical}; + # dann die defaultschwellwerte von der kommandozeile + if (defined $self->opts->warning) { + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} = $self->opts->warning; + } + if (defined $self->opts->critical) { + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} = $self->opts->critical; + } + # dann die ganz spezifischen schwellwerte von der kommandozeile + if ($self->opts->warningx) { # muss nicht auf defined geprueft werden, weils ein hash ist + foreach my $key (keys %{$self->opts->warningx}) { + next if $key ne $metric; + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} = $self->opts->warningx->{$key}; + } + } + if ($self->opts->criticalx) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$self->opts->criticalx}) { + next if $key ne $metric; + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} = $self->opts->criticalx->{$key}; + } + } + } else { + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning} = + defined $self->opts->warning ? $self->opts->warning : defined $params{warning} ? $params{warning} : 0; + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical} = + defined $self->opts->critical ? $self->opts->critical : defined $params{critical} ? $params{critical} : 0; + } +} + +sub force_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + if (exists $params{metric}) { + my $metric = $params{metric}; + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} = $params{warning} || 0; + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} = $params{critical} || 0; + } else { + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning} = $params{warning} || 0; + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical} = $params{critical} || 0; + } +} + +sub get_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my @params = @_; + if (scalar(@params) > 1) { + my %params = @params; + my $metric = $params{metric}; + return ($self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning}, + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical}); + } else { + return ($self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}, + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}); + } +} + +sub check_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my @params = @_; + my $level = $ERRORS{OK}; + my $warningrange; + my $criticalrange; + my $value; + if (scalar(@params) > 1) { + my %params = @params; + $value = $params{value}; + my $metric = $params{metric}; + if ($metric ne 'default') { + $warningrange = exists $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} ? + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{warning} : + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}; + $criticalrange = exists $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} ? + $self->{thresholds}->{$metric}->{critical} : + $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}; + } else { + $warningrange = (defined $params{warning}) ? + $params{warning} : $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}; + $criticalrange = (defined $params{critical}) ? + $params{critical} : $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}; + } + } else { + $value = $params[0]; + $warningrange = $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{warning}; + $criticalrange = $self->{thresholds}->{default}->{critical}; + } + if ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = 10, warn if > 10 or < 0 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value > $1 || $value < 0); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):$/) { + # warning = 10:, warn if < 10 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value < $1); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^~:([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = ~:10, warn if > 10 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value > $1); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = 10:20, warn if < 10 or > 20 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value < $1 || $value > $2); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^@([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = @10:20, warn if >= 10 and <= 20 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value >= $1 && $value <= $2); + } + if ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = 10, crit if > 10 or < 0 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value > $1 || $value < 0); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):$/) { + # critical = 10:, crit if < 10 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value < $1); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^~:([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = ~:10, crit if > 10 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value > $1); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = 10:20, crit if < 10 or > 20 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value < $1 || $value > $2); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^@([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = @10:20, crit if >= 10 and <= 20 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value >= $1 && $value <= $2); + } + return $level; +} + + +package GLPlugin::Commandline::Getopt; +use strict; +use File::Basename; +use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); + +# Standard defaults +my %DEFAULT = ( + timeout => 15, + verbose => 0, + license => +"This monitoring plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. +It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU +General Public Licence (see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt).", +); +# Standard arguments +my @ARGS = ({ + spec => 'usage|?', + help => "-?, --usage\n Print usage information", + }, { + spec => 'help|h', + help => "-h, --help\n Print detailed help screen", + }, { + spec => 'version|V', + help => "-V, --version\n Print version information", + }, { + #spec => 'extra-opts:s@', + #help => "--extra-opts=[
[@]]\n Section and/or config_file from which to load extra options (may repeat)", + }, { + spec => 'timeout|t=i', + help => sprintf("-t, --timeout=INTEGER\n Seconds before plugin times out (default: %s)", $DEFAULT{timeout}), + default => $DEFAULT{timeout}, + }, { + spec => 'verbose|v+', + help => "-v, --verbose\n Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)", + default => $DEFAULT{verbose}, + }, +); +# Standard arguments we traditionally display last in the help output +my %DEFER_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw(timeout verbose); + +sub _init { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # Check params + my $plugin = basename($0); + #my %attr = validate( @_, { + my %attr = ( + usage => 1, + version => 0, + url => 0, + plugin => { default => $plugin }, + blurb => 0, + extra => 0, + 'extra-opts' => 0, + license => { default => $DEFAULT{license} }, + timeout => { default => $DEFAULT{timeout} }, + ); + + # Add attr to private _attr hash (except timeout) + $self->{timeout} = delete $attr{timeout}; + $self->{_attr} = { %attr }; + foreach (keys %{$self->{_attr}}) { + if (exists $params{$_}) { + $self->{_attr}->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } else { + $self->{_attr}->{$_} = $self->{_attr}->{$_}->{default} + if ref ($self->{_attr}->{$_}) eq 'HASH' && + exists $self->{_attr}->{$_}->{default}; + } + } + # Chomp _attr values + chomp foreach values %{$self->{_attr}}; + + # Setup initial args list + $self->{_args} = [ grep { exists $_->{spec} } @ARGS ]; + + $self +} + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my $self = bless {}, $class; + $self->_init(@_); +} + +sub add_arg { + my $self = shift; + my %arg = @_; + push (@{$self->{_args}}, \%arg); +} + +sub getopts { + my $self = shift; + my %commandline = (); + my @params = map { $_->{spec} } @{$self->{_args}}; + if (! GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) { + $self->print_help(); + exit 0; + } else { + no strict 'refs'; + no warnings 'redefine'; + do { $self->print_help(); exit 0; } if $commandline{help}; + do { $self->print_version(); exit 0 } if $commandline{version}; + do { $self->print_usage(); exit 3 } if $commandline{usage}; + foreach (map { $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; $1; } @{$self->{_args}}) { + my $field = $_; + *{"$field"} = sub { + return $self->{opts}->{$field}; + }; + } + foreach (map { $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; $1; } + grep { exists $_->{required} && $_->{required} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + do { $self->print_usage(); exit 0 } if ! exists $commandline{$_}; + } + foreach (grep { exists $_->{default} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; + my $spec = $1; + $self->{opts}->{$spec} = $_->{default}; + } + foreach (keys %commandline) { + $self->{opts}->{$_} = $commandline{$_}; + } + foreach (grep { exists $_->{env} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; + my $spec = $1; + if (exists $ENV{'NAGIOS__HOST'.$_->{env}}) { + $self->{opts}->{$spec} = $ENV{'NAGIOS__HOST'.$_->{env}}; + } + if (exists $ENV{'NAGIOS__SERVICE'.$_->{env}}) { + $self->{opts}->{$spec} = $ENV{'NAGIOS__SERVICE'.$_->{env}}; + } + } + foreach (grep { exists $_->{aliasfor} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + my $field = $_->{aliasfor}; + $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; + my $aliasfield = $1; + next if $self->{opts}->{$field}; + *{"$field"} = sub { + return $self->{opts}->{$aliasfield}; + }; + } + } +} + +sub create_opt { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + no strict 'refs'; + *{"$key"} = sub { + return $self->{opts}->{$key}; + }; +} + +sub override_opt { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + my $value = shift; + $self->{opts}->{$key} = $value; +} + +sub get { + my $self = shift; + my $opt = shift; + return $self->{opts}->{$opt}; +} + +sub print_help { + my $self = shift; + $self->print_version(); + printf "\n%s\n", $self->{_attr}->{license}; + printf "\n%s\n\n", $self->{_attr}->{blurb}; + $self->print_usage(); + foreach (@{$self->{_args}}) { + printf " %s\n", $_->{help}; + } + exit 0; +} + +sub print_usage { + my $self = shift; + printf $self->{_attr}->{usage}, $self->{_attr}->{plugin}; + print "\n"; +} + +sub print_version { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s %s", $self->{_attr}->{plugin}, $self->{_attr}->{version}; + printf " [%s]", $self->{_attr}->{url} if $self->{_attr}->{url}; + print "\n"; +} + +sub print_license { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s\n", $self->{_attr}->{license}; + print "\n"; +} + + +package GLPlugin::Item; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin); + +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + blacklisted => 0, + info => undef, + extendedinfo => undef, + }; + bless $self, $class; + $self->init(%params); + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + my $lists = shift; + my @lists = $lists ? @{$lists} : grep { ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY" } keys %{$self}; + foreach my $list (@lists) { + $self->add_info('checking '.$list); + foreach my $element (@{$self->{$list}}) { + $element->blacklist() if $self->is_blacklisted(); + $element->check(); + } + } +} + + +package GLPlugin::TableItem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::Item); + +use strict; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = {}; + bless $self, $class; + foreach (keys %params) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + if ($self->can("finish")) { + $self->finish(%params); + } + return $self; +} + +sub check { + my $self = shift; + # some tableitems are not checkable, they are only used to enhance other + # items (e.g. sensorthresholds enhance sensors) + # normal tableitems should have their own check-method +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e6b03c --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,2083 @@ +package GLPlugin::SNMP; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin); + +use strict; +use File::Basename; +use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); +use Data::Dumper; +use AutoLoader; +our $AUTOLOAD; + +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +{ + our $mode = undef; + our $plugin = undef; + our $blacklist = undef; + our $session = undef; + our $rawdata = {}; + our $tablecache = {}; + our $info = []; + our $extendedinfo = []; + our $summary = []; + our $oidtrace = []; + our $uptime = 0; +} + +sub v2tov3 { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->opts->community && $self->opts->community =~ /^snmpv3(.)(.+)/) { + my $separator = $1; + my ($authprotocol, $authpassword, $privprotocol, $privpassword, + $username, $contextengineid, $contextname) = split(/$separator/, $2); + $self->override_opt('authprotocol', $authprotocol) + if defined($authprotocol) && $authprotocol; + $self->override_opt('authpassword', $authpassword) + if defined($authpassword) && $authpassword; + $self->override_opt('privprotocol', $privprotocol) + if defined($privprotocol) && $privprotocol; + $self->override_opt('privpassword', $privpassword) + if defined($privpassword) && $privpassword; + $self->override_opt('username', $username) + if defined($username) && $username; + $self->override_opt('contextengineid', $contextengineid) + if defined($contextengineid) && $contextengineid; + $self->override_opt('contextname', $contextname) + if defined($contextname) && $contextname; + $self->override_opt('protocol', '3') ; + } + if (($self->opts->authpassword || $self->opts->authprotocol || + $self->opts->privpassword || $self->opts->privprotocol) && + ! $self->opts->protocol eq '3') { + $self->override_opt('protocol', '3') ; + } +} + +sub add_snmp_args { + my $self = shift; + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'port=i', + help => '--port + The SNMP port to use (default: 161)', + required => 0, + default => 161, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'domain=s', + help => '--domain + The transport domain to use (default: udp/ipv4, other possible values: udp6, udp/ipv6, tcp, tcp4, tcp/ipv4, tcp6, tcp/ipv6)', + required => 0, + default => 'udp', + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'protocol|P=s', + help => '--protocol + The SNMP protocol to use (default: 2c, other possibilities: 1,3)', + required => 0, + default => '2c', + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'community|C=s', + help => '--community + SNMP community of the server (SNMP v1/2 only)', + required => 0, + default => 'public', + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'username:s', + help => '--username + The securityName for the USM security model (SNMPv3 only)', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'authpassword:s', + help => '--authpassword + The authentication password for SNMPv3', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'authprotocol:s', + help => '--authprotocol + The authentication protocol for SNMPv3 (md5|sha)', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'privpassword:s', + help => '--privpassword + The password for authPriv security level', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'privprotocol=s', + help => '--privprotocol + The private protocol for SNMPv3 (des|aes|aes128|3des|3desde)', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'contextengineid=s', + help => '--contextengineid + The context engine id for SNMPv3 (10 to 64 hex characters)', + required => 0, + ); + $self->add_arg( + spec => 'contextname=s', + help => '--contextname + The context name for SNMPv3 (empty represents the "default" context)', + required => 0, + ); +} + +sub validate_args { + my $self = shift; + $self->SUPER::validate_args(); + if ($self->opts->mode eq 'walk') { + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname) { + if ($self->check_messages == CRITICAL) { + # gemecker vom super-validierer, der sicherstellt, dass die datei + # snmpwalk existiert. in diesem fall wird sie aber erst neu angelegt, + # also schnauze. + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages; + if ($message eq sprintf("file %s not found", $self->opts->snmpwalk)) { + $self->clear_critical; + } + } + # snmp agent wird abgefragt, die ergebnisse landen in einem file + # opts->snmpwalk ist der filename. da sich die ganzen get_snmp_table/object-aufrufe + # an das walkfile statt an den agenten halten wuerden, muss opts->snmpwalk geloescht + # werden. stattdessen wird opts->snmpdump als traeger des dateinamens mitgegeben. + # nur sinnvoll mit mode=walk + $self->create_opt('snmpdump'); + $self->override_opt('snmpdump', $self->opts->snmpwalk); + $self->override_opt('snmpwalk', undef); + } elsif (! $self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname && $self->opts->mode eq 'walk') { + # snmp agent wird abgefragt, die ergebnisse landen in einem file, dessen name + # nicht vorgegeben ist + $self->create_opt('snmpdump'); + } + } else { + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) { + # normaler aufruf, mode != walk, oid-quelle ist eine datei + $self->override_opt('hostname', 'snmpwalk.file'.md5_hex($self->opts->snmpwalk)) + } elsif ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname) { + # snmpwalk hat vorrang + $self->override_opt('hostname', undef); + } + } +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::walk/) { + my @trees = (); + my $name = $0; + $name =~ s/.*\///g; + $name = sprintf "/tmp/snmpwalk_%s_%s", $name, $self->opts->hostname; + if ($self->opts->oids) { + # create pid filename + # already running?;x + @trees = split(",", $self->opts->oids); + + } elsif ($self->can("trees")) { + @trees = $self->trees; + push(@trees, ""); + } else { + @trees = ("", ""); + } + if ($self->opts->snmpdump) { + $name = $self->opts->snmpdump; + } + if (defined $self->opts->offline) { + $self->{pidfile} = $name.".pid"; + if (! $self->check_pidfile()) { + $self->debug("Exiting because another walk is already running"); + printf STDERR "Exiting because another walk is already running\n"; + exit 3; + } + $self->write_pidfile(); + my $timedout = 0; + my $snmpwalkpid = 0; + $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { + $timedout = 1; + printf "UNKNOWN - %s timed out after %d seconds\n", + $GLPlugin::plugin->{name}, $self->opts->timeout; + kill 9, $snmpwalkpid; + }; + alarm($self->opts->timeout); + unlink $name.".partial"; + while (! $timedout && @trees) { + my $tree = shift @trees; + $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; + my $cmd = sprintf "snmpwalk -ObentU -v%s -c %s %s %s >> %s", + $self->opts->protocol, + $self->opts->community, + $self->opts->hostname, + $tree, $name.".partial"; + $self->debug($cmd); + $snmpwalkpid = fork; + if (not $snmpwalkpid) { + exec($cmd); + } else { + wait(); + } + } + rename $name.".partial", $name if ! $timedout; + -f $self->{pidfile} && unlink $self->{pidfile}; + if ($timedout) { + printf "CRITICAL - timeout. There are still %d snmpwalks left\n", scalar(@trees); + exit 3; + } else { + printf "OK - all requested oids are in %s\n", $name; + } + } else { + printf "rm -f %s\n", $name; + foreach (@trees) { + printf "snmpwalk -ObentU -v%s -c %s %s %s >> %s\n", + $self->opts->protocol, + $self->opts->community, + $self->opts->hostname, + $_, $name; + } + } + exit 0; + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::uptime/) { + $self->add_info(sprintf 'device is up since %s', + $self->human_timeticks($self->{uptime})); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '15:', critical => '5:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{uptime} / 60)); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'uptime', + value => $self->{uptime} / 60, + places => 0, + ); + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', '); + $GLPlugin::plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message); + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::supportedmibs/) { + our $mibdepot = []; + my $unknowns = {}; + my @outputlist = (); + %{$unknowns} = %{$self->rawdata}; + if ($self->opts->name && -f $self->opts->name) { + eval { require $self->opts->name }; + $self->add_critical($@) if $@; + } elsif ($self->opts->name && ! -f $self->opts->name) { + $self->add_unknown("where is --name mibdepotfile?"); + } + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ACCOUNTING-CONTROL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL2-LINE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL2-LINE-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-LINE-EXT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-LINE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'AGENTX-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'AGGREGATE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ALARM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'APPLETALK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPLICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPLICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-DLUR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-TRAP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ARC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BGP4-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BGP4-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BLDG-HVAC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'BRIDGE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BRIDGE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'CHARACTER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'CIRCUIT-IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'CLNS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'CLNS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'COFFEE-POT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'COPS-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'DECNET-PHIV-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIAL-CONTROL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIFFSERV-CONFIG-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIFFSERV-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIRECTORY-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-EVENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-PING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-PING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DLSW-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DNS-RESOLVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DNS-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-BPI-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-BPI2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-CABLE-DEVICE-NOTIFICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-SUBMGT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT12-IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT12-RPTR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT3-EPON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT3-OAM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'DPI20-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS0BUNDLE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS0-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS3-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS3-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DSA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DSMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EBN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EFM-CU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-STATE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-STATE-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ETHER-CHIPSET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FCIP-MGMT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FC-MGMT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'FDDI-SMT73-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Finisher-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FLOW-METER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FLOW-METER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRAME-RELAY-DTE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FR-ATM-PVC-SERVICE-IWF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FR-MFR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRSLD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-LSR-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-TC-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GSMP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-ALARM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-RMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HPR-IP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HPR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-CHARSET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-FINISHER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANAifType-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-PRINTER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'IBM-6611-APPN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-CAP-STACK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IFCP-MGMT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IGMP-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTEGRATED-SERVICES-GUARANTEED-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTEGRATED-SERVICES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTERFACETOPN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPATM-IPMC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPATM-IPMC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-FORWARD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-FORWARD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPMCAST-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPMROUTE-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPOA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPS-AUTH-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPSEC-SPD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-FLOW-LABEL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-ICMP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-MLD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-TCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-UDP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISCSI-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISDN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISIS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISNS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ITU-ALARM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Job-Monitoring-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'L2TP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LANGTAG-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LMP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LMP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MALLOC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MIDCOM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'MIOX25-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MIP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MOBILEIPV6-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Modem-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-FTN-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LC-ATM-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LC-FR-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-ATM-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-FRAME-RELAY-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-GENERIC-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-TC-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-TE-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MSDP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NAT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NHRP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OPT-IF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-TRAP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-TRAP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PARALLEL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'P-BRIDGE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PerfHist-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PerfHist-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-BSR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PINT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PKTC-IETF-MTA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PKTC-IETF-SIG-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'POLICY-BASED-MANAGEMENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'POWER-ETHERNET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-BRIDGE-NCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-IP-NCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-LCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-SEC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Printer-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Printer-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PTOPO-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-DYNAUTH-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RAQMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RAQMON-RDS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RDBMS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1066-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1156-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1158-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1213-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1229-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1230-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1231-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1232-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1233-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1243-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1248-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1252-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1253-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1269-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1271-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1284-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1285-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1286-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1289-phivMIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1304-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1315-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1316-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1317-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1318-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1353-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1354-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1381-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1382-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1389-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1398-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1406-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1407-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1414-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RIPv2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-RTP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-UNCOMPRESSED-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RS-232-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RSTP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RSVP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RTP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SCSI-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SCTP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SFLOW-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-COMMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-UA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SLAPM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SMUX-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-NAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-NAU-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-SDLC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-IEEE802-TM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USM-AES-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-M2M-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-PARTY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-USEC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SOURCE-ROUTING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SSPM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SYSAPPL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-CONFIG-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-LOCK-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FSPF-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-NAME-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-ROUTE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-RSCN-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-AUTHENTICATION-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-POLICY-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-SA-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-ZONING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-VIRTUAL-FABRIC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-ESTATS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'TCPIPX-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TE-LINK-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TIME-AGGREGATE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TN3270E-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TN3270E-RT-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-STATION-SR-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TPM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRIP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRIP-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TUNNEL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TUNNEL-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDPLITE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UPS-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'URI-TC-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-EXT-SCM-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VPN-TC-STD-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VRRP-MIB']); + push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'WWW-MIB']); + my $oids = $self->get_entries_by_walk(-varbindlist => [ + '', '', + ]); + foreach my $mibinfo (@{$mibdepot}) { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mibinfo->[3]} = $mibinfo->[0]; + } + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{'SNMP-MIB2'} = ""; + foreach my $mib (keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids}) { + if ($self->implements_mib($mib)) { + push(@outputlist, [$mib, $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}]); + $unknowns = {@{[map { + $_, $self->rawdata->{$_} + } grep { + substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) ne + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} || ( + substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} && + substr($_, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}), 1) ne ".") + } keys %{$unknowns}]}}; + } + } + my $toplevels = {}; + map { + /^(1\.3\.6\.1\.(2|4)\.1\.\d+\.\d+)\./; $toplevels->{$1} = 1; + } keys %{$unknowns}; + foreach (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$toplevels}) { + push(@outputlist, ["", $_]); + } + foreach (sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @outputlist) { + printf "implements %s %s\n", $_->[0], $_->[1]; + } + $self->add_ok("have fun"); + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', '); + $GLPlugin::plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message); + } +} + +sub check_snmp_and_model { + my $self = shift; + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{'MIB-II'} = { + sysDescr => '', + sysObjectID => '', + sysUpTime => '', + sysName => '', + }; + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB'} = { + snmpEngineID => '', + snmpEngineBoots => '', + snmpEngineTime => '', + snmpEngineMaxMessageSize => '', + }; + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk) { + my $response = {}; + if (! -f $self->opts->snmpwalk) { + $self->add_message(CRITICAL, + sprintf 'file %s not found', + $self->opts->snmpwalk); + } elsif (-x $self->opts->snmpwalk) { + my $cmd = sprintf "%s -ObentU -v%s -c%s %s 2>&1", + $self->opts->snmpwalk, + $self->opts->protocol, + $self->opts->community, + $self->opts->hostname; + open(WALK, "$cmd |"); + while () { + if (/^([\.\d]+) = .*?: (\-*\d+)/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\.\d]+) = .*?: "(.*?)"/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + $response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//; + } + } + close WALK; + } else { + if (defined $self->opts->offline && $self->opts->mode ne 'walk') { + if ((time - (stat($self->opts->snmpwalk))[9]) > $self->opts->offline) { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + sprintf 'snmpwalk file %s is too old', $self->opts->snmpwalk); + } + } + $self->opts->override_opt('hostname', 'walkhost') if $self->opts->mode ne 'walk'; + open(MESS, $self->opts->snmpwalk); + while() { + # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 6 + if (/^([\d\.]+) = .*?INTEGER: .*\((\-*\d+)\)/) { + # . = INTEGER: down(2) + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = .*?Opaque:.*?Float:.*?([\-\.\d]+)/) { + # . = Opaque: Float: 0.938965 + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = STRING:\s*$/) { + $response->{$1} = ""; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = Network Address: (.*)/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = Hex-STRING: (.*)/) { + $response->{$1} = "0x".$2; + $response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: (\-*\d+)/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: "(.*?)"/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + $response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: (.*)/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + $response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = (\-*\d+)/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + } elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = "(.*?)"/) { + $response->{$1} = $2; + $response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//; + } + } + close MESS; + } + foreach my $oid (keys %$response) { + if ($oid =~ /^\./) { + my $nodot = $oid; + $nodot =~ s/^\.//g; + $response->{$nodot} = $response->{$oid}; + delete $response->{$oid}; + } + } + map { $response->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $response->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; } + keys %$response; + $self->set_rawdata($response); + } else { + $self->set_timeout_alarm(); + if (eval "require Net::SNMP") { + my %params = (); + my $net_snmp_version = Net::SNMP->VERSION(); # 5.002000 or 6.000000 + $params{'-translate'} = [ # because we see "NULL" coming from socomec devices + -all => 0x0, + -nosuchobject => 1, + -nosuchinstance => 1, + -endofmibview => 1, + -unsigned => 1, + ]; + $params{'-hostname'} = $self->opts->hostname; + $params{'-version'} = $self->opts->protocol; + if ($self->opts->port) { + $params{'-port'} = $self->opts->port; + } + if ($self->opts->domain) { + $params{'-domain'} = $self->opts->domain; + } + $self->v2tov3; + if ($self->opts->protocol eq '3') { + $params{'-version'} = $self->opts->protocol; + $params{'-username'} = $self->opts->username; + if ($self->opts->authpassword) { + $params{'-authpassword'} = $self->opts->authpassword; + } + if ($self->opts->authprotocol) { + $params{'-authprotocol'} = $self->opts->authprotocol; + } + if ($self->opts->privpassword) { + $params{'-privpassword'} = $self->opts->privpassword; + } + if ($self->opts->privprotocol) { + $params{'-privprotocol'} = $self->opts->privprotocol; + } + # context hat in der session nix verloren, sondern wird + # als zusatzinfo bei den requests mitgeschickt + #if ($self->opts->contextengineid) { + # $params{'-contextengineid'} = $self->opts->contextengineid; + #} + #if ($self->opts->contextname) { + # $params{'-contextname'} = $self->opts->contextname; + #} + } else { + $params{'-community'} = $self->opts->community; + } + my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%params); + if (! defined $session) { + $self->add_message(CRITICAL, + sprintf 'cannot create session object: %s', $error); + $self->debug(Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + } else { + my $max_msg_size = $session->max_msg_size(); + $session->max_msg_size(4 * $max_msg_size); + $GLPlugin::SNMP::session = $session; + } + } else { + $self->add_message(CRITICAL, + 'could not find Net::SNMP module'); + } + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + my $tic = time; + my $sysUptime = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysUpTime', 0); + my $snmpEngineTime = $self->get_snmp_object('SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB', 'snmpEngineTime'); + my $sysDescr = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0); + my $tac = time; + if (defined $sysUptime && defined $sysDescr) { + # drecksschrott asa liefert negative werte + if (defined $snmpEngineTime && $snmpEngineTime > 0) { + $self->{uptime} = $snmpEngineTime; + } else { + $self->{uptime} = $self->timeticks($sysUptime); + } + $self->{productname} = $sysDescr; + $self->{sysobjectid} = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0); + $self->debug(sprintf 'uptime: %s', $self->{uptime}); + $self->debug(sprintf 'up since: %s', + scalar localtime (time - $self->{uptime})); + $GLPlugin::SNMP::uptime = $self->{uptime}; + $self->debug('whoami: '.$self->{productname}); + } else { + if ($tac - $tic >= $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->timeout) { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + 'could not contact snmp agent, timeout during snmp-get sysUptime'); + } else { + $self->add_message(CRITICAL, + 'got neither sysUptime nor sysDescr, is this snmp agent working correctly?'); + } + $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->close if $GLPlugin::SNMP::session; + } + } +} + +sub no_such_model { + my $self = shift; + printf "Model %s is not implemented\n", $self->{productname}; + exit 3; +} + +sub no_such_mode { + my $self = shift; + if (ref($self) eq "Classes::Generic") { + $self->init(); + } elsif (ref($self) eq "Classes::Device") { + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'the device did not implement the mibs this plugin is asking for'); + $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, + sprintf('unknown device%s', $self->{productname} eq 'unknown' ? + '' : '('.$self->{productname}.')')); + } elsif (ref($self) eq "GLPlugin::SNMP") { + # uptime, offline + $self->init(); + } else { + eval { + bless $self, "Classes::Generic"; + $self->init(); + }; + if ($@) { + bless $self, "GLPlugin::SNMP"; + $self->init(); + } + } + if (ref($self) eq "GLPlugin::SNMP") { + printf "Mode %s is not implemented for this type of device\n", + $self->opts->mode; + exit 3; + } +} + +sub uptime { + my $self = shift; + return $GLPlugin::SNMP::uptime; +} + +sub discover_suitable_class { + my $self = shift; + my $sysobj = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0); + if ($sysobj && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::discover_ids->{$sysobj}) { + return $GLPlugin::SNMP::discover_ids->{$sysobj}; + } +} + +sub implements_mib { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) { + return 0; + } + my $sysobj = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0); + $sysobj =~ s/^\.// if $sysobj; + if ($sysobj && $sysobj eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) { + $self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (sysobj exact)", $mib); + return 1; + } + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} eq + substr $sysobj, 0, length $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) { + $self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (sysobj)", $mib); + return 1; + } + # some mibs are only composed of tables + my $traces; + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk) { + $traces = {@{[map { + $_, $self->rawdata->{$_} + } grep { + substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} + } keys %{$self->rawdata}]}}; + } else { + my %params = ( + -varbindlist => [ + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} + ] + ); + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + $traces = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_next_request(%params); + } + if ($traces && # must find oids following to the ident-oid + ! exists $traces->{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}} && # must not be the ident-oid + grep { # following oid is inside this tree + substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}; + } keys %{$traces}) { + $self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (found traces)", $mib); + return 1; + } +} + +sub timeticks { + my $self = shift; + my $timestr = shift; + if ($timestr =~ /\((\d+)\)/) { + # Timeticks: (20718727) 2 days, 9:33:07.27 + $timestr = $1 / 100; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*day[s]*.*?(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { + # Timeticks: 2 days, 9:33:07.27 + $timestr = $1 * 24 * 3600 + $2 * 3600 + $3 * 60 + $4; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { + # Timeticks: 0001:03:18:42.77 + $timestr = $1 * 3600 * 24 + $2 * 3600 + $3 * 60 + $4; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { + # Timeticks: 9:33:07.27 + $timestr = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60 + $3; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*hour[s]*.*?(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { + # Timeticks: 3 hours, 42:17.98 + $timestr = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60 + $3; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*minute[s]*.*?(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { + # Timeticks: 36 minutes, 01.96 + $timestr = $1 * 60 + $2; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\.\d+\s*second[s]/) { + # Timeticks: 01.02 seconds + $timestr = $1; + } elsif ($timestr =~ /^(\d+)$/) { + $timestr = $1 / 100; + } + return $timestr; +} + +sub human_timeticks { + my $self = shift; + my $timeticks = shift; + my $days = int($timeticks / 86400); + $timeticks -= ($days * 86400); + my $hours = int($timeticks / 3600); + $timeticks -= ($hours * 3600); + my $minutes = int($timeticks / 60); + my $seconds = $timeticks % 60; + $days = $days < 1 ? '' : $days .'d '; + return $days . sprintf "%dh %dm %ds", $hours, $minutes, $seconds; +} + +sub internal_name { + my $self = shift; + my $class = ref($self); + $class =~ s/^.*:://; + if (exists $self->{flat_indices}) { + return sprintf "%s_%s", uc $class, $self->{flat_indices}; + } else { + return sprintf "%s", uc $class; + } +} + +################################################################ +# file-related functions +# +sub create_interface_cache_file { + my $self = shift; + my $extension = ""; + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) { + $self->opts->override_opt('hostname', + 'snmpwalk.file'.md5_hex($self->opts->snmpwalk)) + } + if ($self->opts->community) { + $extension .= md5_hex($self->opts->community); + } + $extension =~ s/\//_/g; + $extension =~ s/\(/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\)/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\*/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\s/_/g; + return sprintf "%s/%s_interface_cache_%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + $self->opts->hostname, lc $extension; +} + +sub create_entry_cache_file { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + return lc sprintf "%s_%s_%s_%s_cache", + $self->create_interface_cache_file(), + $mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr}); +} + +sub update_entry_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $force = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") { + $key_attr = [$key_attr]; + } + my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache", + $mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr}); + my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr); + my $update = time - 3600; + #my $update = time - 1; + if ($force || ! -f $statefile || ((stat $statefile)[9]) < ($update)) { + $self->debug(sprintf 'force update of %s %s %s %s cache', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->mode, $mib, $table); + $self->{$cache} = {}; + foreach my $entry ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table)) { + my $key = join('#', map { $entry->{$_} } @{$key_attr}); + my $hash = $key . '-//-' . join('.', @{$entry->{indices}}); + $self->{$cache}->{$hash} = $entry->{indices}; + } + $self->save_cache($mib, $table, $key_attr); + } + $self->load_cache($mib, $table, $key_attr); +} + +sub save_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") { + $key_attr = [$key_attr]; + } + my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache", + $mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr}); + $self->create_statefilesdir(); + my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr); + open(STATE, ">".$statefile.".".$$); + printf STATE Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{$cache}); + close STATE; + rename $statefile.".".$$, $statefile; + $self->debug(sprintf "saved %s to %s", + Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{$cache}), $statefile); +} + +sub load_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") { + $key_attr = [$key_attr]; + } + my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache", + $mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr}); + my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr); + $self->{$cache} = {}; + if ( -f $statefile) { + our $VAR1; + our $VAR2; + eval { + require $statefile; + }; + if($@) { + printf "rumms\n"; + } + # keinesfalls mehr require verwenden!!!!!! + # beim require enthaelt VAR1 andere werte als beim slurp + # und zwar diejenigen, die beim letzten save_cache geschrieben wurden. + my $content = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $statefile; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x }; + $VAR1 = eval "$content"; + $self->debug(sprintf "load %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1)); + $self->{$cache} = $VAR1; + } +} + + +################################################################ +# top-level convenience functions +# +sub get_snmp_objects { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my @mos = @_; + foreach (@mos) { + my $value = $self->get_snmp_object($mib, $_, 0); + if (defined $value) { + $self->{$_} = $value; + } else { + my $value = $self->get_snmp_object($mib, $_); + if (defined $value) { + $self->{$_} = $value; + } + } + } +} + +sub get_snmp_tables { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $infos = shift; + foreach my $info (@{$infos}) { + my $arrayname = $info->[0]; + my $table = $info->[1]; + my $class = $info->[2]; + my $filter = $info->[3]; + $self->{$arrayname} = [] if ! exists $self->{$arrayname}; + if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib} || ! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}) { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table} = []; + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table)) { + my $new_object = $class->new(%{$_}); + next if (defined $filter && ! &$filter($new_object)); + push(@{$self->{$arrayname}}, $new_object); + push(@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}}, $new_object); + } + } else { + $self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_tables %s %s cache hit", $mib, $table); + foreach (@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}}) { + push(@{$self->{$arrayname}}, $_); + } + } + } +} + +################################################################ +# 2nd level +# +sub get_snmp_object { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $mo = shift; + my $index = shift; + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$mo}) { + my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$mo}. + (defined $index ? '.'.$index : ''); + my $response = $self->get_request(-varbindlist => [$oid]); + if (defined $response->{$oid}) { + if ($response->{$oid} eq 'noSuchInstance' || $response->{$oid} eq 'noSuchObject') { + $response->{$oid} = undef; + } elsif (my @symbols = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $response, [[$index]])) { + $response->{$oid} = $symbols[0]->{$mo}; + } + } + $self->debug(sprintf "GET: %s::%s (%s) : %s", $mib, $mo, $oid, defined $response->{$oid} ? $response->{$oid} : ""); + return $response->{$oid}; + } + return undef; +} + +sub get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + #return $self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table); + $self->update_entry_cache(0, $mib, $table, $key_attr); + my @indices = $self->get_cache_indices($mib, $table, $key_attr); + my @entries = (); + foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table, \@indices)) { + push(@entries, $_); + } + return @entries; +} + +# get_snmp_table_objects('MIB-Name', 'Table-Name', 'Table-Entry', [indices]) +# returns array of hashrefs +sub get_snmp_table_objects { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $indices = shift || []; + my @entries = (); + my $augmenting_table; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects %s %s", $mib, $table); + if ($table =~ /^(.*?)\+(.*)/) { + $table = $1; + $augmenting_table = $2; + } + my $entry = $table; + $entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g; + if (scalar(@{$indices}) == 1) { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) { + my $result = {}; + my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.'; + my $eoidlen = length($eoid); + my @columns = map { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_} + } grep { + substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.' + } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}; + my $index = join('.', @{$indices->[0]}); + my $ifresult = $self->get_entries( + -startindex => $index, + -endindex => $index, + -columns => \@columns, + ); + map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} } + keys %{$ifresult}; + if ($augmenting_table && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$augmenting_table}) { + my $entry = $augmenting_table; + $entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g; + my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.'; + my $eoidlen = length($eoid); + my @columns = map { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_} + } grep { + substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid + } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}; + my $ifresult = $self->get_entries( + -startindex => $index, + -endindex => $index, + -columns => \@columns, + ); + map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} } + keys %{$ifresult}; + } + @entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, $indices); + @entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @{$indices}; $_ } @entries; + } + } elsif (scalar(@{$indices}) > 1) { + # man koennte hier pruefen, ob die indices aufeinanderfolgen + # und dann get_entries statt get_table aufrufen + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) { + my $result = {}; + my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.'; + my $eoidlen = length($eoid); + my @columns = map { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_} + } grep { + substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid + } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}; + my @sortedindices = map { $_->[0] } + sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } + map { [$_, + join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_) + ] } map { join('.', @{$_})} @{$indices}; + my $startindex = $sortedindices[0]; + my $endindex = $sortedindices[$#sortedindices]; + if (0) { + # holzweg. dicke ciscos liefern unvollstaendiges resultat, d.h. + # bei 138,19,157 kommt nur 138..144, dann ist schluss. + # maxrepetitions bringt nichts. + $result = $self->get_entries( + -startindex => $startindex, + -endindex => $endindex, + -columns => \@columns, + ); + } else { + foreach my $ifidx (@sortedindices) { + my $ifresult = $self->get_entries( + -startindex => $ifidx, + -endindex => $ifidx, + -columns => \@columns, + ); + map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} } + keys %{$ifresult}; + } + } + if ($augmenting_table && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$augmenting_table}) { + my $entry = $augmenting_table; + $entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g; + my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.'; + my $eoidlen = length($eoid); + my @columns = map { + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_} + } grep { + substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid + } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}; + foreach my $ifidx (@sortedindices) { + my $ifresult = $self->get_entries( + -startindex => $ifidx, + -endindex => $ifidx, + -columns => \@columns, + ); + map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} } + keys %{$ifresult}; + } + } + # now we have numerical_oid+index => value + # needs to become symboic_oid => value + #my @indices = + # $self->get_indices($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}); + @entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, $indices); + @entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @{$indices}; $_ } @entries; + } + } else { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) { + $self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects calls get_table %s", + $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}); + my $result = $self->get_table( + -baseoid => $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}); + $self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects get_table returns %d oids", + scalar(keys %{$result})); + # now we have numerical_oid+index => value + # needs to become symboic_oid => value + my @indices = + $self->get_indices( + -baseoid => $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}, + -oids => [keys %{$result}]); + $self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects get_table returns %d indices", + scalar(@indices)); + @entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, \@indices); + @entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @indices; $_ } @entries; + } + } + @entries = map { $_->{flat_indices} = join(".", @{$_->{indices}}); $_ } @entries; + return @entries; +} + +################################################################ +# 3rd level functions. calling net::snmp-functions +# +sub get_request { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my @notcached = (); + foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-varbindlist'}}) { + $self->add_oidtrace($oid); + if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$oid}) { + push(@notcached, $oid); + } + } + if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk && (scalar(@notcached) > 0)) { + my %params = (); + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 0) { + $params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached; + } elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 1) { + $params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached; + #$params{-nonrepeaters} = scalar(@notcached); + } elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached; + $params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_request(%params); + foreach my $key (%{$result}) { + $self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key}); + } + } + my $result = {}; + map { $result->{$_} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$_} } + @{$params{'-varbindlist'}}; + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries_get_bulk { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_bulk %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my %newparams = (); + $newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'} + if defined $params{'-startindex'}; + $newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'} + if defined $params{'-endindex'}; + $newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'}; + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $newparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $newparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%newparams); + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries_get_next { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_next %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my %newparams = (); + $newparams{'-maxrepetitions'} = 0; + $newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'} + if defined $params{'-startindex'}; + $newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'} + if defined $params{'-endindex'}; + $newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'}; + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $newparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $newparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%newparams); + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries_get_next_1index { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_next_1index %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my %newparams = (); + $newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'} + if defined $params{'-startindex'}; + $newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'} + if defined $params{'-endindex'}; + $newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'}; + my %singleparams = (); + $singleparams{'-maxrepetitions'} = 0; + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $singleparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $singleparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + foreach my $index ($newparams{'-startindex'}..$newparams{'-endindex'}) { + foreach my $oid (@{$newparams{'-columns'}}) { + $singleparams{'-columns'} = [$oid]; + $singleparams{'-startindex'} = $index; + $singleparams{'-endindex'} =$index; + my $singleresult = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%singleparams); + foreach my $key (keys %{$singleresult}) { + $result->{$key} = $singleresult->{$key}; + } + } + } + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries_get_simple { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_simple %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my %newparams = (); + $newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'} + if defined $params{'-startindex'}; + $newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'} + if defined $params{'-endindex'}; + $newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'}; + my %singleparams = (); + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $singleparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $singleparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + foreach my $index ($newparams{'-startindex'}..$newparams{'-endindex'}) { + foreach my $oid (@{$newparams{'-columns'}}) { + $singleparams{'-varbindlist'} = [$oid.".".$index]; + my $singleresult = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_request(%singleparams); + foreach my $key (keys %{$singleresult}) { + $result->{$key} = $singleresult->{$key}; + } + } + } + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # [-startindex] + # [-endindex] + # -columns + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_entries %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) { + $result = $self->get_entries_get_bulk(%params); + if (! $result) { + if (scalar (@{$params{'-columns'}}) < 50 && $params{'-startindex'} == $params{'-endindex'}) { + $result = $self->get_entries_get_simple(%params); + } else { + $result = $self->get_entries_get_next(%params); + } + if (! $result) { + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->error() =~ /tooBig/i) { + $result = $self->get_entries_get_next_1index(%params); + } + if (! $result) { + $result = $self->get_entries_get_simple(%params); + } + if (! $result) { + $self->debug(sprintf "nutzt nix\n"); + } + } + } + foreach my $key (keys %{$result}) { + if (substr($key, -1) eq " ") { + my $value = $result->{$key}; + delete $result->{$key}; + $key =~ s/\s+$//g; + $result->{$key} = $value; + # + # warum? + # + # %newparams ist: + # '-columns' => [ + # '', + # '', + # ... + # '' + # ], + # '-startindex' => '2', + # '-endindex' => '2' + # + # und $result ist: + # ... + # '' => 'Adaptive Security Appliance \'outside\' interface', + # ' ' => 4281465004, + # '' => 0, + # ... + # + # stinkstiefel! + # + } + $self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key}); + } + } else { + my $preresult = $self->get_matching_oids( + -columns => $params{'-columns'}); + foreach (keys %{$preresult}) { + $result->{$_} = $preresult->{$_}; + } + my @sortedkeys = map { $_->[0] } + sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } + map { [$_, + join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_) + ] } keys %{$result}; + my @to_del = (); + if ($params{'-startindex'}) { + foreach my $resoid (@sortedkeys) { + foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) { + my $poid = $oid.'.'; + my $lpoid = length($poid); + if (substr($resoid, 0, $lpoid) eq $poid) { + my $oidpattern = $poid; + $oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g; + if ($resoid =~ /^$oidpattern(.+)$/) { + if ($1 lt $params{'-startindex'}) { + push(@to_del, $oid.'.'.$1); + } + } + } + } + } + } + if ($params{'-endindex'}) { + foreach my $resoid (@sortedkeys) { + foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) { + my $poid = $oid.'.'; + my $lpoid = length($poid); + if (substr($resoid, 0, $lpoid) eq $poid) { + my $oidpattern = $poid; + $oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g; + if ($resoid =~ /^$oidpattern(.+)$/) { + if ($1 gt $params{'-endindex'}) { + push(@to_del, $oid.'.'.$1); + } + } + } + } + } + } + foreach (@to_del) { + delete $result->{$_}; + } + } + return $result; +} + +sub get_entries_by_walk { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) { + $self->add_ok("if you get this crap working correctly, let me know"); + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "get_tree %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my @baseoids = @{$params{-varbindlist}}; + delete $params{-varbindlist}; + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 0) { + foreach my $baseoid (@baseoids) { + $params{-varbindlist} = [$baseoid]; + while (my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_next_request(%params)) { + $params{-varbindlist} = [($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->var_bind_names)[0]]; + } + } + } else { + $params{-maxrepetitions} = 200; + printf "bratta %s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@baseoids); + foreach my $baseoid (@baseoids) { + $params{-varbindlist} = [$baseoid]; + while (my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_bulk_request(%params)) { + printf "hoi %s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper($result); + my @names = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->var_bind_names(); + my @oids = $self->sort_oids(\@names); + $params{-varbindlist} = [pop @oids]; + } + } + } + } else { + return $self->get_matching_oids( + -columns => $params{-varbindlist}); + } +} + +sub get_table { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->add_oidtrace($params{'-baseoid'}); + if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) { + my @notcached = (); + if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) { + $params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid; + $params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_table(%params); + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table returned %d oids", scalar(keys %{$result})); + if (scalar(keys %{$result}) == 0) { + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table error: %s", + $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->error()); + $self->debug("get_table error: try fallback"); + $params{'-maxrepetitions'} = 1; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_table(%params); + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table returned %d oids", scalar(keys %{$result})); + if (scalar(keys %{$result}) == 0) { + $self->debug(sprintf "get_table error: %s", + $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->error()); + $self->debug("get_table error: no more fallbacks. Try --protocol 1"); + } + } + # Drecksstinkstiefel Net::SNMP + # ' ' => 'endOfMibView', + # '' => '0.0', + foreach my $key (keys %{$result}) { + if (substr($key, -1) eq " ") { + my $value = $result->{$key}; + delete $result->{$key}; + (my $shortkey = $key) =~ s/\s+$//g; + if (! exists $result->{shortkey}) { + $result->{$shortkey} = $value; + } + $self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key}) if exists $result->{$key}; + } else { + $self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key}); + } + } + } + return $self->get_matching_oids( + -columns => [$params{'-baseoid'}]); +} + +################################################################ +# helper functions +# +sub valid_response { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $oid = shift; + my $index = shift; + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} && + exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$oid}) { + # make it numerical + my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$oid}; + if (defined $index) { + $oid .= '.'.$index; + } + my $result = $self->get_request( + -varbindlist => [$oid] + ); + if (!defined($result) || + ! defined $result->{$oid} || + $result->{$oid} eq 'noSuchInstance' || + $result->{$oid} eq 'noSuchObject' || + $result->{$oid} eq 'endOfMibView') { + return undef; + } else { + $self->add_rawdata($oid, $result->{$oid}); + return $result->{$oid}; + } + } else { + return undef; + } +} + +# make_symbolic +# mib is the name of a mib (must be in mibs_and_oids) +# result is a hash-key oid->value +# indices is a array ref of array refs. [[1],[2],...] or [[1,0],[1,1],[2,0].. +sub make_symbolic { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $result = shift; + my $indices = shift; + my @entries = (); + if (! wantarray && ref(\$result) eq "SCALAR" && ref(\$indices) eq "SCALAR") { + # $self->make_symbolic('CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB', 'cnatProtocolStatsName', $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName}); + my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$result}; + $result = { $oid => $self->{$result} }; + $indices = [[]]; + } + foreach my $index (@{$indices}) { + # skip [], [[]], [[undef]] + if (ref($index) eq "ARRAY") { + if (scalar(@{$index}) == 0) { + next; + } elsif (!defined $index->[0]) { + next; + } + } + my $mo = {}; + my $idx = join('.', @{$index}); # index can be multi-level + foreach my $symoid + (keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}) { + my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid}; + if (ref($oid) ne 'HASH') { + my $fulloid = $oid . '.'.$idx; + if (exists $result->{$fulloid}) { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) { + if (ref($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) eq 'HASH') { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$fulloid}}) { + $mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$fulloid}}; + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid}; + } + } elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^OID::(.*)/) { + my $othermib = $1; + my $value_which_is_a_oid = $result->{$fulloid}; + $value_which_is_a_oid =~ s/^\.//g; + my @result = grep { $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$othermib}->{$_} eq $value_which_is_a_oid } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$othermib}}; + if (scalar(@result)) { + $mo->{$symoid} = $result[0]; + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid}; + } + } elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^(.*?)::(.*)/) { + my $mib = $1; + my $definition = $2; + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib} && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition} + && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$fulloid}}) { + $mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$fulloid}}; + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid}; + } + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid}; + # oder $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}? + } + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = $result->{$fulloid}; + } + } + } + } + push(@entries, $mo); + } + if (@{$indices} and scalar(@{$indices}) == 1 and !defined $indices->[0]->[0]) { + my $mo = {}; + foreach my $symoid + (keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}) { + my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid}; + if (ref($oid) ne 'HASH') { + if (exists $result->{$oid}) { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) { + if (ref($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) eq 'HASH') { + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$oid}}) { + $mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$oid}}; + push(@entries, $mo); + } + } elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^(.*?)::(.*)/) { + my $mib = $1; + my $definition = $2; + if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib} && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition} + && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$oid}}) { + $mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$oid}}; + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$oid}; + } + } else { + $mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$oid}; + # oder $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}? + } + } + } + } + } + push(@entries, $mo) if keys %{$mo}; + } + if (wantarray) { + return @entries; + } else { + foreach my $entry (@entries) { + foreach my $key (keys %{$entry}) { + $self->{$key} = $entry->{$key}; + } + } + } +} + +sub sort_oids { + my $self = shift; + my $oids = shift || []; + my @sortedkeys = map { $_->[0] } + sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } + map { [$_, + join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_) + ] } @{$oids}; + return @sortedkeys; +} + +sub get_matching_oids { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $result = {}; + $self->debug(sprintf "get_matching_oids %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params)); + foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) { + my $oidpattern = $oid; + $oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g; + map { $result->{$_} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$_} } + grep /^$oidpattern(?=\.|$)/, keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata}; + } + $self->debug(sprintf "get_matching_oids returns %d from %d oids", + scalar(keys %{$result}), scalar(keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata})); + return $result; +} + +sub get_indices { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # -baseoid : entry + # find all oids beginning with $entry + # then skip one field for the sequence + # then read the next numindices fields + my $entrypat = $params{'-baseoid'}; + $entrypat =~ s/\./\\\./g; + my @indices = map { + /^$entrypat\.\d+\.(.*)/ && $1; + } grep { + /^$entrypat/ + } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata}; + my %seen = (); + my @o = map {[split /\./]} sort grep !$seen{$_}++, @indices; + return @o; +} + +# this flattens a n-dimensional array and returns the absolute position +# of the element at position idx1,idx2,...,idxn +# element 1,2 in table 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2 is at pos 6 +sub get_number { + my $self = shift; + my $indexlists = shift; #, zeiger auf array aus [1, 2] + my @element = @_; + my $dimensions = scalar(@{$indexlists->[0]}); + my @sorted = (); + my $number = 0; + if ($dimensions == 1) { + @sorted = + sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @{$indexlists}; + } elsif ($dimensions == 2) { + @sorted = + sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$indexlists}; + } elsif ($dimensions == 3) { + @sorted = + sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || + $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || + $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @{$indexlists}; + } + foreach (@sorted) { + if ($dimensions == 1) { + if ($_->[0] == $element[0]) { + last; + } + } elsif ($dimensions == 2) { + if ($_->[0] == $element[0] && $_->[1] == $element[1]) { + last; + } + } elsif ($dimensions == 3) { + if ($_->[0] == $element[0] && + $_->[1] == $element[1] && + $_->[2] == $element[2]) { + last; + } + } + $number++; + } + return ++$number; +} + +################################################################ +# caching functions +# +sub set_rawdata { + my $self = shift; + $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata = shift; +} + +sub add_rawdata { + my $self = shift; + my $oid = shift; + my $value = shift; + $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$oid} = $value; +} + +sub rawdata { + my $self = shift; + return $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata; +} + +sub add_oidtrace { + my $self = shift; + my $oid = shift; + $self->debug("cache: ".$oid); + push(@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::oidtrace}, $oid); +} + +# $self->update_entry_cache(0, $mib, $table, $key_attr); +# my @indices = $self->get_cache_indices(); +sub get_cache_indices { + my $self = shift; + my $mib = shift; + my $table = shift; + my $key_attr = shift; + if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") { + $key_attr = [$key_attr]; + } + my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache", + $mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr}); + my @indices = (); + foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{$cache}}) { + my ($descr, $index) = split('-//-', $key, 2); + if ($self->opts->name) { + if ($self->opts->regexp) { + my $pattern = $self->opts->name; + if ($descr =~ /$pattern/i) { + push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key}); + } + } else { + if ($self->opts->name =~ /^\d+$/) { + if ($index == 1 * $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, [1 * $self->opts->name]); + } + } else { + if (lc $descr eq lc $self->opts->name) { + push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key}); + } + } + } + } else { + push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key}); + } + } + return @indices; + return map { join('.', ref($_) eq "ARRAY" ? @{$_} : $_) } @indices; +} + + +package GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF; +#our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP); +use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); +use strict; + +sub create_statefile { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $extension = ""; + $extension .= $params{name} ? '_'.$params{name} : ''; + if ($self->opts->community) { + $extension .= md5_hex($self->opts->community); + } + $extension =~ s/\//_/g; + $extension =~ s/\(/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\)/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\*/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\s/_/g; + if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) { + return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + 'snmpwalk.file'.md5_hex($self->opts->snmpwalk), + $self->opts->mode, lc $extension; + } elsif ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname eq "walkhost") { + return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + 'snmpwalk.file'.md5_hex($self->opts->snmpwalk), + $self->opts->mode, lc $extension; + } else { + return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->mode, lc $extension; + } +} + +package GLPlugin::SNMP::Item; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF GLPlugin::Item GLPlugin::SNMP); +use strict; + + +package GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF GLPlugin::TableItem GLPlugin::SNMP); +use strict; + +sub ensure_index { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + $self->{$key} ||= $self->{flat_indices}; +} + +sub unhex_ip { + my $self = shift; + my $value = shift; + if ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{8})/) { + $value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $1); + } elsif ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{2} \w{2} \w{2} \w{2})/) { + $value = $1; + $value =~ s/ //g; + $value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $value); + } elsif ($value && unpack("H8", $value) =~ /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) { + $value = join(".", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4)); + } + return $value; +} + +sub unhex_mac { + my $self = shift; + my $value = shift; + if ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{12})/) { + $value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $1); + } elsif ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2})/) { + $value = $1; + $value =~ s/ //g; + $value = join(":", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $value); + } elsif ($value && unpack("H12", $value) =~ /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) { + $value = join(":", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)); + } + return $value; +} + + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa23cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +package GLPlugin::UPNP; +our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin); + +use strict; +use File::Basename; +use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); +use AutoLoader; +our $AUTOLOAD; + +use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; + +{ + our $mode = undef; + our $plugin = undef; + our $blacklist = undef; + our $session = undef; + our $rawdata = {}; + our $info = []; + our $extendedinfo = []; + our $summary = []; + our $oidtrace = []; + our $uptime = 0; +} + +sub init { + my $self = shift; + if ($self->mode =~ /device::walk/) { + } elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::uptime/) { + my $info = sprintf 'device is up since %s', + $self->human_timeticks($self->{uptime}); + $self->add_info($info); + $self->set_thresholds(warning => '15:', critical => '5:'); + $self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{uptime}), $info); + $self->add_perfdata( + label => 'uptime', + value => $self->{uptime} / 60, + warning => $self->{warning}, + critical => $self->{critical}, + ); + my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', '); + $GLPlugin::plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message); + } +} + +sub check_upnp_and_model { + my $self = shift; + if (eval "require SOAP::Lite") { + require XML::LibXML; + } else { + $self->add_critical('could not find SOAP::Lite module'); + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + eval { + my $igddesc = sprintf "http://%s:%s/igddesc.xml", + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port; + my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); + my $doc = $parser->parse_file($igddesc); + my $root = $doc->documentElement(); + my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $root ); + $xpc->registerNs('n', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0'); + $self->{productname} = $xpc->findvalue('(//n:device)[position()=1]/n:modelName' ); + }; + if ($@) { + $self->add_critical($@); + } + } + if (! $self->check_messages()) { + eval { + my $som = SOAP::Lite + -> proxy(sprintf 'http://%s:%s/upnp/control/WANIPConn1', + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->port) + -> uri('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1') + -> GetStatusInfo(); + $self->{uptime} = $som->valueof("//GetStatusInfoResponse/NewUptime"); + $self->{uptime} /= 1.0; + }; + if ($@) { + $self->add_critical("could not get uptime: ".$@); + } + } +} + +sub create_statefile { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $extension = ""; + $extension .= $params{name} ? '_'.$params{name} : ''; + if ($self->opts->community) { + $extension .= md5_hex($self->opts->community); + } + $extension =~ s/\//_/g; + $extension =~ s/\(/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\)/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\*/_/g; + $extension =~ s/\s/_/g; + return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(), + $self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->mode, lc $extension; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3381aca --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in + +SED=/bin/sed +GREP=/bin/grep +CAT=/bin/cat +ECHO=/bin/echo + +SUFFIXES = .pl .pm .sh + +VPATH=$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/plugins-scripts $(top_srcdir)/plugins-scripts/t + +libexec_SCRIPTS=check_nwc_health +MY_MODULES= +EXTRA_MODULES=\ + GLPlugin.pm \ + GLPluginSNMP.pm \ + GLPluginUPNP.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390/Components/InterfaceSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390/Components/SmartHomeSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM.pm \ + Classes/UPNP.pm \ + Classes/Server/Linux.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYALARMMIB/Component/AlarmSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/ASA.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/ConfigSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/NatSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/WlanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/PrimeNCS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/UCOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM/Component/PhoneSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM/Component/CmSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/KeySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/RaidSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco.pm \ + Classes/Nortel.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/UserSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE.pm \ + Classes/Juniper.pm \ + Classes/AlliedTelesyn.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve.pm \ + Classes/HP.pm \ + Classes/MEOS.pm \ + Classes/Brocade.pm \ + Classes/SecureOS.pm \ + Classes/HSRP/Component/HSRPSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HSRP.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB/Component/LinkAggregation.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB/Component/InterfaceSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB.pm \ + Classes/BGP/Component/PeerSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/BGP.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS/Components/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS/Components/FruSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB/Components/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB/Components/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/LTM.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP.pm \ + Classes/F5.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MngmtSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/SvnSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FwSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/HaSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/SecuritySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/KeySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/SecuritySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/SLBSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry.pm \ + Classes/Bluecoat.pm \ + Classes/Lantronix.pm \ + Classes/Lantronix/SLS.pm \ + Classes/MibsAndOids.pm \ + Classes/Device.pm +EXTRA_DIST=check_nwc_health.pl $(EXTRA_MODULES) + +CLEANFILES=$(libexec_SCRIPTS) + +AM_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS=@INSTALL_OPTS@ + +.pm : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +.pl : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +.sh : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +$(libexec_SCRIPTS) : $(EXTRA_DIST) + $(ECHO) "#! #PERL# -w" | $(AWK) -f ./subst > $@ + $(ECHO) "# nagios: +epn" >> $@ + $(ECHO) >> $@ + for m in ${EXTRA_MODULES}; do \ + $(SED) -e 's/^1;//g' < $$m | $(SED) -e '/^__END__/,$$d' | $(AWK) -f ./subst | $(GREP) -v "use Nagios::Plugin" >> $@; \ + done + $(ECHO) "package main;" >> $@ + $(CAT) check_nwc_health.pl | $(AWK) -f ./subst >> $@ + chmod +x $@ +#| $(GREP) -v "use Nagios" >> $@; + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee623af --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,653 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.14.1 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +am__is_gnu_make = test -n '$(MAKEFILE_LIST)' && test -n '$(MAKELEVEL)' +am__make_running_with_option = \ + case $${target_option-} in \ + ?) ;; \ + *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" \ + "target option '$${target_option-}' specified" >&2; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + has_opt=no; \ + sane_makeflags=$$MAKEFLAGS; \ + if $(am__is_gnu_make); then \ + sane_makeflags=$$MFLAGS; \ + else \ + case $$MAKEFLAGS in \ + *\\[\ \ ]*) \ + bs=\\; \ + sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$$MAKEFLAGS" \ + | sed "s/$$bs$$bs[$$bs $$bs ]*//g"`;; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + skip_next=no; \ + strip_trailopt () \ + { \ + flg=`printf '%s\n' "$$flg" | sed "s/$$1.*$$//"`; \ + }; \ + for flg in $$sane_makeflags; do \ + test $$skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; \ + case $$flg in \ + *=*|--*) continue;; \ + -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; \ + -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; \ + -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; \ + -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; \ + -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; \ + -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; \ + esac; \ + case $$flg in \ + *$$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + test $$has_opt = yes +am__make_dryrun = (target_option=n; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +am__make_keepgoing = (target_option=k; $(am__make_running_with_option)) +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@ +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = plugins-scripts +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(srcdir)/subst.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = subst +CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES = +am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; +am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \ + $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + *) f=$$p;; \ + esac; +am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; +am__install_max = 40 +am__nobase_strip_setup = \ + srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'` +am__nobase_strip = \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||" +am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \ + for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \ + sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \ + $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \ + if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \ + { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \ + END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }' +am__base_list = \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \ + sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' +am__uninstall_files_from_dir = { \ + test -z "$$files" \ + || { test ! -d "$$dir" && test ! -f "$$dir" && test ! -r "$$dir"; } \ + || { echo " ( cd '$$dir' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \ + $(am__cd) "$$dir" && rm -f $$files; }; \ + } +am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" +SCRIPTS = $(libexec_SCRIPTS) +AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@) +am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_P_0 = false +am__v_P_1 = : +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +am__v_GEN_1 = +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +am__v_at_1 = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +am__can_run_installinfo = \ + case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \ + n|no|NO) false;; \ + *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \ + esac +am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +VPATH = $(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/plugins-scripts $(top_srcdir)/plugins-scripts/t +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = @AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CELSIUS = @CELSIUS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EXTENDEDINFO = @EXTENDEDINFO@ +HWINFO = @HWINFO@ +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_OPTS = @INSTALL_OPTS@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ +NOINSTLEVEL = @NOINSTLEVEL@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_URL = @PACKAGE_URL@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +PERFDATA = @PERFDATA@ +PERL = @PERL@ +RELEASE = @RELEASE@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SH = @SH@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +SUPPORT = @SUPPORT@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +WARRANTY = @WARRANTY@ +abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@ +abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ +abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@ +abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +builddir = @builddir@ +datadir = @datadir@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ +docdir = @docdir@ +dvidir = @dvidir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +htmldir = @htmldir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localedir = @localedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +pdfdir = @pdfdir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +psdir = @psdir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@ +top_builddir = @top_builddir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +with_nagios_group = @with_nagios_group@ +with_nagios_user = @with_nagios_user@ +SED = /bin/sed +GREP = /bin/grep +CAT = /bin/cat +ECHO = /bin/echo +SUFFIXES = .pl .pm .sh +libexec_SCRIPTS = check_nwc_health +MY_MODULES = +EXTRA_MODULES = \ + GLPlugin.pm \ + GLPluginSNMP.pm \ + GLPluginUPNP.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390/Components/InterfaceSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390/Components/SmartHomeSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM/FritzBox7390.pm \ + Classes/UPNP/AVM.pm \ + Classes/UPNP.pm \ + Classes/Server/Linux.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYFRUCONTROLMIB/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYSENSORMIB/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENTITYALARMMIB/Component/AlarmSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CISCOENVMONMIB/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/ASA.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/ConfigSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS/Component/NatSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/IOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/NXOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC/Component/WlanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/WLC.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/PrimeNCS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/UCOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM/Component/PhoneSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM/Component/CmSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/CCM.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/KeySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/RaidSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Cisco/AsyncOS.pm \ + Classes/Cisco.pm \ + Classes/Nortel.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/NetScreen.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/UserSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Juniper/IVE.pm \ + Classes/Juniper.pm \ + Classes/AlliedTelesyn.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Fortigate.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FabOS.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HP/Procurve.pm \ + Classes/HP.pm \ + Classes/MEOS.pm \ + Classes/Brocade.pm \ + Classes/SecureOS.pm \ + Classes/HSRP/Component/HSRPSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HSRP.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB/Component/LinkAggregation.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB/Component/InterfaceSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/IFMIB.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB.pm \ + Classes/BGP/Component/PeerSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/BGP.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCMGMT.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS/Components/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS/Components/FruSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/FCEOS.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB/Components/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB/Components/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/UCDMIB.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/LTM.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/F5/F5BIGIP.pm \ + Classes/F5.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MngmtSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/SvnSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FwSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/HaSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1.pm \ + Classes/CheckPoint.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/SecuritySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/SGOS.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/KeySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/SecuritySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/AVOS.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/SLBSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/MemSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/FanSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm \ + Classes/Foundry.pm \ + Classes/Bluecoat.pm \ + Classes/Lantronix.pm \ + Classes/Lantronix/SLS.pm \ + Classes/MibsAndOids.pm \ + Classes/Device.pm + +EXTRA_DIST = check_nwc_health.pl $(EXTRA_MODULES) +CLEANFILES = $(libexec_SCRIPTS) +AM_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS = @INSTALL_OPTS@ +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .pl .pm .sh +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \ + && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu plugins-scripts/Makefile'; \ + $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu plugins-scripts/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(am__aclocal_m4_deps): +subst: $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/subst.in + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ +install-libexecSCRIPTS: $(libexec_SCRIPTS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + @list='$(libexec_SCRIPTS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || list=; \ + if test -n "$$list"; then \ + echo " $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)'"; \ + $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)" || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + if test -f "$$d$$p"; then echo "$$d$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \ + done | \ + sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n' \ + -e 'h;s|.*|.|' \ + -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;$(transform)' | sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \ + $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1; } \ + { d=$$3; if (dirs[d] != 1) { print "d", d; dirs[d] = 1 } \ + if ($$2 == $$4) { files[d] = files[d] " " $$1; \ + if (++n[d] == $(am__install_max)) { \ + print "f", d, files[d]; n[d] = 0; files[d] = "" } } \ + else { print "f", d "/" $$4, $$1 } } \ + END { for (d in files) print "f", d, files[d] }' | \ + while read type dir files; do \ + if test "$$dir" = .; then dir=; else dir=/$$dir; fi; \ + test -z "$$files" || { \ + echo " $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)$$dir'"; \ + $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)$$dir" || exit $$?; \ + } \ + ; done + +uninstall-libexecSCRIPTS: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(libexec_SCRIPTS)'; test -n "$(libexecdir)" || exit 0; \ + files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \ + sed -e 's,.*/,,;$(transform)'`; \ + dir='$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)'; $(am__uninstall_files_from_dir) +tags TAGS: + +ctags CTAGS: + +cscope cscopelist: + + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; \ + dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \ + sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ + -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ + case $$dist_files in \ + */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \ + sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \ + sort -u` ;; \ + esac; \ + for file in $$dist_files; do \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ + fi; \ + cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(SCRIPTS) +installdirs: + for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)"; do \ + test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \ + done +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + install; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'" install; \ + fi +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES) + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +html-am: + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-dvi: install-dvi-am + +install-dvi-am: + +install-exec-am: install-libexecSCRIPTS + +install-html: install-html-am + +install-html-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-info-am: + +install-man: + +install-pdf: install-pdf-am + +install-pdf-am: + +install-ps: install-ps-am + +install-ps-am: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-libexecSCRIPTS + +.MAKE: install-am install-strip + +.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic cscopelist-am \ + ctags-am distclean distclean-generic distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-libexecSCRIPTS install-man install-pdf \ + install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \ + installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic pdf \ + pdf-am ps ps-am tags-am uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-libexecSCRIPTS + + +.pm : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +.pl : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +.sh : + $(AWK) -f ./subst $< > $@ + chmod +x $@ + +$(libexec_SCRIPTS) : $(EXTRA_DIST) + $(ECHO) "#! #PERL# -w" | $(AWK) -f ./subst > $@ + $(ECHO) "# nagios: +epn" >> $@ + $(ECHO) >> $@ + for m in ${EXTRA_MODULES}; do \ + $(SED) -e 's/^1;//g' < $$m | $(SED) -e '/^__END__/,$$d' | $(AWK) -f ./subst | $(GREP) -v "use Nagios::Plugin" >> $@; \ + done + $(ECHO) "package main;" >> $@ + $(CAT) check_nwc_health.pl | $(AWK) -f ./subst >> $@ + chmod +x $@ +#| $(GREP) -v "use Nagios" >> $@; + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8956f89 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +package Nagios::MiniPlugin; + +use strict; +use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); + +our @STATUS_CODES = qw(OK WARNING CRITICAL UNKNOWN DEPENDENT); + +require Exporter; +our @ISA = qw(Exporter); +our @EXPORT = (@STATUS_CODES, qw(nagios_exit nagios_die check_messages)); +our @EXPORT_OK = qw(%ERRORS); + +use constant OK => 0; +use constant WARNING => 1; +use constant CRITICAL => 2; +use constant UNKNOWN => 3; +use constant DEPENDENT => 4; + +our %ERRORS = ( + 'OK' => OK, + 'WARNING' => WARNING, + 'CRITICAL' => CRITICAL, + 'UNKNOWN' => UNKNOWN, + 'DEPENDENT' => DEPENDENT, +); + +our %STATUS_TEXT = reverse %ERRORS; + +sub new { + my $class = shift; + my %params = @_; + my $self = { + perfdata => [], + messages => { + ok => [], + warning => [], + critical => [], + unknown => [], + }, + args => [], + opts => Nagios::MiniPlugin::Getopt->new(%params), + }; + foreach (qw(shortname usage version url plugin blurb extra + license timeout)) { + $self->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } + bless $self, $class; +} + +sub add_arg { + my $self = shift; + $self->{opts}->add_arg(@_); +} + +sub getopts { + my $self = shift; + $self->{opts}->getopts(); +} + +sub override_opt { + my $self = shift; + $self->{opts}->override_opt(@_); +} + +sub create_opt { + my $self = shift; + $self->{opts}->create_opt(@_); +} + +sub opts { + my $self = shift; + return $self->{opts}; +} + +sub add_message { + my $self = shift; + my ($code, @messages) = @_; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = lc $code; + push @{$self->{messages}->{$code}}, @messages; +} + +sub add_perfdata { + my ($self, %args) = @_; + #if ($args{label} =~ /\s/) { + $args{label} = '\''.$args{label}.'\''; + #} + if (! exists $args{places}) { + $args{places} = 2; + } + my $format = '%d'; + if ($args{value} =~ /\./) { + $format = '%.'.$args{places}.'f'; + } + my $str = $args{label}.'='.sprintf $format, $args{value}; + if ($args{uom}) { + $str .= $args{uom}; + } + if ($args{warning}) { + $str .= ';'.$args{warning}; + } + if ($args{critical}) { + $str .= ';'.$args{critical}; + } + if (! $args{warning} && ! $args{critical} && $args{uom} && $args{uom} eq '%') { +## $str .= ';0;100'; + } + push @{$self->{perfdata}}, $str; +} + +sub add_html { + my $self = shift; + my $line = shift; + push @{$self->{html}}, $line; +} + +sub suppress_messages { + my $self = shift; + $self->{suppress_messages} = 1; +} + +sub clear_messages { + my $self = shift; + my $code = shift; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = lc $code; + $self->{messages}->{$code} = []; +} + +sub check_messages { + my $self = shift; + my %args = @_; + + # Add object messages to any passed in as args + for my $code (qw(critical warning unknown ok)) { + my $messages = $self->{messages}->{$code} || []; + if ($args{$code}) { + unless (ref $args{$code} eq 'ARRAY') { + if ($code eq 'ok') { + $args{$code} = [ $args{$code} ]; + } + } + push @{$args{$code}}, @$messages; + } else { + $args{$code} = $messages; + } + } + my %arg = %args; + $arg{join} = ' ' unless defined $arg{join}; + + # Decide $code + my $code = OK; + $code ||= CRITICAL if @{$arg{critical}}; + $code ||= WARNING if @{$arg{warning}}; + $code ||= UNKNOWN if @{$arg{unknown}}; + return $code unless wantarray; + + # Compose message + my $message = ''; + if ($arg{join_all}) { + $message = join( $arg{join_all}, + map { @$_ ? join( $arg{'join'}, @$_) : () } + $arg{critical}, + $arg{warning}, + $arg{unknown}, + $arg{ok} ? (ref $arg{ok} ? $arg{ok} : [ $arg{ok} ]) : [] + ); + } + + else { + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{critical}} ) + if $code == CRITICAL; + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{warning}} ) + if $code == WARNING; + $message ||= join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{unknown}} ) + if $code == UNKNOWN; + $message ||= ref $arg{ok} ? join( $arg{'join'}, @{$arg{ok}} ) : $arg{ok} + if $arg{ok}; + } + + return ($code, $message); +} + +sub status_code { + my $self = shift; + my $code = shift; + $code = (qw(ok warning critical unknown))[$code] if $code =~ /^\d+$/; + $code = uc $code; + $code = $ERRORS{$code} if defined $code && exists $ERRORS{$code}; + $code = UNKNOWN unless defined $code && exists $STATUS_TEXT{$code}; + return "$STATUS_TEXT{$code}"; +} + +sub perfdata_string { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) { + return join(" ", @{$self->{perfdata}}); + } else { + return ""; + } +} + +sub html_string { + my $self = shift; + if (scalar (@{$self->{html}})) { + return join(" ", @{$self->{html}}); + } else { + return ""; + } +} + +sub nagios_exit { + my $self = shift; + my ($code, $message, $arg) = @_; + $code = $ERRORS{$code} if defined $code && exists $ERRORS{$code}; + $code = UNKNOWN unless defined $code && exists $STATUS_TEXT{$code}; + $message = '' unless defined $message; + if (ref $message && ref $message eq 'ARRAY') { + $message = join(' ', map { chomp; $_ } @$message); + } else { + chomp $message; + } + my $output = "$STATUS_TEXT{$code}"; + $output .= " - $message" if defined $message && $message ne ''; + if (scalar (@{$self->{perfdata}})) { + $output .= " | ".$self->perfdata_string(); + } + $output .= "\n"; + if (! exists $self->{suppress_messages}) { + print $output; + } + exit $code; +} + +sub set_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->{mywarning} = $self->opts->warning || $params{warning} || 0; + $self->{mycritical} = $self->opts->critical || $params{critical} || 0; +} + +sub force_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + $self->{mywarning} = $params{warning} || 0; + $self->{mycritical} = $params{critical} || 0; +} + +sub get_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + return ($self->{mywarning}, $self->{mycritical}); +} + +sub check_thresholds { + my $self = shift; + my @params = @_; + my $level = $ERRORS{OK}; + my $warningrange; + my $criticalrange; + my $value; + if (scalar(@params) > 1) { + my %params = @params; + $value = $params{check}; + $warningrange = (defined $params{warning}) ? + $params{warning} : $self->{mywarning}; + $criticalrange = (defined $params{critical}) ? + $params{critical} : $self->{mycritical}; + } else { + $value = $params[0]; + $warningrange = $self->{mywarning}; + $criticalrange = $self->{mycritical}; + } + if ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = 10, warn if > 10 or < 0 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value > $1 || $value < 0); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):$/) { + # warning = 10:, warn if < 10 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value < $1); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^~:([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = ~:10, warn if > 10 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value > $1); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = 10:20, warn if < 10 or > 20 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value < $1 || $value > $2); + } elsif ($warningrange =~ /^@([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # warning = @10:20, warn if >= 10 and <= 20 + $level = $ERRORS{WARNING} + if ($value >= $1 && $value <= $2); + } + if ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = 10, crit if > 10 or < 0 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value > $1 || $value < 0); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):$/) { + # critical = 10:, crit if < 10 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value < $1); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^~:([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = ~:10, crit if > 10 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value > $1); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = 10:20, crit if < 10 or > 20 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value < $1 || $value > $2); + } elsif ($criticalrange =~ /^@([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+):([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/) { + # critical = @10:20, crit if >= 10 and <= 20 + $level = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} + if ($value >= $1 && $value <= $2); + } + return $level; +} + + +package Nagios::MiniPlugin::Getopt; + +use strict; +use File::Basename; +use Data::Dumper; +use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); + +# Standard defaults +my %DEFAULT = ( + timeout => 15, + verbose => 0, + license => +"This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. +It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU +General Public Licence (see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt).", +); +# Standard arguments +my @ARGS = ({ + spec => 'usage|?', + help => "-?, --usage\n Print usage information", + }, { + spec => 'help|h', + help => "-h, --help\n Print detailed help screen", + }, { + spec => 'version|V', + help => "-V, --version\n Print version information", + }, { + #spec => 'extra-opts:s@', + #help => "--extra-opts=[
[@]]\n Section and/or config_file from which to load extra options (may repeat)", + }, { + spec => 'timeout|t=i', + help => sprintf("-t, --timeout=INTEGER\n Seconds before plugin times out (default: %s)", $DEFAULT{timeout}), + default => $DEFAULT{timeout}, + }, { + spec => 'verbose|v+', + help => "-v, --verbose\n Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)", + default => $DEFAULT{verbose}, + }, +); +# Standard arguments we traditionally display last in the help output +my %DEFER_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw(timeout verbose); + +sub _init +{ + my $self = shift; + my %params = @_; + # Check params + my $plugin = basename($ENV{NAGIOS_PLUGIN} || $0); + #my %attr = validate( @_, { + my %attr = ( + usage => 1, + version => 0, + url => 0, + plugin => { default => $plugin }, + blurb => 0, + extra => 0, + 'extra-opts' => 0, + license => { default => $DEFAULT{license} }, + timeout => { default => $DEFAULT{timeout} }, + ); + + # Add attr to private _attr hash (except timeout) + $self->{timeout} = delete $attr{timeout}; + $self->{_attr} = { %attr }; + foreach (keys %{$self->{_attr}}) { + if (exists $params{$_}) { + $self->{_attr}->{$_} = $params{$_}; + } else { + $self->{_attr}->{$_} = $self->{_attr}->{$_}->{default} + if ref ($self->{_attr}->{$_}) eq 'HASH' && + exists $self->{_attr}->{$_}->{default}; + } + } + # Chomp _attr values + chomp foreach values %{$self->{_attr}}; + + # Setup initial args list + $self->{_args} = [ grep { exists $_->{spec} } @ARGS ]; + + $self +} + +sub new +{ + my $class = shift; + my $self = bless {}, $class; + $self->_init(@_); +} + +sub add_arg { + my $self = shift; + my %arg = @_; + push (@{$self->{_args}}, \%arg); +} + +sub getopts { + my $self = shift; + my %commandline = (); + my @params = map { $_->{spec} } @{$self->{_args}}; + if (! GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) { + $self->print_help(); + exit 0; + } else { + no strict 'refs'; + do { $self->print_help(); exit 0; } if $commandline{help}; + do { $self->print_version(); exit 0 } if $commandline{version}; + do { $self->print_usage(); exit 3 } if $commandline{usage}; + foreach (map { $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; $1; } @{$self->{_args}}) { + my $field = $_; + *{"$field"} = sub { + return $self->{opts}->{$field}; + }; + } + foreach (map { $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; $1; } + grep { exists $_->{required} && $_->{required} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + do { $self->print_usage(); exit 0 } if ! exists $commandline{$_}; + } + foreach (grep { exists $_->{default} } @{$self->{_args}}) { + $_->{spec} =~ /^([\w\-]+)/; + my $spec = $1; + $self->{opts}->{$spec} = $_->{default}; + } + foreach (keys %commandline) { + $self->{opts}->{$_} = $commandline{$_}; + } + } +} + +sub create_opt { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + no strict 'refs'; + *{"$key"} = sub { + return $self->{opts}->{$key}; + }; +} + +sub override_opt { + my $self = shift; + my $key = shift; + my $value = shift; + $self->{opts}->{$key} = $value; +} + +sub get { + my $self = shift; + my $opt = shift; + return $self->{opts}->{$opt}; +} + +sub print_help { + my $self = shift; + $self->print_version(); + printf "\n%s\n", $self->{_attr}->{license}; + printf "\n%s\n\n", $self->{_attr}->{blurb}; + $self->print_usage(); + foreach (@{$self->{_args}}) { + printf " %s\n", $_->{help}; + } + exit 0; +} + +sub print_usage { + my $self = shift; + printf $self->{_attr}->{usage}, $self->{_attr}->{plugin}; + print "\n"; +} + +sub print_version { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s %s", $self->{_attr}->{plugin}, $self->{_attr}->{version}; + printf " [%s]", $self->{_attr}->{url} if $self->{_attr}->{url}; + print "\n"; +} + +sub print_license { + my $self = shift; + printf "%s\n", $self->{_attr}->{license}; + print "\n"; +} + +1; diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4550874 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +# /usr/bin/perl -w + +use strict; +use File::Basename; + +my $plugin = Classes::Device->new( + shortname => '', + usage => 'Usage: %s [ -v|--verbose ] [ -t ] '. + '--mode '. + '--hostname --community '. + ' ...]', + version => '$Revision: #PACKAGE_VERSION# $', + blurb => 'This plugin checks various parameters of network components ', + url => 'http://labs.consol.de/nagios/check_nwc_health', + timeout => 60, + plugin => basename($0), +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::uptime', + spec => 'uptime', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the uptime of the device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hardware::health', + spec => 'hardware-health', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of environmental equipment (fans, temperatures, power)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hardware::load', + spec => 'cpu-load', + alias => ['cpu-usage'], + help => 'Check the CPU load of the device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hardware::memory', + spec => 'memory-usage', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the memory usage of the device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::usage', + spec => 'interface-usage', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the utilization of interfaces', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::errors', + spec => 'interface-errors', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the error-rate of interfaces (without discards)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::discards', + spec => 'interface-discards', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the discard-rate of interfaces', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::operstatus', + spec => 'interface-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of interfaces (oper/admin)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::nat::sessions::count', + spec => 'interface-nat-count-sessions', + alias => undef, + help => 'Count the number of nat sessions', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::nat::rejects', + spec => 'interface-nat-rejects', + alias => undef, + help => 'Count the number of nat sessions rejected due to lack of resources', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::list', + spec => 'list-interfaces', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the interfaces of the device and update the name cache', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::listdetail', + spec => 'list-interfaces-detail', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the interfaces of the device and some details', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::availability', + spec => 'interface-availability', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the availability (oper != up) of interfaces', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::interfaces::aggregation::availability', + spec => 'link-aggregation-availability', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the percentage of up interfaces in a link aggregation', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::shinken::interface', + spec => 'create-shinken-service', + alias => undef, + help => 'Create a Shinken service definition', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hsrp::state', + spec => 'hsrp-state', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the state in a HSRP group', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hsrp::failover', + spec => 'hsrp-failover', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if a HSRP group\'s nodes have changed their roles', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::hsrp::list', + spec => 'list-hsrp-groups', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the HSRP groups configured on this device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::bgp::peer::status', + spec => 'bgp-peer-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check status of BGP peers', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::bgp::peer::list', + spec => 'list-bgp-peers', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show BGP peers known to this device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::ha::role', + spec => 'ha-role', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the role in a ha group', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::svn::status', + spec => 'svn-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of the svn subsystem', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::mngmt::status', + spec => 'mngmt-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of the management subsystem', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::fw::policy::installed', + spec => 'fw-policy', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the installed firewall policy', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::fw::policy::connections', + spec => 'fw-connections', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the number of firewall policy connections', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::lb::session::usage', + spec => 'session-usage', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the session limits of a load balancer', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::security', + spec => 'security-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if there are security-relevant incidents', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::lb::pool::completeness', + spec => 'pool-completeness', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the members of a load balancer pool', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::lb::pool::list', + spec => 'list-pools', + alias => undef, + help => 'List load balancer pools', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::licenses::validate', + spec => 'check-licenses', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the installed licences/keys', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::users::count', + spec => 'count-users', + alias => ['count-sessions', 'count-connections'], + help => 'Count the (connected) users/sessions', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::config::status', + spec => 'check-config', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of configs (cisco, unsaved config changes)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::connections::check', + spec => 'check-connections', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the quality of connections', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::connections::count', + spec => 'count-connections', + alias => ['count-connections-client', 'count-connections-server'], + help => 'Check the number of connections (-client, -server is possible)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::cisco::fex::watch', + spec => 'watch-fexes', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if FEXes appear and disappear (use --lookup)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::wlan::aps::status', + spec => 'accesspoint-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the status of access points', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::wlan::aps::count', + spec => 'count-accesspoints', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if the number of access points is within a certain range', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::wlan::aps::watch', + spec => 'watch-accesspoints', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if access points appear and disappear (use --lookup)', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::wlan::aps::list', + spec => 'list-accesspoints', + alias => undef, + help => 'List access points managed by this device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::phone::cmstatus', + spec => 'phone-cm-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if the callmanager is up', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::phone::status', + spec => 'phone-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check the number of registered/unregistered/rejected phones', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::smarthome::device::list', + spec => 'list-smart-home-devices', + alias => undef, + help => 'List Fritz!DECT 200 plugs managed by this device', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::smarthome::device::status', + spec => 'smart-home-device-status', + alias => undef, + help => 'Check if a Fritz!DECT 200 plug is on', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::smarthome::device::energy', + spec => 'smart-home-device-energy', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the current power consumption of a Fritz!DECT 200 plug', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::smarthome::device::consumption', + spec => 'smart-home-device-consumption', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show the cumulated power consumption of a Fritz!DECT 200 plug', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::walk', + spec => 'walk', + alias => undef, + help => 'Show snmpwalk command with the oids necessary for a simulation', +); +$plugin->add_mode( + internal => 'device::supportedmibs', + spec => 'supportedmibs', + alias => undef, + help => 'Shows the names of the mibs which this devices has implemented (only lausser may run this command)', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'blacklist|b=s', + help => '--blacklist + Blacklist some (missing/failed) components', + required => 0, + default => '', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'hostname|H=s', + help => '--hostname + Hostname or IP-address of the switch or router', + required => 0, + env => 'HOSTNAME', +); +$plugin->add_snmp_args(); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'mode=s', + help => "--mode + A keyword which tells the plugin what to do", + required => 1, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'name=s', + help => "--name + The name of an interface (ifDescr)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'drecksptkdb=s', + help => "--drecksptkdb + This parameter must be used instead of --name, because Devel::ptkdb is stealing the latter from the command line", + aliasfor => "name", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'alias=s', + help => "--alias + The alias name of a 64bit-interface (ifAlias)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'regexp', + help => "--regexp + A flag indicating that --name is a regular expression", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'ifspeedin=i', + help => "--ifspeedin + Override the ifspeed oid of an interface (only inbound)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'ifspeedout=i', + help => "--ifspeedout + Override the ifspeed oid of an interface (only outbound)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'ifspeed=i', + help => "--ifspeed + Override the ifspeed oid of an interface", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'units=s', + help => "--units + One of %, B, KB, MB, GB, Bit, KBi, MBi, GBi. (used for e.g. mode interface-usage)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'name2=s', + help => "--name2 + The secondary name of a component", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'role=s', + help => "--role + The role of this device in a hsrp group (active/standby/listen)", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'report=s', + help => "--report + Can be used to shorten the output", + required => 0, + default => 'long', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'lookback=s', + help => "--lookback + The amount of time you want to look back when calculating average rates. + Use it for mode interface-errors or interface-usage. Without --lookback + the time between two runs of check_nwc_health is the base for calculations. + If you want your checkresult to be based for example on the past hour, + use --lookback 3600. ", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'critical=s', + help => '--critical + The critical threshold', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'warning=s', + help => '--warning + The warning threshold', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'warningx=s%', + help => '--warningx + The extended warning thresholds', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'criticalx=s%', + help => '--criticalx + The extended critical thresholds', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'mitigation=s', + help => "--mitigation + The parameter allows you to change a critical error to a warning.", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'selectedperfdata=s', + help => "--selectedperfdata + The parameter allows you to limit the list of performance data. It's a perl regexp. + Only matching perfdata show up in the output", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'negate=s%', + help => "--negate + The parameter allows you to map exit levels, such as warning=critical", + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'with-mymodules-dyn-dir=s', + help => '--with-mymodules-dyn-dir + A directory where own extensions can be found', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'servertype=s', + help => '--servertype + The type of the network device: cisco (default). Use it if auto-detection + is not possible', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'statefilesdir=s', + help => '--statefilesdir + An alternate directory where the plugin can save files', + required => 0, + env => 'STATEFILESDIR', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'snmpwalk=s', + help => '--snmpwalk + A file with the output of a snmpwalk (used for simulation) + Use it instead of --hostname', + required => 0, + env => 'SNMPWALK', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'oids=s', + help => '--oids + A list of oids which are downloaded and written to a cache file. + Use it together with --mode oidcache', + required => 0, +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'offline:i', + help => '--offline + The maximum number of seconds since the last update of cache file before + it is considered too old', + required => 0, + env => 'OFFLINE', +); +$plugin->add_arg( + spec => 'multiline', + help => '--multiline + Multiline output', + required => 0, +); + +$plugin->getopts(); +$plugin->classify(); +$plugin->validate_args(); + +if (! $plugin->check_messages()) { + $plugin->init(); + if (! $plugin->check_messages()) { + $plugin->add_ok($plugin->get_summary()) + if $plugin->get_summary(); + $plugin->add_ok($plugin->get_extendedinfo(" ")) + if $plugin->get_extendedinfo(); + } +} elsif ($plugin->opts->snmpwalk && $plugin->opts->offline) { + ; +} else { + $plugin->add_critical('wrong device'); +} +my ($code, $message) = $plugin->opts->multiline ? + $plugin->check_messages(join => "\n", join_all => ', ') : + $plugin->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', '); +$message .= sprintf "\n%s\n", $plugin->get_info("\n") + if $plugin->opts->verbose >= 1; +#printf "%s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper($plugin); + +$plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message); +printf "schluss\n"; diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd4b90b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#!/usr/bin/awk + +function which(c,path) { + cmd = "test -x " c; + + if (system(cmd)==0) { + return c; + } + + sub(/\/.*\//,"",c); + for (dir in path) { + cmd = "test -x " path[dir] "/" c; + if (system(cmd)==0) { + return path[dir] "/" c; + } + } + + + return c; +} + +# used to replace "use lib utils.pm" with "use lib @libexecdir" +# +function led() { + led1 = "@libexecdir@"; + led2 = "@exec_prefix@"; + led3 = "@prefix@"; + if ( match(led1, /^\$\{exec_prefix\}/ ) != 0 ) { + return "\"" led3 "/libexec\" " ; + + } + return "\"" led1 "\"" ; +} + +BEGIN { + split(ENVIRON["PATH"] ":/sbin:/usr/sbin",path,/:/); + +} + +# scripting language (first line) + +/^#! ?\/.*\/python/ {sub(/^#! ?\/.*\/python/,"#! @PYTHON@");} +/^#! ?\/.*\/perl/ {sub(/^#! ?\/.*\/perl/,"#! @PERL@");} +/^#! ?\/.*\/[a-z]{0,2}awk/ {sub(/^#! ?\/.*\/[a-z]{0,2}awk/,"#! @AWK@");} +/^#! ?\/.*\/sh/ {sub(/^#! ?\/.*\/sh/,"#! @SHELL@");} + +# add to libexecdir to INC for perl utils.pm +/^use/ { if (/lib/) { if (/utils.pm|"."/ ) {sub(/utils.pm|"."/,led() )} } } + + +# Replace the placeholders with the values from configure +/#PERL#/ {sub(/#PERL#/,"@PERL@");} +/#STATEFILES_DIR#/ {sub(/#STATEFILES_DIR#/,"@STATEFILES_DIR@");} +/#PACKAGE_VERSION#/ {sub(/#PACKAGE_VERSION#/,"@PACKAGE_VERSION@");} + +{ + print; +} + diff --git a/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82533df --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/check_nwc_health- @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +component class has new with int + +* plugins-scripts/Classes/BGP/Component/PeerSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/FwSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/HaSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/MngmtSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/SvnSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint/Firewall1.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CheckPoint.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Cisco.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/KeySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/RaidSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/SupplySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoAsyncOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/ConfigSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/ConnectionSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/SupplySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoIOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoNXOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoNXOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoNXOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoNXOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoNXOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/SupplySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/VoltageSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC/Component/WlanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/CiscoWLC.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Device.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/LTM.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5/F5BIGIP.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/F5.pm +*plugins-scripts/Classes/FabOS/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +*plugins-scripts/Classes/FabOS/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FabOS/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +*plugins-scripts/Classes/FabOS/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FabOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCEOS/Components/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCEOS/Components/FruSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCEOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCMGMT/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCMGMT/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/FCMGMT.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Fortigate.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/FanSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/PowersupplySubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/SLBSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry/Component/TemperatureSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Foundry.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HOSTRESOURCESMIB.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP/Procurve/Component/SensorSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP/Procurve.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HP.pm +*plugins-scripts/Classes/HSRP/Component/HSRPSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/HSRP.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/IFMIB/Component/InterfaceSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/IFMIB/Component/LinkAggregation.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/IFMIB.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/DiskSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/EnvironmentalSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE/Component/UserSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/IVE.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/NetScreen/Component/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper/NetScreen.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Juniper.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/MEOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/MIBII.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/MibsAndOids.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/Nortel.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/SecureOS.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/UCDMIB/Components/CpuSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/UCDMIB/Components/MemSubsystem.pm +plugins-scripts/Classes/UCDMIB.pm diff --git a/check_nwc_health/control b/check_nwc_health/control new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b59fd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/control @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Homepage: http://labs.consol.de/lang/en/nagios/check_nwc_health/ +Watch: http://labs.consol.de/lang/en/nagios/check_nwc_health/ check_nwc_health-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz +Uploaders: Jan Wagner +Description: This plugin checks the hardware health and interface metrics + of network components like switches and routers. +Build-Depends: autotools-dev +Version: diff --git a/check_nwc_health/copyright b/check_nwc_health/copyright new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6a171b --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/copyright @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +AUTHOR: Gerhard Lausser +License: GPL v2 + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General + Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2". diff --git a/check_nwc_health/src b/check_nwc_health/src new file mode 120000 index 0000000..d12e7f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_nwc_health/src @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +check_nwc_health- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control index fe9300b..5351f4e 100644 --- a/debian/control +++ b/debian/control @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Section: net Priority: extra Maintainer: Jan Wagner Uploaders: Jan Wagner -Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), python, python-debian, quilt (>= 0.46-7), autotools-dev, +Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), python, python-debian, quilt (>= 0.46-7), autotools-dev, autotools-dev Standards-Version: 3.9.4 Vcs-Git: git://github.com/waja/monitoring-plugins-cyconet Vcs-Browser: http://github.com/waja/monitoring-plugins-cyconet @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Description: Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems . * check_bgp (0.4): plugin to check BGP peer status via SNMP. * check_file: plugin to check file count, size and ages + * check_nwc_health ( This plugin checks the hardware health and interface metrics + of network components like switches and routers. * check_openvpn (20130904): plugin to check if an OpenVPN server runs on a given port * check_phpfpm_status (0.9): plugin to check the fpm-status page report from php-fpm * check_redis (0.72): plugin that verifies redis server is working. diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright index d0c7f38..7a0e731 100644 --- a/debian/copyright +++ b/debian/copyright @@ -58,6 +58,34 @@ check_file: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +check_nwc_health: + +The plugin was downloaded from: +http://labs.consol.de/lang/en/nagios/check_nwc_health/ + + AUTHOR: Gerhard Lausser + License: GPL v2 + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General + Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2". + + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ check_openvpn: