check_apache_balancer_members: Update to 8e1ad17

This commit is contained in:
Jan Wagner 2018-03-19 06:09:01 +01:00
parent 36649d7285
commit f134dbfd1c
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $np->getopts;
my $response = get("http://".$np->opts->hostname."/".$np->opts->path);
my $s = scraper {
process 'table:nth-of-type(2) tr:not(:first-child)', 'members[]' => scraper {
process 'table:nth-of-type(2) tr', 'members[]' => scraper {
process 'td:nth-of-type(1)', 'worker' => 'TEXT';
process 'td:nth-of-type(6)', 'status' => 'TEXT';
process 'td:nth-of-type(7)', 'elected' => 'TEXT';
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ my $s = scraper {
my $results = $s->scrape($response);
my @problemMembers = ();
my $at_least_one_is_ok = 0;
foreach my $member (@{$results->{'members'}})
next unless $member->{'worker'};
push @problemMembers, $member->{'worker'} if $member->{'status'} =~ /Err/i;
$at_least_one_is_ok = 1 if $member->{'status'} =~ /Ok\s?$/;
$np->add_perfdata(label => "elected-$member->{'worker'}", value => $member->{'elected'}, uom => 'c');

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Watch: <a class="commit-tease-sha"[^>]*>\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+</a>
Recommends: libdata-dump-perl, libweb-scraper-perl, libmonitoring-plugin-perl | libnagios-plugin-perl
Version: cfa70e2
Version: 8e1ad17
Uploaders: Jan Wagner <>
Description: plugin to monitor Apache2 balancer_manager