#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################# Written and Manteined by Nicola Bandini ############### ############################# Created and written by Matthias Luettermann ############### ############################# finetuning by primator@gmail.com ############################# finetuning by n.bandini@gmail.com ############################# finetuning by vitamin.b@mailbox.org ############################# with code by Tom Lesniak and Hugo Geijteman ############################# with code by Carsten Koebke # # copyright (c) 2008 Shahid Iqbal # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # contact the author directly for more information at: matthias@xcontrol.de ########################################################################################## plgVer=1.01 usage() { echo echo "qnap_health $plgVer" echo echo "Warning: Wrong command line arguments." echo echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [-V protocol] -H -C -p -w -c " echo echo "Where: -p|--part - part to check" echo " -h - no human-readable output; do not use unit suffixes" echo " -w|--warning - warning" echo " -c|--critical - critical" echo " -t|--timeout - timeout for snmp connect, default: 5s" echo " --help - show this help" echo echo "SNMP specific" echo " -H|--hostname - hostname or IP" echo " -V - SNMP protocol version to use (1, 2c, 3); default: 2c" echo " -P|--port - SNMP port; default: 161" echo echo "SNMP Version 1|2c specific" echo " -C|--community - SNMP community name; default: public" echo echo "SNMP Version 3 specific" echo " -l|--level - security level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)" echo " -u|--user - security name" echo " -a|--authprotocol - authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)" echo " -A|--authpassphrase - authentication protocol pass phrase" echo " -x|--privprotocol - privacy protocol (DES|AES)" echo " -X|--privpassphrase - privacy protocol pass phrase" echo echo "Parts are: status, sysinfo, systemuptime, temp, cpu, cputemp, usedram, iops, latency, powerstatus, fans, diskused, hdstatus, hdtemp, lunstatus (for iSCSI luns), volstatus (Raid Volume Status)" echo echo "volstatus & lunstatus checks all vols/luns and vols/lun space; powerstatus checks power supply" echo "<#> is 1-8 for hd, 1-5 for vol" echo echo " Example for diskusage: ${0##*/} -H -C public -p diskused -w 80 -c 95" echo echo " Example for volstatus: ${0##*/} -H -C public -p volstatus -w 15 -c 10" echo " critical and warning value are related to free disk space" echo echo " Example for fans: ${0##*/} -H -C public -p fans -w 2000 -c 1900" echo " critical and warning are minimum speed in rpm for fans" echo echo " this plugin requires the following programs to be installed:" echo " * bc" echo " * awk" echo " * snmpget" echo " * snmpwalk" exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN } # Default values strProtocol="2c" strCommunity="public" strPort="161" timeout="5" # Exit codes EXIT_OK="0" EXIT_WARNING="1" EXIT_CRITICAL="2" EXIT_UNKNOWN="3" # check for needed programs SNMPGET_BIN=$(which snmpget) SNMPWALK_BIN=$(which snmpwalk) BC_BIN=$(which bc) AWK_BIN=$(which awk) if [ -z "$SNMPGET_BIN" ]; then echo "Could not find 'snmpget'!" usage fi if [ -z "$SNMPWALK_BIN" ]; then echo "Could not find 'snmpwalk'!" usage fi if [ -z "$BC_BIN" ]; then echo "Could not find 'bc'!" usage fi if [ -z "$AWK_BIN" ]; then echo "Could not find 'awk'!" usage fi # Options PARSED_OPTIONS=$(getopt -n "$0" -o V:H:C:p:hw:c:t:l:u:a:A:x:X:P: --long "hostname:,community:,part:,warning:,critical:,timeout:,level:,user:,authprotocol:,authpassphrase:,privprotocol:,privpassphrase:,port:,help" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN fi eval set -- "$PARSED_OPTIONS" while true; do case "$1" in --help) usage shift ;; -C|--community) strCommunity="$2" shift 2 ;; -P|--port) strPort="$2" shift 2 ;; -h) inhuman=1 shift ;; -H|--hostname) strHostname="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--part) strPart="$2" shift 2 ;; -V) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strProtocol="$2" case "$strProtocol" in 1|2c|3) ;; *) echo "ERROR: wrong protocol version" >&2 usage ;; esac fi shift 2 ;; -w|--warning) strWarning="$2" shift 2 ;; -c|--critical) strCritical="$2" shift 2 ;; -t|--timeout) timeout="$2" shift 2 ;; -l|--level) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strLevel="$2" case "$strLevel" in noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv) ;; *) echo "ERROR: wrong security level" >&2 usage ;; esac fi shift 2 ;; -u|--user) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strUser="$2" fi shift 2 ;; -a|--authprotocol) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strAuthprotocol="${2,,}" case "$strAuthprotocol" in md5|sha) ;; *) echo "ERROR: wrong authentication protocol" >&2 usage ;; esac fi shift 2 ;; -A|--authpassphrase) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strAuthpassphrase="$2" else echo "ERROR: authentification passphrase is missing" >&2 usage fi shift 2 ;; -x|--privprotocol) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strPrivprotocol="${2,,}" case "$strPrivprotocol" in des|aes) ;; *) echo "ERROR: wrong privacy protocol" >&2 usage ;; esac fi shift 2 ;; -X|--privpassphrase) if [ -n "$2" ]; then strPrivpassphrase="$2" else echo "ERROR: privacy passphrase is missing" >&2 exit 3 fi shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; esac done if ([ "$strPart" != "sysinfo" -a "$strPart" != "hdstatus" -a "$strPart" != "powerstatus" ]) && ( [ -z "$strWarning" -o -z "$strCritical" ]);then echo "UKNOWN: $strPart check needs warning and critical threshold set." exit 3 fi function _cmdparam() { case "$strProtocol" in 1|2c) cmd="-v $strProtocol -c $strCommunity" ;; 3) cmd="-v $strProtocol -u $strUser -l $strLevel -a $strAuthprotocol -A $strAuthpassphrase -x $strPrivprotocol -X $strPrivpassphrase" ;; esac if [ -n "$strPort" ]; then cmd="$cmd $strHostname:$strPort" else cmd="$cmd $strHostname" fi echo "$cmd" } function _trim() { echo $1 | awk '{$1=$1};1' } function _snmpget() { snmpget $(_cmdparam) "$@" } function _snmpwalk() { snmpwalk $(_cmdparam) "$@" } function _snmpgetval() { snmpget $(_cmdparam) -Oqv "$@" } function _snmpstatus() { snmpstatus $(_cmdparam) "$@" } function _get_exp() { case "$1" in PB) echo "50" ;; TB) echo "40" ;; GB) echo "30" ;; MB) echo "20" ;; KB) echo "10" ;; '') echo "0" ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown unit '$1'" ;; esac } # Check if QNAP is online TEST="$(_snmpstatus -t $timeout -r 0 2>&1)" if [ "$TEST" == "Timeout: No Response from $strHostname:$strPort" ]; then echo "UNKOWN: SNMP to $strHostname is not available or wrong community string"; exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN; fi # STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$strPart" == "status" ]; then echo "$TEST"; # DISKUSED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "diskused" ]; then diskStr="$(_snmpget" freeStr="$(_snmpget" diskSize="$(echo "$diskStr" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/')" freeSize="$(echo "$freeStr" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/')" diskUnit="$(echo "$diskStr" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/')" freeUnit="$(echo "$freeStr" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/')" diskExp="$(_get_exp "$diskUnit")" freeExp="$(_get_exp "$freeUnit")" disk="$(echo "scale=0; $diskSize*(2^$diskExp)" | bc -l)" free="$(echo "scale=0; $freeSize*(2^$freeExp)" | bc -l)" used="$(echo "scale=0; $disk-$free" | bc -l)" perc="$(echo "scale=0; $used*100/$disk" | bc -l)" diskH="$(echo "scale=2; $disk/(2^$diskExp)" | bc -l)" freeH="$(echo "scale=2; $free/(2^$freeExp)" | bc -l)" usedH="$(echo "scale=2; $used/(2^$diskExp)" | bc -l)" if [ "${inhuman:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then diskF="$disk" freeF="$free" usedF="$used" else diskF="$diskH$diskUnit" freeF="$freeH$freeUnit" usedF="$usedH$diskUnit" fi #wdisk=$(echo "scale=0; $strWarning*$disk/100" | bc -l) #cdisk=$(echo "scale=0; $strCritical*$disk/100" | bc -l) OUTPUT="Total:$diskF - Used:$usedF - Free:$freeF - Used Space: $perc%|Used=$perc;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if [ $perc -ge $strCritical ]; then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $perc -ge $strWarning ]; then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # CPU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "cpu" ]; then CPU="$(_snmpgetval | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?%"/\1/')" OUTPUT="CPU Load=$CPU%|CPU load=$CPU%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if (( $(echo "$CPU > $strCritical" | bc -l) )); then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif (( $(echo "$CPU > $strWarning" | bc -l) )); then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # CPUTEMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "cputemp" ]; then TEMP0="$(_snmpgetval . | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?C.*/\1/')" OUTPUT="CPU Temperature: ${TEMP0}°C|NAS CPUtemperature=${TEMP0}C;$strWarning;$strCritical;;" if [ "$TEMP0" -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ "$TEMP0" -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # Free RAM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "usedram" ]; then totalMemStr="$(_snmpgetval" freeMemStr="$(_snmpgetval" totalMemSize="$(echo "$totalMemStr" | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?.?B"/\1/')" freeMemSize="$(echo "$freeMemStr" | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?.?B"/\1/')" totalMemUnit="$(echo "$totalMemStr" | sed -E 's/"[0-9.]+ ?(.?B)"/\1/')" freeMemUnit="$(echo "$freeMemStr" | sed -E 's/"[0-9.]+ ?(.?B)"/\1/')" totalMemExp="$(_get_exp "$totalMemUnit")" freeMemExp="$(_get_exp "$freeMemUnit")" totalMem="$(echo "scale=0; $totalMemSize*(2^$totalMemExp)" | bc -l)" freeMem="$(echo "scale=0; $freeMemSize*(2^$freeMemExp)" | bc -l)" usedMem="$(echo "scale=0; $totalMem-$freeMem" | bc -l)" percMem="$(echo "scale=0; $usedMem*100/$totalMem" | bc -l)" totalMemH="$(echo "scale=1; $totalMem/(2^$totalMemExp)" | bc -l)" freeMemH="$(echo "scale=1; $freeMem/(2^$freeMemExp)" | bc -l)" usedMemH="$(echo "scale=1; $usedMem/(2^$freeMemExp)" | bc -l)" if [ "${inhuman:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then totalMemF="$totalMem" freeMemF="$freeMem" usedMemF="$usedMem" else totalMemF="$totalMemH$totalMemUnit" freeMemF="$freeMemH$freeMemUnit" usedMemF="$usedMemH$freeMemUnit" fi OUTPUT="Total:$totalMemF - Used:$usedMemF - Free:$freeMemF|Memory usage=$percMem%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if [ $percMem -ge $strCritical ]; then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $percMem -ge $strWarning ]; then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # System Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "temp" ]; then TEMP0="$(_snmpgetval . | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?C.*/\1/')" OUTPUT="Temperature: ${TEMP0}°C|NAS temperature=${TEMP0}C;$strWarning;$strCritical;;" if [ "$TEMP0" -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ "$TEMP0" -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # Disk IOPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "iops" ]; then IOPS=$(_snmpgetval | sed -E 's/"|\s%//g') OUTPUT="IOPS="$IOPS"|IOPS="$IOPS";$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if (( $(echo "$IOPS > $strCritical" | bc -l) )); then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif (( $(echo "$IOPS > $strWarning" | bc -l) )); then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # Disk Latency ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "latency" ]; then LATENCY=$(_snmpgetval | sed -E 's/"|\s%//g') OUTPUT="Latency="$LATENCY"|Latency="$LATENCY";$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if (( $(echo "$LATENCY > $strCritical" | bc -l) )); then echo "CRITICAL: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif (( $(echo "$LATENCY > $strWarning" | bc -l) )); then echo "WARNING: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_WARNING else echo "OK: $OUTPUT" exit $EXIT_OK fi # HD# Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [[ "$strPart" == hdtemp ]]; then PERFOUTPUT="" UnknownStr="" CriticalStr="" WarningStr="" EXIT=0 hdnum="$(_snmpgetval ." for (( c=1; c<=$hdnum; c++ )) do TEMPHD="$(_snmpgetval "$c" | sed -E 's/"([0-9.]+) ?C.*/\1/')" if [[ ! $TEMPHD =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then if [ -n "$UnknownStr" ]; then UnknownStr="${UnknownStr},HDD${c}" else UnknownStr="UNKNOWN: HD${c}" fi continue fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge $strCritical ]; then if [ -n "$CriticalStr" ]; then CriticalStr="${CriticalStr}, HDD${c}: ${TEMPHD}°C" else CriticalStr="CRITICAL: HDD${c}: ${TEMPHD}°C" fi elif [ $TEMPHD -ge $strWarning -a $TEMPHD -lt $strCritical ]; then if [ -n "$WarningStr" ]; then WarningStr="${WarningStr}, HDD${c}: ${TEMPHD}°C" else WarningStr="WARNING: HDD${c}: ${TEMPHD}°C" fi fi if [ -n "$PERFOUTPUT" ]; then PERFOUTPUT="${PERFOUTPUT} HDD${c}_temperature=${TEMPHD};$strWarning;$strCritical;;" else PERFOUTPUT="HDD${c}_temperature=${TEMPHD};$strWarning;$strCritical;;" fi done if [ -z "$CriticalStr" -a -z "$WarningStr" -a -z "$UnknownStr" ]; then OUTPUT="OK: All HDD are fine." else if [ -n "$CriticalStr" ]; then EXIT=$EXIT_CRITICAL OUTPUT="$CriticalStr" fi if [ -n "$WarningStr" ]; then if [ ! $EXIT -eq 2 ]; then EXIT=$EXIT_WARNING fi OUTPUT="$OUTPUT $WarningStr" fi if [ -n "$UnknownStr" ];then if [ ! $EXIT -eq 1 -a ! $EXIT -eq 2 ];then EXIT=$EXIT_UNKNOWN fi OUTPUT="$OUTPUT $UnknownStr" fi fi echo "$(_trim "$OUTPUT")|$PERFOUTPUT" exit $EXIT # HD Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "hdstatus" ]; then hdnum="$(_snmpgetval ." hdok=0 hdnok=0 hdnop=0 output_crit="" for (( c=1; c<=$hdnum; c++ )) do HD="$(_snmpgetval "$c" | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/')" if [ "$HD" == "GOOD" ]; then ((hdok+=1)) elif [ "$HD" == "--" ]; then ((hdnop+=1)) else output_crit="${output_crit} Disk ${c}" ((hdnok+=1)) fi done PERFDATA="|hdok=$hdok;;;; hdnok=$hdnok;;;; unused=$hdnop;;;;" if [ -n "$output_crit" ] then echo "CRITICAL: $(_trim "${output_crit}")$PERFDATA" exit $EXIT_CRITICAL else echo "OK: Online Disk $hdok, Free Slot ${hdnop}$PERFDATA" exit $EXIT_OK fi # LUN Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "lunstatus" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" PERFOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 lun=1 lunCOUNT="$(_snmpwalk . | wc -l)" #if [ "$strWarning" -lt "$strCritical" ]; then # echo "Warning threshold ($strWarning) is less than critical threshold ($strCritical) ! -- Are you sure ?" #fi while [ "$lun" -le "$lunCOUNT" ]; do lun_Status="$(_snmpgetval ".$lun" | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/')" lun_name="$(_snmpgetval ".$lun" | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/')" if [ "$lun_Status" == "Enabled" ]; then lunSTAT="OK($lun_Status)" else lunSTAT="CRITICAL($lun_Status)" CRITICAL=1 fi lunCpctStr="$(_snmpgetval ".$lun")" lunUsedPct="$(_snmpgetval ".$lun")" lunCpct="$(echo "scale=0; $lunCpctStr*(2^0)" | bc -l)" lunUsedCpct="$(echo "scale=0; $lunCpct/100*$lunUsedPct" | bc -l)" lunUsedWarn="$(echo "scale=0; $lunCpct/100*$strWarning" | bc -l)" lunusedCrit="$(echo "scale=0; $lunCpct/100*$strCritical" | bc -l)" if [ "$lunUsedPct" -ge "$strCritical" ]; then lunUsedPctStr="CRITICAL($lunUsedPct)" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$lunUsedPct" -ge "$strWarning" -a "$lunUsedPct" -lt "$strCritical" ]; then lunUsedPctStr="WARNING($lunUsedPct)" WARNING=1 fi if [ -n "$ALLOUTPUT" ] ; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT} :: " fi if [ "$lunUsedPctStr" != "" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}$lun_name: $lunSTAT, used: ${lunUsedPctStr}%" fi #Performance Data if [ $lun -gt 1 ]; then PERFOUTPUT="$PERFOUTPUT " fi PERFOUTPUT="${PERFOUTPUT}usedpct_$lun_name=${lunUsedPct}%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100 used_$lun_name=${lunUsedCpct}b;$lunUsedWarn;$lunusedCrit;0;$lunCpct" lun="`expr $lun + 1`" unset lunUsedPctStr done if [ -z "$ALLOUTPUT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="OK: All luns are fine." fi echo "$ALLOUTPUT| $PERFOUTPUT" if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_WARNING else exit $EXIT_OK fi # Volume Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "volstatus" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" PERFOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 VOL=1 VOLCOUNT="$(_snmpgetval ." if [ "$strWarning" -lt "$strCritical" ]; then echo "Warning threshold ($strWarning) is less than critical threshold ($strCritical) ! -- Are you sure ?" fi while [ "$VOL" -le "$VOLCOUNT" ]; do Vol_Status="$(_snmpgetval ".$VOL" | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/')" if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then VOLSTAT="OK: $Vol_Status" elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then VOLSTAT="WARNING: $Vol_Status" WARNING=1 else VOLSTAT="CRITICAL: $Vol_Status" CRITICAL=1 fi volCpctStr="$(_snmpget ".$VOL")" volFreeStr="$(_snmpget ".$VOL")" volCpctSize="$(echo "$volCpctStr" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/')" volFreeSize="$(echo "$volFreeStr" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/')" volCpctUnit="$(echo "$volCpctStr" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/')" volFreeUnit="$(echo "$volFreeStr" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/')" volCpctExp="$(_get_exp "$volCpctUnit")" volFreeExp="$(_get_exp "$volFreeUnit")" volCpct="$(echo "scale=0; $volCpctSize*(2^$volCpctExp)" | bc -l)" volFree="$(echo "scale=0; $volFreeSize*(2^$volFreeExp)" | bc -l)" volUsed="$(echo "scale=0; $volCpct-$volFree" | bc -l)" volFreePct="$(echo "scale=0; $volFree*100/$volCpct" | bc -l)" volUsedPct="$(echo "scale=0; $volUsed*100/$volCpct" | bc -l)" volCpctH="$(echo "scale=2; $volCpct/(2^$volCpctExp)" | bc -l)" volFreeH="$(echo "scale=2; $volFree/(2^$volFreeExp)" | bc -l)" volUsedH="$(echo "scale=2; $volUsed/(2^$volFreeExp)" | bc -l)" if [ "${inhuman:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then volCpctF="$volCpct" volFreeF="$volFree" volUsedF="$volUsed" else volCpctF="$volCpctH $volCpctUnit" volFreeF="$volFreeH $volFreeUnit" volUsedF="$volUsedH $volFreeUnit" fi if [ "$volFreePct" -le "$strCritical" ]; then volFreePct="CRITICAL: $volFreePct" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$volFreePct" -le "$strWarning" ]; then volFreePct="WARNING: $volFreePct" WARNING=1 fi ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Volume #$VOL: $VOLSTAT, Total Size (bytes): $volCpctF, Free: $volFreeF (${volFreePct}%)" if [ "$VOL" -lt "$VOLCOUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}, " fi #Performance Data if [ $VOL -gt 1 ]; then PERFOUTPUT="$PERFOUTPUT " fi PERFOUTPUT="${PERFOUTPUT}FreeSize_Volume-$VOL=${volFreePct}%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" VOL="`expr $VOL + 1`" done echo "$ALLOUTPUT|$PERFOUTPUT" if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_WARNING else exit $EXIT_OK fi # Power Supply Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "powerstatus" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 PS=1 COUNT="$(_snmpgetval ." if [[ "$COUNT" == 'No Such Object'* ]]; then echo "UNKOWN: Could not get information about powersupplies" exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN fi while [ "$PS" -le "$COUNT" ]; do STATUS="$(_snmpgetval ".$PS")" if [ "$STATUS" -eq 0 ]; then PSSTATUS="OK: GOOD" else PSSTATUS="CRITICAL: ERROR" CRITICAL=1 fi ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Power Supply #$PS - $PSSTATUS" if [ "$PS" -lt "$COUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="$ALLOUTPUT\n" fi PS="`expr $PS + 1`" done echo "$ALLOUTPUT" if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_WARNING else exit $EXIT_OK fi # Fan Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "fans" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" PERFOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 FAN=1 FANCOUNT="$(_snmpgetval ." if [ "$strWarning" -lt "$strCritical" ]; then echo "Warning threshold ($strWarning) is less than critical threshold ($strCritical) ! -- Are you sure ?" fi while [ "$FAN" -le "$FANCOUNT" ]; do FANSPEED="$(_snmpgetval ".$FAN" | sed -E 's/"([0-9]+) ?RPM"/\1/')" #Performance data if [ $FAN -gt 1 ]; then PERFOUTPUT="$PERFOUTPUT " fi PERFOUTPUT="${PERFOUTPUT}Fan-$FAN=$FANSPEED;$strWarning;$strCritical;;" if [ "$FANSPEED" == "" ]; then FANSTAT="CRITICAL: $FANSPEED RPM" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$FANSPEED" -le "$strCritical" ]; then FANSTAT="CRITICAL: $FANSPEED RPM" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$FANSPEED" -le "$strWarning" ]; then FANSTAT="WARNING: $FANSPEED RPM" WARNING=1 else FANSTAT="OK: $FANSPEED RPM" fi ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Fan #${FAN}: $FANSTAT" if [ "$FAN" -lt "$FANCOUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}, " fi FAN="`expr $FAN + 1`" done echo "$ALLOUTPUT|$PERFOUTPUT" if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit $EXIT_WARNING else exit $EXIT_OK fi # System Uptime---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strPart" == "systemuptime" ]; then EXIT=0 netuptime="$(echo "scale=0; $(_snmpget . | sed -r 's/.*\(([0-9]+)\).*/\1/g')/100" | bc -l)" sysuptime="$(echo "scale=0; $(_snmpget . | sed -r 's/.*\(([0-9]+)\).*/\1/g')/100" | bc -l)" if [ -z $sysuptime -o -z $netuptime ]; then OUTPUT="UNKOWN: Could not get uptime information!" EXIT=$EXIT_UNKNOWN fi if [ "$sysuptime" -le "$strCritical" ]; then OUTPUT="CRITICAL: System up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $sysuptime )))" EXIT=$EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ "$sysuptime" -le "$strWarning" ]; then OUTPUT="WARNING: System up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $sysuptime )))" EXIT=$EXIT_WARNING elif [ "$netuptime" -le "$strCritical" ]; then OUTPUT="$OUTPUT CRITICAL: Network up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $netuptime )))" EXIT=$EXIT_CRITICAL elif [ "$netuptime" -le "$strWarning" ]; then OUTPUT="$OUTPUT WARNING: Network up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $netuptime )))" if [ ! $EXIT -eq 2 ];then EXIT=$EXIT_WARNING fi else OUTPUT="OK: System up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $sysuptime ))) - Network up since $(date -d @$(( $(date +%s) - $netuptime )))" fi PERFDATA="| system_uptime=${sysuptime}s;$strWarning;$strCritical;; network_uptime=${netuptime}s;$strWarning;$strCritical;;" echo "$(_trim "$OUTPUT $PERFDATA")" exit $EXIT # System Info------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif [ "$strPart" == "sysinfo" ]; then model="$(_snmpgetval . | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/')" hdnum="$(_snmpgetval ." VOLCOUNT="$(_snmpgetval ." lunCOUNT="$(_snmpwalk . | wc -l)" name="$(_snmpgetval . | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/')" firmware="$(_snmpgetval . | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/')" echo "NAS $name, Model $model, Firmware $firmware, Max HD number $hdnum, No. Volume $VOLCOUNT, No. iSCSI LUNs $lunCOUNT" exit $EXIT_OK #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else echo "Unknown Part!" && exit $EXIT_UNKNOWN fi exit $EXIT_OK