#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Nagios plugin to monitor Redis sentinel # # Checks general connectivity to a Redis sentinel server and will go critical # for any of the following conditions: # * Inability to connect to the sentinel server # * Sentinel reports it isn't monitoring any masters # * Sentinel has entered TILT mode # # Arguments: # -H --host HOSTNAME to connect to (defaults to # -p --port PORT to connect to (defaults to 26379) # # Requires the "redis" Rubygem # # Author: Chris Boulton # License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) # require 'redis' require 'optparse' STATES = { :ok => 0, :warning => 1, :critical => 2, :unknown => 3, } options = { :host => '', :port => 26379, :timeout => 2, } $results = [] $exit_status = :ok def add_state(status, msg, should_exit = false) $results.push(msg) $exit_status = status if STATES[status] > STATES[$exit_status] if should_exit do_exit end end def add_info(msg) $results.push(msg) end def do_exit puts "#{$exit_status.upcase} - #{$results.join('. ')}" exit STATES[$exit_status] end optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on('-H', '--host HOST', 'Hostname') do |h| options[:host] = h end opts.on('-p', '--port PORT', 'Port') do |p| options[:port] = p.to_i end end optparse.parse! begin redis = Redis.new(:host => options[:host], :port => options[:port], :timeout => options[:timeout]) info = redis.info add_state(:critical, "Redis instance is not configured as a sentinel", true) unless info['sentinel_masters'] add_state(:critical, "Sentinel has entered TILT mode", true) if info['sentinel_tilt'] != '0' if info['sentinel_masters'] == '0' add_state(:critical, "Sentinel is not monitoring any masters", true) else add_info("Monitoring #{info['sentinel_masters']} masters") end rescue Redis::CannotConnectError => e add_state(:critical, e, true) end do_exit