sudo: required env: global: # travis encrypt -r waja/monitoring-plugins-cyconet GITHUBTOKEN=XXXXXX ( / - secure: "G/f08BKWorfnej6309TiTzESH/HPQlA8AJwpPTWcDkf5X0/9UcpouuajrXBayu0Km3pN0jMzJXOU3S5mQvuebNHCWY1ehVkL4h+z0bDXxFG0SZBLuy0dJ+NPyd7iTp/tlRUfencxymAmaRQQa4zFkLndT0W0MH88NNsYgh/eCBw=" matrix: - TRAVIS_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION=unstable TRAVIS_DEBIAN_MIRROR="" TRAVIS_DEBIAN_SECURITY_UPDATES=false - TRAVIS_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION=testing TRAVIS_DEBIAN_MIRROR="" - TRAVIS_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION=stable TRAVIS_DEBIAN_MIRROR="" services: - docker before_script: # fetch all tags (not done due travis cloning with depth=50) - git fetch --tags script: # build the debian package - wget -O- | sh - after_script: # run lintian after build - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:waja/trusty-backports - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends lintian - lintian --info --display-info --display-experimental --pedantic --show-overrides ../*.deb && lintian --info --display-info --display-experimental --pedantic --show-overrides ../*.dsc after_success: - '[ "$TRAVIS_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION" = "stable" ] && mkdir -p debian/build/release/ && for FILE in $(dcmd $TRAVIS_DEBIAN_BUILD_DIR/*.changes); do cp ../$(basename $FILE) debian/build/release/; done' - '[ "$TRAVIS_DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION" = "stable" ] && debian/bin/ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" "debian/`head -1 debian/changelog | awk -F"[()]" "{print $2}" | awk -F"+" "{print $1}"`" debian/build/release/*' #notifications: # email: false branches: except: - /^debian\/\d/