#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Script for checking global health of host running VMware ESX/ESXi # # Licence : GNU General Public Licence (GPL) http://www.gnu.org/ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . # # Pre-req : pywbem # # Copyright (c) 2008 David Ligeret # Copyright (c) 2009 Joshua Daniel Franklin # Copyright (c) 2010 Branden Schneider # Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Claudio Kuenzler # Copyright (c) 2010 Samir Ibradzic # Copyright (c) 2010 Aaron Rogers # Copyright (c) 2011 Ludovic Hutin # Copyright (c) 2011 Carsten Schoene # Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Phil Randal # Copyright (c) 2011 Fredrik Aslund # Copyright (c) 2011 Bertrand Jomin # Copyright (c) 2011 Ian Chard # Copyright (c) 2012 Craig Hart # Copyright (c) 2013 Carl R. Friend # Copyright (c) 2015 Andreas Gottwald # Copyright (c) 2015 Stanislav German-Evtushenko # Copyright (c) 2015 Stefan Roos # Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Newman # Copyright (c) 2020 Luca Berra # # The VMware 4.1 CIM API is documented here: # http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/cim-sdk/4.1/smash/cim_smash_410_prog.pdf # http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/cim-sdk/smash/u2/ga/apirefdoc/ # # The VMware 5.5 and above CIM API is documented here: # https://code.vmware.com/apis/207/cim # # This monitoring plugin is maintained and documented here: # https://www.claudiokuenzler.com/monitoring-plugins/check_esxi_hardware.php # #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ History #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20080820 #@ Author : David Ligeret #@ Reason : Initial release #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20080821 #@ Author : David Ligeret #@ Reason : Add verbose mode #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20090219 #@ Author : Joshua Daniel Franklin #@ Reason : Add try/except to catch AuthError and CIMError #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20100202 #@ Author : Branden Schneider #@ Reason : Added HP Support (HealthState) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20100512 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #@ Reason : Combined different versions (Joshua and Branden) #@ Reason : Added hardware type switch (dell or hp) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20100626/28 #@ Author : Samir Ibradzic www.brastel.com #@ Reason : Added basic server info #@ Reason : Wanted to have server name, serial number & bios version at output #@ Reason : Set default return status to Unknown #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20100702 #@ Author : Aaron Rogers www.cloudmark.com #@ Reason : GlobalStatus was incorrectly getting (re)set to OK with every CIM element check #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20100705 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #@ Reason : Due to change 20100702 all Dell servers would return UNKNOWN instead of OK... #@ Reason : ... so added Aaron's logic at the end of the Dell checks as well #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20101028 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #@ Reason : Changed text in Usage and Example so people dont forget to use https:// #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110110 #@ Author : Ludovic Hutin (Idea and Coding) / Claudio Kuenzler (Bugfix) #@ Reason : If Dell Blade Servers are used, Serial Number of Chassis was returned #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110207 #@ Author : Carsten Schoene carsten.schoene.cc #@ Reason : Bugfix for Intel systems (in this case Intel SE7520) - use 'intel' as system type #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110215 #@ Author : Ludovic Hutin #@ Reason : Plugin now catches Socket Error (Timeout Error) and added a timeout parameter #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110217/18 #@ Author : Ludovic Hutin / Tom Murphy #@ Reason : Bugfix in Socket Error if clause #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110221 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #@ Reason : Remove recently added Timeout due to incompabatility on Windows #@ Reason : and changed name of plugin to check_esxi_hardware #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110426 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #@ Reason : Added 'ibm' hardware type (compatible to Dell output). Tested by Keith Erekson. #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110426 #@ Author : Phil Randal #@ Reason : URLise Dell model and tag numbers (as in check_openmanage) #@ Reason : Return performance data (as in check_openmanage, using similar names where possible) #@ Reason : Minor code tidyup - use elementName instead of instance['ElementName'] #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110428 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : If hardware type is specified as 'auto' try to autodetect vendor #@ Reason : Return performance data for some HP models #@ Reason : Indent 'verbose' output to make it easier to read #@ Reason : Use OptionParser to give better parameter parsing (retaining compatability with original) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110503 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Fix bug in HP Virtual Fan percentage output #@ Reason : Slight code reorganisation #@ Reason : Sort performance data #@ Reason : Fix formatting of current output #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110504 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Minor code changes and documentation improvements #@ Reason : Remove redundant mismatched ' character in performance data output #@ Reason : Output non-integral values for all sensors to fix problem seen with system board voltage sensors #@ on an IBM server (thanks to Attilio Drei for the sample output) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110505 #@ Author : Fredrik Aslund #@ Reason : Added possibility to use first line of a file as password (file:) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110505 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Simplfy 'verboseoutput' to use 'verbose' as global variable instead of as parameter #@ Reason : Don't look at performance data from CIM_NumericSensor if we're not using it #@ Reason : Add --no-power, --no-volts, --no-current, --no-temp, and --no-fan options #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110506 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Reinstate timeouts with --timeout parameter (but not on Windows) #@ Reason : Allow file:passwordfile in old-style arguments too #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110507 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : On error, include numeric sensor value in output #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110520 #@ Author : Bertrand Jomin #@ Reason : Plugin had problems to handle some S/N from IBM Blade Servers #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20110614 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Rewrote file handling and file can now be used for user AND password #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20111003 #@ Author : Ian Chard (ian@chard.org) #@ Reason : Allow a list of unwanted elements to be specified, which is useful #@ in cases where hardware isn't well supported by ESXi #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20120402 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Making plugin GPL compatible (Copyright) and preparing for OpenBSD port #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20120405 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20120501 #@ Author : Craig Hart #@ Reason : Bugfix in manufacturer discovery when cim entry not found or empty #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20121027 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Added workaround for Dell PE x620 where "System Board 1 Riser Config Err 0: Connected" #@ element outputs wrong return code. Dell, please fix that. #@ Added web-link to VMware CIM API 5.x at top of script. #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20130424 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Another workaround for Dell systems "System Board 1 LCD Cable Pres 0: Connected" #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20130702 #@ Author : Carl R. Friend #@ Reason : Improving wrong authentication timeout and exit UNKNOWN #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20130725 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20140319 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Another two workarounds for Dell systems (VGA Cable Pres 0, Add-in Card 4 PEM Presence 0) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20150109 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Output serial number of chassis if a blade server is checked #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20150119 #@ Author : Andreas Gottwald #@ Reason : Fix NoneType element bug #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20150626 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Added support for patched pywbem 0.7.0 and new version 0.8.0, handle SSL error exception #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20150710 #@ Author : Stanislav German-Evtushenko #@ Reason : Exit Unknown instead of Critical for timeouts and auth errors #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20151111 #@ Author : Stefan Roos #@ Reason : Removed unused sensor_value variable and string import. #@ Reason : Added global hosturl variable declaration after imports. #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20160411 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Distinguish between pywbem 0.7 and 0.8 (which is now released) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20160531 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Add parameter for variable CIM port (useful when behind NAT) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20161013 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Added support for pywbem 0.9.x (and upcoming releases) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20170905 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Added option to ignore LCD/Display related elements (--no-lcd) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20180329 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler (www.claudiokuenzler.com) #@ Reason : Try to use internal pywbem function to determine version #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20180411 #@ Author : Peter Newman #@ Reason : Throw an unknown if we can't fetch the data for some reason #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20181001 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler #@ Reason : python3 compatibility #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20190510 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler #@ Reason : Allow regular expressions from ignore list (-r) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20190701 #@ Author : Phil Randal (phil.randal@gmail.com) #@ Reason : Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell (again) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20200605 #@ Author : Luca Berra #@ Reason : Add option to ignore chassis intrusion (Supermicro) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20200605 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler #@ Reason : Add parameter (-S) for custom SSL/TLS protocol version #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20200710 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler #@ Reason : Improve missing mandatory parameter error text (issue #47) #@ Delete temporary openssl config file after use (issue #48) #@--------------------------------------------------- #@ Date : 20210809 #@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler #@ Reason : Fix TLSv1 usage (issue #51) #@--------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import sys import time import pywbem import re import pkg_resources from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup version = '20210809' NS = 'root/cimv2' hosturl = '' # define classes to check 'OperationStatus' instance ClassesToCheck = [ 'OMC_SMASHFirmwareIdentity', 'CIM_Chassis', 'CIM_Card', 'CIM_ComputerSystem', 'CIM_NumericSensor', 'CIM_Memory', 'CIM_Processor', 'CIM_RecordLog', 'OMC_DiscreteSensor', 'OMC_Fan', 'OMC_PowerSupply', 'VMware_StorageExtent', 'VMware_Controller', 'VMware_StorageVolume', 'VMware_Battery', 'VMware_SASSATAPort' ] sensor_Type = { 0:'unknown', 1:'Other', 2:'Temperature', 3:'Voltage', 4:'Current', 5:'Tachometer', 6:'Counter', 7:'Switch', 8:'Lock', 9:'Humidity', 10:'Smoke Detection', 11:'Presence', 12:'Air Flow', 13:'Power Consumption', 14:'Power Production', 15:'Pressure', 16:'Intrusion', 32768:'DMTF Reserved', 65535:'Vendor Reserved' } data = [] perf_Prefix = { 1:'Pow', 2:'Vol', 3:'Cur', 4:'Tem', 5:'Fan', 6:'FanP' } # parameters # host name hostname='' # cim port cimport='' # user user='' # password password='' # vendor - possible values are 'unknown', 'auto', 'dell', 'hp', 'ibm', 'intel' vendor='unknown' # verbose verbose=False # Produce performance data output for nagios perfdata=False # timeout timeout = 0 # elements to ignore (full SEL, broken BIOS, etc) ignore_list=[] regex_ignore_list=[] regex=False # urlise model and tag numbers (currently only Dell supported, but the code does the right thing for other vendors) urlise_country='' # collect perfdata for each category get_power = True get_volts = True get_current = True get_temp = True get_fan = True get_lcd = True get_intrusion = True # define exit codes ExitOK = 0 ExitWarning = 1 ExitCritical = 2 ExitUnknown = 3 # Special handling for blade servers isblade = "no" def dell_country(country): if country == 'at': # Austria return 'at/de/' if country == 'be': # Belgium return 'be/nl/' if country == 'cz': # Czech Republic return 'cz/cs/' if country == 'de': # Germany return 'de/de/' if country == 'dk': # Denmark return 'dk/da/' if country == 'es': # Spain return 'es/es/' if country == 'fi': # Finland return 'fi/fi/' if country == 'fr': # France return 'fr/fr/' if country == 'gr': # Greece return 'gr/en/' if country == 'it': # Italy return 'it/it/' if country == 'il': # Israel return 'il/en/' if country == 'me': # Middle East return 'me/en/' if country == 'no': # Norway return 'no/no/' if country == 'nl': # The Netherlands return 'nl/nl/' if country == 'pl': # Poland return 'pl/pl/' if country == 'pt': # Portugal return 'pt/en/' if country == 'ru': # Russia return 'ru/ru/' if country == 'se': # Sweden return 'se/sv/' if country == 'uk': # United Kingdom return 'uk/en/' if country == 'za': # South Africa return 'za/en/' if country == 'br': # Brazil return 'br/pt/' if country == 'ca': # Canada return 'ca/en/' if country == 'mx': # Mexico return 'mx/es/' if country == 'us': # United States return 'us/en/' if country == 'au': # Australia return 'au/en/' if country == 'cn': # China return 'cn/zh/' if country == 'in': # India return 'in/en/' # default return 'en/us/' def urlised_server_info(vendor, country, server_info): #server_inf = server_info if vendor == 'dell' : # Dell support URLs (idea and tables borrowed from check_openmanage) du = 'http://www.dell.com/support/home/' + dell_country(country) + '04/product-support/product/poweredge-' if (server_info is not None) : p=re.match('(.*)PowerEdge (.*) (.*)',server_info) if (p is not None) : md=p.group(2) if md == 'R210 II': md='r210-2' md=md.lower() server_info = p.group(1) + 'PowerEdge ' + p.group(2)+' ' + p.group(3) elif vendor == 'hp': return server_info elif vendor == 'ibm': return server_info elif vendor == 'intel': return server_info return server_info # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def system_tag_url(vendor,country): if vendor == 'dell': # Dell support sites supportsite = 'http://www.dell.com/support/home/' dellsuffix = '19/product-support/servicetag/' # warranty URLs for different country codes return supportsite + dell_country(country) + dellsuffix # elif vendor == 'hp': # elif vendor == 'ibm': # elif vendor == 'intel': return '' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def urlised_serialnumber(vendor,country,SerialNumber): if SerialNumber is not None : tu = system_tag_url(vendor,country) if tu != '' : SerialNumber = '' + SerialNumber + '' return SerialNumber # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def verboseoutput(message) : if verbose: print(time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"), message) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getopts() : global hosturl,hostname,cimport,sslproto,user,password,vendor,verbose,perfdata,urlise_country,timeout,ignore_list,regex,get_power,get_volts,get_current,get_temp,get_fan,get_lcd,get_intrusion usage = "usage: %prog -H hostname -U username -P password [-C port -S proto -V vendor -v -p -I XX -i list,list -r]\n" \ "example: %prog -H hostname -U root -P password -C 5989 -V auto -I uk\n\n" \ "or, verbosely:\n\n" \ "usage: %prog --host=hostname --user=username --pass=password [--cimport=port --sslproto=version --vendor=system --verbose --perfdata --html=XX]\n" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog "+version) group1 = OptionGroup(parser, 'Mandatory parameters') group2 = OptionGroup(parser, 'Optional parameters') group1.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", help="connect to HOST", metavar="HOST") group1.add_option("-U", "--user", dest="user", help="user to connect as", metavar="USER") group1.add_option("-P", "--pass", dest="password", \ help="password, if password matches file:, first line of given file will be used as password", metavar="PASS") group2.add_option("-C", "--cimport", dest="cimport", help="CIM port (default 5989)", metavar="CIMPORT") group2.add_option("-S", "--sslproto", dest="sslproto", help="SSL/TLS protocol version to overwrite system default: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3", metavar="SSLPROTO") group2.add_option("-V", "--vendor", dest="vendor", help="Vendor code: auto, dell, hp, ibm, intel, or unknown (default)", \ metavar="VENDOR", type='choice', choices=['auto','dell','hp','ibm','intel','unknown'],default="unknown") group2.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, \ help="print status messages to stdout (default is to be quiet)") group2.add_option("-p", "--perfdata", action="store_true", dest="perfdata", default=False, \ help="collect performance data for pnp4nagios (default is not to)") group2.add_option("-I", "--html", dest="urlise_country", default="", \ help="generate html links for country XX (default is not to)", metavar="XX") group2.add_option("-t", "--timeout", action="store", type="int", dest="timeout", default=0, \ help="timeout in seconds - no effect on Windows (default = no timeout)") group2.add_option("-i", "--ignore", action="store", type="string", dest="ignore", default="", \ help="comma-separated list of elements to ignore") group2.add_option("-r", "--regex", action="store_true", dest="regex", default=False, \ help="allow regular expression lookup of ignore list") group2.add_option("--no-power", action="store_false", dest="get_power", default=True, \ help="don't collect power performance data") group2.add_option("--no-volts", action="store_false", dest="get_volts", default=True, \ help="don't collect voltage performance data") group2.add_option("--no-current", action="store_false", dest="get_current", default=True, \ help="don't collect current performance data") group2.add_option("--no-temp", action="store_false", dest="get_temp", default=True, \ help="don't collect temperature performance data") group2.add_option("--no-fan", action="store_false", dest="get_fan", default=True, \ help="don't collect fan performance data") group2.add_option("--no-lcd", action="store_false", dest="get_lcd", default=True, \ help="don't collect lcd/front display status") group2.add_option("--no-intrusion", action="store_false", dest="get_intrusion", default=True, \ help="don't collect chassis intrusion status") parser.add_option_group(group1) parser.add_option_group(group2) # check input arguments if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("no parameters specified\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) # if first argument starts with 'https://' we have old-style parameters, so handle in old way if re.match("https://",sys.argv[1]): # check input arguments if len(sys.argv) < 5: print("too few parameters\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) > 5 : if sys.argv[5] == "verbose" : verbose = True hosturl = sys.argv[1] user = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] vendor = sys.argv[4] else: # we're dealing with new-style parameters, so go get them! (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Making sure all mandatory options appeared. mandatories = ['host', 'user', 'password'] for m in mandatories: if not options.__dict__[m]: print("mandatory option '" + m + "' not defined. read usage in help.\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) hostname=options.host.lower() # if user has put "https://" in front of hostname out of habit, do the right thing # hosturl will end up as https://hostname if re.match('^https://',hostname): hosturl = hostname else: hosturl = 'https://' + hostname user=options.user password=options.password cimport=options.cimport sslproto=options.sslproto vendor=options.vendor.lower() verbose=options.verbose perfdata=options.perfdata urlise_country=options.urlise_country.lower() timeout=options.timeout ignore_list=options.ignore.split(',') regex=options.regex get_power=options.get_power get_volts=options.get_volts get_current=options.get_current get_temp=options.get_temp get_fan=options.get_fan get_lcd=options.get_lcd get_intrusion=options.get_intrusion # if user or password starts with 'file:', use the first string in file as user, second as password if (re.match('^file:', user) or re.match('^file:', password)): if re.match('^file:', user): filextract = re.sub('^file:', '', user) filename = open(filextract, 'r') filetext = filename.readline().split() user = filetext[0] password = filetext[1] filename.close() elif re.match('^file:', password): filextract = re.sub('^file:', '', password) filename = open(filextract, 'r') filetext = filename.readline().split() password = filetext[0] filename.close() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- getopts() # if running on Windows, don't use timeouts and signal.alarm on_windows = True os_platform = sys.platform if os_platform != "win32": on_windows = False import signal def handler(signum, frame): print('UNKNOWN: Execution time too long!') sys.exit(ExitUnknown) # Use non-default CIM port if cimport: verboseoutput("Using manually defined CIM port "+cimport) hosturl += ':'+cimport # Use non-default SSL protocol version if sslproto: verboseoutput("Using non-default SSL protocol: "+sslproto) allowed_protos = ["SSLv2", "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"] if any(proto.lower() == sslproto.lower() for proto in allowed_protos): import os sslconfpath = '/tmp/'+hostname+'_openssl.conf' verboseoutput("Creating OpenSSL config file: "+sslconfpath) try: with open(sslconfpath, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write("openssl_conf = openssl_init\n[openssl_init]\nssl_conf = ssl_configuration\n[ssl_configuration]\nsystem_default = tls_system_default\n[tls_system_default]\nMinProtocol = "+sslproto+"\n") except Exception as e: print('CRITICAL: An error occured while trying to write ssl config file: %s (%s)' % (sslconfpath, e)) sys.exit(ExitCritical) os.environ["OPENSSL_CONF"] = sslconfpath else: print('CRITICAL: Invalid SSL protocol version given!') sys.exit(ExitCritical) # Append lcd related elements to ignore list if --no-lcd was used verboseoutput("LCD Status: %s" % get_lcd) if not get_lcd: ignore_list.append("System Board 1 LCD Cable Pres 0: Connected") ignore_list.append("System Board 1 VGA Cable Pres 0: Connected") ignore_list.append("Front Panel Board 1 FP LCD Cable 0: Connected") ignore_list.append("Front Panel Board 1 FP LCD Cable 0: Config Error") # Append chassis intrusion related elements to ignore list if --no-intrusion was used verboseoutput("Chassis Intrusion Status: %s" % get_intrusion) if not get_intrusion: ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: General Chassis intrusion") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: Drive Bay intrusion") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: I/O Card area intrusion") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: Processor area intrusion") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: System unplugged from LAN") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: Unauthorized dock") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: FAN area intrusion") ignore_list.append("System Chassis 1 Chassis Intru: Unknown") # connection to host verboseoutput("Connection to "+hosturl) # pywbem 0.7.0 handling is special, some patched 0.7.0 installations work differently try: pywbemversion = pywbem.__version__ except: pywbemversion = pkg_resources.get_distribution("pywbem").version else: pywbemversion = pywbem.__version__ verboseoutput("Found pywbem version "+pywbemversion) if '0.7.' in pywbemversion: try: conntest = pywbem.WBEMConnection(hosturl, (user,password)) c = conntest.EnumerateInstances('CIM_Card') except: #raise verboseoutput("Connection error, disable SSL certificate verification (probably patched pywbem)") wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(hosturl, (user,password), no_verification=True) else: verboseoutput("Connection worked") wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(hosturl, (user,password)) # pywbem 0.8.0 and later else: wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(hosturl, (user,password), NS, no_verification=True) # Add a timeout for the script. When using with Nagios, the Nagios timeout cannot be < than plugin timeout. if on_windows == False and timeout > 0: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout) # run the check for each defined class GlobalStatus = ExitUnknown server_info = "" bios_info = "" SerialNumber = "" ExitMsg = "" # if vendor is specified as 'auto', try to get vendor from CIM # note: the default vendor is 'unknown' if vendor=='auto': try: c=wbemclient.EnumerateInstances('CIM_Chassis') except pywbem.cim_operations.CIMError as args: if ( args[1].find('Socket error') >= 0 ): print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (ExitUnknown) elif ( args[1].find('ThreadPool --- Failed to enqueue request') >= 0 ): print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (ExitUnknown) else: verboseoutput("Unknown CIM Error: %s" % args) except pywbem._exceptions.ConnectionError as args: GlobalStatus = ExitUnknown print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (GlobalStatus) except pywbem.cim_http.AuthError as arg: verboseoutput("Global exit set to UNKNOWN") GlobalStatus = ExitUnknown print("UNKNOWN: Authentication Error") sys.exit (GlobalStatus) else: man=c[0][u'Manufacturer'] if re.match("Dell",man): vendor="dell" elif re.match("HP",man): vendor="hp" elif re.match("IBM",man): vendor="ibm" elif re.match("Intel",man): vendor="intel" else: vendor='unknown' for classe in ClassesToCheck : verboseoutput("Check classe "+classe) try: instance_list = wbemclient.EnumerateInstances(classe) except pywbem.cim_operations.CIMError as args: if ( args[1].find('Socket error') >= 0 ): print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (ExitUnknown) elif ( args[1].find('ThreadPool --- Failed to enqueue request') >= 0 ): print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (ExitUnknown) else: verboseoutput("Unknown CIM Error: %s" % args) except pywbem._exceptions.ConnectionError as args: GlobalStatus = ExitUnknown print("UNKNOWN: {}".format(args)) sys.exit (GlobalStatus) except pywbem.cim_http.AuthError as arg: verboseoutput("Global exit set to UNKNOWN") GlobalStatus = ExitUnknown print("UNKNOWN: Authentication Error") sys.exit (GlobalStatus) else: # GlobalStatus = ExitOK #ARR for instance in instance_list : elementName = instance['ElementName'] if elementName is None : elementName = 'Unknown' elementNameValue = elementName verboseoutput(" Element Name = "+elementName) # Ignore element if we don't want it if (regex == True) and (len(ignore_list) > 0) : for ignore in ignore_list : if re.search(ignore, elementName, re.IGNORECASE) : verboseoutput(" (ignored through regex)") regex_ignore_list.append(elementName) if (elementName in ignore_list) or (elementName in regex_ignore_list) : verboseoutput(" (ignored)") continue # BIOS & Server info if elementName == 'System BIOS' : bios_info = instance[u'Name'] + ': ' \ + instance[u'VersionString'] + ' ' \ + str(instance[u'ReleaseDate'].datetime.date()) verboseoutput(" VersionString = "+instance[u'VersionString']) elif elementName == 'Chassis' : man = instance[u'Manufacturer'] if man is None : man = 'Unknown Manufacturer' verboseoutput(" Manufacturer = "+man) SerialNumber = instance[u'SerialNumber'] SerialChassis = instance[u'SerialNumber'] if SerialNumber: verboseoutput(" SerialNumber = "+SerialNumber) server_info = man + ' ' if vendor != 'intel': model = instance[u'Model'] if model: verboseoutput(" Model = "+model) server_info += model + ' s/n:' elif elementName == 'Server Blade' : SerialNumber = instance[u'SerialNumber'] if SerialNumber: verboseoutput(" SerialNumber = "+SerialNumber) isblade = "yes" # Report detail of Numeric Sensors and generate nagios perfdata if classe == "CIM_NumericSensor" : sensorType = instance[u'sensorType'] sensStr = sensor_Type.get(sensorType,"Unknown") if sensorType: verboseoutput(" sensorType = %d - %s" % (sensorType,sensStr)) units = instance[u'BaseUnits'] if units: verboseoutput(" BaseUnits = %d" % units) # grab some of these values for Nagios performance data scale = 10**instance[u'UnitModifier'] verboseoutput(" Scaled by = %f " % scale) cr = int(instance[u'CurrentReading'])*scale verboseoutput(" Current Reading = %f" % cr) elementNameValue = "%s: %g" % (elementName,cr) ltnc = 0 utnc = 0 ltc = 0 utc = 0 if instance[u'LowerThresholdNonCritical'] is not None: ltnc = instance[u'LowerThresholdNonCritical']*scale verboseoutput(" Lower Threshold Non Critical = %f" % ltnc) if instance[u'UpperThresholdNonCritical'] is not None: utnc = instance[u'UpperThresholdNonCritical']*scale verboseoutput(" Upper Threshold Non Critical = %f" % utnc) if instance[u'LowerThresholdCritical'] is not None: ltc = instance[u'LowerThresholdCritical']*scale verboseoutput(" Lower Threshold Critical = %f" % ltc) if instance[u'UpperThresholdCritical'] is not None: utc = instance[u'UpperThresholdCritical']*scale verboseoutput(" Upper Threshold Critical = %f" % utc) # if perfdata: perf_el = elementName.replace(' ','_') # Power and Current if sensorType == 4: # Current or Power Consumption if units == 7: # Watts if get_power: data.append( ("%s=%g;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),1) ) elif units == 6: # Current if get_current: data.append( ("%s=%g;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),3) ) # PSU Voltage elif sensorType == 3: # Voltage if get_volts: data.append( ("%s=%g;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),2) ) # Temperatures elif sensorType == 2: # Temperature if get_temp: data.append( ("%s=%g;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),4) ) # Fan speeds elif sensorType == 5: # Tachometer if get_fan: if units == 65: # percentage data.append( ("%s=%g%%;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),6) ) else: data.append( ("%s=%g;%g;%g " % (perf_el, cr, utnc, utc),5) ) elif classe == "CIM_Processor" : verboseoutput(" Family = %d" % instance['Family']) verboseoutput(" CurrentClockSpeed = %dMHz" % instance['CurrentClockSpeed']) # HP Check if vendor == "hp" : if instance['HealthState'] is not None : elementStatus = instance['HealthState'] verboseoutput(" Element HealthState = %d" % elementStatus) interpretStatus = { 0 : ExitOK, # Unknown 5 : ExitOK, # OK 10 : ExitWarning, # Degraded 15 : ExitWarning, # Minor 20 : ExitCritical, # Major 25 : ExitCritical, # Critical 30 : ExitCritical, # Non-recoverable Error }[elementStatus] if (interpretStatus == ExitCritical) : verboseoutput("Global exit set to CRITICAL") GlobalStatus = ExitCritical ExitMsg += " CRITICAL : %s " % elementNameValue if (interpretStatus == ExitWarning and GlobalStatus != ExitCritical) : verboseoutput("Global exit set to WARNING") GlobalStatus = ExitWarning ExitMsg += " WARNING : %s " % elementNameValue # Added the following for when GlobalStatus is ExitCritical and a warning is detected # This way the ExitMsg gets added but GlobalStatus isn't changed if (interpretStatus == ExitWarning and GlobalStatus == ExitCritical) : # ARR ExitMsg += " WARNING : %s " % elementNameValue #ARR # Added the following so that GlobalStatus gets set to OK if there's no warning or critical if (interpretStatus == ExitOK and GlobalStatus != ExitWarning and GlobalStatus != ExitCritical) : #ARR GlobalStatus = ExitOK #ARR # Dell, Intel, IBM and unknown hardware check elif (vendor == "dell" or vendor == "intel" or vendor == "ibm" or vendor=="unknown") : # Added 20121027 As long as Dell doesnt correct these CIM elements return code we have to ignore it ignore_list.append("System Board 1 Riser Config Err 0: Connected") ignore_list.append("Add-in Card 4 PEM Presence 0: Connected") if instance['OperationalStatus'] is not None : elementStatus = instance['OperationalStatus'][0] verboseoutput(" Element Op Status = %d" % elementStatus) interpretStatus = { 0 : ExitOK, # Unknown 1 : ExitCritical, # Other 2 : ExitOK, # OK 3 : ExitWarning, # Degraded 4 : ExitWarning, # Stressed 5 : ExitWarning, # Predictive Failure 6 : ExitCritical, # Error 7 : ExitCritical, # Non-Recoverable Error 8 : ExitWarning, # Starting 9 : ExitWarning, # Stopping 10 : ExitCritical, # Stopped 11 : ExitOK, # In Service 12 : ExitWarning, # No Contact 13 : ExitCritical, # Lost Communication 14 : ExitCritical, # Aborted 15 : ExitOK, # Dormant 16 : ExitCritical, # Supporting Entity in Error 17 : ExitOK, # Completed 18 : ExitOK, # Power Mode 19 : ExitOK, # DMTF Reserved 20 : ExitOK # Vendor Reserved }[elementStatus] if (interpretStatus == ExitCritical) : verboseoutput("Global exit set to CRITICAL") GlobalStatus = ExitCritical ExitMsg += " CRITICAL : %s " % elementNameValue if (interpretStatus == ExitWarning and GlobalStatus != ExitCritical) : verboseoutput("Global exit set to WARNING") GlobalStatus = ExitWarning ExitMsg += " WARNING : %s " % elementNameValue # Added same logic as in 20100702 here, otherwise Dell servers would return UNKNOWN instead of OK if (interpretStatus == ExitWarning and GlobalStatus == ExitCritical) : # ARR ExitMsg += " WARNING : %s " % elementNameValue #ARR if (interpretStatus == ExitOK and GlobalStatus != ExitWarning and GlobalStatus != ExitCritical) : #ARR GlobalStatus = ExitOK #ARR if elementName == 'Server Blade' : if SerialNumber : if SerialNumber.find(".") != -1 : SerialNumber = SerialNumber.split('.')[1] # Munge the ouptput to give links to documentation and warranty info if (urlise_country != '') : SerialNumber = urlised_serialnumber(vendor,urlise_country,SerialNumber) server_info = urlised_server_info(vendor,urlise_country,server_info) # If this is a blade server, also output chassis serial number as additional info if (isblade == "yes") : SerialNumber += " Chassis S/N: %s " % (SerialChassis) # Output performance data perf = '|' if perfdata: sdata=[] ctr=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # sort the data so we always get perfdata in the right order # we make no assumptions about the order in which CIM returns data # first sort by element name (effectively) and insert sequence numbers for p in sorted(data): p1 = p[1] sdata.append( ("P%d%s_%d_%s") % (p1,perf_Prefix[p1], ctr[p1], p[0]) ) ctr[p1] += 1 # then sort perfdata into groups and output perfdata string for p in sorted(sdata): perf += p # sanitise perfdata - don't output "|" if nothing to report if perf == '|': perf = '' # Cleanup temporary openssl config if sslproto: os.remove(sslconfpath) if GlobalStatus == ExitOK : print("OK - Server: %s %s %s%s" % (server_info, SerialNumber, bios_info, perf)) elif GlobalStatus == ExitUnknown : print("UNKNOWN: %s" % (ExitMsg)) #ARR else: print("%s - Server: %s %s %s%s" % (ExitMsg, server_info, SerialNumber, bios_info, perf)) sys.exit (GlobalStatus)