#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################# # # # This script was initially developed by Lonely Planet for internal use # # and has kindly been made available to the Open Source community for # # redistribution and further development under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # # # ############################################################################# # # # This script is supplied 'as-is', in the hope that it will be useful, but # # neither Lonely Planet nor the authors make any warranties or guarantees # # as to its correct operation, including its intended function. # # # # Or in other words: # # Test it yourself, and make sure it works for YOU. # # # ############################################################################# # Author: George Hansper e-mail: george@hansper.id.au # ############################################################################# use strict; use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Std; use XML::XPath; my %optarg; my $getopt_result; my $lwp_user_agent; my $http_request; my $http_response; my $url; my $body; my @message; my @message_perf; my $exit = 0; my @exit = qw/OK: WARNING: CRITICAL:/; my $rcs_id = '$Id: check_tomcat.pl,v 1.4 2013/03/15 10:45:41 george Exp $'; my $rcslog = ' $Log: check_tomcat.pl,v $ Revision 1.4 2013/03/15 10:45:41 george Fixed bug in % threads thresholds, which appear if multiple connectors are in use (thanks to Andreas Lamprecht for reporting this). Changed MB to MiB in output text. Revision 1.3 2011/12/11 04:56:27 george Added currentThreadCount to performance data. Revision 1.2 2011/11/18 11:30:57 george Added capability to extract the connector names, and check any or all tomcat connectors for sufficient free threads. Stripped quotes from connector names to work around tomcat7 quirkiness. Revision 1.1 2011/04/16 12:05:26 george Initial revision '; # Defaults... my $timeout = 10; # Default timeout my $host = 'localhost'; # default host header my $host_ip = 'localhost'; # default IP my $port = 80; # default port my $user = 'nagios'; # default user my $password = 'nagios'; # default password my $uri = '/manager/status?XML=true'; #default URI my $http = 'http'; my $connector_arg = undef; my $opt_warn_threads = "25%"; my $opt_crit_threads = "10%"; my $warn_threads; my $crit_threads; # Memory thresholds are tight, because garbage collection kicks in only when memory is low anyway my $opt_warn_memory = "5%"; my $opt_crit_memory = "2%"; my $warn_memory; my $crit_memory; my $xpath; my %xpath_checks = ( maxThreads => '/status/connector/threadInfo/@maxThreads', currentThreadCount => '/status/connector/threadInfo/@currentThreadCount', currentThreadsBusy => '/status/connector/threadInfo/@currentThreadsBusy', memMax => '/status/jvm/memory/@max', memFree => '/status/jvm/memory/@free', memTotal => '/status/jvm/memory/@total', ); # XPath examples... # /status/jvm/memory/@free # /status/connector[attribute::name="http-8080"]/threadInfo/@maxThreads # /status/connector/threadInfo/@* <- returns multiple nodes my %xpath_check_results; sub VERSION_MESSAGE() { print "$^X\n$rcs_id\n"; } sub HELP_MESSAGE() { print <new; $lwp_user_agent->timeout($timeout); if ( $port == 80 || $port == 443 || $port eq "" ) { $lwp_user_agent->default_header('Host' => $host); } else { $lwp_user_agent->default_header('Host' => "$host:$port"); } $url = "$http://${host_ip}:${port}$uri"; $http_request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); printv "--------------- GET $url"; printv $lwp_user_agent->default_headers->as_string . $http_request->headers_as_string; $http_response = $lwp_user_agent->request($http_request); printv "---------------\n" . $http_response->protocol . " " . $http_response->status_line; printv $http_response->headers_as_string; printv "Content has " . length($http_response->content) . " bytes \n"; if ($http_response->is_success) { $body = $http_response->content; my $xpath = XML::XPath->new( xml => $body ); my $xpath_check; # Parse the data out of the XML... foreach $xpath_check ( keys %xpath_checks ) { #print keys(%{$xpath_check}) , "\n"; my $path = $xpath_checks{$xpath_check}; $path =~ s{\$port}{$port}; #print $xpath_check->{xpath} , "\n"; my $nodeset = $xpath->find($path); if ( $nodeset->get_nodelist == 0 ) { push @message, "$path not found"; $exit |= 2; push @message_perf, "$path=not_found"; next; } foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) { my $connector_name = $node->getParentNode()->getParentNode()->getAttribute("name"); $connector_name =~ s/^["'\s]+//; $connector_name =~ s/["'\s]+$//; my $value = $node->string_value(); if ( $value =~ /^"?([0-9.]+)"?$/ ) { $value = $1; } else { push @message, "$path is not numeric"; $exit |= 2; push @message_perf, "$path=not_numeric"; next; } if ( $xpath_check =~ /^mem/ ) { # This is the .../memory/.. xpath, just store the value in the hash $xpath_check_results{$xpath_check} = $value; } elsif ( $connector_name =~ /${connector_arg}/ && $connector_name ne "" ) { # This is a .../threadInfo/... xpath, put the result into a hash (key is connector_name) $xpath_check_results{$xpath_check}{$connector_name} = $value; } } } # Now apply the logic and check the results #---------------------------------------------- # Check memory #---------------------------------------------- my $jvm_mem_available = $xpath_check_results{memFree} + $xpath_check_results{memMax} - $xpath_check_results{memTotal}; printv(sprintf("free=%d max=%d total=%d",$xpath_check_results{memFree}/1024, $xpath_check_results{memMax}/1024, $xpath_check_results{memTotal}/1024)); if ( $opt_warn_memory =~ /(.*)%$/ ) { $warn_memory = int($1 * $xpath_check_results{memMax} / 100); } else { # Convert to bytes $warn_memory =int($opt_warn_memory * 1024 * 1024); } printv("warning at $warn_memory bytes (". ( $warn_memory / 1024 /1024 )."MiB) free, max=$xpath_check_results{memMax}"); if ( $opt_crit_memory =~ /(.*)%$/ ) { $crit_memory = int($1 * $xpath_check_results{memMax} / 100); } else { # Convert to bytes $crit_memory = int($opt_crit_memory * 1024 * 1024); } printv("critical at $crit_memory bytes (". ( $crit_memory / 1024 /1024 )."MiB) free, max=$xpath_check_results{memMax}"); if ( $jvm_mem_available <= $crit_memory ) { $exit |= 2; push @message, sprintf("Memory critical <%d MiB,",$crit_memory/1024/1024); } elsif ( $jvm_mem_available <= $warn_memory ) { $exit |= 1; push @message, sprintf("Memory low <%d MiB,",$warn_memory/1024/1024); } push @message, sprintf("memory in use %d MiB (%d MiB);", ( $xpath_check_results{memMax} - $jvm_mem_available ) / ( 1024 * 1024), $xpath_check_results{memMax} / ( 1024 * 1024) ); push @message_perf, "used=".( $xpath_check_results{memMax} - $jvm_mem_available ) . " free=$jvm_mem_available max=$xpath_check_results{memMax}"; #---------------------------------------------- # Check threads #---------------------------------------------- my $name; foreach $name ( keys( %{$xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}} ) ) { if ( $opt_warn_threads =~ /(.*)%$/ ) { $warn_threads = int($1 * $xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name} / 100); } else { $warn_threads = $opt_warn_threads; } printv("warning at $warn_threads threads free, max=$xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name}"); if ( $opt_crit_threads =~ /(.*)%$/ ) { $crit_threads = int($1 * $xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name} / 100); } else { $crit_threads = $opt_crit_threads; } printv("critical at $crit_threads threads free, max=$xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name}"); my $threads_available = $xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name} - $xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}{$name}; if ( $threads_available <= $crit_threads ) { $exit |= 2; push @message, sprintf("Critical: free_threads<%d",$crit_threads); } elsif ( $threads_available <= $warn_threads ) { $exit |= 1; push @message, sprintf("Warning: free_threads<%d",$warn_threads); } push @message, sprintf("threads[$name]=%d(%d);", $xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}{$name}, $xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name} ); if ( defined($optarg{n}) ) { push @message_perf, "currentThreadsBusy[$name]=$xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}{$name} currentThreadCount[$name]=$xpath_check_results{currentThreadCount}{$name} maxThreads[$name]=$xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name}"; } else { # For the sake of backwards-compatability of graphs etc... push @message_perf, "currentThreadsBusy=$xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}{$name} currentThreadCount=$xpath_check_results{currentThreadCount}{$name} maxThreads=$xpath_check_results{maxThreads}{$name}"; } } if ( keys(%{$xpath_check_results{currentThreadsBusy}}) == 0 ) { # no matching connectors found - this is not OK. $exit |= 1; push @message, "Warning: No tomcat connectors matched name =~ /$connector_arg/"; } } elsif ( $http_response->code == 401 ) { print "WARNING: $url " . $http_response->protocol . " " . $http_response->status_line ."\n"; exit 1; } else { print "CRITICAL: $url " . $http_response->protocol . " " . $http_response->status_line ."\n"; exit 2; } if ( $exit == 3 ) { $exit = 2; } print "$exit[$exit] ". join(" ",@message) . "|". join(" ",@message_perf) . "\n"; exit $exit;