#!/bin/bash #----------check_iostat.sh----------- # # Version 0.0.2 - Jan/2009 # Changes: added device verification # # by Thiago Varela - thiago@iplenix.com # # Version 0.0.3 - Dec/2011 # Changes: # - changed values from bytes to mbytes # - fixed bug to get traffic data without comma but point # - current values are displayed now, not average values (first run of iostat) # # by Philipp Niedziela - pn@pn-it.com # # Version 0.0.4 - April/2014 # Changes: # - Allow Empty warn/crit levels # - Can check I/O, WAIT Time, or Queue # # by Warren Turner # # Version 0.0.5 - Jun/2014 # Changes: # - removed -y flag from call since iostat doesn't know about it any more (June 2014) # - only needed executions of iostat are done now (save cpu time whenever you can) # - fixed the obvious problems of missing input values (probably because of the now unimplemented "-y") with -x values # - made perfomance data optional (I like to have choice in the matter) # # by Frederic Krueger / fkrueger-dev-checkiostat@holics.at # # Version 0.0.6 - Jul/2014 # Changes: # - Cleaned up argument checking, removed excess iostat calls, steamlined if statements and renamed variables to fit current use # - Fixed all inputs to match current iostat output (Ubuntu 12.04) # - Changed to take last ten seconds as default (more useful for nagios usage). Will go to "since last reboot" (previous behaviour) on -g flag. # - added extra comments/whitespace etc to make add readability # # by Ben Field / ben.field@concreteplatform.com # # Version 0.0.7 - Sep/2014 # Changes: # - Fixed performance data for Wait check # # by Christian Westergard / christian.westergard@gmail.com # # Version 0.0.8 - Jan/2019 # Changes: # - Added Warn/Crit thresholds to performance output # # by Danny van Zunderd / danny_vz@live.nl # # Version 0.0.9 - Jun/2020 # Changes: # - Updated to use bash 4.4 mechanisms # # by Joseph Waggy / joseph.waggy@gmail.com iostat=$(which iostat 2>/dev/null) bc=$(which bc 2>/dev/null) help() { echo -e " Usage: -d = --Device to be checked. Example: \"-d sda\" Run only one of i, q, W: -i = IO Check Mode --Checks Total Transfers/sec, Read IO/Sec, Write IO/Sec, Bytes Read/Sec, Bytes Written/Sec --warning/critical = Total Transfers/sec,Read IO/Sec,Write IO/Sec,Bytes Read/Sec,Bytes Written/Sec -q = Queue Mode --Checks Disk Queue Lengths --warning/critial = Average size of requests, Queue length of requests -W = Wait Time Mode --Check the time for I/O requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them. --warning/critical = Avg I/O Wait Time (ms), Avg Read Wait Time (ms), Avg Write Wait Time (ms), Avg Service Wait Time (ms), Avg CPU Utilization -w,-c = pass warning and critical levels respectively. These are not required, but with out them, all queries will return as OK. -p = Provide performance data for later graphing -g = Since last reboot for system (more for debugging that nagios use!) -h = This help " } # Ensuring we have the needed tools: if [[ ! -f $iostat ]] || [[ ! -f $bc ]]; then echo -e "ERROR: You must have iostat and bc installed in order to run this plugin\n\tuse: apt-get install systat bc\n" exit -1 fi io=0 queue=0 waittime=0 printperfdata=0 STATE="OK" samples=2i status=0 MSG="" PERFDATA="" #------------Argument Set------------- while getopts "d:w:c:ipqWhg" OPT; do case $OPT in "d") disk=$OPTARG ;; "w") warning=$OPTARG ;; "c") critical=$OPTARG ;; "i") io=1 ;; "p") printperfdata=1 ;; "q") queue=1 ;; "W") waittime=1 ;; "g") samples=1 ;; "h") echo "help:" help exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 help exit -1 ;; esac done # Autofill if parameters are empty if [[ -z "$disk" ]]; then disk=sda fi #Checks that only one query type is run if [[ $((io+queue+waittime)) -ne "1" ]]; then echo "ERROR: select one and only one run mode" help exit -1 fi #set warning and critical to insane value is empty, else set the individual values if [[ -z "$warning" ]]; then warning=99999 else #TPS with IO, Request size with queue warn_1=$(echo $warning | cut -d, -f1) #Read/s with IO,Queue Length with queue warn_2=$(echo $warning | cut -d, -f2) #Write/s with IO warn_3=$(echo $warning | cut -d, -f3) #KB/s read with IO warn_4=$(echo $warning | cut -d, -f4) #KB/s written with IO warn_5=$(echo $warning | cut -d, -f5) #Crude hack due to integer expression later in the script warning=1 fi if [[ -z "$critical" ]]; then critical=99999 else #TPS with IO, Request size with queue crit_1=$(echo $critical | cut -d, -f1) #Read/s with IO,Queue Length with queue crit_2=$(echo $critical | cut -d, -f2) #Write/s with IO crit_3=$(echo $critical | cut -d, -f3) #KB/s read with IO crit_4=$(echo $critical | cut -d, -f4) #KB/s written with IO crit_5=$(echo $critical | cut -d, -f5) #Crude hack due to integer expression later in the script critical=1 fi #------------Argument Set End------------- #------------Parameter Check------------- #Checks for sane Disk name: if [[ ! -b "/dev/$disk" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Device incorrectly specified" help exit -1 fi #Checks for sane warning/critical levels if [[ $warning -ne "99999" || $critical -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$warn_1" -gt "$crit_1" || "$warn_2" -gt "$crit_2" ]]; then echo "ERROR: critical levels must be higher than warning levels" help exit -1 elif [[ $io -eq "1" || $waittime -eq "1" ]]; then if [[ "$warn_3" -gt "$crit_3" || "$warn_4" -gt "$crit_4" || "$warn_5" -gt "$crit_5" ]]; then echo "ERROR: critical levels must be higher than warning levels" help exit -1 fi fi fi #------------Parameter Check End------------- # iostat parameters: # -m: megabytes # -k: kilobytes # first run of iostat shows statistics since last reboot, second one shows current vaules of hdd # -d is the duration for second run, -x the rest TMPX=$($iostat $disk -x -k -d 10 $samples | grep $disk | tail -1) #------------IO Test------------- if [[ "$io" == "1" ]]; then TMPD=$($iostat $disk -k -d 10 $samples | grep $disk | tail -1) #Requests per second: tps=$(echo "$TMPD" | awk '{print $2}') read_sec=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $4}') written_sec=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $5}') #Kb per second: kbytes_read_sec=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $6}') kbytes_written_sec=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $7}') # "Converting" values to float (string replace , with .) tps=${tps/,/.} read_sec=${read_sec/,/.} written_sec=${written_sec/,/.} kbytes_read_sec=${kbytes_read_sec/,/.} kbytes_written_sec=${kbytes_written_sec/,/.} # Comparing the result and setting the correct level: if [[ "$warning" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$tps >= $warn_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$read_sec >= $warn_2" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$written_sec >= $warn_3" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$kbytes_read_sec >= $warn_4" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$kbytes_written_sec >= $warn_5" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="WARNING" status=1 fi fi if [[ "$critical" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$tps >= $crit_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$read_sec >= $crit_2" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$written_sec >= $crit_3" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$kbytes_read_sec >= $crit_4" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$kbytes_written_sec >= $crit_5" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="CRITICAL" status=2 fi fi # Printing the results: MSG="$STATE - I/O stats: Transfers/Sec=$tps Read Requests/Sec=$read_sec Write Requests/Sec=$written_sec KBytes Read/Sec=$kbytes_read_sec KBytes_Written/Sec=$kbytes_written_sec" PERFDATA=" | total_io_sec'=$tps;$warn_1;$crit_1; read_io_sec=$read_sec;$warn_2;$crit_2; write_io_sec=$written_sec;$warn_3;$crit_3; kbytes_read_sec=$kbytes_read_sec;$warn_4;$crit_4; kbytes_written_sec=$kbytes_written_sec;$warn_5;$crit_5;" fi #------------IO Test End------------- #------------Queue Test------------- if [[ "$queue" == "1" ]]; then qsize=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $8}') qlength=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $9}') # "Converting" values to float (string replace , with .) qsize=${qsize/,/.} qlength=${qlength/,/.} # Comparing the result and setting the correct level: if [[ "$warning" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$qsize >= $warn_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$qlength >= $warn_2" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="WARNING" status=1 fi fi if [[ "$critical" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$qsize >= $crit_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$qlength >= $crit_2" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="CRITICAL" status=2 fi fi # Printing the results: MSG="$STATE - Disk Queue Stats: Average Request Size=$qsize Average Queue Length=$qlength" PERFDATA=" | qsize=$qsize;$warn_1;$crit_1; queue_length=$qlength;$warn_2;$crit_2;" fi #------------Queue Test End------------- #------------Wait Time Test------------- #Parse values. Warning - svc time will soon be deprecated and these will need to be changed. Future parser could look at first line (labels) to suggest correct column to return if [[ "$waittime" == "1" ]]; then avgwait=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $10}') avgrwait=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $11}') avgwwait=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $12}') avgsvctime=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $13}') avgcpuutil=$(echo "$TMPX" | awk '{print $14}') # "Converting" values to float (string replace , with .) avgwait=${avgwait/,/.} avgrwait=${avgrwait/,/.} avgwwait=${avgwwait/,/.} avgsvctime=${avgsvctime/,/.} avgcpuutil=${avgcpuutil/,/.} # Comparing the result and setting the correct level: if [[ "$warning" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$avgwait >= $warn_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgrwait >= $warn_2" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgwwait >= $warn_3" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgsvctime >= $warn_4" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgcpuutil >= $warn_5" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="WARNING" status=1 fi fi if [[ "$critical" -ne "99999" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$avgwait >= $crit_1" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgrwait >= $crit_2" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgwwait >= $crit_3" | bc)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgsvctime >= $crit_4" | bc -q)" == "1" || "$(echo "$avgcpuutil >= $crit_5" | bc)" == "1" ]]; then STATE="CRITICAL" status=2 fi fi # Printing the results: MSG="$STATE - Wait Time Stats: Avg I/O Wait Time (ms)=$avgwait Avg Read Wait Time (ms)=$avgrwait Avg Write Wait Time (ms)=$avgwwait Avg Service Wait Time (ms)=$avgsvctime Avg CPU Utilization=$avgcpuutil" PERFDATA=" | avg_io_waittime_ms=$avgwait;$warn_1;$crit_1; avg_r_waittime_ms=$avgrwait;$warn_2;$crit_2; avg_w_waittime_ms=$avgwwait;$warn_3;$crit_3; avg_service_waittime_ms=$avgsvctime;$warn_4;$crit_4; avg_cpu_utilization=$avgcpuutil;$warn_5;$crit_5;" fi #------------Wait Time End------------- # now output the official result echo -n "$MSG" if [[ "x$printperfdata" == "x1" ]]; then echo -n "$PERFDATA" fi echo "" exit $status #----------/check_iostat.sh-----------