2083 lines
86 KiB
2083 lines
86 KiB
package GLPlugin::SNMP;
our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin);
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Data::Dumper;
use AutoLoader;
use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 };
our $mode = undef;
our $plugin = undef;
our $blacklist = undef;
our $session = undef;
our $rawdata = {};
our $tablecache = {};
our $info = [];
our $extendedinfo = [];
our $summary = [];
our $oidtrace = [];
our $uptime = 0;
sub v2tov3 {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->opts->community && $self->opts->community =~ /^snmpv3(.)(.+)/) {
my $separator = $1;
my ($authprotocol, $authpassword, $privprotocol, $privpassword,
$username, $contextengineid, $contextname) = split(/$separator/, $2);
$self->override_opt('authprotocol', $authprotocol)
if defined($authprotocol) && $authprotocol;
$self->override_opt('authpassword', $authpassword)
if defined($authpassword) && $authpassword;
$self->override_opt('privprotocol', $privprotocol)
if defined($privprotocol) && $privprotocol;
$self->override_opt('privpassword', $privpassword)
if defined($privpassword) && $privpassword;
$self->override_opt('username', $username)
if defined($username) && $username;
$self->override_opt('contextengineid', $contextengineid)
if defined($contextengineid) && $contextengineid;
$self->override_opt('contextname', $contextname)
if defined($contextname) && $contextname;
$self->override_opt('protocol', '3') ;
if (($self->opts->authpassword || $self->opts->authprotocol ||
$self->opts->privpassword || $self->opts->privprotocol) &&
! $self->opts->protocol eq '3') {
$self->override_opt('protocol', '3') ;
sub add_snmp_args {
my $self = shift;
spec => 'port=i',
help => '--port
The SNMP port to use (default: 161)',
required => 0,
default => 161,
spec => 'domain=s',
help => '--domain
The transport domain to use (default: udp/ipv4, other possible values: udp6, udp/ipv6, tcp, tcp4, tcp/ipv4, tcp6, tcp/ipv6)',
required => 0,
default => 'udp',
spec => 'protocol|P=s',
help => '--protocol
The SNMP protocol to use (default: 2c, other possibilities: 1,3)',
required => 0,
default => '2c',
spec => 'community|C=s',
help => '--community
SNMP community of the server (SNMP v1/2 only)',
required => 0,
default => 'public',
spec => 'username:s',
help => '--username
The securityName for the USM security model (SNMPv3 only)',
required => 0,
spec => 'authpassword:s',
help => '--authpassword
The authentication password for SNMPv3',
required => 0,
spec => 'authprotocol:s',
help => '--authprotocol
The authentication protocol for SNMPv3 (md5|sha)',
required => 0,
spec => 'privpassword:s',
help => '--privpassword
The password for authPriv security level',
required => 0,
spec => 'privprotocol=s',
help => '--privprotocol
The private protocol for SNMPv3 (des|aes|aes128|3des|3desde)',
required => 0,
spec => 'contextengineid=s',
help => '--contextengineid
The context engine id for SNMPv3 (10 to 64 hex characters)',
required => 0,
spec => 'contextname=s',
help => '--contextname
The context name for SNMPv3 (empty represents the "default" context)',
required => 0,
sub validate_args {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->opts->mode eq 'walk') {
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname) {
if ($self->check_messages == CRITICAL) {
# gemecker vom super-validierer, der sicherstellt, dass die datei
# snmpwalk existiert. in diesem fall wird sie aber erst neu angelegt,
# also schnauze.
my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages;
if ($message eq sprintf("file %s not found", $self->opts->snmpwalk)) {
# snmp agent wird abgefragt, die ergebnisse landen in einem file
# opts->snmpwalk ist der filename. da sich die ganzen get_snmp_table/object-aufrufe
# an das walkfile statt an den agenten halten wuerden, muss opts->snmpwalk geloescht
# werden. stattdessen wird opts->snmpdump als traeger des dateinamens mitgegeben.
# nur sinnvoll mit mode=walk
$self->override_opt('snmpdump', $self->opts->snmpwalk);
$self->override_opt('snmpwalk', undef);
} elsif (! $self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname && $self->opts->mode eq 'walk') {
# snmp agent wird abgefragt, die ergebnisse landen in einem file, dessen name
# nicht vorgegeben ist
} else {
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) {
# normaler aufruf, mode != walk, oid-quelle ist eine datei
$self->override_opt('hostname', 'snmpwalk.file'.md5_hex($self->opts->snmpwalk))
} elsif ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname) {
# snmpwalk hat vorrang
$self->override_opt('hostname', undef);
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->mode =~ /device::walk/) {
my @trees = ();
my $name = $GLPlugin::pluginname;
$name =~ s/.*\///g;
$name = sprintf "/tmp/snmpwalk_%s_%s", $name, $self->opts->hostname;
if ($self->opts->oids) {
# create pid filename
# already running?;x
@trees = split(",", $self->opts->oids);
} elsif ($self->can("trees")) {
@trees = $self->trees;
push(@trees, "");
} else {
@trees = ("", "");
if ($self->opts->snmpdump) {
$name = $self->opts->snmpdump;
if (defined $self->opts->offline) {
$self->{pidfile} = $name.".pid";
if (! $self->check_pidfile()) {
$self->debug("Exiting because another walk is already running");
printf STDERR "Exiting because another walk is already running\n";
exit 3;
my $timedout = 0;
my $snmpwalkpid = 0;
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
$timedout = 1;
printf "UNKNOWN - %s timed out after %d seconds\n",
$GLPlugin::plugin->{name}, $self->opts->timeout;
kill 9, $snmpwalkpid;
unlink $name.".partial";
while (! $timedout && @trees) {
my $tree = shift @trees;
my $cmd = sprintf "snmpwalk -ObentU -v%s -c %s %s %s >> %s",
$tree, $name.".partial";
$snmpwalkpid = fork;
if (not $snmpwalkpid) {
} else {
rename $name.".partial", $name if ! $timedout;
-f $self->{pidfile} && unlink $self->{pidfile};
if ($timedout) {
printf "CRITICAL - timeout. There are still %d snmpwalks left\n", scalar(@trees);
exit 3;
} else {
printf "OK - all requested oids are in %s\n", $name;
} else {
printf "rm -f %s\n", $name;
foreach (@trees) {
printf "snmpwalk -ObentU -v%s -c %s %s %s >> %s\n",
$_, $name;
exit 0;
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::uptime/) {
$self->add_info(sprintf 'device is up since %s',
$self->set_thresholds(warning => '15:', critical => '5:');
$self->add_message($self->check_thresholds($self->{uptime} / 60));
label => 'uptime',
value => $self->{uptime} / 60,
places => 0,
my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', ');
$GLPlugin::plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message);
} elsif ($self->mode =~ /device::supportedmibs/) {
our $mibdepot = [];
my $unknowns = {};
my @outputlist = ();
%{$unknowns} = %{$self->rawdata};
if ($self->opts->name && -f $self->opts->name) {
eval { require $self->opts->name };
$self->add_critical($@) if $@;
} elsif ($self->opts->name && ! -f $self->opts->name) {
$self->add_unknown("where is --name mibdepotfile?");
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ACCOUNTING-CONTROL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL2-LINE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL2-LINE-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-LINE-EXT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-LINE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ADSL-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'AGENTX-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'AGGREGATE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ALARM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'APPLETALK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPLICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPLICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-DLUR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APPN-TRAP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'APS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ARC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ATM-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BGP4-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BGP4-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BLDG-HVAC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'BRIDGE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'BRIDGE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'CHARACTER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'CIRCUIT-IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'CLNS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'CLNS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'COFFEE-POT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'COPS-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'DECNET-PHIV-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIAL-CONTROL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIFFSERV-CONFIG-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIFFSERV-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DIRECTORY-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-EVENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-PING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-PING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DLSW-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DNS-RESOLVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DNS-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-BPI-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-BPI2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-CABLE-DEVICE-NOTIFICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IETF-SUBMGT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOCS-IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT12-IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT12-RPTR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT3-EPON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DOT3-OAM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'DPI20-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS0BUNDLE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS0-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS1-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS3-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DS3-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DSA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'DSMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EBN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EFM-CU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-STATE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ENTITY-STATE-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ETHER-CHIPSET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'EtherLike-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FCIP-MGMT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FC-MGMT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'FDDI-SMT73-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Finisher-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FLOW-METER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FLOW-METER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRAME-RELAY-DTE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FR-ATM-PVC-SERVICE-IWF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FR-MFR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRNETSERV-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'FRSLD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-LSR-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-TC-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'GSMP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-ALARM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HC-RMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HPR-IP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'HPR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-CHARSET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-FINISHER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANAifType-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IANA-PRINTER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'IBM-6611-APPN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-CAP-STACK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IFCP-MGMT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IGMP-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INET-ADDRESS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTEGRATED-SERVICES-GUARANTEED-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTEGRATED-SERVICES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'INTERFACETOPN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPATM-IPMC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPATM-IPMC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-FORWARD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-FORWARD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPMCAST-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPMROUTE-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPOA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPS-AUTH-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPSEC-SPD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-FLOW-LABEL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-ICMP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-MLD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-TCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'IPV6-UDP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISCSI-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISDN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISIS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ISNS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ITU-ALARM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Job-Monitoring-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'L2TP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LANGTAG-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LMP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'LMP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MALLOC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MIDCOM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'MIOX25-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MIP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MOBILEIPV6-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Modem-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-FTN-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LC-ATM-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LC-FR-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-ATM-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-FRAME-RELAY-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-GENERIC-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-TC-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MPLS-TE-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MSDP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'MTA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NAT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NHRP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OPT-IF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-TRAP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'OSPF-TRAP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PARALLEL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'P-BRIDGE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PerfHist-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PerfHist-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-BSR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PIM-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PINT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PKTC-IETF-MTA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PKTC-IETF-SIG-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'POLICY-BASED-MANAGEMENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'POWER-ETHERNET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-BRIDGE-NCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-IP-NCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-LCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'PPP-SEC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Printer-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Printer-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'PTOPO-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-ACC-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RADIUS-DYNAUTH-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RAQMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RAQMON-RDS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RDBMS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1066-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1156-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1158-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1213-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1229-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1230-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1231-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1232-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1233-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1243-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1248-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1252-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1253-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1269-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1271-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1284-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1285-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1286-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1289-phivMIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1304-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1315-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1316-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1317-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1318-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1353-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1354-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1381-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1382-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1389-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1398-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1406-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1407-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RFC1414-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RIPv2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'RMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-RTP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'ROHC-UNCOMPRESSED-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RS-232-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RSTP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RSVP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'RTP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SCSI-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SCTP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SFLOW-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-COMMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SIP-UA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SLAPM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SMUX-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-NAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-NAU-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNA-SDLC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-IEEE802-TM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-MPD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-PROXY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-REPEATER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-TARGET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USM-AES-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-M2M-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-PARTY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMPv2-USEC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SONET-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'SOURCE-ROUTING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SSPM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'SYSAPPL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-CONFIG-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FABRIC-LOCK-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-FSPF-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-NAME-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-ROUTE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-RSCN-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-AUTHENTICATION-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-POLICY-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-SA-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-SP-ZONING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-VIRTUAL-FABRIC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'T11-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-ESTATS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'TCPIPX-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TCP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TE-LINK-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TIME-AGGREGATE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TN3270E-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TN3270E-RT-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v1', 'TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TOKENRING-STATION-SR-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TPM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRIP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TRIP-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TUNNEL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'TUNNEL-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDPLITE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UDP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'UPS-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'URI-TC-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-EXT-SCM-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VDSL-LINE-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VPN-TC-STD-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'VRRP-MIB']);
push(@{$mibdepot}, ['', 'ietf', 'v2', 'WWW-MIB']);
my $oids = $self->get_entries_by_walk(-varbindlist => [
'', '',
foreach my $mibinfo (@{$mibdepot}) {
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mibinfo->[3]} = $mibinfo->[0];
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{'SNMP-MIB2'} = "";
foreach my $mib (keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids}) {
if ($self->implements_mib($mib)) {
push(@outputlist, [$mib, $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}]);
$unknowns = {@{[map {
$_, $self->rawdata->{$_}
} grep {
substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) ne
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} || (
substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} &&
substr($_, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}), 1) ne ".")
} keys %{$unknowns}]}};
my $toplevels = {};
map {
/^(1\.3\.6\.1\.(2|4)\.1\.\d+\.\d+)\./; $toplevels->{$1} = 1;
} keys %{$unknowns};
foreach (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$toplevels}) {
push(@outputlist, ["<unknown>", $_]);
foreach (sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @outputlist) {
printf "implements %s %s\n", $_->[0], $_->[1];
$self->add_ok("have fun");
my ($code, $message) = $self->check_messages(join => ', ', join_all => ', ');
$GLPlugin::plugin->nagios_exit($code, $message);
sub check_snmp_and_model {
my $self = shift;
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{'MIB-II'} = {
sysDescr => '',
sysObjectID => '',
sysUpTime => '',
sysName => '',
$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB'} = {
snmpEngineID => '',
snmpEngineBoots => '',
snmpEngineTime => '',
snmpEngineMaxMessageSize => '',
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk) {
my $response = {};
if (! -f $self->opts->snmpwalk) {
sprintf 'file %s not found',
} elsif (-x $self->opts->snmpwalk) {
my $cmd = sprintf "%s -ObentU -v%s -c%s %s 2>&1",
open(WALK, "$cmd |");
while (<WALK>) {
if (/^([\.\d]+) = .*?: (\-*\d+)/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\.\d]+) = .*?: "(.*?)"/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
$response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//;
close WALK;
} else {
if (defined $self->opts->offline && $self->opts->mode ne 'walk') {
if ((time - (stat($self->opts->snmpwalk))[9]) > $self->opts->offline) {
sprintf 'snmpwalk file %s is too old', $self->opts->snmpwalk);
$self->opts->override_opt('hostname', 'walkhost') if $self->opts->mode ne 'walk';
open(MESS, $self->opts->snmpwalk);
while(<MESS>) {
# SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 6
if (/^([\d\.]+) = .*?INTEGER: .*\((\-*\d+)\)/) {
# . = INTEGER: down(2)
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = .*?Opaque:.*?Float:.*?([\-\.\d]+)/) {
# . = Opaque: Float: 0.938965
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = STRING:\s*$/) {
$response->{$1} = "";
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = Network Address: (.*)/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = Hex-STRING: (.*)/) {
$response->{$1} = "0x".$2;
$response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: (\-*\d+)/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: "(.*?)"/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
$response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = \w+: (.*)/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
$response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = (\-*\d+)/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^([\d\.]+) = "(.*?)"/) {
$response->{$1} = $2;
$response->{$1} =~ s/\s+$//;
close MESS;
foreach my $oid (keys %$response) {
if ($oid =~ /^\./) {
my $nodot = $oid;
$nodot =~ s/^\.//g;
$response->{$nodot} = $response->{$oid};
delete $response->{$oid};
map { $response->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $response->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; }
keys %$response;
} else {
if (eval "require Net::SNMP") {
my %params = ();
my $net_snmp_version = Net::SNMP->VERSION(); # 5.002000 or 6.000000
$params{'-translate'} = [ # because we see "NULL" coming from socomec devices
-all => 0x0,
-nosuchobject => 1,
-nosuchinstance => 1,
-endofmibview => 1,
-unsigned => 1,
$params{'-hostname'} = $self->opts->hostname;
$params{'-version'} = $self->opts->protocol;
if ($self->opts->port) {
$params{'-port'} = $self->opts->port;
if ($self->opts->domain) {
$params{'-domain'} = $self->opts->domain;
if ($self->opts->protocol eq '3') {
$params{'-version'} = $self->opts->protocol;
$params{'-username'} = $self->opts->username;
if ($self->opts->authpassword) {
$params{'-authpassword'} = $self->opts->authpassword;
if ($self->opts->authprotocol) {
$params{'-authprotocol'} = $self->opts->authprotocol;
if ($self->opts->privpassword) {
$params{'-privpassword'} = $self->opts->privpassword;
if ($self->opts->privprotocol) {
$params{'-privprotocol'} = $self->opts->privprotocol;
# context hat in der session nix verloren, sondern wird
# als zusatzinfo bei den requests mitgeschickt
#if ($self->opts->contextengineid) {
# $params{'-contextengineid'} = $self->opts->contextengineid;
#if ($self->opts->contextname) {
# $params{'-contextname'} = $self->opts->contextname;
} else {
$params{'-community'} = $self->opts->community;
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%params);
if (! defined $session) {
sprintf 'cannot create session object: %s', $error);
} else {
my $max_msg_size = $session->max_msg_size();
$session->max_msg_size(4 * $max_msg_size);
$GLPlugin::SNMP::session = $session;
} else {
'could not find Net::SNMP module');
if (! $self->check_messages()) {
my $tic = time;
my $sysUptime = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysUpTime', 0);
my $snmpEngineTime = $self->get_snmp_object('SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB', 'snmpEngineTime');
my $sysDescr = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysDescr', 0);
my $tac = time;
if (defined $sysUptime && defined $sysDescr) {
# drecksschrott asa liefert negative werte
if (defined $snmpEngineTime && $snmpEngineTime > 0) {
$self->{uptime} = $snmpEngineTime;
} else {
$self->{uptime} = $self->timeticks($sysUptime);
$self->{productname} = $sysDescr;
$self->{sysobjectid} = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0);
$self->debug(sprintf 'uptime: %s', $self->{uptime});
$self->debug(sprintf 'up since: %s',
scalar localtime (time - $self->{uptime}));
$GLPlugin::SNMP::uptime = $self->{uptime};
$self->debug('whoami: '.$self->{productname});
} else {
if ($tac - $tic >= $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->timeout) {
'could not contact snmp agent, timeout during snmp-get sysUptime');
} else {
'got neither sysUptime nor sysDescr, is this snmp agent working correctly?');
$GLPlugin::SNMP::session->close if $GLPlugin::SNMP::session;
sub no_such_model {
my $self = shift;
printf "Model %s is not implemented\n", $self->{productname};
exit 3;
sub no_such_mode {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) eq "Classes::Generic") {
} elsif (ref($self) eq "Classes::Device") {
$self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'the device did not implement the mibs this plugin is asking for');
sprintf('unknown device%s', $self->{productname} eq 'unknown' ?
'' : '('.$self->{productname}.')'));
} elsif (ref($self) eq "GLPlugin::SNMP") {
# uptime, offline
} else {
eval {
bless $self, "Classes::Generic";
if ($@) {
bless $self, "GLPlugin::SNMP";
if (ref($self) eq "GLPlugin::SNMP") {
printf "Mode %s is not implemented for this type of device\n",
exit 3;
sub uptime {
my $self = shift;
return $GLPlugin::SNMP::uptime;
sub discover_suitable_class {
my $self = shift;
my $sysobj = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0);
if ($sysobj && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::discover_ids->{$sysobj}) {
return $GLPlugin::SNMP::discover_ids->{$sysobj};
sub implements_mib {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) {
return 0;
my $sysobj = $self->get_snmp_object('MIB-II', 'sysObjectID', 0);
$sysobj =~ s/^\.// if $sysobj;
if ($sysobj && $sysobj eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) {
$self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (sysobj exact)", $mib);
return 1;
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib} eq
substr $sysobj, 0, length $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}) {
$self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (sysobj)", $mib);
return 1;
# some mibs are only composed of tables
my $traces;
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk) {
$traces = {@{[map {
$_, $self->rawdata->{$_}
} grep {
substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}
} keys %{$self->rawdata}]}};
} else {
my %params = (
-varbindlist => [
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
$traces = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_next_request(%params);
if ($traces && # must find oids following to the ident-oid
! exists $traces->{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib}} && # must not be the ident-oid
grep { # following oid is inside this tree
substr($_, 0, length($GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib})) eq $GLPlugin::SNMP::mib_ids->{$mib};
} keys %{$traces}) {
$self->debug(sprintf "implements %s (found traces)", $mib);
return 1;
sub timeticks {
my $self = shift;
my $timestr = shift;
if ($timestr =~ /\((\d+)\)/) {
# Timeticks: (20718727) 2 days, 9:33:07.27
$timestr = $1 / 100;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*day[s]*.*?(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# Timeticks: 2 days, 9:33:07.27
$timestr = $1 * 24 * 3600 + $2 * 3600 + $3 * 60 + $4;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# Timeticks: 0001:03:18:42.77
$timestr = $1 * 3600 * 24 + $2 * 3600 + $3 * 60 + $4;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# Timeticks: 9:33:07.27
$timestr = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60 + $3;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*hour[s]*.*?(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# Timeticks: 3 hours, 42:17.98
$timestr = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60 + $3;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\s*minute[s]*.*?(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# Timeticks: 36 minutes, 01.96
$timestr = $1 * 60 + $2;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /(\d+)\.\d+\s*second[s]/) {
# Timeticks: 01.02 seconds
$timestr = $1;
} elsif ($timestr =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$timestr = $1 / 100;
return $timestr;
sub human_timeticks {
my $self = shift;
my $timeticks = shift;
my $days = int($timeticks / 86400);
$timeticks -= ($days * 86400);
my $hours = int($timeticks / 3600);
$timeticks -= ($hours * 3600);
my $minutes = int($timeticks / 60);
my $seconds = $timeticks % 60;
$days = $days < 1 ? '' : $days .'d ';
return $days . sprintf "%dh %dm %ds", $hours, $minutes, $seconds;
sub internal_name {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self);
$class =~ s/^.*:://;
if (exists $self->{flat_indices}) {
return sprintf "%s_%s", uc $class, $self->{flat_indices};
} else {
return sprintf "%s", uc $class;
# file-related functions
sub create_interface_cache_file {
my $self = shift;
my $extension = "";
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) {
if ($self->opts->community) {
$extension .= md5_hex($self->opts->community);
$extension =~ s/\//_/g;
$extension =~ s/\(/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\)/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\*/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\s/_/g;
return sprintf "%s/%s_interface_cache_%s", $self->statefilesdir(),
$self->opts->hostname, lc $extension;
sub create_entry_cache_file {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
return lc sprintf "%s_%s_%s_%s_cache",
$mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr});
sub update_entry_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $force = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") {
$key_attr = [$key_attr];
my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache",
$mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr});
my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr);
my $update = time - 3600;
#my $update = time - 1;
if ($force || ! -f $statefile || ((stat $statefile)[9]) < ($update)) {
$self->debug(sprintf 'force update of %s %s %s %s cache',
$self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->mode, $mib, $table);
$self->{$cache} = {};
foreach my $entry ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table)) {
my $key = join('#', map { $entry->{$_} } @{$key_attr});
my $hash = $key . '-//-' . join('.', @{$entry->{indices}});
$self->{$cache}->{$hash} = $entry->{indices};
$self->save_cache($mib, $table, $key_attr);
$self->load_cache($mib, $table, $key_attr);
sub save_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") {
$key_attr = [$key_attr];
my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache",
$mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr});
my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr);
open(STATE, ">".$statefile.".".$$);
printf STATE Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{$cache});
close STATE;
rename $statefile.".".$$, $statefile;
$self->debug(sprintf "saved %s to %s",
Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{$cache}), $statefile);
sub load_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") {
$key_attr = [$key_attr];
my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache",
$mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr});
my $statefile = $self->create_entry_cache_file($mib, $table, $key_attr);
$self->{$cache} = {};
if ( -f $statefile) {
our $VAR1;
our $VAR2;
eval {
require $statefile;
if($@) {
printf "rumms\n";
# keinesfalls mehr require verwenden!!!!!!
# beim require enthaelt VAR1 andere werte als beim slurp
# und zwar diejenigen, die beim letzten save_cache geschrieben wurden.
my $content = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $statefile; my $x = <>; close ARGV; $x };
$VAR1 = eval "$content";
$self->debug(sprintf "load %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($VAR1));
$self->{$cache} = $VAR1;
# top-level convenience functions
sub get_snmp_objects {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my @mos = @_;
foreach (@mos) {
my $value = $self->get_snmp_object($mib, $_, 0);
if (defined $value) {
$self->{$_} = $value;
} else {
my $value = $self->get_snmp_object($mib, $_);
if (defined $value) {
$self->{$_} = $value;
sub get_snmp_tables {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $infos = shift;
foreach my $info (@{$infos}) {
my $arrayname = $info->[0];
my $table = $info->[1];
my $class = $info->[2];
my $filter = $info->[3];
$self->{$arrayname} = [] if ! exists $self->{$arrayname};
if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib} || ! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}) {
$GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table} = [];
foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table)) {
my $new_object = $class->new(%{$_});
next if (defined $filter && ! &$filter($new_object));
push(@{$self->{$arrayname}}, $new_object);
push(@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}}, $new_object);
} else {
$self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_tables %s %s cache hit", $mib, $table);
foreach (@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::tablecache->{$mib}->{$table}}) {
push(@{$self->{$arrayname}}, $_);
# 2nd level
sub get_snmp_object {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $mo = shift;
my $index = shift;
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$mo}) {
my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$mo}.
(defined $index ? '.'.$index : '');
my $response = $self->get_request(-varbindlist => [$oid]);
if (defined $response->{$oid}) {
if ($response->{$oid} eq 'noSuchInstance' || $response->{$oid} eq 'noSuchObject') {
$response->{$oid} = undef;
} elsif (my @symbols = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $response, [[$index]])) {
$response->{$oid} = $symbols[0]->{$mo};
$self->debug(sprintf "GET: %s::%s (%s) : %s", $mib, $mo, $oid, defined $response->{$oid} ? $response->{$oid} : "<undef>");
return $response->{$oid};
return undef;
sub get_snmp_table_objects_with_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
#return $self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table);
$self->update_entry_cache(0, $mib, $table, $key_attr);
my @indices = $self->get_cache_indices($mib, $table, $key_attr);
my @entries = ();
foreach ($self->get_snmp_table_objects($mib, $table, \@indices)) {
push(@entries, $_);
return @entries;
# get_snmp_table_objects('MIB-Name', 'Table-Name', 'Table-Entry', [indices])
# returns array of hashrefs
sub get_snmp_table_objects {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $indices = shift || [];
my @entries = ();
my $augmenting_table;
$self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects %s %s", $mib, $table);
if ($table =~ /^(.*?)\+(.*)/) {
$table = $1;
$augmenting_table = $2;
my $entry = $table;
$entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g;
if (scalar(@{$indices}) == 1) {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) {
my $result = {};
my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.';
my $eoidlen = length($eoid);
my @columns = map {
} grep {
substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq
} keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}};
my $index = join('.', @{$indices->[0]});
my $ifresult = $self->get_entries(
-startindex => $index,
-endindex => $index,
-columns => \@columns,
map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} }
keys %{$ifresult};
if ($augmenting_table &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$augmenting_table}) {
my $entry = $augmenting_table;
$entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g;
my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.';
my $eoidlen = length($eoid);
my @columns = map {
} grep {
substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid
} keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}};
my $ifresult = $self->get_entries(
-startindex => $index,
-endindex => $index,
-columns => \@columns,
map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} }
keys %{$ifresult};
@entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, $indices);
@entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @{$indices}; $_ } @entries;
} elsif (scalar(@{$indices}) > 1) {
# man koennte hier pruefen, ob die indices aufeinanderfolgen
# und dann get_entries statt get_table aufrufen
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) {
my $result = {};
my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.';
my $eoidlen = length($eoid);
my @columns = map {
} grep {
substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid
} keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}};
my @sortedindices = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [$_,
join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_)
] } map { join('.', @{$_})} @{$indices};
my $startindex = $sortedindices[0];
my $endindex = $sortedindices[$#sortedindices];
if (0) {
# holzweg. dicke ciscos liefern unvollstaendiges resultat, d.h.
# bei 138,19,157 kommt nur 138..144, dann ist schluss.
# maxrepetitions bringt nichts.
$result = $self->get_entries(
-startindex => $startindex,
-endindex => $endindex,
-columns => \@columns,
} else {
foreach my $ifidx (@sortedindices) {
my $ifresult = $self->get_entries(
-startindex => $ifidx,
-endindex => $ifidx,
-columns => \@columns,
map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} }
keys %{$ifresult};
if ($augmenting_table &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$augmenting_table}) {
my $entry = $augmenting_table;
$entry =~ s/Table/Entry/g;
my $eoid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry}.'.';
my $eoidlen = length($eoid);
my @columns = map {
} grep {
substr($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$_}, 0, $eoidlen) eq $eoid
} keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}};
foreach my $ifidx (@sortedindices) {
my $ifresult = $self->get_entries(
-startindex => $ifidx,
-endindex => $ifidx,
-columns => \@columns,
map { $result->{$_} = $ifresult->{$_} }
keys %{$ifresult};
# now we have numerical_oid+index => value
# needs to become symboic_oid => value
#my @indices =
# $self->get_indices($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry});
@entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, $indices);
@entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @{$indices}; $_ } @entries;
} else {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table}) {
$self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects calls get_table %s",
my $result = $self->get_table(
-baseoid => $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$table});
$self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects get_table returns %d oids",
scalar(keys %{$result}));
# now we have numerical_oid+index => value
# needs to become symboic_oid => value
my @indices =
-baseoid => $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$entry},
-oids => [keys %{$result}]);
$self->debug(sprintf "get_snmp_table_objects get_table returns %d indices",
@entries = $self->make_symbolic($mib, $result, \@indices);
@entries = map { $_->{indices} = shift @indices; $_ } @entries;
@entries = map { $_->{flat_indices} = join(".", @{$_->{indices}}); $_ } @entries;
return @entries;
# 3rd level functions. calling net::snmp-functions
sub get_request {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my @notcached = ();
foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-varbindlist'}}) {
if (! exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$oid}) {
push(@notcached, $oid);
if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk && (scalar(@notcached) > 0)) {
my %params = ();
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 0) {
$params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached;
} elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 1) {
$params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached;
#$params{-nonrepeaters} = scalar(@notcached);
} elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$params{-varbindlist} = \@notcached;
$params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_request(%params);
foreach my $key (%{$result}) {
$self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key});
my $result = {};
map { $result->{$_} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$_} }
return $result;
sub get_entries_get_bulk {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_bulk %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my %newparams = ();
$newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'}
if defined $params{'-startindex'};
$newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'}
if defined $params{'-endindex'};
$newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'};
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$newparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$newparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
$result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%newparams);
return $result;
sub get_entries_get_next {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_next %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my %newparams = ();
$newparams{'-maxrepetitions'} = 0;
$newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'}
if defined $params{'-startindex'};
$newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'}
if defined $params{'-endindex'};
$newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'};
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$newparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$newparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
$result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%newparams);
return $result;
sub get_entries_get_next_1index {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_next_1index %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my %newparams = ();
$newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'}
if defined $params{'-startindex'};
$newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'}
if defined $params{'-endindex'};
$newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'};
my %singleparams = ();
$singleparams{'-maxrepetitions'} = 0;
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$singleparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$singleparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
foreach my $index ($newparams{'-startindex'}..$newparams{'-endindex'}) {
foreach my $oid (@{$newparams{'-columns'}}) {
$singleparams{'-columns'} = [$oid];
$singleparams{'-startindex'} = $index;
$singleparams{'-endindex'} =$index;
my $singleresult = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_entries(%singleparams);
foreach my $key (keys %{$singleresult}) {
$result->{$key} = $singleresult->{$key};
return $result;
sub get_entries_get_simple {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_entries_get_simple %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my %newparams = ();
$newparams{'-startindex'} = $params{'-startindex'}
if defined $params{'-startindex'};
$newparams{'-endindex'} = $params{'-endindex'}
if defined $params{'-endindex'};
$newparams{'-columns'} = $params{'-columns'};
my %singleparams = ();
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$singleparams{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$singleparams{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
foreach my $index ($newparams{'-startindex'}..$newparams{'-endindex'}) {
foreach my $oid (@{$newparams{'-columns'}}) {
$singleparams{'-varbindlist'} = [$oid.".".$index];
my $singleresult = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_request(%singleparams);
foreach my $key (keys %{$singleresult}) {
$result->{$key} = $singleresult->{$key};
return $result;
sub get_entries {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
# [-startindex]
# [-endindex]
# -columns
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_entries %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) {
$result = $self->get_entries_get_bulk(%params);
if (! $result) {
if (scalar (@{$params{'-columns'}}) < 50 && $params{'-startindex'} eq $params{'-endindex'}) {
$result = $self->get_entries_get_simple(%params);
} else {
$result = $self->get_entries_get_next(%params);
if (! $result && $params{'-startindex'} !~ /\./) {
# compound indexes cannot continue, as these two methods iterate numerically
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->error() =~ /tooBig/i) {
$result = $self->get_entries_get_next_1index(%params);
if (! $result) {
$result = $self->get_entries_get_simple(%params);
if (! $result) {
$self->debug(sprintf "nutzt nix\n");
foreach my $key (keys %{$result}) {
if (substr($key, -1) eq " ") {
my $value = $result->{$key};
delete $result->{$key};
$key =~ s/\s+$//g;
$result->{$key} = $value;
# warum?
# %newparams ist:
# '-columns' => [
# '',
# '',
# ...
# ''
# ],
# '-startindex' => '2',
# '-endindex' => '2'
# und $result ist:
# ...
# '' => 'Adaptive Security Appliance \'outside\' interface',
# ' ' => 4281465004,
# '' => 0,
# ...
# stinkstiefel!
$self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key});
} else {
my $preresult = $self->get_matching_oids(
-columns => $params{'-columns'});
foreach (keys %{$preresult}) {
$result->{$_} = $preresult->{$_};
my @sortedkeys = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [$_,
join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_)
] } keys %{$result};
my @to_del = ();
if ($params{'-startindex'}) {
foreach my $resoid (@sortedkeys) {
foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) {
my $poid = $oid.'.';
my $lpoid = length($poid);
if (substr($resoid, 0, $lpoid) eq $poid) {
my $oidpattern = $poid;
$oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g;
if ($resoid =~ /^$oidpattern(.+)$/) {
if ($1 lt $params{'-startindex'}) {
push(@to_del, $oid.'.'.$1);
if ($params{'-endindex'}) {
foreach my $resoid (@sortedkeys) {
foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) {
my $poid = $oid.'.';
my $lpoid = length($poid);
if (substr($resoid, 0, $lpoid) eq $poid) {
my $oidpattern = $poid;
$oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g;
if ($resoid =~ /^$oidpattern(.+)$/) {
if ($1 gt $params{'-endindex'}) {
push(@to_del, $oid.'.'.$1);
foreach (@to_del) {
delete $result->{$_};
return $result;
sub get_entries_by_walk {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) {
$self->add_ok("if you get this crap working correctly, let me know");
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
$self->debug(sprintf "get_tree %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my @baseoids = @{$params{-varbindlist}};
delete $params{-varbindlist};
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 0) {
foreach my $baseoid (@baseoids) {
$params{-varbindlist} = [$baseoid];
while (my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_next_request(%params)) {
$params{-varbindlist} = [($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->var_bind_names)[0]];
} else {
$params{-maxrepetitions} = 200;
foreach my $baseoid (@baseoids) {
$params{-varbindlist} = [$baseoid];
while (my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_bulk_request(%params)) {
my @names = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->var_bind_names();
my @oids = $self->sort_oids(\@names);
$params{-varbindlist} = [pop @oids];
} else {
return $self->get_matching_oids(
-columns => $params{-varbindlist});
sub get_table {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if (! $self->opts->snmpwalk) {
my @notcached = ();
if ($GLPlugin::SNMP::session->version() == 3) {
$params{-contextengineid} = $self->opts->contextengineid if $self->opts->contextengineid;
$params{-contextname} = $self->opts->contextname if $self->opts->contextname;
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
my $result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_table(%params);
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table returned %d oids", scalar(keys %{$result}));
if (scalar(keys %{$result}) == 0) {
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table error: %s",
$self->debug("get_table error: try fallback");
$params{'-maxrepetitions'} = 1;
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
$result = $GLPlugin::SNMP::session->get_table(%params);
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table returned %d oids", scalar(keys %{$result}));
if (scalar(keys %{$result}) == 0) {
$self->debug(sprintf "get_table error: %s",
$self->debug("get_table error: no more fallbacks. Try --protocol 1");
# Drecksstinkstiefel Net::SNMP
# ' ' => 'endOfMibView',
# '' => '0.0',
foreach my $key (keys %{$result}) {
if (substr($key, -1) eq " ") {
my $value = $result->{$key};
delete $result->{$key};
(my $shortkey = $key) =~ s/\s+$//g;
if (! exists $result->{shortkey}) {
$result->{$shortkey} = $value;
$self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key}) if exists $result->{$key};
} else {
$self->add_rawdata($key, $result->{$key});
return $self->get_matching_oids(
-columns => [$params{'-baseoid'}]);
# helper functions
sub valid_response {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $oid = shift;
my $index = shift;
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib} &&
exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$oid}) {
# make it numerical
my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$oid};
if (defined $index) {
$oid .= '.'.$index;
my $result = $self->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$oid]
if (!defined($result) ||
! defined $result->{$oid} ||
$result->{$oid} eq 'noSuchInstance' ||
$result->{$oid} eq 'noSuchObject' ||
$result->{$oid} eq 'endOfMibView') {
return undef;
} else {
$self->add_rawdata($oid, $result->{$oid});
return $result->{$oid};
} else {
return undef;
# make_symbolic
# mib is the name of a mib (must be in mibs_and_oids)
# result is a hash-key oid->value
# indices is a array ref of array refs. [[1],[2],...] or [[1,0],[1,1],[2,0]..
sub make_symbolic {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $result = shift;
my $indices = shift;
my @entries = ();
if (! wantarray && ref(\$result) eq "SCALAR" && ref(\$indices) eq "SCALAR") {
# $self->make_symbolic('CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB', 'cnatProtocolStatsName', $self->{cnatProtocolStatsName});
my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$result};
$result = { $oid => $self->{$result} };
$indices = [[]];
foreach my $index (@{$indices}) {
# skip [], [[]], [[undef]]
if (ref($index) eq "ARRAY") {
if (scalar(@{$index}) == 0) {
} elsif (!defined $index->[0]) {
my $mo = {};
my $idx = join('.', @{$index}); # index can be multi-level
foreach my $symoid
(keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}) {
my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid};
if (ref($oid) ne 'HASH') {
my $fulloid = $oid . '.'.$idx;
if (exists $result->{$fulloid}) {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) {
if (ref($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) eq 'HASH') {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$fulloid}}) {
$mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$fulloid}};
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid};
} elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^OID::(.*)/) {
my $othermib = $1;
my $value_which_is_a_oid = $result->{$fulloid};
$value_which_is_a_oid =~ s/^\.//g;
my @result = grep { $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$othermib}->{$_} eq $value_which_is_a_oid } keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$othermib}};
if (scalar(@result)) {
$mo->{$symoid} = $result[0];
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid};
} elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^(.*?)::(.*)/) {
my $mib = $1;
my $definition = $2;
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib} && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}
&& exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$fulloid}}) {
$mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$fulloid}};
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid};
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$fulloid};
# oder $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}?
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = $result->{$fulloid};
push(@entries, $mo);
if (@{$indices} and scalar(@{$indices}) == 1 and !defined $indices->[0]->[0]) {
my $mo = {};
foreach my $symoid
(keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}}) {
my $oid = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid};
if (ref($oid) ne 'HASH') {
if (exists $result->{$oid}) {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) {
if (ref($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}) eq 'HASH') {
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$oid}}) {
$mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}->{$result->{$oid}};
push(@entries, $mo);
} elsif ($GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'} =~ /^(.*?)::(.*)/) {
my $mib = $1;
my $definition = $2;
if (exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib} && exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}
&& exists $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$oid}}) {
$mo->{$symoid} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::definitions->{$mib}->{$definition}->{$result->{$oid}};
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$oid};
} else {
$mo->{$symoid} = 'unknown_'.$result->{$oid};
# oder $GLPlugin::SNMP::mibs_and_oids->{$mib}->{$symoid.'Definition'}?
push(@entries, $mo) if keys %{$mo};
if (wantarray) {
return @entries;
} else {
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
foreach my $key (keys %{$entry}) {
$self->{$key} = $entry->{$key};
sub sort_oids {
my $self = shift;
my $oids = shift || [];
my @sortedkeys = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [$_,
join '', map { sprintf("%30d",$_) } split( /\./, $_)
] } @{$oids};
return @sortedkeys;
sub get_matching_oids {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $result = {};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_matching_oids %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%params));
foreach my $oid (@{$params{'-columns'}}) {
my $oidpattern = $oid;
$oidpattern =~ s/\./\\./g;
map { $result->{$_} = $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$_} }
grep /^$oidpattern(?=\.|$)/, keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata};
$self->debug(sprintf "get_matching_oids returns %d from %d oids",
scalar(keys %{$result}), scalar(keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata}));
return $result;
sub get_indices {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
# -baseoid : entry
# find all oids beginning with $entry
# then skip one field for the sequence
# then read the next numindices fields
my $entrypat = $params{'-baseoid'};
$entrypat =~ s/\./\\\./g;
my @indices = map {
/^$entrypat\.\d+\.(.*)/ && $1;
} grep {
} keys %{$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata};
my %seen = ();
my @o = map {[split /\./]} sort grep !$seen{$_}++, @indices;
return @o;
# this flattens a n-dimensional array and returns the absolute position
# of the element at position idx1,idx2,...,idxn
# element 1,2 in table 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2 is at pos 6
sub get_number {
my $self = shift;
my $indexlists = shift; #, zeiger auf array aus [1, 2]
my @element = @_;
my $dimensions = scalar(@{$indexlists->[0]});
my @sorted = ();
my $number = 0;
if ($dimensions == 1) {
@sorted =
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @{$indexlists};
} elsif ($dimensions == 2) {
@sorted =
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$indexlists};
} elsif ($dimensions == 3) {
@sorted =
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] ||
$a->[1] <=> $b->[1] ||
$a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @{$indexlists};
foreach (@sorted) {
if ($dimensions == 1) {
if ($_->[0] == $element[0]) {
} elsif ($dimensions == 2) {
if ($_->[0] == $element[0] && $_->[1] == $element[1]) {
} elsif ($dimensions == 3) {
if ($_->[0] == $element[0] &&
$_->[1] == $element[1] &&
$_->[2] == $element[2]) {
return ++$number;
# caching functions
sub set_rawdata {
my $self = shift;
$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata = shift;
sub add_rawdata {
my $self = shift;
my $oid = shift;
my $value = shift;
$GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata->{$oid} = $value;
sub rawdata {
my $self = shift;
return $GLPlugin::SNMP::rawdata;
sub add_oidtrace {
my $self = shift;
my $oid = shift;
$self->debug("cache: ".$oid);
push(@{$GLPlugin::SNMP::oidtrace}, $oid);
# $self->update_entry_cache(0, $mib, $table, $key_attr);
# my @indices = $self->get_cache_indices();
sub get_cache_indices {
my $self = shift;
my $mib = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $key_attr = shift;
if (ref($key_attr) ne "ARRAY") {
$key_attr = [$key_attr];
my $cache = sprintf "%s_%s_%s_cache",
$mib, $table, join('#', @{$key_attr});
my @indices = ();
foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{$cache}}) {
my ($descr, $index) = split('-//-', $key, 2);
if ($self->opts->name) {
if ($self->opts->regexp) {
my $pattern = $self->opts->name;
if ($descr =~ /$pattern/i) {
push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key});
} else {
if ($self->opts->name =~ /^\d+$/) {
if ($index == 1 * $self->opts->name) {
push(@indices, [1 * $self->opts->name]);
} else {
if (lc $descr eq lc $self->opts->name) {
push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key});
} else {
push(@indices, $self->{$cache}->{$key});
return @indices;
return map { join('.', ref($_) eq "ARRAY" ? @{$_} : $_) } @indices;
package GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF;
#our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use strict;
sub create_statefile {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $extension = "";
$extension .= $params{name} ? '_'.$params{name} : '';
if ($self->opts->community) {
$extension .= md5_hex($self->opts->community);
$extension =~ s/\//_/g;
$extension =~ s/\(/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\)/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\*/_/g;
$extension =~ s/\s/_/g;
if ($self->opts->snmpwalk && ! $self->opts->hostname) {
return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(),
$self->opts->mode, lc $extension;
} elsif ($self->opts->snmpwalk && $self->opts->hostname eq "walkhost") {
return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(),
$self->opts->mode, lc $extension;
} else {
return sprintf "%s/%s_%s%s", $self->statefilesdir(),
$self->opts->hostname, $self->opts->mode, lc $extension;
package GLPlugin::SNMP::Item;
our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF GLPlugin::Item GLPlugin::SNMP);
use strict;
package GLPlugin::SNMP::TableItem;
our @ISA = qw(GLPlugin::SNMP::CSF GLPlugin::TableItem GLPlugin::SNMP);
use strict;
sub ensure_index {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
$self->{$key} ||= $self->{flat_indices};
sub unhex_ip {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
if ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{8})/) {
$value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $1);
} elsif ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{2} \w{2} \w{2} \w{2})/) {
$value = $1;
$value =~ s/ //g;
$value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $value);
} elsif ($value && unpack("H8", $value) =~ /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) {
$value = join(".", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4));
return $value;
sub unhex_mac {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
if ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{12})/) {
$value = join(".", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $1);
} elsif ($value && $value =~ /^0x(\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2}\s*\w{2})/) {
$value = $1;
$value =~ s/ //g;
$value = join(":", unpack "C*", pack "H*", $value);
} elsif ($value && unpack("H12", $value) =~ /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/) {
$value = join(":", map { hex($_) } ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6));
return $value;