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2016-12-04 10:31:25 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
############################## check_snmp_win ##############
2017-11-29 15:28:59 +00:00
my $VERSION = "2.1.0";
2016-12-04 10:31:25 +00:00
# Date : Oct 12 2007
# Author : Patrick Proy (patrick at
# Help :
# License : GPL -
# Contrib : Tenaku
# TODO :
# help : ./ -h
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;
# Icinga specific
my %ERRORS = ('OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3, 'DEPENDENT' => 4);
# SNMP Datas for processes (MIB II)
my $process_table = '';
my $index_table = '';
my $run_name_table = '';
my $run_path_table = '';
my $proc_mem_table = ''; # Kbytes
my $proc_cpu_table = ''; # Centi sec of CPU
my $proc_run_state = '';
# Windows SNMP DATA
my $win_serv_table = ''; # Windows services table
my $win_serv_name = ''; # Name of the service
# Install state : uninstalled(1), install-pending(2), uninstall-pending(3), installed(4)
my $win_serv_inst = '';
# Operating state : active(1), continue-pending(2), pause-pending(3), paused(4)
my $win_serv_state = '';
my %win_serv_state_label = (1 => 'active', 2 => 'continue-pending', 3 => 'pause-pending', 4 => 'paused');
# Can be uninstalled : cannot-be-uninstalled(1), can-be-uninstalled(2)
my $win_serv_uninst = '';
# Globals
my $Name = 'check_snmp_win';
my $o_host = undef; # hostname
my $o_community = undef; # community
my $o_port = 161; # port
my $o_version2 = undef; #use snmp v2c
my $o_descr = undef; # description filter
my @o_descrL = undef; # Service descriprion list.
my $o_showall = undef; # Show all services even if OK
my $o_type = "service"; # Check type (service, ...)
my $o_number = undef; # Number of service for warn and crit levels
my $o_help = undef; # wan't some help ?
my $o_verb = undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version = undef; # print version
my $o_noreg = undef; # Do not use Regexp for name
my $o_timeout = 5; # Default 5s Timeout
# SNMP V3 specific
my $o_login = undef; # snmp v3 login
my $o_passwd = undef; # snmp v3 passwd
# functions
sub p_version { print "$Name version : $VERSION\n"; }
sub print_usage {
"Usage: $Name [-v] -H <host> -C <snmp_community> [-2] | (-l login -x passwd) [-p <port>] -n <name>[,<name2] [-T=service] [-r] [-s] [-N=<n>] [-t <timeout>] [-V]\n";
sub isnotnum { # Return true if arg is not a number
my $num = shift;
if ($num =~ /^-?(\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+)$/) { return 0; }
return 1;
sub is_pattern_valid { # Test for things like "<I\s*[^>" or "+5-i"
my $pat = shift;
if (!defined($pat)) { $pat = " "; } # Just to get rid of compilation time warnings
return eval { "" =~ /$pat/; 1 } || 0;
# Get the alarm signal (just in case snmp timout screws up)
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print("ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios time-out)\n");
sub help {
print "\nSNMP Windows Monitor for Icinga/Nagios/Naemon/Shinken, Version ", $VERSION, "\n";
print "GPL license, (c)2004-2007 Patrick Proy\n\n";
print <<EOT;
-v, --verbose
print extra debugging information (and lists all services)
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
name or IP address of host to check
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME
community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1 or v2c with option)
-2, --v2c
Use snmp v2c
-l, --login=LOGIN
Login for snmpv3 authentication (implies v3 protocol with MD5)
-x, --passwd=PASSWD
Password for snmpv3 authentication
-p, --port=PORT
SNMP port (Default 161)
-T, --type=service
Check type :
- service (default) checks service
-n, --name=NAME[,NAME2...]
Comma separated names of services (perl regular expressions can be used for every one).
By default, it is not case sensitive.
-N, --number=<n>
Compare matching services with <n> instead of the number of names provided.
-s, --showall
Show all services in the output, instead of only the non-active ones.
-r, --noregexp
Do not use regexp to match NAME in service description.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)
-V, --version
prints version number
Note :
The script will return
OK if ALL services are in active state,
WARNING if there is more than specified (ex 2 service specified, 3 active services matching),
CRITICAL if at least one of them is non active.
The -n option will allows regexp in perl format
-n "service" will match 'service WINS' 'sevice DNS' etc...
It is not case sensitive by default : WINS = wins
sub verb { my $t = shift; print $t, "\n" if defined($o_verb); }
sub decode_utf8 { # just replaces UFT8 caracters by "."
my $utfstr = shift;
if (substr($utfstr, 0, 2) ne "0x") { return $utfstr; }
my @stringL = split(//, $utfstr);
my $newstring = "";
for (my $i = 2; $i < $#stringL; $i += 2) {
if (($stringL[$i] . $stringL[$i + 1]) eq "c3") {
$i += 2;
$newstring .= ".";
} else {
$newstring .= chr(hex($stringL[$i] . $stringL[$i + 1]));
return $newstring;
sub check_options {
'v' => \$o_verb,
'verbose' => \$o_verb,
'h' => \$o_help,
'help' => \$o_help,
'H:s' => \$o_host,
'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
'p:i' => \$o_port,
'port:i' => \$o_port,
'C:s' => \$o_community,
'community:s' => \$o_community,
'l:s' => \$o_login,
'login:s' => \$o_login,
'x:s' => \$o_passwd,
'passwd:s' => \$o_passwd,
't:i' => \$o_timeout,
'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
'n:s' => \$o_descr,
'name:s' => \$o_descr,
'r' => \$o_noreg,
'noregexp' => \$o_noreg,
'T:s' => \$o_type,
'type:s' => \$o_type,
'N:i' => \$o_number,
'number:i' => \$o_number,
'2' => \$o_version2,
'v2c' => \$o_version2,
's' => \$o_showall,
'showall' => \$o_showall,
'V' => \$o_version,
'version' => \$o_version
if (defined($o_help)) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} }
if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} }
# check snmp information
if (!defined($o_community) && (!defined($o_login) || !defined($o_passwd))) {
print "Put snmp login info!\n";
# Check compulsory attributes
if ($o_type ne "service") {
print "Invalid check type !\n";
if (!defined($o_descr) || !defined($o_host)) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} }
@o_descrL = split(/,/, $o_descr);
foreach my $List (@o_descrL) {
if (!is_pattern_valid($List)) { print "Invalid pattern ! "; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} }
if (defined($o_number)) {
if (isnotnum($o_number) || ($o_number < 0)) {
print "Invalid number of services!\n";
########## MAIN #######
# Check timeout if snmp screws up
if (defined($o_timeout)) {
verb("Alarm in $o_timeout seconds");
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print "No answer from host $o_host:$o_port\n";
# Connect to host
my ($session, $error);
if (defined($o_login) && defined($o_passwd)) {
# SNMPv3 login
verb("SNMPv3 login");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
2017-11-29 15:28:59 +00:00
-port => $o_port,
2016-12-04 10:31:25 +00:00
-version => '3',
-username => $o_login,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => 'md5',
-privpassword => $o_passwd,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
if (defined($o_version2)) {
# SNMPv2 Login
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 2,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
# SNMPV1 login
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $o_host,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
# Look for process in name or path name table
my $resultat = undef;
= (version->parse(Net::SNMP->VERSION) < 4)
? $session->get_table($win_serv_name)
: $session->get_table(Baseoid => $win_serv_name);
if (!defined($resultat)) {
printf("ERROR: Process name table : %s.\n", $session->error);
my @tindex = undef;
my @oids = undef;
my @descr = undef;
my $num_int = 0;
my $count_oid = 0;
# Select storage by regexp of exact match
# and put the oid to query in an array
verb("Filter : $o_descr");
foreach my $key (keys %$resultat) {
my $descr_d = decode_utf8($$resultat{$key});
verb("Desc : $descr_d");
# test by regexp or exact match
my $test = undef;
foreach my $List (@o_descrL) {
if (!($test)) {
= defined($o_noreg)
? $descr_d eq $List
: $descr_d =~ /$List/i;
if ($test) {
# get the full description
$descr[$num_int] = $descr_d;
# get the index number of the process
$key =~ s/$win_serv_name\.//;
$tindex[$num_int] = $key;
# put the oid of running state in an array.
$oids[$count_oid++] = $win_serv_state . "." . $tindex[$num_int];
verb("Name : $descr[$num_int], Index : $tindex[$num_int]");
if ($num_int == 0) {
if (defined($o_number) && ($o_number == 0)) {
print "No services ", (defined($o_noreg)) ? "named \"" : "matching \"", $o_descr, "\" found : OK\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};
} else {
print "No services ", (defined($o_noreg)) ? "named \"" : "matching \"", $o_descr, "\" found : CRITICAL\n";
my $result = undef;
my $num_int_ok = 0;
= (version->parse(Net::SNMP->VERSION) < 4)
? $session->get_request(@oids)
: $session->get_request(Varbindlist => \@oids);
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: running table : %s.\n", $session->error);
my $output = undef;
#Check if service are in active state
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_int; $i++) {
my $state = $$result{ $win_serv_state . "." . $tindex[$i] };
verb("Process $tindex[$i] in state $state");
if ($state == 1) {
} else {
$output .= ", " if defined($output);
$output .= $descr[$i] . " : " . $win_serv_state_label{$state};
my $force_critical = 0;
# Show the services that are not present
# Or all of them with -s option
foreach my $List (@o_descrL) {
my $test = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_int; $i++) {
if (defined($o_noreg)) {
if ($descr[$i] eq $List) { $test++; }
} else {
if ($descr[$i] =~ /$List/i) { $test++; }
if ($test == 0) {
$output .= ", " if defined($output);
$output .= "\"" . $List . "\" not active";
# Force a critical state (could otherwise lead to false OK)
$force_critical = 1;
} elsif (defined($o_showall)) {
$output .= ", " if defined($output);
$output .= "\"" . $List . "\" active";
if ($test != 1) {
$output .= "(" . $test . " services)";
if (defined($output)) {
print $output, " : ";
} else {
print $num_int_ok, " services active (", (defined($o_noreg)) ? "named \"" : "matching \"", $o_descr, "\") : ";
$o_number = $#o_descrL + 1 if (!defined($o_number));
if (($num_int_ok < $o_number) || ($force_critical == 1)) {
print "CRITICAL\n";
} elsif ($num_int_ok > $o_number) {
print "WARNING\n";
print "OK\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};