


Last update : Jan 11 2007


FIRST, look at the web page associated with every script.

Running the scripts :

- The scripts outputs "Can't locate Net/SNMP.pm in @INC....."

- How do I install Net::SNMP perl module

- What are the supported platforms to run the scripts on ?

- How do I get help on the options ?

- Return code of X is out of bounds

- Are these plugins compatible with Nagios 2.0 ?

- ERROR: XXXXXX : Expected OBJECT IDENTIFIER in dotted notation.

- "No Output" using Nagios 2

- Getting : "ERROR: Size table :Message size exceeded buffer maxMsgSize"


- Are these scripts secure ?

- How can I get help ? Is there a mailling list ? a forum ?

- Can I donate to help this project ?

The scripts outputs "Can't locate Net/SNMP.pm in @INC....."

You don't have Net::SNMP installed, see below

How do I install Net::SNMP perl module ?

There are 2 ways of doing this

1) By CPAN (best)

on command line, as root :

[your_host]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.76)
ReadLine support enabled
cpan> install Net::SNMP

If it's the first time you run CPAN, it will probably ask you some (simple) questions.

CPAN will also ask you to satisfy some dependencies (Crypt::DES, Digest::MD5, etc..).

2) "By hand"

Get the folowings modules (tar.gz format) on www.cpan.org

- Crypt::DES
- Digest::MD5
- Digest::SHA1
- Digest::HMAC
- Net::SNMP

for each one (you must install Net::SNMP at the end) :
tar zxf <module>.tar.gz
cd <module>
perl Makefile.pl
make test
make install

What are the supported platforms to run the scripts on ?

Most Linux, maybe some unixes and maybe Cygwin.
Actually anything you can run perl on.
If you can install the latest Net::SNMP module, then the perl version should be OK.

How do I get help on the options ?

Just run <script> -h on the command line.

Return code of X is out of bounds

Have a look at : http://www.nagios.org/faqs/viewfaq.php?faq_id=17

In case of return code 127, try putting perl in the command line definition :

define command{
command_name check_disk
command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER1$/check_snmp_storage.pl -C $ARG1$ [........]

Are these plugins compatible with Nagios 2.0 ?


ERROR: XXXXXX : Expected OBJECT IDENTIFIER in dotted notation.

Upgrade your Net::SNMP module version (5 is good, 4 maybe OK, 3 gives this error)
This happens with Debian Woody (Net::SNMP version 3.6).
I have special patches if you can't upgrade : contact me.

"No Output" using Nagios 2

It's a "bug" of embeded perl. It has been corrected in latest Nagios releases.

You can :

- Add a patch if your nagios release is old. Here is a patch made by Gavin Carr for the p1.pl file to correct this (it should be in nagios CVS shortly). http://nagios.manubulon.com/p1-print.pl.patch

- Upgrade Nagios.

- add "/usr/bin/perl" before the script command so Nagios won't use embeded perl.

Getting : "ERROR: Size table :Message size exceeded buffer maxMsgSize"

Your snmp table is too big.

Some of my scripts (check_snmp_storage and check_snmp_process) now have an option (-o) to set this directly on command line (thx to Makina Corpus for the patch).

In other scripts, try adding :


After the session has been initialized.

Are these scripts secure ?

Not at all ! You must secure the Nagios server.
Nobody else than the nagios user should be allowed to even think about running these scripts.

How can I get help ? Is there a mailling list ? a forum ?

Go to the sourceforge project page for all this : Nagios-snmp

Can I donate to help this project ?

Of course you can, I just haven't got any idea of how, so just send a postcard to my son (Jolan) with a nice drawing (or buy a cookie to your son/daughter/nephew/grand-ma...).
You can get my postal address on my resume (www.manubulon.com/cvpproy.htm).
He will answer you when he knows how to write (in several years).

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