# Manubulon SNMP Plugins ## Plugin Overview Plugin | Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------- [check_snmp_storage](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-storage) | Storage checks (disks, swap, memory, etc.) [check_snmp_int](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-int) | Interface states, usage on hosts, switches, routers, etc. [check_snmp_process](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-process) | Running processes, their number, used CPU and memory. [check_snmp_load](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-load) | Load/CPU checks [check_snmp_mem](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-mem) | Memory and swap usage [check_snmp_env](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-env) | Environmental status of fan, temp, power supplies. [check_snmp_vrrp](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-vrrp) | Interface state of a VRRP cluster [check_snmp_cpfw](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-cpfw) | Checkpoint Firewall-1 status [check_snmp_win](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-win) | Windows services [check_snmp_css](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-css) | CSS service states [check_snmp_nsbox](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-nsbox) | Nsbox VHost and diode status [check_snmp_boostedge](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-hostedge) | Boostedge services [check_snmp_linkproof_ndr](04-Plugins.md#manubulon-snmp-plugins-ndr) | Linkproof NHR ## check\_snmp\_storage ``` $ ./check_snmp_storage.pl --help SNMP Disk Monitor for Icinga/Nagios/Naemon/Shinken, Version 2.1.0 (c)2004-2007 Patrick Proy Usage: check_snmp_storage [-v] -H -C [-2] | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L ,]) [-p ] [-P ] -m [-q storagetype] -w -c [-t ] [-T pl|pu|bl|bu ] [-r -s -i -G] [-e] [-S 0|1[,1,]] [-o ] [-R <% reserved>] By default, plugin will monitor %used on drives : warn if %used > warn and critical if %used > crit -v, --verbose print extra debugging information (and lists all storages) -h, --help print this help message -H, --hostname=HOST name or IP address of host to check -C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1) -2, --v2c Use snmp v2c -l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv -X, --privpass=PASSWD Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol) -L, --protocols=, : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default md5) : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des) -x, --passwd=PASSWD Password for snmpv3 authentication -p, --port=PORT SNMP port (Default 161) -P, --protocol=PROTOCOL Network protocol to be used ['udp/ipv4'] : UDP over IPv4 'udp/ipv6' : UDP over IPv6 'tcp/ipv4' : TCP over IPv4 'tcp/ipv6' : TCP over IPv6 -m, --name=NAME Name in description OID (can be mounpoints '/home' or 'Swap Space'...) This is treated as a regexp : -m /var will match /var , /var/log, /opt/var ... Test it before, because there are known bugs (ex : trailling /) No trailing slash for mountpoints ! -q, --storagetype=[Other|Ram|VirtualMemory|FixedDisk|RemovableDisk|FloppyDisk CompactDisk|RamDisk|FlashMemory|NetworkDisk] Also check the storage type in addition of the name It is possible to use regular expressions ( "FixedDisk|FloppyDisk" ) -r, --noregexp Do not use regexp to match NAME in description OID -s, --sum Add all storages that match NAME (used space and total space) THEN make the tests. -i, --index Parse index table instead of description table to select storage -e, --exclude Select all storages except the one(s) selected by -m No action on storage type selection -T, --type=TYPE pl : calculate percent left pu : calculate percent used (Default) bl : calculate MegaBytes left bu : calculate MegaBytes used -w, --warn=INTEGER percent / MB of disk used to generate WARNING state you can add the % sign -c, --critical=INTEGER percent / MB of disk used to generate CRITICAL state you can add the % sign -R, --reserved=INTEGER % reserved blocks for superuser For ext2/3 filesystems, it is 5% by default -G, --gigabyte output, warning & critical levels in gigabytes -f, --perfparse, --perfdata Performance data output -S, --short=[,,] : Make the output shorter : 0 : only print the global result except the disk in warning or critical ex: "< 80% : OK" 1 : Don't print all info for every disk ex : "/ : 66 %used (< 80) : OK" : (optional) if = 1, put the OK/WARN/CRIT at the beginning : take the first caracters or last if n<0 -o, --octetlength=INTEGER max-size of the SNMP message, usefull in case of Too Long responses. Be carefull with network filters. Range 484 - 65535, default are usually 1472,1452,1460 or 1440. -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5) -V, --version prints version number Note : with T=pu or T=bu : OK < warn < crit with T=pl ot T=bl : crit < warn < OK If multiple storage are selected, the worse condition will be returned i.e if one disk is critical, the return is critical example : Browse storage list :