# Manubulon SNMP Plugins ## General information Manubulon SNMP plugins is a set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts/devices using the SNMP protocol. Check [http://nagios.manubulon.com](http://nagios.manubulon.com) for more details. This is a fork using a [cvs2git import](http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagios-snmp/develop) which includes community patches. The original project was last active in 2007 so this project helps collect all patches and feature requests. Feel free to use & distribute it under the original license. ## Requirements * perl in /usr/bin/perl * Perl modules `Net::SNMP` and `Getopt::Long` (RHEL: `perl-Net-SNMP perl-Getopt-Long`) * `icinga` user able to write files in /tmp/ directory Perl, default directory and temp files location can be changed using the install.sh script. `utils.pm` from `Monitoring::Plugin::Perl` is no longer required. ## Documentation The original documentation and sourcecode is located at [http://nagios.manubulon.com](http://nagios.manubulon.com). A website copy was added underneath the `doc/` directory. ## Support You may create [GitHub issues](https://github.com/dnsmichi/manubulon-snmp) as well. I do have a lot of things on my plate so best is to send in a tested (!) patch at the same time. If you want to help maintain this project, just contact me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/dnsmichi) and I'll happily grant commit access. You may head over to [monitoring-portal.org community](http://www.monitoring-portal.org) for questions and feedback. The original support tracker is still located on [sourceforge](https://sourceforge.net/p/nagios-snmp/feature-requests/). ## Development Fork this repository on Github and send in a PR. There's a `.perltidyrc` file in the main repository tree. If you are uncertain about the coding style, create your patch and then run: $ perltidy -b plugins/*.pl This requires the `perltidy` module being installed.