#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################## check_snmp_process ############## my $VERSION = "2.0.0"; # Date : Oct 12 2007 # Author : Patrick Proy (patrick at proy dot org) # Help : http://nagios.manubulon.com # License : GPL - http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt # Contrib : Makina Corpus, adam At greekattic d0t com # TODO : put $o_delta as an option # If testing on localhost, selects itself.... ############################################################### # # help : ./check_snmp_process -h use strict; use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; ############### BASE DIRECTORY FOR TEMP FILE ######## my $o_base_dir = "/tmp/tmp_Icinga_proc."; my $file_history = 200; # number of data to keep in files. my $delta_of_time_to_make_average = 300; # 5minutes by default # Icinga specific my $TIMEOUT = 15; my %ERRORS = ('OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3, 'DEPENDENT' => 4); # SNMP Datas my $process_table = ''; my $index_table = ''; my $run_name_table = ''; my $run_path_table = ''; my $run_param_table = ''; my $proc_mem_table = ''; # Kbytes my $proc_cpu_table = ''; # Centi sec of CPU my $proc_run_state = ''; # Globals my $o_host = undef; # hostname my $o_community = undef; # community my $o_port = 161; # port my $o_domain = 'udp/ipv4'; # Default to UDP over IPv4 my $o_version2 = undef; #use snmp v2c my $o_descr = undef; # description filter my $o_warn = 0; # warning limit my @o_warnL = undef; # warning limits (min,max) my $o_crit = 0; # critical limit my @o_critL = undef; # critical limits (min,max) my $o_help = undef; # wan't some help ? my $o_verb = undef; # verbose mode my $o_version = undef; # print version my $o_noreg = undef; # Do not use Regexp for name my $o_path = undef; # check path instead of name my $o_inverse = undef; # checks max instead of min number of process my $o_get_all = undef; # get all tables at once my $o_param = undef; # Add process parameters for selection my $o_perf = undef; # Add performance output my $o_timeout = 5; # Default 5s Timeout # SNMP V3 specific my $o_login = undef; # snmp v3 login my $o_passwd = undef; # snmp v3 passwd my $v3protocols = undef; # V3 protocol list. my $o_authproto = 'md5'; # Auth protocol my $o_privproto = 'des'; # Priv protocol my $o_privpass = undef; # priv password # SNMP Message size parameter (Makina Corpus contrib) my $o_octetlength = undef; # Memory & CPU my $o_mem = undef; # checks memory (max) my @o_memL = undef; # warn and crit level for mem my $o_mem_avg = undef; # cheks memory average my $o_cpu = undef; # checks CPU usage my @o_cpuL = undef; # warn and crit level for cpu my $o_delta = $delta_of_time_to_make_average; # delta time for CPU check # functions sub p_version { print "check_snmp_process version : $VERSION\n"; } sub print_usage { print "Usage: $0 [-v] -H -C [-2] | (-l login -x passwd) [-p ] [-P ] -n [-w [,] -c [,max_proc] ] [-m, -a -u, -d ] [-t ] [-o ] [-f -A -F ] [-r] [-V] [-g]\n"; } sub isnotnum { # Return true if arg is not a number my $num = shift; if ($num =~ /^-?(\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+)$/) { return 0; } return 1; } sub read_file { # Input : File, items_number # Returns : array of value : [line][item] my ($traffic_file, $items_number) = @_; my ($ligne, $n_rows) = (undef, 0); my (@last_values, @file_values, $i); open(FILE, "<" . $traffic_file) || return (1, 0, 0); while ($ligne = ) { chomp($ligne); @file_values = split(":", $ligne); #verb("@file_values"); if ($#file_values >= ($items_number - 1)) { # check if there is enough data, else ignore line for ($i = 0; $i < $items_number; $i++) { $last_values[$n_rows][$i] = $file_values[$i]; } $n_rows++; } } close FILE; if ($n_rows != 0) { return (0, $n_rows, @last_values); } else { return (1, 0, 0); } } sub write_file { # Input : file , rows, items, array of value : [line][item] # Returns : 0 / OK, 1 / error my ($file_out, $rows, $item, @file_values) = @_; my $start_line = ($rows > $file_history) ? $rows - $file_history : 0; if (open(FILE2, ">" . $file_out)) { for (my $i = $start_line; $i < $rows; $i++) { for (my $j = 0; $j < $item; $j++) { print FILE2 $file_values[$i][$j]; if ($j != ($item - 1)) { print FILE2 ":" } } print FILE2 "\n"; } close FILE2; return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub help { print "\nSNMP Process Monitor for Icinga/Nagios/Naemon/Shinken, Version ", $VERSION, "\n"; print "GPL license, (c)2004-2006 Patrick Proy\n\n"; print_usage(); print <, : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default md5) : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des) -p, --port=PORT SNMP port (Default 161) -P, --protocol=PROTOCOL Network protocol to be used ['udp/ipv4'] : UDP over IPv4 'udp/ipv6' : UDP over IPv6 'tcp/ipv4' : TCP over IPv4 'tcp/ipv6' : TCP over IPv6 -n, --name=NAME Name of the process (regexp) No trailing slash ! -r, --noregexp Do not use regexp to match NAME in description OID -f, --fullpath Use full path name instead of process name (Windows doesn't provide full path name) -A, --param Add parameters to select processes. ex : "named.*-t /var/named/chroot" will only select named process with this parameter -F, --perfout Add performance output outputs : memory_usage, num_process, cpu_usage -w, --warn=MIN[,MAX] Number of process that will cause a warning -1 for no warning, MAX must be >0. Ex : -w-1,50 -c, --critical=MIN[,MAX] number of process that will cause an error ( -1 for no critical, MAX must be >0. Ex : -c-1,50 Notes on warning and critical : with the following options : -w m1,x1 -c m2,x2 you must have : m2 <= m1 < x1 <= x2 you can omit x1 or x2 or both -m, --memory=WARN,CRIT checks memory usage (default max of all process) values are warning and critical values in Mb -a, --average makes an average of memory used by process instead of max -u, --cpu=WARN,CRIT checks cpu usage of all process values are warning and critical values in % of CPU usage if more than one CPU, value can be > 100% : 100%=1 CPU -d, --delta=seconds make an average of seconds for CPU (default 300=5min) -g, --getall In some cases, it is necessary to get all data at once because process die very frequently. This option eats bandwidth an cpu (for remote host) at breakfast. -o, --octetlength=INTEGER max-size of the SNMP message, usefull in case of Too Long responses. Be carefull with network filters. Range 484 - 65535, default are usually 1472,1452,1460 or 1440. -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5) -V, --version prints version number Note : CPU usage is in % of one cpu, so maximum can be 100% * number of CPU example : Browse process list :