# Manubulon SNMP Plugins #### Table of Contents 1. [About](#about) 2. [License](#license) 3. [Support](#support) 4. [Requirements](#requirements) 5. [Installation](#installation) 6. [Configuration](#configuration) 7. [FAQ](#faq) 8. [Thanks](#thanks) 9. [Contributing](#contributing) ## About Manubulon SNMP plugins is a set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts/devices using the SNMP protocol. ### Plugin Overview Plugin | Description ------------------------------|---------------------------------------- check\_snmp\_storage | Storage checks (disks, swap, memory, etc.) check\_snmp\_int | Interface states, usage on hosts, switches, routers, etc. check\_snmp\_process | Running processes, their number, used CPU and memory. check\_snmp\_load | Load/CPU checks check\_snmp\_mem | Memory and swap usage check\_snmp\_env | Environmental status of fan, temp, power supplies. check\_snmp\_vrrp | Interface state of a VRRP cluster check\_snmp\_cpfw | Checkpoint Firewall-1 status check\_snmp\_win | Windows services check\_snmp\_css | CSS service states check\_snmp\_nsbox | Nsbox VHost and diode status check\_snmp\_boostedge | Boostedge services check\_snmp\_linkproof\_ndr | Linkproof NHR ## License These plugins are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package. ## Support Join the [Icinga community channels](https://www.icinga.com/about/get-involved/) for questions. If you want to help maintain this project, just contact me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/dnsmichi) and I'll happily grant commit access. ## Requirements * Perl in `/usr/bin/perl` * Perl modules [Net::SNMP](http://search.cpan.org/~dtown/Net-SNMP-v6.0.1/lib/Net/SNMP.pm) and [Getopt::Long](http://search.cpan.org/~jv/Getopt-Long-2.49.1/lib/Getopt/Long.pm) * `icinga` user able to write files in /tmp/ directory * SNMP v3 authentication: Perl modules [Crypt::DES](http://search.cpan.org/~dparis/Crypt-DES-2.07/DES.pm), [Crypt::Rijndael](http://search.cpan.org/~leont/Crypt-Rijndael-1.13/Rijndael.pm) and [Digest::HMAC](http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/Digest-HMAC-1.03/lib/Digest/HMAC.pm) ## Installation Detailed installation instructions can be found [here](doc/02-Installation.md). ## Configuration Proceed [here](doc/03-Configuration.md) to get details on the configuration with Icinga 2, Icinga 1.x, etc. ## FAQ ## Thanks Patrick Proy for creating and maintaining the original plugins. ## Contributing Fork this repository on GitHub and send in a PR. There's a `.perltidyrc` file in the main repository tree. If you are uncertain about the coding style, create your patch and then run: ``` $ perltidy -b plugins/*.pl ``` This requires the `perltidy` module being installed.