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<td class="ProgramTitle"> Snmp storage check</td>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Script : check_snmp_storage.pl</p>
<p class="SectionTitle"> Last update : Jun 09 2007</p>
<td valign="top">
<p class="SectionTitle">Description : </p>
<p class="SectionBody">This scripts checks by snmp (V1 and v3) disks,
memory, swap, everthing in hrStorage table. <br>
Storages selection can be done : <br>
- by perl regexp on description or index (<i>-m</i>)<br>
- and (optional) by storage type (<i>-q</i>) : Other, Ram, VirtualMemory,
FixedDisk, RemovableDisk, FloppyDisk, CompactDisk, RamDisk, FlashMemory,
One or multiple storages can be selected.<br>
It is also possible to sum all selected storages (<i>-s</i>)<br>
Warning and critical levels can be checked based on : <br>
- Percent of disk used<br>
- Percent of disk left<br>
- MB left<br>
- MB used</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><b> Output options</b> (<i>-S</i>): </p>
<p class="SectionBody">-S can have 3 options : <type>[,<where>,<cut>]<br>
<i><type></i> : Make the output shorter :<br>
0 : only print the global result except the disk in warning or critical<br>
1 : Don't print all info for every disk <br>
<i><where></i> : (optional) if = 1, put the OK/WARN/CRIT at
the beginning<br>
<i><cut></i> : take the <n> first caracters or <n>
last if n<0</p>
<p class="SectionBody">With the following disks : /home : 51% used
and / : 90% used</p>
<table width="83%" border="1">
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%"><b>Option used</b></td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%"><b>Warning</b></td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%"><b>Output</b></td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%"> </td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">99%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">/home: 51%used(1012MB/1969MB)
/: 90%used(5781MB/6390MB) (<99%) : OK</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%"> </td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">/home: 51%used(1012MB/1969MB)
/: 90%used(5781MB/6390MB) (>90%) : WARNING</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S0</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">All selected storages (<99%)
: OK</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S0</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">99%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">/: 90%used(5781MB/6390MB)
(>90%) : WARNING</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S1</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">/home: 51% /: 90% (<99%)
: OK</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S1</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">99%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">/home: 51% /: 90%<b>used(5781MB/6390MB)</b>
(>90%) : WARNING</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S0,1</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%"><b>OK</b> : (<99%) All
selected storages </td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S0,1</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%"><b>WARNING</b> : (>90%)
/: 90%used(5781MB/6390MB)</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S1,,<b>2</b></td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">99%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%"><b>/h</b>: 51% /: 90% (<99%)
: OK</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S1,,<b>-2</b></td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">99%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%"><b>me</b>: 51% /: 90% (<99%)
: OK</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="13%">-S0,1,-2</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="11%">30%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="76%">WARNING : (>30%) me: 51%used(1012MB/1969MB)
/: 90%used(5781MB/6390MB)</td>
<p class="SectionBody"><b>Performance output </b>(<i>-f</i><b><i>
<p class="SectionBody">The performance will remove any weird caracters
( <b>`~!$%^&*'"<>|?,(= )</b> ) from the drive name.</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><b>Msg size option </b>(<i>-o</i><b><i> </i></b>option)</p>
<p class="SectionBody">In case you get a "ERROR: running table
: Message size exceeded maxMsgSize" error, you may need to
adjust the maxMsgSize, i.e. the maximum size of snmp message with
the -o option. Try a value with the -o AND the -v option : the script
will output the actual value so you can add some octets to it with
the -o option.</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><span class="SectionTitle">SNMP Login</span><br>
<p class="SectionBody">See <a href="index_info.html">snmp info page</a></p>
<p class="SectionBody">--- <br>
V<>rifie par snmp v1 ou v3 l'occupation des disques, mais aussi de
la swap, de la m<>moire, etc.. tout ce qui est disponible en snmp
par la table hrStorage.<br>
Les disques sont sélectionnables par expression régulière
compatible Perl<br>
<p class="SectionTitle">Requirements :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"> - Perl in /usr/bin/perl - or just run 'perl
script' <br>
- Net::SNMP<br>
- file 'utils.pm' in plugin diretory (/usr/local/icinga/libexec)<br>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="check_snmp_storage.pl" class="SectionTitle">Dowload
lastest version : 1.3.3</a></p>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="index_commands.html" class="SectionTitle">Configurations
<p class="NewsItemDate"><span class="SectionTitle">Changelog</span>
: On CVS repository on sourceforge : <a href="http://nagios-snmp.cvs.sourceforge.net/nagios-snmp/plugins/">http://nagios-snmp.cvs.sourceforge.net/nagios-snmp/plugins/</a>.<br>
<p class="SectionTitle">Examples :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><br>
All examples below are considering the script is local directory.
Host to be checked is with snmp community "public".</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>Get help
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl <b>-h</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">List all storage</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">./check_snmp_storage.pl -H
|| -C public -m zzzz -w 80 -c 81 <b>-v</b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">snmpv3 login</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">./check_snmp_storage.pl -H
|| -l login -x passwd<b></b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p class="NewsItemDate">Unix/Linux</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>%used of /home is less than 80% and 90%
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public <b>-m /home
-w 80% -c 90%</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>%free of /home is above 10% and 5%
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m /home <b>-w
10% -c 5%</b> <b>-T pl</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>Mb used of /home is less than 800 Mb and 900 Mb
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m /home<b>
-w 800 -c 900 -T bu</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>Mb free of /home is above 100Mb and 30Mb
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m /home<b>
-w 100 -c 30 -T bl</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172">
<p>All mountpoints have %used less than 80% and 90%
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>/ </b>-w
80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> %used of /
mountpoint only is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>/ -r
</b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> %used of mountpoint
index 1 only is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public <b>-m 1 -p
</b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> Swap %used
is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public <b>-m Swap
</b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> Memory %used
is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public <b>-m "Real
Memory" </b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> </td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p class="NewsItemDate">Windows</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> %used of C
is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>^C:
</b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> %used of C,
D and E is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>^[CDE]:
</b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> %used of C+D+E
is less than 80% and 90%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>^[CDE]:
-s </b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> </td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p class="NewsItemDate">AS/400 specific</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="172"> Sum of all
memory storages is less than 90% and 95%</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="522">
<p>./check_snmp_storage.pl -H -C public -m <b>RAM
-s </b>-w 80% -c 90%</p>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Output of check_snmp_storage.pl -h</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="SectionBody" valign = top>
<p>SNMP Disk Monitor for Nagios version 1.3.3<br>
(c)2004-2007 Patrick Proy</p>
<p>Usage: check_snmp_storage [-v] -H <host> -C <snmp_community> [-2] | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L <authp>,<privp>]) [-p <port>] -m <name in desc_oid> [-q storagetype] -w <warn_level> -c <crit_level> [-t <timeout>] [-T pl|pu|bl|bu ] [-r -s -i -G] [-e] [-S 0|1[,1,<car>]] [-o <octet_length>] [-R <% reserved>]<br>
By default, plugin will monitor %used on drives :<br>
warn if %used > warn and critical if %used > crit<br>
-v, --verbose<br>
print extra debugging information (and lists all storages)<br>
-h, --help<br>
print this help message<br>
-H, --hostname=HOST<br>
name or IP address of host to check<br>
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME<br>
community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1)<br>
-2, --v2c<br>
Use snmp v2c<br>
-l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD<br>
Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication <br>
If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv <br>
-X, --privpass=PASSWD<br>
Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol)<br>
-L, --protocols=<authproto>,<privproto><br>
<authproto> : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default md5)<br>
<privproto> : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des) <br>
-x, --passwd=PASSWD<br>
Password for snmpv3 authentication<br>
-p, --port=PORT<br>
SNMP port (Default 161)<br>
-m, --name=NAME<br>
Name in description OID (can be mounpoints '/home' or 'Swap Space'...)<br>
This is treated as a regexp : -m /var will match /var , /var/log, /opt/var ...<br>
Test it before, because there are known bugs (ex : trailling /)<br>
No trailing slash for mountpoints !<br>
-q, --storagetype=[Other|Ram|VirtualMemory|FixedDisk|RemovableDisk|FloppyDisk<br>
Also check the storage type in addition of the name<br>
It is possible to use regular expressions ( "FixedDisk|FloppyDisk" )<br>
-r, --noregexp<br>
Do not use regexp to match NAME in description OID<br>
-s, --sum<br>
Add all storages that match NAME (used space and total space)<br>
THEN make the tests.<br>
-i, --index<br>
Parse index table instead of description table to select storage<br>
-e, --exclude<br>
Select all storages except the one(s) selected by -m<br>
No action on storage type selection<br>
-T, --type=TYPE<br>
pl : calculate percent left<br>
pu : calculate percent used (Default)<br>
bl : calculate MegaBytes left<br>
bu : calculate MegaBytes used<br>
-w, --warn=INTEGER<br>
percent / MB of disk used to generate WARNING state<br>
you can add the % sign <br>
-c, --critical=INTEGER<br>
percent / MB of disk used to generate CRITICAL state<br>
you can add the % sign <br>
-R, --reserved=INTEGER<br>
% reserved blocks for superuser<br>
For ext2/3 filesystems, it is 5% by default<br>
-G, --gigabyte<br>
output, warning & critical levels in gigabytes<br>
-f, --perfparse, --perfdata<br>
Performance data output<br>
-S, --short=<type>[,<where>,<cut>]<br>
<type>: Make the output shorter :<br>
0 : only print the global result except the disk in warning or critical<br>
ex: "< 80% : OK"<br>
1 : Don't print all info for every disk <br>
ex : "/ : 66 %used (< 80) : OK"<br>
<where>: (optional) if = 1, put the OK/WARN/CRIT at the beginning<br>
<cut>: take the <n> first caracters or <n> last if n<0<br>
-o, --octetlength=INTEGER<br>
max-size of the SNMP message, usefull in case of Too Long responses.<br>
Be carefull with network filters. Range 484 - 65535, default are<br>
usually 1472,1452,1460 or 1440. <br>
-t, --timeout=INTEGER<br>
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)<br>
-V, --version<br>
prints version number<br>
Note : <br>
with T=pu or T=bu : OK < warn < crit<br>
with T=pl ot T=bl : crit < warn < OK<br>
If multiple storage are selected, the worse condition will be returned<br>
i.e if one disk is critical, the return is critical<br>
example : <br>
Browse storage list : <script> -C <community> -H <host> -m <anything> -w 1 -c 2 -v <br>
the -m option allows regexp in perl format : <br>
Test drive C,F,G,H,I on Windows : -m ^[CFGHI]: <br>
Test all mounts containing /var : -m /var<br>
Test all mounts under /var : -m ^/var<br>
Test only /var : -m /var -r<br>
Test all swap spaces : -m ^Swap<br>
Test all but swap spaces : -m ^Swap -e<br>
<p class="SectionBody"><br>
<p class="SectionBody">This project is hosted on : <br>
<A href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagios-snmp"> <IMG src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=134917&type=5" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></A>
<p class="SectionBody"> Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered
trademarks of Ethan Galstad.</p>
<p> </p>