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<td class="ProgramTitle"> Snmp windows check</td>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Script :</p>
<p class="SectionTitle"> Last update : Jan 11 2007</p>
<td valign="top">
<p class="SectionTitle">Description : </p>
<p class="SectionBody">Checks by snmp v1 or v3 windows specific health
monitoring (service state for now).<br>
Works on Windows server (2000, 2003) maybe XP and NT.</p>
<p class="SectionBody"> V<>rifie par snmp v1 ou v3 si un(des) service
Windows tournent.<br>
<span class="SectionTitle"> Service checks <br>
<p class="SectionBody">The plugin checks if there if the Windows service(s)
he gets as input are running. <br>
You can provide multiple services, comma separated : <br>
<b>-n &lt;service1&gt;,&lt;service2&gt;</b> </p>
<p class="SectionBody">The script will return : <br>
OK : if &lt;service1&gt; is found (and active) and &lt;service2&gt;
is found (and active). <br>
WARNING : if &lt;service1&gt; and &lt;service2&gt; match <b>more</b>
than 2 active services.<br>
CRITICAL : if &lt;service1&gt; OR &lt;service2&gt; don't match any
active service. </p>
<p class="SectionBody"><b>-N &lt;number&gt; </b>: will return OK if
&lt;number&gt; of active services matches the filter</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><b>-s </b>: will show all active services instead
of the non active ones only</p>
<p class="SectionTitle">Requirements :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"> - Perl in /usr/bin/perl - or just run 'perl
script' <br>
- Net::SNMP<br>
- file '' in plugin diretory<br>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="" class="SectionTitle">Dowload
latest version : 0.6</a> </p>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="index_commands.html" class="SectionTitle">Configurations
<p class="SectionTitle">Examples :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><br>
All examples below are considering the script is local directory.
Host to be checked is with snmp community &quot;public&quot;.</p>
<p class="SectionBody">If multiple interfaces are selected, all must
be up to get an OK result</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="819">
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<p>Get help
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">
<p>./ <b>-h</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">snmpv3 login</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">./ -H
-l login -x passwd<b></b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<p>Check if at least one process matching dns is running
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">
<p>./ -H -C public <b>-n dns</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<p align="right">Result example :
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">
<p>1 services active (matching &quot;dns&quot;) : OK</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<p>Check if at least 3 process matching dns are running
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">
<p>./ -H -C public -n http<b> -N
2 </b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<div align="right">Result example : <br>
(&lt;=2 will return warning, 0 critical)</div>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">1 services active (matching
&quot;dns&quot;) : CRITICAL</td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">Check if dns
and ssh services are running</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">./ -H
-C public -n dns,ssh</td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<p align="right">Result example : </p>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">&quot;dns&quot; active, &quot;ssh&quot;
active : OK</td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">Check if dns
and toto services are running</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">./ -H
-C public <b>-n dns,toto</b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="262">
<div align="right">Result example : </div>
<td class="SectionBody" width="532">&quot;toto&quot; not active
<p class="NewsItemDate"><span class="SectionTitle">Changelog</span>
: On CVS repository on sourceforge : <a href=""></a>.<br>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Output of -h</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="SectionBody" valign = top>
<p>SNMP Windows Monitor for Nagios version 0.6<br>
GPL licence, (c)2004-2005 Patrick Proy</p>
<p>Usage: check_snmp_win [-v] -H &lt;host&gt; -C &lt;snmp_community&gt;
[-2] | (-l login -x passwd) [-p &lt;port&gt;] -n &lt;name&gt;[,&lt;name2]
[-T=service] [-r] [-s] [-N=&lt;n&gt;] [-t &lt;timeout&gt;]
-v, --verbose<br>
print extra debugging information (and lists all services)<br>
-h, --help<br>
print this help message<br>
-H, --hostname=HOST<br>
name or IP address of host to check<br>
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME<br>
community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies SNMP v1
or v2c with option)<br>
-2, --v2c<br>
Use snmp v2c<br>
-l, --login=LOGIN<br>
Login for snmpv3 authentication (implies v3 protocol with
-x, --passwd=PASSWD<br>
Password for snmpv3 authentication<br>
-p, --port=PORT<br>
SNMP port (Default 161)<br>
-T, --type=service<br>
Check type : <br>
- service (default) checks service<br>
-n, --name=NAME[,NAME2...]<br>
Comma separated names of services (perl regular expressions
can be used for every one).<br>
By default, it is not case sensitive.<br>
-N, --number=&lt;n&gt;<br>
Compare matching services with &lt;n&gt; instead of the number
of names provided.<br>
-s, --showall<br>
Show all services in the output, instead of only the non-active
-r, --noregexp<br>
Do not use regexp to match NAME in service description.<br>
-t, --timeout=INTEGER<br>
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)<br>
-V, --version<br>
prints version number<br>
Note : <br>
The script will return <br>
OK if ALL services are in active state,<br>
WARNING if there is more than specified (ex 2 service specified,
3 active services matching), <br>
CRITICAL if at least one of them is non active.<br>
The -n option will allows regexp in perl format <br>
-n &quot;service&quot; will match 'service WINS' 'sevice DNS'
It is not case sensitive by default : WINS = wins</p>
<p class="SectionBody">This project is hosted on : <br>
<A href=""> <IMG src="" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt=" Logo" /></A>
<p class="SectionBody"> Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered
trademarks of Ethan Galstad.</p>