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<TITLE>Nagios plugins</TITLE>
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<td class="ProgramTitle"> My plugins for <img src="img/smalllogo7.jpg" border="0" alt="Nagios">
<p class="SectionTitle" align="right">Last update : Jun 9 2007</p>
<p class="SectionTitle" align="left">About </p>
<p class="SectionBody">The general idea of these scripts is to check
as many things as possible with snmp (how do you install NRPE on
Cisco or AS/400 ?) : disks, memory, load, interface, running procsses,
<p class="SectionBody">The other idea is to select disks, interfaces,
process using regular expressions <br>
- it is possible to test more than one disk/int/process in one Nagios
check (ex : eth* instead of eth0,eth1,eth2,...)<br>
- you only have to provide a unique part of the name to select a
disk/int/process (ex : &quot;C:&quot; instead of &quot;C:\ Label:
Serial Number xxxxxxx&quot; makes it easy to use on multiple Windows
hosts). </p>
<p class="SectionBody">Most of these scripts can make performance
outputs. </p>
<p class="SectionBody">Enjoy and give me feedback !<br>
All code here is under GPL licence. <br>
<p class="SectionTitle"> If you want to be informed when I release
new versions, <br>
or if you have some advices, feedback, questions, go to the project's
sourceforge page : <a href="">nagios-snmp</a></p>
<p class="SectionBody">Please send me your feedback : <br>
- Test with embeded Perl<br>
- Test on various systems<br>
- Bugs, advices, comments, RFE, etc...<br>
Thank you !</p>
<p class="SectionBody">Run the scripts with '-h' to get help.</p>
<td valign="top">
<p class="SectionTitle">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="SectionTitle">Requirements</p>
<p class="SectionBody"> - Perl in /usr/bin/perl - if not run 'perl
script' or change the path in the scripts first line <br>
- Net::SNMP<br>
- file '' in diretory /usr/local/icinga/libexec or change
the line "use libs /usr/local/icinga/libexec/" in the scripts<br>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="index_commands.html" class="SectionTitle">Configurations
<p class="SectionTitle">Plugins<br>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>Bundle of all plugins</td>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Version 1.1.1 : <a href="nagios-snmp-plugins.1.1.1.tgz">nagios-snmp-plugins.1.1.1.tgz</a></p>
<p>This bundle contains all the plugins, including an install
script useful if you have special Nagios or perl paths.</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_storage.html">check_snmp_storage</a><br>
<p> Download version <a href="">1.3.3</a></p>
<p>&nbsp; </p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>This scripts checks by snmp (1,2c,3) disks, memory, swap,
everthing in hrStorage table. <br>
Disk selection can be done by perl regexp on description,
index or type to select one or multiple storages.<br>
V&eacute;rifie par snmp v1 ou v3 (merci &agrave; V. Carpentier)
l'occupation des disques, mais aussi de la swap, de la m&eacute;moire,
etc.. tout ce qui est disponible en snmp par la table hrStorage.<br>
Les disques sont s&eacute;lectionnables par expression r&eacute;guli&egrave;re
compatible Perl</p>
<p><a href="snmp_storage.html">Details</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_int.html">check_snmp_int</a><br>
Download version <a href="">1.4.8</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks by snmp (1,2c,3) interface state and usage. Interfaces
can be selected by regexp.<br>
It is possible to check the input/output bandwidth and error
rate of the interface.<br>
V&eacute;rifie par snmp v1 ou v3 l'&eacute;tat des interfaces
d'un h&ocirc;te.<br>
Ce script permet d'utiliser des expressions r&eacute;guli&egrave;res
pour s&eacute;lectionner les interfaces : ex 'eth' va v&eacute;rifier
eth0, eth1, ...<br>
Il permet &eacute;galement de lister toutes les interfaces
disponibles sur la machine cible (option -v). </p>
<p><a href="snmp_int.html">Details</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_process.html">check_snmp_process</a></p>
<p>Download version <a href="">1.5<br>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks by snmp (1,2c,3) the number (can be 1) of processes
matching a perl regexp.<br>
The script can also check memory and cpu usage of processes.</p>
<p>V&eacute;rifie par snmp v1 ou v3 (idem) le nombre de process
sur un h&ocirc;te.<br>
Ce script permet d'utiliser des expressions r&eacute;guli&egrave;res
pour s&eacute;lectionner les process.<br>
Il est &eacute;galement possible de v&eacute;rifier l'utilisation
m&eacute;moire et CPU de la machine.<br>
Il permet &eacute;galement de lister touts les process disponibles
sur la machine cible (option -v). </p>
<p><a href="snmp_load.html">Details</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_load.html">check_snmp_load</a></p>
<p> Download version <a href="">1.3.2</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks by snmp (1,2c,3) cpu or average load. <br>
Works on Linux, Windows, Cisco, AS400, HP Procurve, LinkProof,
Blucoat, Nokia, Fortinet, Netscreen,HP-UX.</p>
<p> V&eacute;rifie par snmp (1,2c,3) la charge ou l'ocupation
<p><a href="snmp_load.html">Details.</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_mem.html">check_snmp_mem</a></p>
<p>Download version <a href="">1.1</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks by snmp (1,2c,3) : <br>
- Memory and swap usage on Linux/Net-snmp<br>
- Memory usage on cisco routers or Pix<br>
- Memory usage on HP Procurve switchs<br>
For memory check on other OS (Windows, AS400) see the description
page </p>
<p>V&eacute;rifcation de <br>
- l'utilisation m&eacute;moire et swap sur Linux/Net-snmp<br>
- l'utilisation m&eacute;moire sur Cisco (routeurs et Pix).<br>
- l'utilisation m&eacute;moire sur Switch Hp Procurve.<br>
Pour d'autres SE (Windows, AS400), aller &agrave; la page
de description.</p>
<p><a href="snmp_mem.html">D&eacute;tail</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_vrrp.html">check_snmp_vrrp</a></p>
<p>Download version : <a href="">1.3</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks the vrrp state of all the interface of a host. You
can specify if they must be master or backup.<br>
Supported platforms : Nokia IP (vrrp &amp; clustering), Linkproof,
<p>Verifie l'&eacute;tat vrrp des interfaces d'un host.</p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_cpfw.html">check_snmp_cpfw</a></p>
<p>Download version : <a href="">1.2.1</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks the state of Checkpoint Firewall-1 modules (SVN, HA,
FW, MGMT) and active connexions (tested on NG).<br>
Snmp extensions must be activated</p>
<p>V&eacute;rifie l'&eacute;tat des modules Checkpoint Fw-1
(HA, SVN, MGMT, FW) et les connexions actives. Test&eacute;
sur NG-AI R55.<br>
L'extension SNMP doit &ecirc;tre activ&eacute;e sur les modules.</p>
<p><a href="snmp_cpfw.html">D&eacute;tail</a></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top>
<p><a href="snmp_windows.html">check_snmp_win</a></p>
<p>Download version : <a href="">0.6</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p>Checks windows services state with snmp.</p>
<p>V&eacute;ifie l'&eacute;tat de services Windows par snmp.</p>
<p><a href="snmp_windows.html">D&eacute;tail</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p><a href="snmp_css.html" class="NewsItemDate">check_snmp_css</a></p>
<p><b>Download version</b> : <a href="">1.0</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">Checks css services state</td>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p><a href="snmp_env.html" class="NewsItemDate">check_snmp_env</a></p>
<p><b>Download version</b> : <a href="">1.2</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">Checks environemental status (fan, temp,
power supply) on Cisco, Nokia, Bluecoat, IronPort.</td>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p class="NewsItemDate">check_snmp_nsbox</p>
<p><b>Download versio</b>n : <a href="">1.0</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">Checks nsbox vhost &amp; diode status.</td>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p class="NewsItemDate">check_snmp_boostedge</p>
<p><b>Download version</b> : <a href="">1.0</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">Checks Boostedge services</td>
<td class="SectionBody">
<p class="NewsItemDate">check_snmp_linkproof_nhr</p>
<p><b>Download version</b> : <a href="">1.0</a></p>
<td class="SectionBody">Checks linkproof NHR</td>
<p class="SectionTitle">Compatibility matrix : </p>
<table width="100%" border="2" class="SectionBody" cellspacing="3">
<td class="SectionTitle">System</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">check_snmp_storage</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">check_snmp_int</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">check_snmp_process</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">check_snmp_mem</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">check_snmp_load</td>
<p>OK : <br>
- '/home', '/var'<br>
- 'Swap', 'Real Memory'<br>
<td>OK : <br>
- 'eth' <br>
- 'ppp'</td>
<td>OK (mem &amp; swap)</td>
<p>OK :<br>
- '^[CDE]:'</p>
See check_snmp_storage for virtual mem</p>
<td>Cisco/HP switch</td>
<td>OK :<br>
- 'Giga' : all gigabits<br>
- 'Fast.*0.1[1234]' : checks FastEternet0/11 to 0/14.</td>
<td>OK :<br>
- '-m RAM -s' to get all RAM<br>
- 'System ASP' : Disk<br>
<td>OK </td>
See check_snmp_storage</p>
<p class="SectionBody">This project is hosted on : <br>
<A href=""> <IMG src="" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt=" Logo" /></A>
<p class="SectionBody"> Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered
trademarks of Ethan Galstad.</p>