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<td class="ProgramTitle"> Snmp env check</td>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Script : check_snmp_env.pl</p>
<p class="SectionTitle"> Last update : April 19 2007</p>
<td valign="top">
<p class="SectionTitle">Description : </p>
<p class="SectionBody">Checks by snmp v1, v2c or v3 environemental
parameters such as fan, power supply, temperature</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><span class="SectionTitle">SNMP Login</span><br>
<p class="SectionBody">See <a href="index_info.html">snmp info page</a></p>
<p class="SectionTitle">Requirements :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"> - Perl in /usr/bin/perl - or just run 'perl
script' <br>
- Net::SNMP<br>
- file 'utils.pm' in plugin diretory (/usr/local/icinga/libexec)<br>
<p class="SectionTitle">Checks </p>
<p class="SectionBody">The script will make the following checks depending
on host type.<br>
Either the threshold is directly set by the hardware manufacturer,
or you must set them with an option.</p>
<p class="SectionBody">This table shows what the script CAN check,
depending on hardware version the sensors might not be there.<br>
The script will return "UNKNOWN" if no sensors can be
found. </p>
<p class="SectionBody">If no option is specified in this table, it
means the script uses the threshold of the snmp table.</p>
<table width="100%" border="1">
<td class="SectionTitle">Host type</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Option</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Power supply</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Fan</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Voltage</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Temperature</td>
<td class="SectionTitle">Disks</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Cisco</td>
<td class="SectionBody">cisco</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No (working on it)</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No (working on it)</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Nokia Ipso</td>
<td class="SectionBody">nokia</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No.</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Bluecoat</td>
<td class="SectionBody">bc</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">IronPort</td>
<td class="SectionBody">iron</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes, option '-F' in RPM</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes, option '-c' in Celcius</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Foundry</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Foundry</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No (bug in snmp agent)</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<td class="SectionBody">Yes</td>
<td class="SectionBody">No</td>
<p class="SectionBody">Note : Bluecoat provides an "other"
sensor which is tested also. But I never saw a Bluecoat reporting
<p class="SectionBody"> </p>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="check_snmp_env.pl" class="SectionTitle">Dowload
lastest version : 1.2</a></p>
<p class="SectionBody"><a href="index_commands.html" class="SectionTitle">Configurations
<p class="NewsItemDate"><span class="SectionTitle">Changelog</span>
: On CVS repository on sourceforge : <a href="http://nagios-snmp.cvs.sourceforge.net/nagios-snmp/plugins/">http://nagios-snmp.cvs.sourceforge.net/nagios-snmp/plugins/</a>.</p>
<p class="SectionTitle">Examples :</p>
<p class="SectionBody"><br>
All examples below are considering the script is local directory.
Host to be checked is with snmp community "public".</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">
<p>Get help
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">
<p>./check_snmp_env.pl <b>-h</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">Verbose output</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">./check_snmp_env.pl -H <IP>
-C <com> <b>-v</b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">snmpv3 login</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">./check_snmp_env.pl -H
-l login -x passwd<b></b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">
<p>Check Cisco for all sensors
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">
<p class="SectionBody">./check_snmp_env.pl -H -C public
<b>-T cisco</b></p>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">Check Nokia
for all sensors</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">./check_snmp_env.pl -H
-C public <b>-T nokia</b></td>
<td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="154">checks ironport
fans RPM > 1500 and temp < 70 deg celcius</td>
<td class="SectionBody" width="420">./check_snmp_env.pl -H
-C public <b>-T iron -F 1500 -c 70</b></td>
<p class="NewsItemDate">Output of check_snmp_env.pl -h </p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td class="SectionBody" valign = top>
<p class="SectionBody"> <br>
SNMP environmental Monitor for Nagios version 1.2<br>
GPL Licence, (c)2006-2007 Patrick Proy
<p>Usage: ./check_snmp_env.pl [-v] -H <host> -C <snmp_community>
[-2] | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L <authp>,<privp>])
[-p <port>] -T (cisco|nokia|bc|iron|foundry) [-F <rpm>]
[-c <celcius>] [-f] [-t <timeout>] [-V]<br>
-v, --verbose<br>
print extra debugging information <br>
-h, --help<br>
print this help message<br>
-H, --hostname=HOST<br>
name or IP address of host to check<br>
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME<br>
community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies v1 protocol)<br>
-2, --v2c<br>
Use snmp v2c<br>
-l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD<br>
Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication <br>
If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv <br>
-X, --privpass=PASSWD<br>
Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol)<br>
-L, --protocols=<authproto>,<privproto><br>
<authproto> : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default
<privproto> : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des)
-P, --port=PORT<br>
SNMP port (Default 161)<br>
-T, --type=cisco|nokia|bc|iron|foundry<br>
Environemental check : <br>
cisco : voltage,temp,fan,power supply status<br>
will try to check everything present<br>
nokia : fan and power supply<br>
bc : fans, power supply, voltage, disks<br>
iron : fans, power supply, temp<br>
foundry : power supply, temp<br>
-F, --fan=<rpm><br>
Minimum fan rpm value<br>
-c, --celcius=<celcius><br>
Maximum temp in degree celcius<br>
-f, --perfparse, --perfdata<br>
Performance data output<br>
-t, --timeout=INTEGER<br>
timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)<br>
-V, --version<br>
prints version number<br>
<p class="SectionBody">This project is hosted on : <br>
<A href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagios-snmp"> <IMG src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=134917&type=5" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></A>
<p class="SectionBody"> Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered
trademarks of Ethan Galstad.</p>