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2013-11-26 22:54:42 +00:00
# build_perl_modules -d dest_dir [-c] [-m] [-t] [-i] tarball_dir
# Installs perl modules found in tarball_dir
# Expects a file called install_order, containing one line per distribution name
# Will take action against each distribution in turn
# -d is a necessary destination directory for the perl mods
# If -c is set, will remove the module build directories and exit
# If -m is set, will run perl Makefile.PL and make
# If -t is set, will run make test
# If -i is set, will run make install
# Options are discrete. This is because an overall ./configure, make, make test, make install
# are run in different invocations. Obviously, you can't run a -t without a -m, but there's no
# checking here for that
# Can only use base modules
use warnings;
use strict;
use Config;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;
use File::Path;
my $opts = {};
getopts('d:cmti', $opts) || die "Invalid options";
my $moddir = shift @ARGV or die "Must specify a directory where tarballs exist";
my $destdir = $opts->{d};
die "Must set a destination directory" unless $destdir;
chdir $moddir or die "Cannot change to $moddir";
open F, "install_order" or die "Cannot open install_order file";
my @files = grep { ! /^#/ && chop } <F>;
close F;
my @tarballs;
foreach my $f (@files) {
# Needs to be better. Also, what if there are two with same name?
my $tarball;
eval '$tarball = <'."$f".'*.tar.gz>';
die unless ($tarball);
print "Got $f, with file: $tarball",$/;
push @tarballs, $tarball;
(my $dir = $tarball) =~ s/\.tar.gz//;
# Need to do cleaning before doing each module in turn
if ($opts->{c}) {
print "Cleaning $dir",$/;
if ($opts->{c}) {
print "Finished cleaning",$/;
my $topdir = cwd();
foreach my $tarball (@tarballs) {
(my $dir = $tarball) =~ s/\.tar.gz//;
if ($opts->{m}) {
# Don't compile if already done - this is because of invocating this
# script at different stages
unless (-e $dir) {
system("gunzip -c $tarball | tar -xf -") == 0 or die "Cannot extract $tarball";
chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir into $dir";
system("perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$destdir INSTALLDIRS=site LIB=$destdir/lib") == 0 or die "Can't run perl Makefile.PL";
system("make") == 0 or die "Can't run make";
chdir $topdir or die "Can't chdir to top";;
chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir into $dir";
# Need to add this so this module is found for subsequent ones
if ($opts->{t}) {
system("make test") == 0 or die "Can't run make test failed";
if ($opts->{i}) {
system("make install SITEPREFIX=$destdir") == 0 or die "Can't run make install";
chdir $topdir or die "Can't go back to $topdir";