34 lines
1.1 KiB
34 lines
1.1 KiB
#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I ..
# Disk Space Tests via check_disk
# $Id: check_disk.t,v 1.2 2005/07/25 01:47:14 illumino Exp $
use strict;
use Test;
use NPTest;
use vars qw($tests);
BEGIN {$tests = 10; plan tests => $tests}
my $successOutput = '/^DISK OK - /';
my $failureOutput = '/^DISK CRITICAL - /';
my $mountpoint_valid = getTestParameter( "mountpoint_valid", "NP_MOUNTPOINT_VALID", "/",
"The path to a valid mountpoint" );
my $mountpoint_invalid = getTestParameter( "mountpoint_invalid", "NP_MOUNTPOINT_INVALID", "/missing",
"The path to a invalid (non-existent) mountpoint" );
my $t;
$t += checkCmd( "./check_disk 100 100 ${mountpoint_valid}", 0, $successOutput );
$t += checkCmd( "./check_disk -w 0 -c 0 ${mountpoint_valid}", 0, $successOutput );
$t += checkCmd( "./check_disk -w 1\% -c 1\% ${mountpoint_valid}", 0, $successOutput );
$t += checkCmd( "./check_disk 0 0 ${mountpoint_valid}", 2, $failureOutput );
$t += checkCmd( "./check_disk 100 100 ${mountpoint_invalid}", 2, '/not found/' );
exit(0) if defined($Test::Harness::VERSION);
exit($tests - $t);