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2006-01-20 18:48:40 +00:00
# Nagios plugin that uses Jim Drews' for
# MRTG instead of emulating it. For use particularly with Cliff
# Woolley's Unix companion to Drews' MRTGEXT.NLM, where
# can contain custom commands that check_nwstat won't recognize,
# though this also does its best to perfectly emulate the C version
# of check_nwstat.
# Configuration
$nwstatcmd = "/apps/mrtg/helpers/";
use Getopt::Long;
$::host = shift || &usage(%ERROR);
$::opt_v = undef;
$::opt_wv = undef;
$::opt_cv = undef;
$::opt_to = 10;
$::opt_url = undef;
GetOptions (qw(v=s wv=i cv=i to=i url=s)) || &usage(%ERROR);
my $cmd1 = "";
my $cmd2 = "ZERO";
my $backward = 0;
my $desc = "";
my $okstr = "OK";
my $probstr = "Problem";
my $result = "";
my @CMD;
my %ERROR = ("UNKNOWN" => -1,
"OK" => 0,
"WARNING" => 1,
"CRITICAL" => 2);
my $status = $ERROR{"OK"};
# Main program
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print "Connection timed out\n";
# translate table for compatability with
# check_nwstat (C version)
SWITCH: for ($::opt_v) {
&& do { $desc = "Load <status> - Up <cmd2>, ".
"$1-min load average = <cmd0>%";
$cmd1 = "UTIL$1"; last; };
/^CONNS$/ && do { $desc = "Conns <status>: ".
"<cmd0> current connections";
$cmd1 = "CONNECT"; last; };
/^CDBUFF$/ && do { $desc = "Dirty cache buffers = <cmd0>";
$cmd1 = "S3"; last; };
/^LTCH$/ && do { $desc = "Long term cache hits = <cmd0>%";
$cmd1 = "S1";
$backward = 1; last; };
/^CBUFF$/ && do { $desc = "Total cache buffers = <cmd0>";
$cmd1 = "S2";
$backward = 1; last; };
/^LRUM$/ && do { $desc = "LRU sitting time = <cmd0> minutes";
$cmd1 = "S5";
$backward = 1; last; };
/^VPF(.*)$/ && do { $desc = "<status><int(cmd0/1024)> MB ".
"(<result>%) free on volume $1";
$okstr = ""; $probstr = "Only ";
$cmd1 = "VKF$1";
$cmd2 = "VKS$1";
$backward = 1; last; };
/^VKF/ && do { $desc = "<status><cmd0> KB free on volume $1";
$okstr = ""; $probstr = "Only ";
$cmd1 = "$::opt_v";
$backward = 1; last; };
/^$/ && die "Nothing to check!";
$desc = "<status>: <cmd0>";
$cmd1 = "$::opt_v";
# begin timeout period, run the check
open ( CMD, "$nwstatcmd $host $cmd1 $cmd2|" ) || die "Couldn't execute nwstat";
@CMD = <CMD>;
close ( CMD );
for (@CMD) { chomp; }
# for any variables that manipulate the results instead of
# just using <cmd0> directly, do that manipulation here into <result>
SWITCH: for ($::opt_v) {
/^VPF/ && do { $result=int(("$CMD[0]"/"$CMD[1]")*100); last; };
$result = "$CMD[0]";
if ("$result" == -1) {
$status = $ERROR{"UNKNOWN"};
$desc = "Server returned \"variable unknown\"";
} elsif ("$result" == -2) {
$status = $ERROR{"CRITICAL"};
$desc = "Connection failed";
if (defined($::opt_cv) && $status == $ERROR{"OK"}) {
if ($backward) {
("$result" <= "$::opt_cv") && ( $status = $ERROR{"CRITICAL"} );
} else {
("$result" >= "$::opt_cv") && ( $status = $ERROR{"CRITICAL"} );
if (defined($::opt_wv) && $status == $ERROR{"OK"}) {
if ($backward) {
("$result" <= "$::opt_wv") && ( $status = $ERROR{"WARNING"} );
} else {
("$result" >= "$::opt_wv") && ( $status = $ERROR{"WARNING"} );
$desc =~ s/<status>/($status == $ERROR{"OK"})?"$okstr":"$probstr"/eg;
$desc =~ s/<([^>]*)cmd([0-3])([^>]*)>/eval("$1\"$CMD[$2]\"$3")/eg;
$desc =~ s/<result>/"$result"/eg;
if (defined($::opt_url)) {
print "<A HREF=\"$::opt_url\">$desc</A>\n";
} else {
print "$desc\n";
exit $status;
# Subroutines
sub usage {
%ERROR = shift;
print <<EOF plugin for Nagios
by Cliff Woolley, (c) 2000
Usage: ./ <host_address> [-v variable] [-wv warn_value] [-cv crit_value] [-to to_sec] [-url url_value]
[variable] = Variable to check. Valid variables include:
LOAD1 = 1 minute average CPU load
LOAD5 = 5 minute average CPU load
LOAD15 = 15 minute average CPU load
CONNS = number of currently licensed connections
VPF<vol> = percent free space on volume <vol>
VKF<vol> = KB of free space on volume <vol>
LTCH = percent long term cache hits
CBUFF = current number of cache buffers
CDBUFF = current number of dirty cache buffers
LRUM = LRU sitting time in minutes
[warn_value] = Threshold for value necessary to result in a warning status
[crit_value] = Threshold for value necessary to result in a critical status
[to_sec] = Number of secs before connection times out - default is 10 sec
[url_value] = URL to use in output as a hyperlink. Useful to link to a page
with more details or history for this variable (ie an MRTG page)
This plugin attempts to contact the MRTGEXT NLM running on a Novell server
to gather the requested system information.
- This plugin requres that the MRTGEXT.NLM file distributed with
James Drews' MRTG extension for NetWare (available from be loaded on the Novell
servers you wish to check.
- Critical thresholds should be lower than warning thresholds when
the following variables are checked: VPF, VKF, LTCH, CBUFF, and LRUM.