/****************************************************************************** * * Nagios check_mysql_query plugin * * License: GPL * Copyright (c) 2006 nagios-plugins team, after Didi Rieder (check_mysql) * * Last Modified: $Date: 2007-01-28 21:46:41 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007) $ * * Description: * * This file contains the check_mysql_query plugin * * This plugin is for running arbitrary SQL and checking the results * * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * CHECK_MYSQL_QUERY.C * * $Id: check_mysql_query.c 1590 2007-01-28 21:46:41Z hweiss $ * ******************************************************************************/ const char *progname = "check_mysql_query"; const char *revision = "$Revision: 1590 $"; const char *copyright = "2006"; const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel@lists.sourceforge.net"; #include "common.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utils_base.h" #include "netutils.h" #include #include char *db_user = NULL; char *db_host = NULL; char *db_pass = NULL; char *db = NULL; unsigned int db_port = MYSQL_PORT; int process_arguments (int, char **); int validate_arguments (void); void print_help (void); void print_usage (void); char *sql_query = NULL; int verbose = 0; thresholds *my_thresholds = NULL; int main (int argc, char **argv) { MYSQL mysql; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; double value; char *error = NULL; int status; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR) usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments")); /* initialize mysql */ mysql_init (&mysql); mysql_options(&mysql,MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP,"client"); /* establish a connection to the server and error checking */ if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,db_host,db_user,db_pass,db,db_port,NULL,0)) { if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), mysql_error (&mysql)); else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_VERSION_ERROR) die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), mysql_error (&mysql)); else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), mysql_error (&mysql)); else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_IPSOCK_ERROR) die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), mysql_error (&mysql)); else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR) die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), mysql_error (&mysql)); else die (STATE_CRITICAL, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), mysql_error (&mysql)); } if (mysql_query (&mysql, sql_query) != 0) { error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql)); mysql_close (&mysql); die (STATE_CRITICAL, "QUERY %s: %s - %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), _("Error with query"), error); } /* store the result */ if ( (res = mysql_store_result (&mysql)) == NULL) { error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql)); mysql_close (&mysql); die (STATE_CRITICAL, "QUERY %s: Error with store_result - %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), error); } /* Check there is some data */ if (mysql_num_rows(res) == 0) { mysql_close(&mysql); die (STATE_WARNING, "QUERY %s: %s\n", _("WARNING"), _("No rows returned")); } /* fetch the first row */ if ( (row = mysql_fetch_row (res)) == NULL) { error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql)); mysql_free_result (res); mysql_close (&mysql); die (STATE_CRITICAL, "QUERY %s: Fetch row error - %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), error); } /* free the result */ mysql_free_result (res); /* close the connection */ mysql_close (&mysql); if (! is_numeric(row[0])) { die (STATE_CRITICAL, "QUERY %s: %s - '%s'\n", _("CRITICAL"), _("Is not a numeric"), row[0]); } value = strtod(row[0], NULL); if (verbose >= 3) printf("mysql result: %f\n", value); status = get_status(value, my_thresholds); if (status == STATE_OK) { printf("QUERY %s: ", _("OK")); } else if (status == STATE_WARNING) { printf("QUERY %s: ", _("WARNING")); } else if (status == STATE_CRITICAL) { printf("QUERY %s: ", _("CRITICAL")); } printf(_("'%s' returned %f"), sql_query, value); printf("\n"); return status; } /* process command-line arguments */ int process_arguments (int argc, char **argv) { int c; char *warning = NULL; char *critical = NULL; int option = 0; static struct option longopts[] = { {"hostname", required_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"database", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"username", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"password", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"port", required_argument, 0, 'P'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"query", required_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"warning", required_argument, 0, 'w'}, {"critical", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (argc < 1) return ERROR; while (1) { c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvVSP:p:u:d:H:q:w:c:", longopts, &option); if (c == -1 || c == EOF) break; switch (c) { case 'H': /* hostname */ if (is_host (optarg)) { db_host = optarg; } else { usage2 (_("Invalid hostname/address"), optarg); } break; case 'd': /* hostname */ db = optarg; break; case 'u': /* username */ db_user = optarg; break; case 'p': /* authentication information: password */ asprintf(&db_pass, "%s", optarg); /* Delete the password from process list */ while (*optarg != '\0') { *optarg = 'X'; optarg++; } break; case 'P': /* critical time threshold */ db_port = atoi (optarg); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'V': /* version */ print_revision (progname, revision); exit (STATE_OK); case 'h': /* help */ print_help (); exit (STATE_OK); case 'q': asprintf(&sql_query, "%s", optarg); break; case 'w': warning = optarg; break; case 'c': critical = optarg; break; case '?': /* help */ usage5 (); } } c = optind; set_thresholds(&my_thresholds, warning, critical); return validate_arguments (); } int validate_arguments (void) { if (sql_query == NULL) usage("Must specify a SQL query to run"); if (db_user == NULL) db_user = strdup(""); if (db_host == NULL) db_host = strdup(""); if (db_pass == NULL) db_pass == strdup(""); if (db == NULL) db = strdup(""); return OK; } void print_help (void) { char *myport; asprintf (&myport, "%d", MYSQL_PORT); print_revision (progname, revision); printf (_(COPYRIGHT), copyright, email); printf ("%s\n", _("This program checks a query result against threshold levels")); printf ("\n\n"); print_usage (); printf (_(UT_HELP_VRSN)); printf (" -q, --query=STRING\n"); printf (" %s\n", _("SQL query to run. Only first column in first row will be read")); printf (_(UT_WARN_CRIT_RANGE)); printf (_(UT_HOST_PORT), 'P', myport); printf (" -d, --database=STRING\n"); printf (" %s\n", _("Database to check")); printf (" -u, --username=STRING\n"); printf (" %s\n", _("Username to login with")); printf (" -p, --password=STRING\n"); printf (" %s\n", _("Password to login with")); printf (" ==> %s <==\n", _("IMPORTANT: THIS FORM OF AUTHENTICATION IS NOT SECURE!!!")); printf ("\n"); printf ("%s\n", _("A query is required. The result from the query should be numeric.")); printf ("%s\n", _("For extra security, create a user with minimal access.")); printf (_(UT_SUPPORT)); } void print_usage (void) { printf (_("Usage:")); printf ("%s -q SQL_query [-w warn] [-c crit]\n",progname); printf ("[-d database] [-H host] [-P port] [-u user] [-p password]\n"); }