#!/usr/bin/perl # # Program check_ora_table_space # Written by: Erwan Arzur (erwan@netvalue.com) # License: GPL # # Last Modified: $Date: 2002/02/28 06:42:54 $ # Revisiin: $Revision: $ # # "check_ora_table_space.pl" plugin to check the state of Oracle # table spaces. Scarce documentation. # # you need DBD-Oracle-1.03.tar.gz and DBI-1.13.tar.gz from CPAN.org as # well as some Oracle client stuff to use it. # # The SQL request comes from www.dbasupport.com # use DBI; $ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"}="/intranet/apps/oracle"; my $host = shift || &usage ("no host specified"); my $sid = shift || &usage ("no sid specified"); my $port = shift || &usage ("no port specified"); my $dbuser = shift || &usage ("no user specified"); my $dbpass = shift || &usage ("no password specified"); my $tablespace = shift || &usage ("no table space specified"); my $alertpct = int(shift) || &usage ("no warning state percentage specified"); my $critpct = int(shift) || &usage ("no critical state percentage specified"); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:host=$host;port=$port;sid=$sid", $dbuser, $dbpass, { PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 0 } ) || &error ("cannot connect to $dbname: $DBI::errstr\n"); #$sth = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024 FreeSpace FROM dba_free_space group by tablespace_name}) my $exit_code = -1; $sth = $dbh->prepare(<execute || &error("Cannot execute request : $DBI::errstr\n"); while (($tbname, $total, $used, $pct_used) = $sth->fetchrow) { $pct_used=int($pct_used); print STDOUT "size: " . $total . " MB Used:" . int($used) . " MB (" . int($pct_used) . "%)\n"; #print "table space $answer\n"; if ($pct_used > $alertpct) { if ($pct_used > $critpct) { $exit_code = 2 } else { $exit_code = 1; } } else { $exit_code = 0; } } $rc = $dbh->disconnect || &error ("Cannot disconnect from database : $dbh->errstr\n"); exit ($exit_code); sub usage { print "@_\n" if @_; print "usage : check_ora_table_space.pl \n"; exit (-1); } sub error { print "@_\n" if @_; exit (2); }