#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I .. # # Ping Response Tests via check_ping # # $Id: check_ping.t,v 1.3 2005/09/15 08:39:23 tonvoon Exp $ # use strict; use Test; use NPTest; use vars qw($tests); BEGIN {$tests = 8; plan tests => $tests} my $successOutput = '/PING (ok|OK) - Packet loss = +[0-9]{1,2}\%, +RTA = [\.0-9]+ ms/'; my $failureOutput = '/Packet loss = +[0-9]{1,2}\%, +RTA = [\.0-9]+ ms/'; my $host_responsive = getTestParameter( "host_responsive", "NP_HOST_RESPONSIVE", "localhost", "The hostname of system responsive to network requests" ); my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" ); my $hostname_invalid = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid", "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "nosuchhost", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" ); my $t; $t += checkCmd( "./check_ping $host_responsive 100 100 1000 1000 -p 1", 0, $successOutput ); $t += checkCmd( "./check_ping $host_responsive 0 0 0 0 -p 1", 2, $failureOutput ); $t += checkCmd( "./check_ping $host_nonresponsive 0 0 0 0 -p 1 -to 1", 2 ); $t += checkCmd( "./check_ping $hostname_invalid 0 0 0 0 -p 1 -to 1", 3 ); $t += checkCmd( "./check_ping -w 100,10% -c 200,20%" , 3 , "/You must specify a server address or host name.*/"); exit(0) if defined($Test::Harness::VERSION); exit($tests - $t);