#! /usr/bin/perl -wT # # Check_apc_ups - Check APC UPS status via SNMP # Shamelessly copied from check_breeze.pl # # To do: # - Send SNMP queries directly, instead of forking `snmpget`. # - Make the status less verbose. Maybe we can send an "onLine, time # remaining: hh:mm:ss" if all is well, and a list of specific problems # if something is broken. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_H $opt_T $opt_t $opt_R $opt_r $opt_L $opt_l $PROGNAME); use lib utils.pm; use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage); sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); sub get_snmp_int_val ($); sub escalate_exitval ($); $ENV{'PATH'}=''; $ENV{'BASH_ENV'}=''; $ENV{'ENV'}=''; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions ("V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "T=s" => \$opt_T, "temp-critical" => \$opt_T, "t=s" => \$opt_t, "temp-warning" => \$opt_t, "R=s" => \$opt_R, "runtime-critical" => \$opt_R, "r=s" => \$opt_r, "runtime-warning" => \$opt_r, "L=s" => \$opt_L, "load-critical" => \$opt_L, "l=s" => \$opt_l, "load-warning" => \$opt_l, "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H); if ($opt_V) { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $'); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($opt_h) {print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'};} ($opt_H) || ($opt_H = shift) || usage("Host name/address not specified\n"); my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /([-.A-Za-z0-9]+)/); ($host) || usage("Invalid host: $opt_H\n"); # Defaults $opt_R *= 60 * 100 if (defined $opt_R); # Convert minutes to secs/100 $opt_r *= 60 * 100 if (defined $opt_R); my $tempcrit = $opt_T || 60; my $tempwarn = $opt_t || 40; my $runtimecrit = $opt_R || 30 * 60 * 100; # Secs / 100 my $runtimewarn = $opt_r || 60 * 60 * 100; my $loadcrit = $opt_L || 85; my $loadwarn = $opt_l || 50; if ($tempcrit !~ /\d+/) { usage ("Invalid critical temperature threshold.\n"); } if ($tempwarn !~ /\d+/) { usage ("Invalid critical temperature threshold.\n"); } if ($runtimecrit !~ /\d+/) { usage ("Invalid critical run time threshold.\n"); } if ($runtimewarn !~ /\d+/) { usage ("Invalid warning run time threshold.\n"); } if ($loadcrit !~ /\d+/ || $loadcrit < 0 || $loadcrit > 100) { usage ("Invalid critical load threshold.\n"); } if ($loadwarn !~ /\d+/ || $loadwarn < 0 || $loadwarn > 100) { usage ("Invalid warning load threshold.\n"); } # APC UPS OIDs # APC MIBs are available at ftp://ftp.apcftp.com/software/pnetmib/mib my $upsBasicOutputStatus = "."; my $upsBasicBatteryStatus = "."; my $upsAdvInputLineFailCause = "."; my $upsAdvBatteryTemperature = "."; my $upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining = "."; my $upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator = "."; my $upsAdvOutputLoad = "."; my $upsAdvTestDiagnosticsResults = "."; my @outputStatVals = ( [ undef, undef ], # pad 0 [ undef, undef ], # pad 1 [ "onLine", $ERRORS{'OK'} ], # 2 [ "onBattery", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 3 [ "onSmartBoost", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 4 [ "timedSleeping", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 5 [ "softwareBypass", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 6 [ "off", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 7 [ "rebooting", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 8 [ "switchedBypass", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 9 [ "hardwareFailureBypass", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 10 [ "sleepingUntilPowerReturn", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 11 [ "onSmartTrim", $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ], # 12 ); my @failCauseVals = ( undef, "noTransfer", "highLineVoltage", "brownout", "blackout", "smallMomentarySag", "deepMomentarySag", "smallMomentarySpike", "largeMomentarySpike", "selfTest", "rateOfVoltageChnage", ); my @battStatVals = ( [ undef, undef ], # pad 0 [ undef, undef ], # pad 1 [ "batteryNormal", $ERRORS{'OK'} ], # 2 [ "batteryLow", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 3 ); my @battReplVals = ( [ undef, undef ], # pad 0 [ "noBatteryNeedsReplacing", $ERRORS{'OK'} ], # 1 [ "batteryNeedsReplacing", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 2 ); my @diagnosticsResultsVals = ( [ undef, undef ], # pad 0 [ "OK", $ERRORS{'OK'} ], # 1 [ "failed", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 2 [ "invalidTest", $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ], # 3 [ "testInProgress", $ERRORS{'OK'} ], # 4 ); my $exitval = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; my $data; my $onbattery = 3; $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsBasicOutputStatus ); print "Output status: "; if (defined ($data) && defined ($outputStatVals[$data][0])) { print "$outputStatVals[$data][0] | "; escalate_exitval($outputStatVals[$data][1]); } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining ); print "Rem time: "; if (defined ($data)) { my $hrs = int($data / (60 * 60 * 100)); # Data is hundredths of a second my $mins = int($data / (60 * 100)) % 60; my $secs = ($data % 100) / 100; printf "%d:%02d:%05.2f | ", $hrs, $mins, $secs; if ($data <= $runtimecrit) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}); } elsif ($data <= $runtimewarn) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'WARNING'}); } else { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'OK'}); } } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsBasicBatteryStatus ); print "Battery status: "; if (defined ($data) && defined ($battStatVals[$data][0])) { my $failcause = "unknown"; my $fc = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvInputLineFailCause ); if ($data == $onbattery) { if (defined ($failCauseVals[$fc])) { $failcause = $failCauseVals[$fc]; } print "$battStatVals[$data][0] ($failcause) | "; } else { print "$battStatVals[$data][0] | "; } escalate_exitval($battStatVals[$data][1]); } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvBatteryTemperature ); print "Battery temp(C): "; if (defined ($data)) { print "$data | "; if ($data >= $tempcrit) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}); } elsif ($data >= $tempwarn) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'WARNING'}); } else { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'OK'}); } } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator ); print "Battery repl: "; if (defined ($data) && defined ($battReplVals[$data][0])) { print "$battReplVals[$data][0] | "; escalate_exitval($battReplVals[$data][1]); } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvOutputLoad ); print "Output load (%): "; if (defined ($data)) { print "$data | "; if ($data >= $loadcrit) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}); } elsif ($data >= $loadwarn) { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'WARNING'}); } else { escalate_exitval($ERRORS{'OK'}); } } else { print "unknown | "; } $data = get_snmp_int_val( $upsAdvTestDiagnosticsResults ); print "Diag result: "; if (defined ($data) && defined ($diagnosticsResultsVals[$data][0])) { print "$diagnosticsResultsVals[$data][0]\n"; escalate_exitval($diagnosticsResultsVals[$data][1]); } else { print "unknown\n"; } exit $exitval; sub print_usage () { print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> -T temp -t temp -R minutes -r minutes\n"; print " -L percent -l percent\n"; } sub print_help () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.2 $'); print "Copyright (c) 2001 Gerald Combs/Jeffrey Blank/Karl DeBisschop This plugin reports the status of an APC UPS equipped with an SNMP management module. "; print_usage(); print " -H, --hostname=HOST Name or IP address of host to check -T --temp-critical Battery degrees C above which a CRITICAL status will result (default: 60) -t --temp-warning Battery degrees C above which a WARNING status will result (default: 40) -R --runtime-critical Minutes remaining below which a CRITICAL status will result (default: 30) -r --runtime-warning Minutes remaining below which a WARNING status will result (default: 60) -L --load-critical Output load pct above which a CRITICAL status will result (default: 85 -l --load-warning Output load pct above which a WARNING status will result (default: 50 "; support(); } sub get_snmp_int_val ($) { my $val=0; my $oid = shift(@_); $val = `/usr/bin/snmpget $host public $oid 2> /dev/null`; my @test = split(/ /,$val,3); return undef unless (defined ($test[2])); if ($test[2] =~ /\(\d+\)/) { # Later versions of UCD SNMP ($val) = ($test[2] =~ /\((\d+)\)/); } elsif ($test[2] =~ /: \d+/) { ($val) = ($test[2] =~ /: (\d+)/); } else { $val = $test[2]; } return $val; } sub escalate_exitval ($) { my $newval = shift(@_); if ($newval > $exitval) { $exitval = $newval; } }