#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: check_ms_spooler.pl 2091 2008-11-23 05:38:47Z dermoth $ # Revision 1.1 2002/07/16 00:04:42 stanleyhopcroft # Primitive and in need of refinement test of MS spooler (with smbclient) # # Revision 2.5 2002-02-13 07:36:08+11 anwsmh # Correct 'apostrophe' disaster. # Apostrophes in plugin output cause Netsaint notification commands # ( sh echo 'yada $PLUGINOUTPUT$ ..') to fail, usually mysteriously # eg notify OK works but notify CRITICAL does not. # Replace '$var' in print "output" with \"$var\". # # Revision 2.4 2001-11-21 21:36:05+11 anwsmh # Minor corrections # . replace 'die' by print .. exit $ERRORS{CRITICAL} # . change concluding message to list the queues (sorted) if there are no enqueued docs. # # Revision 2.3 2001-11-20 11:00:58+11 anwsmh # Major corrections. # 1. to sub AUTOLOAD: coderef parms must be @_ (ie the parm when the new sub is called) # 2. to processing of queue report (no inspection of $last_line; entire $queue_report is # checked for errors) # 3. cosmetic and debug changes in many places. # # Revision 2.2 2001-11-17 23:30:34+11 anwsmh # After adapting two different queue reports resulting from # different name resolution methods. # # Revision 2.1 2001-11-17 13:21:54+11 anwsmh # Adapt to Netsaint ('use utils, Getopt::Long, and standard switch processing). # Fix many peculiarities. # use strict ; use Getopt::Long ; use utils ; use vars qw($opt_H $opt_s $opt_W $opt_u $opt_p $opt_w $opt_c $debug); use vars '$AUTOLOAD' ; use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage); my $PROGNAME = 'check_ms_spooler' ; sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); sub help (); sub version (); delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; use constant SMBCLIENT_PATH => '/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient' ; use constant MAX_QUEUES_TO_CHECK => 20 ; # So that the check doesn't take longer than $TIMEOUT use constant SMBCLIENT_SVC => sub { return `${\SMBCLIENT_PATH} -L //$_[0] -U $_[1]%$_[2]` } ; use constant SMBCLIENT_QUEUE => sub { return `${\SMBCLIENT_PATH} //$_[0]/$_[1] -U $_[2]%$_[3] -c 'queue; quit' 2>/dev/null` } ; # The queue results depend on the name resolution method. # Forcing 'wins' or 'bcat' name resolution makes the queue results the # same for all spoolers (those that are resolved with WINS have an extra line # 'Got a positive name query response from ..) # but would fail if there is no WINS and when miscreant spoolers # don't respond to broadcasts. use constant MIN => sub { my $min = $_[0] ; foreach (@_) { $min = $_ if $_ <= $min; } return $min ; } ; $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "Alarm clock restart" } ; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case'); GetOptions ("V|version" => \&version, "h|help" => \&help, "d|debug" => \$debug, "p|password=s" => \$opt_p, "u|username=s" => \$opt_u, "H|hostname=s" => \$opt_H); ($opt_H) || usage("MS Spooler name not specified\n"); my $spooler = $1 if $opt_H =~ m#(\w+)# ; # MS host names allow __any__ characters (more than \w) ($spooler) || usage("Invalid MS spooler name: $opt_H\n"); ($opt_u) || ($opt_u = 'guest'); my $user = $1 if $opt_u =~ m#(\w+)# ; ($user) || usage("Invalid user: $opt_u\n"); ($opt_p) || ($opt_p = 'guest'); my $pass = $1 if ($opt_p =~ /(.*)/); ($pass) || usage("Invalid password: $opt_p\n"); my ($printer, $queue, @queues, $ms_spooler_status, @results, %junk) ; my (@fault_messages, @queue_contents, @services, @prandom_queue_indices) ; my ($queue_contents, $number_of_queues, $state, $queue_report) ; $state = "getting service list (${\SMBCLIENT_PATH} -L $spooler -U $user%$pass) from spooler\n" ; eval { alarm($TIMEOUT) ; @services = SMBCLIENT_SVC->( $spooler, $user, $pass ) ; } ; alarm(0) ; if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) { print "Failed. $PROGNAME failed $state. Got \"$@\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ; } if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) { print "Failed. $PROGNAME timed out $state. Got \"@services\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ; } # tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient //ipaprint1/tt03 -U blah%blah -P -c 'queue; quit' # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Connection to ipaprint1 failed # tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -L sna_spl1 -U blah%blah | & more # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Got a positive name query response from ( ) # session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) if ( grep /Connection to $spooler failed|ERR/, @services ) { print "Failed. $PROGNAME failed $state. Got \"@services\"\n" ; # print "Failed. Request for services list to $spooler failed. Got \"@services\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ; } # tsitc# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -L ipaprint -U blah%blah # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Domain=[IPAUSTRALIA] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0] # # Sharename Type Comment # --------- ---- ------- # TH02 Printer TH02 # ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin # IPC$ IPC Remote IPC # S431 Printer S431 # S402 Printer S402 # S401 Printer S401 # C$ Disk Default share # BW01 Printer BW01 # BW02 Printer BW02 # TL11 Printer TL11 # TL07 Printer TL07 # S225 Printer Discovery South - 2nd Floor - HP CLJ4500 # S224 Printer S224 # S223 Printer Discovery South 2nd Floor Trademarks Training # S222 Printer S222 # S203 Printer S203 # S202 Printer S202 my @printers = map { my @junk = split; $junk[0] } grep { my @junk = split; defined $junk[1] and $junk[1] eq 'Printer' } @services ; # don't check IPC$, ADMIN$ etc. $ms_spooler_status = 0 ; $number_of_queues = MIN->(MAX_QUEUES_TO_CHECK, (scalar(@services) >> 3) + 1) ; $state = "checking queues on $spooler" ; eval { # foreach queues to check # generate a pseudo-random int in 0 .. $#printers # drop it if the index has already been generated ; %junk = () ; @prandom_queue_indices = grep { ! $junk{$_}++ } map { int( rand($#printers) ) } ( 1 .. $number_of_queues ) ; @queues = @printers[@prandom_queue_indices] ; # @queues = @printers[ map { int( rand($#printers) ) } ( 1 .. $number_of_queues ) ] ; alarm($TIMEOUT) ; @queue_contents = @fault_messages = () ; foreach $printer (sort @queues) { # Expect 3 lines from a queue report. # If queue is empty, last line is null otherwise # it will contain a queue report or an SMB error # Empty Queue. # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Domain=[IPAUSTRALIA] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0] # Queue command from a spooler with a DNS name. # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Domain=[IPAUSTRALIA] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0] # 65 16307 Microsoft Word - Servicesweoffer2.doc # 68 10410 Microsoft Word - Servicesweoffer.doc # 143 24997 Microsoft Word - Miss Samantha Anne Craig.doc # 182 15635 Microsoft Word - services we provide.doc # Error. # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Domain=[IPAUSTRALIA] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0] # tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name) # Can't connect error. # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Connection to sna_spl2 failed # Empty Queue from a spooler with no DNS name, NetBIOS name resolved by WINS. # Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= # Got a positive name query response from ( ) # Domain=[SNA_PRINT] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0] # There are 3 lines of output from smbclient for those spoolers whose names are # resolved by WINS (because those names are NetBIOS and therefore not in DNS); # 4 lines for errors or enqueued jobs print STDERR "${\SMBCLIENT_PATH} //$spooler/$printer -U $user%$pass -c 'queue; quit' ==>\n" if $debug ; @results = SMBCLIENT_QUEUE->( $spooler, $printer, $user, $pass ) ; print STDERR "\"@results\"\n" if $debug ; # set $ms_spooler_status somehow chomp( @results ) ; $queue_report = queue_report->(@results) ; print STDERR '$queue_report for $printer ', "$printer: \"$queue_report\"\n\n" if $debug ; if ( defined $queue_report and ($queue_report !~ /ERR/ && $queue_report !~ /failed/) ) { $ms_spooler_status = 1 ; push @queue_contents, "$printer: $queue_report" if $queue_report ; } else { push @fault_messages, "$printer: $queue_report" ; } } alarm(0) ; } ; if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) { print "Failed. $PROGNAME failed at $state. Got \"$@\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITCAL"} ; } if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) { my $i ; foreach (@queues) { $i++ ; last if $_ eq $printer } print "Failed. Timed out connecting to $printer ($i of $number_of_queues) on //$spooler after $TIMEOUT secs. Got \"@fault_messages\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ; } if (! $ms_spooler_status) { print "Failed. Couldn't connect to @queues on //$spooler as user $user. Got \"@fault_messages\"\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ; } $queue_contents = ( @queue_contents != 0 ? join(" ", (@queue_contents == 1 ? "Queue" : "Queues"), @queue_contents) : "All Queues empty" ) ; print "Ok. Connected to ", $queue_contents =~ /empty$/ ? "@{[sort @queues]}" : scalar @queues, " queues on //$spooler. $queue_contents\n" ; exit $ERRORS{"OK"} ; sub print_usage () { print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H -u -p \n"; } sub print_help () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 2091 $ '); print "Copyright (c) 2001 Karl DeBisschop/S Hopcroft Perl Check MS Spooler plugin for NetSaint. Display a subset of the queues on an SMB (Samba or MS) print spooler. "; print_usage(); print ' -H, --hostname=STRING NetBIOS name of the SMB Print spooler (Either Samba or MS spooler) -u, --user=STRING Username to log in to server. (Default: "guest") -p, --password=STRING Password to log in to server. (Default: "guest") -d, --debug Debugging output. -h, --help This stuff. '; support(); } sub version () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 2091 $ '); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } sub help () { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } sub AUTOLOAD { my @queue_rep = @_ ; # 'Object Oriented Perl', D Conway, p 95 no strict 'refs' ; if ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::queue_report/ ) { if ( grep /Got a positive name query response from/, @queue_rep ){ *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { return join ' ', splice(@_, 3) } ; return join '', splice(@queue_rep, 3) ; } else { *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { return join ' ',splice(@_, 2) } ; return join '', splice(@queue_rep, 2) ; } } else { die "No such subroutine: $AUTOLOAD" ; } }