#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_w $opt_c $opt_H $opt_C $PROGNAME); use lib utils.pm ; use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage); $PROGNAME = "check_breeze"; sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); $ENV{'PATH'}=''; $ENV{'BASH_ENV'}=''; $ENV{'ENV'}=''; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions ("V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w, "c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c, "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H, "C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C); if ($opt_V) { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.5 $'); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($opt_h) {print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'};} ($opt_H) || usage("Host name/address not specified\n"); my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /([-.A-Za-z0-9]+)/); ($host) || usage("Invalid host: $opt_H\n"); ($opt_w) || usage("Warning threshold not specified\n"); my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]{1,2}|100)+/); ($warning) || usage("Invalid warning threshold: $opt_w\n"); ($opt_c) || usage("Critical threshold not specified\n"); my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]{1,2}|100)/); ($critical) || usage("Invalid critical threshold: $opt_c\n"); ($opt_C) || ($opt_C = "public") ; my $sig=0; $sig = `/usr/bin/snmpget $host $opt_C .`; my @test=split(/ /,$sig); $sig=$test[2]; $sig=int($sig); if ($sig>100){$sig=100} print "Signal Strength at: $sig%\n"; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} if ($sig<$critical); exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'} if ($sig<$warning); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; sub print_usage () { print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-C community] -w <warn> -c <crit>\n"; } sub print_help () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.5 $'); print "Copyright (c) 2000 Jeffrey Blank/Karl DeBisschop This plugin reports the signal strength of a Breezecom wireless equipment "; print_usage(); print " -H, --hostname=HOST Name or IP address of host to check -C, --community=community SNMPv1 community (default public) -w, --warning=INTEGER Percentage strength below which a WARNING status will result -c, --critical=INTEGER Percentage strength below which a CRITICAL status will result "; support(); }