#!/usr/bin/perl # # # check_most.pl -i <ip address> -p <port> -c community -o <oid> [warn] [critical] # # NetSaint host script to get the disk usage from NT snmp # # Changes and Modifications # ========================= # 3-Aug-2000 - Xavier Dusart # Created # 2003 - Rainer Duffner # Note: CPQ starts numbering sensors etc. with "1" BEGIN { if ($0 =~ m/^(.*?)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)$/) { $runtimedir = $1; $PROGNAME = $2; } } require 5.004; use POSIX; #use strict; use Getopt::Std ; use BER; require 'SNMP_Session.pm'; use vars qw($opt_H $opt_p $opt_C $opt_s $opt_w $opt_c $opt_h $PROGNAME); use lib $main::runtimedir; use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &usage &support ); use snmputil qw(%CPQ_LOCALE %CPQ_FAN_PRESENT %CPQ_FAN_OVERALL_COND %CPQ_FAN_SPEED); delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; # Make %ENV safer getopts('H:p:C:s:w:c:hV') ; my $ip_address=undef ; if ($opt_h) {&help();} if ($opt_H =~ m/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z][-a-zA -Z0-9]*)*)$/) { $ip_address = $opt_H ; } else { usage(); print "IP-Address format wrong\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } #if ($opt_p =~ m/^[0-9] my $port = $opt_p; my $community = $opt_C; my $sensor = $opt_s ; my $warning = $opt_w; my $critical = $opt_c; my $temperature_locale_oid = encode_oid (1,3,6,1,4,1,232,6,2,6,8,1,3,0,$sensor ); # not used for the moment - gives no usable output # if reused, enter at end of list to avoid renumbering ! my $temperature_celsius_oid = encode_oid (1,3,6,1,4,1,232,6,2,6,8,1,4,0,$sensor ); my $temperature_threshold_oid = encode_oid (1,3,6,1,4,1,232,6,2,6,8,1,5,0,$sensor ); my $temperature_condition_oid = encode_oid (1,3,6,1,4,1,232,6,2,6,8,1,6,0,$sensor ); my $count=1 ; my $label ; my @r_array=(); my $q ; my $diff ; $warning=$warning/100 ; $crititcal=$critical/100 ; # get temperature, temperature_threshold bfore shutdown my $session=SNMP_Session->open ($ip_address, $community, $port) || die "couldn't open SNMP-session to host" ; if ($session->get_request_response ($temperature_celsius_oid, $temperature_threshold_oid, $temperature_condition_oid, $temperature_locale_oid )) { (my $bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($session->{pdu_buffer}); while ($bindings ne '') { ($binding, $bindings) = &decode_sequence ($bindings) ; ($oid,$value) = &decode_by_template ($binding,"%O%@"); $r_array[$count]=&pretty_print($value); $count++; } } else { print "No response from agent\n"; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; } $result_celsius=$r_array[1]; $result_threshold=$r_array[2]; $result_condition=$r_array[3]; $result_locale=$r_array[4]; if ($result_celsius < 0) { print "Result is negative - Sensor unavailable ?\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } if ($result_threshold==0) { print "Division by zero \n"; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; } if ($result_condition=="2") { $result_condition="OK"; } else { $result_condition=$result_condition." (other)"; } $q=$result_celsius/$result_threshold ; $diff=$result_threshold-$result_celsius ; if ( $q > $critical ) { print "Sensor ". $sensor . " (".$CPQ_LOCALE{$result_locale}.") - Critical: ".$result_celsius." �C - Threshold: ".$result_threshold." �C - Left before shutdown: ".$diff."�C - Overall condition: ". $result_condition ."\n" ; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'} ; } elsif ( $q > $warning ) { print "Sensor ". $sensor . " (".$CPQ_LOCALE{$result_locale}.") - Warning: ".$result_celsius." �C - Threshold: ".$result_threshold." �C - Left before shutdown: ".$diff."�C - Overall condition: ". $result_condition ."\n" ; exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ; } else { print "Sensor " .$sensor. " (".$CPQ_LOCALE{$result_locale}.") - OK: ".$result_celsius." �C - Threshold: ".$result_threshold." �C - Left before shutdown: ".$diff."�C - Overall condition: ". $result_condition ."\n" ; exit $ERRORS{'OK'} ; } sub print_usage () { print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> -p <port> -C <community> -s <sensornumber> [-w <warn>] [-c <crit>]\n"; } sub print_help () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $\n '); print "Copyright (c) 2003 Rainer Duffner\n "; print_usage(); print "\n"; print "<host> = IP-Address or DNS-Name of the W2K-Server\n"; print "<port> = SNMP-Port (normaly 161)\n"; print "<community> = SNMP v1 community\n"; print "<sensornumber> = Sensornumber (1, 2, 3 etc.)\n"; print "<warn> = report warning when more than <warn> % of the temperature is reached defaults to 80\n"; print "<crit> = report critical when more than <crit> % of the temperature is reached defaults to 90\n"; } sub version () { print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $ '); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } sub help () { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; }