#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## MODULES #use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; use IO::Pipe; use Getopt::Long 2.25 qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); BEGIN { eval { require Time::HiRes }; if ($@) { warn "$@"; warn "Failed to include optional module Time::HiRes."; } else { Time::HiRes->import( qw(time) ); }; }; ## PARAMETERS my $syntax = "USAGE: client.pl [ OPTIONS ] :"; my $sendstr = 'ccert_fingerprint= size=64063 helo_name=english-breakfast.cloud9.net reverse_client_name=english-breakfast.cloud9.net queue_id= encryption_cipher= encryption_protocol= etrn_domain= ccert_subject= request=smtpd_access_policy protocol_state=RCPT recipient=someone@domain.local instance=6748.46adf3f8.62156.0 protocol_name=ESMTP encryption_keysize=0 recipient_count=0 ccert_issuer= sender=owner-postfix-users@postfix.org client_name=english-breakfast.cloud9.net client_address= '; my $delay = 0.5; our $pipe = new IO::Pipe; use vars qw( %options %kinder $kind $wait ); ## COMMAND LINE GetOptions( \%options, 'verbose|v+', 'quiet|q+', 'process|p=i', 'count|c=i', 'timeout|t=i', 'file|f=s', ) or die "$syntax\n"; die "$syntax\n" unless $ARGV[0]; map { $options{$_} ||= 1 } qw(count process); $options{verbose} ||= 0; $options{timeout} ||= 3; if (defined $options{file}) { (-f $options{file}) || die "can not find file '".$options{file}."'\n"; open (REQUEST, "<".$options{file}) || die "can not open file '".$options{file}."'\n"; $sendstr = join "", ; close (REQUEST); }; ## FORK $| = 1; my $starttime = time(); FORK: for (my $i=0;$i<$options{process};$i++) { $kind = fork(); last FORK unless $kind; $kinder{$kind} = 1; }; ## WHO AM I? ($kind) ? parent_process() : child_process() ; die "should never see me\n"; exit(1); ## PARENT CODE sub parent_process { $pipe->reader(); use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; undef my @status; # wait until children have finished print ("parent process waiting for ".(scalar keys %kinder)." pids ".(join ' ', (keys %kinder))."\n") unless $options{quiet}; PARENT: do { # check pipe for finished children push @status, <$pipe>; # check children CHILD: foreach (keys %kinder) { $wait = waitpid($_,&WNOHANG); last CHILD unless ($wait == -1); delete $kinder{$_}; }; # sleep a while to reduce cpu usage select(undef, undef, undef, $delay); print ("parent process waiting for ".(scalar keys %kinder)." pids ".(join ' ', (keys %kinder))."\n") if ($options{verbose} > 1); } until (($wait == -1) or (($#status + 1) >= $options{process})); printf ("parent process finished after %.2f seconds.\n", (time() - $starttime)) unless $options{quiet}; # display results my $parent_requests = my $parent_errors = my $parent_valid = my $parent_invalid = my $parent_time = 0; foreach (@status) { my($child_requests,$child_errors,$child_valid,$child_invalid,$child_time) = split ';', $_; $parent_requests += $child_requests; $parent_errors += $child_errors; $parent_valid += $child_valid; $parent_invalid += $child_invalid; $parent_time = $child_time if ($child_time > $parent_time); }; $parent_time = $parent_time - $starttime; my $parent_rps = ($parent_time) ? ($parent_requests / $parent_time) : 0; printf "%d requests, %d errors, %d valid, %d invalid, %.2fs total time, %.2f requests per second\n", $parent_requests,$parent_errors,$parent_valid,$parent_invalid,$parent_time,$parent_rps; exit (0); }; ## CHILD CODE sub child_process { $pipe->writer(); my $ok = my $nok = 0; undef my $getstr; # open socket my($addr,$port) = split ':', $ARGV[0]; if ( ($addr and $port) and my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $addr, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => $options{timeout}, Type => SOCK_STREAM ) ) { # submit requests for (my $i=0; $i<$options{count}; $i++) { printf ("CHILD-$$: asking service $addr:$port\n") if $options{verbose}; print $socket "$sendstr"; $getstr = <$socket>; <$socket>; chomp($getstr); printf ("CHILD-$$: answer from $addr:$port -> '$getstr'\n") if $options{verbose}; $getstr =~ s/^(action=)//; # check answer if ($1 and $getstr) { $ok++; printf ("CHILD-$$: OK: answer from $addr:$port -> '$getstr'\n") unless ( $options{quiet} or (($options{count} * $options{process}) > 50) ); } else { $nok++; warn ("CHILD-$$: FAIL: invalid answer from $addr:$port -> '$getstr'\n"); }; }; } else { warn ("CHILD-$$: can not open socket to $addr:$port\n"); }; # create summary my $summary = $options{count}.';'.($options{count} - ($ok + $nok)).';'.$ok.';'.$nok.';'.time()."\n"; print ("CHILD-$$: child summary: $summary") if ($options{verbose} > 1); # send summary to parent print $pipe "$summary"; exit (0); };