#!/usr/bin/perl -T -w # includes use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long 2.25 qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); use Net::DNS; # include Time::HiRes if available BEGIN { eval { require Time::HiRes }; Time::HiRes->import( qw(time) ) unless $@; }; # RBLs (ip based) our @rbls = qw( zz.countries.nerd.dk query.bondedsender.org exemptions.ahbl.org spf.trusted-forwarder.org list.dnswl.org zen.spamhaus.org b.barracudacentral.org bl.spamcop.net list.dsbl.org multihop.dsbl.org unconfirmed.dsbl.org combined.njabl.org dnsbl.sorbs.net dnsbl.ahbl.org ix.dnsbl.manitu.net dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net ips.backscatterer.org sorbs.dnsbl.net.au t1.dnsbl.net.au korea.services.net blackholes.five-ten-sg.com cbl.anti-spam.org.cn cblplus.anti-spam.org.cn cblless.anti-spam.org.cn bogons.cymru.com dynamic.tqmrbl.com relays.tqmrbl.com clients.tqmrbl.com hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com sip.invaluement.com ); # RHSBLs (domain based) our @rhsbls = qw( rhsbl.sorbs.net rhsbl.ahbl.org multi.surbl.org dsn.rfc-ignorant.org abuse.rfc-ignorant.org whois.rfc-ignorant.org bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org blackhole.securitysage.com ex.dnsbl.org rddn.dnsbl.net.au block.rhs.mailpolice.com dynamic.rhs.mailpolice.com dnsbl.cyberlogic.net hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com ); # commandline syntax our $syntax = <<__SYNTAX__; Usage: rblcheck3.pl [OPTIONS] -h, --help manual -s, --short short output -v, --verbose show dns nxdomain answers (not listed) -n, --noerror do not show dns query timeouts -t, --timeout=10 dns query timeout setting in seconds --dnsstats show dns statistics --rbls= override builtin rbls with --rhsbls= override builtin rhsbls with list of ips, hostnames and e-mail addresses __SYNTAX__ # manual our $examples = <<__EXAMPLES__; Examples: # check builtin rbls for and rhsbls for host.example.com rblcheck3.pl host.example.com # same as above rblcheck3.pl host.example.com[] # check builtin rhsbls for the domain part "example.com", # set dns timeout to 15 seconds rblcheck3.pl -t 15 john.doe\@example.com # check spamhaus and spamcop for # short output without dns timeout information rblcheck3.pl -ns --rbls=zen.spamhaus.org,bl.spamcop.net __EXAMPLES__ # save current time our $starttime = time(); # variables use vars qw( %dnshits %dnscache %options @queries @lookups @timedout ); # parse commandline switches GetOptions( \%options, "timeout|t=i", "noerror|n", "verbose|v", "short|s+", "dnsstats", "rbls|rbl=s" => sub { push @{$options{rbls}}, (split /[,\s]+/, $_[1]) }, "rhsbls|rhsbl=s" => sub { push @{$options{rhsbls}}, (split /[,\s]+/, $_[1]) }, "help|h" => sub { print "\n$syntax\n$examples\n"; exit(1) }, ) or die "\n$syntax\n"; # unbuffered output #select STDERR; $| = 1; #select STDOUT; $| = 1; # optional: override dnsbl lists @rbls = @{$options{rbls}} if defined $options{rbls}; @rhsbls = @{$options{rhsbls}} if defined $options{rhsbls}; # split client[ip] in two queries map { push @queries, (/^([^\]]+)\[(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\]$/) ? ($1, $2) : $_ } @ARGV; # parse queries and create lookup list foreach my $query (@queries) { undef my $addr; # prepare rbls if ($query =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) { $addr = join ".", reverse split /\./, $query; foreach my $rbl (@rbls) { $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{type} = 'RBL'; $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{query} = $query; $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{list} = $rbl; push @lookups, $addr.".".$rbl; }; # prepare rhsbls } else { # remove localpart if email address $addr = ($query =~ /@([^@]+)$/) ? $1 : $query; foreach my $rbl (@rhsbls) { $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{type} = 'RHSBL'; $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{query} = $query; $dnscache{$addr.".".$rbl}{list} = $rbl; push @lookups, $addr.".".$rbl; }; }; }; # main: process lookups if ( @lookups ) { my $ownres = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $ownsel = IO::Select->new; my %ownsock = (); my @ownready = (); my $bgsock = undef; # send queries QUERY: foreach my $query (@lookups) { next QUERY unless $query; # send A query $dnscache{$query}{start} = time(); $bgsock = $ownres->bgsend($query, 'A'); $ownsel->add($bgsock); $ownsock{$bgsock} = 'A:'.$query; # send TXT query $bgsock = $ownres->bgsend($query, 'TXT'); $ownsel->add($bgsock); $ownsock{$bgsock} = 'TXT:'.$query; }; # get answers while ((scalar keys %ownsock) and (@ownready = $ownsel->can_read($options{timeout} || 10))) { foreach my $sock (@ownready) { if (defined $ownsock{$sock}) { my $packet = $ownres->bgread($sock); rbl_read_dns ($packet); delete $ownsock{$sock}; } else { $ownsel->remove($sock); $sock = undef; }; }; }; # timeout handling my $now = time(); map { push @timedout, (split ':', $ownsock{$_})[1] } (keys %ownsock); map { @{$dnscache{$_}{A}} = '**timeout**'; $dnscache{$_}{end} = $now; delete $dnscache{$_}{log} } (sort @timedout) if @timedout; # print results map { # timeout unless (defined $dnscache{$_}{log}) { $dnshits{timeouts}{$dnscache{$_}{list}}++; show_dns ($_) unless $options{noerror}; # a-record } elsif ($dnscache{$_}{log}) { $dnshits{hits}{$dnscache{$_}{list}}++; show_dns ($_); # nxdomain } else { $dnshits{nxdomain}{$dnscache{$_}{list}}++; show_dns ($_) if $options{verbose}; }; } @lookups; printf STDOUT "\n # Finished %d lookups (%d items, %d rbls, %d rhsbls, %.1f%% timeouts) after %.2f seconds\n", ($#lookups + 1), ($#queries + 1), ($#rbls + 1), ($#rhsbls + 1), (($#timedout + 1) / (($#lookups + 1) * 2)) * 100, (time() - $starttime) unless defined $options{short}; if ($options{verbose} or $options{dnsstats}) { printf "\n # DNS statistics\n"; if (defined $dnshits{hits}) { print " #\n"; map { printf STDOUT " # ".$dnshits{hits}{$_}." hits for $_\n" } (sort {($dnshits{hits}{$b} || 0) <=> ($dnshits{hits}{$a} || 0)} keys %{$dnshits{hits}}); }; if (defined $dnshits{timeouts}) { print " #\n"; map { printf STDOUT " # ".$dnshits{timeouts}{$_}." timeouts for $_\n" } (sort {($dnshits{timeouts}{$b} || 0) <=> ($dnshits{timeouts}{$a} || 0)} keys %{$dnshits{timeouts}}); }; }; print "\n"; }; exit(0); # prints DNS result sub show_dns { my $que = shift; my $out = ""; if (defined $options{short}) { $out .= $dnscache{$que}{query} ."; ".$dnscache{$que}{list} ."; ".(join ', ', @{$dnscache{$que}{A}}); $out .= "; ".(join '. ', @{$dnscache{$que}{TXT}}) if defined $dnscache{$que}{TXT} and ($options{verbose} or ($options{short} < 2)); } else { $out .= "\n ".sprintf ("%15s", $dnscache{$que}{query})." ".$dnscache{$que}{type}.": ".$dnscache{$que}{list}; $out .= " (cname: ".(join ', ', (keys %{$dnscache{$que}{CNAME}})).")" if defined $dnscache{$que}{CNAME}; $out .= "\n ".sprintf ("%15s", $dnscache{$que}{query})." ".(join ', ', @{$dnscache{$que}{A}}); $out .= " (time: ".sprintf ("%.1fs)", ($dnscache{$que}{end} - $dnscache{$que}{start})); $out .= " (ttl: ".$dnscache{$que}{ttl}."s)" if defined $dnscache{$que}{ttl}; $out .= "\n ".sprintf ("%15s", $dnscache{$que}{query})." ".(join '. ', @{$dnscache{$que}{TXT}}) if defined $dnscache{$que}{TXT}; }; print STDOUT "$out\n"; }; # reads DNS answer sub rbl_read_dns { my($myresult) = shift; my($now) = time(); my($que,$typ) = undef; if ( defined $myresult ) { # read question, for dns cache id foreach ($myresult->question) { $typ = ($_->qtype || '') unless $typ; $que = ($_->qname || '') unless $que; }; # not listed unless ($myresult->answer) { @{$dnscache{$que}{A}} = ''; $dnscache{$que}{end} = $now; $dnscache{$que}{log} = 0; # parse answers } else { foreach ($myresult->answer) { if ($_->type =~ /^(A|CNAME|TXT)$/) { if ($_->type eq 'A') { push @{$dnscache{$que}{A}}, ($_->address || ''); } elsif ($_->type eq 'TXT') { my $res = (join(' ', $_->char_str_list()) || ''); push @{$dnscache{$que}{TXT}}, $res if $res; } elsif ($_->type eq 'CNAME') { $dnscache{$que}{CNAME}{$_->cname} = 1 if $_->cname; }; $dnscache{$que}{ttl} = ($_->ttl || 0) unless defined $dnscache{$que}{ttl}; $dnscache{$que}{end} = $now; $dnscache{$que}{log} = 1; } else { print STDERR "IGNORING query: $que, TYPE: '".($_->type || '')."'\n"; }; }; }; }; };