#!@PERL@ -w # -*- Perl -*- use diagnostics; my $vcid='$Id: ps-watcher.in.in,v 1.57 2006/03/10 19:07:05 rockyb Exp $ '; # See usage subroutine or perlpod documentation below. # Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 # Rocky Bernstein, email: rocky@cpan.org # # This program is free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. use vars qw($program $ps_cmd $ps_cmdfull $ps_fullcmd_fmt @ps_vars $ps_dvars $0 $logopened $ps_args_fmt $args $count $pid $command $ps_arg_opts $DEVNULL %opts ); use strict; BEGIN { require 5.00503 } sub usage($) { my ($full_help) = @_; print " usage: $program [OPTIONS..] $program can be used to monitor various processes based on ps-like information. options: --help -- print this help and exit --doc -- extract and print complete documentation and exit --version -- show a CVS version string and exit --debug *n* -- give debugging output. The higher the number, the more the output --run | --norun -- do/don't run actions go through the motions as though we were going to --log [*logfile*] -- Set a log file for this program. If option given but no logfile, then use STDERR. Default is no error log file. --syslog | --nosyslog -- send or don't send error output to syslog Default is to send to syslog. --config *cnf file* -- specify configuration file. --daemon | --nodaemon -- do or don't become a daemon. Default daemonize. --sleep *time* -- sleep interval between iterations. The default is $opts{sleep_interval} seconds. --path path -- executable search path to use in running commands --ps-prog *program* -- command that gets ps information. The default is: $opts{ps_prog} --ps-pids-opt *ps opts* -- ps options that lists pids and commands. The default is: $opts{ps_pid_opts} "; if ($full_help) { print " General operation: Periodically a list of processes obtained via ps. More precisely each item in the list contains the process name (just what's listed in the \"command\" field, not the full command and arguments) and its process id (pid). A configuration file specifies a list of Perl regular-expression patterns to match the process names against. For each match, a Perl expression specified for that pattern is evaluated. The evaluated expression can refer to variables which are set by ps and pertain to the matched process(es), for example the amount memory consumed by the process, or the total elapsed time. Some other variables are set by the program, such as the number of times the process is running. If the Perl expression for a matched pattern evaluates true, then an action can be run such as killing the program, restarting it, or mailing an alert. This program can be used to ensure a daemon hasn't died or ensure it is not running too many times. It might be used to determine when a process has consumed too many resources (for example due to a memory leak). The following variables can be used in patterns or actions: \t". '$' . join("\n\t\$", @ps_vars) . " The following is a sample config file: # Comments start with # or ; and go to the end of the line. # The format for each entry is in Microsoft .INI form: # [process-pattern] # trigger = perl-expression # action = program-and-arguments-to-run [httpd\$] trigger = \$count < 4 action = echo \"\$trigger fired -- You have \$count \$command sessions.\" [em?cs] trigger = \$vsz > 10 action = echo \"Looks like you have a big \$command program: \$vsz KB\" "; } exit 100; } sub init(); sub podthis(); sub process_options(); sub show_version(); sub daemonize(); sub eval_trigger_action($$$); sub make_the_rounds($); sub elapsed2secs($); sub logger($); sub debug_log($$); sub gather_psinfo(); sub read_config($); sub check_config_file($); sub run_trigger($$$); init(); process_options(); # Unfurl the banner... logger("Starting: $vcid"); my $cfg=read_config($opts{conf_file}); if (!defined($cfg)) { for my $line (@Config::IniFiles::errors) { logger($line); } exit 2; } if ($opts{daemon}) { daemonize(); } install_handlers(); do { make_the_rounds($cfg); sleep $opts{sleep_interval} if $opts{sleep_interval} > 0; check_config_file($opts{conf_file}); } until ($opts{sleep_interval} < 0) ; if ($opts{syslog}) { use Sys::Syslog; closelog; } exit 0; # Evaluates the trigger and if that's true also performs # an action. 1 is returned if the action was performed, # zero otherwise. sub eval_trigger_action($$$) { my ($trigger,$action,$perl_action) = @_; my $etrigger=$trigger; # It is a pain to predeclare all of the variables assigned # by ps which is OS and ps specific. So we'll allow anything. # Likewise, we'll allow it occur in $action. no strict; if ($trigger ne '1') { $etrigger =~ s/"/\\"/g; debug_log("trigger before substitution: $etrigger", 2); $etrigger = eval qq/"$trigger"/; } debug_log("trigger after substitution: $etrigger", 2); if (eval ($etrigger)) { if (defined($perl_action)) { debug_log("running Perl_action: $perl_action", 2); eval($perl_action) if $opts{run}; } if (defined($action)) { debug_log("action before substitution: $action", 2); my $eaction=$action; $eaction =~ s/"/\\"/g; $eaction = eval qq/"$eaction"/; debug_log("action after substitution: $eaction", 2); my $output=`$eaction` if $opts{run}; chomp($output); logger($output) if $output; } return 1; } return 0; } # Perform a round over the process_patterns comparing against the # process info to see if anything's stirring. sub make_the_rounds($) { my $cfg = $_[0]; my @ps_info=gather_psinfo(); foreach our $ps_pat ($cfg->Sections()) { debug_log("process pattern: /$ps_pat/", 1); my @selected_ps; my $in_prolog_epilog=0; my $trigger = $cfg->val($ps_pat, 'trigger') || '1'; my $action = $cfg->val($ps_pat, 'action'); my $perl_action = $cfg->val($ps_pat, 'perl-action'); my $occurs = $cfg->val($ps_pat, 'occurs') || "first"; local $count; if ($ps_pat =~ /^\$PROLOG/ || $ps_pat =~ /\$EPILOG/) { # Set to run trigger below. $count = @ps_info; $in_prolog_epilog=1; } else { @selected_ps = grep(/$ps_pat/, @ps_info); $count = @selected_ps; debug_log("count for /$ps_pat/: $count", 2); } if ($in_prolog_epilog) { # execute trigger eval_trigger_action($trigger, $action, $perl_action); } elsif ($occurs =~ /none/i) { if ($count eq 0) { # execute the trigger anyway eval_trigger_action($trigger, $action, $perl_action); } } elsif ($count gt 0) { TRIGGER: foreach (@selected_ps) { next if !/\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)/; local($pid, $command) = /\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)/; if ($pid !~ /\d+/) { logger("Something wrong with ps format:\n$_"); next; } my $ps_fullcmd = sprintf $ps_fullcmd_fmt, $pid; my @output = `$ps_fullcmd`; my $output=''; if (@output == 1) { # Got one line of output - good. $output=$output[0]; # Make sure though we don't just have a title line. # One of the fields should be just digits, e.g. ppid, uid, gud... next if $output !~ m{\s+\d+\s+}; } elsif (@output == 2 && @PS_NO_NULL_HEADER@) { # Got two lines of output - we are running a ps where # we can't remove the title line? $output=$output[1]; } elsif (@output > 1 && @PS_CAN_RETURN_MULTIPLE_LINES@) { # Got multiple lines of output - we are running a ps which can # do so. For example Solaris does this for a process that has many # LWPs (light-weight processes). $output=$output[0]; } else { debug_log("Something wrong getting ps variables", 1); next; } local $args = ''; if ($ps_arg_opts) { my $ps_argscmd = sprintf $ps_args_fmt, $pid; my @output = `$ps_argscmd`; if (@output == 1) { $args=$output[0]; } elsif (@output == 2 && @PS_NO_NULL_HEADER@) { $args=$output[1]; } else { debug_log("Something wrong with getting command arguments", 1); } } # Process may have disappeared. In this case we'll get no # output. next if !$output; # Add ' ' so split will junk first ps_dvars $junk. $output = ' ' . $output; my $perl_ps_assign = "$ps_dvars = split(/\\s+/, \$output)"; { # It is a pain to predeclare all of the variables assigned # by ps which is OS and ps specific. So we'll allow anything. # Likewise, we'll allow it occur in $action. no strict; # Escape backticks so that we don't inadvertently run # the program. For example there could be a process named # `/tmp/evilcommand` (with backticks). Thanks to Randal # Schwartz for noticing the problem. # Not sure if there are other things to watch out for. # Although the Perl Cookbook suggests how to make system, # safe, it is silent about making eval safe. $command =~ s/`/\\`/g; if (eval ($perl_ps_assign)) { my $evaled = eval_trigger_action($trigger, $action, $perl_action); last TRIGGER if $evaled && $occurs eq 'first-trigger'; last TRIGGER if $occurs eq 'first'; } else { logger("Something wrong with perl assignment: $perl_ps_assign"); last TRIGGER; } } # no strict } # foreach } # if $count } } # Initailize various variables variously. sub init() { use File::Basename; $program = basename($0); # Who am I today, anyway? $DEVNULL = '/dev/null'; # And what do we do about non Unix? use constant MINS => 60; use constant HOURS => 60*60; use constant DAYS => HOURS * 24; $opts{debug} = 0; # no debugging $opts{run} = 1; # run actions $opts{syslog} = 1; # Log errors to syslog $opts{logfile} = $DEVNULL; $opts{daemon} = 1; # Run as daemon; $opts{ps_prog} = '@PS@'; # Where is ps? $opts{ps_pid_opts} = '@PS_PID_OPTS@'; # How do I get pids and commands? $ps_arg_opts = '@PS_ARGS@'; # How do I get full process command? # List of all the fields from ps we will be able to use. Don't need # to list variables listed above. @ps_vars = qw ( @PS_VARS@ ); # Convert the above into an argument list like # ($junk, $user, ... ) # The first argument ($junk) will be null and thrown out. $ps_dvars = '($junk,$' . join(',$', @ps_vars) . ')'; $opts{sleep_interval} = 300; } # The bane of programming. sub process_options() { use Getopt::Long; my(@opt_cf); $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev = 1; my($newstyle_config); my ($help, $long_help, $show_version); my $result = &GetOptions ( 'help' => \$help, 'doc' => \$long_help, 'version' => \$show_version, 'config=s' => \$opts{conf_file}, 'debug=i' => \$opts{debug}, 'path=s' => \$ENV{PATH}, 'ps-pid-opts=s'=> \$opts{ps_pid_opts}, 'ps-prog=s' => \$opts{ps_prog}, 'sleep=i' => \$opts{sleep_interval}, 'log:s' => \$opts{logfile}, 'syslog!' => \$opts{syslog}, 'run!' => \$opts{run}, 'daemon!' => \$opts{daemon}, ); show_version() if $show_version; usage(1) if $help; podthis() if $long_help; # However specifying a configuration file is not. # Nor can we deal with multiple configuration files or tolerate # option-processing errors. usage(0) if !$result; # The option-specifier "--config" is optional... if (@ARGV && !defined($opts{conf_file})) { $opts{conf_file} = shift(@ARGV); } # However we do have to give exactly one configurtion file. if (!defined($opts{conf_file}) || @ARGV != 0) { print STDERR "$program: Please specify exactly one configuration file.\n"; usage(0); } $ps_cmd = "$opts{ps_prog} $opts{ps_pid_opts}"; my $ps_vars; if (@PS_CUSTOM_HEADER@) { $ps_vars = join('= -o ', @ps_vars) . '='; } else { $ps_vars = join(' -o ', @ps_vars); } if ('@PS_FULLCMD_FMT@') { $ps_fullcmd_fmt = "@PS_FULLCMD_FMT@"; } else { $ps_fullcmd_fmt = "$opts{ps_prog} -p %d -o $ps_vars"; } if ('@PS_ARGS_FMT@') { $ps_args_fmt = "@PS_ARGS_FMT@"; } else { $ps_args_fmt = "$opts{ps_prog} -p %d $ps_arg_opts"; } open STDIN, $DEVNULL or die "Can't read $DEVNULL: $!"; open STDOUT, ">>$opts{logfile}" or die "Can't write to $opts{logfile}: $!" if $opts{logfile} ne ''; open STDERR, ">>$opts{logfile}" or die "Can't write to $opts{logfile}: $!" if $opts{logfile} ne ''; } # Signal handling.. sub install_handlers { $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&terminate; $SIG{'TERM'} = \&terminate; $SIG{'INT'} = \&terminate; $SIG{'HUP'} = \&null_handler; $SIG{'USR1'} = \&debug_up_handler; $SIG{'USR2'} = \&debug_down_handler; } # Used perhaps to break out of a deep sleep. sub null_handler { my($signo) = @_; logger("Received signal: ${signo}"); } # Increase verbosity of debugging. sub debug_up_handler { my($signo) = @_; $opts{debug}++; logger("Received signal: ${signo}. Increasing debugging to $opts{debug}."); } # Decrease verbosity of debugging. sub debug_down_handler { my($signo) = @_; $opts{debug}--; logger("Received signal: ${signo}. Decreasing debugging to $opts{debug}."); } # Signal handler to go down recording the signal. sub terminate { my($signo) = @_; use Config; if (defined $Config{sig_name}) { my $i = 0; my @signame; my %sig; foreach my $name (split(' ', $Config{sig_name})) { $signame[$i] = $name; $sig{$name} = $i; $i++; } $signo = $sig{$signo} if exists($sig{$signo}); if ($signo =~ m{\A\d+\Z} ) { logger("Going down on $signame[$signo] (${signo}) signal. " . "Have a nice day!"); } } else { logger("Going down on signal ${signo}). Have a nice day!"); } $signo = 15 if $signo !~ m{\A\d+\Z}; if ($opts{syslog}) { use Sys::Syslog; closelog; } exit $signo; }; # Utility function for parsing/converting elapsed time into seconds. sub elapsed2secs($) { $_ = $_[0]; # Handle formats like: # 1-08:34:37 -- One day, 8 hours, 34 minutes, 37 seconds # 20:40:34 -- 20 hours, 40 minutes, 34 seconds # 0:00 -- 0 seconds. # 1-08:34.37 -- One day, 8 hours, 34 minutes, 37 seconds # 20:40.34 -- 20 hours, 40 minutes, 34 seconds # 5.03 -- 5 minutes, 3 seconds. # 5 -- 5 seconds. # Some easy cases. return -1 if !defined($_) || m{\A\s*\Z}; return $_ if m{\A\d+\Z}; # Originally had as one pattern and optional # arguments but i got compaints about using # uninitialized variables even with "no diagonstics". Would rather # switch than fight. my $min_secs_pat = '(\d{1,2})[:.](\d\d)'; if (m{ (\d{1,2})- # The number of days. e.g. 1- or 19- or blank (\d{1,2})[:.] # The number of hrs. e.g. 01: or 23: or blank $min_secs_pat }x) { my ($days, $hours, $minutes, $secs) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); return ($days*DAYS + $hours*HOURS + $minutes*MINS + $secs); } elsif (m{ (\d{1,2})[:.] # The number of hrs. e.g. 01: or 23: or blank $min_secs_pat }x) { my ($hours, $minutes, $secs) = ($1, $2, $3); return ($hours*HOURS + $minutes*MINS + $secs); } elsif (m{$min_secs_pat}) { my ($minutes, $secs) = ($1, $2); return ($minutes*MINS + $secs); } else { logger("Error in converting $_ to seconds"); return -1; } } # Return time and PID as string in a common format sub timestring() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $mon++; return sprintf( "%.2d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s[$$]", $mon, $mday, $year%100, $hour, $min, $sec, $program); } # log error to syslog and print to STDERR. sub logger($) { my($msg) = shift; if ($opts{syslog}) { if (!$logopened) { use Sys::Syslog; $logopened++; openlog($program,'cons,pid', 'err'); } syslog('info', $msg); } if (defined($opts{logfile}) && $opts{logfile} ne $DEVNULL) { my $ts=timestring(); print STDERR "$ts: $msg\n"; } } sub debug_log($$) { my($msg, $level) = @_; logger("** debug ** $msg") if $opts{debug} >= $level; } sub gather_psinfo() { my @output=`$ps_cmd`; return @output; } # Show the CVS version id string and quit. sub show_version() { print "$vcid Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Rocky Bernstein. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. "; exit 10; } sub daemonize() { chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; exit 0 if $pid; use POSIX qw(setsid); setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; umask 0; } # Time configuration file was last read. my $conf_time; # Read a configuration file. sub read_config($) { use Config::IniFiles; my($cf)=@_; if (!-f $cf || !-r _ || -z _ || !-T _) { logger("Unusable config file: <$cf>"); return undef; } # Save time we read the configuration file so we can check back # later to see if it changed. my($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime) = stat $cf; $conf_time = $mtime; return new Config::IniFiles( -file => $cf ); } # Check to see if any configuration file has changed # since the last time this routime was called. # Updates global $conf_time. sub check_config_file($) { my ($conf_file) = @_; my($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime) = stat $opts{conf_file}; if ( defined($conf_time) && defined($mtime) && $conf_time < $mtime ) { logger("Configuration file $conf_file modified; re-reading..."); $cfg = read_config($conf_file); } } sub run_trigger($$$) { my($trigger, $action, $count) = @_; my $etrigger=$trigger; if ($trigger ne '1') { $etrigger =~ s/"/\\"/g; debug_log("trigger before substitution: $etrigger", 2); $etrigger = eval qq/"$trigger"/; } debug_log("trigger after substitution: $etrigger", 2); if (eval ($etrigger)) { debug_log("action before substitution: $action", 2); my $eaction=$action; $eaction =~ s/"/\\"/g; $eaction = eval qq/"$eaction"/; debug_log("action after substitution: $eaction", 2); my $output=`$eaction` if $opts{run}; chomp($output); logger($output) if $output; } } sub podthis() { use Pod::Text; $^W = 0; pod2text $0; exit 101; } #-------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 NAME @PACKAGE@ - monitors various processes based on ps-like information. =head1 SYNOPSIS B<@PACKAGE@> [I...] [C<--config>] I =head1 DESCRIPTION Periodically a list of processes obtained via C. More precisely each item in the list contains the process name (just what's listed in the "cmd" field, not the full command and arguments) and its process id (pid). A configuration file specifies a list of Perl regular-expression patterns to match the processes against. For each match, a Perl expression specified for that pattern is evaluated. The evaluated expression can refer to variables which are set by ps and pertain to the matched process(es), for example the amount memory consumed by the process, or the total elapsed time. Some other variables are set by the program, such as the number of times the process is running. If the Perl expression for a matched pattern evaluates true, then an action can be run such as killing the program, restarting it, or mailing an alert, or running some arbitrary Perl code. Some things you might want to watch a daemon or process for: =over 2 =item * check that it is running (hasn't died) =item * ensure it is not running too many times =item * isn't consuming too much memory (perhaps a memory leak), or I/O =back Some actions you might want to take: =over 2 =item * restart a process =item * kill off rampant processes =item * send an alert about any of the conditions listed above =back Depending on options specfied, this program can be run as a daemon, run once (which is suitable as a C job), or run not as a daemon but still continuously (which may be handy in testing the program or your configuration). =head2 OPTIONS =over 4 =item --help Print a usage message on standard error and exit with a return code of 100. Z<> =item --doc Extact the full documentation that you are reading now, print it and exit with a return code of 101. Z<> =item --version Print the version release on standard output and exit with a return code of 10. Z<> =item --debug I Give debugging output. The higher the number, the more the output. The default is 0 = none. 2 is the most debugging output. =item [--config] I Specify configuration file. . See L below for information on the format of the configuration file and L for a complete example of a configuration file. Z<> =item --log [I] Send or don't send error and debugging output to a log file. If option is given but no logfile is specified, then use STDERR. The default is no error log file. See also --syslog below. Z<> =item --syslog | --nosyslog Send or don't send error and debugging output to syslog. The default is to syslog error and debug output. Z<> =item --daemon | --nodaemon Run or don't as a daemon. Z<> =item --path I Specify the executable search path used in running commands. =item --ps-prog I One can specify the command that gives ps information. By default, the command is F<@PS@>. Z<> =item --run | --norun do/don't run actions go through the motions as though we were going to. This may be useful in debugging. Z<> =item --sleep I It is expected that one might want to run @PACKAGE@ over and over again. In such instances one can specify the amount of time between iterations with this option. If a negative number is specified the program is run only once. Z<> =back =head2 CONFIGURATION FILE MODIFICATION AND SIGNAL HANDLING Periodically @PACKAGE@ checks to see if the configuration file that it was run against has changed. If so, the program rereads the configuration file. More precisely, the checks are done after waking up from a slumber. If the sleep interval is long (or if you are impatient), you can probably force the program to wake up using a HUP signal. At any time you can increase the level of debug output by sending a USR1 signal to the @PACKAGE@ process. Similarly you can decrease the level of debug output by sending the process a USR2 signal. It is recommended that you terminate @PACKAGE@ via an INT, TERM, or QUIT signal. =head1 CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT The format of a configuration file is a series of fully qualified filenames enclosed in square brackets followed by a number of parameter lines. Each parameter line has a parameter names followed by an "equal" sign and finally value. That is: # This is a comment line ; So is this. [process-pattern1] parameter1 = value1 parameter2 = value2 [process-pattern2] parameter1 = value3 parameter2 = value4 Comments start with # or ; and take effect to the end of the line. This should be familiar to those who have worked with text-readible Microsoft C<.INI> files. Note process patterns, (F and F above) must be unique. If there are times when you may want to refer to the same process, one can be creative to make these unique. e.g. F and F<[c]ron> which refer to the same process even though they I to be different. As quoted directly from the Config::IniFiles documentation: Multiline or multivalued fields may also be defined ala UNIX "here document" syntax: Parameter=< match exactly, including any trailing whitespace. There are two special "process patterns": $PROLOG and $EPILOG, the former should appear first and the latter last. You can put perl code to initialize variables here and do cleanup actions in these sections using "perl-action." A description of parameters names, their meanings and potential values follows. =over =item trigger This parameter specifies the condition on which a process action is fired. The condition is evaluated with Perl eval() and should therefore return something which is equivalent to "true" in a Perl expression. If no trigger is given in a section, true or 1 is assumed and the action is unconditionally triggered. Example: # Match if httpd has not spawned enough (<4) times. NFS and databases # daemons typically spawn child processes. Since the program # matches against the command names, not commands and arguments, # something like: ps -ef | grep httpd won't match the below. # If you want to match against the command with arguments, see # the example with $args below. [httpd$] trigger = $count <= 4 =item occurs This parameter specifies how many times an action should be performed on processes matching the section trigger. Acceptable values are "every", "first", "first-trigger", and "none". Setting the occurs value to "none" causes the the trigger to be evaluated when there are no matching processes. Although one might think "$count == 0" in the action expression would do the same thing, currently as coded this does not work. Setting the occurs value to "first" causes the process-pattern rule to be finished after handling the first rule that matches, whether or not the trigger evaluated to true. Setting the occurs value to "first-trigger" causes the process-pattern rule to be finished after handling the first rule that matches I the trigger evaluates to true. If the item parameter is not specified, "first" is assumed. Examples: [.] occurs = first action = echo "You have $count processes running" # Note in the above since there is no trigger specified, # occurs = first # is the same thing as # occurs = first-trigger [.?] trigger = $vsz > 1000 occurs = every action = echo "Large program $command matches $ps_pat: $vsz KB" # Fire if /usr/sbin/syslogd is not running. # Since the program matches against the command names, not commands and # arguments, something like: # ps -ef | grep /usr/sbin/syslogd # won't match the below. [(/usr/sbin/)?syslogd] occurs = none action = /etc/init.d/syslogd start =item action This specifies the action, a command that gets run by the system shell, when the trigger condition is evaluated to be true. Example: action = /etc/init.d/market_loader.init restart =item perl-action This specifies Perl statements to be eval'd. This can be especially useful in conjunction with $PROLOG and $EPILOG sections to make tests across collections of process and do things which @PACKAGE@ would otherwise not be able to do. Example: # A Perl variable initialization. # Since @PACKAGE@ runs as a daemon it's a good idea # to (re)initialize variables before each run. [$PROLOG] perl-action = $root_procs=0; # Keep track of how many root processes we are running [.*] perl-action = $root_procs++ if $uid == 0 occurs = every # Show this count. [$EPILOG] action = echo "I counted $root_procs root processes" =back =head2 EXPANDED VARIABLES IN TRIGGER/ACTION CLAUSES Any variables defined in the program can be used in pattern or action parameters. For example, C<$program> can be used to refer to the name of this program @PACKAGE@. The following variables can be used in either the pattern or action fields. =over =item $action A string containing the text of the action to run. Z<> =item $perl_action A string containing the text of the perl_action to run. Z<> =item $ps_pat The Perl regular expression specified in the beginning of the section. Z<> =item $command The command that matched $ps_pat. The Perl regular expression specified in the beginning of the section. Normally processes will not have funny characters in them. Just in case, backticks in $command are escaped. Example: # List processes other than emacs (which is a known pig) that use lots # of virtual memory [.*] trigger = $command !~ /emacs$/ && $vsz > 10 action = echo \"Looks like you have a big \$command program: \$vsz KB\" Z<> =item $count The number of times the pattern matched. Presumably the number of processes of this class running. Z<> =item $trigger A string containing the text of the trigger. =back A list of variables specific to this program or fields commonly found in C output is listed below followed by a description of the more common ones. See also C for a more complete description of the meaning of the field. @PS_VARS@ Beware though, in some situations ps can return multiple lines for a single process and we will use just one of these in the trigger. In particular, Solaris's C will return a line for each LWP (light-weight process). So on Solaris, if a trigger uses variable lwp, it may or may not match depending on which single line of the multiple C lines is used. Z<> =over =item $args The command along with its command arguments. It is possible that this is might get truncated at certain length (if ps does likewise as is the case on Solaris). Z<> =item $ppid The parent process id. Z<> =item $stime The start time of the process. Z<> =item $etime The end time of the process. Z<> =item $pmem The process memory. Z<> =item $pcpu The percent CPU utilization. Z<> =item $tty The controlling tty. Z<> =item $szv Virtual memory size of the process =back =head2 OTHER THINGS IN TRIGGER CLAUSES To make testing against elapsed time easier, a function C has been written to parse and convert elapsed time strings in the format C and a number of seconds. Some constants for the number of seconds in a minute, hour, or day have also been defined. These are referred to as C, C, and C respectively and they have the expected definitions: use constant MINS => 60; use constant HOURS => 60*60; use constant DAYS => HOURS * 24; Here is an example of the use of C: # Which processes have been running for more than 3 hours? # Also note use of builtin-function elapsed2secs, variable $etime # and builtin-function HOURS [.] trigger = elapsed2secs('$etime') > 1*DAYS action = echo "$command has been running more than 1 day ($etime)" occurs = every Please note the quotes around '$etime'. =head1 EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION # Comments start with # or ; and go to the end of the line. # The format for each entry is in Microsoft .INI form: # [process-pattern] # trigger = perl-expression # action = program-and-arguments-to-run [httpd$] trigger = $count < 4 action = echo "$trigger fired -- You have $count httpd sessions." [.] trigger = $vsz > 10 action = echo "Looks like you have a big $command program: $vsz KB" # Unfortunately we have use a different pattern below. (Here we use # ".?" instead of ".".) In effect the the two patterns mean # test every process. [.?] trigger = elapsed2secs('$etime') > 2*MINS && $pcpu > 40 occurs = every action = < is active. We make use of lsof to check port 3333 and the $PROLOG make sure it runs. [$PROLOG] occurs = first trigger = { \$x=`lsof -i :3333 >/dev/null 2>&1`; \$? >> 8 } action = < For even more information and control try running the above under the perl debugger, e.g. perl -d @PACKAGE@ --log --nodaemon --sleep -1 --debug 2 I =head1 BUGS Well, some of these are not so much a bug in @PACKAGE@ so much as a challenge to getting @PACKAGE@ to do what you want it to do. One common problem people run in into is understanding exactly what the process variables mean. The manual page L should be of help, but I've found some of the descriptions either a bit vague or just plain lacking. Sometimes one will see this error message when debug tracing is turned on: ** debug ** Something wrong getting ps variables This just means that the process died betwee the time @PACKAGE@ first saw the existence of the process and the time that it queried variables. =head1 SEE ALSO See also L and L. Another cool program doing ps-like things is C. Well okay, it's another program I distributed. It shows the process tree dynamically updated using X Motif and tries to display the output "attractively" but fast. You can the find the homepage at L and it download via L =head1 AUTHOR Rocky Bernstein (rocky@cpan.org) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Rocky Bernstein, email: rocky@cpan.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.