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2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
'use strict'
const fastRedact = require('fast-redact')
const { redactFmtSym, wildcardFirstSym } = require('./symbols')
const { rx, validator } = fastRedact
const validate = validator({
ERR_PATHS_MUST_BE_STRINGS: () => 'pino redacted paths must be strings',
ERR_INVALID_PATH: (s) => `pino redact paths array contains an invalid path (${s})`
const CENSOR = '[Redacted]'
const strict = false // TODO should this be configurable?
function redaction (opts, serialize) {
const { paths, censor } = handle(opts)
const shape = paths.reduce((o, str) => {
rx.lastIndex = 0
const first = rx.exec(str)
const next = rx.exec(str)
// ns is the top-level path segment, brackets + quoting removed.
let ns = first[1] !== undefined
? first[1].replace(/^(?:"|'|`)(.*)(?:"|'|`)$/, '$1')
: first[0]
if (ns === '*') {
ns = wildcardFirstSym
// top level key:
if (next === null) {
o[ns] = null
return o
// path with at least two segments:
// if ns is already redacted at the top level, ignore lower level redactions
if (o[ns] === null) {
return o
const { index } = next
const nextPath = `${str.substr(index, str.length - 1)}`
o[ns] = o[ns] || []
// shape is a mix of paths beginning with literal values and wildcard
// paths [ "a.b.c", "*.b.z" ] should reduce to a shape of
// { "a": [ "b.c", "b.z" ], *: [ "b.z" ] }
// note: "b.z" is in both "a" and * arrays because "a" matches the wildcard.
// (* entry has wildcardFirstSym as key)
if (ns !== wildcardFirstSym && o[ns].length === 0) {
// first time ns's get all '*' redactions so far
o[ns].push(...(o[wildcardFirstSym] || []))
if (ns === wildcardFirstSym) {
// new * path gets added to all previously registered literal ns's.
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) {
if (o[k]) {
return o
}, {})
// the redactor assigned to the format symbol key
// provides top level redaction for instances where
// an object is interpolated into the msg string
const result = {
[redactFmtSym]: fastRedact({ paths, censor, serialize, strict })
const topCensor = (...args) =>
typeof censor === 'function' ? serialize(censor(...args)) : serialize(censor)
return [...Object.keys(shape), ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(shape)].reduce((o, k) => {
// top level key:
if (shape[k] === null) o[k] = topCensor
else o[k] = fastRedact({ paths: shape[k], censor, serialize, strict })
return o
}, result)
function handle (opts) {
if (Array.isArray(opts)) {
opts = { paths: opts, censor: CENSOR }
return opts
var { paths, censor = CENSOR, remove } = opts
if (Array.isArray(paths) === false) { throw Error('pino redact must contain an array of strings') }
if (remove === true) censor = undefined
validate({ paths, censor })
return { paths, censor }
module.exports = redaction