'use strict' const test = require('tape') const sleep = require('.') test('blocks event loop for given amount of milliseconds', ({ is, end }) => { const now = Date.now() setTimeout(() => { const delta = Date.now() - now const fuzzyDelta = Math.floor(delta / 10) * 10 // allow up to 10ms of execution lag is(fuzzyDelta, 1000) end() }, 100) sleep(1000) }) if (typeof BigInt !== 'undefined') { test('allows ms to be supplied as a BigInt number', ({ is, end }) => { const now = Date.now() setTimeout(() => { const delta = Date.now() - now const fuzzyDelta = Math.floor(delta / 10) * 10 // allow up to 10ms of execution lag is(fuzzyDelta, 1000) end() }, 100) sleep(BigInt(1000)) // avoiding n notation as this will error on legacy node/browsers }) } test('throws range error if ms less than 0', ({ throws, end }) => { throws(() => sleep(-1), RangeError('sleep: ms must be a number that is greater than 0 but less than Infinity')) end() }) test('throws range error if ms is Infinity', ({ throws, end }) => { throws(() => sleep(Infinity), RangeError('sleep: ms must be a number that is greater than 0 but less than Infinity')) end() }) test('throws range error if ms is not a number or bigint', ({ throws, end }) => { throws(() => sleep('Infinity'), TypeError('sleep: ms must be a number')) throws(() => sleep('foo'), TypeError('sleep: ms must be a number')) throws(() => sleep({a: 1}), TypeError('sleep: ms must be a number')) throws(() => sleep([1,2,3]), TypeError('sleep: ms must be a number')) end() })