'use strict' /* eslint no-prototype-builtins: 0 */ const format = require('quick-format-unescaped') const { mapHttpRequest, mapHttpResponse } = require('pino-std-serializers') const SonicBoom = require('sonic-boom') const stringifySafe = require('fast-safe-stringify') const { lsCacheSym, chindingsSym, parsedChindingsSym, writeSym, serializersSym, formatOptsSym, endSym, stringifiersSym, stringifySym, wildcardFirstSym, needsMetadataGsym, wildcardGsym, redactFmtSym, streamSym, nestedKeySym } = require('./symbols') function noop () {} function genLog (z) { return function LOG (o, ...n) { if (typeof o === 'object' && o !== null) { if (o.method && o.headers && o.socket) { o = mapHttpRequest(o) } else if (typeof o.setHeader === 'function') { o = mapHttpResponse(o) } if (this[nestedKeySym]) o = { [this[nestedKeySym]]: o } this[writeSym](o, format(null, n, this[formatOptsSym]), z) } else this[writeSym](null, format(o, n, this[formatOptsSym]), z) } } // magically escape strings for json // relying on their charCodeAt // everything below 32 needs JSON.stringify() // 34 and 92 happens all the time, so we // have a fast case for them function asString (str) { var result = '' var last = 0 var found = false var point = 255 const l = str.length if (l > 100) { return JSON.stringify(str) } for (var i = 0; i < l && point >= 32; i++) { point = str.charCodeAt(i) if (point === 34 || point === 92) { result += str.slice(last, i) + '\\' last = i found = true } } if (!found) { result = str } else { result += str.slice(last) } return point < 32 ? JSON.stringify(str) : '"' + result + '"' } function asJson (obj, num, time) { const stringify = this[stringifySym] const stringifiers = this[stringifiersSym] const end = this[endSym] const chindings = this[chindingsSym] const serializers = this[serializersSym] var data = this[lsCacheSym][num] + time // we need the child bindings added to the output first so instance logged // objects can take precedence when JSON.parse-ing the resulting log line data = data + chindings var value var notHasOwnProperty = obj.hasOwnProperty === undefined if (serializers[wildcardGsym]) { obj = serializers[wildcardGsym](obj) } const wildcardStringifier = stringifiers[wildcardFirstSym] for (var key in obj) { value = obj[key] if ((notHasOwnProperty || obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) && value !== undefined) { value = serializers[key] ? serializers[key](value) : value const stringifier = stringifiers[key] || wildcardStringifier switch (typeof value) { case 'undefined': case 'function': continue case 'number': /* eslint no-fallthrough: "off" */ if (Number.isFinite(value) === false) { value = null } // this case explicity falls through to the next one case 'boolean': if (stringifier) value = stringifier(value) break case 'string': value = (stringifier || asString)(value) break default: value = (stringifier || stringify)(value) } if (value === undefined) continue data += ',"' + key + '":' + value } } return data + end } function asChindings (instance, bindings) { if (!bindings) { throw Error('missing bindings for child Pino') } var key var value var data = instance[chindingsSym] const stringify = instance[stringifySym] const stringifiers = instance[stringifiersSym] const serializers = instance[serializersSym] if (serializers[wildcardGsym]) { bindings = serializers[wildcardGsym](bindings) } for (key in bindings) { value = bindings[key] const valid = key !== 'level' && key !== 'serializers' && key !== 'customLevels' && bindings.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== undefined if (valid === true) { value = serializers[key] ? serializers[key](value) : value value = (stringifiers[key] || stringify)(value) if (value === undefined) continue data += ',"' + key + '":' + value } } return data } function getPrettyStream (opts, prettifier, dest, instance) { if (prettifier && typeof prettifier === 'function') { prettifier = prettifier.bind(instance) return prettifierMetaWrapper(prettifier(opts), dest) } try { var prettyFactory = require('pino-pretty') prettyFactory.asMetaWrapper = prettifierMetaWrapper return prettifierMetaWrapper(prettyFactory(opts), dest) } catch (e) { throw Error('Missing `pino-pretty` module: `pino-pretty` must be installed separately') } } function prettifierMetaWrapper (pretty, dest) { var warned = false return { [needsMetadataGsym]: true, lastLevel: 0, lastMsg: null, lastObj: null, lastLogger: null, flushSync () { if (warned) { return } warned = true setMetadataProps(dest, this) dest.write(pretty(Object.assign({ level: 40, // warn msg: 'pino.final with prettyPrint does not support flushing', time: Date.now() }, this.chindings()))) }, chindings () { const lastLogger = this.lastLogger var chindings = null // protection against flushSync being called before logging // anything if (!lastLogger) { return null } if (lastLogger.hasOwnProperty(parsedChindingsSym)) { chindings = lastLogger[parsedChindingsSym] } else { chindings = JSON.parse('{"v":1' + lastLogger[chindingsSym] + '}') lastLogger[parsedChindingsSym] = chindings } return chindings }, write (chunk) { const lastLogger = this.lastLogger const chindings = this.chindings() var time = this.lastTime if (time.match(/^\d+/)) { time = parseInt(time) } var lastObj = this.lastObj var errorProps = null const obj = Object.assign({ level: this.lastLevel, time }, chindings, lastObj, errorProps) const serializers = lastLogger[serializersSym] const keys = Object.keys(serializers) var key for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i] if (obj[key] !== undefined) { obj[key] = serializers[key](obj[key]) } } const stringifiers = lastLogger[stringifiersSym] const redact = stringifiers[redactFmtSym] const formatted = pretty(typeof redact === 'function' ? redact(obj) : obj) if (formatted === undefined) return setMetadataProps(dest, this) dest.write(formatted) } } } function hasBeenTampered (stream) { return stream.write !== stream.constructor.prototype.write } function buildSafeSonicBoom (dest, buffer = 0, sync = true) { const stream = new SonicBoom(dest, buffer, sync) stream.on('error', filterBrokenPipe) return stream function filterBrokenPipe (err) { // TODO verify on Windows if (err.code === 'EPIPE') { // If we get EPIPE, we should stop logging here // however we have no control to the consumer of // SonicBoom, so we just overwrite the write method stream.write = noop stream.end = noop stream.flushSync = noop stream.destroy = noop return } stream.removeListener('error', filterBrokenPipe) stream.emit('error', err) } } function createArgsNormalizer (defaultOptions) { return function normalizeArgs (instance, opts = {}, stream) { // support stream as a string if (typeof opts === 'string') { stream = buildSafeSonicBoom(opts) opts = {} } else if (typeof stream === 'string') { stream = buildSafeSonicBoom(stream) } else if (opts instanceof SonicBoom || opts.writable || opts._writableState) { stream = opts opts = null } opts = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, opts) if ('extreme' in opts) { throw Error('The extreme option has been removed, use pino.extreme instead') } if ('onTerminated' in opts) { throw Error('The onTerminated option has been removed, use pino.final instead') } if ('changeLevelName' in opts) { process.emitWarning( 'The changeLevelName option is deprecated and will be removed in v7. Use levelKey instead.', { code: 'changeLevelName_deprecation' } ) opts.levelKey = opts.changeLevelName delete opts.changeLevelName } const { enabled, prettyPrint, prettifier, messageKey } = opts if (enabled === false) opts.level = 'silent' stream = stream || process.stdout if (stream === process.stdout && stream.fd >= 0 && !hasBeenTampered(stream)) { stream = buildSafeSonicBoom(stream.fd) } if (prettyPrint) { const prettyOpts = Object.assign({ messageKey }, prettyPrint) stream = getPrettyStream(prettyOpts, prettifier, stream, instance) } return { opts, stream } } } function final (logger, handler) { if (typeof logger === 'undefined' || typeof logger.child !== 'function') { throw Error('expected a pino logger instance') } const hasHandler = (typeof handler !== 'undefined') if (hasHandler && typeof handler !== 'function') { throw Error('if supplied, the handler parameter should be a function') } const stream = logger[streamSym] if (typeof stream.flushSync !== 'function') { throw Error('final requires a stream that has a flushSync method, such as pino.destination and pino.extreme') } const finalLogger = new Proxy(logger, { get: (logger, key) => { if (key in logger.levels.values) { return (...args) => { logger[key](...args) stream.flushSync() } } return logger[key] } }) if (!hasHandler) { return finalLogger } return (err = null, ...args) => { try { stream.flushSync() } catch (e) { // it's too late to wait for the stream to be ready // because this is a final tick scenario. // in practice there shouldn't be a situation where it isn't // however, swallow the error just in case (and for easier testing) } return handler(err, finalLogger, ...args) } } function stringify (obj) { try { return JSON.stringify(obj) } catch (_) { return stringifySafe(obj) } } function setMetadataProps (dest, that) { if (dest[needsMetadataGsym] === true) { dest.lastLevel = that.lastLevel dest.lastMsg = that.lastMsg dest.lastObj = that.lastObj dest.lastTime = that.lastTime dest.lastLogger = that.lastLogger } } module.exports = { noop, buildSafeSonicBoom, getPrettyStream, asChindings, asJson, genLog, createArgsNormalizer, final, stringify }