'use strict'

const { test } = require('tap')
const { sink, once, check } = require('./helper')
const pino = require('../')

test('set the level by string', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 50,
    msg: 'this is an error'
  }, {
    level: 60,
    msg: 'this is fatal'
  const stream = sink()
  const instance = pino(stream)
  instance.level = 'error'
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')
  const result = await once(stream, 'data')
  const current = expected.shift()
  check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

test('the wrong level throws', async ({ throws }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  throws(() => {
    instance.level = 'kaboom'

test('set the level by number', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 50,
    msg: 'this is an error'
  }, {
    level: 60,
    msg: 'this is fatal'
  const stream = sink()
  const instance = pino(stream)

  instance.level = 50
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')
  const result = await once(stream, 'data')
  const current = expected.shift()
  check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

test('exposes level string mappings', async ({ is }) => {
  is(pino.levels.values.error, 50)

test('exposes level number mappings', async ({ is }) => {
  is(pino.levels.labels[50], 'error')

test('returns level integer', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino({ level: 'error' })
  is(instance.levelVal, 50)

test('child returns level integer', async ({ is }) => {
  const parent = pino({ level: 'error' })
  const child = parent.child({ foo: 'bar' })
  is(child.levelVal, 50)

test('set the level via exported pino function', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 50,
    msg: 'this is an error'
  }, {
    level: 60,
    msg: 'this is fatal'
  const stream = sink()
  const instance = pino({ level: 'error' }, stream)

  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')
  const result = await once(stream, 'data')
  const current = expected.shift()
  check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

test('level-change event', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  function handle (lvl, val, prevLvl, prevVal) {
    is(lvl, 'trace')
    is(val, 10)
    is(prevLvl, 'info')
    is(prevVal, 30)
  instance.on('level-change', handle)
  instance.level = 'trace'
  instance.removeListener('level-change', handle)
  instance.level = 'info'

  var count = 0

  const l1 = () => count++
  const l2 = () => count++
  const l3 = () => count++
  instance.on('level-change', l1)
  instance.on('level-change', l2)
  instance.on('level-change', l3)

  instance.level = 'trace'
  instance.removeListener('level-change', l3)
  instance.level = 'fatal'
  instance.removeListener('level-change', l1)
  instance.level = 'debug'
  instance.removeListener('level-change', l2)
  instance.level = 'info'

  is(count, 6)

test('enable', async ({ fail }) => {
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'trace',
    enabled: false
  }, sink((result, enc) => {
    fail('no data should be logged')

  Object.keys(pino.levels.values).forEach((level) => {
    instance[level]('hello world')

test('silent level', async ({ fail }) => {
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'silent'
  }, sink((result, enc) => {
    fail('no data should be logged')

  Object.keys(pino.levels.values).forEach((level) => {
    instance[level]('hello world')

test('set silent via Infinity', async ({ fail }) => {
  const instance = pino({
    level: Infinity
  }, sink((result, enc) => {
    fail('no data should be logged')

  Object.keys(pino.levels.values).forEach((level) => {
    instance[level]('hello world')

test('exposed levels', async ({ same }) => {
  same(Object.keys(pino.levels.values), [

test('exposed labels', async ({ same }) => {
  same(Object.keys(pino.levels.labels), [

test('setting level in child', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 50,
    msg: 'this is an error'
  }, {
    level: 60,
    msg: 'this is fatal'
  const instance = pino(sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)
  })).child({ level: 30 })

  instance.level = 'error'
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')

test('setting level by assigning a number to level', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  is(instance.levelVal, 30)
  is(instance.level, 'info')
  instance.level = 50
  is(instance.levelVal, 50)
  is(instance.level, 'error')

test('setting level by number to unknown value results in a throw', async ({ throws }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  throws(() => { instance.level = 973 })

test('setting level by assigning a known label to level', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  is(instance.levelVal, 30)
  is(instance.level, 'info')
  instance.level = 'error'
  is(instance.levelVal, 50)
  is(instance.level, 'error')

test('levelVal is read only', async ({ throws }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  throws(() => { instance.levelVal = 20 })

test('produces labels when told to', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 'info',
    msg: 'hello world'
  const instance = pino({ useLevelLabels: true }, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

  instance.info('hello world')

test('resets levels from labels to numbers', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    level: 30,
    msg: 'hello world'
  pino({ useLevelLabels: true })
  const instance = pino({ useLevelLabels: false }, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

  instance.info('hello world')

test('aliases changeLevelName to levelKey', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino({ changeLevelName: 'priority' }, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    is(result.priority, 30)

  instance.info('hello world')

test('changes label naming when told to', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [{
    priority: 30,
    msg: 'hello world'
  const instance = pino({ levelKey: 'priority' }, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    is(result.priority, current.priority)
    is(result.msg, current.msg)

  instance.info('hello world')

test('children produce labels when told to', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 'info',
      msg: 'child 1'
      level: 'info',
      msg: 'child 2'
  const instance = pino({ useLevelLabels: true }, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

  const child1 = instance.child({ name: 'child1' })
  const child2 = child1.child({ name: 'child2' })

  child1.info('child 1')
  child2.info('child 2')

test('produces labels for custom levels', async ({ is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 'info',
      msg: 'hello world'
      level: 'foo',
      msg: 'foobar'
  const opts = {
    useLevelLabels: true,
    customLevels: {
      foo: 35
  const instance = pino(opts, sink((result, enc, cb) => {
    const current = expected.shift()
    check(is, result, current.level, current.msg)

  instance.info('hello world')

test('setting levelKey does not affect labels when told to', async ({ is }) => {
  const instance = pino(
      useLevelLabels: true,
      levelKey: 'priority'
    sink((result, enc, cb) => {
      is(result.priority, 'info')

  instance.info('hello world')

test('throws when creating a default label that does not exist in logger levels', async ({ is, throws }) => {
  const defaultLevel = 'foo'
  throws(() => {
      customLevels: {
        bar: 5
      level: defaultLevel
  try {
      level: defaultLevel
  } catch ({ message }) {
    is(message, `default level:${defaultLevel} must be included in custom levels`)

test('throws when creating a default value that does not exist in logger levels', async ({ is, throws }) => {
  const defaultLevel = 15
  throws(() => {
      customLevels: {
        bar: 5
      level: defaultLevel
  try {
      level: defaultLevel
  } catch ({ message }) {
    is(message, `default level:${defaultLevel} must be included in custom levels`)

test('throws when creating a default value that does not exist in logger levels', async ({ is, throws }) => {
  throws(() => {
      customLevels: {
        foo: 5
      useOnlyCustomLevels: true
  try {
      customLevels: {
        foo: 5
      useOnlyCustomLevels: true
  } catch ({ message }) {
    is(message, 'default level:info must be included in custom levels')

test('passes when creating a default value that exists in logger levels', async ({ is, throws }) => {
    level: 30

test('fatal method sync-flushes the destination if sync flushing is available', async ({ pass, doesNotThrow, plan }) => {
  const stream = sink()
  stream.flushSync = () => {
    pass('destination flushed')
  const instance = pino(stream)
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')
  await once(stream, 'data')
  doesNotThrow(() => {
    stream.flushSync = undefined
    instance.fatal('this is fatal')

test('fatal method should call async when sync-flushing fails', ({ equal, fail, doesNotThrow, plan }) => {
  const messages = [
    'this is fatal 1'
  const stream = sink((result) => equal(result.msg, messages.shift()))
  stream.flushSync = () => { throw new Error('Error') }
  stream.flush = () => fail('flush should be called')

  const instance = pino(stream)
  doesNotThrow(() => instance.fatal(messages[0]))