'use strict' const { InvalidArgumentError, NotSupportedError } = require('./errors') const assert = require('assert') const { kHTTP2BuildRequest, kHTTP2CopyHeaders, kHTTP1BuildRequest } = require('./symbols') const util = require('./util') // tokenRegExp and headerCharRegex have been lifted from // https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/lib/_http_common.js /** * Verifies that the given val is a valid HTTP token * per the rules defined in RFC 7230 * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.6 */ const tokenRegExp = /^[\^_`a-zA-Z\-0-9!#$%&'*+.|~]+$/ /** * Matches if val contains an invalid field-vchar * field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text */ const headerCharRegex = /[^\t\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]/ // Verifies that a given path is valid does not contain control chars \x00 to \x20 const invalidPathRegex = /[^\u0021-\u00ff]/ const kHandler = Symbol('handler') const channels = {} let extractBody try { const diagnosticsChannel = require('diagnostics_channel') channels.create = diagnosticsChannel.channel('undici:request:create') channels.bodySent = diagnosticsChannel.channel('undici:request:bodySent') channels.headers = diagnosticsChannel.channel('undici:request:headers') channels.trailers = diagnosticsChannel.channel('undici:request:trailers') channels.error = diagnosticsChannel.channel('undici:request:error') } catch { channels.create = { hasSubscribers: false } channels.bodySent = { hasSubscribers: false } channels.headers = { hasSubscribers: false } channels.trailers = { hasSubscribers: false } channels.error = { hasSubscribers: false } } class Request { constructor (origin, { path, method, body, headers, query, idempotent, blocking, upgrade, headersTimeout, bodyTimeout, reset, throwOnError, expectContinue }, handler) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('path must be a string') } else if ( path[0] !== '/' && !(path.startsWith('http://') || path.startsWith('https://')) && method !== 'CONNECT' ) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('path must be an absolute URL or start with a slash') } else if (invalidPathRegex.exec(path) !== null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid request path') } if (typeof method !== 'string') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('method must be a string') } else if (tokenRegExp.exec(method) === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid request method') } if (upgrade && typeof upgrade !== 'string') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('upgrade must be a string') } if (headersTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(headersTimeout) || headersTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid headersTimeout') } if (bodyTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(bodyTimeout) || bodyTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid bodyTimeout') } if (reset != null && typeof reset !== 'boolean') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid reset') } if (expectContinue != null && typeof expectContinue !== 'boolean') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid expectContinue') } this.headersTimeout = headersTimeout this.bodyTimeout = bodyTimeout this.throwOnError = throwOnError === true this.method = method this.abort = null if (body == null) { this.body = null } else if (util.isStream(body)) { this.body = body const rState = this.body._readableState if (!rState || !rState.autoDestroy) { this.endHandler = function autoDestroy () { util.destroy(this) } this.body.on('end', this.endHandler) } this.errorHandler = err => { if (this.abort) { this.abort(err) } else { this.error = err } } this.body.on('error', this.errorHandler) } else if (util.isBuffer(body)) { this.body = body.byteLength ? body : null } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { this.body = body.buffer.byteLength ? Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength) : null } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { this.body = body.byteLength ? Buffer.from(body) : null } else if (typeof body === 'string') { this.body = body.length ? Buffer.from(body) : null } else if (util.isFormDataLike(body) || util.isIterable(body) || util.isBlobLike(body)) { this.body = body } else { throw new InvalidArgumentError('body must be a string, a Buffer, a Readable stream, an iterable, or an async iterable') } this.completed = false this.aborted = false this.upgrade = upgrade || null this.path = query ? util.buildURL(path, query) : path this.origin = origin this.idempotent = idempotent == null ? method === 'HEAD' || method === 'GET' : idempotent this.blocking = blocking == null ? false : blocking this.reset = reset == null ? null : reset this.host = null this.contentLength = null this.contentType = null this.headers = '' // Only for H2 this.expectContinue = expectContinue != null ? expectContinue : false if (Array.isArray(headers)) { if (headers.length % 2 !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('headers array must be even') } for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { processHeader(this, headers[i], headers[i + 1]) } } else if (headers && typeof headers === 'object') { const keys = Object.keys(headers) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i] processHeader(this, key, headers[key]) } } else if (headers != null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('headers must be an object or an array') } if (util.isFormDataLike(this.body)) { if (util.nodeMajor < 16 || (util.nodeMajor === 16 && util.nodeMinor < 8)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('Form-Data bodies are only supported in node v16.8 and newer.') } if (!extractBody) { extractBody = require('../fetch/body.js').extractBody } const [bodyStream, contentType] = extractBody(body) if (this.contentType == null) { this.contentType = contentType this.headers += `content-type: ${contentType}\r\n` } this.body = bodyStream.stream this.contentLength = bodyStream.length } else if (util.isBlobLike(body) && this.contentType == null && body.type) { this.contentType = body.type this.headers += `content-type: ${body.type}\r\n` } util.validateHandler(handler, method, upgrade) this.servername = util.getServerName(this.host) this[kHandler] = handler if (channels.create.hasSubscribers) { channels.create.publish({ request: this }) } } onBodySent (chunk) { if (this[kHandler].onBodySent) { try { return this[kHandler].onBodySent(chunk) } catch (err) { this.abort(err) } } } onRequestSent () { if (channels.bodySent.hasSubscribers) { channels.bodySent.publish({ request: this }) } if (this[kHandler].onRequestSent) { try { return this[kHandler].onRequestSent() } catch (err) { this.abort(err) } } } onConnect (abort) { assert(!this.aborted) assert(!this.completed) if (this.error) { abort(this.error) } else { this.abort = abort return this[kHandler].onConnect(abort) } } onHeaders (statusCode, headers, resume, statusText) { assert(!this.aborted) assert(!this.completed) if (channels.headers.hasSubscribers) { channels.headers.publish({ request: this, response: { statusCode, headers, statusText } }) } try { return this[kHandler].onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume, statusText) } catch (err) { this.abort(err) } } onData (chunk) { assert(!this.aborted) assert(!this.completed) try { return this[kHandler].onData(chunk) } catch (err) { this.abort(err) return false } } onUpgrade (statusCode, headers, socket) { assert(!this.aborted) assert(!this.completed) return this[kHandler].onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket) } onComplete (trailers) { this.onFinally() assert(!this.aborted) this.completed = true if (channels.trailers.hasSubscribers) { channels.trailers.publish({ request: this, trailers }) } try { return this[kHandler].onComplete(trailers) } catch (err) { // TODO (fix): This might be a bad idea? this.onError(err) } } onError (error) { this.onFinally() if (channels.error.hasSubscribers) { channels.error.publish({ request: this, error }) } if (this.aborted) { return } this.aborted = true return this[kHandler].onError(error) } onFinally () { if (this.errorHandler) { this.body.off('error', this.errorHandler) this.errorHandler = null } if (this.endHandler) { this.body.off('end', this.endHandler) this.endHandler = null } } // TODO: adjust to support H2 addHeader (key, value) { processHeader(this, key, value) return this } static [kHTTP1BuildRequest] (origin, opts, handler) { // TODO: Migrate header parsing here, to make Requests // HTTP agnostic return new Request(origin, opts, handler) } static [kHTTP2BuildRequest] (origin, opts, handler) { const headers = opts.headers opts = { ...opts, headers: null } const request = new Request(origin, opts, handler) request.headers = {} if (Array.isArray(headers)) { if (headers.length % 2 !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('headers array must be even') } for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { processHeader(request, headers[i], headers[i + 1], true) } } else if (headers && typeof headers === 'object') { const keys = Object.keys(headers) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i] processHeader(request, key, headers[key], true) } } else if (headers != null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('headers must be an object or an array') } return request } static [kHTTP2CopyHeaders] (raw) { const rawHeaders = raw.split('\r\n') const headers = {} for (const header of rawHeaders) { const [key, value] = header.split(': ') if (value == null || value.length === 0) continue if (headers[key]) headers[key] += `,${value}` else headers[key] = value } return headers } } function processHeaderValue (key, val, skipAppend) { if (val && typeof val === 'object') { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`) } val = val != null ? `${val}` : '' if (headerCharRegex.exec(val) !== null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`) } return skipAppend ? val : `${key}: ${val}\r\n` } function processHeader (request, key, val, skipAppend = false) { if (val && (typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val))) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`) } else if (val === undefined) { return } if ( request.host === null && key.length === 4 && key.toLowerCase() === 'host' ) { if (headerCharRegex.exec(val) !== null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`) } // Consumed by Client request.host = val } else if ( request.contentLength === null && key.length === 14 && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-length' ) { request.contentLength = parseInt(val, 10) if (!Number.isFinite(request.contentLength)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid content-length header') } } else if ( request.contentType === null && key.length === 12 && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type' ) { request.contentType = val if (skipAppend) request.headers[key] = processHeaderValue(key, val, skipAppend) else request.headers += processHeaderValue(key, val) } else if ( key.length === 17 && key.toLowerCase() === 'transfer-encoding' ) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid transfer-encoding header') } else if ( key.length === 10 && key.toLowerCase() === 'connection' ) { const value = typeof val === 'string' ? val.toLowerCase() : null if (value !== 'close' && value !== 'keep-alive') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid connection header') } else if (value === 'close') { request.reset = true } } else if ( key.length === 10 && key.toLowerCase() === 'keep-alive' ) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid keep-alive header') } else if ( key.length === 7 && key.toLowerCase() === 'upgrade' ) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid upgrade header') } else if ( key.length === 6 && key.toLowerCase() === 'expect' ) { throw new NotSupportedError('expect header not supported') } else if (tokenRegExp.exec(key) === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid header key') } else { if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (skipAppend) { if (request.headers[key]) request.headers[key] += `,${processHeaderValue(key, val[i], skipAppend)}` else request.headers[key] = processHeaderValue(key, val[i], skipAppend) } else { request.headers += processHeaderValue(key, val[i]) } } } else { if (skipAppend) request.headers[key] = processHeaderValue(key, val, skipAppend) else request.headers += processHeaderValue(key, val) } } } module.exports = Request