'use strict' const { BalancedPoolMissingUpstreamError, InvalidArgumentError } = require('./core/errors') const { PoolBase, kClients, kNeedDrain, kAddClient, kRemoveClient, kGetDispatcher } = require('./pool-base') const Pool = require('./pool') const { kUrl, kInterceptors } = require('./core/symbols') const { parseOrigin } = require('./core/util') const kFactory = Symbol('factory') const kOptions = Symbol('options') const kGreatestCommonDivisor = Symbol('kGreatestCommonDivisor') const kCurrentWeight = Symbol('kCurrentWeight') const kIndex = Symbol('kIndex') const kWeight = Symbol('kWeight') const kMaxWeightPerServer = Symbol('kMaxWeightPerServer') const kErrorPenalty = Symbol('kErrorPenalty') function getGreatestCommonDivisor (a, b) { if (b === 0) return a return getGreatestCommonDivisor(b, a % b) } function defaultFactory (origin, opts) { return new Pool(origin, opts) } class BalancedPool extends PoolBase { constructor (upstreams = [], { factory = defaultFactory, ...opts } = {}) { super() this[kOptions] = opts this[kIndex] = -1 this[kCurrentWeight] = 0 this[kMaxWeightPerServer] = this[kOptions].maxWeightPerServer || 100 this[kErrorPenalty] = this[kOptions].errorPenalty || 15 if (!Array.isArray(upstreams)) { upstreams = [upstreams] } if (typeof factory !== 'function') { throw new InvalidArgumentError('factory must be a function.') } this[kInterceptors] = opts.interceptors && opts.interceptors.BalancedPool && Array.isArray(opts.interceptors.BalancedPool) ? opts.interceptors.BalancedPool : [] this[kFactory] = factory for (const upstream of upstreams) { this.addUpstream(upstream) } this._updateBalancedPoolStats() } addUpstream (upstream) { const upstreamOrigin = parseOrigin(upstream).origin if (this[kClients].find((pool) => ( pool[kUrl].origin === upstreamOrigin && pool.closed !== true && pool.destroyed !== true ))) { return this } const pool = this[kFactory](upstreamOrigin, Object.assign({}, this[kOptions])) this[kAddClient](pool) pool.on('connect', () => { pool[kWeight] = Math.min(this[kMaxWeightPerServer], pool[kWeight] + this[kErrorPenalty]) }) pool.on('connectionError', () => { pool[kWeight] = Math.max(1, pool[kWeight] - this[kErrorPenalty]) this._updateBalancedPoolStats() }) pool.on('disconnect', (...args) => { const err = args[2] if (err && err.code === 'UND_ERR_SOCKET') { // decrease the weight of the pool. pool[kWeight] = Math.max(1, pool[kWeight] - this[kErrorPenalty]) this._updateBalancedPoolStats() } }) for (const client of this[kClients]) { client[kWeight] = this[kMaxWeightPerServer] } this._updateBalancedPoolStats() return this } _updateBalancedPoolStats () { this[kGreatestCommonDivisor] = this[kClients].map(p => p[kWeight]).reduce(getGreatestCommonDivisor, 0) } removeUpstream (upstream) { const upstreamOrigin = parseOrigin(upstream).origin const pool = this[kClients].find((pool) => ( pool[kUrl].origin === upstreamOrigin && pool.closed !== true && pool.destroyed !== true )) if (pool) { this[kRemoveClient](pool) } return this } get upstreams () { return this[kClients] .filter(dispatcher => dispatcher.closed !== true && dispatcher.destroyed !== true) .map((p) => p[kUrl].origin) } [kGetDispatcher] () { // We validate that pools is greater than 0, // otherwise we would have to wait until an upstream // is added, which might never happen. if (this[kClients].length === 0) { throw new BalancedPoolMissingUpstreamError() } const dispatcher = this[kClients].find(dispatcher => ( !dispatcher[kNeedDrain] && dispatcher.closed !== true && dispatcher.destroyed !== true )) if (!dispatcher) { return } const allClientsBusy = this[kClients].map(pool => pool[kNeedDrain]).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true) if (allClientsBusy) { return } let counter = 0 let maxWeightIndex = this[kClients].findIndex(pool => !pool[kNeedDrain]) while (counter++ < this[kClients].length) { this[kIndex] = (this[kIndex] + 1) % this[kClients].length const pool = this[kClients][this[kIndex]] // find pool index with the largest weight if (pool[kWeight] > this[kClients][maxWeightIndex][kWeight] && !pool[kNeedDrain]) { maxWeightIndex = this[kIndex] } // decrease the current weight every `this[kClients].length`. if (this[kIndex] === 0) { // Set the current weight to the next lower weight. this[kCurrentWeight] = this[kCurrentWeight] - this[kGreatestCommonDivisor] if (this[kCurrentWeight] <= 0) { this[kCurrentWeight] = this[kMaxWeightPerServer] } } if (pool[kWeight] >= this[kCurrentWeight] && (!pool[kNeedDrain])) { return pool } } this[kCurrentWeight] = this[kClients][maxWeightIndex][kWeight] this[kIndex] = maxWeightIndex return this[kClients][maxWeightIndex] } } module.exports = BalancedPool