
309 lines
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2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
'use strict'
/* eslint no-prototype-builtins: 0 */
const { test } = require('tap')
const { sink, once } = require('./helper')
const pino = require('../')
test('adds additional levels', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35,
bar: 45
}, stream)
const { level } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(level, 35)
test('custom levels does not override default levels', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream)
const { level } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(level, 30)
test('default levels can be redefined using custom levels', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
info: 35,
debug: 45
useOnlyCustomLevels: true
}, stream)
is(logger.hasOwnProperty('info'), true)
const { level } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(level, 35)
test('custom levels overrides default level label if use useOnlyCustomLevels', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
useOnlyCustomLevels: true,
level: 'foo'
}, stream)
is(logger.hasOwnProperty('info'), false)
test('custom levels overrides default level value if use useOnlyCustomLevels', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
useOnlyCustomLevels: true,
level: 35
}, stream)
is(logger.hasOwnProperty('info'), false)
test('custom levels are inherited by children', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream)
logger.child({ childMsg: 'ok' }).foo('test')
const { msg, childMsg, level } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(level, 35)
is(childMsg, 'ok')
is(msg, 'test')
test('custom levels can be specified on child bindings', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino(stream).child({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
childMsg: 'ok'
const { msg, childMsg, level } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(level, 35)
is(childMsg, 'ok')
is(msg, 'test')
test('customLevels property child bindings does not get logged', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino(stream).child({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
childMsg: 'ok'
const { customLevels } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(customLevels, undefined)
test('throws when specifying pre-existing parent labels via child bindings', async ({ is, throws }) => {
const stream = sink()
throws(() => pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream).child({
customLevels: {
foo: 45
try {
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream).child({
customLevels: {
foo: 45
} catch ({ message }) {
is(message, 'levels cannot be overridden')
test('throws when specifying pre-existing parent values via child bindings', async ({ is, throws }) => {
const stream = sink()
throws(() => pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream).child({
customLevels: {
bar: 35
try {
customLevels: {
foo: 35
}, stream).child({
customLevels: {
bar: 35
} catch ({ message }) {
is(message, 'pre-existing level values cannot be used for new levels')
test('throws when specifying core values via child bindings', async ({ is, throws }) => {
const stream = sink()
throws(() => pino(stream).child({
customLevels: {
foo: 30
try {
customLevels: {
foo: 30
} catch ({ message }) {
is(message, 'pre-existing level values cannot be used for new levels')
test('throws when useOnlyCustomLevels is set true without customLevels', async ({ is, throws }) => {
const stream = sink()
throws(() => pino({
useOnlyCustomLevels: true
}, stream)
try {
useOnlyCustomLevels: true
}, stream)
} catch ({ message }) {
is(message, 'customLevels is required if useOnlyCustomLevels is set true')
test('custom level on one instance does not affect other instances', async ({ is }) => {
customLevels: {
foo: 37
is(typeof pino().foo, 'undefined')
test('setting level below or at custom level will successfully log', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const instance = pino({ customLevels: { foo: 35 } }, stream)
instance.level = 'foo'
const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(msg, 'bar')
test('custom level below level threshold will not log', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const instance = pino({ customLevels: { foo: 15 } }, stream)
instance.level = 'info'
const { msg } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(msg, 'bar')
test('does not share custom level state across siblings', async ({ doesNotThrow }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino(stream)
customLevels: { foo: 35 }
doesNotThrow(() => {
customLevels: { foo: 35 }
test('custom level does not affect levelKey', async ({ is }) => {
const stream = sink()
const logger = pino({
customLevels: {
foo: 35,
bar: 45
levelKey: 'priority'
}, stream)
const { priority } = await once(stream, 'data')
is(priority, 35)
test('custom levels accesible in prettifier function', async ({ plan, same }) => {
const logger = pino({
prettyPrint: true,
prettifier: function prettifierFactory () {
const instance = this
return function () {
same(instance.levels, {
labels: {
10: 'trace',
20: 'debug',
30: 'info',
35: 'foo',
40: 'warn',
45: 'bar',
50: 'error',
60: 'fatal'
values: {
trace: 10,
debug: 20,
info: 30,
warn: 40,
error: 50,
fatal: 60,
foo: 35,
bar: 45
customLevels: {
foo: 35,
bar: 45
changeLevelName: 'priority'