2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
'use strict' ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , '__esModule' , { value : true } ) ;
function _defineProperties ( target , props ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) {
var descriptor = props [ i ] ;
descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ;
descriptor . configurable = true ;
if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ;
Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ;
function _createClass ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) {
if ( protoProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ;
if ( staticProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ;
return Constructor ;
function _inheritsLoose ( subClass , superClass ) {
subClass . prototype = Object . create ( superClass . prototype ) ;
subClass . prototype . constructor = subClass ;
subClass . _ _proto _ _ = superClass ;
function _getPrototypeOf ( o ) {
_getPrototypeOf = Object . setPrototypeOf ? Object . getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf ( o ) {
return o . _ _proto _ _ || Object . getPrototypeOf ( o ) ;
} ;
return _getPrototypeOf ( o ) ;
function _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object . setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) {
o . _ _proto _ _ = p ;
return o ;
} ;
return _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
function _isNativeReflectConstruct ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( typeof Reflect === "undefined" || ! Reflect . construct ) return false ;
if ( Reflect . construct . sham ) return false ;
if ( typeof Proxy === "function" ) return true ;
try {
Date . prototype . toString . call ( Reflect . construct ( Date , [ ] , function ( ) { } ) ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
function _construct ( Parent , args , Class ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
if ( _isNativeReflectConstruct ( ) ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_construct = Reflect . construct ;
} else {
_construct = function _construct ( Parent , args , Class ) {
var a = [ null ] ;
a . push . apply ( a , args ) ;
var Constructor = Function . bind . apply ( Parent , a ) ;
var instance = new Constructor ( ) ;
if ( Class ) _setPrototypeOf ( instance , Class . prototype ) ;
return instance ;
} ;
return _construct . apply ( null , arguments ) ;
function _isNativeFunction ( fn ) {
return Function . toString . call ( fn ) . indexOf ( "[native code]" ) !== - 1 ;
function _wrapNativeSuper ( Class ) {
var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map ( ) : undefined ;
_wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper ( Class ) {
if ( Class === null || ! _isNativeFunction ( Class ) ) return Class ;
if ( typeof Class !== "function" ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Super expression must either be null or a function" ) ;
if ( typeof _cache !== "undefined" ) {
if ( _cache . has ( Class ) ) return _cache . get ( Class ) ;
_cache . set ( Class , Wrapper ) ;
f unction Wrapper ( ) {
return _construct ( Class , arguments , _getPrototypeOf ( this ) . constructor ) ;
Wrapper . prototype = Object . create ( Class . prototype , {
constructor : {
value : Wrapper ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
return _setPrototypeOf ( Wrapper , Class ) ;
} ;
return _wrapNativeSuper ( Class ) ;
function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose ( source , excluded ) {
if ( source == null ) return { } ;
var target = { } ;
var sourceKeys = Object . keys ( source ) ;
var key , i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sourceKeys . length ; i ++ ) {
key = sourceKeys [ i ] ;
if ( excluded . indexOf ( key ) >= 0 ) continue ;
target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
function _unsupportedIterableToArray ( o , minLen ) {
if ( ! o ) return ;
if ( typeof o === "string" ) return _arrayLikeToArray ( o , minLen ) ;
var n = Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) ;
if ( n === "Object" && o . constructor ) n = o . constructor . name ;
if ( n === "Map" || n === "Set" ) return Array . from ( o ) ;
if ( n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/ . test ( n ) ) return _arrayLikeToArray ( o , minLen ) ;
function _arrayLikeToArray ( arr , len ) {
if ( len == null || len > arr . length ) len = arr . length ;
for ( var i = 0 , arr2 = new Array ( len ) ; i < len ; i ++ ) arr2 [ i ] = arr [ i ] ;
return arr2 ;
function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( o ) {
var i = 0 ;
if ( typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o [ Symbol . iterator ] == null ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( o ) || ( o = _unsupportedIterableToArray ( o ) ) ) return function ( ) {
if ( i >= o . length ) return {
done : true
} ;
return {
done : false ,
value : o [ i ++ ]
} ;
} ;
throw new TypeError ( "Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method." ) ;
i = o [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) ;
return i . next . bind ( i ) ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
// these aren't really private, but nor are they really useful to document
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var LuxonError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _Error ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( LuxonError , _Error ) ;
function LuxonError ( ) {
return _Error . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
return LuxonError ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
} ( /*#__PURE__*/ _wrapNativeSuper ( Error ) ) ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidDateTimeError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidDateTimeError , _LuxonError ) ;
function InvalidDateTimeError ( reason ) {
return _LuxonError . call ( this , "Invalid DateTime: " + reason . toMessage ( ) ) || this ;
return InvalidDateTimeError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidIntervalError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError2 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidIntervalError , _LuxonError2 ) ;
function InvalidIntervalError ( reason ) {
return _LuxonError2 . call ( this , "Invalid Interval: " + reason . toMessage ( ) ) || this ;
return InvalidIntervalError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidDurationError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError3 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidDurationError , _LuxonError3 ) ;
function InvalidDurationError ( reason ) {
return _LuxonError3 . call ( this , "Invalid Duration: " + reason . toMessage ( ) ) || this ;
return InvalidDurationError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var ConflictingSpecificationError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError4 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( ConflictingSpecificationError , _LuxonError4 ) ;
function ConflictingSpecificationError ( ) {
return _LuxonError4 . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
return ConflictingSpecificationError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidUnitError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError5 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidUnitError , _LuxonError5 ) ;
function InvalidUnitError ( unit ) {
return _LuxonError5 . call ( this , "Invalid unit " + unit ) || this ;
return InvalidUnitError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidArgumentError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError6 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidArgumentError , _LuxonError6 ) ;
function InvalidArgumentError ( ) {
return _LuxonError6 . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
return InvalidArgumentError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var ZoneIsAbstractError = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _LuxonError7 ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( ZoneIsAbstractError , _LuxonError7 ) ;
function ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) {
return _LuxonError7 . call ( this , "Zone is an abstract class" ) || this ;
return ZoneIsAbstractError ;
} ( LuxonError ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
var n = "numeric" ,
s = "short" ,
l = "long" ;
var DATE _SHORT = {
year : n ,
month : n ,
day : n
} ;
var DATE _MED = {
year : n ,
month : s ,
day : n
} ;
var DATE _FULL = {
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n
} ;
var DATE _HUGE = {
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n ,
weekday : l
} ;
var TIME _SIMPLE = {
hour : n ,
minute : n
} ;
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n
} ;
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
timeZoneName : s
} ;
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
timeZoneName : l
} ;
var TIME _24 _SIMPLE = {
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
hour12 : false
} ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } ; format like '09:30:23' , always 24 - hour .
* /
var TIME _24 _WITH _SECONDS = {
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
hour12 : false
} ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } ; format like '09:30:23 EDT' , always 24 - hour .
* /
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
hour12 : false ,
timeZoneName : s
} ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } ; format like '09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time' , always 24 - hour .
* /
var TIME _24 _WITH _LONG _OFFSET = {
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
hour12 : false ,
timeZoneName : l
} ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } ; format like '10/14/1983, 9:30 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* /
year : n ,
month : n ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n
} ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } ; format like '10/14/1983, 9:30:33 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* /
year : n ,
month : n ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n
} ;
year : n ,
month : s ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n
} ;
year : n ,
month : s ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n
} ;
year : n ,
month : s ,
day : n ,
weekday : s ,
hour : n ,
minute : n
} ;
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
timeZoneName : s
} ;
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
timeZoneName : s
} ;
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n ,
weekday : l ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
timeZoneName : l
} ;
year : n ,
month : l ,
day : n ,
weekday : l ,
hour : n ,
minute : n ,
second : n ,
timeZoneName : l
} ;
/ *
This is just a junk drawer , containing anything used across multiple classes .
Because Luxon is small ( ish ) , this should stay small and we won ' t worry about splitting
it up into , say , parsingUtil . js and basicUtil . js and so on . But they are divided up by feature area .
* /
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function isUndefined ( o ) {
return typeof o === "undefined" ;
function isNumber ( o ) {
return typeof o === "number" ;
function isInteger ( o ) {
return typeof o === "number" && o % 1 === 0 ;
function isString ( o ) {
return typeof o === "string" ;
function isDate ( o ) {
return Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) === "[object Date]" ;
function hasIntl ( ) {
try {
return typeof Intl !== "undefined" && Intl . DateTimeFormat ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
function hasFormatToParts ( ) {
return ! isUndefined ( Intl . DateTimeFormat . prototype . formatToParts ) ;
function hasRelative ( ) {
try {
return typeof Intl !== "undefined" && ! ! Intl . RelativeTimeFormat ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
function maybeArray ( thing ) {
return Array . isArray ( thing ) ? thing : [ thing ] ;
function bestBy ( arr , by , compare ) {
if ( arr . length === 0 ) {
return undefined ;
return arr . reduce ( function ( best , next ) {
var pair = [ by ( next ) , next ] ;
if ( ! best ) {
return pair ;
} else if ( compare ( best [ 0 ] , pair [ 0 ] ) === best [ 0 ] ) {
return best ;
} else {
return pair ;
} , null ) [ 1 ] ;
function pick ( obj , keys ) {
return keys . reduce ( function ( a , k ) {
a [ k ] = obj [ k ] ;
return a ;
} , { } ) ;
function hasOwnProperty ( obj , prop ) {
return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , prop ) ;
function integerBetween ( thing , bottom , top ) {
return isInteger ( thing ) && thing >= bottom && thing <= top ;
} // x % n but takes the sign of n instead of x
function floorMod ( x , n ) {
return x - n * Math . floor ( x / n ) ;
function padStart ( input , n ) {
if ( n === void 0 ) {
n = 2 ;
if ( input . toString ( ) . length < n ) {
return ( "0" . repeat ( n ) + input ) . slice ( - n ) ;
} else {
return input . toString ( ) ;
function parseInteger ( string ) {
if ( isUndefined ( string ) || string === null || string === "" ) {
return undefined ;
} else {
return parseInt ( string , 10 ) ;
function parseMillis ( fraction ) {
// Return undefined (instead of 0) in these cases, where fraction is not set
if ( isUndefined ( fraction ) || fraction === null || fraction === "" ) {
return undefined ;
} else {
var f = parseFloat ( "0." + fraction ) * 1000 ;
return Math . floor ( f ) ;
function roundTo ( number , digits , towardZero ) {
if ( towardZero === void 0 ) {
towardZero = false ;
var factor = Math . pow ( 10 , digits ) ,
rounder = towardZero ? Math . trunc : Math . round ;
return rounder ( number * factor ) / factor ;
function isLeapYear ( year ) {
return year % 4 === 0 && ( year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0 ) ;
function daysInYear ( year ) {
return isLeapYear ( year ) ? 366 : 365 ;
function daysInMonth ( year , month ) {
var modMonth = floorMod ( month - 1 , 12 ) + 1 ,
modYear = year + ( month - modMonth ) / 12 ;
if ( modMonth === 2 ) {
return isLeapYear ( modYear ) ? 29 : 28 ;
} else {
return [ 31 , null , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 ] [ modMonth - 1 ] ;
} // covert a calendar object to a local timestamp (epoch, but with the offset baked in)
function objToLocalTS ( obj ) {
var d = Date . UTC ( obj . year , obj . month - 1 , obj . day , obj . hour , obj . minute , obj . second , obj . millisecond ) ; // for legacy reasons, years between 0 and 99 are interpreted as 19XX; revert that
if ( obj . year < 100 && obj . year >= 0 ) {
d = new Date ( d ) ;
d . setUTCFullYear ( d . getUTCFullYear ( ) - 1900 ) ;
return + d ;
function weeksInWeekYear ( weekYear ) {
var p1 = ( weekYear + Math . floor ( weekYear / 4 ) - Math . floor ( weekYear / 100 ) + Math . floor ( weekYear / 400 ) ) % 7 ,
last = weekYear - 1 ,
p2 = ( last + Math . floor ( last / 4 ) - Math . floor ( last / 100 ) + Math . floor ( last / 400 ) ) % 7 ;
return p1 === 4 || p2 === 3 ? 53 : 52 ;
function untruncateYear ( year ) {
if ( year > 99 ) {
return year ;
} else return year > 60 ? 1900 + year : 2000 + year ;
function parseZoneInfo ( ts , offsetFormat , locale , timeZone ) {
if ( timeZone === void 0 ) {
timeZone = null ;
var date = new Date ( ts ) ,
intlOpts = {
hour12 : false ,
year : "numeric" ,
month : "2-digit" ,
day : "2-digit" ,
hour : "2-digit" ,
minute : "2-digit"
} ;
if ( timeZone ) {
intlOpts . timeZone = timeZone ;
var modified = Object . assign ( {
timeZoneName : offsetFormat
} , intlOpts ) ,
intl = hasIntl ( ) ;
if ( intl && hasFormatToParts ( ) ) {
var parsed = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( locale , modified ) . formatToParts ( date ) . find ( function ( m ) {
return m . type . toLowerCase ( ) === "timezonename" ;
} ) ;
return parsed ? parsed . value : null ;
} else if ( intl ) {
// this probably doesn't work for all locales
var without = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( locale , intlOpts ) . format ( date ) ,
included = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( locale , modified ) . format ( date ) ,
diffed = included . substring ( without . length ) ,
trimmed = diffed . replace ( /^[, \u200e]+/ , "" ) ;
return trimmed ;
} else {
return null ;
} // signedOffset('-5', '30') -> -330
function signedOffset ( offHourStr , offMinuteStr ) {
var offHour = parseInt ( offHourStr , 10 ) ; // don't || this because we want to preserve -0
if ( Number . isNaN ( offHour ) ) {
offHour = 0 ;
var offMin = parseInt ( offMinuteStr , 10 ) || 0 ,
offMinSigned = offHour < 0 || Object . is ( offHour , - 0 ) ? - offMin : offMin ;
return offHour * 60 + offMinSigned ;
function asNumber ( value ) {
var numericValue = Number ( value ) ;
if ( typeof value === "boolean" || value === "" || Number . isNaN ( numericValue ) ) throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "Invalid unit value " + value ) ;
return numericValue ;
function normalizeObject ( obj , normalizer , nonUnitKeys ) {
var normalized = { } ;
for ( var u in obj ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty ( obj , u ) ) {
if ( nonUnitKeys . indexOf ( u ) >= 0 ) continue ;
var v = obj [ u ] ;
if ( v === undefined || v === null ) continue ;
normalized [ normalizer ( u ) ] = asNumber ( v ) ;
return normalized ;
function formatOffset ( offset , format ) {
var hours = Math . trunc ( offset / 60 ) ,
minutes = Math . abs ( offset % 60 ) ,
sign = hours >= 0 && ! Object . is ( hours , - 0 ) ? "+" : "-" ,
base = "" + sign + Math . abs ( hours ) ;
switch ( format ) {
case "short" :
return "" + sign + padStart ( Math . abs ( hours ) , 2 ) + ":" + padStart ( minutes , 2 ) ;
case "narrow" :
return minutes > 0 ? base + ":" + minutes : base ;
case "techie" :
return "" + sign + padStart ( Math . abs ( hours ) , 2 ) + padStart ( minutes , 2 ) ;
default :
throw new RangeError ( "Value format " + format + " is out of range for property format" ) ;
function timeObject ( obj ) {
return pick ( obj , [ "hour" , "minute" , "second" , "millisecond" ] ) ;
var ianaRegex = /[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256}(:?\/[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256}(\/[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256})?)?/ ;
function stringify ( obj ) {
return JSON . stringify ( obj , Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
var monthsLong = [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" ] ;
var monthsShort = [ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec" ] ;
var monthsNarrow = [ "J" , "F" , "M" , "A" , "M" , "J" , "J" , "A" , "S" , "O" , "N" , "D" ] ;
function months ( length ) {
switch ( length ) {
case "narrow" :
return monthsNarrow ;
case "short" :
return monthsShort ;
case "long" :
return monthsLong ;
case "numeric" :
return [ "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "10" , "11" , "12" ] ;
case "2-digit" :
return [ "01" , "02" , "03" , "04" , "05" , "06" , "07" , "08" , "09" , "10" , "11" , "12" ] ;
default :
return null ;
var weekdaysLong = [ "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" , "Sunday" ] ;
var weekdaysShort = [ "Mon" , "Tue" , "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri" , "Sat" , "Sun" ] ;
var weekdaysNarrow = [ "M" , "T" , "W" , "T" , "F" , "S" , "S" ] ;
function weekdays ( length ) {
switch ( length ) {
case "narrow" :
return weekdaysNarrow ;
case "short" :
return weekdaysShort ;
case "long" :
return weekdaysLong ;
case "numeric" :
return [ "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" ] ;
default :
return null ;
var meridiems = [ "AM" , "PM" ] ;
var erasLong = [ "Before Christ" , "Anno Domini" ] ;
var erasShort = [ "BC" , "AD" ] ;
var erasNarrow = [ "B" , "A" ] ;
function eras ( length ) {
switch ( length ) {
case "narrow" :
return erasNarrow ;
case "short" :
return erasShort ;
case "long" :
return erasLong ;
default :
return null ;
function meridiemForDateTime ( dt ) {
return meridiems [ dt . hour < 12 ? 0 : 1 ] ;
function weekdayForDateTime ( dt , length ) {
return weekdays ( length ) [ dt . weekday - 1 ] ;
function monthForDateTime ( dt , length ) {
return months ( length ) [ dt . month - 1 ] ;
function eraForDateTime ( dt , length ) {
return eras ( length ) [ dt . year < 0 ? 0 : 1 ] ;
function formatRelativeTime ( unit , count , numeric , narrow ) {
if ( numeric === void 0 ) {
numeric = "always" ;
if ( narrow === void 0 ) {
narrow = false ;
var units = {
years : [ "year" , "yr." ] ,
quarters : [ "quarter" , "qtr." ] ,
months : [ "month" , "mo." ] ,
weeks : [ "week" , "wk." ] ,
days : [ "day" , "day" , "days" ] ,
hours : [ "hour" , "hr." ] ,
minutes : [ "minute" , "min." ] ,
seconds : [ "second" , "sec." ]
} ;
var lastable = [ "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" ] . indexOf ( unit ) === - 1 ;
if ( numeric === "auto" && lastable ) {
var isDay = unit === "days" ;
switch ( count ) {
case 1 :
return isDay ? "tomorrow" : "next " + units [ unit ] [ 0 ] ;
case - 1 :
return isDay ? "yesterday" : "last " + units [ unit ] [ 0 ] ;
case 0 :
return isDay ? "today" : "this " + units [ unit ] [ 0 ] ;
var isInPast = Object . is ( count , - 0 ) || count < 0 ,
fmtValue = Math . abs ( count ) ,
singular = fmtValue === 1 ,
lilUnits = units [ unit ] ,
fmtUnit = narrow ? singular ? lilUnits [ 1 ] : lilUnits [ 2 ] || lilUnits [ 1 ] : singular ? units [ unit ] [ 0 ] : unit ;
return isInPast ? fmtValue + " " + fmtUnit + " ago" : "in " + fmtValue + " " + fmtUnit ;
function formatString ( knownFormat ) {
// these all have the offsets removed because we don't have access to them
// without all the intl stuff this is backfilling
var filtered = pick ( knownFormat , [ "weekday" , "era" , "year" , "month" , "day" , "hour" , "minute" , "second" , "timeZoneName" , "hour12" ] ) ,
key = stringify ( filtered ) ,
dateTimeHuge = "EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm a" ;
switch ( key ) {
case stringify ( DATE _SHORT ) :
return "M/d/yyyy" ;
case stringify ( DATE _MED ) :
return "LLL d, yyyy" ;
case stringify ( DATE _FULL ) :
return "LLLL d, yyyy" ;
case stringify ( DATE _HUGE ) :
return "EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy" ;
case stringify ( TIME _SIMPLE ) :
return "h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( TIME _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "h:mm:ss a" ;
case stringify ( TIME _WITH _SHORT _OFFSET ) :
return "h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( TIME _WITH _LONG _OFFSET ) :
return "h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( TIME _24 _SIMPLE ) :
return "HH:mm" ;
case stringify ( TIME _24 _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "HH:mm:ss" ;
case stringify ( TIME _24 _WITH _SHORT _OFFSET ) :
return "HH:mm" ;
case stringify ( TIME _24 _WITH _LONG _OFFSET ) :
return "HH:mm" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _SHORT ) :
return "M/d/yyyy, h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _MED ) :
return "LLL d, yyyy, h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _FULL ) :
return "LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _HUGE ) :
return dateTimeHuge ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _SHORT _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "M/d/yyyy, h:mm:ss a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _MED _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "LLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _MED _WITH _WEEKDAY ) :
return "EEE, d LLL yyyy, h:mm a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _FULL _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a" ;
case stringify ( DATETIME _HUGE _WITH _SECONDS ) :
return "EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a" ;
default :
return dateTimeHuge ;
function stringifyTokens ( splits , tokenToString ) {
var s = "" ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( splits ) , _step ; ! ( _step = _iterator ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var token = _step . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( token . literal ) {
s += token . val ;
} else {
s += tokenToString ( token . val ) ;
return s ;
var _macroTokenToFormatOpts = {
T : TIME _24 _SIMPLE ,
} ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Formatter = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
Formatter . create = function create ( locale , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return new Formatter ( locale , opts ) ;
} ;
Formatter . parseFormat = function parseFormat ( fmt ) {
var current = null ,
currentFull = "" ,
bracketed = false ;
var splits = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < fmt . length ; i ++ ) {
var c = fmt . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( c === "'" ) {
if ( currentFull . length > 0 ) {
splits . push ( {
literal : bracketed ,
val : currentFull
} ) ;
current = null ;
currentFull = "" ;
bracketed = ! bracketed ;
} else if ( bracketed ) {
currentFull += c ;
} else if ( c === current ) {
currentFull += c ;
} else {
if ( currentFull . length > 0 ) {
splits . push ( {
literal : false ,
val : currentFull
} ) ;
currentFull = c ;
current = c ;
if ( currentFull . length > 0 ) {
splits . push ( {
literal : bracketed ,
val : currentFull
} ) ;
return splits ;
} ;
Formatter . macroTokenToFormatOpts = function macroTokenToFormatOpts ( token ) {
return _macroTokenToFormatOpts [ token ] ;
} ;
function Formatter ( locale , formatOpts ) {
this . opts = formatOpts ;
this . loc = locale ;
this . systemLoc = null ;
var _proto = Formatter . prototype ;
_proto . formatWithSystemDefault = function formatWithSystemDefault ( dt , opts ) {
if ( this . systemLoc === null ) {
this . systemLoc = this . loc . redefaultToSystem ( ) ;
var df = this . systemLoc . dtFormatter ( dt , Object . assign ( { } , this . opts , opts ) ) ;
return df . format ( ) ;
} ;
_proto . formatDateTime = function formatDateTime ( dt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var df = this . loc . dtFormatter ( dt , Object . assign ( { } , this . opts , opts ) ) ;
return df . format ( ) ;
} ;
_proto . formatDateTimeParts = function formatDateTimeParts ( dt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var df = this . loc . dtFormatter ( dt , Object . assign ( { } , this . opts , opts ) ) ;
return df . formatToParts ( ) ;
} ;
_proto . resolvedOptions = function resolvedOptions ( dt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var df = this . loc . dtFormatter ( dt , Object . assign ( { } , this . opts , opts ) ) ;
return df . resolvedOptions ( ) ;
} ;
_proto . num = function num ( n , p ) {
if ( p === void 0 ) {
p = 0 ;
// we get some perf out of doing this here, annoyingly
if ( this . opts . forceSimple ) {
return padStart ( n , p ) ;
var opts = Object . assign ( { } , this . opts ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) {
opts . padTo = p ;
return this . loc . numberFormatter ( opts ) . format ( n ) ;
} ;
_proto . formatDateTimeFromString = function formatDateTimeFromString ( dt , fmt ) {
var _this = this ;
var knownEnglish = this . loc . listingMode ( ) === "en" ,
useDateTimeFormatter = this . loc . outputCalendar && this . loc . outputCalendar !== "gregory" && hasFormatToParts ( ) ,
string = function string ( opts , extract ) {
return _this . loc . extract ( dt , opts , extract ) ;
} ,
formatOffset = function formatOffset ( opts ) {
if ( dt . isOffsetFixed && dt . offset === 0 && opts . allowZ ) {
return "Z" ;
return dt . isValid ? dt . zone . formatOffset ( dt . ts , opts . format ) : "" ;
} ,
meridiem = function meridiem ( ) {
return knownEnglish ? meridiemForDateTime ( dt ) : string ( {
hour : "numeric" ,
hour12 : true
} , "dayperiod" ) ;
} ,
month = function month ( length , standalone ) {
return knownEnglish ? monthForDateTime ( dt , length ) : string ( standalone ? {
month : length
} : {
month : length ,
day : "numeric"
} , "month" ) ;
} ,
weekday = function weekday ( length , standalone ) {
return knownEnglish ? weekdayForDateTime ( dt , length ) : string ( standalone ? {
weekday : length
} : {
weekday : length ,
month : "long" ,
day : "numeric"
} , "weekday" ) ;
} ,
maybeMacro = function maybeMacro ( token ) {
var formatOpts = Formatter . macroTokenToFormatOpts ( token ) ;
if ( formatOpts ) {
return _this . formatWithSystemDefault ( dt , formatOpts ) ;
} else {
return token ;
} ,
era = function era ( length ) {
return knownEnglish ? eraForDateTime ( dt , length ) : string ( {
era : length
} , "era" ) ;
} ,
tokenToString = function tokenToString ( token ) {
// Where possible: http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/date-time#TOC-Stand-Alone-vs.-Format-Styles
switch ( token ) {
// ms
case "S" :
return _this . num ( dt . millisecond ) ;
case "u" : // falls through
case "SSS" :
return _this . num ( dt . millisecond , 3 ) ;
// seconds
case "s" :
return _this . num ( dt . second ) ;
case "ss" :
return _this . num ( dt . second , 2 ) ;
// minutes
case "m" :
return _this . num ( dt . minute ) ;
case "mm" :
return _this . num ( dt . minute , 2 ) ;
// hours
case "h" :
return _this . num ( dt . hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt . hour % 12 ) ;
case "hh" :
return _this . num ( dt . hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt . hour % 12 , 2 ) ;
case "H" :
return _this . num ( dt . hour ) ;
case "HH" :
return _this . num ( dt . hour , 2 ) ;
// offset
case "Z" :
// like +6
return formatOffset ( {
format : "narrow" ,
allowZ : _this . opts . allowZ
} ) ;
case "ZZ" :
// like +06:00
return formatOffset ( {
format : "short" ,
allowZ : _this . opts . allowZ
} ) ;
case "ZZZ" :
// like +0600
return formatOffset ( {
format : "techie" ,
allowZ : _this . opts . allowZ
} ) ;
case "ZZZZ" :
// like EST
return dt . zone . offsetName ( dt . ts , {
format : "short" ,
locale : _this . loc . locale
} ) ;
case "ZZZZZ" :
// like Eastern Standard Time
return dt . zone . offsetName ( dt . ts , {
format : "long" ,
locale : _this . loc . locale
} ) ;
// zone
case "z" :
// like America/New_York
return dt . zoneName ;
// meridiems
case "a" :
return meridiem ( ) ;
// dates
case "d" :
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
day : "numeric"
} , "day" ) : _this . num ( dt . day ) ;
case "dd" :
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
day : "2-digit"
} , "day" ) : _this . num ( dt . day , 2 ) ;
// weekdays - standalone
case "c" :
// like 1
return _this . num ( dt . weekday ) ;
case "ccc" :
// like 'Tues'
return weekday ( "short" , true ) ;
case "cccc" :
// like 'Tuesday'
return weekday ( "long" , true ) ;
case "ccccc" :
// like 'T'
return weekday ( "narrow" , true ) ;
// weekdays - format
case "E" :
// like 1
return _this . num ( dt . weekday ) ;
case "EEE" :
// like 'Tues'
return weekday ( "short" , false ) ;
case "EEEE" :
// like 'Tuesday'
return weekday ( "long" , false ) ;
case "EEEEE" :
// like 'T'
return weekday ( "narrow" , false ) ;
// months - standalone
case "L" :
// like 1
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
month : "numeric" ,
day : "numeric"
} , "month" ) : _this . num ( dt . month ) ;
case "LL" :
// like 01, doesn't seem to work
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
month : "2-digit" ,
day : "numeric"
} , "month" ) : _this . num ( dt . month , 2 ) ;
case "LLL" :
// like Jan
return month ( "short" , true ) ;
case "LLLL" :
// like January
return month ( "long" , true ) ;
case "LLLLL" :
// like J
return month ( "narrow" , true ) ;
// months - format
case "M" :
// like 1
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
month : "numeric"
} , "month" ) : _this . num ( dt . month ) ;
case "MM" :
// like 01
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
month : "2-digit"
} , "month" ) : _this . num ( dt . month , 2 ) ;
case "MMM" :
// like Jan
return month ( "short" , false ) ;
case "MMMM" :
// like January
return month ( "long" , false ) ;
case "MMMMM" :
// like J
return month ( "narrow" , false ) ;
// years
case "y" :
// like 2014
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
year : "numeric"
} , "year" ) : _this . num ( dt . year ) ;
case "yy" :
// like 14
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
year : "2-digit"
} , "year" ) : _this . num ( dt . year . toString ( ) . slice ( - 2 ) , 2 ) ;
case "yyyy" :
// like 0012
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
year : "numeric"
} , "year" ) : _this . num ( dt . year , 4 ) ;
case "yyyyyy" :
// like 000012
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string ( {
year : "numeric"
} , "year" ) : _this . num ( dt . year , 6 ) ;
// eras
case "G" :
// like AD
return era ( "short" ) ;
case "GG" :
// like Anno Domini
return era ( "long" ) ;
case "GGGGG" :
return era ( "narrow" ) ;
case "kk" :
return _this . num ( dt . weekYear . toString ( ) . slice ( - 2 ) , 2 ) ;
case "kkkk" :
return _this . num ( dt . weekYear , 4 ) ;
case "W" :
return _this . num ( dt . weekNumber ) ;
case "WW" :
return _this . num ( dt . weekNumber , 2 ) ;
case "o" :
return _this . num ( dt . ordinal ) ;
case "ooo" :
return _this . num ( dt . ordinal , 3 ) ;
case "q" :
// like 1
return _this . num ( dt . quarter ) ;
case "qq" :
// like 01
return _this . num ( dt . quarter , 2 ) ;
case "X" :
return _this . num ( Math . floor ( dt . ts / 1000 ) ) ;
case "x" :
return _this . num ( dt . ts ) ;
default :
return maybeMacro ( token ) ;
} ;
return stringifyTokens ( Formatter . parseFormat ( fmt ) , tokenToString ) ;
} ;
_proto . formatDurationFromString = function formatDurationFromString ( dur , fmt ) {
var _this2 = this ;
var tokenToField = function tokenToField ( token ) {
switch ( token [ 0 ] ) {
case "S" :
return "millisecond" ;
case "s" :
return "second" ;
case "m" :
return "minute" ;
case "h" :
return "hour" ;
case "d" :
return "day" ;
case "M" :
return "month" ;
case "y" :
return "year" ;
default :
return null ;
} ,
tokenToString = function tokenToString ( lildur ) {
return function ( token ) {
var mapped = tokenToField ( token ) ;
if ( mapped ) {
return _this2 . num ( lildur . get ( mapped ) , token . length ) ;
} else {
return token ;
} ;
} ,
tokens = Formatter . parseFormat ( fmt ) ,
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
realTokens = tokens . reduce ( function ( found , _ref ) {
var literal = _ref . literal ,
val = _ref . val ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
return literal ? found : found . concat ( val ) ;
} , [ ] ) ,
collapsed = dur . shiftTo . apply ( dur , realTokens . map ( tokenToField ) . filter ( function ( t ) {
return t ;
} ) ) ;
return stringifyTokens ( tokens , tokenToString ( collapsed ) ) ;
} ;
return Formatter ;
} ( ) ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Invalid = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function Invalid ( reason , explanation ) {
this . reason = reason ;
this . explanation = explanation ;
var _proto = Invalid . prototype ;
_proto . toMessage = function toMessage ( ) {
if ( this . explanation ) {
return this . reason + ": " + this . explanation ;
} else {
return this . reason ;
} ;
return Invalid ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ interface
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Zone = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function Zone ( ) { }
var _proto = Zone . prototype ;
/ * *
* Returns the offset ' s common name ( such as EST ) at the specified timestamp
* @ abstract
* @ param { number } ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the name
* @ param { Object } opts - Options to affect the format
* @ param { string } opts . format - What style of offset to return . Accepts 'long' or 'short' .
* @ param { string } opts . locale - What locale to return the offset name in .
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . offsetName = function offsetName ( ts , opts ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the offset ' s value as a string
* @ abstract
* @ param { number } ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the offset
* @ param { string } format - What style of offset to return .
* Accepts 'narrow' , 'short' , or 'techie' . Returning '+6' , '+06:00' , or '+0600' respectively
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . formatOffset = function formatOffset ( ts , format ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return the offset in minutes for this zone at the specified timestamp .
* @ abstract
* @ param { number } ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to compute the offset
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . offset = function offset ( ts ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Zone is equal to another zone
* @ abstract
* @ param { Zone } otherZone - the zone to compare
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . equals = function equals ( otherZone ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Zone is valid .
* @ abstract
* @ type { boolean }
* /
_createClass ( Zone , [ {
key : "type" ,
/ * *
* The type of zone
* @ abstract
* @ type { string }
* /
get : function get ( ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* The name of this zone .
* @ abstract
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "name" ,
get : function get ( ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns whether the offset is known to be fixed for the whole year .
* @ abstract
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "universal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError ( ) ;
} ] ) ;
return Zone ;
} ( ) ;
var singleton = null ;
/ * *
* Represents the local zone for this Javascript environment .
* @ implements { Zone }
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var LocalZone = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _Zone ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( LocalZone , _Zone ) ;
function LocalZone ( ) {
return _Zone . apply ( this , arguments ) || this ;
var _proto = LocalZone . prototype ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offsetName = function offsetName ( ts , _ref ) {
var format = _ref . format ,
locale = _ref . locale ;
return parseZoneInfo ( ts , format , locale ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . formatOffset = function formatOffset$1 ( ts , format ) {
return formatOffset ( this . offset ( ts ) , format ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offset = function offset ( ts ) {
return - new Date ( ts ) . getTimezoneOffset ( ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . equals = function equals ( otherZone ) {
return otherZone . type === "local" ;
/** @override **/
_createClass ( LocalZone , [ {
key : "type" ,
/** @override **/
get : function get ( ) {
return "local" ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "name" ,
get : function get ( ) {
if ( hasIntl ( ) ) {
return new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( ) . resolvedOptions ( ) . timeZone ;
} else return "local" ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "universal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return false ;
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return true ;
} ] , [ {
key : "instance" ,
/ * *
* Get a singleton instance of the local zone
* @ return { LocalZone }
* /
get : function get ( ) {
if ( singleton === null ) {
singleton = new LocalZone ( ) ;
return singleton ;
} ] ) ;
return LocalZone ;
} ( Zone ) ;
var matchingRegex = RegExp ( "^" + ianaRegex . source + "$" ) ;
var dtfCache = { } ;
function makeDTF ( zone ) {
if ( ! dtfCache [ zone ] ) {
dtfCache [ zone ] = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( "en-US" , {
hour12 : false ,
timeZone : zone ,
year : "numeric" ,
month : "2-digit" ,
day : "2-digit" ,
hour : "2-digit" ,
minute : "2-digit" ,
second : "2-digit"
} ) ;
return dtfCache [ zone ] ;
var typeToPos = {
year : 0 ,
month : 1 ,
day : 2 ,
hour : 3 ,
minute : 4 ,
second : 5
} ;
function hackyOffset ( dtf , date ) {
var formatted = dtf . format ( date ) . replace ( /\u200E/g , "" ) ,
parsed = /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+),? (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ . exec ( formatted ) ,
fMonth = parsed [ 1 ] ,
fDay = parsed [ 2 ] ,
fYear = parsed [ 3 ] ,
fHour = parsed [ 4 ] ,
fMinute = parsed [ 5 ] ,
fSecond = parsed [ 6 ] ;
return [ fYear , fMonth , fDay , fHour , fMinute , fSecond ] ;
function partsOffset ( dtf , date ) {
var formatted = dtf . formatToParts ( date ) ,
filled = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < formatted . length ; i ++ ) {
var _formatted$i = formatted [ i ] ,
type = _formatted$i . type ,
value = _formatted$i . value ,
pos = typeToPos [ type ] ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( pos ) ) {
filled [ pos ] = parseInt ( value , 10 ) ;
return filled ;
var ianaZoneCache = { } ;
/ * *
* A zone identified by an IANA identifier , like America / New _York
* @ implements { Zone }
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var IANAZone = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _Zone ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( IANAZone , _Zone ) ;
/ * *
* @ param { string } name - Zone name
* @ return { IANAZone }
* /
IANAZone . create = function create ( name ) {
if ( ! ianaZoneCache [ name ] ) {
ianaZoneCache [ name ] = new IANAZone ( name ) ;
return ianaZoneCache [ name ] ;
/ * *
* Reset local caches . Should only be necessary in testing scenarios .
* @ return { void }
* /
IANAZone . resetCache = function resetCache ( ) {
ianaZoneCache = { } ;
dtfCache = { } ;
/ * *
* Returns whether the provided string is a valid specifier . This only checks the string ' s format , not that the specifier identifies a known zone ; see isValidZone for that .
* @ param { string } s - The string to check validity on
* @ example IANAZone . isValidSpecifier ( "America/New_York" ) //=> true
* @ example IANAZone . isValidSpecifier ( "Fantasia/Castle" ) //=> true
* @ example IANAZone . isValidSpecifier ( "Sport~~blorp" ) //=> false
* @ return { boolean }
* /
IANAZone . isValidSpecifier = function isValidSpecifier ( s ) {
return ! ! ( s && s . match ( matchingRegex ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns whether the provided string identifies a real zone
* @ param { string } zone - The string to check
* @ example IANAZone . isValidZone ( "America/New_York" ) //=> true
* @ example IANAZone . isValidZone ( "Fantasia/Castle" ) //=> false
* @ example IANAZone . isValidZone ( "Sport~~blorp" ) //=> false
* @ return { boolean }
* /
IANAZone . isValidZone = function isValidZone ( zone ) {
try {
new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( "en-US" , {
timeZone : zone
} ) . format ( ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
} // Etc/GMT+8 -> -480
/** @ignore */
IANAZone . parseGMTOffset = function parseGMTOffset ( specifier ) {
if ( specifier ) {
var match = specifier . match ( /^Etc\/GMT([+-]\d{1,2})$/i ) ;
if ( match ) {
return - 60 * parseInt ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
return null ;
} ;
function IANAZone ( name ) {
var _this ;
_this = _Zone . call ( this ) || this ;
/** @private **/
_this . zoneName = name ;
/** @private **/
_this . valid = IANAZone . isValidZone ( name ) ;
return _this ;
/** @override **/
var _proto = IANAZone . prototype ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offsetName = function offsetName ( ts , _ref ) {
var format = _ref . format ,
locale = _ref . locale ;
return parseZoneInfo ( ts , format , locale , this . name ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . formatOffset = function formatOffset$1 ( ts , format ) {
return formatOffset ( this . offset ( ts ) , format ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offset = function offset ( ts ) {
var date = new Date ( ts ) ,
dtf = makeDTF ( this . name ) ,
_ref2 = dtf . formatToParts ? partsOffset ( dtf , date ) : hackyOffset ( dtf , date ) ,
year = _ref2 [ 0 ] ,
month = _ref2 [ 1 ] ,
day = _ref2 [ 2 ] ,
hour = _ref2 [ 3 ] ,
minute = _ref2 [ 4 ] ,
second = _ref2 [ 5 ] ,
adjustedHour = hour === 24 ? 0 : hour ;
var asUTC = objToLocalTS ( {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : day ,
hour : adjustedHour ,
minute : minute ,
second : second ,
millisecond : 0
} ) ;
var asTS = + date ;
var over = asTS % 1000 ;
asTS -= over >= 0 ? over : 1000 + over ;
return ( asUTC - asTS ) / ( 60 * 1000 ) ;
/** @override **/
_proto . equals = function equals ( otherZone ) {
return otherZone . type === "iana" && otherZone . name === this . name ;
/** @override **/
_createClass ( IANAZone , [ {
key : "type" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return "iana" ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "name" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . zoneName ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "universal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return false ;
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . valid ;
} ] ) ;
return IANAZone ;
} ( Zone ) ;
var singleton$1 = null ;
/ * *
* A zone with a fixed offset ( meaning no DST )
* @ implements { Zone }
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var FixedOffsetZone = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _Zone ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( FixedOffsetZone , _Zone ) ;
/ * *
* Get an instance with a specified offset
* @ param { number } offset - The offset in minutes
* @ return { FixedOffsetZone }
* /
FixedOffsetZone . instance = function instance ( offset ) {
return offset === 0 ? FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance : new FixedOffsetZone ( offset ) ;
/ * *
* Get an instance of FixedOffsetZone from a UTC offset string , like "UTC+6"
* @ param { string } s - The offset string to parse
* @ example FixedOffsetZone . parseSpecifier ( "UTC+6" )
* @ example FixedOffsetZone . parseSpecifier ( "UTC+06" )
* @ example FixedOffsetZone . parseSpecifier ( "UTC-6:00" )
* @ return { FixedOffsetZone }
* /
FixedOffsetZone . parseSpecifier = function parseSpecifier ( s ) {
if ( s ) {
var r = s . match ( /^utc(?:([+-]\d{1,2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?$/i ) ;
if ( r ) {
return new FixedOffsetZone ( signedOffset ( r [ 1 ] , r [ 2 ] ) ) ;
return null ;
} ;
_createClass ( FixedOffsetZone , null , [ {
key : "utcInstance" ,
/ * *
* Get a singleton instance of UTC
* @ return { FixedOffsetZone }
* /
get : function get ( ) {
if ( singleton$1 === null ) {
singleton$1 = new FixedOffsetZone ( 0 ) ;
return singleton$1 ;
} ] ) ;
function FixedOffsetZone ( offset ) {
var _this ;
_this = _Zone . call ( this ) || this ;
/** @private **/
_this . fixed = offset ;
return _this ;
/** @override **/
var _proto = FixedOffsetZone . prototype ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offsetName = function offsetName ( ) {
return this . name ;
/** @override **/
_proto . formatOffset = function formatOffset$1 ( ts , format ) {
return formatOffset ( this . fixed , format ) ;
/** @override **/
/** @override **/
_proto . offset = function offset ( ) {
return this . fixed ;
/** @override **/
_proto . equals = function equals ( otherZone ) {
return otherZone . type === "fixed" && otherZone . fixed === this . fixed ;
/** @override **/
_createClass ( FixedOffsetZone , [ {
key : "type" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return "fixed" ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "name" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . fixed === 0 ? "UTC" : "UTC" + formatOffset ( this . fixed , "narrow" ) ;
} , {
key : "universal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return true ;
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return true ;
} ] ) ;
return FixedOffsetZone ;
} ( Zone ) ;
/ * *
* A zone that failed to parse . You should never need to instantiate this .
* @ implements { Zone }
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var InvalidZone = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( _Zone ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
_inheritsLoose ( InvalidZone , _Zone ) ;
function InvalidZone ( zoneName ) {
var _this ;
_this = _Zone . call ( this ) || this ;
/** @private */
_this . zoneName = zoneName ;
return _this ;
/** @override **/
var _proto = InvalidZone . prototype ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offsetName = function offsetName ( ) {
return null ;
/** @override **/
_proto . formatOffset = function formatOffset ( ) {
return "" ;
/** @override **/
_proto . offset = function offset ( ) {
return NaN ;
/** @override **/
_proto . equals = function equals ( ) {
return false ;
/** @override **/
_createClass ( InvalidZone , [ {
key : "type" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return "invalid" ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "name" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . zoneName ;
/** @override **/
} , {
key : "universal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return false ;
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return false ;
} ] ) ;
return InvalidZone ;
} ( Zone ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function normalizeZone ( input , defaultZone ) {
var offset ;
if ( isUndefined ( input ) || input === null ) {
return defaultZone ;
} else if ( input instanceof Zone ) {
return input ;
} else if ( isString ( input ) ) {
var lowered = input . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( lowered === "local" ) return defaultZone ; else if ( lowered === "utc" || lowered === "gmt" ) return FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance ; else if ( ( offset = IANAZone . parseGMTOffset ( input ) ) != null ) {
// handle Etc/GMT-4, which V8 chokes on
return FixedOffsetZone . instance ( offset ) ;
} else if ( IANAZone . isValidSpecifier ( lowered ) ) return IANAZone . create ( input ) ; else return FixedOffsetZone . parseSpecifier ( lowered ) || new InvalidZone ( input ) ;
} else if ( isNumber ( input ) ) {
return FixedOffsetZone . instance ( input ) ;
} else if ( typeof input === "object" && input . offset && typeof input . offset === "number" ) {
// This is dumb, but the instanceof check above doesn't seem to really work
// so we're duck checking it
return input ;
} else {
return new InvalidZone ( input ) ;
var now = function now ( ) {
return Date . now ( ) ;
} ,
defaultZone = null ,
// not setting this directly to LocalZone.instance bc loading order issues
defaultLocale = null ,
defaultNumberingSystem = null ,
defaultOutputCalendar = null ,
throwOnInvalid = false ;
/ * *
* Settings contains static getters and setters that control Luxon ' s overall behavior . Luxon is a simple library with few options , but the ones it does have live here .
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Settings = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function Settings ( ) { }
/ * *
* Reset Luxon ' s global caches . Should only be necessary in testing scenarios .
* @ return { void }
* /
Settings . resetCaches = function resetCaches ( ) {
Locale . resetCache ( ) ;
IANAZone . resetCache ( ) ;
} ;
_createClass ( Settings , null , [ {
key : "now" ,
/ * *
* Get the callback for returning the current timestamp .
* @ type { function }
* /
get : function get ( ) {
return now ;
/ * *
* Set the callback for returning the current timestamp .
* The function should return a number , which will be interpreted as an Epoch millisecond count
* @ type { function }
* @ example Settings . now = ( ) => Date . now ( ) + 3000 // pretend it is 3 seconds in the future
* @ example Settings . now = ( ) => 0 // always pretend it's Jan 1, 1970 at midnight in UTC time
* /
set : function set ( n ) {
now = n ;
/ * *
* Get the default time zone to create DateTimes in .
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "defaultZoneName" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return Settings . defaultZone . name ;
/ * *
* Set the default time zone to create DateTimes in . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
set : function set ( z ) {
if ( ! z ) {
defaultZone = null ;
} else {
defaultZone = normalizeZone ( z ) ;
/ * *
* Get the default time zone object to create DateTimes in . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { Zone }
* /
} , {
key : "defaultZone" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return defaultZone || LocalZone . instance ;
/ * *
* Get the default locale to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "defaultLocale" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return defaultLocale ;
/ * *
* Set the default locale to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
set : function set ( locale ) {
defaultLocale = locale ;
/ * *
* Get the default numbering system to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "defaultNumberingSystem" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return defaultNumberingSystem ;
/ * *
* Set the default numbering system to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
set : function set ( numberingSystem ) {
defaultNumberingSystem = numberingSystem ;
/ * *
* Get the default output calendar to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "defaultOutputCalendar" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return defaultOutputCalendar ;
/ * *
* Set the default output calendar to create DateTimes with . Does not affect existing instances .
* @ type { string }
* /
set : function set ( outputCalendar ) {
defaultOutputCalendar = outputCalendar ;
/ * *
* Get whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes , Durations , or Intervals
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "throwOnInvalid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return throwOnInvalid ;
/ * *
* Set whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes , Durations , or Intervals
* @ type { boolean }
* /
set : function set ( t ) {
throwOnInvalid = t ;
} ] ) ;
return Settings ;
} ( ) ;
var intlDTCache = { } ;
function getCachedDTF ( locString , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var key = JSON . stringify ( [ locString , opts ] ) ;
var dtf = intlDTCache [ key ] ;
if ( ! dtf ) {
dtf = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( locString , opts ) ;
intlDTCache [ key ] = dtf ;
return dtf ;
var intlNumCache = { } ;
function getCachedINF ( locString , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var key = JSON . stringify ( [ locString , opts ] ) ;
var inf = intlNumCache [ key ] ;
if ( ! inf ) {
inf = new Intl . NumberFormat ( locString , opts ) ;
intlNumCache [ key ] = inf ;
return inf ;
var intlRelCache = { } ;
function getCachedRTF ( locString , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _opts = opts ,
base = _opts . base ,
cacheKeyOpts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose ( _opts , [ "base" ] ) ; // exclude `base` from the options
var key = JSON . stringify ( [ locString , cacheKeyOpts ] ) ;
var inf = intlRelCache [ key ] ;
if ( ! inf ) {
inf = new Intl . RelativeTimeFormat ( locString , opts ) ;
intlRelCache [ key ] = inf ;
return inf ;
var sysLocaleCache = null ;
function systemLocale ( ) {
if ( sysLocaleCache ) {
return sysLocaleCache ;
} else if ( hasIntl ( ) ) {
var computedSys = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( ) . resolvedOptions ( ) . locale ; // node sometimes defaults to "und". Override that because that is dumb
sysLocaleCache = ! computedSys || computedSys === "und" ? "en-US" : computedSys ;
return sysLocaleCache ;
} else {
sysLocaleCache = "en-US" ;
return sysLocaleCache ;
function parseLocaleString ( localeStr ) {
// I really want to avoid writing a BCP 47 parser
// see, e.g. https://github.com/wooorm/bcp-47
// Instead, we'll do this:
// a) if the string has no -u extensions, just leave it alone
// b) if it does, use Intl to resolve everything
// c) if Intl fails, try again without the -u
var uIndex = localeStr . indexOf ( "-u-" ) ;
if ( uIndex === - 1 ) {
return [ localeStr ] ;
} else {
var options ;
var smaller = localeStr . substring ( 0 , uIndex ) ;
try {
options = getCachedDTF ( localeStr ) . resolvedOptions ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
options = getCachedDTF ( smaller ) . resolvedOptions ( ) ;
var _options = options ,
numberingSystem = _options . numberingSystem ,
calendar = _options . calendar ; // return the smaller one so that we can append the calendar and numbering overrides to it
return [ smaller , numberingSystem , calendar ] ;
function intlConfigString ( localeStr , numberingSystem , outputCalendar ) {
if ( hasIntl ( ) ) {
if ( outputCalendar || numberingSystem ) {
localeStr += "-u" ;
if ( outputCalendar ) {
localeStr += "-ca-" + outputCalendar ;
if ( numberingSystem ) {
localeStr += "-nu-" + numberingSystem ;
return localeStr ;
} else {
return localeStr ;
} else {
return [ ] ;
function mapMonths ( f ) {
var ms = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 12 ; i ++ ) {
var dt = DateTime . utc ( 2016 , i , 1 ) ;
ms . push ( f ( dt ) ) ;
return ms ;
function mapWeekdays ( f ) {
var ms = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 7 ; i ++ ) {
var dt = DateTime . utc ( 2016 , 11 , 13 + i ) ;
ms . push ( f ( dt ) ) ;
return ms ;
function listStuff ( loc , length , defaultOK , englishFn , intlFn ) {
var mode = loc . listingMode ( defaultOK ) ;
if ( mode === "error" ) {
return null ;
} else if ( mode === "en" ) {
return englishFn ( length ) ;
} else {
return intlFn ( length ) ;
function supportsFastNumbers ( loc ) {
if ( loc . numberingSystem && loc . numberingSystem !== "latn" ) {
return false ;
} else {
return loc . numberingSystem === "latn" || ! loc . locale || loc . locale . startsWith ( "en" ) || hasIntl ( ) && new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( loc . intl ) . resolvedOptions ( ) . numberingSystem === "latn" ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var PolyNumberFormatter = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function PolyNumberFormatter ( intl , forceSimple , opts ) {
this . padTo = opts . padTo || 0 ;
this . floor = opts . floor || false ;
if ( ! forceSimple && hasIntl ( ) ) {
var intlOpts = {
useGrouping : false
} ;
if ( opts . padTo > 0 ) intlOpts . minimumIntegerDigits = opts . padTo ;
this . inf = getCachedINF ( intl , intlOpts ) ;
var _proto = PolyNumberFormatter . prototype ;
_proto . format = function format ( i ) {
if ( this . inf ) {
var fixed = this . floor ? Math . floor ( i ) : i ;
return this . inf . format ( fixed ) ;
} else {
// to match the browser's numberformatter defaults
var _fixed = this . floor ? Math . floor ( i ) : roundTo ( i , 3 ) ;
return padStart ( _fixed , this . padTo ) ;
} ;
return PolyNumberFormatter ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var PolyDateFormatter = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function PolyDateFormatter ( dt , intl , opts ) {
this . opts = opts ;
this . hasIntl = hasIntl ( ) ;
var z ;
if ( dt . zone . universal && this . hasIntl ) {
// Chromium doesn't support fixed-offset zones like Etc/GMT+8 in its formatter,
// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=364374.
// So we have to make do. Two cases:
// 1. The format options tell us to show the zone. We can't do that, so the best
// we can do is format the date in UTC.
// 2. The format options don't tell us to show the zone. Then we can adjust them
// the time and tell the formatter to show it to us in UTC, so that the time is right
// and the bad zone doesn't show up.
// We can clean all this up when Chrome fixes this.
z = "UTC" ;
if ( opts . timeZoneName ) {
this . dt = dt ;
} else {
this . dt = dt . offset === 0 ? dt : DateTime . fromMillis ( dt . ts + dt . offset * 60 * 1000 ) ;
} else if ( dt . zone . type === "local" ) {
this . dt = dt ;
} else {
this . dt = dt ;
z = dt . zone . name ;
if ( this . hasIntl ) {
var intlOpts = Object . assign ( { } , this . opts ) ;
if ( z ) {
intlOpts . timeZone = z ;
this . dtf = getCachedDTF ( intl , intlOpts ) ;
var _proto2 = PolyDateFormatter . prototype ;
_proto2 . format = function format ( ) {
if ( this . hasIntl ) {
return this . dtf . format ( this . dt . toJSDate ( ) ) ;
} else {
var tokenFormat = formatString ( this . opts ) ,
loc = Locale . create ( "en-US" ) ;
return Formatter . create ( loc ) . formatDateTimeFromString ( this . dt , tokenFormat ) ;
} ;
_proto2 . formatToParts = function formatToParts ( ) {
if ( this . hasIntl && hasFormatToParts ( ) ) {
return this . dtf . formatToParts ( this . dt . toJSDate ( ) ) ;
} else {
// This is kind of a cop out. We actually could do this for English. However, we couldn't do it for intl strings
// and IMO it's too weird to have an uncanny valley like that
return [ ] ;
} ;
_proto2 . resolvedOptions = function resolvedOptions ( ) {
if ( this . hasIntl ) {
return this . dtf . resolvedOptions ( ) ;
} else {
return {
locale : "en-US" ,
numberingSystem : "latn" ,
outputCalendar : "gregory"
} ;
} ;
return PolyDateFormatter ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var PolyRelFormatter = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function PolyRelFormatter ( intl , isEnglish , opts ) {
this . opts = Object . assign ( {
style : "long"
} , opts ) ;
if ( ! isEnglish && hasRelative ( ) ) {
this . rtf = getCachedRTF ( intl , opts ) ;
var _proto3 = PolyRelFormatter . prototype ;
_proto3 . format = function format ( count , unit ) {
if ( this . rtf ) {
return this . rtf . format ( count , unit ) ;
} else {
return formatRelativeTime ( unit , count , this . opts . numeric , this . opts . style !== "long" ) ;
} ;
_proto3 . formatToParts = function formatToParts ( count , unit ) {
if ( this . rtf ) {
return this . rtf . formatToParts ( count , unit ) ;
} else {
return [ ] ;
} ;
return PolyRelFormatter ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Locale = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
Locale . fromOpts = function fromOpts ( opts ) {
return Locale . create ( opts . locale , opts . numberingSystem , opts . outputCalendar , opts . defaultToEN ) ;
} ;
Locale . create = function create ( locale , numberingSystem , outputCalendar , defaultToEN ) {
if ( defaultToEN === void 0 ) {
defaultToEN = false ;
var specifiedLocale = locale || Settings . defaultLocale ,
// the system locale is useful for human readable strings but annoying for parsing/formatting known formats
localeR = specifiedLocale || ( defaultToEN ? "en-US" : systemLocale ( ) ) ,
numberingSystemR = numberingSystem || Settings . defaultNumberingSystem ,
outputCalendarR = outputCalendar || Settings . defaultOutputCalendar ;
return new Locale ( localeR , numberingSystemR , outputCalendarR , specifiedLocale ) ;
} ;
Locale . resetCache = function resetCache ( ) {
sysLocaleCache = null ;
intlDTCache = { } ;
intlNumCache = { } ;
intlRelCache = { } ;
} ;
Locale . fromObject = function fromObject ( _temp ) {
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ,
locale = _ref . locale ,
numberingSystem = _ref . numberingSystem ,
outputCalendar = _ref . outputCalendar ;
return Locale . create ( locale , numberingSystem , outputCalendar ) ;
} ;
function Locale ( locale , numbering , outputCalendar , specifiedLocale ) {
var _parseLocaleString = parseLocaleString ( locale ) ,
parsedLocale = _parseLocaleString [ 0 ] ,
parsedNumberingSystem = _parseLocaleString [ 1 ] ,
parsedOutputCalendar = _parseLocaleString [ 2 ] ;
this . locale = parsedLocale ;
this . numberingSystem = numbering || parsedNumberingSystem || null ;
this . outputCalendar = outputCalendar || parsedOutputCalendar || null ;
this . intl = intlConfigString ( this . locale , this . numberingSystem , this . outputCalendar ) ;
this . weekdaysCache = {
format : { } ,
standalone : { }
} ;
this . monthsCache = {
format : { } ,
standalone : { }
} ;
this . meridiemCache = null ;
this . eraCache = { } ;
this . specifiedLocale = specifiedLocale ;
this . fastNumbersCached = null ;
var _proto4 = Locale . prototype ;
_proto4 . listingMode = function listingMode ( defaultOK ) {
if ( defaultOK === void 0 ) {
defaultOK = true ;
var intl = hasIntl ( ) ,
hasFTP = intl && hasFormatToParts ( ) ,
isActuallyEn = this . isEnglish ( ) ,
hasNoWeirdness = ( this . numberingSystem === null || this . numberingSystem === "latn" ) && ( this . outputCalendar === null || this . outputCalendar === "gregory" ) ;
if ( ! hasFTP && ! ( isActuallyEn && hasNoWeirdness ) && ! defaultOK ) {
return "error" ;
} else if ( ! hasFTP || isActuallyEn && hasNoWeirdness ) {
return "en" ;
} else {
return "intl" ;
} ;
_proto4 . clone = function clone ( alts ) {
if ( ! alts || Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( alts ) . length === 0 ) {
return this ;
} else {
return Locale . create ( alts . locale || this . specifiedLocale , alts . numberingSystem || this . numberingSystem , alts . outputCalendar || this . outputCalendar , alts . defaultToEN || false ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . redefaultToEN = function redefaultToEN ( alts ) {
if ( alts === void 0 ) {
alts = { } ;
return this . clone ( Object . assign ( { } , alts , {
defaultToEN : true
} ) ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . redefaultToSystem = function redefaultToSystem ( alts ) {
if ( alts === void 0 ) {
alts = { } ;
return this . clone ( Object . assign ( { } , alts , {
defaultToEN : false
} ) ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . months = function months$1 ( length , format , defaultOK ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( format === void 0 ) {
format = false ;
if ( defaultOK === void 0 ) {
defaultOK = true ;
return listStuff ( this , length , defaultOK , months , function ( ) {
var intl = format ? {
month : length ,
day : "numeric"
} : {
month : length
} ,
formatStr = format ? "format" : "standalone" ;
if ( ! _this . monthsCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] ) {
_this . monthsCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] = mapMonths ( function ( dt ) {
return _this . extract ( dt , intl , "month" ) ;
} ) ;
return _this . monthsCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] ;
} ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . weekdays = function weekdays$1 ( length , format , defaultOK ) {
var _this2 = this ;
if ( format === void 0 ) {
format = false ;
if ( defaultOK === void 0 ) {
defaultOK = true ;
return listStuff ( this , length , defaultOK , weekdays , function ( ) {
var intl = format ? {
weekday : length ,
year : "numeric" ,
month : "long" ,
day : "numeric"
} : {
weekday : length
} ,
formatStr = format ? "format" : "standalone" ;
if ( ! _this2 . weekdaysCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] ) {
_this2 . weekdaysCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] = mapWeekdays ( function ( dt ) {
return _this2 . extract ( dt , intl , "weekday" ) ;
} ) ;
return _this2 . weekdaysCache [ formatStr ] [ length ] ;
} ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . meridiems = function meridiems$1 ( defaultOK ) {
var _this3 = this ;
if ( defaultOK === void 0 ) {
defaultOK = true ;
return listStuff ( this , undefined , defaultOK , function ( ) {
return meridiems ;
} , function ( ) {
// In theory there could be aribitrary day periods. We're gonna assume there are exactly two
// for AM and PM. This is probably wrong, but it's makes parsing way easier.
if ( ! _this3 . meridiemCache ) {
var intl = {
hour : "numeric" ,
hour12 : true
} ;
_this3 . meridiemCache = [ DateTime . utc ( 2016 , 11 , 13 , 9 ) , DateTime . utc ( 2016 , 11 , 13 , 19 ) ] . map ( function ( dt ) {
return _this3 . extract ( dt , intl , "dayperiod" ) ;
} ) ;
return _this3 . meridiemCache ;
} ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . eras = function eras$1 ( length , defaultOK ) {
var _this4 = this ;
if ( defaultOK === void 0 ) {
defaultOK = true ;
return listStuff ( this , length , defaultOK , eras , function ( ) {
var intl = {
era : length
} ; // This is utter bullshit. Different calendars are going to define eras totally differently. What I need is the minimum set of dates
// to definitely enumerate them.
if ( ! _this4 . eraCache [ length ] ) {
_this4 . eraCache [ length ] = [ DateTime . utc ( - 40 , 1 , 1 ) , DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 1 , 1 ) ] . map ( function ( dt ) {
return _this4 . extract ( dt , intl , "era" ) ;
} ) ;
return _this4 . eraCache [ length ] ;
} ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . extract = function extract ( dt , intlOpts , field ) {
var df = this . dtFormatter ( dt , intlOpts ) ,
results = df . formatToParts ( ) ,
matching = results . find ( function ( m ) {
return m . type . toLowerCase ( ) === field ;
} ) ;
return matching ? matching . value : null ;
} ;
_proto4 . numberFormatter = function numberFormatter ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
// this forcesimple option is never used (the only caller short-circuits on it, but it seems safer to leave)
// (in contrast, the rest of the condition is used heavily)
return new PolyNumberFormatter ( this . intl , opts . forceSimple || this . fastNumbers , opts ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . dtFormatter = function dtFormatter ( dt , intlOpts ) {
if ( intlOpts === void 0 ) {
intlOpts = { } ;
return new PolyDateFormatter ( dt , this . intl , intlOpts ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . relFormatter = function relFormatter ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return new PolyRelFormatter ( this . intl , this . isEnglish ( ) , opts ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . isEnglish = function isEnglish ( ) {
return this . locale === "en" || this . locale . toLowerCase ( ) === "en-us" || hasIntl ( ) && new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( this . intl ) . resolvedOptions ( ) . locale . startsWith ( "en-us" ) ;
} ;
_proto4 . equals = function equals ( other ) {
return this . locale === other . locale && this . numberingSystem === other . numberingSystem && this . outputCalendar === other . outputCalendar ;
} ;
_createClass ( Locale , [ {
key : "fastNumbers" ,
get : function get ( ) {
if ( this . fastNumbersCached == null ) {
this . fastNumbersCached = supportsFastNumbers ( this ) ;
return this . fastNumbersCached ;
} ] ) ;
return Locale ;
} ( ) ;
/ *
* This file handles parsing for well - specified formats . Here ' s how it works :
* Two things go into parsing : a regex to match with and an extractor to take apart the groups in the match .
* An extractor is just a function that takes a regex match array and returns a { year : ... , month : ... } object
* parse ( ) does the work of executing the regex and applying the extractor . It takes multiple regex / extractor pairs to try in sequence .
* Extractors can take a "cursor" representing the offset in the match to look at . This makes it easy to combine extractors .
* combineExtractors ( ) does the work of combining them , keeping track of the cursor through multiple extractions .
* Some extractions are super dumb and simpleParse and fromStrings help DRY them .
* /
function combineRegexes ( ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , regexes = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
regexes [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
var full = regexes . reduce ( function ( f , r ) {
return f + r . source ;
} , "" ) ;
return RegExp ( "^" + full + "$" ) ;
function combineExtractors ( ) {
for ( var _len2 = arguments . length , extractors = new Array ( _len2 ) , _key2 = 0 ; _key2 < _len2 ; _key2 ++ ) {
extractors [ _key2 ] = arguments [ _key2 ] ;
return function ( m ) {
return extractors . reduce ( function ( _ref , ex ) {
var mergedVals = _ref [ 0 ] ,
mergedZone = _ref [ 1 ] ,
cursor = _ref [ 2 ] ;
var _ex = ex ( m , cursor ) ,
val = _ex [ 0 ] ,
zone = _ex [ 1 ] ,
next = _ex [ 2 ] ;
return [ Object . assign ( mergedVals , val ) , mergedZone || zone , next ] ;
} , [ { } , null , 1 ] ) . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ;
} ;
function parse ( s ) {
if ( s == null ) {
return [ null , null ] ;
for ( var _len3 = arguments . length , patterns = new Array ( _len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0 ) , _key3 = 1 ; _key3 < _len3 ; _key3 ++ ) {
patterns [ _key3 - 1 ] = arguments [ _key3 ] ;
for ( var _i = 0 , _patterns = patterns ; _i < _patterns . length ; _i ++ ) {
var _patterns$ _i = _patterns [ _i ] ,
regex = _patterns$ _i [ 0 ] ,
extractor = _patterns$ _i [ 1 ] ;
var m = regex . exec ( s ) ;
if ( m ) {
return extractor ( m ) ;
return [ null , null ] ;
function simpleParse ( ) {
for ( var _len4 = arguments . length , keys = new Array ( _len4 ) , _key4 = 0 ; _key4 < _len4 ; _key4 ++ ) {
keys [ _key4 ] = arguments [ _key4 ] ;
return function ( match , cursor ) {
var ret = { } ;
var i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
ret [ keys [ i ] ] = parseInteger ( match [ cursor + i ] ) ;
return [ ret , null , cursor + i ] ;
} ;
} // ISO and SQL parsing
var offsetRegex = /(?:(Z)|([+-]\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)/ ,
isoTimeBaseRegex = /(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,9}))?)?)?/ ,
isoTimeRegex = RegExp ( "" + isoTimeBaseRegex . source + offsetRegex . source + "?" ) ,
isoTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp ( "(?:T" + isoTimeRegex . source + ")?" ) ,
isoYmdRegex = /([+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d))?)?/ ,
isoWeekRegex = /(\d{4})-?W(\d\d)(?:-?(\d))?/ ,
isoOrdinalRegex = /(\d{4})-?(\d{3})/ ,
extractISOWeekData = simpleParse ( "weekYear" , "weekNumber" , "weekDay" ) ,
extractISOOrdinalData = simpleParse ( "year" , "ordinal" ) ,
sqlYmdRegex = /(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/ ,
// dumbed-down version of the ISO one
sqlTimeRegex = RegExp ( isoTimeBaseRegex . source + " ?(?:" + offsetRegex . source + "|(" + ianaRegex . source + "))?" ) ,
sqlTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp ( "(?: " + sqlTimeRegex . source + ")?" ) ;
function int ( match , pos , fallback ) {
var m = match [ pos ] ;
return isUndefined ( m ) ? fallback : parseInteger ( m ) ;
function extractISOYmd ( match , cursor ) {
var item = {
year : int ( match , cursor ) ,
month : int ( match , cursor + 1 , 1 ) ,
day : int ( match , cursor + 2 , 1 )
} ;
return [ item , null , cursor + 3 ] ;
function extractISOTime ( match , cursor ) {
var item = {
hour : int ( match , cursor , 0 ) ,
minute : int ( match , cursor + 1 , 0 ) ,
second : int ( match , cursor + 2 , 0 ) ,
millisecond : parseMillis ( match [ cursor + 3 ] )
} ;
return [ item , null , cursor + 4 ] ;
function extractISOOffset ( match , cursor ) {
var local = ! match [ cursor ] && ! match [ cursor + 1 ] ,
fullOffset = signedOffset ( match [ cursor + 1 ] , match [ cursor + 2 ] ) ,
zone = local ? null : FixedOffsetZone . instance ( fullOffset ) ;
return [ { } , zone , cursor + 3 ] ;
function extractIANAZone ( match , cursor ) {
var zone = match [ cursor ] ? IANAZone . create ( match [ cursor ] ) : null ;
return [ { } , zone , cursor + 1 ] ;
} // ISO duration parsing
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var isoDuration = /^-?P(?:(?:(-?\d{1,9})Y)?(?:(-?\d{1,9})M)?(?:(-?\d{1,9})W)?(?:(-?\d{1,9})D)?(?:T(?:(-?\d{1,9})H)?(?:(-?\d{1,9})M)?(?:(-?\d{1,9})(?:[.,](-?\d{1,9}))?S)?)?)$/ ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function extractISODuration ( match ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var s = match [ 0 ] ,
yearStr = match [ 1 ] ,
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
monthStr = match [ 2 ] ,
weekStr = match [ 3 ] ,
dayStr = match [ 4 ] ,
hourStr = match [ 5 ] ,
minuteStr = match [ 6 ] ,
secondStr = match [ 7 ] ,
millisecondsStr = match [ 8 ] ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var hasNegativePrefix = s [ 0 ] === "-" ;
var maybeNegate = function maybeNegate ( num ) {
return num && hasNegativePrefix ? - num : num ;
} ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
return [ {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
years : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( yearStr ) ) ,
months : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( monthStr ) ) ,
weeks : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( weekStr ) ) ,
days : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( dayStr ) ) ,
hours : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( hourStr ) ) ,
minutes : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( minuteStr ) ) ,
seconds : maybeNegate ( parseInteger ( secondStr ) ) ,
milliseconds : maybeNegate ( parseMillis ( millisecondsStr ) )
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
} ] ;
} // These are a little braindead. EDT *should* tell us that we're in, say, America/New_York
// and not just that we're in -240 *right now*. But since I don't think these are used that often
// I'm just going to ignore that
var obsOffsets = {
GMT : 0 ,
EDT : - 4 * 60 ,
EST : - 5 * 60 ,
CDT : - 5 * 60 ,
CST : - 6 * 60 ,
MDT : - 6 * 60 ,
MST : - 7 * 60 ,
PDT : - 7 * 60 ,
PST : - 8 * 60
} ;
function fromStrings ( weekdayStr , yearStr , monthStr , dayStr , hourStr , minuteStr , secondStr ) {
var result = {
year : yearStr . length === 2 ? untruncateYear ( parseInteger ( yearStr ) ) : parseInteger ( yearStr ) ,
month : monthsShort . indexOf ( monthStr ) + 1 ,
day : parseInteger ( dayStr ) ,
hour : parseInteger ( hourStr ) ,
minute : parseInteger ( minuteStr )
} ;
if ( secondStr ) result . second = parseInteger ( secondStr ) ;
if ( weekdayStr ) {
result . weekday = weekdayStr . length > 3 ? weekdaysLong . indexOf ( weekdayStr ) + 1 : weekdaysShort . indexOf ( weekdayStr ) + 1 ;
return result ;
} // RFC 2822/5322
var rfc2822 = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|(?:([+-]\d\d)(\d\d)))$/ ;
function extractRFC2822 ( match ) {
var weekdayStr = match [ 1 ] ,
dayStr = match [ 2 ] ,
monthStr = match [ 3 ] ,
yearStr = match [ 4 ] ,
hourStr = match [ 5 ] ,
minuteStr = match [ 6 ] ,
secondStr = match [ 7 ] ,
obsOffset = match [ 8 ] ,
milOffset = match [ 9 ] ,
offHourStr = match [ 10 ] ,
offMinuteStr = match [ 11 ] ,
result = fromStrings ( weekdayStr , yearStr , monthStr , dayStr , hourStr , minuteStr , secondStr ) ;
var offset ;
if ( obsOffset ) {
offset = obsOffsets [ obsOffset ] ;
} else if ( milOffset ) {
offset = 0 ;
} else {
offset = signedOffset ( offHourStr , offMinuteStr ) ;
return [ result , new FixedOffsetZone ( offset ) ] ;
function preprocessRFC2822 ( s ) {
// Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space
return s . replace ( /\([^)]*\)|[\n\t]/g , " " ) . replace ( /(\s\s+)/g , " " ) . trim ( ) ;
} // http date
var rfc1123 = /^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), (\d\d) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{4}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) GMT$/ ,
rfc850 = /^(Monday|Tuesday|Wedsday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday), (\d\d)-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) GMT$/ ,
ascii = /^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ( \d|\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d{4})$/ ;
function extractRFC1123Or850 ( match ) {
var weekdayStr = match [ 1 ] ,
dayStr = match [ 2 ] ,
monthStr = match [ 3 ] ,
yearStr = match [ 4 ] ,
hourStr = match [ 5 ] ,
minuteStr = match [ 6 ] ,
secondStr = match [ 7 ] ,
result = fromStrings ( weekdayStr , yearStr , monthStr , dayStr , hourStr , minuteStr , secondStr ) ;
return [ result , FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance ] ;
function extractASCII ( match ) {
var weekdayStr = match [ 1 ] ,
monthStr = match [ 2 ] ,
dayStr = match [ 3 ] ,
hourStr = match [ 4 ] ,
minuteStr = match [ 5 ] ,
secondStr = match [ 6 ] ,
yearStr = match [ 7 ] ,
result = fromStrings ( weekdayStr , yearStr , monthStr , dayStr , hourStr , minuteStr , secondStr ) ;
return [ result , FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance ] ;
var isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes ( isoYmdRegex , isoTimeExtensionRegex ) ;
var isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes ( isoWeekRegex , isoTimeExtensionRegex ) ;
var isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes ( isoOrdinalRegex , isoTimeExtensionRegex ) ;
var isoTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes ( isoTimeRegex ) ;
var extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors ( extractISOYmd , extractISOTime , extractISOOffset ) ;
var extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors ( extractISOWeekData , extractISOTime , extractISOOffset ) ;
var extractISOOrdinalDataAndTime = combineExtractors ( extractISOOrdinalData , extractISOTime ) ;
var extractISOTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors ( extractISOTime , extractISOOffset ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function parseISODate ( s ) {
return parse ( s , [ isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex , extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset ] , [ isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex , extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset ] , [ isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex , extractISOOrdinalDataAndTime ] , [ isoTimeCombinedRegex , extractISOTimeAndOffset ] ) ;
function parseRFC2822Date ( s ) {
return parse ( preprocessRFC2822 ( s ) , [ rfc2822 , extractRFC2822 ] ) ;
function parseHTTPDate ( s ) {
return parse ( s , [ rfc1123 , extractRFC1123Or850 ] , [ rfc850 , extractRFC1123Or850 ] , [ ascii , extractASCII ] ) ;
function parseISODuration ( s ) {
return parse ( s , [ isoDuration , extractISODuration ] ) ;
var sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes ( sqlYmdRegex , sqlTimeExtensionRegex ) ;
var sqlTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes ( sqlTimeRegex ) ;
var extractISOYmdTimeOffsetAndIANAZone = combineExtractors ( extractISOYmd , extractISOTime , extractISOOffset , extractIANAZone ) ;
var extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone = combineExtractors ( extractISOTime , extractISOOffset , extractIANAZone ) ;
function parseSQL ( s ) {
return parse ( s , [ sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex , extractISOYmdTimeOffsetAndIANAZone ] , [ sqlTimeCombinedRegex , extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone ] ) ;
var INVALID = "Invalid Duration" ; // unit conversion constants
var lowOrderMatrix = {
weeks : {
days : 7 ,
hours : 7 * 24 ,
minutes : 7 * 24 * 60 ,
seconds : 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
days : {
hours : 24 ,
minutes : 24 * 60 ,
seconds : 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
hours : {
minutes : 60 ,
seconds : 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
minutes : {
seconds : 60 ,
milliseconds : 60 * 1000
} ,
seconds : {
milliseconds : 1000
} ,
casualMatrix = Object . assign ( {
years : {
months : 12 ,
weeks : 52 ,
days : 365 ,
hours : 365 * 24 ,
minutes : 365 * 24 * 60 ,
seconds : 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
quarters : {
months : 3 ,
weeks : 13 ,
days : 91 ,
hours : 91 * 24 ,
minutes : 91 * 24 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 91 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
months : {
weeks : 4 ,
days : 30 ,
hours : 30 * 24 ,
minutes : 30 * 24 * 60 ,
seconds : 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} , lowOrderMatrix ) ,
daysInYearAccurate = 146097.0 / 400 ,
daysInMonthAccurate = 146097.0 / 4800 ,
accurateMatrix = Object . assign ( {
years : {
months : 12 ,
weeks : daysInYearAccurate / 7 ,
days : daysInYearAccurate ,
hours : daysInYearAccurate * 24 ,
minutes : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 ,
seconds : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} ,
quarters : {
months : 3 ,
weeks : daysInYearAccurate / 28 ,
days : daysInYearAccurate / 4 ,
hours : daysInYearAccurate * 24 / 4 ,
minutes : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 / 4 ,
seconds : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 / 4 ,
milliseconds : daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 / 4
} ,
months : {
weeks : daysInMonthAccurate / 7 ,
days : daysInMonthAccurate ,
hours : daysInMonthAccurate * 24 ,
minutes : daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 ,
seconds : daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 ,
milliseconds : daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
} , lowOrderMatrix ) ; // units ordered by size
var orderedUnits = [ "years" , "quarters" , "months" , "weeks" , "days" , "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" , "milliseconds" ] ;
var reverseUnits = orderedUnits . slice ( 0 ) . reverse ( ) ; // clone really means "create another instance just like this one, but with these changes"
function clone ( dur , alts , clear ) {
if ( clear === void 0 ) {
clear = false ;
// deep merge for vals
var conf = {
values : clear ? alts . values : Object . assign ( { } , dur . values , alts . values || { } ) ,
loc : dur . loc . clone ( alts . loc ) ,
conversionAccuracy : alts . conversionAccuracy || dur . conversionAccuracy
} ;
return new Duration ( conf ) ;
function antiTrunc ( n ) {
return n < 0 ? Math . floor ( n ) : Math . ceil ( n ) ;
} // NB: mutates parameters
function convert ( matrix , fromMap , fromUnit , toMap , toUnit ) {
var conv = matrix [ toUnit ] [ fromUnit ] ,
raw = fromMap [ fromUnit ] / conv ,
sameSign = Math . sign ( raw ) === Math . sign ( toMap [ toUnit ] ) ,
// ok, so this is wild, but see the matrix in the tests
added = ! sameSign && toMap [ toUnit ] !== 0 && Math . abs ( raw ) <= 1 ? antiTrunc ( raw ) : Math . trunc ( raw ) ;
toMap [ toUnit ] += added ;
fromMap [ fromUnit ] -= added * conv ;
} // NB: mutates parameters
function normalizeValues ( matrix , vals ) {
reverseUnits . reduce ( function ( previous , current ) {
if ( ! isUndefined ( vals [ current ] ) ) {
if ( previous ) {
convert ( matrix , vals , previous , vals , current ) ;
return current ;
} else {
return previous ;
} , null ) ;
/ * *
* A Duration object represents a period of time , like "2 months" or "1 day, 1 hour" . Conceptually , it ' s just a map of units to their quantities , accompanied by some additional configuration and methods for creating , parsing , interrogating , transforming , and formatting them . They can be used on their own or in conjunction with other Luxon types ; for example , you can use { @ link DateTime . plus } to add a Duration object to a DateTime , producing another DateTime .
* Here is a brief overview of commonly used methods and getters in Duration :
* * * * Creation * * To create a Duration , use { @ link Duration . fromMillis } , { @ link Duration . fromObject } , or { @ link Duration . fromISO } .
* * * * Unit values * * See the { @ link Duration . years } , { @ link Duration . months } , { @ link Duration . weeks } , { @ link Duration . days } , { @ link Duration . hours } , { @ link Duration . minutes } , { @ link Duration . seconds } , { @ link Duration . milliseconds } accessors .
* * * * Configuration * * See { @ link Duration . locale } and { @ link Duration . numberingSystem } accessors .
* * * * Transformation * * To create new Durations out of old ones use { @ link Duration . plus } , { @ link Duration . minus } , { @ link Duration . normalize } , { @ link Duration . set } , { @ link Duration . reconfigure } , { @ link Duration . shiftTo } , and { @ link Duration . negate } .
* * * * Output * * To convert the Duration into other representations , see { @ link Duration . as } , { @ link Duration . toISO } , { @ link Duration . toFormat } , and { @ link Duration . toJSON }
* There ' s are more methods documented below . In addition , for more information on subtler topics like internationalization and validity , see the external documentation .
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Duration = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function Duration ( config ) {
var accurate = config . conversionAccuracy === "longterm" || false ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . values = config . values ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . loc = config . loc || Locale . create ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . conversionAccuracy = accurate ? "longterm" : "casual" ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . invalid = config . invalid || null ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . matrix = accurate ? accurateMatrix : casualMatrix ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . isLuxonDuration = true ;
/ * *
* Create Duration from a number of milliseconds .
* @ param { number } count of milliseconds
* @ param { Object } opts - options for parsing
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'en-US' ] - the locale to use
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @ param { string } [ opts . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ return { Duration }
* /
Duration . fromMillis = function fromMillis ( count , opts ) {
return Duration . fromObject ( Object . assign ( {
milliseconds : count
} , opts ) ) ;
/ * *
* Create a Duration from a Javascript object with keys like 'years' and ' hours .
* If this object is empty then a zero milliseconds duration is returned .
* @ param { Object } obj - the object to create the DateTime from
* @ param { number } obj . years
* @ param { number } obj . quarters
* @ param { number } obj . months
* @ param { number } obj . weeks
* @ param { number } obj . days
* @ param { number } obj . hours
* @ param { number } obj . minutes
* @ param { number } obj . seconds
* @ param { number } obj . milliseconds
* @ param { string } [ obj . locale = 'en-US' ] - the locale to use
* @ param { string } obj . numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @ param { string } [ obj . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ return { Duration }
* /
Duration . fromObject = function fromObject ( obj ) {
if ( obj == null || typeof obj !== "object" ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "Duration.fromObject: argument expected to be an object, got " + ( obj === null ? "null" : typeof obj ) ) ;
return new Duration ( {
values : normalizeObject ( obj , Duration . normalizeUnit , [ "locale" , "numberingSystem" , "conversionAccuracy" , "zone" // a bit of debt; it's super inconvenient internally not to be able to blindly pass this
] ) ,
loc : Locale . fromObject ( obj ) ,
conversionAccuracy : obj . conversionAccuracy
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 duration string .
* @ param { string } text - text to parse
* @ param { Object } opts - options for parsing
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'en-US' ] - the locale to use
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @ param { string } [ opts . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
* @ example Duration . fromISO ( 'P3Y6M1W4DT12H30M5S' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { years: 3, months: 6, weeks: 1, days: 4, hours: 12, minutes: 30, seconds: 5 }
* @ example Duration . fromISO ( 'PT23H' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: 23 }
* @ example Duration . fromISO ( 'P5Y3M' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { years: 5, months: 3 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
Duration . fromISO = function fromISO ( text , opts ) {
var _parseISODuration = parseISODuration ( text ) ,
parsed = _parseISODuration [ 0 ] ;
if ( parsed ) {
var obj = Object . assign ( parsed , opts ) ;
return Duration . fromObject ( obj ) ;
} else {
return Duration . invalid ( "unparsable" , "the input \"" + text + "\" can't be parsed as ISO 8601" ) ;
/ * *
* Create an invalid Duration .
* @ param { string } reason - simple string of why this datetime is invalid . Should not contain parameters or anything else data - dependent
* @ param { string } [ explanation = null ] - longer explanation , may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @ return { Duration }
* /
Duration . invalid = function invalid ( reason , explanation ) {
if ( explanation === void 0 ) {
explanation = null ;
if ( ! reason ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "need to specify a reason the Duration is invalid" ) ;
var invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid ( reason , explanation ) ;
if ( Settings . throwOnInvalid ) {
throw new InvalidDurationError ( invalid ) ;
} else {
return new Duration ( {
invalid : invalid
} ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
Duration . normalizeUnit = function normalizeUnit ( unit ) {
var normalized = {
year : "years" ,
years : "years" ,
quarter : "quarters" ,
quarters : "quarters" ,
month : "months" ,
months : "months" ,
week : "weeks" ,
weeks : "weeks" ,
day : "days" ,
days : "days" ,
hour : "hours" ,
hours : "hours" ,
minute : "minutes" ,
minutes : "minutes" ,
second : "seconds" ,
seconds : "seconds" ,
millisecond : "milliseconds" ,
milliseconds : "milliseconds"
} [ unit ? unit . toLowerCase ( ) : unit ] ;
if ( ! normalized ) throw new InvalidUnitError ( unit ) ;
return normalized ;
/ * *
* Check if an object is a Duration . Works across context boundaries
* @ param { object } o
* @ return { boolean }
* /
Duration . isDuration = function isDuration ( o ) {
return o && o . isLuxonDuration || false ;
/ * *
* Get the locale of a Duration , such 'en-GB'
* @ type { string }
* /
var _proto = Duration . prototype ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this Duration formatted according to the specified format string . You may use these tokens :
* * ` S ` for milliseconds
* * ` s ` for seconds
* * ` m ` for minutes
* * ` h ` for hours
* * ` d ` for days
* * ` M ` for months
* * ` y ` for years
* Notes :
* * Add padding by repeating the token , e . g . "yy" pads the years to two digits , "hhhh" pads the hours out to four digits
* * The duration will be converted to the set of units in the format string using { @ link Duration . shiftTo } and the Durations ' s conversion accuracy setting .
* @ param { string } fmt - the format string
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . floor = true ] - floor numerical values
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 , days : 6 , seconds : 2 } ) . toFormat ( "y d s" ) //=> "1 6 2"
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 , days : 6 , seconds : 2 } ) . toFormat ( "yy dd sss" ) //=> "01 06 002"
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 , days : 6 , seconds : 2 } ) . toFormat ( "M S" ) //=> "12 518402000"
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toFormat = function toFormat ( fmt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
// reverse-compat since 1.2; we always round down now, never up, and we do it by default
var fmtOpts = Object . assign ( { } , opts , {
floor : opts . round !== false && opts . floor !== false
} ) ;
return this . isValid ? Formatter . create ( this . loc , fmtOpts ) . formatDurationFromString ( this , fmt ) : INVALID ;
/ * *
* Returns a Javascript object with this Duration ' s values .
* @ param opts - options for generating the object
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeConfig = false ] - include configuration attributes in the output
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 , days : 6 , seconds : 2 } ) . toObject ( ) //=> { years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }
* @ return { Object }
* /
_proto . toObject = function toObject ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return { } ;
var base = Object . assign ( { } , this . values ) ;
if ( opts . includeConfig ) {
base . conversionAccuracy = this . conversionAccuracy ;
base . numberingSystem = this . loc . numberingSystem ;
base . locale = this . loc . locale ;
return base ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this Duration .
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 3 , seconds : 45 } ) . toISO ( ) //=> 'P3YT45S'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { months : 4 , seconds : 45 } ) . toISO ( ) //=> 'P4MT45S'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { months : 5 } ) . toISO ( ) //=> 'P5M'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { minutes : 5 } ) . toISO ( ) //=> 'PT5M'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { milliseconds : 6 } ) . toISO ( ) //=> 'PT0.006S'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISO = function toISO ( ) {
// we could use the formatter, but this is an easier way to get the minimum string
if ( ! this . isValid ) return null ;
var s = "P" ;
if ( this . years !== 0 ) s += this . years + "Y" ;
if ( this . months !== 0 || this . quarters !== 0 ) s += this . months + this . quarters * 3 + "M" ;
if ( this . weeks !== 0 ) s += this . weeks + "W" ;
if ( this . days !== 0 ) s += this . days + "D" ;
if ( this . hours !== 0 || this . minutes !== 0 || this . seconds !== 0 || this . milliseconds !== 0 ) s += "T" ;
if ( this . hours !== 0 ) s += this . hours + "H" ;
if ( this . minutes !== 0 ) s += this . minutes + "M" ;
if ( this . seconds !== 0 || this . milliseconds !== 0 ) // this will handle "floating point madness" by removing extra decimal places
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/588004/is-floating-point-math-broken
s += roundTo ( this . seconds + this . milliseconds / 1000 , 3 ) + "S" ;
if ( s === "P" ) s += "T0S" ;
return s ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in JSON .
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toJSON = function toJSON ( ) {
return this . toISO ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in debugging .
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toString = function toString ( ) {
return this . toISO ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an milliseconds value of this Duration .
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . valueOf = function valueOf ( ) {
return this . as ( "milliseconds" ) ;
/ * *
* Make this Duration longer by the specified amount . Return a newly - constructed Duration .
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - The amount to add . Either a Luxon Duration , a number of milliseconds , the object argument to Duration . fromObject ( )
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . plus = function plus ( duration ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ,
result = { } ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( orderedUnits ) , _step ; ! ( _step = _iterator ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var k = _step . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( hasOwnProperty ( dur . values , k ) || hasOwnProperty ( this . values , k ) ) {
result [ k ] = dur . get ( k ) + this . get ( k ) ;
return clone ( this , {
values : result
} , true ) ;
/ * *
* Make this Duration shorter by the specified amount . Return a newly - constructed Duration .
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - The amount to subtract . Either a Luxon Duration , a number of milliseconds , the object argument to Duration . fromObject ( )
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . minus = function minus ( duration ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ;
return this . plus ( dur . negate ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Scale this Duration by the specified amount . Return a newly - constructed Duration .
* @ param { function } fn - The function to apply to each unit . Arity is 1 or 2 : the value of the unit and , optionally , the unit name . Must return a number .
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 1 , minutes : 30 } ) . mapUnit ( x => x * 2 ) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 60 }
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 1 , minutes : 30 } ) . mapUnit ( ( x , u ) => u === "hour" ? x * 2 : x ) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 30 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . mapUnits = function mapUnits ( fn ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var result = { } ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _i = 0 , _Object$keys = Object . keys ( this . values ) ; _i < _Object$keys . length ; _i ++ ) {
var k = _Object$keys [ _i ] ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
result [ k ] = asNumber ( fn ( this . values [ k ] , k ) ) ;
return clone ( this , {
values : result
} , true ) ;
/ * *
* Get the value of unit .
* @ param { string } unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 2 , days : 3 } ) . years //=> 2
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 2 , days : 3 } ) . months //=> 0
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 2 , days : 3 } ) . days //=> 3
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . get = function get ( unit ) {
return this [ Duration . normalizeUnit ( unit ) ] ;
/ * *
* "Set" the values of specified units . Return a newly - constructed Duration .
* @ param { Object } values - a mapping of units to numbers
* @ example dur . set ( { years : 2017 } )
* @ example dur . set ( { hours : 8 , minutes : 30 } )
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . set = function set ( values ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var mixed = Object . assign ( this . values , normalizeObject ( values , Duration . normalizeUnit , [ ] ) ) ;
return clone ( this , {
values : mixed
} ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the locale and / or numberingSystem . Returns a newly - constructed Duration .
* @ example dur . reconfigure ( { locale : 'en-GB' } )
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . reconfigure = function reconfigure ( _temp ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ,
locale = _ref . locale ,
numberingSystem = _ref . numberingSystem ,
conversionAccuracy = _ref . conversionAccuracy ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
var loc = this . loc . clone ( {
locale : locale ,
numberingSystem : numberingSystem
} ) ,
opts = {
loc : loc
} ;
if ( conversionAccuracy ) {
opts . conversionAccuracy = conversionAccuracy ;
return clone ( this , opts ) ;
/ * *
* Return the length of the duration in the specified unit .
* @ param { string } unit - a unit such as 'minutes' or 'days'
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 } ) . as ( 'days' ) //=> 365
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 1 } ) . as ( 'months' ) //=> 12
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 60 } ) . as ( 'days' ) //=> 2.5
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . as = function as ( unit ) {
return this . isValid ? this . shiftTo ( unit ) . get ( unit ) : NaN ;
/ * *
* Reduce this Duration to its canonical representation in its current units .
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { years : 2 , days : 5000 } ) . normalize ( ) . toObject ( ) //=> { years: 15, days: 255 }
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 12 , minutes : - 45 } ) . normalize ( ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 15 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . normalize = function normalize ( ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var vals = this . toObject ( ) ;
normalizeValues ( this . matrix , vals ) ;
return clone ( this , {
values : vals
} , true ) ;
/ * *
* Convert this Duration into its representation in a different set of units .
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 1 , seconds : 30 } ) . shiftTo ( 'minutes' , 'milliseconds' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { minutes: 60, milliseconds: 30000 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . shiftTo = function shiftTo ( ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , units = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
units [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
if ( units . length === 0 ) {
return this ;
units = units . map ( function ( u ) {
return Duration . normalizeUnit ( u ) ;
} ) ;
var built = { } ,
accumulated = { } ,
vals = this . toObject ( ) ;
var lastUnit ;
normalizeValues ( this . matrix , vals ) ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( orderedUnits ) , _step2 ; ! ( _step2 = _iterator2 ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var k = _step2 . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( units . indexOf ( k ) >= 0 ) {
lastUnit = k ;
var own = 0 ; // anything we haven't boiled down yet should get boiled to this unit
for ( var ak in accumulated ) {
own += this . matrix [ ak ] [ k ] * accumulated [ ak ] ;
accumulated [ ak ] = 0 ;
} // plus anything that's already in this unit
if ( isNumber ( vals [ k ] ) ) {
own += vals [ k ] ;
var i = Math . trunc ( own ) ;
built [ k ] = i ;
accumulated [ k ] = own - i ; // we'd like to absorb these fractions in another unit
// plus anything further down the chain that should be rolled up in to this
for ( var down in vals ) {
if ( orderedUnits . indexOf ( down ) > orderedUnits . indexOf ( k ) ) {
convert ( this . matrix , vals , down , built , k ) ;
} // otherwise, keep it in the wings to boil it later
} else if ( isNumber ( vals [ k ] ) ) {
accumulated [ k ] = vals [ k ] ;
} // anything leftover becomes the decimal for the last unit
// lastUnit must be defined since units is not empty
for ( var key in accumulated ) {
if ( accumulated [ key ] !== 0 ) {
built [ lastUnit ] += key === lastUnit ? accumulated [ key ] : accumulated [ key ] / this . matrix [ lastUnit ] [ key ] ;
return clone ( this , {
values : built
} , true ) . normalize ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return the negative of this Duration .
* @ example Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 1 , seconds : 30 } ) . negate ( ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: -1, seconds: -30 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . negate = function negate ( ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var negated = { } ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _i2 = 0 , _Object$keys2 = Object . keys ( this . values ) ; _i2 < _Object$keys2 . length ; _i2 ++ ) {
var k = _Object$keys2 [ _i2 ] ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
negated [ k ] = - this . values [ k ] ;
return clone ( this , {
values : negated
} , true ) ;
/ * *
* Get the years .
* @ type { number }
* /
/ * *
* Equality check
* Two Durations are equal iff they have the same units and the same values for each unit .
* @ param { Duration } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . equals = function equals ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid || ! other . isValid ) {
return false ;
if ( ! this . loc . equals ( other . loc ) ) {
return false ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( orderedUnits ) , _step3 ; ! ( _step3 = _iterator3 ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var u = _step3 . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( this . values [ u ] !== other . values [ u ] ) {
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
_createClass ( Duration , [ {
key : "locale" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . loc . locale : null ;
/ * *
* Get the numbering system of a Duration , such 'beng' . The numbering system is used when formatting the Duration
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "numberingSystem" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . loc . numberingSystem : null ;
} , {
key : "years" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . years || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the quarters .
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "quarters" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . quarters || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the months .
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "months" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . months || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the weeks
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "weeks" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . weeks || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the days .
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "days" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . days || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the hours .
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "hours" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . hours || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the minutes .
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "minutes" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . minutes || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the seconds .
* @ return { number }
* /
} , {
key : "seconds" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . seconds || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the milliseconds .
* @ return { number }
* /
} , {
key : "milliseconds" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . values . milliseconds || 0 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Returns whether the Duration is invalid . Invalid durations are returned by diff operations
* on invalid DateTimes or Intervals .
* @ return { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid === null ;
/ * *
* Returns an error code if this Duration became invalid , or null if the Duration is valid
* @ return { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidReason" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . reason : null ;
/ * *
* Returns an explanation of why this Duration became invalid , or null if the Duration is valid
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidExplanation" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . explanation : null ;
} ] ) ;
return Duration ;
} ( ) ;
function friendlyDuration ( durationish ) {
if ( isNumber ( durationish ) ) {
return Duration . fromMillis ( durationish ) ;
} else if ( Duration . isDuration ( durationish ) ) {
return durationish ;
} else if ( typeof durationish === "object" ) {
return Duration . fromObject ( durationish ) ;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "Unknown duration argument " + durationish + " of type " + typeof durationish ) ;
var INVALID$1 = "Invalid Interval" ; // checks if the start is equal to or before the end
function validateStartEnd ( start , end ) {
if ( ! start || ! start . isValid ) {
return Interval . invalid ( "missing or invalid start" ) ;
} else if ( ! end || ! end . isValid ) {
return Interval . invalid ( "missing or invalid end" ) ;
} else if ( end < start ) {
return Interval . invalid ( "end before start" , "The end of an interval must be after its start, but you had start=" + start . toISO ( ) + " and end=" + end . toISO ( ) ) ;
} else {
return null ;
/ * *
* An Interval object represents a half - open interval of time , where each endpoint is a { @ link DateTime } . Conceptually , it ' s a container for those two endpoints , accompanied by methods for creating , parsing , interrogating , comparing , transforming , and formatting them .
* Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used methods and getters in Interval :
* * * * Creation * * To create an Interval , use { @ link fromDateTimes } , { @ link after } , { @ link before } , or { @ link fromISO } .
* * * * Accessors * * Use { @ link start } and { @ link end } to get the start and end .
* * * * Interrogation * * To analyze the Interval , use { @ link count } , { @ link length } , { @ link hasSame } , { @ link contains } , { @ link isAfter } , or { @ link isBefore } .
* * * * Transformation * * To create other Intervals out of this one , use { @ link set } , { @ link splitAt } , { @ link splitBy } , { @ link divideEqually } , { @ link merge } , { @ link xor } , { @ link union } , { @ link intersection } , or { @ link difference } .
* * * * Comparison * * To compare this Interval to another one , use { @ link equals } , { @ link overlaps } , { @ link abutsStart } , { @ link abutsEnd } , { @ link engulfs }
* * * * Output * * To convert the Interval into other representations , see { @ link toString } , { @ link toISO } , { @ link toISODate } , { @ link toISOTime } , { @ link toFormat } , and { @ link toDuration } .
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Interval = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function Interval ( config ) {
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . s = config . start ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . e = config . end ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . invalid = config . invalid || null ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . isLuxonInterval = true ;
/ * *
* Create an invalid Interval .
* @ param { string } reason - simple string of why this Interval is invalid . Should not contain parameters or anything else data - dependent
* @ param { string } [ explanation = null ] - longer explanation , may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @ return { Interval }
* /
Interval . invalid = function invalid ( reason , explanation ) {
if ( explanation === void 0 ) {
explanation = null ;
if ( ! reason ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "need to specify a reason the Interval is invalid" ) ;
var invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid ( reason , explanation ) ;
if ( Settings . throwOnInvalid ) {
throw new InvalidIntervalError ( invalid ) ;
} else {
return new Interval ( {
invalid : invalid
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create an Interval from a start DateTime and an end DateTime . Inclusive of the start but not the end .
* @ param { DateTime | Date | Object } start
* @ param { DateTime | Date | Object } end
* @ return { Interval }
* /
Interval . fromDateTimes = function fromDateTimes ( start , end ) {
var builtStart = friendlyDateTime ( start ) ,
builtEnd = friendlyDateTime ( end ) ;
var validateError = validateStartEnd ( builtStart , builtEnd ) ;
if ( validateError == null ) {
return new Interval ( {
start : builtStart ,
end : builtEnd
} ) ;
} else {
return validateError ;
/ * *
* Create an Interval from a start DateTime and a Duration to extend to .
* @ param { DateTime | Date | Object } start
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - the length of the Interval .
* @ return { Interval }
* /
Interval . after = function after ( start , duration ) {
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ,
dt = friendlyDateTime ( start ) ;
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt , dt . plus ( dur ) ) ;
/ * *
* Create an Interval from an end DateTime and a Duration to extend backwards to .
* @ param { DateTime | Date | Object } end
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - the length of the Interval .
* @ return { Interval }
* /
Interval . before = function before ( end , duration ) {
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ,
dt = friendlyDateTime ( end ) ;
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt . minus ( dur ) , dt ) ;
/ * *
* Create an Interval from an ISO 8601 string .
* Accepts ` <start>/<end> ` , ` <start>/<duration> ` , and ` <duration>/<end> ` formats .
* @ param { string } text - the ISO string to parse
* @ param { Object } [ opts ] - options to pass { @ link DateTime . fromISO } and optionally { @ link Duration . fromISO }
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals
* @ return { Interval }
* /
Interval . fromISO = function fromISO ( text , opts ) {
var _split = ( text || "" ) . split ( "/" , 2 ) ,
s = _split [ 0 ] ,
e = _split [ 1 ] ;
if ( s && e ) {
var start = DateTime . fromISO ( s , opts ) ,
end = DateTime . fromISO ( e , opts ) ;
if ( start . isValid && end . isValid ) {
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( start , end ) ;
if ( start . isValid ) {
var dur = Duration . fromISO ( e , opts ) ;
if ( dur . isValid ) {
return Interval . after ( start , dur ) ;
} else if ( end . isValid ) {
var _dur = Duration . fromISO ( s , opts ) ;
if ( _dur . isValid ) {
return Interval . before ( end , _dur ) ;
return Interval . invalid ( "unparsable" , "the input \"" + text + "\" can't be parsed as ISO 8601" ) ;
/ * *
* Check if an object is an Interval . Works across context boundaries
* @ param { object } o
* @ return { boolean }
* /
Interval . isInterval = function isInterval ( o ) {
return o && o . isLuxonInterval || false ;
/ * *
* Returns the start of the Interval
* @ type { DateTime }
* /
var _proto = Interval . prototype ;
/ * *
* Returns the length of the Interval in the specified unit .
* @ param { string } unit - the unit ( such as 'hours' or 'days' ) to return the length in .
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . length = function length ( unit ) {
if ( unit === void 0 ) {
unit = "milliseconds" ;
return this . isValid ? this . toDuration . apply ( this , [ unit ] ) . get ( unit ) : NaN ;
/ * *
* Returns the count of minutes , hours , days , months , or years included in the Interval , even in part .
* Unlike { @ link length } this counts sections of the calendar , not periods of time , e . g . specifying 'day'
* asks 'what dates are included in this interval?' , not 'how many days long is this interval?'
* @ param { string } [ unit = 'milliseconds' ] - the unit of time to count .
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . count = function count ( unit ) {
if ( unit === void 0 ) {
unit = "milliseconds" ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return NaN ;
var start = this . start . startOf ( unit ) ,
end = this . end . startOf ( unit ) ;
return Math . floor ( end . diff ( start , unit ) . get ( unit ) ) + 1 ;
/ * *
* Returns whether this Interval ' s start and end are both in the same unit of time
* @ param { string } unit - the unit of time to check sameness on
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . hasSame = function hasSame ( unit ) {
return this . isValid ? this . e . minus ( 1 ) . hasSame ( this . s , unit ) : false ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval has the same start and end DateTimes .
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . isEmpty = function isEmpty ( ) {
return this . s . valueOf ( ) === this . e . valueOf ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval ' s start is after the specified DateTime .
* @ param { DateTime } dateTime
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . isAfter = function isAfter ( dateTime ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return this . s > dateTime ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval ' s end is before the specified DateTime .
* @ param { DateTime } dateTime
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . isBefore = function isBefore ( dateTime ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return this . e <= dateTime ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval contains the specified DateTime .
* @ param { DateTime } dateTime
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . contains = function contains ( dateTime ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return this . s <= dateTime && this . e > dateTime ;
/ * *
* "Sets" the start and / or end dates . Returns a newly - constructed Interval .
* @ param { Object } values - the values to set
* @ param { DateTime } values . start - the starting DateTime
* @ param { DateTime } values . end - the ending DateTime
* @ return { Interval }
* /
_proto . set = function set ( _temp ) {
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ,
start = _ref . start ,
end = _ref . end ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( start || this . s , end || this . e ) ;
/ * *
* Split this Interval at each of the specified DateTimes
* @ param { ... [ DateTime ] } dateTimes - the unit of time to count .
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
_proto . splitAt = function splitAt ( ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return [ ] ;
for ( var _len = arguments . length , dateTimes = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
dateTimes [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
var sorted = dateTimes . map ( friendlyDateTime ) . filter ( function ( d ) {
return _this . contains ( d ) ;
} ) . sort ( ) ,
results = [ ] ;
var s = this . s ,
i = 0 ;
while ( s < this . e ) {
var added = sorted [ i ] || this . e ,
next = + added > + this . e ? this . e : added ;
results . push ( Interval . fromDateTimes ( s , next ) ) ;
s = next ;
i += 1 ;
return results ;
/ * *
* Split this Interval into smaller Intervals , each of the specified length .
* Left over time is grouped into a smaller interval
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - The length of each resulting interval .
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
_proto . splitBy = function splitBy ( duration ) {
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ;
if ( ! this . isValid || ! dur . isValid || dur . as ( "milliseconds" ) === 0 ) {
return [ ] ;
var s = this . s ,
added ,
next ;
var results = [ ] ;
while ( s < this . e ) {
added = s . plus ( dur ) ;
next = + added > + this . e ? this . e : added ;
results . push ( Interval . fromDateTimes ( s , next ) ) ;
s = next ;
return results ;
/ * *
* Split this Interval into the specified number of smaller intervals .
* @ param { number } numberOfParts - The number of Intervals to divide the Interval into .
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
_proto . divideEqually = function divideEqually ( numberOfParts ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return [ ] ;
return this . splitBy ( this . length ( ) / numberOfParts ) . slice ( 0 , numberOfParts ) ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval overlaps with the specified Interval
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . overlaps = function overlaps ( other ) {
return this . e > other . s && this . s < other . e ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval 's end is adjacent to the specified Interval' s start .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . abutsStart = function abutsStart ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return + this . e === + other . s ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval 's start is adjacent to the specified Interval' s end .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . abutsEnd = function abutsEnd ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return + other . e === + this . s ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval engulfs the start and end of the specified Interval .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . engulfs = function engulfs ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
return this . s <= other . s && this . e >= other . e ;
/ * *
* Return whether this Interval has the same start and end as the specified Interval .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . equals = function equals ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid || ! other . isValid ) {
return false ;
return this . s . equals ( other . s ) && this . e . equals ( other . e ) ;
/ * *
* Return an Interval representing the intersection of this Interval and the specified Interval .
* Specifically , the resulting Interval has the maximum start time and the minimum end time of the two Intervals .
* Returns null if the intersection is empty , meaning , the intervals don ' t intersect .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { Interval }
* /
_proto . intersection = function intersection ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var s = this . s > other . s ? this . s : other . s ,
e = this . e < other . e ? this . e : other . e ;
if ( s > e ) {
return null ;
} else {
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( s , e ) ;
/ * *
* Return an Interval representing the union of this Interval and the specified Interval .
* Specifically , the resulting Interval has the minimum start time and the maximum end time of the two Intervals .
* @ param { Interval } other
* @ return { Interval }
* /
_proto . union = function union ( other ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var s = this . s < other . s ? this . s : other . s ,
e = this . e > other . e ? this . e : other . e ;
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( s , e ) ;
/ * *
* Merge an array of Intervals into a equivalent minimal set of Intervals .
* Combines overlapping and adjacent Intervals .
* @ param { [ Interval ] } intervals
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
Interval . merge = function merge ( intervals ) {
var _intervals$sort$reduc = intervals . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . s - b . s ;
} ) . reduce ( function ( _ref2 , item ) {
var sofar = _ref2 [ 0 ] ,
current = _ref2 [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! current ) {
return [ sofar , item ] ;
} else if ( current . overlaps ( item ) || current . abutsStart ( item ) ) {
return [ sofar , current . union ( item ) ] ;
} else {
return [ sofar . concat ( [ current ] ) , item ] ;
} , [ [ ] , null ] ) ,
found = _intervals$sort$reduc [ 0 ] ,
final = _intervals$sort$reduc [ 1 ] ;
if ( final ) {
found . push ( final ) ;
return found ;
/ * *
* Return an array of Intervals representing the spans of time that only appear in one of the specified Intervals .
* @ param { [ Interval ] } intervals
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
Interval . xor = function xor ( intervals ) {
var _Array$prototype ;
var start = null ,
currentCount = 0 ;
var results = [ ] ,
ends = intervals . map ( function ( i ) {
return [ {
time : i . s ,
type : "s"
} , {
time : i . e ,
type : "e"
} ] ;
} ) ,
flattened = ( _Array$prototype = Array . prototype ) . concat . apply ( _Array$prototype , ends ) ,
arr = flattened . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . time - b . time ;
} ) ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( arr ) , _step ; ! ( _step = _iterator ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var i = _step . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
currentCount += i . type === "s" ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( currentCount === 1 ) {
start = i . time ;
} else {
if ( start && + start !== + i . time ) {
results . push ( Interval . fromDateTimes ( start , i . time ) ) ;
start = null ;
return Interval . merge ( results ) ;
/ * *
* Return an Interval representing the span of time in this Interval that doesn ' t overlap with any of the specified Intervals .
* @ param { ... Interval } intervals
* @ return { [ Interval ] }
* /
_proto . difference = function difference ( ) {
var _this2 = this ;
for ( var _len2 = arguments . length , intervals = new Array ( _len2 ) , _key2 = 0 ; _key2 < _len2 ; _key2 ++ ) {
intervals [ _key2 ] = arguments [ _key2 ] ;
return Interval . xor ( [ this ] . concat ( intervals ) ) . map ( function ( i ) {
return _this2 . intersection ( i ) ;
} ) . filter ( function ( i ) {
return i && ! i . isEmpty ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this Interval appropriate for debugging .
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toString = function toString ( ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return INVALID$1 ;
return "[" + this . s . toISO ( ) + " \u2013 " + this . e . toISO ( ) + ")" ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this Interval .
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals
* @ param { Object } opts - The same options as { @ link DateTime . toISO }
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISO = function toISO ( opts ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return INVALID$1 ;
return this . s . toISO ( opts ) + "/" + this . e . toISO ( opts ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of date of this Interval .
* The time components are ignored .
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISODate = function toISODate ( ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return INVALID$1 ;
return this . s . toISODate ( ) + "/" + this . e . toISODate ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of time of this Interval .
* The date components are ignored .
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals
* @ param { Object } opts - The same options as { @ link DateTime . toISO }
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISOTime = function toISOTime ( opts ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return INVALID$1 ;
return this . s . toISOTime ( opts ) + "/" + this . e . toISOTime ( opts ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this Interval formatted according to the specified format string .
* @ param { string } dateFormat - the format string . This string formats the start and end time . See { @ link DateTime . toFormat } for details .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . separator = ' – ' ] - a separator to place between the start and end representations
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toFormat = function toFormat ( dateFormat , _temp2 ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref3 = _temp2 === void 0 ? { } : _temp2 ,
_ref3$separator = _ref3 . separator ,
separator = _ref3$separator === void 0 ? " – " : _ref3$separator ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( ! this . isValid ) return INVALID$1 ;
return "" + this . s . toFormat ( dateFormat ) + separator + this . e . toFormat ( dateFormat ) ;
/ * *
* Return a Duration representing the time spanned by this interval .
* @ param { string | string [ ] } [ unit = [ 'milliseconds' ] ] - the unit or units ( such as 'hours' or 'days' ) to include in the duration .
* @ param { Object } opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @ param { string } [ opts . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . toDuration ( ) . toObject ( ) //=> { milliseconds: 88489257 }
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . toDuration ( 'days' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { days: 1.0241812152777778 }
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . toDuration ( [ 'hours' , 'minutes' ] ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34.82095 }
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . toDuration ( [ 'hours' , 'minutes' , 'seconds' ] ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34, seconds: 49.257 }
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . toDuration ( 'seconds' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { seconds: 88489.257 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . toDuration = function toDuration ( unit , opts ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) {
return Duration . invalid ( this . invalidReason ) ;
return this . e . diff ( this . s , unit , opts ) ;
/ * *
* Run mapFn on the interval start and end , returning a new Interval from the resulting DateTimes
* @ param { function } mapFn
* @ return { Interval }
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . mapEndpoints ( endpoint => endpoint . toUTC ( ) )
* @ example Interval . fromDateTimes ( dt1 , dt2 ) . mapEndpoints ( endpoint => endpoint . plus ( { hours : 2 } ) )
* /
_proto . mapEndpoints = function mapEndpoints ( mapFn ) {
return Interval . fromDateTimes ( mapFn ( this . s ) , mapFn ( this . e ) ) ;
} ;
_createClass ( Interval , [ {
key : "start" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . s : null ;
/ * *
* Returns the end of the Interval
* @ type { DateTime }
* /
} , {
key : "end" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . e : null ;
/ * *
* Returns whether this Interval 's end is at least its start, meaning that the Interval isn' t 'backwards' .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalidReason === null ;
/ * *
* Returns an error code if this Interval is invalid , or null if the Interval is valid
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidReason" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . reason : null ;
/ * *
* Returns an explanation of why this Interval became invalid , or null if the Interval is valid
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidExplanation" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . explanation : null ;
} ] ) ;
return Interval ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* The Info class contains static methods for retrieving general time and date related data . For example , it has methods for finding out if a time zone has a DST , for listing the months in any supported locale , and for discovering which of Luxon features are available in the current environment .
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var Info = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
function Info ( ) { }
/ * *
* Return whether the specified zone contains a DST .
* @ param { string | Zone } [ zone = 'local' ] - Zone to check . Defaults to the environment ' s local zone .
* @ return { boolean }
* /
Info . hasDST = function hasDST ( zone ) {
if ( zone === void 0 ) {
zone = Settings . defaultZone ;
var proto = DateTime . local ( ) . setZone ( zone ) . set ( {
month : 12
} ) ;
return ! zone . universal && proto . offset !== proto . set ( {
month : 6
} ) . offset ;
/ * *
* Return whether the specified zone is a valid IANA specifier .
* @ param { string } zone - Zone to check
* @ return { boolean }
* /
Info . isValidIANAZone = function isValidIANAZone ( zone ) {
return IANAZone . isValidSpecifier ( zone ) && IANAZone . isValidZone ( zone ) ;
/ * *
* Converts the input into a { @ link Zone } instance .
* * If ` input ` is already a Zone instance , it is returned unchanged .
* * If ` input ` is a string containing a valid time zone name , a Zone instance
* with that name is returned .
* * If ` input ` is a string that doesn ' t refer to a known time zone , a Zone
* instance with { @ link Zone . isValid } == false is returned .
* * If ` input is a number, a Zone instance with the specified fixed offset
* in minutes is returned .
* * If ` input ` is ` null ` or ` undefined ` , the default zone is returned .
* @ param { string | Zone | number } [ input ] - the value to be converted
* @ return { Zone }
* /
Info . normalizeZone = function normalizeZone$1 ( input ) {
return normalizeZone ( input , Settings . defaultZone ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of standalone month names .
* @ see https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat
* @ param { string } [ length = 'long' ] - the length of the month representation , such as "numeric" , "2-digit" , "narrow" , "short" , "long"
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale ] - the locale code
* @ param { string } [ opts . numberingSystem = null ] - the numbering system
* @ param { string } [ opts . outputCalendar = 'gregory' ] - the calendar
* @ example Info . months ( ) [ 0 ] //=> 'January'
* @ example Info . months ( 'short' ) [ 0 ] //=> 'Jan'
* @ example Info . months ( 'numeric' ) [ 0 ] //=> '1'
* @ example Info . months ( 'short' , { locale : 'fr-CA' } ) [ 0 ] //=> 'janv.'
* @ example Info . months ( 'numeric' , { locale : 'ar' } ) [ 0 ] //=> '١ '
* @ example Info . months ( 'long' , { outputCalendar : 'islamic' } ) [ 0 ] //=> 'Rabiʻ I'
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . months = function months ( length , _temp ) {
if ( length === void 0 ) {
length = "long" ;
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ,
_ref$locale = _ref . locale ,
locale = _ref$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref$locale ,
_ref$numberingSystem = _ref . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _ref$numberingSystem === void 0 ? null : _ref$numberingSystem ,
_ref$outputCalendar = _ref . outputCalendar ,
outputCalendar = _ref$outputCalendar === void 0 ? "gregory" : _ref$outputCalendar ;
return Locale . create ( locale , numberingSystem , outputCalendar ) . months ( length ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of format month names .
* Format months differ from standalone months in that they ' re meant to appear next to the day of the month . In some languages , that
* changes the string .
* See { @ link months }
* @ param { string } [ length = 'long' ] - the length of the month representation , such as "numeric" , "2-digit" , "narrow" , "short" , "long"
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale ] - the locale code
* @ param { string } [ opts . numberingSystem = null ] - the numbering system
* @ param { string } [ opts . outputCalendar = 'gregory' ] - the calendar
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . monthsFormat = function monthsFormat ( length , _temp2 ) {
if ( length === void 0 ) {
length = "long" ;
var _ref2 = _temp2 === void 0 ? { } : _temp2 ,
_ref2$locale = _ref2 . locale ,
locale = _ref2$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref2$locale ,
_ref2$numberingSystem = _ref2 . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _ref2$numberingSystem === void 0 ? null : _ref2$numberingSystem ,
_ref2$outputCalendar = _ref2 . outputCalendar ,
outputCalendar = _ref2$outputCalendar === void 0 ? "gregory" : _ref2$outputCalendar ;
return Locale . create ( locale , numberingSystem , outputCalendar ) . months ( length , true ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of standalone week names .
* @ see https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat
* @ param { string } [ length = 'long' ] - the length of the month representation , such as "narrow" , "short" , "long" .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale ] - the locale code
* @ param { string } [ opts . numberingSystem = null ] - the numbering system
* @ example Info . weekdays ( ) [ 0 ] //=> 'Monday'
* @ example Info . weekdays ( 'short' ) [ 0 ] //=> 'Mon'
* @ example Info . weekdays ( 'short' , { locale : 'fr-CA' } ) [ 0 ] //=> 'lun.'
* @ example Info . weekdays ( 'short' , { locale : 'ar' } ) [ 0 ] //=> 'الاثنين'
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . weekdays = function weekdays ( length , _temp3 ) {
if ( length === void 0 ) {
length = "long" ;
var _ref3 = _temp3 === void 0 ? { } : _temp3 ,
_ref3$locale = _ref3 . locale ,
locale = _ref3$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref3$locale ,
_ref3$numberingSystem = _ref3 . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _ref3$numberingSystem === void 0 ? null : _ref3$numberingSystem ;
return Locale . create ( locale , numberingSystem , null ) . weekdays ( length ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of format week names .
* Format weekdays differ from standalone weekdays in that they ' re meant to appear next to more date information . In some languages , that
* changes the string .
* See { @ link weekdays }
* @ param { string } [ length = 'long' ] - the length of the month representation , such as "narrow" , "short" , "long" .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = null ] - the locale code
* @ param { string } [ opts . numberingSystem = null ] - the numbering system
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . weekdaysFormat = function weekdaysFormat ( length , _temp4 ) {
if ( length === void 0 ) {
length = "long" ;
var _ref4 = _temp4 === void 0 ? { } : _temp4 ,
_ref4$locale = _ref4 . locale ,
locale = _ref4$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref4$locale ,
_ref4$numberingSystem = _ref4 . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _ref4$numberingSystem === void 0 ? null : _ref4$numberingSystem ;
return Locale . create ( locale , numberingSystem , null ) . weekdays ( length , true ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of meridiems .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale ] - the locale code
* @ example Info . meridiems ( ) //=> [ 'AM', 'PM' ]
* @ example Info . meridiems ( { locale : 'my' } ) //=> [ 'နံနက်', 'ညနေ' ]
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . meridiems = function meridiems ( _temp5 ) {
var _ref5 = _temp5 === void 0 ? { } : _temp5 ,
_ref5$locale = _ref5 . locale ,
locale = _ref5$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref5$locale ;
return Locale . create ( locale ) . meridiems ( ) ;
/ * *
* Return an array of eras , such as [ 'BC' , 'AD' ] . The locale can be specified , but the calendar system is always Gregorian .
* @ param { string } [ length = 'short' ] - the length of the era representation , such as "short" or "long" .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale ] - the locale code
* @ example Info . eras ( ) //=> [ 'BC', 'AD' ]
* @ example Info . eras ( 'long' ) //=> [ 'Before Christ', 'Anno Domini' ]
* @ example Info . eras ( 'long' , { locale : 'fr' } ) //=> [ 'avant Jésus-Christ', 'après Jésus-Christ' ]
* @ return { [ string ] }
* /
Info . eras = function eras ( length , _temp6 ) {
if ( length === void 0 ) {
length = "short" ;
var _ref6 = _temp6 === void 0 ? { } : _temp6 ,
_ref6$locale = _ref6 . locale ,
locale = _ref6$locale === void 0 ? null : _ref6$locale ;
return Locale . create ( locale , null , "gregory" ) . eras ( length ) ;
/ * *
* Return the set of available features in this environment .
* Some features of Luxon are not available in all environments . For example , on older browsers , timezone support is not available . Use this function to figure out if that ' s the case .
* Keys :
* * ` zones ` : whether this environment supports IANA timezones
* * ` intlTokens ` : whether this environment supports internationalized token - based formatting / parsing
* * ` intl ` : whether this environment supports general internationalization
* * ` relative ` : whether this environment supports relative time formatting
* @ example Info . features ( ) //=> { intl: true, intlTokens: false, zones: true, relative: false }
* @ return { Object }
* /
Info . features = function features ( ) {
var intl = false ,
intlTokens = false ,
zones = false ,
relative = false ;
if ( hasIntl ( ) ) {
intl = true ;
intlTokens = hasFormatToParts ( ) ;
relative = hasRelative ( ) ;
try {
zones = new Intl . DateTimeFormat ( "en" , {
timeZone : "America/New_York"
} ) . resolvedOptions ( ) . timeZone === "America/New_York" ;
} catch ( e ) {
zones = false ;
return {
intl : intl ,
intlTokens : intlTokens ,
zones : zones ,
relative : relative
} ;
} ;
return Info ;
} ( ) ;
function dayDiff ( earlier , later ) {
var utcDayStart = function utcDayStart ( dt ) {
return dt . toUTC ( 0 , {
keepLocalTime : true
} ) . startOf ( "day" ) . valueOf ( ) ;
} ,
ms = utcDayStart ( later ) - utcDayStart ( earlier ) ;
return Math . floor ( Duration . fromMillis ( ms ) . as ( "days" ) ) ;
function highOrderDiffs ( cursor , later , units ) {
var differs = [ [ "years" , function ( a , b ) {
return b . year - a . year ;
} ] , [ "months" , function ( a , b ) {
return b . month - a . month + ( b . year - a . year ) * 12 ;
} ] , [ "weeks" , function ( a , b ) {
var days = dayDiff ( a , b ) ;
return ( days - days % 7 ) / 7 ;
} ] , [ "days" , dayDiff ] ] ;
var results = { } ;
var lowestOrder , highWater ;
for ( var _i = 0 , _differs = differs ; _i < _differs . length ; _i ++ ) {
var _differs$ _i = _differs [ _i ] ,
unit = _differs$ _i [ 0 ] ,
differ = _differs$ _i [ 1 ] ;
if ( units . indexOf ( unit ) >= 0 ) {
var _cursor$plus ;
lowestOrder = unit ;
var delta = differ ( cursor , later ) ;
highWater = cursor . plus ( ( _cursor$plus = { } , _cursor$plus [ unit ] = delta , _cursor$plus ) ) ;
if ( highWater > later ) {
var _cursor$plus2 ;
cursor = cursor . plus ( ( _cursor$plus2 = { } , _cursor$plus2 [ unit ] = delta - 1 , _cursor$plus2 ) ) ;
delta -= 1 ;
} else {
cursor = highWater ;
results [ unit ] = delta ;
return [ cursor , results , highWater , lowestOrder ] ;
function _diff ( earlier , later , units , opts ) {
var _highOrderDiffs = highOrderDiffs ( earlier , later , units ) ,
cursor = _highOrderDiffs [ 0 ] ,
results = _highOrderDiffs [ 1 ] ,
highWater = _highOrderDiffs [ 2 ] ,
lowestOrder = _highOrderDiffs [ 3 ] ;
var remainingMillis = later - cursor ;
var lowerOrderUnits = units . filter ( function ( u ) {
return [ "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" , "milliseconds" ] . indexOf ( u ) >= 0 ;
} ) ;
if ( lowerOrderUnits . length === 0 ) {
if ( highWater < later ) {
var _cursor$plus3 ;
highWater = cursor . plus ( ( _cursor$plus3 = { } , _cursor$plus3 [ lowestOrder ] = 1 , _cursor$plus3 ) ) ;
if ( highWater !== cursor ) {
results [ lowestOrder ] = ( results [ lowestOrder ] || 0 ) + remainingMillis / ( highWater - cursor ) ;
var duration = Duration . fromObject ( Object . assign ( results , opts ) ) ;
if ( lowerOrderUnits . length > 0 ) {
var _Duration$fromMillis ;
return ( _Duration$fromMillis = Duration . fromMillis ( remainingMillis , opts ) ) . shiftTo . apply ( _Duration$fromMillis , lowerOrderUnits ) . plus ( duration ) ;
} else {
return duration ;
var numberingSystems = {
arab : "[\u0660-\u0669]" ,
arabext : "[\u06F0-\u06F9]" ,
bali : "[\u1B50-\u1B59]" ,
beng : "[\u09E6-\u09EF]" ,
deva : "[\u0966-\u096F]" ,
fullwide : "[\uFF10-\uFF19]" ,
gujr : "[\u0AE6-\u0AEF]" ,
hanidec : "[〇 |一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九]" ,
khmr : "[\u17E0-\u17E9]" ,
knda : "[\u0CE6-\u0CEF]" ,
laoo : "[\u0ED0-\u0ED9]" ,
limb : "[\u1946-\u194F]" ,
mlym : "[\u0D66-\u0D6F]" ,
mong : "[\u1810-\u1819]" ,
mymr : "[\u1040-\u1049]" ,
orya : "[\u0B66-\u0B6F]" ,
tamldec : "[\u0BE6-\u0BEF]" ,
telu : "[\u0C66-\u0C6F]" ,
thai : "[\u0E50-\u0E59]" ,
tibt : "[\u0F20-\u0F29]" ,
latn : "\\d"
} ;
var numberingSystemsUTF16 = {
arab : [ 1632 , 1641 ] ,
arabext : [ 1776 , 1785 ] ,
bali : [ 6992 , 7001 ] ,
beng : [ 2534 , 2543 ] ,
deva : [ 2406 , 2415 ] ,
fullwide : [ 65296 , 65303 ] ,
gujr : [ 2790 , 2799 ] ,
khmr : [ 6112 , 6121 ] ,
knda : [ 3302 , 3311 ] ,
laoo : [ 3792 , 3801 ] ,
limb : [ 6470 , 6479 ] ,
mlym : [ 3430 , 3439 ] ,
mong : [ 6160 , 6169 ] ,
mymr : [ 4160 , 4169 ] ,
orya : [ 2918 , 2927 ] ,
tamldec : [ 3046 , 3055 ] ,
telu : [ 3174 , 3183 ] ,
thai : [ 3664 , 3673 ] ,
tibt : [ 3872 , 3881 ]
} ; // eslint-disable-next-line
var hanidecChars = numberingSystems . hanidec . replace ( /[\[|\]]/g , "" ) . split ( "" ) ;
function parseDigits ( str ) {
var value = parseInt ( str , 10 ) ;
if ( isNaN ( value ) ) {
value = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < str . length ; i ++ ) {
var code = str . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( str [ i ] . search ( numberingSystems . hanidec ) !== - 1 ) {
value += hanidecChars . indexOf ( str [ i ] ) ;
} else {
for ( var key in numberingSystemsUTF16 ) {
var _numberingSystemsUTF = numberingSystemsUTF16 [ key ] ,
min = _numberingSystemsUTF [ 0 ] ,
max = _numberingSystemsUTF [ 1 ] ;
if ( code >= min && code <= max ) {
value += code - min ;
return parseInt ( value , 10 ) ;
} else {
return value ;
function digitRegex ( _ref , append ) {
var numberingSystem = _ref . numberingSystem ;
if ( append === void 0 ) {
append = "" ;
return new RegExp ( "" + numberingSystems [ numberingSystem || "latn" ] + append ) ;
var MISSING _FTP = "missing Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatToParts support" ;
function intUnit ( regex , post ) {
if ( post === void 0 ) {
post = function post ( i ) {
return i ;
} ;
return {
regex : regex ,
deser : function deser ( _ref ) {
var s = _ref [ 0 ] ;
return post ( parseDigits ( s ) ) ;
} ;
function fixListRegex ( s ) {
// make dots optional and also make them literal
return s . replace ( /\./ , "\\.?" ) ;
function stripInsensitivities ( s ) {
return s . replace ( /\./ , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
function oneOf ( strings , startIndex ) {
if ( strings === null ) {
return null ;
} else {
return {
regex : RegExp ( strings . map ( fixListRegex ) . join ( "|" ) ) ,
deser : function deser ( _ref2 ) {
var s = _ref2 [ 0 ] ;
return strings . findIndex ( function ( i ) {
return stripInsensitivities ( s ) === stripInsensitivities ( i ) ;
} ) + startIndex ;
} ;
function offset ( regex , groups ) {
return {
regex : regex ,
deser : function deser ( _ref3 ) {
var h = _ref3 [ 1 ] ,
m = _ref3 [ 2 ] ;
return signedOffset ( h , m ) ;
} ,
groups : groups
} ;
function simple ( regex ) {
return {
regex : regex ,
deser : function deser ( _ref4 ) {
var s = _ref4 [ 0 ] ;
return s ;
} ;
function escapeToken ( value ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
return value . replace ( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g , "\\$&" ) ;
function unitForToken ( token , loc ) {
var one = digitRegex ( loc ) ,
two = digitRegex ( loc , "{2}" ) ,
three = digitRegex ( loc , "{3}" ) ,
four = digitRegex ( loc , "{4}" ) ,
six = digitRegex ( loc , "{6}" ) ,
oneOrTwo = digitRegex ( loc , "{1,2}" ) ,
oneToThree = digitRegex ( loc , "{1,3}" ) ,
oneToSix = digitRegex ( loc , "{1,6}" ) ,
oneToNine = digitRegex ( loc , "{1,9}" ) ,
twoToFour = digitRegex ( loc , "{2,4}" ) ,
fourToSix = digitRegex ( loc , "{4,6}" ) ,
literal = function literal ( t ) {
return {
regex : RegExp ( escapeToken ( t . val ) ) ,
deser : function deser ( _ref5 ) {
var s = _ref5 [ 0 ] ;
return s ;
} ,
literal : true
} ;
} ,
unitate = function unitate ( t ) {
if ( token . literal ) {
return literal ( t ) ;
switch ( t . val ) {
// era
case "G" :
return oneOf ( loc . eras ( "short" , false ) , 0 ) ;
case "GG" :
return oneOf ( loc . eras ( "long" , false ) , 0 ) ;
// years
case "y" :
return intUnit ( oneToSix ) ;
case "yy" :
return intUnit ( twoToFour , untruncateYear ) ;
case "yyyy" :
return intUnit ( four ) ;
case "yyyyy" :
return intUnit ( fourToSix ) ;
case "yyyyyy" :
return intUnit ( six ) ;
// months
case "M" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "MM" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "MMM" :
return oneOf ( loc . months ( "short" , true , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "MMMM" :
return oneOf ( loc . months ( "long" , true , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "L" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "LL" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "LLL" :
return oneOf ( loc . months ( "short" , false , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "LLLL" :
return oneOf ( loc . months ( "long" , false , false ) , 1 ) ;
// dates
case "d" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "dd" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
// ordinals
case "o" :
return intUnit ( oneToThree ) ;
case "ooo" :
return intUnit ( three ) ;
// time
case "HH" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "H" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "hh" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "h" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "mm" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "m" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "q" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "qq" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "s" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "ss" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
case "S" :
return intUnit ( oneToThree ) ;
case "SSS" :
return intUnit ( three ) ;
case "u" :
return simple ( oneToNine ) ;
// meridiem
case "a" :
return oneOf ( loc . meridiems ( ) , 0 ) ;
// weekYear (k)
case "kkkk" :
return intUnit ( four ) ;
case "kk" :
return intUnit ( twoToFour , untruncateYear ) ;
// weekNumber (W)
case "W" :
return intUnit ( oneOrTwo ) ;
case "WW" :
return intUnit ( two ) ;
// weekdays
case "E" :
case "c" :
return intUnit ( one ) ;
case "EEE" :
return oneOf ( loc . weekdays ( "short" , false , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "EEEE" :
return oneOf ( loc . weekdays ( "long" , false , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "ccc" :
return oneOf ( loc . weekdays ( "short" , true , false ) , 1 ) ;
case "cccc" :
return oneOf ( loc . weekdays ( "long" , true , false ) , 1 ) ;
// offset/zone
case "Z" :
case "ZZ" :
return offset ( new RegExp ( "([+-]" + oneOrTwo . source + ")(?::(" + two . source + "))?" ) , 2 ) ;
case "ZZZ" :
return offset ( new RegExp ( "([+-]" + oneOrTwo . source + ")(" + two . source + ")?" ) , 2 ) ;
// we don't support ZZZZ (PST) or ZZZZZ (Pacific Standard Time) in parsing
// because we don't have any way to figure out what they are
case "z" :
return simple ( /[a-z_+-/]{1,256}?/i ) ;
default :
return literal ( t ) ;
} ;
var unit = unitate ( token ) || {
invalidReason : MISSING _FTP
} ;
unit . token = token ;
return unit ;
var partTypeStyleToTokenVal = {
year : {
"2-digit" : "yy" ,
numeric : "yyyyy"
} ,
month : {
numeric : "M" ,
"2-digit" : "MM" ,
short : "MMM" ,
long : "MMMM"
} ,
day : {
numeric : "d" ,
"2-digit" : "dd"
} ,
weekday : {
short : "EEE" ,
long : "EEEE"
} ,
dayperiod : "a" ,
dayPeriod : "a" ,
hour : {
numeric : "h" ,
"2-digit" : "hh"
} ,
minute : {
numeric : "m" ,
"2-digit" : "mm"
} ,
second : {
numeric : "s" ,
"2-digit" : "ss"
} ;
function tokenForPart ( part , locale , formatOpts ) {
var type = part . type ,
value = part . value ;
if ( type === "literal" ) {
return {
literal : true ,
val : value
} ;
var style = formatOpts [ type ] ;
var val = partTypeStyleToTokenVal [ type ] ;
if ( typeof val === "object" ) {
val = val [ style ] ;
if ( val ) {
return {
literal : false ,
val : val
} ;
return undefined ;
function buildRegex ( units ) {
var re = units . map ( function ( u ) {
return u . regex ;
} ) . reduce ( function ( f , r ) {
return f + "(" + r . source + ")" ;
} , "" ) ;
return [ "^" + re + "$" , units ] ;
function match ( input , regex , handlers ) {
var matches = input . match ( regex ) ;
if ( matches ) {
var all = { } ;
var matchIndex = 1 ;
for ( var i in handlers ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty ( handlers , i ) ) {
var h = handlers [ i ] ,
groups = h . groups ? h . groups + 1 : 1 ;
if ( ! h . literal && h . token ) {
all [ h . token . val [ 0 ] ] = h . deser ( matches . slice ( matchIndex , matchIndex + groups ) ) ;
matchIndex += groups ;
return [ matches , all ] ;
} else {
return [ matches , { } ] ;
function dateTimeFromMatches ( matches ) {
var toField = function toField ( token ) {
switch ( token ) {
case "S" :
return "millisecond" ;
case "s" :
return "second" ;
case "m" :
return "minute" ;
case "h" :
case "H" :
return "hour" ;
case "d" :
return "day" ;
case "o" :
return "ordinal" ;
case "L" :
case "M" :
return "month" ;
case "y" :
return "year" ;
case "E" :
case "c" :
return "weekday" ;
case "W" :
return "weekNumber" ;
case "k" :
return "weekYear" ;
case "q" :
return "quarter" ;
default :
return null ;
} ;
var zone ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( matches . Z ) ) {
zone = new FixedOffsetZone ( matches . Z ) ;
} else if ( ! isUndefined ( matches . z ) ) {
zone = IANAZone . create ( matches . z ) ;
} else {
zone = null ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( matches . q ) ) {
matches . M = ( matches . q - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( matches . h ) ) {
if ( matches . h < 12 && matches . a === 1 ) {
matches . h += 12 ;
} else if ( matches . h === 12 && matches . a === 0 ) {
matches . h = 0 ;
if ( matches . G === 0 && matches . y ) {
matches . y = - matches . y ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( matches . u ) ) {
matches . S = parseMillis ( matches . u ) ;
var vals = Object . keys ( matches ) . reduce ( function ( r , k ) {
var f = toField ( k ) ;
if ( f ) {
r [ f ] = matches [ k ] ;
return r ;
} , { } ) ;
return [ vals , zone ] ;
var dummyDateTimeCache = null ;
function getDummyDateTime ( ) {
if ( ! dummyDateTimeCache ) {
dummyDateTimeCache = DateTime . fromMillis ( 1555555555555 ) ;
return dummyDateTimeCache ;
function maybeExpandMacroToken ( token , locale ) {
if ( token . literal ) {
return token ;
var formatOpts = Formatter . macroTokenToFormatOpts ( token . val ) ;
if ( ! formatOpts ) {
return token ;
var formatter = Formatter . create ( locale , formatOpts ) ;
var parts = formatter . formatDateTimeParts ( getDummyDateTime ( ) ) ;
var tokens = parts . map ( function ( p ) {
return tokenForPart ( p , locale , formatOpts ) ;
} ) ;
if ( tokens . includes ( undefined ) ) {
return token ;
return tokens ;
function expandMacroTokens ( tokens , locale ) {
var _Array$prototype ;
return ( _Array$prototype = Array . prototype ) . concat . apply ( _Array$prototype , tokens . map ( function ( t ) {
return maybeExpandMacroToken ( t , locale ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function explainFromTokens ( locale , input , format ) {
var tokens = expandMacroTokens ( Formatter . parseFormat ( format ) , locale ) ,
units = tokens . map ( function ( t ) {
return unitForToken ( t , locale ) ;
} ) ,
disqualifyingUnit = units . find ( function ( t ) {
return t . invalidReason ;
} ) ;
if ( disqualifyingUnit ) {
return {
input : input ,
tokens : tokens ,
invalidReason : disqualifyingUnit . invalidReason
} ;
} else {
var _buildRegex = buildRegex ( units ) ,
regexString = _buildRegex [ 0 ] ,
handlers = _buildRegex [ 1 ] ,
regex = RegExp ( regexString , "i" ) ,
_match = match ( input , regex , handlers ) ,
rawMatches = _match [ 0 ] ,
matches = _match [ 1 ] ,
_ref6 = matches ? dateTimeFromMatches ( matches ) : [ null , null ] ,
result = _ref6 [ 0 ] ,
zone = _ref6 [ 1 ] ;
if ( hasOwnProperty ( matches , "a" ) && hasOwnProperty ( matches , "H" ) ) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError ( "Can't include meridiem when specifying 24-hour format" ) ;
return {
input : input ,
tokens : tokens ,
regex : regex ,
rawMatches : rawMatches ,
matches : matches ,
result : result ,
zone : zone
} ;
function parseFromTokens ( locale , input , format ) {
var _explainFromTokens = explainFromTokens ( locale , input , format ) ,
result = _explainFromTokens . result ,
zone = _explainFromTokens . zone ,
invalidReason = _explainFromTokens . invalidReason ;
return [ result , zone , invalidReason ] ;
var nonLeapLadder = [ 0 , 31 , 59 , 90 , 120 , 151 , 181 , 212 , 243 , 273 , 304 , 334 ] ,
leapLadder = [ 0 , 31 , 60 , 91 , 121 , 152 , 182 , 213 , 244 , 274 , 305 , 335 ] ;
function unitOutOfRange ( unit , value ) {
return new Invalid ( "unit out of range" , "you specified " + value + " (of type " + typeof value + ") as a " + unit + ", which is invalid" ) ;
function dayOfWeek ( year , month , day ) {
var js = new Date ( Date . UTC ( year , month - 1 , day ) ) . getUTCDay ( ) ;
return js === 0 ? 7 : js ;
function computeOrdinal ( year , month , day ) {
return day + ( isLeapYear ( year ) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder ) [ month - 1 ] ;
function uncomputeOrdinal ( year , ordinal ) {
var table = isLeapYear ( year ) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder ,
month0 = table . findIndex ( function ( i ) {
return i < ordinal ;
} ) ,
day = ordinal - table [ month0 ] ;
return {
month : month0 + 1 ,
day : day
} ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
function gregorianToWeek ( gregObj ) {
var year = gregObj . year ,
month = gregObj . month ,
day = gregObj . day ,
ordinal = computeOrdinal ( year , month , day ) ,
weekday = dayOfWeek ( year , month , day ) ;
var weekNumber = Math . floor ( ( ordinal - weekday + 10 ) / 7 ) ,
weekYear ;
if ( weekNumber < 1 ) {
weekYear = year - 1 ;
weekNumber = weeksInWeekYear ( weekYear ) ;
} else if ( weekNumber > weeksInWeekYear ( year ) ) {
weekYear = year + 1 ;
weekNumber = 1 ;
} else {
weekYear = year ;
return Object . assign ( {
weekYear : weekYear ,
weekNumber : weekNumber ,
weekday : weekday
} , timeObject ( gregObj ) ) ;
function weekToGregorian ( weekData ) {
var weekYear = weekData . weekYear ,
weekNumber = weekData . weekNumber ,
weekday = weekData . weekday ,
weekdayOfJan4 = dayOfWeek ( weekYear , 1 , 4 ) ,
yearInDays = daysInYear ( weekYear ) ;
var ordinal = weekNumber * 7 + weekday - weekdayOfJan4 - 3 ,
year ;
if ( ordinal < 1 ) {
year = weekYear - 1 ;
ordinal += daysInYear ( year ) ;
} else if ( ordinal > yearInDays ) {
year = weekYear + 1 ;
ordinal -= daysInYear ( weekYear ) ;
} else {
year = weekYear ;
var _uncomputeOrdinal = uncomputeOrdinal ( year , ordinal ) ,
month = _uncomputeOrdinal . month ,
day = _uncomputeOrdinal . day ;
return Object . assign ( {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : day
} , timeObject ( weekData ) ) ;
function gregorianToOrdinal ( gregData ) {
var year = gregData . year ,
month = gregData . month ,
day = gregData . day ,
ordinal = computeOrdinal ( year , month , day ) ;
return Object . assign ( {
year : year ,
ordinal : ordinal
} , timeObject ( gregData ) ) ;
function ordinalToGregorian ( ordinalData ) {
var year = ordinalData . year ,
ordinal = ordinalData . ordinal ,
_uncomputeOrdinal2 = uncomputeOrdinal ( year , ordinal ) ,
month = _uncomputeOrdinal2 . month ,
day = _uncomputeOrdinal2 . day ;
return Object . assign ( {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : day
} , timeObject ( ordinalData ) ) ;
function hasInvalidWeekData ( obj ) {
var validYear = isInteger ( obj . weekYear ) ,
validWeek = integerBetween ( obj . weekNumber , 1 , weeksInWeekYear ( obj . weekYear ) ) ,
validWeekday = integerBetween ( obj . weekday , 1 , 7 ) ;
if ( ! validYear ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "weekYear" , obj . weekYear ) ;
} else if ( ! validWeek ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "week" , obj . week ) ;
} else if ( ! validWeekday ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "weekday" , obj . weekday ) ;
} else return false ;
function hasInvalidOrdinalData ( obj ) {
var validYear = isInteger ( obj . year ) ,
validOrdinal = integerBetween ( obj . ordinal , 1 , daysInYear ( obj . year ) ) ;
if ( ! validYear ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "year" , obj . year ) ;
} else if ( ! validOrdinal ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "ordinal" , obj . ordinal ) ;
} else return false ;
function hasInvalidGregorianData ( obj ) {
var validYear = isInteger ( obj . year ) ,
validMonth = integerBetween ( obj . month , 1 , 12 ) ,
validDay = integerBetween ( obj . day , 1 , daysInMonth ( obj . year , obj . month ) ) ;
if ( ! validYear ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "year" , obj . year ) ;
} else if ( ! validMonth ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "month" , obj . month ) ;
} else if ( ! validDay ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "day" , obj . day ) ;
} else return false ;
function hasInvalidTimeData ( obj ) {
var hour = obj . hour ,
minute = obj . minute ,
second = obj . second ,
millisecond = obj . millisecond ;
var validHour = integerBetween ( hour , 0 , 23 ) || hour === 24 && minute === 0 && second === 0 && millisecond === 0 ,
validMinute = integerBetween ( minute , 0 , 59 ) ,
validSecond = integerBetween ( second , 0 , 59 ) ,
validMillisecond = integerBetween ( millisecond , 0 , 999 ) ;
if ( ! validHour ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "hour" , hour ) ;
} else if ( ! validMinute ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "minute" , minute ) ;
} else if ( ! validSecond ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "second" , second ) ;
} else if ( ! validMillisecond ) {
return unitOutOfRange ( "millisecond" , millisecond ) ;
} else return false ;
var INVALID$2 = "Invalid DateTime" ;
var MAX _DATE = 8.64 e15 ;
function unsupportedZone ( zone ) {
return new Invalid ( "unsupported zone" , "the zone \"" + zone . name + "\" is not supported" ) ;
} // we cache week data on the DT object and this intermediates the cache
function possiblyCachedWeekData ( dt ) {
if ( dt . weekData === null ) {
dt . weekData = gregorianToWeek ( dt . c ) ;
return dt . weekData ;
} // clone really means, "make a new object with these modifications". all "setters" really use this
// to create a new object while only changing some of the properties
function clone$1 ( inst , alts ) {
var current = {
ts : inst . ts ,
zone : inst . zone ,
c : inst . c ,
o : inst . o ,
loc : inst . loc ,
invalid : inst . invalid
} ;
return new DateTime ( Object . assign ( { } , current , alts , {
old : current
} ) ) ;
} // find the right offset a given local time. The o input is our guess, which determines which
// offset we'll pick in ambiguous cases (e.g. there are two 3 AMs b/c Fallback DST)
function fixOffset ( localTS , o , tz ) {
// Our UTC time is just a guess because our offset is just a guess
var utcGuess = localTS - o * 60 * 1000 ; // Test whether the zone matches the offset for this ts
var o2 = tz . offset ( utcGuess ) ; // If so, offset didn't change and we're done
if ( o === o2 ) {
return [ utcGuess , o ] ;
} // If not, change the ts by the difference in the offset
utcGuess -= ( o2 - o ) * 60 * 1000 ; // If that gives us the local time we want, we're done
var o3 = tz . offset ( utcGuess ) ;
if ( o2 === o3 ) {
return [ utcGuess , o2 ] ;
} // If it's different, we're in a hole time. The offset has changed, but the we don't adjust the time
return [ localTS - Math . min ( o2 , o3 ) * 60 * 1000 , Math . max ( o2 , o3 ) ] ;
} // convert an epoch timestamp into a calendar object with the given offset
function tsToObj ( ts , offset ) {
ts += offset * 60 * 1000 ;
var d = new Date ( ts ) ;
return {
year : d . getUTCFullYear ( ) ,
month : d . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ,
day : d . getUTCDate ( ) ,
hour : d . getUTCHours ( ) ,
minute : d . getUTCMinutes ( ) ,
second : d . getUTCSeconds ( ) ,
millisecond : d . getUTCMilliseconds ( )
} ;
} // convert a calendar object to a epoch timestamp
function objToTS ( obj , offset , zone ) {
return fixOffset ( objToLocalTS ( obj ) , offset , zone ) ;
} // create a new DT instance by adding a duration, adjusting for DSTs
function adjustTime ( inst , dur ) {
var _dur ;
var keys = Object . keys ( dur . values ) ;
if ( keys . indexOf ( "milliseconds" ) === - 1 ) {
keys . push ( "milliseconds" ) ;
dur = ( _dur = dur ) . shiftTo . apply ( _dur , keys ) ;
var oPre = inst . o ,
year = inst . c . year + dur . years ,
month = inst . c . month + dur . months + dur . quarters * 3 ,
c = Object . assign ( { } , inst . c , {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : Math . min ( inst . c . day , daysInMonth ( year , month ) ) + dur . days + dur . weeks * 7
} ) ,
millisToAdd = Duration . fromObject ( {
hours : dur . hours ,
minutes : dur . minutes ,
seconds : dur . seconds ,
milliseconds : dur . milliseconds
} ) . as ( "milliseconds" ) ,
localTS = objToLocalTS ( c ) ;
var _fixOffset = fixOffset ( localTS , oPre , inst . zone ) ,
ts = _fixOffset [ 0 ] ,
o = _fixOffset [ 1 ] ;
if ( millisToAdd !== 0 ) {
ts += millisToAdd ; // that could have changed the offset by going over a DST, but we want to keep the ts the same
o = inst . zone . offset ( ts ) ;
return {
ts : ts ,
o : o
} ;
} // helper useful in turning the results of parsing into real dates
// by handling the zone options
function parseDataToDateTime ( parsed , parsedZone , opts , format , text ) {
var setZone = opts . setZone ,
zone = opts . zone ;
if ( parsed && Object . keys ( parsed ) . length !== 0 ) {
var interpretationZone = parsedZone || zone ,
inst = DateTime . fromObject ( Object . assign ( parsed , opts , {
zone : interpretationZone ,
// setZone is a valid option in the calling methods, but not in fromObject
setZone : undefined
} ) ) ;
return setZone ? inst : inst . setZone ( zone ) ;
} else {
return DateTime . invalid ( new Invalid ( "unparsable" , "the input \"" + text + "\" can't be parsed as " + format ) ) ;
} // if you want to output a technical format (e.g. RFC 2822), this helper
// helps handle the details
function toTechFormat ( dt , format , allowZ ) {
if ( allowZ === void 0 ) {
allowZ = true ;
return dt . isValid ? Formatter . create ( Locale . create ( "en-US" ) , {
allowZ : allowZ ,
forceSimple : true
} ) . formatDateTimeFromString ( dt , format ) : null ;
} // technical time formats (e.g. the time part of ISO 8601), take some options
// and this commonizes their handling
function toTechTimeFormat ( dt , _ref ) {
var _ref$suppressSeconds = _ref . suppressSeconds ,
suppressSeconds = _ref$suppressSeconds === void 0 ? false : _ref$suppressSeconds ,
_ref$suppressMillisec = _ref . suppressMilliseconds ,
suppressMilliseconds = _ref$suppressMillisec === void 0 ? false : _ref$suppressMillisec ,
includeOffset = _ref . includeOffset ,
_ref$includeZone = _ref . includeZone ,
includeZone = _ref$includeZone === void 0 ? false : _ref$includeZone ,
_ref$spaceZone = _ref . spaceZone ,
spaceZone = _ref$spaceZone === void 0 ? false : _ref$spaceZone ,
_ref$format = _ref . format ,
format = _ref$format === void 0 ? "extended" : _ref$format ;
var fmt = format === "basic" ? "HHmm" : "HH:mm" ;
if ( ! suppressSeconds || dt . second !== 0 || dt . millisecond !== 0 ) {
fmt += format === "basic" ? "ss" : ":ss" ;
if ( ! suppressMilliseconds || dt . millisecond !== 0 ) {
fmt += ".SSS" ;
if ( ( includeZone || includeOffset ) && spaceZone ) {
fmt += " " ;
if ( includeZone ) {
fmt += "z" ;
} else if ( includeOffset ) {
fmt += format === "basic" ? "ZZZ" : "ZZ" ;
return toTechFormat ( dt , fmt ) ;
} // defaults for unspecified units in the supported calendars
var defaultUnitValues = {
month : 1 ,
day : 1 ,
hour : 0 ,
minute : 0 ,
second : 0 ,
millisecond : 0
} ,
defaultWeekUnitValues = {
weekNumber : 1 ,
weekday : 1 ,
hour : 0 ,
minute : 0 ,
second : 0 ,
millisecond : 0
} ,
defaultOrdinalUnitValues = {
ordinal : 1 ,
hour : 0 ,
minute : 0 ,
second : 0 ,
millisecond : 0
} ; // Units in the supported calendars, sorted by bigness
var orderedUnits$1 = [ "year" , "month" , "day" , "hour" , "minute" , "second" , "millisecond" ] ,
orderedWeekUnits = [ "weekYear" , "weekNumber" , "weekday" , "hour" , "minute" , "second" , "millisecond" ] ,
orderedOrdinalUnits = [ "year" , "ordinal" , "hour" , "minute" , "second" , "millisecond" ] ; // standardize case and plurality in units
function normalizeUnit ( unit ) {
var normalized = {
year : "year" ,
years : "year" ,
month : "month" ,
months : "month" ,
day : "day" ,
days : "day" ,
hour : "hour" ,
hours : "hour" ,
minute : "minute" ,
minutes : "minute" ,
quarter : "quarter" ,
quarters : "quarter" ,
second : "second" ,
seconds : "second" ,
millisecond : "millisecond" ,
milliseconds : "millisecond" ,
weekday : "weekday" ,
weekdays : "weekday" ,
weeknumber : "weekNumber" ,
weeksnumber : "weekNumber" ,
weeknumbers : "weekNumber" ,
weekyear : "weekYear" ,
weekyears : "weekYear" ,
ordinal : "ordinal"
} [ unit . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
if ( ! normalized ) throw new InvalidUnitError ( unit ) ;
return normalized ;
} // this is a dumbed down version of fromObject() that runs about 60% faster
// but doesn't do any validation, makes a bunch of assumptions about what units
// are present, and so on.
function quickDT ( obj , zone ) {
// assume we have the higher-order units
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( orderedUnits$1 ) , _step ; ! ( _step = _iterator ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var u = _step . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
if ( isUndefined ( obj [ u ] ) ) {
obj [ u ] = defaultUnitValues [ u ] ;
var invalid = hasInvalidGregorianData ( obj ) || hasInvalidTimeData ( obj ) ;
if ( invalid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( invalid ) ;
var tsNow = Settings . now ( ) ,
offsetProvis = zone . offset ( tsNow ) ,
_objToTS = objToTS ( obj , offsetProvis , zone ) ,
ts = _objToTS [ 0 ] ,
o = _objToTS [ 1 ] ;
return new DateTime ( {
ts : ts ,
zone : zone ,
o : o
} ) ;
function diffRelative ( start , end , opts ) {
var round = isUndefined ( opts . round ) ? true : opts . round ,
format = function format ( c , unit ) {
c = roundTo ( c , round || opts . calendary ? 0 : 2 , true ) ;
var formatter = end . loc . clone ( opts ) . relFormatter ( opts ) ;
return formatter . format ( c , unit ) ;
} ,
differ = function differ ( unit ) {
if ( opts . calendary ) {
if ( ! end . hasSame ( start , unit ) ) {
return end . startOf ( unit ) . diff ( start . startOf ( unit ) , unit ) . get ( unit ) ;
} else return 0 ;
} else {
return end . diff ( start , unit ) . get ( unit ) ;
} ;
if ( opts . unit ) {
return format ( differ ( opts . unit ) , opts . unit ) ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( opts . units ) , _step2 ; ! ( _step2 = _iterator2 ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var unit = _step2 . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
var count = differ ( unit ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( count ) >= 1 ) {
return format ( count , unit ) ;
return format ( 0 , opts . units [ opts . units . length - 1 ] ) ;
/ * *
* A DateTime is an immutable data structure representing a specific date and time and accompanying methods . It contains class and instance methods for creating , parsing , interrogating , transforming , and formatting them .
* A DateTime comprises of :
* * A timestamp . Each DateTime instance refers to a specific millisecond of the Unix epoch .
* * A time zone . Each instance is considered in the context of a specific zone ( by default the local system ' s zone ) .
* * Configuration properties that effect how output strings are formatted , such as ` locale ` , ` numberingSystem ` , and ` outputCalendar ` .
* Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used functionality it provides :
* * * * Creation * * : To create a DateTime from its components , use one of its factory class methods : { @ link local } , { @ link utc } , and ( most flexibly ) { @ link fromObject } . To create one from a standard string format , use { @ link fromISO } , { @ link fromHTTP } , and { @ link fromRFC2822 } . To create one from a custom string format , use { @ link fromFormat } . To create one from a native JS date , use { @ link fromJSDate } .
* * * * Gregorian calendar and time * * : To examine the Gregorian properties of a DateTime individually ( i . e as opposed to collectively through { @ link toObject } ) , use the { @ link year } , { @ link month } ,
* { @ link day } , { @ link hour } , { @ link minute } , { @ link second } , { @ link millisecond } accessors .
* * * * Week calendar * * : For ISO week calendar attributes , see the { @ link weekYear } , { @ link weekNumber } , and { @ link weekday } accessors .
* * * * Configuration * * See the { @ link locale } and { @ link numberingSystem } accessors .
* * * * Transformation * * : To transform the DateTime into other DateTimes , use { @ link set } , { @ link reconfigure } , { @ link setZone } , { @ link setLocale } , { @ link plus } , { @ link minus } , { @ link endOf } , { @ link startOf } , { @ link toUTC } , and { @ link toLocal } .
* * * * Output * * : To convert the DateTime to other representations , use the { @ link toRelative } , { @ link toRelativeCalendar } , { @ link toJSON } , { @ link toISO } , { @ link toHTTP } , { @ link toObject } , { @ link toRFC2822 } , { @ link toString } , { @ link toLocaleString } , { @ link toFormat } , { @ link toMillis } and { @ link toJSDate } .
* There ' s plenty others documented below . In addition , for more information on subtler topics like internationalization , time zones , alternative calendars , validity , and so on , see the external documentation .
* /
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var DateTime = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
function DateTime ( config ) {
var zone = config . zone || Settings . defaultZone ;
var invalid = config . invalid || ( Number . isNaN ( config . ts ) ? new Invalid ( "invalid input" ) : null ) || ( ! zone . isValid ? unsupportedZone ( zone ) : null ) ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . ts = isUndefined ( config . ts ) ? Settings . now ( ) : config . ts ;
var c = null ,
o = null ;
if ( ! invalid ) {
var unchanged = config . old && config . old . ts === this . ts && config . old . zone . equals ( zone ) ;
if ( unchanged ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref2 = [ config . old . c , config . old . o ] ;
c = _ref2 [ 0 ] ;
o = _ref2 [ 1 ] ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
} else {
var ot = zone . offset ( this . ts ) ;
c = tsToObj ( this . ts , ot ) ;
invalid = Number . isNaN ( c . year ) ? new Invalid ( "invalid input" ) : null ;
c = invalid ? null : c ;
o = invalid ? null : ot ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . _zone = zone ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . loc = config . loc || Locale . create ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . invalid = invalid ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . weekData = null ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . c = c ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . o = o ;
/ * *
* @ access private
* /
this . isLuxonDateTime = true ;
/ * *
* Create a local DateTime
* @ param { number } [ year ] - The calendar year . If omitted ( as in , call ` local() ` with no arguments ) , the current time will be used
* @ param { number } [ month = 1 ] - The month , 1 - indexed
* @ param { number } [ day = 1 ] - The day of the month
* @ param { number } [ hour = 0 ] - The hour of the day , in 24 - hour time
* @ param { number } [ minute = 0 ] - The minute of the hour , meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @ param { number } [ second = 0 ] - The second of the minute , meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @ param { number } [ millisecond = 0 ] - The millisecond of the second , meaning a number between 0 and 999
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) //~> now
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 ) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 ) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 , 12 ) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 , 10 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 , 10 , 765 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . local = function local ( year , month , day , hour , minute , second , millisecond ) {
if ( isUndefined ( year ) ) {
return new DateTime ( {
ts : Settings . now ( )
} ) ;
} else {
return quickDT ( {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : day ,
hour : hour ,
minute : minute ,
second : second ,
millisecond : millisecond
} , Settings . defaultZone ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime in UTC
* @ param { number } [ year ] - The calendar year . If omitted ( as in , call ` utc() ` with no arguments ) , the current time will be used
* @ param { number } [ month = 1 ] - The month , 1 - indexed
* @ param { number } [ day = 1 ] - The day of the month
* @ param { number } [ hour = 0 ] - The hour of the day , in 24 - hour time
* @ param { number } [ minute = 0 ] - The minute of the hour , meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @ param { number } [ second = 0 ] - The second of the minute , meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @ param { number } [ millisecond = 0 ] - The millisecond of the second , meaning a number between 0 and 999
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) //~> now
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 ) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 ) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 , 12 ) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 , 10 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10Z
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2017 , 3 , 12 , 5 , 45 , 10 , 765 ) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765Z
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . utc = function utc ( year , month , day , hour , minute , second , millisecond ) {
if ( isUndefined ( year ) ) {
return new DateTime ( {
ts : Settings . now ( ) ,
zone : FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance
} ) ;
} else {
return quickDT ( {
year : year ,
month : month ,
day : day ,
hour : hour ,
minute : minute ,
second : second ,
millisecond : millisecond
} , FixedOffsetZone . utcInstance ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from a Javascript Date object . Uses the default zone .
* @ param { Date } date - a Javascript Date object
* @ param { Object } options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @ param { string | Zone } [ options . zone = 'local' ] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromJSDate = function fromJSDate ( date , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
var ts = isDate ( date ) ? date . valueOf ( ) : NaN ;
if ( Number . isNaN ( ts ) ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( "invalid input" ) ;
var zoneToUse = normalizeZone ( options . zone , Settings . defaultZone ) ;
if ( ! zoneToUse . isValid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( unsupportedZone ( zoneToUse ) ) ;
return new DateTime ( {
ts : ts ,
zone : zoneToUse ,
loc : Locale . fromObject ( options )
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from a number of milliseconds since the epoch ( meaning since 1 January 1970 00 : 00 : 00 UTC ) . Uses the default zone .
* @ param { number } milliseconds - a number of milliseconds since 1970 UTC
* @ param { Object } options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @ param { string | Zone } [ options . zone = 'local' ] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @ param { string } [ options . locale ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } options . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } options . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromMillis = function fromMillis ( milliseconds , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
if ( ! isNumber ( milliseconds ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "fromMillis requires a numerical input, but received a " + typeof milliseconds + " with value " + milliseconds ) ;
} else if ( milliseconds < - MAX _DATE || milliseconds > MAX _DATE ) {
// this isn't perfect because because we can still end up out of range because of additional shifting, but it's a start
return DateTime . invalid ( "Timestamp out of range" ) ;
} else {
return new DateTime ( {
ts : milliseconds ,
zone : normalizeZone ( options . zone , Settings . defaultZone ) ,
loc : Locale . fromObject ( options )
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from a number of seconds since the epoch ( meaning since 1 January 1970 00 : 00 : 00 UTC ) . Uses the default zone .
* @ param { number } seconds - a number of seconds since 1970 UTC
* @ param { Object } options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @ param { string | Zone } [ options . zone = 'local' ] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @ param { string } [ options . locale ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } options . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } options . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromSeconds = function fromSeconds ( seconds , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
if ( ! isNumber ( seconds ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "fromSeconds requires a numerical input" ) ;
} else {
return new DateTime ( {
ts : seconds * 1000 ,
zone : normalizeZone ( options . zone , Settings . defaultZone ) ,
loc : Locale . fromObject ( options )
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from a Javascript object with keys like 'year' and 'hour' with reasonable defaults .
* @ param { Object } obj - the object to create the DateTime from
* @ param { number } obj . year - a year , such as 1987
* @ param { number } obj . month - a month , 1 - 12
* @ param { number } obj . day - a day of the month , 1 - 31 , depending on the month
* @ param { number } obj . ordinal - day of the year , 1 - 365 or 366
* @ param { number } obj . weekYear - an ISO week year
* @ param { number } obj . weekNumber - an ISO week number , between 1 and 52 or 53 , depending on the year
* @ param { number } obj . weekday - an ISO weekday , 1 - 7 , where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
* @ param { number } obj . hour - hour of the day , 0 - 23
* @ param { number } obj . minute - minute of the hour , 0 - 59
* @ param { number } obj . second - second of the minute , 0 - 59
* @ param { number } obj . millisecond - millisecond of the second , 0 - 999
* @ param { string | Zone } [ obj . zone = 'local' ] - interpret the numbers in the context of a particular zone . Can take any value taken as the first argument to setZone ( )
* @ param { string } [ obj . locale = 'system' s locale ' ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } obj . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } obj . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { year : 1982 , month : 5 , day : 25 } ) . toISODate ( ) //=> '1982-05-25'
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { year : 1982 } ) . toISODate ( ) //=> '1982-01-01'
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { hour : 10 , minute : 26 , second : 6 } ) //~> today at 10:26:06
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { hour : 10 , minute : 26 , second : 6 , zone : 'utc' } ) ,
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { hour : 10 , minute : 26 , second : 6 , zone : 'local' } )
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { hour : 10 , minute : 26 , second : 6 , zone : 'America/New_York' } )
* @ example DateTime . fromObject ( { weekYear : 2016 , weekNumber : 2 , weekday : 3 } ) . toISODate ( ) //=> '2016-01-13'
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromObject = function fromObject ( obj ) {
var zoneToUse = normalizeZone ( obj . zone , Settings . defaultZone ) ;
if ( ! zoneToUse . isValid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( unsupportedZone ( zoneToUse ) ) ;
var tsNow = Settings . now ( ) ,
offsetProvis = zoneToUse . offset ( tsNow ) ,
normalized = normalizeObject ( obj , normalizeUnit , [ "zone" , "locale" , "outputCalendar" , "numberingSystem" ] ) ,
containsOrdinal = ! isUndefined ( normalized . ordinal ) ,
containsGregorYear = ! isUndefined ( normalized . year ) ,
containsGregorMD = ! isUndefined ( normalized . month ) || ! isUndefined ( normalized . day ) ,
containsGregor = containsGregorYear || containsGregorMD ,
definiteWeekDef = normalized . weekYear || normalized . weekNumber ,
loc = Locale . fromObject ( obj ) ; // cases:
// just a weekday -> this week's instance of that weekday, no worries
// (gregorian data or ordinal) + (weekYear or weekNumber) -> error
// (gregorian month or day) + ordinal -> error
// otherwise just use weeks or ordinals or gregorian, depending on what's specified
if ( ( containsGregor || containsOrdinal ) && definiteWeekDef ) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError ( "Can't mix weekYear/weekNumber units with year/month/day or ordinals" ) ;
if ( containsGregorMD && containsOrdinal ) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError ( "Can't mix ordinal dates with month/day" ) ;
var useWeekData = definiteWeekDef || normalized . weekday && ! containsGregor ; // configure ourselves to deal with gregorian dates or week stuff
var units ,
defaultValues ,
objNow = tsToObj ( tsNow , offsetProvis ) ;
if ( useWeekData ) {
units = orderedWeekUnits ;
defaultValues = defaultWeekUnitValues ;
objNow = gregorianToWeek ( objNow ) ;
} else if ( containsOrdinal ) {
units = orderedOrdinalUnits ;
defaultValues = defaultOrdinalUnitValues ;
objNow = gregorianToOrdinal ( objNow ) ;
} else {
units = orderedUnits$1 ;
defaultValues = defaultUnitValues ;
} // set default values for missing stuff
var foundFirst = false ;
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
for ( var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose ( units ) , _step3 ; ! ( _step3 = _iterator3 ( ) ) . done ; ) {
var u = _step3 . value ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
var v = normalized [ u ] ;
if ( ! isUndefined ( v ) ) {
foundFirst = true ;
} else if ( foundFirst ) {
normalized [ u ] = defaultValues [ u ] ;
} else {
normalized [ u ] = objNow [ u ] ;
} // make sure the values we have are in range
var higherOrderInvalid = useWeekData ? hasInvalidWeekData ( normalized ) : containsOrdinal ? hasInvalidOrdinalData ( normalized ) : hasInvalidGregorianData ( normalized ) ,
invalid = higherOrderInvalid || hasInvalidTimeData ( normalized ) ;
if ( invalid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( invalid ) ;
} // compute the actual time
var gregorian = useWeekData ? weekToGregorian ( normalized ) : containsOrdinal ? ordinalToGregorian ( normalized ) : normalized ,
_objToTS2 = objToTS ( gregorian , offsetProvis , zoneToUse ) ,
tsFinal = _objToTS2 [ 0 ] ,
offsetFinal = _objToTS2 [ 1 ] ,
inst = new DateTime ( {
ts : tsFinal ,
zone : zoneToUse ,
o : offsetFinal ,
loc : loc
} ) ; // gregorian data + weekday serves only to validate
if ( normalized . weekday && containsGregor && obj . weekday !== inst . weekday ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( "mismatched weekday" , "you can't specify both a weekday of " + normalized . weekday + " and a date of " + inst . toISO ( ) ) ;
return inst ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from an ISO 8601 string
* @ param { string } text - the ISO string
* @ param { Object } opts - options to affect the creation
* @ param { string | Zone } [ opts . zone = 'local' ] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself . Will also convert the time to this zone
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . setZone = false ] - override the zone with a fixed - offset zone specified in the string itself , if it specifies one
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'system' s locale ' ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ example DateTime . fromISO ( '2016-05-25T09:08:34.123' )
* @ example DateTime . fromISO ( '2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00' )
* @ example DateTime . fromISO ( '2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00' , { setZone : true } )
* @ example DateTime . fromISO ( '2016-05-25T09:08:34.123' , { zone : 'utc' } )
* @ example DateTime . fromISO ( '2016-W05-4' )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromISO = function fromISO ( text , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _parseISODate = parseISODate ( text ) ,
vals = _parseISODate [ 0 ] ,
parsedZone = _parseISODate [ 1 ] ;
return parseDataToDateTime ( vals , parsedZone , opts , "ISO 8601" , text ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from an RFC 2822 string
* @ param { string } text - the RFC 2822 string
* @ param { Object } opts - options to affect the creation
* @ param { string | Zone } [ opts . zone = 'local' ] - convert the time to this zone . Since the offset is always specified in the string itself , this has no effect on the interpretation of string , merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in .
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . setZone = false ] - override the zone with a fixed - offset zone specified in the string itself , if it specifies one
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'system' s locale ' ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ example DateTime . fromRFC2822 ( '25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 GMT' )
* @ example DateTime . fromRFC2822 ( 'Fri, 25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 +0600' )
* @ example DateTime . fromRFC2822 ( '25 Nov 2016 13:23 Z' )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromRFC2822 = function fromRFC2822 ( text , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _parseRFC2822Date = parseRFC2822Date ( text ) ,
vals = _parseRFC2822Date [ 0 ] ,
parsedZone = _parseRFC2822Date [ 1 ] ;
return parseDataToDateTime ( vals , parsedZone , opts , "RFC 2822" , text ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from an HTTP header date
* @ see https : //www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1
* @ param { string } text - the HTTP header date
* @ param { Object } opts - options to affect the creation
* @ param { string | Zone } [ opts . zone = 'local' ] - convert the time to this zone . Since HTTP dates are always in UTC , this has no effect on the interpretation of string , merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in .
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . setZone = false ] - override the zone with the fixed - offset zone specified in the string . For HTTP dates , this is always UTC , so this option is equivalent to setting the ` zone ` option to 'utc' , but this option is included for consistency with similar methods .
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'system' s locale ' ] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ example DateTime . fromHTTP ( 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT' )
* @ example DateTime . fromHTTP ( 'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT' )
* @ example DateTime . fromHTTP ( 'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994' )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromHTTP = function fromHTTP ( text , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _parseHTTPDate = parseHTTPDate ( text ) ,
vals = _parseHTTPDate [ 0 ] ,
parsedZone = _parseHTTPDate [ 1 ] ;
return parseDataToDateTime ( vals , parsedZone , opts , "HTTP" , opts ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from an input string and format string .
* Defaults to en - US if no locale has been specified , regardless of the system ' s locale .
* @ see https : //moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/parsing.html#table-of-tokens
* @ param { string } text - the string to parse
* @ param { string } fmt - the format the string is expected to be in ( see the link below for the formats )
* @ param { Object } opts - options to affect the creation
* @ param { string | Zone } [ opts . zone = 'local' ] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself . Will also convert the DateTime to this zone
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . setZone = false ] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself , if it specifies one
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'en-US' ] - a locale string to use when parsing . Will also set the DateTime to this locale
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing . Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system
* @ param { string } opts . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromFormat = function fromFormat ( text , fmt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( isUndefined ( text ) || isUndefined ( fmt ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "fromFormat requires an input string and a format" ) ;
var _opts = opts ,
_opts$locale = _opts . locale ,
locale = _opts$locale === void 0 ? null : _opts$locale ,
_opts$numberingSystem = _opts . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _opts$numberingSystem === void 0 ? null : _opts$numberingSystem ,
localeToUse = Locale . fromOpts ( {
locale : locale ,
numberingSystem : numberingSystem ,
defaultToEN : true
} ) ,
_parseFromTokens = parseFromTokens ( localeToUse , text , fmt ) ,
vals = _parseFromTokens [ 0 ] ,
parsedZone = _parseFromTokens [ 1 ] ,
invalid = _parseFromTokens [ 2 ] ;
if ( invalid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( invalid ) ;
} else {
return parseDataToDateTime ( vals , parsedZone , opts , "format " + fmt , text ) ;
/ * *
* @ deprecated use fromFormat instead
* /
DateTime . fromString = function fromString ( text , fmt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return DateTime . fromFormat ( text , fmt , opts ) ;
/ * *
* Create a DateTime from a SQL date , time , or datetime
* Defaults to en - US if no locale has been specified , regardless of the system ' s locale
* @ param { string } text - the string to parse
* @ param { Object } opts - options to affect the creation
* @ param { string | Zone } [ opts . zone = 'local' ] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself . Will also convert the DateTime to this zone
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . setZone = false ] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself , if it specifies one
* @ param { string } [ opts . locale = 'en-US' ] - a locale string to use when parsing . Will also set the DateTime to this locale
* @ param { string } opts . numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing . Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system
* @ param { string } opts . outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15' )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34' )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34.342' )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34.342+06:00' )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles' )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles' , { setZone : true } )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '2017-05-15 09:12:34.342' , { zone : 'America/Los_Angeles' } )
* @ example DateTime . fromSQL ( '09:12:34.342' )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . fromSQL = function fromSQL ( text , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _parseSQL = parseSQL ( text ) ,
vals = _parseSQL [ 0 ] ,
parsedZone = _parseSQL [ 1 ] ;
return parseDataToDateTime ( vals , parsedZone , opts , "SQL" , text ) ;
/ * *
* Create an invalid DateTime .
* @ param { string } reason - simple string of why this DateTime is invalid . Should not contain parameters or anything else data - dependent
* @ param { string } [ explanation = null ] - longer explanation , may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
DateTime . invalid = function invalid ( reason , explanation ) {
if ( explanation === void 0 ) {
explanation = null ;
if ( ! reason ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "need to specify a reason the DateTime is invalid" ) ;
var invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid ( reason , explanation ) ;
if ( Settings . throwOnInvalid ) {
throw new InvalidDateTimeError ( invalid ) ;
} else {
return new DateTime ( {
invalid : invalid
} ) ;
/ * *
* Check if an object is a DateTime . Works across context boundaries
* @ param { object } o
* @ return { boolean }
* /
DateTime . isDateTime = function isDateTime ( o ) {
return o && o . isLuxonDateTime || false ;
} // INFO
/ * *
* Get the value of unit .
* @ param { string } unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 7 , 4 ) . get ( 'month' ) ; //=> 7
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 7 , 4 ) . get ( 'day' ) ; //=> 4
* @ return { number }
* /
var _proto = DateTime . prototype ;
_proto . get = function get ( unit ) {
return this [ unit ] ;
/ * *
* Returns whether the DateTime is valid . Invalid DateTimes occur when :
* * The DateTime was created from invalid calendar information , such as the 13 th month or February 30
* * The DateTime was created by an operation on another invalid date
* @ type { boolean }
* /
/ * *
* Returns the resolved Intl options for this DateTime .
* This is useful in understanding the behavior of formatting methods
* @ param { Object } opts - the same options as toLocaleString
* @ return { Object }
* /
_proto . resolvedLocaleOpts = function resolvedLocaleOpts ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
var _Formatter$create$res = Formatter . create ( this . loc . clone ( opts ) , opts ) . resolvedOptions ( this ) ,
locale = _Formatter$create$res . locale ,
numberingSystem = _Formatter$create$res . numberingSystem ,
calendar = _Formatter$create$res . calendar ;
return {
locale : locale ,
numberingSystem : numberingSystem ,
outputCalendar : calendar
} ;
/ * *
* "Set" the DateTime ' s zone to UTC . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* Equivalent to { @ link setZone } ( 'utc' )
* @ param { number } [ offset = 0 ] - optionally , an offset from UTC in minutes
* @ param { Object } [ opts = { } ] - options to pass to ` setZone() `
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . toUTC = function toUTC ( offset , opts ) {
if ( offset === void 0 ) {
offset = 0 ;
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return this . setZone ( FixedOffsetZone . instance ( offset ) , opts ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the DateTime 's zone to the host' s local zone . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* Equivalent to ` setZone('local') `
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . toLocal = function toLocal ( ) {
return this . setZone ( Settings . defaultZone ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the DateTime ' s zone to specified zone . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* By default , the setter keeps the underlying time the same ( as in , the same timestamp ) , but the new instance will report different local times and consider DSTs when making computations , as with { @ link plus } . You may wish to use { @ link toLocal } and { @ link toUTC } which provide simple convenience wrappers for commonly used zones .
* @ param { string | Zone } [ zone = 'local' ] - a zone identifier . As a string , that can be any IANA zone supported by the host environment , or a fixed - offset name of the form 'UTC+3' , or the strings 'local' or 'utc' . You may also supply an instance of a { @ link Zone } class .
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . keepLocalTime = false ] - If true , adjust the underlying time so that the local time stays the same , but in the target zone . You should rarely need this .
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . setZone = function setZone ( zone , _temp ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref3 = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ,
_ref3$keepLocalTime = _ref3 . keepLocalTime ,
keepLocalTime = _ref3$keepLocalTime === void 0 ? false : _ref3$keepLocalTime ,
_ref3$keepCalendarTim = _ref3 . keepCalendarTime ,
keepCalendarTime = _ref3$keepCalendarTim === void 0 ? false : _ref3$keepCalendarTim ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
zone = normalizeZone ( zone , Settings . defaultZone ) ;
if ( zone . equals ( this . zone ) ) {
return this ;
} else if ( ! zone . isValid ) {
return DateTime . invalid ( unsupportedZone ( zone ) ) ;
} else {
var newTS = this . ts ;
if ( keepLocalTime || keepCalendarTime ) {
var offsetGuess = zone . offset ( this . ts ) ;
var asObj = this . toObject ( ) ;
var _objToTS3 = objToTS ( asObj , offsetGuess , zone ) ;
newTS = _objToTS3 [ 0 ] ;
return clone$1 ( this , {
ts : newTS ,
zone : zone
} ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the locale , numberingSystem , or outputCalendar . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* @ param { Object } properties - the properties to set
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . reconfigure ( { locale : 'en-GB' } )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . reconfigure = function reconfigure ( _temp2 ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref4 = _temp2 === void 0 ? { } : _temp2 ,
locale = _ref4 . locale ,
numberingSystem = _ref4 . numberingSystem ,
outputCalendar = _ref4 . outputCalendar ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
var loc = this . loc . clone ( {
locale : locale ,
numberingSystem : numberingSystem ,
outputCalendar : outputCalendar
} ) ;
return clone$1 ( this , {
loc : loc
} ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the locale . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* Just a convenient alias for reconfigure ( { locale } )
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . setLocale ( 'en-GB' )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . setLocale = function setLocale ( locale ) {
return this . reconfigure ( {
locale : locale
} ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" the values of specified units . Returns a newly - constructed DateTime .
* You can only set units with this method ; for "setting" metadata , see { @ link reconfigure } and { @ link setZone } .
* @ param { Object } values - a mapping of units to numbers
* @ example dt . set ( { year : 2017 } )
* @ example dt . set ( { hour : 8 , minute : 30 } )
* @ example dt . set ( { weekday : 5 } )
* @ example dt . set ( { year : 2005 , ordinal : 234 } )
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . set = function set ( values ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var normalized = normalizeObject ( values , normalizeUnit , [ ] ) ,
settingWeekStuff = ! isUndefined ( normalized . weekYear ) || ! isUndefined ( normalized . weekNumber ) || ! isUndefined ( normalized . weekday ) ;
var mixed ;
if ( settingWeekStuff ) {
mixed = weekToGregorian ( Object . assign ( gregorianToWeek ( this . c ) , normalized ) ) ;
} else if ( ! isUndefined ( normalized . ordinal ) ) {
mixed = ordinalToGregorian ( Object . assign ( gregorianToOrdinal ( this . c ) , normalized ) ) ;
} else {
mixed = Object . assign ( this . toObject ( ) , normalized ) ; // if we didn't set the day but we ended up on an overflow date,
// use the last day of the right month
if ( isUndefined ( normalized . day ) ) {
mixed . day = Math . min ( daysInMonth ( mixed . year , mixed . month ) , mixed . day ) ;
var _objToTS4 = objToTS ( mixed , this . o , this . zone ) ,
ts = _objToTS4 [ 0 ] ,
o = _objToTS4 [ 1 ] ;
return clone$1 ( this , {
ts : ts ,
o : o
} ) ;
/ * *
* Add a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime
* Adding hours , minutes , seconds , or milliseconds increases the timestamp by the right number of milliseconds . Adding days , months , or years shifts the calendar , accounting for DSTs and leap years along the way . Thus , ` dt.plus({ hours: 24 }) ` may result in a different time than ` dt.plus({ days: 1 }) ` if there ' s a DST shift in between .
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - The amount to add . Either a Luxon Duration , a number of milliseconds , the object argument to Duration . fromObject ( )
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( 123 ) //~> in 123 milliseconds
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { minutes : 15 } ) //~> in 15 minutes
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) //~> this time tomorrow
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : - 1 } ) //~> this time yesterday
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { hours : 3 , minutes : 13 } ) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( Duration . fromObject ( { hours : 3 , minutes : 13 } ) ) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . plus = function plus ( duration ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) ;
return clone$1 ( this , adjustTime ( this , dur ) ) ;
/ * *
* Subtract a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime
* See { @ link plus }
* @ param { Duration | Object | number } duration - The amount to subtract . Either a Luxon Duration , a number of milliseconds , the object argument to Duration . fromObject ( )
@ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . minus = function minus ( duration ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var dur = friendlyDuration ( duration ) . negate ( ) ;
return clone$1 ( this , adjustTime ( this , dur ) ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" this DateTime to the beginning of a unit of time .
* @ param { string } unit - The unit to go to the beginning of . Can be 'year' , 'quarter' , 'month' , 'week' , 'day' , 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , or 'millisecond' .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 ) . startOf ( 'month' ) . toISODate ( ) ; //=> '2014-03-01'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 ) . startOf ( 'year' ) . toISODate ( ) ; //=> '2014-01-01'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 , 5 , 30 ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . toISOTime ( ) ; //=> '00:00.000-05:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 , 5 , 30 ) . startOf ( 'hour' ) . toISOTime ( ) ; //=> '05:00:00.000-05:00'
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . startOf = function startOf ( unit ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return this ;
var o = { } ,
normalizedUnit = Duration . normalizeUnit ( unit ) ;
switch ( normalizedUnit ) {
case "years" :
o . month = 1 ;
// falls through
case "quarters" :
case "months" :
o . day = 1 ;
// falls through
case "weeks" :
case "days" :
o . hour = 0 ;
// falls through
case "hours" :
o . minute = 0 ;
// falls through
case "minutes" :
o . second = 0 ;
// falls through
case "seconds" :
o . millisecond = 0 ;
break ;
// no default, invalid units throw in normalizeUnit()
if ( normalizedUnit === "weeks" ) {
o . weekday = 1 ;
if ( normalizedUnit === "quarters" ) {
var q = Math . ceil ( this . month / 3 ) ;
o . month = ( q - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ;
return this . set ( o ) ;
/ * *
* "Set" this DateTime to the end ( meaning the last millisecond ) of a unit of time
* @ param { string } unit - The unit to go to the end of . Can be 'year' , 'month' , 'day' , 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , or 'millisecond' .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 ) . endOf ( 'month' ) . toISO ( ) ; //=> '2014-03-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 ) . endOf ( 'year' ) . toISO ( ) ; //=> '2014-12-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 , 5 , 30 ) . endOf ( 'day' ) . toISO ( ) ; //=> '2014-03-03T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 3 , 3 , 5 , 30 ) . endOf ( 'hour' ) . toISO ( ) ; //=> '2014-03-03T05:59:59.999-05:00'
* @ return { DateTime }
* /
_proto . endOf = function endOf ( unit ) {
var _this$plus ;
return this . isValid ? this . plus ( ( _this$plus = { } , _this$plus [ unit ] = 1 , _this$plus ) ) . startOf ( unit ) . minus ( 1 ) : this ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime formatted according to the specified format string .
* * * You may not want this . * * See { @ link toLocaleString } for a more flexible formatting tool . For a table of tokens and their interpretations , see [ here ] ( https : //moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/formatting.html#table-of-tokens).
* Defaults to en - US if no locale has been specified , regardless of the system ' s locale .
* @ see https : //moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/formatting.html#table-of-tokens
* @ param { string } fmt - the format string
* @ param { Object } opts - opts to override the configuration options
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toFormat ( 'yyyy LLL dd' ) //=> '2017 Apr 22'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . setLocale ( 'fr' ) . toFormat ( 'yyyy LLL dd' ) //=> '2017 avr. 22'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toFormat ( 'yyyy LLL dd' , { locale : "fr" } ) //=> '2017 avr. 22'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toFormat ( "HH 'hours and' mm 'minutes'" ) //=> '20 hours and 55 minutes'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toFormat = function toFormat ( fmt , opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return this . isValid ? Formatter . create ( this . loc . redefaultToEN ( opts ) ) . formatDateTimeFromString ( this , fmt ) : INVALID$2 ;
/ * *
* Returns a localized string representing this date . Accepts the same options as the Intl . DateTimeFormat constructor and any presets defined by Luxon , such as ` DateTime.DATE_FULL ` or ` DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE ` .
* The exact behavior of this method is browser - specific , but in general it will return an appropriate representation
* of the DateTime in the assigned locale .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ see https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat
* @ param opts { Object } - Intl . DateTimeFormat constructor options and configuration options
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( ) ; //=> 4/20/2017
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . setLocale ( 'en-gb' ) . toLocaleString ( ) ; //=> '20/04/2017'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( { locale : 'en-gb' } ) ; //=> '20/04/2017'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( DateTime . DATE _FULL ) ; //=> 'April 20, 2017'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( DateTime . TIME _SIMPLE ) ; //=> '11:32 AM'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( DateTime . DATETIME _SHORT ) ; //=> '4/20/2017, 11:32 AM'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( { weekday : 'long' , month : 'long' , day : '2-digit' } ) ; //=> 'Thursday, April 20'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( { weekday : 'short' , month : 'short' , day : '2-digit' , hour : '2-digit' , minute : '2-digit' } ) ; //=> 'Thu, Apr 20, 11:27 AM'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleString ( { hour : '2-digit' , minute : '2-digit' , hour12 : false } ) ; //=> '11:32'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toLocaleString = function toLocaleString ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = DATE _SHORT ;
return this . isValid ? Formatter . create ( this . loc . clone ( opts ) , opts ) . formatDateTime ( this ) : INVALID$2 ;
/ * *
* Returns an array of format "parts" , meaning individual tokens along with metadata . This is allows callers to post - process individual sections of the formatted output .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ see https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat/formatToParts
* @ param opts { Object } - Intl . DateTimeFormat constructor options , same as ` toLocaleString ` .
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toLocaleParts ( ) ; //=> [
* //=> { type: 'day', value: '25' },
* //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },
* //=> { type: 'month', value: '05' },
* //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },
* //=> { type: 'year', value: '1982' }
* //=> ]
* /
_proto . toLocaleParts = function toLocaleParts ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return this . isValid ? Formatter . create ( this . loc . clone ( opts ) , opts ) . formatDateTimeParts ( this ) : [ ] ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this DateTime
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . suppressMilliseconds = false ] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they ' re 0
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . suppressSeconds = false ] - exclude seconds from the format if they ' re 0
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeOffset = true ] - include the offset , such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @ param { string } [ opts . format = 'extended' ] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 1982 , 5 , 25 ) . toISO ( ) //=> '1982-05-25T00:00:00.000Z'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toISO ( ) //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335-04:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toISO ( { includeOffset : false } ) //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toISO ( { format : 'basic' } ) //=> '20170422T204705.335-0400'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISO = function toISO ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) {
return null ;
return this . toISODate ( opts ) + "T" + this . toISOTime ( opts ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this DateTime ' s date component
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { string } [ opts . format = 'extended' ] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 1982 , 5 , 25 ) . toISODate ( ) //=> '1982-05-25'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 1982 , 5 , 25 ) . toISODate ( { format : 'basic' } ) //=> '19820525'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISODate = function toISODate ( _temp3 ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref5 = _temp3 === void 0 ? { } : _temp3 ,
_ref5$format = _ref5 . format ,
format = _ref5$format === void 0 ? "extended" : _ref5$format ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
var fmt = format === "basic" ? "yyyyMMdd" : "yyyy-MM-dd" ;
if ( this . year > 9999 ) {
fmt = "+" + fmt ;
return toTechFormat ( this , fmt ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this DateTime ' s week date
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 1982 , 5 , 25 ) . toISOWeekDate ( ) //=> '1982-W21-2'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISOWeekDate = function toISOWeekDate ( ) {
return toTechFormat ( this , "kkkk-'W'WW-c" ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 - compliant string representation of this DateTime ' s time component
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . suppressMilliseconds = false ] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they ' re 0
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . suppressSeconds = false ] - exclude seconds from the format if they ' re 0
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeOffset = true ] - include the offset , such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @ param { string } [ opts . format = 'extended' ] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) . set ( { hour : 7 , minute : 34 } ) . toISOTime ( ) //=> '07:34:19.361Z'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) . set ( { hour : 7 , minute : 34 , seconds : 0 , milliseconds : 0 } ) . toISOTime ( { suppressSeconds : true } ) //=> '07:34Z'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) . set ( { hour : 7 , minute : 34 } ) . toISOTime ( { format : 'basic' } ) //=> '073419.361Z'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toISOTime = function toISOTime ( _temp4 ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref6 = _temp4 === void 0 ? { } : _temp4 ,
_ref6$suppressMillise = _ref6 . suppressMilliseconds ,
suppressMilliseconds = _ref6$suppressMillise === void 0 ? false : _ref6$suppressMillise ,
_ref6$suppressSeconds = _ref6 . suppressSeconds ,
suppressSeconds = _ref6$suppressSeconds === void 0 ? false : _ref6$suppressSeconds ,
_ref6$includeOffset = _ref6 . includeOffset ,
includeOffset = _ref6$includeOffset === void 0 ? true : _ref6$includeOffset ,
_ref6$format = _ref6 . format ,
format = _ref6$format === void 0 ? "extended" : _ref6$format ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
return toTechTimeFormat ( this , {
suppressSeconds : suppressSeconds ,
suppressMilliseconds : suppressMilliseconds ,
includeOffset : includeOffset ,
format : format
} ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an RFC 2822 - compatible string representation of this DateTime , always in UTC
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toRFC2822 ( ) //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toRFC2822 ( ) //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 -0400'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toRFC2822 = function toRFC2822 ( ) {
return toTechFormat ( this , "EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ" , false ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in HTTP headers .
* Specifically , the string conforms to RFC 1123.
* @ see https : //www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toHTTP ( ) //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2014 , 7 , 13 , 19 ) . toHTTP ( ) //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:00:00 GMT'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toHTTP = function toHTTP ( ) {
return toTechFormat ( this . toUTC ( ) , "EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'" ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Date
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toSQLDate ( ) //=> '2014-07-13'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toSQLDate = function toSQLDate ( ) {
return toTechFormat ( this , "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Time
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeZone = false ] - include the zone , such as 'America/New_York' . Overrides includeOffset .
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeOffset = true ] - include the offset , such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) . toSQL ( ) //=> '05:15:16.345'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toSQL ( ) //=> '05:15:16.345 -04:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toSQL ( { includeOffset : false } ) //=> '05:15:16.345'
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toSQL ( { includeZone : false } ) //=> '05:15:16.345 America/New_York'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toSQLTime = function toSQLTime ( _temp5 ) {
2020-07-25 10:21:44 +00:00
var _ref7 = _temp5 === void 0 ? { } : _temp5 ,
_ref7$includeOffset = _ref7 . includeOffset ,
includeOffset = _ref7$includeOffset === void 0 ? true : _ref7$includeOffset ,
_ref7$includeZone = _ref7 . includeZone ,
includeZone = _ref7$includeZone === void 0 ? false : _ref7$includeZone ;
2020-03-26 14:37:35 +00:00
return toTechTimeFormat ( this , {
includeOffset : includeOffset ,
includeZone : includeZone ,
spaceZone : true
} ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL DateTime
* @ param { Object } opts - options
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeZone = false ] - include the zone , such as 'America/New_York' . Overrides includeOffset .
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeOffset = true ] - include the offset , such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @ example DateTime . utc ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toSQL ( ) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 Z'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toSQL ( ) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 -04:00'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toSQL ( { includeOffset : false } ) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000'
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 7 , 13 ) . toSQL ( { includeZone : true } ) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 America/New_York'
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toSQL = function toSQL ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) {
return null ;
return this . toSQLDate ( ) + " " + this . toSQLTime ( opts ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for debugging
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toString = function toString ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . toISO ( ) : INVALID$2 ;
/ * *
* Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime . Alias of { @ link toMillis }
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . valueOf = function valueOf ( ) {
return this . toMillis ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime .
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . toMillis = function toMillis ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . ts : NaN ;
/ * *
* Returns the epoch seconds of this DateTime .
* @ return { number }
* /
_proto . toSeconds = function toSeconds ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . ts / 1000 : NaN ;
/ * *
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in JSON .
* @ return { string }
* /
_proto . toJSON = function toJSON ( ) {
return this . toISO ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a BSON serializable equivalent to this DateTime .
* @ return { Date }
* /
_proto . toBSON = function toBSON ( ) {
return this . toJSDate ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Javascript object with this DateTime ' s year , month , day , and so on .
* @ param opts - options for generating the object
* @ param { boolean } [ opts . includeConfig = false ] - include configuration attributes in the output
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . toObject ( ) //=> { year: 2017, month: 4, day: 22, hour: 20, minute: 49, second: 42, millisecond: 268 }
* @ return { Object }
* /
_proto . toObject = function toObject ( opts ) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return { } ;
var base = Object . assign ( { } , this . c ) ;
if ( opts . includeConfig ) {
base . outputCalendar = this . outputCalendar ;
base . numberingSystem = this . loc . numberingSystem ;
base . locale = this . loc . locale ;
return base ;
/ * *
* Returns a Javascript Date equivalent to this DateTime .
* @ return { Date }
* /
_proto . toJSDate = function toJSDate ( ) {
return new Date ( this . isValid ? this . ts : NaN ) ;
/ * *
* Return the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration .
* @ param { DateTime } otherDateTime - the DateTime to compare this one to
* @ param { string | string [ ] } [ unit = [ 'milliseconds' ] ] - the unit or array of units ( such as 'hours' or 'days' ) to include in the duration .
* @ param { Object } opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @ param { string } [ opts . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ example
* var i1 = DateTime . fromISO ( '1982-05-25T09:45' ) ,
* i2 = DateTime . fromISO ( '1983-10-14T10:30' ) ;
* i2 . diff ( i1 ) . toObject ( ) //=> { milliseconds: 43807500000 }
* i2 . diff ( i1 , 'hours' ) . toObject ( ) //=> { hours: 12168.75 }
* i2 . diff ( i1 , [ 'months' , 'days' ] ) . toObject ( ) //=> { months: 16, days: 19.03125 }
* i2 . diff ( i1 , [ 'months' , 'days' , 'hours' ] ) . toObject ( ) //=> { months: 16, days: 19, hours: 0.75 }
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . diff = function diff ( otherDateTime , unit , opts ) {
if ( unit === void 0 ) {
unit = "milliseconds" ;
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid || ! otherDateTime . isValid ) {
return Duration . invalid ( this . invalid || otherDateTime . invalid , "created by diffing an invalid DateTime" ) ;
var durOpts = Object . assign ( {
locale : this . locale ,
numberingSystem : this . numberingSystem
} , opts ) ;
var units = maybeArray ( unit ) . map ( Duration . normalizeUnit ) ,
otherIsLater = otherDateTime . valueOf ( ) > this . valueOf ( ) ,
earlier = otherIsLater ? this : otherDateTime ,
later = otherIsLater ? otherDateTime : this ,
diffed = _diff ( earlier , later , units , durOpts ) ;
return otherIsLater ? diffed . negate ( ) : diffed ;
/ * *
* Return the difference between this DateTime and right now .
* See { @ link diff }
* @ param { string | string [ ] } [ unit = [ 'milliseconds' ] ] - the unit or units units ( such as 'hours' or 'days' ) to include in the duration
* @ param { Object } opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @ param { string } [ opts . conversionAccuracy = 'casual' ] - the conversion system to use
* @ return { Duration }
* /
_proto . diffNow = function diffNow ( unit , opts ) {
if ( unit === void 0 ) {
unit = "milliseconds" ;
if ( opts === void 0 ) {
opts = { } ;
return this . diff ( DateTime . local ( ) , unit , opts ) ;
/ * *
* Return an Interval spanning between this DateTime and another DateTime
* @ param { DateTime } otherDateTime - the other end point of the Interval
* @ return { Interval }
* /
_proto . until = function until ( otherDateTime ) {
return this . isValid ? Interval . fromDateTimes ( this , otherDateTime ) : this ;
/ * *
* Return whether this DateTime is in the same unit of time as another DateTime
* @ param { DateTime } otherDateTime - the other DateTime
* @ param { string } unit - the unit of time to check sameness on
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . hasSame ( otherDT , 'day' ) ; //~> true if both the same calendar day
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . hasSame = function hasSame ( otherDateTime , unit ) {
if ( ! this . isValid ) return false ;
if ( unit === "millisecond" ) {
return this . valueOf ( ) === otherDateTime . valueOf ( ) ;
} else {
var inputMs = otherDateTime . valueOf ( ) ;
return this . startOf ( unit ) <= inputMs && inputMs <= this . endOf ( unit ) ;
/ * *
* Equality check
* Two DateTimes are equal iff they represent the same millisecond , have the same zone and location , and are both valid .
* To compare just the millisecond values , use ` +dt1 === +dt2 ` .
* @ param { DateTime } other - the other DateTime
* @ return { boolean }
* /
_proto . equals = function equals ( other ) {
return this . isValid && other . isValid && this . valueOf ( ) === other . valueOf ( ) && this . zone . equals ( other . zone ) && this . loc . equals ( other . loc ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of a this time relative to now , such as "in two days" . Can only internationalize if your
* platform supports Intl . RelativeTimeFormat . Rounds down by default .
* @ param { Object } options - options that affect the output
* @ param { DateTime } [ options . base = DateTime . local ( ) ] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared . Defaults to now .
* @ param { string } [ options . style = "long" ] - the style of units , must be "long" , "short" , or "narrow"
* @ param { string } options . unit - use a specific unit ; if omitted , the method will pick the unit . Use one of "years" , "quarters" , "months" , "weeks" , "days" , "hours" , "minutes" , or "seconds"
* @ param { boolean } [ options . round = true ] - whether to round the numbers in the output .
* @ param { boolean } [ options . padding = 0 ] - padding in milliseconds . This allows you to round up the result if it fits inside the threshold . Don ' t use in combination with { round : false } because the decimal output will include the padding .
* @ param { string } options . locale - override the locale of this DateTime
* @ param { string } options . numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime . The Intl system may choose not to honor this
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) . toRelative ( ) //=> "in 1 day"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . setLocale ( "es" ) . toRelative ( { days : 1 } ) //=> "dentro de 1 día"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) . toRelative ( { locale : "fr" } ) //=> "dans 23 heures"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . minus ( { days : 2 } ) . toRelative ( ) //=> "2 days ago"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . minus ( { days : 2 } ) . toRelative ( { unit : "hours" } ) //=> "48 hours ago"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . minus ( { hours : 36 } ) . toRelative ( { round : false } ) //=> "1.5 days ago"
* /
_proto . toRelative = function toRelative ( options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return null ;
var base = options . base || DateTime . fromObject ( {
zone : this . zone
} ) ,
padding = options . padding ? this < base ? - options . padding : options . padding : 0 ;
return diffRelative ( base , this . plus ( padding ) , Object . assign ( options , {
numeric : "always" ,
units : [ "years" , "months" , "days" , "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" ]
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a string representation of this date relative to today , such as "yesterday" or "next month" .
* Only internationalizes on platforms that supports Intl . RelativeTimeFormat .
* @ param { Object } options - options that affect the output
* @ param { DateTime } [ options . base = DateTime . local ( ) ] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared . Defaults to now .
* @ param { string } options . locale - override the locale of this DateTime
* @ param { string } options . unit - use a specific unit ; if omitted , the method will pick the unit . Use one of "years" , "quarters" , "months" , "weeks" , or "days"
* @ param { string } options . numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime . The Intl system may choose not to honor this
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) . toRelativeCalendar ( ) //=> "tomorrow"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . setLocale ( "es" ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) . toRelative ( ) //=> ""mañana"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . plus ( { days : 1 } ) . toRelativeCalendar ( { locale : "fr" } ) //=> "demain"
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . minus ( { days : 2 } ) . toRelativeCalendar ( ) //=> "2 days ago"
* /
_proto . toRelativeCalendar = function toRelativeCalendar ( options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
if ( ! this . isValid ) return null ;
return diffRelative ( options . base || DateTime . fromObject ( {
zone : this . zone
} ) , this , Object . assign ( options , {
numeric : "auto" ,
units : [ "years" , "months" , "days" ] ,
calendary : true
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Return the min of several date times
* @ param { ... DateTime } dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the minimum
* @ return { DateTime } the min DateTime , or undefined if called with no argument
* /
DateTime . min = function min ( ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , dateTimes = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
dateTimes [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
if ( ! dateTimes . every ( DateTime . isDateTime ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "min requires all arguments be DateTimes" ) ;
return bestBy ( dateTimes , function ( i ) {
return i . valueOf ( ) ;
} , Math . min ) ;
/ * *
* Return the max of several date times
* @ param { ... DateTime } dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the maximum
* @ return { DateTime } the max DateTime , or undefined if called with no argument
* /
DateTime . max = function max ( ) {
for ( var _len2 = arguments . length , dateTimes = new Array ( _len2 ) , _key2 = 0 ; _key2 < _len2 ; _key2 ++ ) {
dateTimes [ _key2 ] = arguments [ _key2 ] ;
if ( ! dateTimes . every ( DateTime . isDateTime ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "max requires all arguments be DateTimes" ) ;
return bestBy ( dateTimes , function ( i ) {
return i . valueOf ( ) ;
} , Math . max ) ;
} // MISC
/ * *
* Explain how a string would be parsed by fromFormat ( )
* @ param { string } text - the string to parse
* @ param { string } fmt - the format the string is expected to be in ( see description )
* @ param { Object } options - options taken by fromFormat ( )
* @ return { Object }
* /
DateTime . fromFormatExplain = function fromFormatExplain ( text , fmt , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
var _options = options ,
_options$locale = _options . locale ,
locale = _options$locale === void 0 ? null : _options$locale ,
_options$numberingSys = _options . numberingSystem ,
numberingSystem = _options$numberingSys === void 0 ? null : _options$numberingSys ,
localeToUse = Locale . fromOpts ( {
locale : locale ,
numberingSystem : numberingSystem ,
defaultToEN : true
} ) ;
return explainFromTokens ( localeToUse , text , fmt ) ;
/ * *
* @ deprecated use fromFormatExplain instead
* /
DateTime . fromStringExplain = function fromStringExplain ( text , fmt , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
return DateTime . fromFormatExplain ( text , fmt , options ) ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 10 / 14 / 1983
* @ type { Object }
* /
_createClass ( DateTime , [ {
key : "isValid" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid === null ;
/ * *
* Returns an error code if this DateTime is invalid , or null if the DateTime is valid
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidReason" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . reason : null ;
/ * *
* Returns an explanation of why this DateTime became invalid , or null if the DateTime is valid
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "invalidExplanation" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . invalid ? this . invalid . explanation : null ;
/ * *
* Get the locale of a DateTime , such 'en-GB' . The locale is used when formatting the DateTime
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "locale" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . loc . locale : null ;
/ * *
* Get the numbering system of a DateTime , such 'beng' . The numbering system is used when formatting the DateTime
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "numberingSystem" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . loc . numberingSystem : null ;
/ * *
* Get the output calendar of a DateTime , such 'islamic' . The output calendar is used when formatting the DateTime
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "outputCalendar" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . loc . outputCalendar : null ;
/ * *
* Get the time zone associated with this DateTime .
* @ type { Zone }
* /
} , {
key : "zone" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . _zone ;
/ * *
* Get the name of the time zone .
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "zoneName" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . zone . name : null ;
/ * *
* Get the year
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . year //=> 2017
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "year" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . year : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the quarter
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . quarter //=> 2
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "quarter" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? Math . ceil ( this . c . month / 3 ) : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the month ( 1 - 12 ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . month //=> 5
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "month" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . month : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the day of the month ( 1 - 30 ish ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . day //=> 25
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "day" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . day : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the hour of the day ( 0 - 23 ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 , 9 ) . hour //=> 9
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "hour" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . hour : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the minute of the hour ( 0 - 59 ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 , 9 , 30 ) . minute //=> 30
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "minute" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . minute : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the second of the minute ( 0 - 59 ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 , 9 , 30 , 52 ) . second //=> 52
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "second" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . second : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the millisecond of the second ( 0 - 999 ) .
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 , 9 , 30 , 52 , 654 ) . millisecond //=> 654
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "millisecond" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . c . millisecond : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the week year
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 11 , 31 ) . weekYear //=> 2015
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "weekYear" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData ( this ) . weekYear : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the week number of the week year ( 1 - 52 ish ) .
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . weekNumber //=> 21
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "weekNumber" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData ( this ) . weekNumber : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the day of the week .
* 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2014 , 11 , 31 ) . weekday //=> 4
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "weekday" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData ( this ) . weekday : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the ordinal ( meaning the day of the year )
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 5 , 25 ) . ordinal //=> 145
* @ type { number | DateTime }
* /
} , {
key : "ordinal" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? gregorianToOrdinal ( this . c ) . ordinal : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the human readable short month name , such as 'Oct' .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 10 , 30 ) . monthShort //=> Oct
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "monthShort" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? Info . months ( "short" , {
locale : this . locale
} ) [ this . month - 1 ] : null ;
/ * *
* Get the human readable long month name , such as 'October' .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 10 , 30 ) . monthLong //=> October
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "monthLong" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? Info . months ( "long" , {
locale : this . locale
} ) [ this . month - 1 ] : null ;
/ * *
* Get the human readable short weekday , such as 'Mon' .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 10 , 30 ) . weekdayShort //=> Mon
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "weekdayShort" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? Info . weekdays ( "short" , {
locale : this . locale
} ) [ this . weekday - 1 ] : null ;
/ * *
* Get the human readable long weekday , such as 'Monday' .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2017 , 10 , 30 ) . weekdayLong //=> Monday
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "weekdayLong" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? Info . weekdays ( "long" , {
locale : this . locale
} ) [ this . weekday - 1 ] : null ;
/ * *
* Get the UTC offset of this DateTime in minutes
* @ example DateTime . local ( ) . offset //=> -240
* @ example DateTime . utc ( ) . offset //=> 0
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "offset" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? + this . o : NaN ;
/ * *
* Get the short human name for the zone ' s current offset , for example "EST" or "EDT" .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "offsetNameShort" ,
get : function get ( ) {
if ( this . isValid ) {
return this . zone . offsetName ( this . ts , {
format : "short" ,
locale : this . locale
} ) ;
} else {
return null ;
/ * *
* Get the long human name for the zone ' s current offset , for example "Eastern Standard Time" or "Eastern Daylight Time" .
* Defaults to the system ' s locale if no locale has been specified
* @ type { string }
* /
} , {
key : "offsetNameLong" ,
get : function get ( ) {
if ( this . isValid ) {
return this . zone . offsetName ( this . ts , {
format : "long" ,
locale : this . locale
} ) ;
} else {
return null ;
/ * *
* Get whether this zone ' s offset ever changes , as in a DST .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "isOffsetFixed" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? this . zone . universal : null ;
/ * *
* Get whether the DateTime is in a DST .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "isInDST" ,
get : function get ( ) {
if ( this . isOffsetFixed ) {
return false ;
} else {
return this . offset > this . set ( {
month : 1
} ) . offset || this . offset > this . set ( {
month : 5
} ) . offset ;
/ * *
* Returns true if this DateTime is in a leap year , false otherwise
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2016 ) . isInLeapYear //=> true
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2013 ) . isInLeapYear //=> false
* @ type { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : "isInLeapYear" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return isLeapYear ( this . year ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of days in this DateTime ' s month
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2016 , 2 ) . daysInMonth //=> 29
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2016 , 3 ) . daysInMonth //=> 31
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "daysInMonth" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return daysInMonth ( this . year , this . month ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of days in this DateTime ' s year
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2016 ) . daysInYear //=> 366
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2013 ) . daysInYear //=> 365
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "daysInYear" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? daysInYear ( this . year ) : NaN ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of weeks in this DateTime ' s year
* @ see https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2004 ) . weeksInWeekYear //=> 53
* @ example DateTime . local ( 2013 ) . weeksInWeekYear //=> 52
* @ type { number }
* /
} , {
key : "weeksInWeekYear" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . isValid ? weeksInWeekYear ( this . weekYear ) : NaN ;
} ] , [ {
key : "DATE_SHORT" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return DATE _SHORT ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Oct 14, 1983'
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "DATE_MED" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return DATE _MED ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'October 14, 1983'
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "DATE_FULL" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return DATE _FULL ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Tuesday, October 14, 1983'
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "DATE_HUGE" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return DATE _HUGE ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "TIME_SIMPLE" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return TIME _SIMPLE ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23 AM EDT' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30' , always 24 - hour .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "TIME_24_SIMPLE" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return TIME _24 _SIMPLE ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23' , always 24 - hour .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return TIME _24 _WITH _SECONDS ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23 EDT' , always 24 - hour .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
return TIME _24 _WITH _SHORT _OFFSET ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time' , always 24 - hour .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
return TIME _24 _WITH _LONG _OFFSET ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '10/14/1983, 9:30 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like '10/14/1983, 9:30:33 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
key : "DATETIME_MED" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return DATETIME _MED ;
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Fri, 14 Oct 1983, 9:30 AM' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM EDT' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM EDT' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
/ * *
* { @ link toLocaleString } format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time' . Only 12 - hour if the locale is .
* @ type { Object }
* /
} , {
get : function get ( ) {
} ] ) ;
return DateTime ;
} ( ) ;
function friendlyDateTime ( dateTimeish ) {
if ( DateTime . isDateTime ( dateTimeish ) ) {
return dateTimeish ;
} else if ( dateTimeish && dateTimeish . valueOf && isNumber ( dateTimeish . valueOf ( ) ) ) {
return DateTime . fromJSDate ( dateTimeish ) ;
} else if ( dateTimeish && typeof dateTimeish === "object" ) {
return DateTime . fromObject ( dateTimeish ) ;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentError ( "Unknown datetime argument: " + dateTimeish + ", of type " + typeof dateTimeish ) ;
exports . DateTime = DateTime ;
exports . Duration = Duration ;
exports . FixedOffsetZone = FixedOffsetZone ;
exports . IANAZone = IANAZone ;
exports . Info = Info ;
exports . Interval = Interval ;
exports . InvalidZone = InvalidZone ;
exports . LocalZone = LocalZone ;
exports . Settings = Settings ;
exports . Zone = Zone ;
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