const core = require("@actions/core") const exec = require("@actions/exec") const io = require('@actions/io') const firstline = require("firstline") const path = require("path") const fs = require("fs") function getImageTag(imageName, distribution) { if (imageName == "debian") { return distribution.replace("UNRELEASED", "unstable") .replace("-security", "") } else { return distribution.replace("UNRELEASED", "unstable") .replace("-security", "") .replace("-backports", "") } } async function getImageName(distribution) { const skopeoPath = await io.which('skopeo', false) if (!skopeoPath) { core.startGroup("Install skopeo") await exec.exec("sudo", [ "apt-get", "update" ]) await exec.exec("sudo", [ "apt-get", "-y", "install", "skopeo" ]) core.endGroup() } const tag = getImageTag("", distribution) for (const image of ["debian", "ubuntu"]) { try { core.startGroup("Get image name") await exec.exec("skopeo", [ "inspect", `docker://${image}:${tag}` ]) core.endGroup() return image } catch { continue } } } async function main() { try { const cpuArchitecture = core.getInput("cpu_architecture") || "amd64" const sourceRelativeDirectory = core.getInput("source_directory") || "./" const artifactsRelativeDirectory = core.getInput("artifacts_directory") || "./" const osDistribution = core.getInput("os_distribution") || "" const lintianOpts = core.getInput("lintian_opts") || "" const lintianRun = core.getBooleanInput('lintian_run') || false const workspaceDirectory = process.cwd() const sourceDirectory = path.join(workspaceDirectory, sourceRelativeDirectory) const buildDirectory = path.dirname(sourceDirectory) const artifactsDirectory = path.join(workspaceDirectory, artifactsRelativeDirectory) const file = path.join(sourceDirectory, "debian/changelog") const changelog = await firstline(file) const regex = /^(?.+) \(((?[0-9]+):)?(?[^:-]+)(-(?[^:-]+))?\) (?.+);/ const match = changelog.match(regex) const { pkg, epoch, version, revision, packageDistribution } = match.groups const distribution = osDistribution ? osDistribution : packageDistribution const imageName = "ubuntu" const imageTag = "jammy" const container = pkg const image = imageName + ":" + imageTag fs.mkdirSync(artifactsDirectory, { recursive: true }) core.startGroup("Print details") const details = { pkg: pkg, epoch: epoch, version: version, revision: revision, distribution: distribution, arch: cpuArchitecture, image: image, container: container, workspaceDirectory: workspaceDirectory, sourceDirectory: sourceDirectory, buildDirectory: buildDirectory, artifactsDirectory: artifactsDirectory, lintianOpts: lintianOpts, lintianRun: lintianRun } console.log(details) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Check sourceDirectory") await exec.exec("ls", ["-la", sourceDirectory]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Create test files") await exec.exec("mkdir", ["-p", workspaceDirectory + "/foo"]) await exec.exec("touch", [ workspaceDirectory + "/foo/bar.txt"]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Check test files") await exec.exec("ls", ["-la", workspaceDirectory]) await exec.exec("ls", ["-la", workspaceDirectory + "/foo"]) core.endGroup() if (cpuArchitecture != "amd64") { core.startGroup("Install QEMU") // Need newer QEMU to avoid errors await exec.exec("wget", ["", "-O", "/tmp/qemu.deb"]) await exec.exec("sudo", ["dpkg", "-i", "/tmp/qemu.deb"]) core.endGroup() } core.startGroup("Create container") await exec.exec("docker", [ "create", "--platform", `linux/${cpuArchitecture}`, "--name", container, "--volume", workspaceDirectory + ":" + workspaceDirectory, "--workdir", workspaceDirectory, "--env", "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive", "--env", "DPKG_COLORS=always", "--env", "FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1", "--tty", image, "sleep", "inf" ]) core.saveState("container", container) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Start container") await exec.exec("docker", [ "start", container ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Check workspaceDirectory") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "ls", "-la", workspaceDirectory ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Check test files") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "ls", "-la", workspaceDirectory + "/foo" ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Check sourceDirectory") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "ls", "-la", sourceDirectory ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Show container inspect") await exec.exec("docker", [ "inspect", container ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Sleeping well ...") await exec.exec("sleep", [ "10000" ]) core.endGroup() /* core.startGroup("Prepare environment") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "bash", "-c", "echo 'APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00noconfirm" ]) await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "bash", "-c", "echo debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive | debconf-set-selections" ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Update packages list") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "apt-get", "update" ]) core.endGroup() // The goofy usage of "apt-get -t || apt-get" here is because // of github issue #63. // // When building on a "normal" release like "bullseye", the // debian container is generated with "bullseye-updates" enabled. // This can cause problems when specifying the target release as // `-t bullseye`. For example, if "bullseye-updates" contains // a new version of libc6 and libc6-dev, then the image will // contain the updated libc6, but "apt-get -t bullseye" would try // to install the old version of libc6-dev. Since libc6-dev has // a versioned dependency on the matching libc6, this will fail. // // On a backports release like "bullseye-backports", the // backports package archive has a lower priority than the // "parent" package archive. When building in this situation // apt-get needs "-t" in order to raise the priority of the // backports packages so that they get installed, instead of // installing the older packages from the parent release. core.startGroup("Install development packages") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "bash", "-c", `apt-get install -yq -t '${imageTag}' dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts lintian || apt-get install -yq dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts lintian` ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Trust this git repo") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "git", "config", "--global", "--add", "", sourceDirectory ]) core.endGroup() if (imageTag != "trusty") { core.startGroup("Install build dependencies") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "bash", "-c", // `apt-get build-dep -yq -t '${imageTag}' '${sourceDirectory}' || apt-get build-dep -yq '${sourceDirectory}'` `cd '${sourceDirectory}' && apt-get build-dep -yq -t '${imageTag}' . || apt-get build-dep -yq .` ]) core.endGroup() } if (revision) { core.startGroup("Create tarball") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "tar", "--exclude-vcs", "--exclude=debian", "--create", "--gzip", "--verbose", `--file=../${pkg}_${version}.orig.tar.gz`, "." ]) core.endGroup() } core.startGroup("Build packages") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "dpkg-buildpackage" ]) core.endGroup() if (lintianRun) { core.startGroup("Run static analysis") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "find", buildDirectory, "-maxdepth", "1", "-name", `*${version}*.changes`, "-type", "f", "-print", "-exec", "lintian", lintianOpts, "{}", "\+" ]) core.endGroup() } core.startGroup("Install built packages") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "debi", "--with-depends" ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("List packages contents") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "debc" ]) core.endGroup() core.startGroup("Move build artifacts") await exec.exec("docker", [ "exec", container, "find", buildDirectory, "-maxdepth", "1", "-name", `*${version}*.*`, "-type", "f", "-print", "-exec", "mv", "{}", artifactsDirectory, ";" ]) core.endGroup() */ } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message) } } main()