import _curry3 from "./internal/_curry3.js"; import map from "./map.js"; import sequence from "./sequence.js"; /** * Maps an [Applicative]( * function over a [Traversable](, * then uses [`sequence`](#sequence) to transform the resulting Traversable of Applicative * into an Applicative of Traversable. * * Dispatches to the `traverse` method of the third argument, if present. * * @func * @memberOf R * @since v0.19.0 * @category List * @sig (Applicative f, Traversable t) => (a -> f a) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) * @param {Function} of * @param {Function} f * @param {*} traversable * @return {*} * @see R.sequence * @example * * // Returns `Maybe.Nothing` if the given divisor is `0` * const safeDiv = n => d => d === 0 ? Maybe.Nothing() : Maybe.Just(n / d) * * R.traverse(Maybe.of, safeDiv(10), [2, 4, 5]); //=> Maybe.Just([5, 2.5, 2]) * R.traverse(Maybe.of, safeDiv(10), [2, 0, 5]); //=> Maybe.Nothing */ var traverse = /*#__PURE__*/ _curry3(function traverse(of, f, traversable) { return typeof traversable['fantasy-land/traverse'] === 'function' ? traversable['fantasy-land/traverse'](f, of) : sequence(of, map(f, traversable)); }); export default traverse;