'use strict'
const test = require('tape')
const pino = require('../browser')

test('set the level by string', ({ end, same, is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 50,
      msg: 'this is an error'
      level: 60,
      msg: 'this is fatal'
  const instance = pino({
    browser: {
      write (actual) {
        checkLogObjects(is, same, actual, expected.shift())

  instance.level = 'error'
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')


test('set the level by string. init with silent', ({ end, same, is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 50,
      msg: 'this is an error'
      level: 60,
      msg: 'this is fatal'
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'silent',
    browser: {
      write (actual) {
        checkLogObjects(is, same, actual, expected.shift())

  instance.level = 'error'
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')


test('set the level by string. init with silent and transmit', ({ end, same, is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 50,
      msg: 'this is an error'
      level: 60,
      msg: 'this is fatal'
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'silent',
    browser: {
      write (actual) {
        checkLogObjects(is, same, actual, expected.shift())
    transmit: {
      send () {}

  instance.level = 'error'
  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')


test('set the level via constructor', ({ end, same, is }) => {
  const expected = [
      level: 50,
      msg: 'this is an error'
      level: 60,
      msg: 'this is fatal'
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'error',
    browser: {
      write (actual) {
        checkLogObjects(is, same, actual, expected.shift())

  instance.info('hello world')
  instance.error('this is an error')
  instance.fatal('this is fatal')


test('the wrong level throws', ({ end, throws }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  throws(() => {
    instance.level = 'kaboom'

test('the wrong level by number throws', ({ end, throws }) => {
  const instance = pino()
  throws(() => {
    instance.levelVal = 55

test('exposes level string mappings', ({ end, is }) => {
  is(pino.levels.values.error, 50)

test('exposes level number mappings', ({ end, is }) => {
  is(pino.levels.labels[50], 'error')

test('returns level integer', ({ end, is }) => {
  const instance = pino({ level: 'error' })
  is(instance.levelVal, 50)

test('silent level via constructor', ({ end, fail }) => {
  const instance = pino({
    level: 'silent',
    browser: {
      write () {
        fail('no data should be logged')

  Object.keys(pino.levels.values).forEach((level) => {
    instance[level]('hello world')


test('silent level by string', ({ end, fail }) => {
  const instance = pino({
    browser: {
      write () {
        fail('no data should be logged')

  instance.level = 'silent'

  Object.keys(pino.levels.values).forEach((level) => {
    instance[level]('hello world')


test('exposed levels', ({ end, same }) => {
  same(Object.keys(pino.levels.values), [

test('exposed labels', ({ end, same }) => {
  same(Object.keys(pino.levels.labels), [

function checkLogObjects (is, same, actual, expected) {
  is(actual.time <= Date.now(), true, 'time is greater than Date.now()')

  const actualCopy = Object.assign({}, actual)
  const expectedCopy = Object.assign({}, expected)
  delete actualCopy.time
  delete expectedCopy.time

  same(actualCopy, expectedCopy)