Dawid Dziurla 9308795b8b
2020-03-26 15:37:35 +01:00

313 lines
9.4 KiB

'use strict'
const { Writable } = require('stream')
const { test } = require('tap')
const { join } = require('path')
const execa = require('execa')
const writer = require('flush-write-stream')
const { once } = require('./helper')
const pino = require('../')
const tap = require('tap')
const isWin = process.platform === 'win32'
if (isWin) {
tap.comment('Skipping pretty printing tests on Windows as colour codes are different and tests fail')
test('can be enabled via exported pino function', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'basic.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h/), null)
test('can be enabled via exported pino function with pretty configuration', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'level-first.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/^INFO.*h/), null)
test('can be enabled via exported pino function with prettifier', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'pretty-factory.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/^INFO.*h/), null)
test('does not throw error when enabled with stream specified', async ({ doesNotThrow }) => {
doesNotThrow(() => pino({ prettyPrint: true }, process.stdout))
test('throws when prettyPrint is true but pino-pretty module is not installed', async ({ throws, is }) => {
// pino pretty *is* installed, and probably also cached, so rather than
// messing with the filesystem the simplest way to generate a not found
// error is to simulate it:
const prettyFactory = require('pino-pretty')
require.cache[require.resolve('pino-pretty')].exports = () => {
throw Error('Cannot find module \'pino-pretty\'')
throws(() => pino({ prettyPrint: true }))
try { pino({ prettyPrint: true }) } catch ({ message }) {
is(message, 'Missing `pino-pretty` module: `pino-pretty` must be installed separately')
require.cache[require.resolve('pino-pretty')].exports = prettyFactory
test('can send pretty print to custom stream', async ({ is }) => {
const dest = new Writable({
objectMode: true,
write (formatted, enc) {
is(/^INFO.*foo\n$/.test(formatted), true)
const log = pino({
prettifier: require('pino-pretty'),
prettyPrint: {
levelFirst: true,
colorize: false
}, dest)
test('ignores `undefined` from prettifier', async ({ is }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'skipped-output.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
is(actual, '')
test('parses and outputs chindings', async ({ is, isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'child.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h2/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/a: 1/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/b: 2/), null)
is(actual.match(/a: 1/g).length, 3)
test('applies serializers', async ({ is, isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'serializers.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/foo: "bar"/), null)
test('applies redaction rules', async ({ is, isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'redact.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/\[Redacted\]/), null)
is(actual.match(/object/), null)
test('dateformat', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'dateformat.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): h/), null)
test('without timestamp', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'no-time.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.slice(2), '[]')
test('with custom timestamp', async ({ is }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'custom-time.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
is(actual.slice(0, 8), '["test"]')
test('with custom timestamp label', async ({ is }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'custom-time-label.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
is(actual.slice(0, 8), '["test"]')
test('errors', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'error.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): kaboom/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): with a message/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/.*error\.js.*/), null)
test('errors with props', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'error-props.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): kaboom/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/code: ENOENT/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/errno: 1/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/.*error-props\.js.*/), null)
test('final works with pretty', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'final.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/WARN\s+\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): pino.final with prettyPrint does not support flushing/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/INFO\s+\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): beforeExit/), null)
test('final works when returning a logger', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'final-return.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/WARN\s+\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): pino.final with prettyPrint does not support flushing/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/INFO\s+\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): after/), null)
test('final works without prior logging', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'final-no-log-before.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/WARN\s+: pino.final with prettyPrint does not support flushing/), null)
isNot(actual.match(/INFO\s+\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): beforeExit/), null)
test('works as expected with an object with the msg prop', async ({ isNot }) => {
var actual = ''
const child = execa(process.argv[0], [join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'pretty', 'obj-msg-prop.js')])
child.stdout.pipe(writer((s, enc, cb) => {
actual += s
await once(child, 'close')
isNot(actual.match(/\(123456 on abcdefghijklmnopqr\): hello/), null)
test('should not lose stream metadata for streams with `needsMetadataGsym` flag', async ({ isNot }) => {
const dest = new Writable({
objectMode: true,
write () {
isNot(typeof this.lastLevel === 'undefined', true)
isNot(typeof this.lastMsg === 'undefined', true)
isNot(typeof this.lastObj === 'undefined', true)
isNot(typeof this.lastTime === 'undefined', true)
isNot(typeof this.lastLogger === 'undefined', true)
dest[pino.symbols.needsMetadataGsym] = true
const log = pino({
prettyPrint: true
}, dest)
test('should not add stream metadata for streams without `needsMetadataGsym` flag', async ({ is }) => {
const dest = new Writable({
objectMode: true,
write () {
is(typeof this.lastLevel === 'undefined', true)
is(typeof this.lastMsg === 'undefined', true)
is(typeof this.lastObj === 'undefined', true)
is(typeof this.lastTime === 'undefined', true)
is(typeof this.lastLogger === 'undefined', true)
const log = pino({
prettyPrint: true
}, dest)