
2.3 KiB


Nagios check for wireguard server

This plugin uses the wg show output on a Wireguard server to show the interfaces and peers defined


  • Monitoring::Plugin::Functions Perl module
  • Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt Perl module



The output shows the following information

WIREGUARD OK Interfaces: Online:2 Expected:2 wg0:1/2 wg1:0/2
  • Interfaces: Online:X Expected:Y The number of interfaces found with wg show and the number expected (provided by the -i argument)
  • The available online interfaces are then listed in the format wgX:<connected>/<total>.
    • <connected> is the number of interfaces that have a "latest handshake" value listed
    • <total> is the total number of peers defined for that interface


  • Copy the check_wireguard to your nagios plugin folder and set executable.

  • Add the following to your nrpe.cfg file

command[wireguard]=sudo /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_wireguard
  • Set your nagios user to be able to run the plugin without a password
nagios    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_wireguard


  • Run with the -h argument to see all options
check_wireguard -h
  • Specify the path to the wg binary. Default is /usr/bin/wg
check_wireguard -b /usr/local/wireguard/bin/wg
  • Specify after how many seconds since the last handshake, a peer should be considered disconnected. Default is 300 seconds. If set to 0, a peer will be considered connected after a single handshake no matter how long ago it was
check_wireguard -s 600

Future Work

  • Compare config against current running config to determine interfaces that are offline


  • 2021-11-15 :: 0.5.0 :: Update function seconds_since_handshake() to handle string 'Now'
  • 2021-11-12 :: 0.4.0 :: Add extra output on error when failing to parse handshake value
  • 2018-08-31 :: 0.3.0 :: Add -s switch for connection timeout calculation
  • 2018-08-30 :: 0.2.0 :: Add -i switch for expected interfaces
  • 2018-08-30 :: 0.1.0 :: First relase




Released under GPL V3 - See included license file.