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My plugins for Nagios

Last update : Jan 15 2006


Here are commands example to use my scripts with nagios.
It's only the basic things you can do, check the help of every script if you need more advanced features especially if you need performance outputs.
The command definitions are complete, but not the service definitions : you must add host name, contact groups, etc....

All these commands use $USER<n>$ macros to put snmp login. The reason for this is that the ressources.cfg file cannot be read by the CGI, preventing your "passwords" to be seen with the config.
You must set the $USER7$ or $USER8$ to make these examples work.
The $USER<n>$ macro are defined in the resources.cfg file

SNMP login with $USER<n>$
About regular expressions

Configuration examples of &

Checks you can make by host type

SNMP login

For more information, you can have a look at information on snmp login

If you are using snmp v1 :
$USER7$=-C <community>

If you are using snmp v2c :
$USER7$=-C <community> -2

or you can use $USER9$ if you need both v1 and v2c.

Examples of snmp v3 login :
AuthNoPriv (md5) :
$USER8$=-l <login> -x <pass>

AuthPriv (md5,aes) :
$USER8$=-l <login> -x <pass> -X <pass> -L md5,aes

About regular expressions

With all these scripts, when you select an interface, a service or process name etc... you use by default regular expresions :
Note : you can disable this by using "-r"

Examples : Don't forget it is perl regular expressions.

Regexp Will match
eth eth0, eth1, eth2 but also Fastethernet0/0 ....
eth[1-9] eth1, eth2, ... eth9 but also eth10, eth11
eth[1-2]$ eth1, eth2 only (not eth11 for ex).
dhcp dhcpc, dhpcd

Command check_snmp_boostedge
Nagios cmd define command{
command_name check_snmp_boostedge_v1
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -s $ARG1$ -n $ARG2$ $ARG3$
Arguments ARG1 : Service name (regexp)
ARG2 : Number of services selected by regexp which must be in running & enabled state
ARG3 : additional arguments if needed.

boostedge_services : checks is there is 3 active & enabled service matching "test" with snmp v2c

Nagios service define service {
   name boostedge_services
   check_command check_snmp_boostedge_v1!test!3!-2

Command check_cpfw1_v3
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_cpfw1_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ $ARG1$
Arguments ARG1 : all arguments.

checkpoint_verification : checks high availability cluster, with policy "CP_Policy" installed, and warning at 100000 connexions, critical at 200000
CP_Management : checks management station

Nagios service define service {
   name checkpoint_verification
   check_command check_cpfw1_v3!-swa -p CP_Policy -c 100000,200000 -f
Nagios service

define service {
   name CP_Management
   service_description CPFW1 management
   check_command check_cpfw1_v3!-sm
} &


check_snmp_css_main : get index from the host, services are then checked using check_snmp_css_indexed (snmpv2)
check_snmp_css_indexed : check services indexed by check_snmp_css_main (snmpv2)
check_snmp_css : directly read index & data from the host (snmpv2)

Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_css_main
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -2
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_css_indexed
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -2 -d -n $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_css
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -2 -n $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : regexp of service(s) to check
ARG2 : warning level for : minimum number of active & alive service , average response time, number of connexions
ARG3 : critical level for : minimum number of active & alive service , average response time, number of connexions
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.


css_index_file_create : This is a "fake" service, which only creates index file in /tmp. It normally returns the number of services it indexes, or an error if he can't.
css_verif_TEST : checks at least 2 services mathnig TEST are up. Warning if 1, critical if 0. This service uses the index file created by css_index_file_create, and returns UNKNOWN if it can't find it.
css_verif_TEST2 : checks at least 2 services mathnig TEST2 are up. Warning if 1, critical if 0. This service doesn't use an index file.

Nagios service define service {
   name css_index_file_create
   check_command check_snmp_css_main
Nagios service

define service {
   name css_verif_TEST
   check_command check_snmp_css_indexed!"TEST"!1!0

Nagios service

define service {
   name css_verif_TEST2
   check_command check_snmp_css!"TEST2"!1!0

Command check_snmp_env (snmpv1)
check_snmp_env_v3 (snmpv3)
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_env
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -T $ARG1$ $ARG2$
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_env_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -T $ARG1$ $ARG2$
Arguments ARG1 : type (cisco|nokia|bc|iron)
ARG2 : additional arguments if needed.

ironport_env : checks ironport fans RPM > 1500 and temp < 70 deg celcius
nokia_env : checks nokia IP fans and power supply status
cisco_env : checks cisco fans and power supply status

Nagios service define service {
   name ironport_env
   check_command check_snmp_env!iron!-F 1500 -c 70
Nagios service

define service {
  name nokia_env
  check_command check_snmp_env_v3!nokia

Nagios service

define service {
  name cisco_env
  check_command check_snmp_env_v3!cisco

Command check_snmp_lp_nhr_v3 (snmpv3 and performance output)
Nagios cmd define command{
  command_name check_snmp_lp_nhr_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -f
Arguments None

linkproof_nhr : returns
WARNING if one nhr at least is in "no new session" or "inactive" mode.
CRITICAL if all nhr are inactive.

Nagios service define service {
   name linkproof_nhr
   check_command check_snmp_lp_nhr_v3

Command check_snmp_load_v1 : using snmpv1 (or v2 depending on $USER7$ value)
check_snmp_load_v3 : using snmpv3
Command define command{
   command_name check_snmp_load_v1
   command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -T $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Command define command{
   command_name check_snmp_load_v3
   command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -T $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : host type (stand,netsc,netsl,as400,cisco,cata,nsc,fg,bc,nokia,hp,lp,hpux)
ARG2 : warning level
ARG3 : critical level
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.

Service bluecoat_load : Bluecoat cpu usage
Linux_load : Linux load (1min, 5 min, 15 min)
Cisco_load : Cisco cpu usage
lp_load : Radware Linkproff cpu usage
Service define service {
   name bluecoat_load
   check_command check_snmp_load_v1!bc!95!99

define service {
   name Linux_load
   check_command check_snmp_load_v1!netsl!4,3,3!8,5,5


define service {
   name Cisco_load
   check_command check_snmp_load_v1!cisco!90,80,60!100,100,100

Service define service {
   name lp_load
   check_command check_snmp_load_v1!lp!90!99


check_snmp_int_v1 : using snmpv1
check_snmp_int_v3 : using snmpv3

Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_int_v1
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -n $ARG1$ $ARG2$
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_int_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -n $ARG1$ $ARG2$

ARG1 : regexp of interface
ARG2 : additional arguments if needed.

Service check_int_1_6: Checks FastEthernet 1 to 6 are up (snmpv1)
check_int_eth0_bdw : Checks input bandwith on eth1 is < 100 KBytes/s and output is < 50 Kbytes/s (critical at 0,0 means no critical levels). (snmpv3)

define service {
  name check_int_1_6
  check_command check_snmp_int_v1!"FastEthernet-[1-6]"

Service define service {
  name check_int_eth0_bdw
  check_command check_snmp_int_v3!eth0!-k -w 100,50 -c 0,0

Command check_snmp_mem
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_mem_v1
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_mem_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : Host type (-N, -I, -E)
ARG2 : warning level(s)
ARG3 : critical level(s)
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.

Service Linux_memory : warning at 95% memory used and 60% swap used, critical at 99% mem and 90% swap
Cisco_mem : warning at 80% used, critical at 99% used.
Service define service {
  name Linux_memory
  check_command check_snmp_mem_v1!-N!95,60!99,90

define service {
  name Cisco_mem
  check_command check_snmp_mem_v1!-I!80!99

Command check_snmp_nsbox (snmpv1 or v2c)
Nagios cmd define command{
command_name check_snmp_nsbox
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -d $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$ -n $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : Diode name (regexp)
ARG2 : Vhost name (regexp)
ARG3 : Number of diodes and vhost that must be up
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.


check_service_nsbox : checks using snmpv2
- 6 diodes matching "diode_name" are up
- 3 vhosts matching "vhost_name" are up

Nagios service define service {
    name check_service_nsbox
    check_command check_snmp_nsbox_v1!diode_name!vhost_name!6,3!-2

Command check_snmp_process
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_process_v1
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -n $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : regexp of process name
ARG2 : warning level(s)
ARG3 : critical level(s)
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.

Services proxy_checks : checks with snmpv2 (-2 option) that there is more than 21 process matching "proxy", but no more than 1999 (critical at 20 & 2000)
Check_httpd_all : Checks that process matching "httpd"
- Process number is > 5 and < 100 (or returns warning)
- Process number is > 0 (or returns critical)
- Memory used (by httpd process using the max memory) is < 20 Mbytes or < 30 Mbytes
- Cpu used (by all process together) is < 90% or 99%.
check_crontab : checks crontab is running (critical if not, no warnings).
Service define command {
  name proxy_checks
  check_command check_snmp_process_v1!proxy!21,1999!20,2000!-2
Service define command {
  name Check_httpd_all
  check_command check_snmp_process_v1!httpd!5,100!0!-2 -m 20,30 -u 90,99

define service {
  name check_crontab
  check_command check_snmp_process!crond!0!0

Command check_snmp_storage
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_storage_v1
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -m $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_storage_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -m $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$

ARG1 : regexp of storage name
ARG2 : warning level
ARG3 : critical level
ARG4 : additional arguments if needed.

Service Check_LinDisk_home : Checks "/home" mountpoint (and only this one because of -r) usage < 90 and 97 %

define service {
  name Check_LinDisk_home
  service_description Verification /home
  check_command check_snmp_storage_v3!/home!90!97!-r

Service Win_check_swap : Checks virtual (ram+swap) mem on windows < 60% or 90%

define command {
  name Win_check_swap
  service_description Verification swap Windows
  check_command check_snmp_storage_v3!Virtual!60!90

Service check_linux_swap : checks Linux swap < 60 and 90%
  define command {
  name check_linux_swap
  service_description Verfication swap linux
  check_command check_snmp_storage_v1!Swap!60!90!
Service check_disk_all : Checks that "/", "/opt" , "/var", "/config" mountpoints usage is < 80 and 90%
  define command {
  name check_disk_all
  service_description Verification / /opt /var /config
  check_command check_snmp_storage_v1!"^/$|opt|config|var"!80!90!

Command check_snmp_vrrp
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_vrrp_v1
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -T $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$
Command define command{
  command_name check_snmp_vrrp_v3
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER8$ -T $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$

ARG1 : Host type (nokia, alteon, lp, nsc, ipso)
ARG2 : state (master or backup) or number of members, max % assigned to nodes (for ipso).

Service Linkproof_check_vrrp_master : Checks that all interface are in master state

define service {
  name Linkproof_check_vrrp_master
  check_command check_snmp_vrrp_v3!lp!master

Service Nokia_check_vrrp_backup : Checks that all interface are in backup state
Service define service {
  name Linkproof_check_vrrp_backup
  check_command check_snmp_vrrp_v3!lp!backup
Service Nokia_clustering : checks that nokia cluster has 2 members and that the load assigned to each member < 98%
Service define service {
  name Nokia_clustering
  check_command check_snmp_vrrp_v3!ipso!2,98%

Command check_snmp_win
Nagios define command {
  command_name check_win
  command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$ -n $ARG2$
  # comment community service(s) name
Service check_win_dhcp : Checks dhcp service is running

define service {
  name check_win_dhcp
  service_description Checks dhcp service is running
  check_command check_win!dhcp

Service check_win_reg_spool: Checks registery access & print spool is active (French windows !!)

define service {
  name check_win_reg_spool
  service_description Checks registery access & print spool is active
  check_command check_win!"au registre",spouleur

Checks you can make by host type

N/A : nothing of this type to check
SNMP : yes with simple snmp query
?? : not tested because useless most of the time.

Specific : name of the script to look at for platform specific checks.

Host type Interface storage load/cpu mem process env specific
Linux Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No  
Windows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Cisco router/switch Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes  
HP router/switch Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A No  
Bluecoat proxy Yes snmp Yes snmp No Yes  
CheckPoint on SPLAT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
CheckPoint on Nokia IP Yes Yes Yes No ?? No
Boostedge Yes Yes Yes Yes ?? No
AS400 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No  
NetsecureOne Netbox Yes Yes Yes ?? Yes No  
Radware Linkproof Yes N/A snmp snmp No No


IronPort Yes snmp snmp snmp No Yes  
Cisco CSS Yes ?? Yes Yes No ??


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Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered trademarks of Ethan Galstad.